Taking Control Part 7

"When desire meets submission: master and slave commit Part 2"

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The restaurant

They drove down along the coast road in his Alfa Romeo Spider. The light was stunning, with the sun’s morning rays shimmering off the sea and the whole beach area permeated with the smell and sound of the surf. Ava’s hair rolled in chestnut waves in the breeze as he guided the beautiful sports car expertly at speed along the warm highway.

Lorenzo had booked a table for them for a late lunch at a bright sunny café down on the water’s edge. The waiter led them to a remote table overlooking the ocean. It was all Ava could do not to cum as she sat down on the wooden chair, the large dildo in her anus being pushed up deeper inside her, competing with the even bigger silicone cock stuffed in the front. Lorenzo took delight in the occasional quiet whimper from Ava as she sat, desperately trying to find a position on the seat that didn’t push her over the edge. Ava knew she was so close.

t was what made Lorenzo smile. He was relishing sitting across the table from Ava, looking at her in heat and beginning to squirm, in need of orgasmic release.

Ignoring her quiet mouthed pleading, he ordered a bruschetta and salad, accompanied by a bottle of Chablis for them to share with the seafood lunch. The suave Italian waiter eyed Ava carefully up and down, a look just a second or two too long than was acceptable for politeness.

Lorenzo sat back, sipping and enjoying the crisp dry wine, studying Ava’s face intently, making her feel nervous again under his gaze. In-between little tentative sips of her wine he could see her taking occasional covert glances at him from behind her chestnut fringe and beneath her long down-turned eyelashes.

Ava knew better than to stare at him, no matter how tense things were getting, inside. Lorenzo felt that, overall, her slave training was progressing well. But he suspected that, out naked in public for the first time, she was in for a challenging time and a bit of a surprise. He wondered just how well she would cope with what happened next.

He could see Ava was still wriggling on the hard chair, seductively, the result of the intense double penetration of her pussy and anus. He wondered briefly what it felt like, what would it be like to have a vagina for a day, to be double penetrated.

Would he spend the time playing with the anatomy or just putting things inside himself, just to find out what it was like? Or would he seek a man out, to find out exactly what it was like to have an orgasm as a woman and probe the mysteries of the vaginal versus the legendary G-spot orgasm? Very intriguing.

Ava saw him smiling and, misinterpreting his look, began to relax a little. She looked beautiful, vibrantly alive, her lower lip glistening with tiny droplets of the white wine. Her lips parted slightly, invitingly, with each delicate sip, and he noticed the tip of her tongue caress the rim of the wine glass to capture every drop. He began to feel himself getting hard. Ava’s cheeks were beginning to develop a rosy glow with the effects of the wine.

Now seemed the perfect moment to introduce her to the key feature of his dual penetration harness, the ‘tempter’ as the brochure had called it, controlled by Bluetooth from a specially installed app on his phone. He wondered briefly about its legality. Given it was controlled by his phone, and also tracked the changes in Ava’s body when he turned it on, what would happen if the data on her responses were stolen? He guessed that was an entirely new definition of ‘personal data’. A potential data protection nightmare. Best to leave that one to future lawyers.

He put the thought aside, with more important tasks to hand. Unseen by Ava he put his hand under the table, into his trouser pocket and pulled out his phone. He opened up the Tempter app. On the mobile screen was a range of coloured sliders and dials that directly controlled the two vibrators Ava had nestling within her most intimate places. He could control them independently too. He placed his thumb over the left hand slider that controlled the anal vibrator. Watching for her reaction with keen interest, he moved the slider quickly to number three on the scale of ten on the slider settings.

Ava instantly sat bolt upright with a jolt, her mouth opening like a goldfish. The belt had come alive inside her, vibrating her whole insides with an unforgiving throb.

“Ooh!” she shrieked. A couple at a nearby table looked round briefly, but then went back to their meal. What was happening?

As the reality of the what the device inside her could do, it suddenly sunk in that Lorenzo was controlling the harness remotely. Her glistening white teeth came down to nip her bottom lip. Deep inside her, the electronic dildo was now pulsing gently, sending waves of vibration and erotic feeling right through her pelvic area and through the walls of her anus into her vagina. She fought to catch her breath, struggling to refrain from making a noise as the sensual sensations built up inside her. The look on Lorenzo’s face was one of intrigue, mixed with a note of curiosity.

He was enjoying this intensely. So much power over Ava.

It was as just as she was getting to grips with controlling her reaction to the pace and intensity of the tremors from the tiny electric motor in the vibrator, that the waiter returned to the table to deliver the salad. He leant over near Ava, placing a large white china salad bowl and plate of bruschetta in the middle of the table.

Ava began to panic. She could feel the rhythmic pulse of the eccentric weight going round and round, attached to the end of the shaft of the minute electric motor nestled inside her back passage. Surely the waiter must be able to hear the buzzing noise?

Trained for excellent customer service, in response to her slightly startled and quizzical look the waiter simply moved back from the table, turning to look into her green eyes.

“I trust the salad is to your satisfaction? We can add something else to it or, a little more seasoning to spice it up, if you require.”

Lorenzo took over, murmuring his assent to the waiter that his own dish was fine. However, he decided Ava needed her first true public test. Now was the perfect time to bring in the vagina vibrator. His phone out of sight from the waiter, his thumb ready, he moved the app control on the right hand slider to the second of its similar ten settings.

Her wine glass half way to her lips to calm herself down, Ava froze. The waiter thought she was considering saying something, but she closed her eyes remaining completely silent. Deep down in her vagina she started feeling the larger throbbing motor in its black housing begin to do its sensual work through the eight inch length of the thick silicone dildo. A few seconds later she was too sexually aroused to even try to a reply. Lorenzo thought it was time to up the ante.

“It’s rude not to answer the man, Ava, my dear,” he chided her.

She looked at him pleadingly, realising there was no option than to try to reply, or risk offending the waiter and her seafood main course getting unwanted kitchen ‘extras’.

“Yes. It’s fine. Everything’s fine,” she garbled.

“Thank you. Yes. It’s all good,” she tried to reply in as normal and friendly way as she could. The waiter detected her tone, one of not being entirely happy but also not wanting to upset her male companion. He saw it all the time.

Lorenzo knew Ava, and could hear the tremor now in her voice, a slight vibrato that she was desperately trying to keep under control. Ava’s clipped tone confirmed that his Tempter device, nestling deep inside both of her pubic passages, was working just perfectly. Vibrato voice up above, vibration down below, what a pleasing combination. The waiter decided they were satisfied.

“Please call me if you need anything else,” he replied, glancing at Ava again briefly, before attending to the other tables.

Lorenzo detected more motion now from Ava, moving her bottom around on the hard wooden chair. She was shifting her hips slightly from side to side and jiggling her delectable bum, trying to reduce the pulsing pleasure overload from the vibrators quivering deep inside her. She was also beginning to pant slightly, something he’d never seen her do before.

He judged the level of stimulation was perfect, so left her squirming, near to orgasm, while he enjoyed his crisp salad and the Italian bread. Ava managed to eat a little, with a shaking fork, but Lorenzo doubted she would remember much of the meal’s taste.

He continued toying with her, lingering over small forkfuls of his salad, enjoying the snap of the lettuce and the squeaky bite of the Feta cheese, all nicely contrasted with the light dryness of the excellent wine. He watched her drink her own wine absentmindedly, eyes dancing around the table and restaurant, anything to take her mind off her obvious sexual frustration.

The warmth of the day had made the crystal wine glass sweat, clear beads of water began to slide down to wet her long fingers. It couldn’t help but remind him of what else was wet, of how much joy juice would soon be seeping round the edge of the thin leather strap and the large dildo filling his slave’s hot, dripping and willing vagina. Lorenzo smiled, delighted and particularly satisfied with how Ava’s long slave training day was going so far.

Ava continued to pick slowly and absentmindedly at her salad, only managing to eat a few mouthfuls. She glared at him in sexual exasperation, even once banging her fork down petulantly, like an impatient child wanting its own way. He felt it was time to increase the pressure, moving the right slider that controlled the far larger vaginal dildo to a vibration setting of eight. It began to pulse menacingly inside her. To Ava, who could feel it more than hear it, it seemed like an angry bee, trapped in a jar, was now buried deep inside her.

People at nearby tables glanced round as Ava cried out once. She dropped her fork and white linen napkin, clenching her hands into the tablecloth, giving Lorenzo a look of utter pleading desperation. Within seconds her eyes became unfocussed depths, her pupils dilating. He knew what she would likely ask for before she even opened her delectable mouth. She whispered it across the round table, a desperate urgency in her voice.

“Please, master, may I cum? May I cum now? I have to!”

“No, Ava,” he answered firmly. “Not yet. I need to experiment with your sexual limits first. The day is just beginning, and you will have plenty of time for that. You need to understand the submissive slave you are first.”

“That’s just not fair, master,” she replied, infuriated at his response.

Then she paused, worried. “Have I done something wrong to displease you master? Have I disobeyed one of your instructions?”

“No, Ava. Nothing like that. But as my slave I just wish to enjoy your desperation that little bit more. You will need to learn true obedience.”

Lorenzo realised she had reached her current limits, turning down the Tempter.

Ava relaxed a little, satisfied to discover that she had not transgressed, but fearful of what that meant and what the rest of the day might bring.

Lorenzo realised that there are moments that capture the essence of owning a submissive slave, and he believed this was proving to be exactly such a moment.

Enjoying another glass of cool wine, he returned to studying her. That afternoon he would take her for a walk along the pathway that paralleled the ocean waterfront, knowing she would continue to struggle to contain her growing orgasm. Lorenzo also knew that her battle would also fail, due to the way that the device she wore was constructed. It was also the way that the controlling app operated, meaning no woman would be incapable of holding back an orgasm.

Sooner or later, Ava’s body would simply betray her, denying her conscious free will, and any remaining composure she had would become shattered. This would reaffirm to her just how much of a slave she truly was, submitting herself to all of her body’s subconscious and strong slavish desires.

Even though he was getting impatient for the moment of truth to arrive, he recognised he needed to give her time for both her desire and desperation to mount yet higher. He relaxed in the dining chair, savouring the combination of the excellent wine and the sight of Ava squirming in desperate need.

Ava’s nipples were erect and hard and quite clearly visible now through the thin cotton of her top. Her breathing was ragged, thrusting her pert breasts forward and up with each small gasp. She was already well on the way towards being exactly where Lorenzo wanted her. It was a delicious moment.

He tipped back the last of the glass of wine, calling for the bill. As the waiter approached the table, Lorenzo slid the control for the anal vibrator up to a setting of six. Ava’s expression was a joy. He noticed a tremble start in the corner of her lip. As the waiter stood by her, he pushed the device up to nine and pressed the button that created a regular pulsing in the cock inside Ava’s vagina.


Ava cried out suddenly in a high-pitched squeak, slumping forward in her seat, over the table, hands balling tightly around the edge of the tablecloth, beginning to pull the table trimmings towards her.

The waiter looked at her, startled, as he sorted out the bill, but Lorenzo ignored her. As Lorenzo reduced the slider back to three Ava raised her head slowly from the table, staring up at him with a pleading look in her bright green eyes.

The waiter, pausing to let the electronic payment for Lorenzo’s credit card clear, couldn’t help but take in the delectable view of the well displayed cleavage directly in front of his eyes. Ava’s rounded breasts were still pressed hard against the table, her erect nipples becoming darker and clearly visible through her sheer top. The waiter knew something odd was happening but wasn’t entirely sure what.

Privately, Lorenzo suspected the waiter would savour this moment, telling this tale in a number of variations for months to come. But he had other more important things on his mind as he took his credit card from the waiter. The man departed somewhat slowly, perhaps wanting to see exactly what the next development might be from the antics of this attractive, oddly behaved woman.

Lorenzo stood, picking up Ava’s limp hand, raising her gently off the table, out of the dining chair and bodily to her feet in an easy motion. Taking pity on the people looking at her, he mimed at them.

“Little too much sun,” he mouthed.

“Come on, Ava, dear. I think perhaps it’s time we were going.”

They made their way slowly down the stairs from the seaside café, Ava clutching tightly on Lorenzo’s arm to steady herself. He could hear her breathing deeply and unevenly as they walked together. She made an irregular trip trap with her heels on the paving slabs, a strangely sexy sound as she struggled to keep control.

There no sounds or cries from her now. He saw a harder line under her delicate throat and a determined look in the set of her jaw, combined with the very careful way that she was walking. Lorenzo knew that she was close to final orgasm. He had her at the very edge, just on the cusp of losing all of her self-control.

They walked slowly, arm in arm, along the wide path, him enjoying the sounds and the view of the sea and coast’s edge. He noticed Ava was leaning more heavily on him now, seemingly on autopilot as she made her way down the oceanside path.

Ava was barely aware of anything that was going on around her. Lorenzo judged that the area coming up, with its small vacant bench seat, surrounded by people, would be ideal for pushing her self-control over the edge.

He smiled broadly at her as they approached the bench, reached down into his pocket and slid both the dildo vibrator app sliders to their maximum setting of ten.

Whilst the anal vibrator pulses doubled in scale, the vibrator sitting wedged tight Ava’s moist pussy had a special extra function. As his thumb moved the slider to its final setting, the thick tip of the large eight inch thick dildo inside her began to move rhythmically, thrusting itself backwards and forwards, buried deep inside her.

With an almost inaudible high pitched squeak, Lorenzo suddenly he had a dead weight on his arm. Ava had crumpled to her knees, the pleading look in her eyes desperate. She managed to gasp out.

“Please, master. Please, please… Have mercy. I can’t hold it.”

She mumbled on, her voice becoming huskier, almost indistinct. Lorenzo knew for certain she had lost control. Had become a helpless orgasmic slut. One who was about to disobey her master’s wishes.

Ava could swear people could actually hear the device inside her now. Lorenzo pulled her rigid body upright and the short remaining distance to the short wooden path bench, sitting her down and letting her slump against him, shaking.

He sat with her, cradling her, whilst her body convulsed and trembled, her fingernails digging helplessly into his arm, creating small red half-moons near his wrist. She bit her lip hard, trying not to cry out, but every once in a while a whimper would escape her compressed lips. Then the multiple orgasms overwhelmed her, leaving her quaking, as each arrived in wave after wave, her breasts heaving in supplication. Ava was spent.

Lorenzo sat back, enjoying the helpless sexual animal that Ava had so easily become. Relishing the shame he knew she was experiencing, all of her self-control having failed as her lust took her mercilessly where she sat, surrounded by people passing by along the coastal path.

But this was nothing compared to his enjoyment of the certain knowledge Ava knew she had failed to submit to his demand that she was not to orgasm without his permission. Or perhaps she had tried to stop herself, in the short lucid moments between each wave of the massive orgasm she had experienced.

Lorenzo knew her was prolonging his own enjoyment of her, torturing himself too, as his own need to take her grew savagely. It was only a matter of time before he succumbed to this need to penetrate her, to thrust himself deep into her and cum inside her body, leaving her gasping for more.

Still, he could wait a half hour longer before taking her back home. He would spend a little more making the best use of this day-slave of his, who now lay back comatose in overwhelming orgasm, slumped on the bench as if she were drunk.

Sadly, there was a limited battery life in the vibrator belt Ava wore so, after ten minutes of keeping her on simmer, maintaining the orgasm overload, Lorenzo dialled off the two vibrators on the mobile app. He held her tightly, watching the ocean as Ava came back down to earth slowly.

The quiet accomplishment of having had his way with her, overriding all her good intentions of obeying him, merged with the gentle crash of waves, provided him with a genuine sense of euphoria. Growing within him was the sure knowledge that Ava would become his slave and that, as her master, he would soon be choosing when to use Ava to take pleasure.

After a few minutes, he felt her stir against his shoulder, coming back to life. He leaned over and kissed her deeply, capturing her tongue delicately with his mouth.

“Well, what did you think of our lunch, Ava? Do you wish to be my slave and for me to own every part of your body? Do you wish to be punished for orgasming without permission too?”

He sat back, looking deeply into her eyes, waiting

Eventually she looked up at him, nervously biting her lower lip. Then she realised she had to speak, to admit what she had done.

“I’m very sorry, Lorenzo, I just couldn’t stop it. I’ve failed you.”

“Yes, you have, haven’t you? You even failed to call me master then, as I instructed you to do, didn’t you, slave?”

“Yes master, I’m really sorry. I’ll do whatever you wish to make it up to you, to amend for my failure to heed all your instructions.”

“Yes, you will, Ava. Now, on your feet. I have a little role play for you. Your wrists are going to be bound together behind your back with invisible restraints, and I am now going to lead you by an invisible leash. You will remain three paces behind me at all times.”

“Yes, master. As you wish.”

She struggled to her feet, swaying gently, her hands clasped together firmly behind her, in the small of her back. As she stood, he glanced around to make sure no-one could see, then quickly lifted the back of her skirt and gave her a very firm and resounding slap, leaving a large red handprint on her bare butt. She staggered slightly with the force of the blow. He saw a blush spread across her face, but Ava stayed silent.

“Now, you’ll do exactly as you’re told. Follow me.”

Lorenzo set off rapidly to where had parked the Alfa, hearing her trying to keep up behind, scrambling to keep up the pace in her heels but keeping her hands behind her back. she tried to stay exactly three paces behind him up the steep, rough slope, but Lorenzo was deliberately making it hard for her. He listened to her struggling but didn’t turn back.

Ava felt she had failed Lorenzo so far and was determined to be on her absolute best behaviour now. Lorenzo had seen this in her eyes. He didn’t doubt she’d do exactly as he required for the rest of the day.

When he reached the car he unlocked it, holding the door open for Ava, indicating that she could move her hands from behind her back now, the invisible bonds that had held her, gone. Lorenzo continued to give her firm, foreboding looks, leaving her in no doubt that she was very much in trouble for failing to obey several of his commands earlier that day.

She sat down carefully on the seat, making sure to raise her dress before sliding in, her bare skin stinging on the hot black leather car seat. He glanced over as Ava gave him a brief glimpse of how wet the vibrator belt strap between her legs had become. He could see sticky, creamy dampness glistening on her upper thighs in the sun.

Ava sat still, silent. She had a strong premonition that, when they got home, Lorenzo was going to deal with her very seriously indeed.

She began to squirm in excited anticipation at the thought of what he might do to her.


Lorenzo drove Ava home in silence, letting her imagination of the future consequences of her failure to comply with all his wishes as her master to build in her mind. At this point, her concerned, circling thoughts were his ally. Her shame and horror at having failed him so quickly pushing her rapidly towards where he wanted her. A willing sex slave who would be putty in his hands, over the following hours.

He parked the car in front of their garage, stopping the engine.

“Get out Ava, and stand by the front of the car,” he commanded.

She smoothed her dress down carefully, conscious of her lack of underwear before getting out of the car. She could feel the cool breeze across her soft labia, making her skin tingle. Ava stood mutely beside the car as he walked around, getting something from the rear of the car. He strode back round towards her with a rug, throwing it over the curved edge of the car bonnet.

“This will help avoid you getting any burns. Hands on the bonnet of the car, Ava. Lean right back.”

 Lorenzo took out the key to the electronic double dildo harness Ava had been wearing, the device that he had been pleasuring her with throughout lunch. Almost immediately she realised what he intended to do. With a combined look of horror and embarrassment at being so naked in public, Ava’s legs began to shake, in expectation of what was to come. He could see the tiny look of fear spread across her face, a sudden expectation of what was about to happen.

“Spread your legs open for me Ava. That’s it, wide open.”

She moved her legs apart obediently. Bent backwards, her face was a bright blush. Lorenzo lifted up her short dress, taking his time, leaving her pink nakedness completely open to all and anyone in the neighbourhood who was looking out of a window or passing by.

The black harness belt, clearly visible too now, had left a wide pink band around her waist, where it had embedded into her flesh.

Not only did Ava form a lewd public display, her stance was very uncomfortable, the bonnet still hot from the engine. He grabbed the waist band, slowly undoing the lock. The leather strap between her legs swung forward, the dress hem rising up, exposing her vulva.

He ran his hand up her inner thigh teasingly, then up between her legs, hooking a finger in her crotch at the joint where the strap connected the two vibrators. Ava winced. He pulled hard downwards. Along with a gush of feminine juices, both vibrators were suddenly sucked out of their soft inner sanctums.

“Aah!” Ava cried, leaking fluid out and down her legs in runnels.

Lorenzo cast the waist harness and straps aside on the rug covered bonnet. Lying there, the contraption looking like a medieval torture device, the two dildos pointing accusingly at Ava, spread out on the middle of the rough tartan wool blanket she was leaning on.

With her orifices suddenly free of the device, he caught a musky aroma exuding from Ava’s body, wafting over to him in the light wind. He could smell that she was ready for him once again.

He bent in towards Ava, making her lean even further back. He reached behind her, checking with his index finger how far the anal rubber cock had stretched her open. Ava had felt her insides starting to return to normal, after two hours of the silicone dildos buried deep inside her, but still gasped at his sudden intrusion.

He then probed her pussy, pushing two fingers deep into her, seeing how the large eight inch dildo had begun to make her vagina self-lubricate copiously. She cried out softly as he then pushed three fingers deep up inside her vagina, thrusting them in and out quickly.

Ava’s body was rocking back and forth on the bonnet with the strength of his arm strokes as he massaged her G-spot mercilessly.

Ava gasped in exhilaration once more, then her legs spasmed, driving another groan from her as he forcefully made her cum again.

All the time Lorenzo was looking into her eyes, making sure she knew that this was a public showing, of her admittance to failing to comply with all of the instructions he had given her as his slave.

He pulled his hand out from her, wiping the sticky fluids off, over her rumpled dress, until he was satisfied his fingers were clean.

“Stay there until I say. I’ve had enough of your disobedience.”

Lorenzo took his time walking up the driveway and unlocking the house front door. He turned to look at Ava, leaning back on the hot car bonnet, her hands and bum red hot. As an SUV pulled into the end of their road Lorenzo saw Ava glance at it, concerned, as it slowly drove on by the house.

The driver had stared directly at her, bemused, as he went past. But Ava stayed still, bent backwards over the bonnet, her cunt and lips fully exposed, smeared, dripping with Lorenzo’s creamy cum.

Lorenzo left the door open, then beckoned Ava in. Ava scalded her hand levering herself off the bonnet of the car. As she came in through the porch door, he let her go past him, turning round in the long hallway to look at her. She looked dishevelled, done, spent.

On unsteady feet she scurried quickly to where he had pointed for her to go, into the living room. He followed her into the room.

“Assume the standing slave position, Ava.”

Ava stood in the centre of the room, hands held behind her back, head hanging low. Lorenzo paced back and forth in front of her, then turned on her savagely.

“Well, it seems you cannot follow simple instructions. Did I not instruct you not to orgasm, at any time, without my permission?”

“Yes master. You did.”

“And did I give you permission to cum at any time today?”

“No, master. You did not.”

“So, are you telling me you cannot follow my orders as master? Is that it, Ava?”

 She whispered her reply, sobbing out the words, “Yes master.”

“Tell me that you are a worthless, disobedient slave. Say it loud and clearly Ava. What are you, slave?”

“I am a worthless, disobedient slave, master,” Ava called out.

“Louder. I want all of our neighbours to hear.”

She swallowed, then explosively yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Master, I am a worthless, disobedient slave!”

Lorenzo resumed pacing, letting the words she had shouted sink in. Allowing her time to realise how badly she had failed his strict instructions. Allowing time for tears of failure to start. More importantly, time for Ava to begin to ponder what might come next.

“So, Ava, what should I do with you now? Perhaps I shouldn’t do anything with you, if you cannot live up to my requirements.”

“Master, please. I can do what you ask. I will do anything!”

Ava began to sob louder, tears cascading down her face in soft brown livid streaks, ruining her carefully applied eye makeup.

“I do want to be truly yours, master. Please, let me make it up to you! I’ll be an obedient slave. I promise. Please master!”

“You will do everything I want? Accept that you are mine as my slave, completely. To do with what I will? Do you accept all that?”

“Yes master. I am yours. Use me and take me as you please!”

Lorenzo grabbed Ava by her long dark hair, throwing her down onto her knees by the fireside. He put his hand on the back of her expensive summer dress, ripping off all the small buttons up the back. He grabbed the dress hem, wrenching and tearing the fabric as he pulled it roughly up over her buttocks, above her waist, ripping it all the way round her torso, exposing her naked breasts.

The designer dress hung around Ava’s neck in tatters at the front, like a torn flag. He dived his hand down between her legs, checking her moistness, pushing Ava’s knees apart with his feet.

The wide kneeling position exposed her anal bud and vagina, twin orifices that were pointing backwards at him, accusingly. Ava’s labia lips were spread open, damp, luscious and ready. Gripping her long hair tightly again, he forced her forehead down onto the carpet. Ava was panting in fear and expectation, her stomach raising and falling rapidly, her face thrust into the deep pile, completely obscuring her vision of what he was about to do behind her.

Calmly unzipping his fly, Lorenzo massaged his penis for a few seconds, getting it fully hard. Then, in one quick movement, he pushed his finger deep into her anus, lifting her up by her anal bud.

 He knelt behind her then and, with a single long thrust, Lorenzo rammed his cock as deep as possible into Ava’s sopping vagina.

With no time for her to adjust her position, head held hard down on the floor, she squirmed as he fucked her as hard as he could.

Enjoying her initial resistance, he could feel her vagina clenching tightly around his hard manhood. Then, as he pumped, her tempo changed and he felt a warmer yielding of her depths.

“Yes, please master!”

Ava cried out in a combination of pain and loyal submission.

After a few minutes of this punishing pounding, she began to moan gently each time his cock thrust into her, her hurt mingled with begrudged ecstasy. Grasping her neck, he pulled her head back off the floor, holding her high up on her knees. Ava was pinioned on his cock, the weight of her upper body hanging by her hair.

With every heavy slow drive and thrust inside her, Lorenzo tugged her head hard backwards. With each lunge, Ava began to scream in a combination of pain, tears and lust.

Nearing the orgasm he sought, he pulled his cock out of her with a low slurping sound, a thin trail of her juices dribbling onto the soft carpet. Lorenzo turned her round by her hair, pulling her face toward his groin. Barely pausing to let her catch her breath, he thrust her delicate red lips over his angry, rigid, dripping cock.

He fucked her willing, gaping mouth, careful to keep the pressure and drive of his cock to the point where her mouth was fully stuffed.

He could feel her tongue desperately trying to wrap itself around the underside of his penis, to prevent him going in too far. At one point he felt the tip of his penis just touch the back of her throat, almost causing her to gag. This was the submission he sought.

As his cock lunged over and over, near the back of her throat, Lorenzo came close to his release. With one final tense movement, he pushed his cock in deep, holding her lips up hard against his flat stomach, moving her head from side to side. He held her nose gently. Ava spluttered, desperately trying to get a breath of air.

As Lorenzo felt his rigid veined penis about to pump the spurting release that he had held back for so long, down her willing throat, he withdrew quickly from her mouth. Ava gulped in air like a fish.

He took aim and spewed his hot seed all over her, catching the corner of her eye with the intensity of the initial sperm blast, sending streams of ivory cum into her shiny hair. His cock pulsed a second time, delivering a cascade of jism on her chin and left breast.

Holding her head still, inches from his still spasming cock, he watched her begin to open her eyes, blinking back the salty cum embedded in her sticky eyelashes, still gasping for air like a fish.

She choked out some of the rich frothy sperm he had dispensed into her mouth. Creamy white, stringy cum dripped down over her rounded breasts, dripping slowly down her belly onto soft thighs.

He released her hair and Ava collapsed to the floor, craving each breath. Lorenzo stood over her, panting. He moved to one side, ordering her to strip naked in front of him, watching her intently as she removed the final remains of her ripped and stained dress.

The rest of that day were driven by Lorenzo’s heady lust. For over three hours he kept her body’s orifices fully occupied with his masterly ministrations. All apart from her anus. It was late in the evening when Lorenzo finally told Ava that he was done with her.

She staggered to her feet, feeling thoroughly used. Spent. In the bathroom she looked herself up and down in the mirror. Her face and body were covered from head to toe in sticky trails of dried and fresh cum. She had light bruises on her arms and neck where Lorenzo had held her down. She cleaned herself up as best she could, pulling on the spare pair of panties she kept in her bag.

She was finally free. She had endured his session as full master.

Tears welling up in her bright green eyes, she grabbed the night bag she kept at his place and ran out of the bathroom, past Lorenzo. He tried to grab her arm, but she shucked off his hand.

“What did you think of that slave session then, Ava?”

She ignored him, pulling on a top and jeans, throwing in a few work and casual clothes from the closet. Not seeing any shoes to hand, she put back on the high heels he had made her wear.

“Ava, are you OK? Talk to me Ava?”

Without a goodbye or any other word to him Ava dashed out of the front door, wanting to get away from the house as fast as possible, needing time to herself to gather and process the turbulent thoughts and feelings tumbling through her head. Not used to running in the high heels, she nearly tripped in the drive, but then steadied herself, rushing to her car parked on a nearby street.

Her hands were shaking as she pressed the car’s remote, trying to open up the doors. She slumped into the driver’s seat, feeling used, abused and violated. Ahe couldn’t possibly be the slave Lorenzo needed her to be. Not forever, not the way he clearly wanted. It was all too much.

Despite the astounding sensations her body had experienced, and the amazing orgasms she’d had all day, she believed he had been impossibly selfish with her. Surely being her master was about more than this? Ava felt it had been all about his pleasure, especially the way he had taken her to the brink of coming, yet refusing her release even whilst he took his own pleasure, over and over again.

Trembling, she put the key in the car’s ignition. Ava thought back over the whole day, feeling it was possible that she might never want to see Lorenzo again. All she could think was the relationship, in her mind, was as close to being over as it ever had been.

Ava needed a lot more time to think. To work out what all this day of master and slave had really meant to her and their future together. She drove off into the night, handling the car carefully as her hands and legs still shook, heading for the nearest motel.

Published 4 months ago

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