An Agreement: Meet Cute?

"An online relationship on a BDSM Dark Fantasy forum bleeds into real life, and Penny has no idea what Jack's ultimate plan is."

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“Babe, you forgot your mask; here.”

I was about to argue, mostly confused for the moment. I had just settled on the train to head home, and a warm body had just sat down next to me. My focus was on my phone, setting up my after-work-train playlist; it took me a moment for the thought to cross my mind: was the comment towards me?


That was all I could get out when I looked up and over at the man sitting next to me. He was at least a foot taller than I, his dark blue eyes staring down at me with an air of force. He had a black face mask on, hiding most of his features. His warm hands held a similar black mask up and towards my face, naturally assisting as if we were familiar.

But I can’t say I had ever met him before. What threw me off guard was what was hidden inside the mask, and as he placed the mask over my face, the small dildo slipped between my lips and into my mouth, gagging me. My breath caught in my chest, my hazel eyes widening, ready to panic…

He leaned in closer to me, his masked lips near my ear. “Now, Penny… You wouldn’t want to bring too much public attention to us, would you?”

My shoulders shrugged, the breath still caught in my chest as my eyes stared up at him, struggling to recognize him. The name he called me…

It was my online username.

Online, I could be whoever I wanted to be. A fictional persona or even an extension of myself that I find difficult to share. On the Internet, it could even be argued that I can be myself, unencumbered from the worries of real-life implications.

Or at least… Presumed real-life implications.

I took a brief moment, adjusting my breath so the dildo gag didn’t choke me. It was discreet under the face mask; no one would be able to even tell that I had a gag between my lips unless I tried to speak. I look up at the man, focused on his piercing eyes; his overtly looming presence that felt like an invisible power over me…

Then it clicked.

Jack had found me.

“Luckily, this is our stop.”

The comment was quiet, but I heard it loud and clear. The train had slowed, and I looked out the window. How had we already passed two stops? And this was only the half-way mark of my own destination.

We were still near the heart of the city.

His hand took mine; it still threw me off, how natural he was being with me. No one would guess that we had never met before, that my mask had a gag hidden underneath it…

That his intention was to kidnap me for at least the next two weeks.

I had completely forgotten about it. Our “little agreement” we had made. After interacting on an online BDSM Fantasy forum for months, writing role play after role play of various dark fantasies we seemed to share, we had figured out that we actually lived within a few hours of each other. And I had decided, on a whim, to offer something I never thought I would offer, potentially risking my fantasy bleeding into my real life.

If Jack found me with no additional information than what I had already shared, he could keep me imprisoned for two weeks. I was single, living an independent life across the country from family and friends. I had a few friends here, but I had only moved out here a year ago. No one would notice if I disappeared for two weeks because that was a habit of mine: I rake up my vacation time and then take the time off in random spurts–if I found a last-minute vacation deal, or a family situation back home. My work offered me that flexibility

I had even written up an email that was in my Drafts folder with exactly that type of detail: found a great deal on a last-minute trip, would be gone for two weeks. Ready to be sent if the moment had ever come where Jack tracked me down. And I had completely forgotten about all of it, because the last time I spoke to him was nearly ten weeks ago.

He held my hand firmly, making sure he pulled me close to him as we got off the train. “Don’t take off the mask yet,” he commented sharply under his breath as he took his own off. “You don’t get to say a word until the morning at the earliest.”

“Hmph–” I nearly choked on the dildo when I tried to speak as it tickled the back of my mouth, and he pulled me closer to him before it could turn into a domino effect of me stumbling, too. We were walking through the parking lot, him with purpose, me with uncertainty. 

We reached a pick up truck and a chill ran through me from how ordinary it looked on the outside. So unassuming, so normal. It was raised on large tires, and I would need to use the step in order to get inside. He opened the passenger door, directing me with a bit more force than he had to get me off the train. I wasn’t quite sitting yet and he was already on the step, looming over me as he grabbed my left wrist, directing it down to my side. I hadn’t even noticed: he had velcro cuffs protruding from where the seat and the back connected, and he tightly strapped one around my wrist, pinning my arm to my side.

A muffled protest came from me underneath the mask gag that he ignored, as if I had made no noise at all; his focus quickly moved to my right wrist, securing it the same as my left. He then affixed the seatbelt over me, pulling it tight so the emergency grip locked in place, pinning my abdomen there in the passenger seat.

That was really all he could do without becoming too visible to random passersby. He stepped down from the truck, quickly shutting the door. The way the pick up sat was so high that no one would be able to really tell that I was essentially tied in place. I squirmed slightly in my seat, but the cuffs and seatbelt didn’t budge.

He closed the driver’s side door after entering the cab. I looked at him, a small, muffled grunt escaping the gag. That was when I saw his devious smile for the first time cross his lips, even in the darkness of the cab and nighttime. He opened the middle compartment, taking out a small tube. He then took the face mask off of me, relieving me of the dildo.


His left hand reached up, cupping my chin, his thumb and fingers pressing into my cheeks as he held my head in place. “Sh-sh-sh-sh,” he hushed, the little tube in his right hand moving to my lips. 

I felt a cool, thin strand of liquid being left on my lower lip and my breath caught in my chest again in a panic. “What–don’t–”

He hushed me again, so calm to my opposing growing fear. “You agreed to this, Penny,” he muttered thoughtfully as the devious smile stayed on his lips. “It’s not my fault that your deep, dark fantasy could be more realistic than you thought.”

I tried to turn my head away as he applied a second layer of the liquid to my bottom lip, but his grip tightened on my chin and cheeks. He was strong and had a steady hand. “Close your mouth,” he commanded, his voice still quiet and thoughtful.

“Mm–” I tried to part my lips after they had touched closed, but they wouldn’t budge. My eyes widened in such a shock, desperately trying to open my mouth.

“Well, that worked easier than I thought it would,” he added thoughtfully before adding a third layer of liquid adhesive to my now sealed lips. “I’m sure you know how this works–you even sent me an Amazon link for this makeup adhesive when we debated whether or not I could glue your lips together.”

This time the chill ran through my entire body and I flinched away; he released my head from his grip, letting me struggle helplessly against the cuffs, the locked seatbelt, and now the glue that gagged me. I let out small, muffled shrieks as I squirmed, and his hand slipped around the back of my neck, holding me firm after a moment.

“Breathe,” he instructed. “Look at me, and breathe through your nose.”

I took small, shaky breaths as I looked over at him. Aside from his intimidating stature, he was incredibly handsome. Dark brown hair short, cut and styled; a little bit of a five o’clock shadow along his jawline. His stare was still intimidating, powerful–but also trusting. This may be the first time we had been meeting in person, but I knew him.

And he knew me, more of me than I’d ever shared with anyone before. And that was frightening.

As my breathing settled, his hand moved from the back of my neck to the side of my face, his thumb gently caressing my cheek before brushing along my lips. When he was certain the glue had dried, he leaned over, kissing me. It was a soft, trusting kiss. One that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, despite the suddenness of my captivity.

“I reserved a hotel room for us tonight,” he said after he broke the kiss, keeping his face so close to mine. “Then in the morning, we’ll head to my lake house for the next two weeks. But until we get to my place, your lips are sealed.”

He smiled again, that devious, masterful smile as he sat back in the driver’s seat, buckling in as he turned on the engine. I couldn’t help but squirm a bit more, helpless in the passenger seat as he pulled out of the parking spot. I glanced out the windows, feeling both exposed and hidden at the same time: I had never been tied up in a spot where it could potentially be seen, if only someone looked into the truck. But with the clear adhesive on my lips, and the cuffs hidden by the seatbelt…

I probably looked completely normal.

I settled back a bit in the seat, taking slow, mindful breaths through my nose. My chest heaved slightly as I breathed, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment as Jack drove back towards the heart of the city. I was more focused on the awareness of my breasts against the fabric of my bra, and that my panties were a little damp.

Published 4 months ago

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