I Know What I Want

"Mary gives herself over to her surprising deliverer, Haley."

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Mary had had enough!

Her sixth grader Brendan and his little sister Sophie had been fighting almost all morning. Her nerves were already alert with anxiety and the bickering was making her head pound.

“Brendan, you get it for an hour, Sophie the hour after that. When you’re done, it is mine for the rest of the day.”

As her offspring began to protest. she held the tablet aloft as if they needed to jump for it. “Or I just put it away until Monday,” she said with more anger than she liked to use.

The two children slumped and nodded in agreement. Mary handed the tablet to Brendan after setting a one-hour timer. Sophie humphed on the sofa with her Squishmallow bear.

With a sigh, Mary turned back to the laundry she had been folding. She felt so much like a cliché: a suburban mom on a Saturday trying to get chores done while taking care of her challenging children….while her husband played golf.

Denis’ inattentiveness in the bedroom, and other places, had reached a boiling point. Since she had that amazing orgasmic interaction with the stranger, Haley, four days ago, Mary had not stopped thinking about wanting to climax. Her religion frowned on masturbation, so she was in a near constant state of frustration. Just this morning she tried to once again get him to make love. She was actually naked (well, under her silk robe) and it still didn’t move him. Something about “zapping his strength before eighteen.”


Her phone lay on the countertop near where she was sorting. Ever since the incident, she found herself regularly checking it. She had answered Haley’s provocative, “You know what you want,” and yet the two had not corresponded since then. She was starting to wonder if it was some sort of practical joke. She picked up the phone and, for the tenth time, began to send a message to the known “unknown caller”. And for the tenth time, stopped herself.

Back to the basket.

Twelve minutes later, she was in her son’s room filling his sock drawer when he called. “Maaaahm! Your phone!”

“Thank you, sweetie.” She hurried back to the kitchen thinking it would be Denis or maybe her friend Kate. Instead, it was a number that made her heart beat faster, and her legs quiver.

Dear God, It’s her! What do I do?!

It continued buzzing until Sophie called out, “You gonna answer?”

Mary snapped up the phone and headed for her bedroom. After closing the door, she took a deep breath and tapped the circle.

After a few seconds of silence, she heard, “…Hello?” It was Haley alright. Even on the phone her voice carried weighted seduction; and with just one word!

“Uhh, hello. This is Mary,”

A laugh came next, “I hope so, it is the number I dialed. Sorry it took so long; I had some things to take care of.”

“Oh…yes, me too, I mean. Yes.” Her heart was in her ears and her palms were sweaty. “I’m glad you called. I wanted…”

She had worked on this message so many times. It took on the form of an apology, although what for she was unsure. It took on the form of an admonishment, even though she had allowed the incident to happen. It took on the form of wanton desire, but she was terrible at expressing it. Now that it was spoken words, it was silence, although she wanted to shout, “Thank You!”

“Yes, I know you ‘wanted.’ Thats why it happened.”

Mary blushed and that heat ran through her petite thirty-five-year-old body like a flooding river. Her C-cup breasts burst into flame and her volcanic nipples seemed to be flowing lava like she was lactating. “I don’t know what…” she flopped on the bed, her dirty blonde hair bursting from its messy bun as if trying to help dissipate the inferno.

“To say, to do, to feel? I know… I think that’s why I was meant to meet you. Tell me Mary, has Denis had sex with you yet this week?”

Mary’s right hand was holding her phone, her left stretched out from her body, gripping her husband‘s pillow. Perhaps squeezing more tightly than she realized as her subconscious voiced its own frustration. She hadn’t noticed her legs opening themselves hoping a gush of air would fly up her simple dress and blow out her forest fire.

She whimpered, “no.”

“My God, what an asshole. Sorry, I don’t really know the guy, but I think I know you. I told you a few days ago, you crave passionate, and you deserve spectacular.”

Mary was almost in tears. Her body had begun to gently wiggle about on the bed. She should have admonished Haley for insulting her husband, but because she could not disagree, she simply whispered, “I…do…”

There was a long pause where the only sounds Mary heard was her own deep breathing, and of course, her rapidly increasing pulse.

“Well, I think I can help you with that. I know you have a lot of questions, and I intend to answer all of them. I intend to do a lot of things for you. But for now, let’s take care of that ache that caused you to flop on the bed with infernal frustration.”


This laugh was smaller and more seductive, “I guessed based on the sound when you landed and the scritch of your fingers on the sheet.”

“Pillowcase,” Mary foolishly corrected.

“Yes. Probably his?”

How did she-?

“Mary, you need to cum. When was your last one?”

There was silence ending with a sigh.

“Oh my god, really? Your body is giving you notice. Just like when you’re hungry or have to use the toilet. This is not something to put off until next week when you have time. Orgasms are a necessary part of our daily routine. Or at least they should be. Trust me, I work with women’s bodies all day.”

The cute laugh that followed made Mary wonder if that was the truth, but she honestly didn’t care. The laugh had made her smile, and her eyes relax and open to slits. Deep down Mary knew this woman was right. Mary knew what she needed, what she wanted – what she deserved!

With all the courage she could muster, she took a deep breath and softly pleaded, “I need help… I don’t know what to do.”

“Take charge of your own pleasure, damn it!”

It was Mary’s turn to laugh. “No! I mean, I honestly don’t know what to do. I don’t …self-pleasure. I was raised to believe it is immoral…” She rolled her eyes, embarrassed for the first time at the ridiculousness. In some of her darker moments, she realized this and many of her other religious practices were created by a patriarchy long since dead, yet still holding sway. Doubting was a sin she often prayed to God to forgive. Now she didn’t care.

“Fuck that! That’s just patriarchal bullshit!”

Mary laughed, putting her hand to her mouth in salacious surprise.

“You like that one?” Haley asked. “Well, it’s true.”

“I know. But I’m still…”

“Horny as hell. You are horny as hell, Mary.”

Mary nodded, tears starting to form.

“I am guessing you have a full day of motherly duty to perform so let’s get this party started, shall we? I assume you’re wearing a dress. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear pants, like ever.”

Mary could no longer wait. “Haley. You must tell me. How do you know me?”

“That can wait. You need to -“

“No. It can’t.”

It was Haley’s turn to be surprised. She actually smiled at Mary’s insistence. This woman was a treasure chest of passion, waiting to be cracked open. “Your daughter takes dance at Barbara’s Foot Club. My Pilates studio is on the first floor. Every week you drop her off and then sit in your car and watch my class. I’ve noticed you several times. You want to come and join us, but you are afraid of what your body would look like in the workout clothes.”

“Pilates instructor? More like a mind reader!”

“Am I right?”

Mary let out a breath, ending with a Pishhhh. “Yes, and it’s all making sense. I do like watching the class and your…body.” She rolled her eyes again. “I didn’t realize that was you that day behind the bleachers.”

“I am glad you liked my body. I bet that was hard to say. Let’s get you to like your own. Are you wearing panties?”
Mary swooned at the words said with so much sex appeal.

Oh my gosh! I’m giving in so easily!

“Yes, please.” Mary complied, dropping her pale white basic undies on the floor. The sudden nakedness of her arousal sent a chill through her that made Haley moan. “I like that sound. Good job. Make sure the dress is out of the way.”

“It-, it is.” Mary croaked, her vulva positively pulsing.

“Take your hand and place it on your thigh, just under the hip joint. Now, open your fingers and gently massage the connection. Slowly move up above your pussy.”

Mary flinched at the word but complied. She moaned softly, “Oh, gawd…” She blushed hard at her blasphemy, then decided to not care.

“Use the middle finger to slide down the middle of your labia. They are so wet and open, aren’t they?”

Mary nodded, her head back, mouth open. “…puffy…”

“Now, gently circle your vagina while using the neighboring fingers to squeeze your lips.”

The response was electric. It actually startled Mary with its intensity. Her orgasm was imminent.

Haley was more aggressive but still sultry. “Use the butt of your hand to rub your clitoris. Put pressure on it and you’ll-“

She never finished, as with just three small pushes, Mary exploded in orgasmic euphoria. Her voice audibly choked, her body shook, her legs shot out straight in spasm. Her hips lifted off the bed then her thighs slammed together to hold her fingers in place. As her body compressed, she rolled on her left side, biting her lip. She was moaning—well, more like screaming with her mouth closed. The blissful rise and pulse of the climax gave her vision stars and spots and caused a ringing in her ears.

“Oh my god, oh my god…” With several more spasms and a held breath, the last of it ran through her like a flood water.

Haley was smiling with her eyes closed. “…wow…”

As Mary began to relax again, her legs slid down and lightly open. She rolled on her back, her knees bent. She was panting while trying to find her phone. She picked it up and had to wait another ten seconds before speaking. “That…that was…oh my goodness. I have never had one…so big, so…long.” She was floating in the post orgasmic fog. “It has been so long I forgot what it felt like.” Suddenly, a soft door knock pulled her back to reality with a whoosh in her ears. “Oh No! I have to go!”

“Mary, wait, we have to – !” Beep.

“Mommy? Are you okay? You made a funny noise.”

It was Sophie knocking and Mary panicking. She quickly grabbed her undies and tossed them in the hamper. She looked in the mirror, and as she fixed her hair, she headed for the door. “One second, baby!” Her sweet little eight-year-old was there with a curious look.

“Can I have lunch, please?”

Mary’s heart went from rapid panic to loving fullness. “Of course, what does my little dancer want today?”


Tuesday was a day Mary had been dreading and excitedly anticipating since the orgasm on the bed. She had repeated the process later that same day, and again yesterday after Denis left for the office. Each one was better and better. She had done it once more this afternoon, completely naked after a shower. She was imagining the cute coach inside her but that soon gave way to an image of Haley giving her instructions while Mary lay on a pilates mat masturbating.

She had received several texts from Haley but ignored them all. She was embarrassed at how easy it was for the alluring woman to make Mary cum, and how desperately she wanted her to do it again. She had come close to asking Jenni’s mom to take Sophie to dance so as to avoid seeing Haley. Eventually her curiosity and desire won the day.

As she pulled up to the building that housed the two studios, she wondered if Haley would even speak to her after having been ignored. She made sure Sophie was in with the instructor and that none of the other parents were around. She took off her seatbelt then took a sipping breath with gushing exhale. As she approached the door, she saw Haley giving instruction. She was on a mat that faced the street, the class of twelve or so was facing toward her. She caught Mary’s eye and stopped speaking. She turned to one of the front row women and asked her to lead.

A sweaty Haley waved for Mary to enter, then pointed to a door inside that had a sign reading, “Instructor’s Lockers.” Mary nodded, then entered. A few women looked her way, but she thankfully did not recognize a face. Haley met her at the door, opened it and the two went inside. It was a well-appointed space with a bank of four lockers, a bench and a toilet area with a shower.

Mary heard the door close but hesitated to face Haley.

“You didn’t return my texts.” Mary made to speak but Haley continued. “I get it, it’s all scary new.”

Mary rotated and fired off in a rapid, loud whisper, “I was scared and aroused and intrigued. I did it four more times and I need to do it more. I am not a lesbian, I love men. I love my husband, and yes, I think he is – I am not gay! And yet I can’t stop thinking – ” She was cut off by the taller woman bending slightly to seal their mouths in a hot wet kiss. Like under the bleachers exactly one week ago, Mary started to pull away but melted back into her new lover.

Arms came into play, and soon this formerly restricted suburban mom was groping and squeezing this sweaty, tall, full-bodied red-headed goddess. Mary moaned and gave into a transformation months in the making. She became the aggressor, the lover, the giver. She grabbed Haley’s yoga pants-covered ass cheeks and squeezed. She trailed off Haley’s lips and licked down the tall woman’s sweaty and delicious neck.

Haley had her hands in Mary’s hair loving the energy. She guided Mary’s head to her cleavage, deep and splendid in her black and green sports bra. The mom of two didn’t hesitate to lick and kiss up the sexy canyon causing Haley to moan then giggle, “Holy shit baby! Making up for lost time suits you!”

Mary pulled off a bit red faced from the passion and embarrassment. “Am I too much? Did I – ?” She stopped when Haley pulled her bra up and off. Mary sighed at the magnificence of the perfectly round DD breasts. Haley’s nipples were brown-pink, full sized, hard. and magnetic. Mary slowly took the right one in her mouth. The first contact was electric, and she sucked in with a newfound fervor for female. Her hands massaged both breasts as she moaned and squealed like a child with a new toy.

“Yes baby! Suck me hard!” Haley was loving the butterfly emerging in front of her; actually, more like a phoenix rising. Haley used her long arms to reach into the top of Mary’s dress and grab onto her full breasts. The squeezes started gentle and moved quickly to firm when Mary sucked hard on Haley. The redhead reached back and unzipped Mary. The dress fell open, and Mary stood to remove it. As soon as it hit the floor, she dove onto the left breast as Haley pushed her down onto the bench.

Panting Mary disengaged and lay back somewhat cautiously. Haley, her full breasts wet and swaying, knelt between Mary’s open legs and tugged off her panties; these a blush pink color that made Mary feel sexy.

Haley looked at Mary’s open and soaked pussy and sighed at the fragrance and the obvious pulsing need. She gently massaged up Mary’s thighs then stopped to check in. “You ready?” Mary’s head thrown back and whimper of desperation all screamed, “Yes, please!”

The contact of a woman’s mouth on her vulva for the first time had her orgasm hitting with epic impact. Haley actually laughed into Mary’s labia as she held onto the smaller woman’s ass for stabilization. Mary shook, spasmed and stiffened. As soon as it began to drop and she was relaxing, Haley went into a new level of power munching.

Mary had her hands full of red hair as she experienced her first ever multiple orgasms. They cascaded like water over rocks in a raging river. The wetness Haley was slurping sounded like someone drinking the last soup from the bowl. Clitoris, labia, and vagina were bit, licked, and sucked.

Mary wanted it to never end. Would she ever want a penis again? Would she ever want Denis again? Did she give a fuck?

Oh dear, I just thought a swear! Well, why not say one?

“Ohhh fuuuck, Haley. So incredible.”

Haley rewarded Mary’s first cuss word with a wet, sloppy, cum-coated kiss. Their hands were all about groping breasts and ass and back. They ended seated with Mary on top of Haley, facing her. Haley had Mary’s nipple in her mouth and was sending shockwaves through her torso. Mary ground her pussy into her lover, wanting to feel their vulva’s make love to each other. Her legs were wrapped tight, her hands clawing at Haley’s back and shoulders like the animal she never thought she could ever be. This was the sex a woman was meant to have.

Then the two reached a mutual pause. It felt so natural. They looked in each other’s eyes, their faces wet with saliva, love juices, and in Mary’s case, happy tears. She smiled and laughed with a sweet, bashful tone that made Haley’s tummy quiver.

“Thank you.” Mary whispered in Haley’s left ear. Then she gently nibbled on the lobe. Haley shivered again.

“Thank you for the gift of your trust. You are an amazingly passionate lover. Denis is a fool.”

“Yes, he is.”

As soon as it was out, Mary gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Then the two burst into laughter that Haley abruptly shushed.

“I have a class going on!”

Mary kissed her new lover, then playfully whispered, “Sorry. Teach!” Then she pushed out her tongue and ran it around the shape of Haley’s thin lips. The remnants of her own female secretions made her pause. “I want to taste you. I want to taste a woman.” The whisper was low, and desperate.

Haley wanted it as well. “I think we can – ” The thought was cut off by the sound of Mary’s phone timer. She looked around, then jumped up to get the phone out of her dress pocket and shut off the signal.

“I have to go get Sophie. I set it with a few minutes to spare hoping…,” she gestured to the room and the two of them.

“Smart, practical, and cute as fuck.” The tall fit, full-figured woman stood and picked up her bra. As she put it back on, Mary began to sadly do the same. When fully dressed, Haley handed Mary a towel and pointed to the sink. “Check your hair as well, you crazy person.” The recommendation was playful and ended with the two of them kissing once more. It was steady, lips only, full of promise.

Mary pulled away and headed for the sink. As Haley stepped toward the door, she gave one last admonishment. “Don’t ignore my texts.” Then she was gone.

Mary smiled and looked at herself in the mirror. She saw a changed and very attractive woman. A woman who emphatically knew what she wanted.

Thanks for reading – If you liked it, hit the heart or the star or both! I respond to all comments!

Published 4 months ago

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