I’m a chemistry professor at a large university, already over halfway through a busy fall semester, and what a semester I’m having! Fall is when I teach Organic Chemistry 1 to a couple of hundred undergraduate students, ranging from the chemistry majors that understand the subject and want to be there to the pre-meds that hate everything about the subject but need to pass my class if they ever want to get into medical school. The course is a way to introduce students to the foundations of organic chemistry, and the curriculum is a pretty standard mix of structures, properties and reactivity of carbon atoms, including isomers, mechanisms, and some analytical techniques and spectroscopy.
I studied chemistry as an undergraduate in the mid-west not far from where I grew up, undertook my PhD at a school in So Cal (yes, there was a lot of beach time!) and then did a post-doc fellowship in Europe. I returned to America and started at the College I teach at now as a new faculty member when I was thirty-two and am a typical stressed out Assistant Professor staring at a tenure clock—yikes! Thankfully, I got an extension for another year because of the Covid pandemic.
I came from a fairly tame background with somewhat overprotective Midwestern parents. What this really meant was that I was a bit of a wild child in college and grad school when I got set loose on the world. I was kind of a goth chick in college, I suppose, although I had a wide ranging taste in guys. I was never into girls, or so I thought. I had a few one-night stands in college—some memorable, some not—and then a steady boyfriend in grad school. However, that broke off when I moved to Denmark for my fellowship. I had a couple of flings in Copenhagen, but honestly struggled a bit gelling with the Danish guys that, in my experience, tend to be very shy and introverted. Needless to say, I was ready to move back to the US.
All of this to say that with all the moving around and the hard work of trying to teach, write grants and papers, do service for the college and get tenure, I’m currently single. There is another Asst Prof at a school in New York that I know from Grad School that, between you and me (since he’s married), I do have sex with if we’re at the same organic chemistry conferences! I know it’s wrong, but the stress of tenure for both of us and, in his case a difficult marriage means we both benefit from letting loose once in a while. Plus, he’s one of the biggest guys I’ve ever been with, which is a definite added bonus!
I’m not an obvious goth anymore, but I do wear a lot of black clothes as a professor. I almost always have black nails, dye my hair black and I love wearing black lulu lemon leggings, Doc Martins, and black tops. The leggings make my ass look great, which I think is my best feature, although guys tell me they like my blue eyes. I wish my boobs were bigger… I have itty bitty A cups, although my nipples do get disproportionately big and hard when I’m excited and can get me in trouble depending on what kind of top I’m wearing blush.
Anyways, back to my semester! So I’m doing my thing teaching O-Chem, checking out (and getting checked out by) some of the freshman guys in my class. I’ve never been with a student, but I do like reading stories about professors and students hooking up and fantasizing about some of my students while I play with my toys in bed. But a couple of weeks into the semester, class took an interesting turn, and I started to notice Beth. Beth is a gorgeous girl about the same height as me (5’8”), sparkly blue eyes and beautiful wavy blonde hair.
I teach my class in Chem 200, and this is an auditorium style classroom with rows of seats and drop-down tables that can be swung up for students to put lab books or laptops on. So this means I can see everything that’s going on… who’s on their phone, who’s eating and drinking in class, who’s sleeping or hungover, etc.
Beth started sitting in the front row in the second or third week of the semester and was an engaged student taking notes, answering questions, and coming to my office hours to get clarification on concepts she was still learning. Clearly a chem major I thought, and not a pre-med!
Then, in the middle of September, Beth walked in wearing a white square neck t-shirt and a matching tight white mini skirt. This was rounded off with a presumably new pair of gleaming white puma sneakers. She looked stunning and I admit I was a little jelly, both of the ample cleavage she was showing off, and thinking back to my days as a student when I could have gotten away with dressing like that. I didn’t think any more of it and got on with my lecture—kind of a hard one about orbital hybridization, which students tend to struggle with as it’s a big leap from anything they did in high school science.
We got through the lecture material ok, and then I got them going with a practice quiz so I could get some idea of who was getting it and who needed more practice. I sat down at the front and scanned the room from time to time, helping some students with questions, and that’s when I noticed Beth staring at me intently sucking on a pencil. I took in the sight… she was sitting cross-legged, and her tiny dress did wonderous things to show off her long tanned legs and I was fascinated by the dark triangle it formed, leaving me wondering what was hidden up there.
Not wanting to stare, I moved my gaze up and saw she clearing wasn’t wearing a bra and for the first time I noticed she had barbell piercings through both nipples. All of a sudden my cheeks flushed, and I felt rush of warmth between my legs! What the hell was this??? As I said earlier, I’ve never been into girls, and I’ve never had such a reaction before! I looked at her and she quickly stuck her tongue out at me, revealing another piercing, before giving me a big grin and flashing me her beautiful white teeth. Class ended soon after, and she left after thanking me for a great lecture.
I gathered my things and returned to my office, trying to process what just happened. I sat at my desk, trying to make sense of things. What the hell was this girl up to? Maybe nothing, and I just got caught misbehaving. That’s probably it. Wait… was I misbehaving? I wondered.
Well, your thong is soaked, so… probably, came my answer.
And then I did something I’ve never done before. I drew the blinds, locked my windowless door and searched for Beth on Social Media… probably breaking every rule there is to being a professor. I found her Insta and began scrolling. There was a photo of her from today in her perfect white outfit, a number of her at the beach and pools over the summer in various tiny bikinis, some with her girlfriends, and some seemingly with the guy she is dating from the Lacrosse team. Others from her high school graduation earlier in the year, where she had gone in a blue dress that was the mix of professional and sexy that seems to be the look for many girls at graduation these days. There were several photos of her from prom in a beautiful light blue dress, and others from her 18th birthday party wearing a white dress slit very high up and not leaving much to the imagination.
As I scrolled and took in all her photos, I suddenly realized I was biting my bottom lip… chewing on it more like… and squeezing my thighs together to try and give some relief to the ache between my legs. My nipples were poking out through my top, a further sign of how turned on I suddenly was! I then did something else I’ve never done at work, and began rubbing my inner thighs before sliding my hand inside my leggings as I continued to stalk Beth’s Instagram. My thong was drenched, and I was shocked at how wet I was thinking about this girl. My fingers moved inside my back thong, tracing my opening and feeling how sticky I was.
An involuntary moan escaped my mouth as I moved my fingers up to my button, my breathing getting heavier and slower. I shivered, and, as I touched my clit for the first time, I gasped and a bolt of electricity shot through my body. Stunned momentarily, I began rubbing myself, inserting two fingers into my honey pot and using my thumb to rub my button. I was purring and realized already that I was getting wetter and wetter, and close to the point of no return.
I found a photo of Beth getting her 18th birthday present—piercings and a tattoo. Gosh, this girl’s confidence was incredible and nothing like me as an eighteen-year-old. She had a photo of basically her side boob, showing some beautiful black flowers tattooed on her rib cage. The Insta post didn’t explicitly say so, but I wondered if this was when she got her nipples pierced too.
This was too much… my other hand pulled my top and bra up, and I started squeezing my rock-hard pebbles as I plunged my fingers deep inside, faster and faster, leaking juices all over my hand and my thong. My breathing got heavier and heavier and, as I thought about her sitting cross-legged in her tiny skirt in my class, sticking her tongue out at me after catching me staring at her body, that was it.
My knees went weak, and I moaned, “fuck Beeeetthhhh…” before letting out a guttural animalistic groan as a huge orgasm surged through me. I soaked my hand and my thong with my sweet honey and collapsed back in my chair, reality coming back to me and hoping none of my colleagues heard that!
I took another last look at Beth’s Insta feed, trying to settle my racing heart and regain some composure, amazed that I just had one of the biggest orgasms I’ve ever experienced thinking about a girl in my class and letting that settle in.
To be continued…