Mom Thanks Nathan, Nathan Stuffs Mom: A Holiday Horny-copia

"After the big turkey dinner, mother and son slip off for some us time."

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“Mom! Oh my God! I can get my whole hand in there. It’s so wet and snug!”

“Umph! That’s the point!” I grunted at my son as I massaged oil into breasts.

He had his hand inside the turkey, pushing in my mother’s stuffing recipe. This year, for the first time, he had asked if he could help. I think, having his own woman in his life was starting to make him think about the future, and domestic activities.

“That was gross. I’m never doing that again!”

Maybe not, But a mother can dream.

“Big bad bro can’t handle a little turkey guts?” Nora teased as she and her twin prepared the sweet potatoes, their favorite.

“There’s nothing in there,” Natalie piled on. “It’s why it’s called a cavity!”

“Okay then, you do it!” Nathan zinged back.

“We’re busy,” they said in unison, something I still marveled at even now that they were fourteen.

“Chicken!” Nathan accused.

“No son it’s a turkey.” Steve’s joke drew a collective offspring groan. I laughed, more at them than the joke.

“Steven! Don’t torture your children. It’s a holiday.” My mother-in-law Alice was always good for a fun spank.

The weather was typical late November for our part of the country: temperatures just above freezing, a light breeze, and rain within the next twenty-four hours. But inside the Waller house, things were warm, festive, and very loving. Our family was hosting this year and my sister’s family of four and my dad were all due to arrive soon.

Steve’s mother, Alice was assisting her son with the green bean casserole while preparing her famous Brussels sprouts. Ostensibly the sixth member of my family, I was blessed to have a very good relationship with her. They playfully teased each other regularly. As always, her five-three full-figured frame was dressed in a tight pair of dress pants and a plunging neck sweater that complimented her curly white hair: pretty sexy for sixty-five. If I had her ass and boobs, I’d wear the same thing.

We have often teased that my dad, Martin, and Steve’s mom should get together, both being widowed. They had enjoyed flirting, but it never became very serious. (My mother, Nora, was lost to ovarian cancer. Steve’s dad, Roger, was a Navy Lieutenant who died in the first Gulf War). It was one thing we had in common, losing a parent in our teens. I think that’s one of the factors that made us great parents, filling a hole perhaps.

Hours later, dishes were being cleared, and leftovers were being divided up. As per tradition, we eleven sat with either pumpkin or apple pie and watched Holiday Inn, to ring in the launch of the season. Warm blankets and Afghans were draped across laps and feet. I sat between my son and husband, and both surreptitiously caressed a breast at some point. In Nathan’s case, the underside of my left thigh was massaged. Their mild attention was yielding spicy results.

During Fred Astaire’s famous firecracker tap dance, Nathan boldly slipped his hand up my dress and between my legs. He massaged my very aroused pussy, pushing the fabric of my panties in and out of my slit. I did everything in my power to control my arousal. Eventually, I had to grab his wrist and pull him away. The disappointed look I gave him shut things down while telling him I would have loved to have had it continue (especially when the little brat pulled his hand out and quietly licked his fingers).

As the credits rolled, my sister stood, stretched and announced that she and “her men” needed to head out.

“What? We haven’t even played any games?” it was Natalie who was whining the question.

Her Aunt Nat (her namesake) booped her on the nose. “Sorry Mini-me, but we’ve got a long drive and a big day ahead.” She pulled the twins into a sweet hug. “Boy, you two have grown so tall!!” They have, just like Mom.

Coats were retrieved and hugs and goodbyes were given.

“Always great Jen, Fantastic meal.” Cheek kisses. “Love you. Love you DAD!”

“Love you too,” he shouted from the living room. “Have fun in Colorado!” They were driving to her husband Justin’s family’s place in Boulder.

As the door closed, I smiled at my husband. He knew the message I was sending. I loved her very much but was happy to see my sister’s family head out. Her boys could be…a lot.

When we returned, the girls were asking their grandparents if they wanted to play some games. Not wanting to disappoint, our mom and dad smiled at each other and agreed.

Martin asked Nathan, “You going to join us? See if you can whip your grandpa at Sorry?”

Nathan chuckled and stared at his dad for a moment. “I think Dad and I are gonna watch a little bit of the game. Maybe I’ll be down later?”

“Hmm, the game? Almost forgot!”

“Come on, Martin,” Alice winked, “the girls have been waiting. And we can have a nip together,”

With some Irish coffee in hand, the two elderly folk went downstairs to our Rec room to bust out Sorry, Martin’s favorite. Steve, Nathan and I cleaned up the pie and I spoke to the two of them in an urgent whisper.

“OK you two, you know that due to event prep, I haven’t had any in at least forty-eight hours and that is not acceptable. And both of you were very bad during the movie.” They gave incredulous looks and then smirked at each other. “With the four of them occupied downstairs I think we could get a quick one in upstairs.” I found I had been running my thumb across my left nipple the whole time I was talking. I needed it and soon.

Steve laughed out loud. “My God, Jennifer, you are ridiculous!”

“Ridiculous? No, I’m horny as hell! You two had major side boob, and this one nearly fingered me to orgasm!”

Steve looked at his son, who blushed and shrugged. “Jen, c’mon! Your dad’s in the house! What if one of them came upstairs? What if one of the girls came upstairs? We can’t…” He trailed off as I gave him my one raised eyebrow Mom face.

Nathan chimed in, “And as much as I’d love to be stuffing you right now- “

“Ugh! That sounds like one of your father’s jokes!”

Steve actually high-fived his son. I made a retching noise which made them both laugh.

“I’ve got an idea,” my sexy son said, “let’s do rock paper scissors to see who gets to fuck Mom.”

I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest “I am not some prize to be won by a contest. I am a woman who needs to-HEY!“ I stopped berating when I saw my two lovers, the two wonderful men in my life dropping their fingers after counting to three.

Steve growled and slapped his forehead.

“Ha! Sorry Dad, paper smothers rock”

Without even pausing, Nathan grabbed me by the waist and planted a hot, searing sexy kiss on my lips. His tongue was highly charged, and I melted into his sculpted body.

We separated with a wet noise and turned to look at my husband who stood just a few feet away with both middle fingers sticking straight up. “You better get your horny asses upstairs. I’ll run interference in case somebody needs to come up. From the sounds of it, and how relaxed my mom looks, you have about an hour I’m guessing.”

Nathan and I grabbed each other’s hands like young lovers running through a field of flowers and in a flash, we were nimbly heading upstairs; leaving my loving husband frustrated and alone to watch football. I honestly wasn’t concerned, he actually loved “sloppy seconds” as they say. Both of my men had acquired a taste for ejaculate, especially when it was inside me or Bunny. I knew he would have no problem plunging into my hot used sex slot later when we crawled into bed.

But I had to get that first load in. As we hit the top of the stairs, we started to head for our room, but Nathan yanked me towards his. He looked at me with burning lustful eyes as he peeled off his shirt. ‘Holy Shit!’ my cunt cried. My boy was becoming an Adonis!

“My room; it’s way dirtier to fuck my mom on my own childhood bed,” he crooned as he lightly ran his fingers across my chest, inflaming my already tingling nipples. He slid over my shoulders and without losing enflamed eye contact, deftly unzipped my dress and unhooked my bra. “It makes me super pumped whenever Bunny and I fuck in there!” And with that he turned and walked backwards slowly into his room, leaving me panting and wanting. I shook my head at his manipulation and nearly sprinted in, being wise to shut and lock the door behind me.

As I turned to the bed, I was already peeling off my dress. Nathan was tossing his shoes and socks, and then his jeans clunked to the carpet. As I slipped off my bra and moist panties, I tried to recall the last time we had sex here. It had been the weekend we had first had Bunny. Oh yes, I remembered it clearly. He had tried to break his load record and had to give up after a “disappointing” three. Men…

My hard and leaking lover/son flopped onto his own bed. His mighty eight inches of thick beautiful manly sex beckoned me as it bounced. Like Pavlov’s dog, my mouth and pussy watered in anticipation. I was on him within a few seconds, my fish-like lip flutters working up and down his shaft. My tongue circled the head, drawing in his delicious early excretions. They acted as an unnecessary aphrodisiac, dumping gas on my smoldering hormones. My left hand found his hot and sweaty balls hanging full and heavy. I rolled them around in his scrotum noting that his hair was stubbling already. Bunny helped him regularly shave his pubes.

Nathan moaned and took hold of my head. I smacked his hands and pulled off his cock.

He looked confused. “I can’t face fuck you? You love that.”

I shook my head and flashed a wicked smile. I ran my tongue up the underside of the throbbing unit that I had grown to adore over the last six months. My pointy tip swirled around his urethra slit.

“Tonight, Mommy’s going to thank her stud for all his work. Now lie back and relax.”

The act of fellating my son had no chance of ever growing stale. I had no idea why, but the universe had given me a renewable attraction and lust for my son that seemed to hit restart every single morning. As I slobbered up and down his slick cock, my hands snaking around like he loved, it felt like the first time all over again. It was a twisted thing to be emotional over, yet I actually was tearing up at the strange nostalgia.

“I love you, Nathan,”

He had a quizzical effect. “I love you, Mom. ‘You okay?”

I answered with a classic deep dive on his cock, moaning as I took him into my throat. My gagging had become much less since we had started our affair, and I had grown to love a good solid throat fuck. My bi-lover, Bunny had shown me how to generate enough dirty saliva to make it sexy slutty. A stream ran out of my mouth and covered his balls. My finger slithered into the wetness and slid past his perineum. He opened his legs further for me and moaned as I slipped two fingers into his back door.

“Ohhh fuck yes, Mom!”

I smiled, even though my mouth was full of cock. I started to move faster with more vigorous stroking in front and stronger plunges into my hot son’s burning anal passage. After the many times I had done this process with both him and his father I knew exactly how to stimulate to get a big load into to savor. As I did so I was arching my back so my ass stood up high and proud. I wanted Nathan to ask for it, desire it, badly.

“Oooh my God Mom, your ass looks incredible! I need it badly!”

I chuckled and pulled off with a loud pop, still stroking him with both hands. “Mmm sorry, baby, but Mom is going to get what she wants first. You can suck my pussy.”

I crawled my body so my crotch was above his head. I heard him moan as he grabbed hold of my thighs and tried pulling me down to him. He was playfully forceful using just enough strength to make it a struggle. Then he slapped my left cheek and I popped my mouth off. “None of that, Mister!” He chuckled knowing I had probably enjoyed it (I had) and so I gave into his magnificent arms.

The first mouth to pussy contact is always the best and he knew exactly how to do it. With the flat of his wet tongue, he encouraged my already swollen and aching lips to open further. I couldn’t see, but I imagined a classic cobra head shape being nibbled and bit with venomous accuracy.

I shivered as he slithered his tongue around my love button. Our cooperative lust inflamed it into a hard pearl. I slipped his Wundercock out for a breathy reaction, “Yesss, what I need, baby! You are such an amazing Lu-uhhh VERRR!”

I realized my fingers were still up his ass, and that brought me back to this being mutual stimulation. Sixty-nine has its moments, and like many lovers, I was easily distracted by the pleasure received and forgot the pleasure to give. My mouth took him in, and I sucked with more fervor than I had in quite a while.

My pinnacle was achieved quickly and with a fury that I had grown to adore.

Steve was an amazing and patiently methodical lover.

Bunny used her mouth and fingers like no lover I’ve ever had.

But no one electrified me sexually like my firstborn. “Ohhh Baby!” I hoarsely whispered. “Sooo, mmm, perrrfect!”

His fingers inside me, his lips sucking on my inflamed sex were like nothing I’d felt with my other three lovers (Dayton had met me Monday afternoon for a motel fuck while Steve banged his new FWB Amber at his office).

Right now, I needed something else to finish this holiday feast.

Despite his hearty grip, I was still fit enough to pull away from him. He did not complain as I think he was aware of what was to happen next. He just didn’t know what position. I turned around, grabbed the shaft that I had come to adore and sat down on it with one solid, slick, swallow. My arms folded above my head as I arched and had an eyes-closed primal moment. I shook from the dynamic force and had to bite my own wrist as another orgasm was lit for detonation.

Nathan wasn’t so quiet. “Mahhhmmm! So fucking hot! You are the greatest unghhh fuck ever!”

I was not going to remind him he had a serious girlfriend as I didn’t think I could speak anyway, my breath held as the coital chaos overran me. I was focused enough to grab his hands that were on my waist. I lifted them up and slammed them into my breasts.

My breath exploded! “FUCK yes, Nathan!”

He knew that when I was exceptionally horny, I loved to have my breasts squeezed as hard as I could stand it. He did not hesitate to comply as I began to rapidly bounce up and down, his incredible ramrod nearly sliding out with each stroke. His hips began to buck off the bed as my voice was lost to the sex gods like Ariel’s to Ursula!

With tits squeezed and pussy spasming I flopped forward. Nathan lifted his head, and our open mouths met like rams slamming horns!

Then he tightened his grip and with little effort flipped us over! I gasped at the brute strength.

He had the lust-crazed look of a man out to conquer, and I flopped my arms and legs in open surrender. This hot-as-hell human being, my son, pounded his mother with rapid intense thrusts that sent me into orbit. The usually quiet bed that often muffled our clandestine coitus began to shriek under the stress of our fuck. I had to bite a pillow to stifle the love scream that fireworked out of my soul.

The culmination of our coupling shattered into a thousand stars as for the umpteenth time, our simultaneous send-off scorched the sheets.

I no longer counted how many blasts of my son’s baby maker mix power-washed my cervix. It no longer mattered as each shot pushed my progression of pulsation up another level like Mario jumping off the magic coins. (Later, I would share that imagery with my son, and he would laugh so hard I would spank him on the ass for being a brat).

As he collapsed on top of me, I held him tight. It was a familiar embrace that sang so many things without vocalizing. The true love and lust and desire that human beings share with their most intimate partners sealed us together as one loving body. There was no way to describe it any more. It was perfection, and would always be so, as long as he still desired me.

It was a few minutes before he was able to push himself up. My really nice holiday hairdo was exploded on his pillow. We kissed gently like lovers as I cupped his ass and Kegel squeezed him tight, milking out any stragglers.

Not for the first time, a little bit of fear sparked in me as I imagined one of his potent pals finding its home in my ovary. Other than surgical, no birth control was infallible.

Nathan kissed my breastbone. “That one goes in the favorites file! I love Bunny very much, but nobody fucks me like you do Mom.”

I smiled myself, blushing. “And nobody stuffs my cavity like you do!” He made a gross-out face. “See! I can do bad jokes when the occasion calls for it.”

We both burst into laughter,…

Published 4 months ago

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