Sometimes in life, one is fortunate enough to meet someone who changes everything. Ginger is that person for me. She not only brought me back from the depths of despair, she lifted me up and showed me how incredible love and sex can be. The love I have for her is beyond my ability to describe. She might think that Steve is the one who did it for me, and there is some truth to that, but without Ginger as a catalyst, our love wouldn’t have happened.
She saw my need and gave her heart and her husband freely and without reservation. I don’t know how one does that. It humbles me that she had such trust in our future that she would risk so much. It is a gift beyond measure and one I try to earn every day.
Of course, Ginger is a force of nature, and to love her is to accept that. As an engineer, I like to analyze things and make informed decisions. With Ginger, I have to be ready to see my boundaries stretched without time to overthink, as I tend to do. She makes it so much fun that I can’t resist and don’t want to. Her loving and fun-filled approach to life has opened my mind, eyes, and legs. Without her, I wouldn’t have experienced the sexual love of the twins, Steve or her. She has made my life complete; I will love her all my life.
The funny thing is that I’ve never once experienced doubts or second thoughts about any of our sexual adventures. There was so much love and happiness in those events that doubts never had the chance to grow. She’s opened my heart and mind to the possibilities.
Now, I find myself in a new situation that Ginger has manipulated perfectly. My sons brought their wonderful girlfriends home with them, along with some equally wonderful friends. I’m so proud of my sons for surrounding themselves with amazing people.
I never expected things to happen as they have, far from it. I expected my intimacy with Rich and Jeff to be over. They have loving girlfriends now and don’t need their stepmom that way anymore. I was resolved not to show how much that saddened me. I spent more than a few nights sitting on the back patio after Ginger and Steve went to sleep, crying because I missed them and knew they would never make love to me again. I knew I had to let them go, but it was so hard.
I couldn’t have been happier when Rose and Anne accepted and encouraged my relationship with Rich and Jeff. The twins took Ginger’s lessons to heart and found the perfect girlfriends. I admit I was surprised that Rich ended up with the somewhat shy one and Jeff with someone like Ginger. Then again, maybe it isn’t all that surprising after all.
It was beautiful to be with the twins again. I missed them so much. Being with them made me feel complete. Then, Anne and Rose joined us after Ginger got them going, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Those two wore me out before guiding their boyfriends’ cocks back inside me. We had a wonderful time getting to know each other. I’m convinced that Jeff and Rich have found their soul mates. I hope they can get through their college years and stay together. It won’t be easy, but I believe their love is solid enough to support them. Time will tell.
I never dreamed that my boys would have such great friends. Penny is a living doll and the sweetest thing. I am looking forward to spending some time with her, assuming she ever gets tired of Steve’s amazing cock, doubtful at best. I haven’t talked to Ginger about it yet, but I know she’s been intimate with her. The way they looked and acted when they came to breakfast told me everything I needed to know about how that worked out.
Stew is a hoot and covers up a tender heart with brashness. Plus, I think he enjoys making people laugh and having fun. I don’t think he’ll suffer from a lack of nooky while visiting. Beth has already initiated him, and I’ve seen the looks the other women give him. It isn’t a question of who or when. It’s a question of who is next.
Dan is a revelation. He’s a gorgeous man and so sexy. He’s also a pretty amazing guy, which Beth noticed as well. I could tell that Ginger was absolutely smitten with him.
Now that I had met Beth, I could see why Ginger and Steve were so attracted to her. I wanted to take things to the next level with her. At the same time, I wanted to be with Dan to see if he was as good as I thought he would be. So, what’s a girl to do? When I saw Beth working on Dan, I saw my opportunity.
Two birds with one stone, or as I see it, one nice cock and two amazing pussies. I was nervous when I approached them on the pool deck, but my anticipation got me over that long enough to kiss Beth. Once I did that, nerves never had a chance. Her loving acceptance of my kiss took away any apprehensions I had. Well, most of them, anyway. I wanted the three of us to spend time together, and that required Beth’s exuberant support. The way she returned my kiss left no doubt in my mind that she was more than a little exuberant.
I suppose it seems rather callous that I didn’t give Dan more thought in the equation, but really. I know I’m up there pretty good on the one to ten scale, and Beth is a definite nine at the most conservative. He would have to be crazy as hell not to go for it. I didn’t take him for the kind of guy that needed a jacket with wrap-around sleeves.
I knew that any hesitation on Dan’s part would be based on his sense of honor. I’m sure Ginger reassured him in her wonderful way. I didn’t think he would have a problem with exercising his threesome skills, as new and untested as they might be. I had high hopes for his abilities as a lover. Not to mention that bulging attribute between his muscular legs.
I detected zero hesitation on his part when I took his hand and led him inside. I led them to my bedroom and closed the door behind us. Beth gathered me in her arms and planted her lips on mine. I got lost in it for a while, but the tingle in my nether regions (I always wanted to say that) forced my tongue into her mouth. I swear there is a direct connection between the two that’s powered by the willing mouth of a hot woman. It didn’t take us long to lose what little clothing we had, then we both turned toward Dan.
He was standing there with a look of gleeful shock on his handsome face. His raging boner drew our attention, and the two of us dropped to the floor. We coordinated our efforts and soon had his trunks off and our mouths on his cock. He took a deep breath, the first I think he’d taken since we entered the room, and gently touched each of our heads. “I can’t believe this is real. You’re both so beautiful and kind and passionate and..”
Who knew? Dan seems to lose his speaking ability when I take him deep into my mouth. I looked up at him and could see the veins pulsing in his neck and a look of pure lust on his face. His hands cupped my face and gently pushed me off his cock. I teased the tip with my tongue and grinned at him. That little gesture released the beast!
He swept me up and had me on the bed in a second. He kissed me hard, then aggressively kissed and sucked on my aching nipples. I knew in my heart that he would never hurt me. That made his almost animalistic ravishment so much more erotic. When his mouth found my pussy and his tongue went to work, I was transported. He made me cum so fast it was unbelievable.
Beth was kneeling near my head, watching and caressing her pussy. I reached out to her. “I want to taste you.”
She grinned as she maneuvered herself to straddle my face while facing Dan. Dan didn’t need any prompting, and by the time Beth’s labia caressed my lips, his fantastic cock was deep inside me. Beth was going to have to wait a minute or three while I moaned into her pussy. Dan’s deep and oh-so-masculine stroking controlled every part of me, and I was lost in it.
He might have been fucking me for a minute when I screamed into Beth’s pussy. Only one other man has ever made me orgasm like that, and he’s married to Ginger. I came hard and I came fast, then started building toward another. After the third, I remembered that I had a tongue and what I wanted to do with it. I loved her taste and her obvious enjoyment. She soaked my face when she finally lost it. She rolled off onto her back, lost in whatever wonderful world she had found herself in.
Dan held my hips with his strong hands as he ravished me. Our eyes met, then our mouths as I thrust my hips to meet his powerful strokes. I felt his cock get impossibly big, then pulse, as the first load of his seed jetted into me. My orgasm rushed to meet his, and I exploded, my joy gushing and making a mess of the sheets as he filled me with his.
We lay gasping in the afterglow. Dan kept most of his weight off me, but what pressed against me felt massive, strong, and overwhelmingly erotic. I clung to him in the afterglow as our heated kisses became loving and our libidos calmed.
I could have stayed that way forever, but that wasn’t in the cards. We were far from done, as far as I was concerned, and I’m sure Beth felt the same way. Dan needed to recharge, and I needed to deal with the mess.
I groaned loudly when Dan began slipping his spent cock from me. It felt so good I wanted it to stay right where it was. Such is life that duty calls. In this case, it was a pussy full of cum and a messy bed. I cupped my pussy to keep from dripping everywhere, grabbed Dan’s hand with the other, and walked to the bathroom. I let him start the shower while I sat on the toilet.
He saw me sitting there, and I could see he wanted to watch me. I spread my legs and let loose while he watched, fascinated. “Never seen a lady pee before, Dan?”
He smiled. “No, this is a first. It was pretty cool to watch.”
“Do you like pee stuff, Dan? Is that a thing for you?”
He shook his head. “Nah, I’m just curious.”
I wiped and stood, ready to flush and hit the shower. “Hold on a minute, Linda. I have to go, too.”
He stepped up, and I stepped behind him. I reached around and took his cock out of his hand. “I’m curious, too.”
It took him a minute to get started, but when he did, I was shocked at the force of his stream. How the hell do they control these things? I made a bit of a mess while shaking him off when he finished. I grinned at him when I let him go. “That was fun, but I think I’ll let you do it on your own from now on. I make a bit of a mess.”
We were both chuckling when we got into the shower. Beth joined us a few minutes later, and we had a fantastic time washing and exciting each other. We were still damp when we returned to bed. The wet spot was on the other side and would keep until we made a matching one on the dry side. I’m an engineer, and I’m all about efficiency. Plus, Beth was already positioning Dan’s hard cock at her entrance, and I didn’t think either of them would appreciate an interruption for a linen change.
I watched as Dan fucked Beth through a couple of orgasms before I sat on her face. She made me cum so good while I watched Dan fuck her brains out. She eventually had to beg him to stop. She’d reached her orgasm limit and was entirely too sensitive to continue. I was more than happy to take over and suck his cock until he exploded in my mouth.
We snuggled, touched, and kissed until the wet spot got cold. Dan was very helpful in changing the bed. He was also very helpful in the shower. He washed Beth and me with fascination and worshipful hands. He wouldn’t let us out of the shower until he’d pleasured both of us with his tongue. Beth and I were on wobbly legs as we made our way downstairs just in time for lunch.
It was probably midway through spring break when the atmosphere changed. I think fatigue had more to do with it than anything else. We ladies were having a wonderful time, but our poor little pussies were getting a bit sore.
The first days were pretty much focused on reconnection and tons of sex. We all fell off the hedonistic deep end in the beginning, but our pace wasn’t sustainable. Our family found ourselves relaxing together with the twin’s friends, talking a lot, and connecting as strongly in our hearts as we already had sexually.
We went in smaller groups on various fun trips in town and around cool places in our area. Those trips brought us even closer. Our family is a fun loving group of people and it was wonderful to discover that the twin’s friends were like minded. I found myself thinking more and more about what the future might look like. There were a lot of people touching our lives now and each had their own wants and needs. I would have to be insanely optimistic to believe that things would work out perfectly in line with what I wanted.
All I could really do was communicate with the people I care about. That starts with my husband and wife. We talked a lot about Beth and we all agreed we wanted her in our lives a lot more, like permanently more. We decided to talk about it with her as soon as we could. Rich and Jeff would be affected by the change, and we needed to discuss it with them as well. Should we talk to Beth, or the twins first? I decided to leave it to serendipity. We had a parlor concert to prepare for.
There wasn’t a huge amount of work involved considering the amount of help we had. Steve invited the couple that bought our old house. Dave and Janet Gentry were a handsome couple, and we were gradually getting to know them better. They were newlyweds when they moved in and in the first year we didn’t see them all that much. I was pretty sure I knew why we didn’t see them much and wasn’t too surprised when they began poking their collective heads out of their honeymoon nest.
They are a gorgeous couple, and we fantasized a good bit about them. Janet could be Rose’s older sister. She had the same long brown hair, nearly the same height, and the same classy bearing. Janet’s eyes were captivating hazel, instead of Rose’s brown. Her body is a bit fuller, but nowhere near voluptuous, just hot.
Dave was a big dude, not huge, but solid and very muscular. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a ready sense of humor made him very attractive. His laugh was infectious, and he was no doubt very mischievous. He got really good at flirting with Linda and me after we invited them over a few times.
Janet took every opportunity she could to talk with Steve. He told me that their conversations were very enjoyable, but she had never given him any indication she was attracted to him. I had to laugh when he said that. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. She’s definitely into him, or she wouldn’t be hiding it. It isn’t possible that she finds him mundane and unattractive.
I knew that Dave and Janet found us attractive but had no idea what to do with that information. They were treading lightly for good reasons. We would have to be careful with them if we decided to escalate our budding friendship. The odds were that they would remain friendly neighbors, and I was fine with that. It’s not like I was desperate for lovers at the moment.
Tomorrow was our last full day before our guests went back to college. Tonight was parlor concert night, and everything was in place. We would have a crowd of around thirty people. The donations at the door should give Joe and Rose a little cash for their efforts. That, plus free food and lodging with a fun bunch of people, was certainly better than spending money to stay in some cheap hotel.
Steve tried the traveling route for a while and was successful at it. He spent a lot of nights away from home doing it. He decided that as much as he loved music, he wanted to focus on life with me more. I would have supported whatever he chose. I will admit I wanted him with me, but I never wanted him to feel I was holding him back. The dream hasn’t died for him, and it certainly hasn’t for me. I want the world to hear him. Hopefully, his time will come. If it doesn’t, like it doesn’t for so many incredible musicians, then…