Isis suspected something was up. In the past two weeks, Isaac developed a peculiar habit. Normally he’s oblivious to the mail. He cooks, he cleans, he does laundry. But, get and sort the mail? Not his thing, annoyingly.
But now he would get the mail every night. He’d check it immediately when he got home at 5 pm, even though everyone knew it came after 6. If the box was empty, he’d ask Isis if she got it already. He’d peer out the windows to look for the mail carrier to arrive and dart out whenever Jenna pulled up. He was obviously looking for something specific.
When she asked him about it, his reply was always, “Nothing my love, just checking,” and move onto some other topic. She suspected that he had ordered something good (or naughty) as a surprise, so she let it go and let him have his fun. Isis knew that something good was on its way for her, so that was nice.
Isis’s suspicions were answered on a Wednesday. Isaac came into the house and rifled through a stack of new mail, tossed the junk, and said in a practiced tone, “Oh look honey, a letter for you.”
He was so obvious that is was cute, and her questions would soon be answered. He held out for her an elaborate letter in a white, velvet-textured envelope, and she was tickled with excitement. It was indeed addressed to her. What had he gotten her? A spa day? A weekend away? A certificate for something sexy?
Isis carefully opened the exquisite envelope to reveal a single piece of paper, artisan paper at that, folded over just once. She slid the paper out, unfolded it. It had a professionally constructed feel and general appearance, like a wedding invitation, with Greco-Roman motifs adorning the border.
The actual words, however, were far from what she expected.
Dearest and most radiant Isis,
You and your spouse are hereby formally invited to the bi-annual Sexathalon in Santa Barbara, California on Saturday, December 21st, 2024. Festivities begin at 7 pm at a location that will be revealed in the course of the events.
Should you accept this invitation, you will stay at the Hilton Santo Barbara at 633 Cabrillo Boulevard at our expense for the weekend in question.
If you enjoy wild and sensual encounters with beautiful people, we think this will be to your liking. Please consult your spouse if you have any questions, as he has been provided additional information from the event’s organizers.
We also kindly request you RSVP through channels of communication we have established with your spouse within one month of receiving this invitation. We sincerely hope you can attend and eagerly await your response and pray to see you at our Bacchanal.
Your host, Sexathalon XXIV.
What the actual fuck was this? Okay, tons of questions. Isis looked at Isaac who was smirking ear-to-ear, and just said, “What?”
The floodgate broke, and he started on. It was mostly incoherent babble and crazy sex talk; he was so excited. Isis had to tell him to stop, take a deep breath, organize his thoughts, and start over from the beginning. Isaac caught his breath and said, “Okay,” went to the bar cart and poured two glasses of aged Jamaican rum and set them down.
Isaac handed her one of the glasses, took a few sips of his own, set his glass down, and began. She could tell he was struggling to maintain composure. He said, trying his best to be calm and speak slowly and clearly, “You know how we created online profiles?”
They had indeed put themselves on a few online platforms to expand their repertoires and get more action in bed. Isaac continued, “Well, apparently there’s this rich guy that has a tech team that scours these sites and selects couples that he deems worthy.”
Really? she thought, concerned her husband was getting suckered, but he continued. “A couple weeks ago I was contacted by his team. He noticed YOUR profile, which he apparently liked very much, and they reached out to me about what he does and what this is. I think it’s legit. It’s an invitation to a sex party! A fucking orgy! They told me his motivations…I guess he loves sex with strangers he thinks are hot.”
Isaac stopped his soliloquy, took another big sip or rum, and continued with, “I think it’s something we should consider. It could be the wildest night of our lives.”
Isis knew that these kind of sex parties did in fact happen, but she was skeptical. This was something they had never done and was thus unfamiliar territory. Liaisons organized online needed heavy vetting.
Isaac, however, pushed forward and showed her how he had indeed been contacted by this wealthy man’s team. He was given encrypted access to a website that gave dates, hotel locations, and all the other details. It needed two-factor authentication, which Isaac had set up.
When in, there were explicit photos of previous events with participants in lone ranger-style masks covering their eyes, and it looked hot as fuck. Isaac was obviously way turned on by the idea and asked her to think about it. Begged might be a better descriptor. She had to admit that she was intrigued and in her own secret thoughts totally lustful to let her sex run free.
She took the next few days to think, and the possibility of a wild sex party occupied all her thoughts to the point that she was unable to concentrate at work or think on anything else. She told Isaac that she was willing to consider it. She pressed him for all the details he was privy to, and they both scoured every nook and cranny of the website and read every Telegram communication multiple times over.
They were able to glean that ten couples would be invited. It would thus be a decathlon of sex, hence the playful name “Sexathalon.” Links to the platforms on which the invitees had their profiles were provided so they could get an idea of the people invited to Sexathalon XXIV.
They were all highly attractive married couples in their late 30s and up. It was sponsored by a wealthy man who looked in his early fifties; probably a trust fund playboy. He wore a similar Zorro mask in his photo and described how he loved making love to new women in orgies but loathed the idea of prostitutes. He only wanted beautiful women who were willing to give themselves freely, which explained his clause that any couple could back out of participating at any time.
Nothing was binding. Even with the mask, he looked to be very handsome, and had a splendid body. Totally fuck-worthy. Isis and Isaac would pay the airfare, but all other expenses were taken care or, even if they pulled out. The only fishy part was that there was apparently a specific structure to the party, and the rules would be only laid out when all invitees were present.
Why not? Rich guy fantasies…must be nice. What solidified the deal was the option to opt out if things turned weird. At the worst, Isis would be out two plane tickets to California. The plusses seemed to outweigh the minuses, and with more coaxing from Isaac, a little apprehension and a lot of excitement, she had him RSVP with a “Yes.”
She decided to go for it.
Isis had wild sex and hot threesomes before, but never a total orgy at a sex party. If it was as it appeared to be, the other couples looked totally fuckable. If not, she’d just bow out, go home with Isaac and maybe let him fuck her.
In the weeks leading up to the party, she did this plenty. They would fantasize about what was to come, fuck, fantasize again, and fuck some more.
Plane tickets were bought, hotel reservations were secured, and the weekend finally arrived. The couple boarded a plane in Chicago and disembarked in Los Angeles, and per the communications were told to find a waiting chauffeur.
Sure enough, after getting bags they found one waiting with Isis’s full name on an iPad. It was a plush limousine, with two large bench seats that faced each other in the secluded cab, and it was stocked with cold champagne.
The limo took off and they enjoyed a long ride to Santa Barbara. Lit up with the knowledge that it was a sex-focused weekend, in the limo Isaac pleasured her with his mouth while she drank champagne. They arrived at the beachfront hotel, and the limo driver exited the vehicle, personally took care of all registration details, and handed them the room key cards. The driver then gave a time to meet tomorrow to rendezvous in the lobby for the party and departed.
The host of the event paid for everything. They enjoyed a fine meal of oysters and lobster, lavish drinks, a romantic sunset walk on the beach, and later steamy sex that was made even more intense with the anticipation of what was to come the next evening.
The next morning Isis awoke greeted by room service for breakfast and spent the day basking in the luxuries of the hotel’s amenities with her husband.
They staved off lovemaking to make sure tanks were full for the evening, though Isis suspected Isaac once slipped away to the bathroom to pleasure himself. He’d be fine…she’d seen him come multiple times during the act, sometimes in her, sometimes on her, sometimes both. He always seemed ready to go.
Lunch was, again, complimentary, and the couple waited with increasing anticipation and building nervousness until the designated time.
When the hour struck, Isis and Isaac were right on time. The driver entered the lobby, and Isis discovered that they were not the only couple sharing the ride. Dane and Alyssa, another attractive couple in their forties were also scheduled for this ride.
When they were about to enter the vehicle, the limo driver took out a piece of artisan paper like that of the invitation and read from it, “Your host hopes that you enjoy the company in this ride, and that you forge strong bonds of physical and spiritual fellowship so that you might be primed to fully participate in tonight’s festivities.”
With an expressionless face, he folded the paper and got in the driver’s seat. Isis and her three companions entered the limo bound for uncharted territories where the only certainty was sex.
On the forty-minute ride, the lot did as the driver asked. First, they got to know each other.
Dane and Alyssa were friendly and fun, insanely attractive, intelligent, successful, and from Atlanta. They were also in the dark as to what would exactly come next, but all knew the naughty general gist.
It wasn’t long before the plentiful champagne was flowing, hands went everywhere, and Isaac’s sex found its way into Alyssa’s mouth. Isis, sans undergarments for the evening, had her flowered linen dress up and was pleasured by Dane’s tongue.
The heavy petting and mouth play soon gave way to raw sex.
Isis totally fucked Dane. Alyssa and Isaac watched their spouses pant and stare each other in the eye, while Isis spread her outer lips as her pussy slowly and entirely swallowed Dane’s stiff cock. Dane and Isis both gave a brief moan of pleasure, and they started to fuck.
Everyone watched Isis’ inner lips move ever so gently, hugging and wetly sliding on Dane’s cock’s shaft as he skillfully and sensuously slid into and out of her vagina. Her clitoris stood at attention, with pink and shining flesh protruding from its brown hood, begging Isaac and Alyssa to take turns flicking their tongues on her clit while Dane slowly and gently penetrated her.
Isaac next took Alyssa from behind and Isis and Dane watched their spouses merge, fuck, and moan with pleasure.
After some time of side-by-side fucking, Alyssa looked Isis in the eye and said, “Let’s taste each other at the same time.” Isis wordlessly replied with an open mouth and an affirmative nod.
The men pulled their cocks out of the women’s dripping-wet cunts, took the opposite seat in the limo’s back, stroked their cocks, slick from fucking each other’s wives, and watched the women intertwine with their faces buried in each other’s pussies.
Nobody came to orgasm, knowing they needed to save their stores for the destination, but Isis delighted in the thrill of feeling a new man’s dick inside of her, tasting Alyssa’s sweet pussy, and seeing her husband’s hard cock parting another woman’s vaginal lips and penetrate her in raw sex.
They were still in the throes when the car stopped. The driver got out and opened the back door. He saw everything but said flatly and without expression, “We have arrived. I will now take you to your chambers so you may prepare yourselves.”
The residence was stunning. It was a mansion; modern, and constructed of concrete, glass and steel, and overlooked the ocean. The driver let the foursome regain their composure and led them out of the car.
He guided them down a garden path, to a short hallway leading to a plain door made of bamboo. He opened it and gestured inwards to a lush room, saying in scripted verse, “The Highest One kindly asks you to cleanse your bodies and souls, and await the summons. Please don the garments provided and wear nothing else when you enter the festivities.”
The room was immaculate and had a Zen spa feel. Sandalwood filled the air.
The bath was so luxurious that compliance was not an issue, but rather a pleasure. The shower was grand with walls and a floor of smooth, natural slate tiles. It had four shower heads with an array of spray attachments, jasmine-scented soaps, and other floral-scented bathing products, so they all joyfully and playfully cleansed their bodies together, and upon completion put on beautiful bath robes waiting for them on wooden hangers.
The men’s robes were unadorned, soft, white and luxurious Egyptian cotton, and the women’s robes were silken with beautiful Grecian patterns. Large, clear, and beautifully constructed patches with “Isis” and “Alyssa” embroidered on them with golden thread adorned the left lapel over their breasts.
Isaac checked his watch, and it read 6:54 pm. Not long now…
In precisely six minutes, a gong sounded, followed by a knock on the door. Alyssa answered, and a beautiful man clad in a belted natural linen tunic said, “Our host kindly requests your presence at tonight’s proceedings.”
Isis, Alyssa and the two men followed him down the hallway, through a foyer to a door that led to an the most sensual chamber imaginable.
The Zen air vanished and was replaced by classical grandeur. The expansive round theater was beautifully constructed entirely of marble with polished bronze appointments that had an ancient Greco-Roman flair.
Ten marble columns lined the perimeter, and ten massive bronze braziers were brightly aflame, lending golden-red and otherworldly lighting. Incense blazed, and the air was heavy, perfumed with myrrh. Tapestries adorned the outer walls and interwoven in their matrix were scenes of ancient days with people making love.
Ten beds, with low but beautifully carved oaken headboards occupied most of the room, arranged in a circle radiating outwards around a large and ornate silver bowl on a low marble dais in the exact center of the room. The beds were covered in spreads of plush red silk velvet.
Besides each bed were intricately carved oak nightstands that each held a beautifully glazed pottery bowl brimming with a thick liquid, lubricant obviously, and an assortment of the best modern sex toys money can buy.
In between two of the columns that flanked a great bronze-faced and ornate door was a massive and impressive statue made of varied materials. A white marble figure of an angelically beautiful nude man lying on an ancient couch was upon great serpentine green marble base. It was a statue of a god, and he was surrounded by exquisitely carved draperies that had a flowing look, though all crafted of stone.
The god was being fed grapes by beautiful nude nymphs, also crafted of white marble, that were all a fraction of his size. He was drinking from a richly adorned shining and golden chalice beset with jewels of amber and aquamarine.
From the smooth and stony carvings of his swirling hair issued a set of bronze curved horns, like that of a ram, and his bronze feet were cloven hooves.
In between his legs, a large and erect golden penis jutted outwards, which two of the nymphs cradled in their outstretched hands.
A silver urn beneath it was filled with what looked to be fresh milk.
Eight more beautiful couples entered from other smaller doors, the women also clad in robes like those issued to Isis and Alyssa, and men in white similar to Isaac and Dane. They all entered the room from different entrance points via small doors.
Everyone beheld the opulence, awestruck. A woman, her name tag read Nichole, noticed that each bed held a single velvet pillow. Each pillow sported a name embroidered in shining gold thread: Lauren, Akasha, Sonja, Nichole, Ling, Hailey, Rain, Alyssa, Miko, and Isis.
The couples milled around with mouths open in rapture for a minute when a massive gong gave resonance. With this sound, a profoundly handsome yet mature man in his early fifties, clad only in a rich yet open robe, strode into the room and stood next to the statue. He was muscled and well hung, making no attempt to hide the sex between his legs.
The man spoke eloquently to the group in a well-memorized monologue, his voice strong and ringing, “My dear guests, welcome to my home on the eve of this winter solstice. Allow me to introduce myself. Or rather not, as I prefer to remain anonymous in mundane circles.”
He continued, “You may call me Gaius during lovemaking if you wish to utter my name. I, however, know you, or at least have desired you from afar. I have earthly resources beyond counting, praises to Him. Tonight, we pay homage to the great god Bacchus and devote our pleasures to His glory.”
The handsome man turned to the statue, closed his eyes and bowed reverently. He continued, “The Great One relishes making love to women, as well as seeing them receiving pleasure. We make love only to women who desire it and give themselves freely. So, if at any point you wish to leave, I beg you to do so, as your unwanted affections would run counter to His great intentions, nor would I wish it.”
He gave a long pause and continued, “Here is what He proposes for His holy sacrament.”
With that, he clapped his hands thrice and ten women entered the room. Black women, white women, Asian women, and Latina women entered. It was a perfect array of beauty in diversity. They were completely nude, and stunning to behold.
Again, his voice rang out, clear and confident, “These beauties, His divinely blessed devotees, are here to serve your every need. They will move among you during the rite. Do not hesitate to ask of them, should you want for anything. We have ample water, wine, champagne, and love to slake your thirsts. Per His command, they are willing to do anything you ask to facilitate your pleasure. Please know that He wishes that you and your husbands enjoy their hospitality.”
The women began to massage the exposed flesh between their legs and cup their breasts, looking like they were preparing for sex. Their expressions indicated thus.
Isis looked at Isaac, and they both pursed their lips and breathed outward heavily in disbelief. Other couples were similarly thunderstruck. A devotee, a brown-skinned beauty, knelt in front of the host and began pleasuring his hardening sex with her mouth while sensuously rubbing her pussy with all four fingers, looking as if she was in ecstasy.
The host calmly continued, “I beg you ladies now to look around at your magnificent husbands. I regret to tell you that you will receive minimal physical love from them tonight. The Great One has other plans.”
He gestured to the statue when referring to the Great One.
After a short and meaningful pause, he clapped his hands thrice again, and now nine nude men entered the room amidst the swirling smoke of the incense.
To call them men is an understatement. Every one of them was divinity made flesh.
There were white men, black men, and every shade in between. They were all young, in their mid-twenties to early thirties, beautiful of visage to the point of perfection, and had bodies of rippling muscle and perfect proportion. All were well-hung yet not obscenely large. Isis was in near disbelief. Oh, for just one of them to take her…
The host went on, “These acolytes of the Great One have all been vetted. They can make love all night and finish on command. They also pose no danger to your health, and we have certificates of proof should you wish to see.”
One of the nude devotees picked up a stack of papers and fanned them out, and he gave a lengthy pause during which he eyed all the invited couples.
Continuing, he spoke, “This is what our Patron proposes to the divine vessels in attendance.”
He now looked directly and intensely at the invited women in sequence, saying, “Your husbands are free to circle the room during the revelry. Any one of them can give their love to your mouths or hands, or they can simply pleasure themselves while the rite transpires.”
After another pause, he continued, “The holy chamber between your legs, however, is reserved for the acolytes and His high priest.” He gestured to himself when referring to the priest.
He said next, “At the outset of this ritual, you will be given ten sacred minutes to ready the paths. Use His disciples wisely, or any of the implements at your disposal. You may also enjoy any of the bulls as you see fit, in any capacity other than entering you.” He said this while indicating the husbands in white robes.
Continuing, he spoke, “When the gong sounds, the rite will formally begin and one His servants will approach and enter you. His priest will begin with you, Akasha.”
His fixed his gaze on a stunning Indian woman with wide, beautiful brown eyes. Her eyes fell on the cock that was about to enter her and she breathed heavily. Her husband was there, but he was irrelevant, lost in the haze and smoke of the myrrh.
The high priest was fully erect and looked hungrily at her. He broke his stare and spoke again to the room at large, “We will enter you and take you completely for three holy minutes. When the time has elapsed, the gong will sound, and we will move clockwise to the next, and so on.
Thus, over the course of thirty minutes, each of you will have myself, the high priest, and all nine acolytes moving inside your most intimate parts.”
He gave a long pause and said in new, otherworldly voice that seemed to come from another plane and echo within the chamber and beyond, “Tonight you will receive ten men’s love inside of you.”
The high priest kept on, “At the end of the thirty minutes, when we have all tasted each other’s love, you will behold as His priest and acolytes remove ourselves from you, anointed by your sacred fluids, and spill our seed into this chalice, an offering to great Bacchus.” He gestured to the silver bowl in the center of the room.
Continuing, he said, “If you wish to exit the party, please indicate at the ring of the chime, so we can make appropriate adjustments, but we do so hope you stay, as ten is a sacred number and is most pleasing to Him. We give you sixty seconds to decide.”
The host, the high priest of Bacchus, ceased speaking and placed a small bronze and glass timepiece at the feet of the statue of the god. He turned it over and sand rapidly fell to the bottom chamber.
The devotees circled the acolytes and began stroking their love parts and putting their mouths on them, bringing them to hardness.
The sand fell rapidly, and shortly the sand in the glass was nearly spent. No one had left the room, and most of the invited women were now nude, having discarded their robes, and were beginning acts of love.
A heart-stopping acolyte with a divinely beautiful face, rippling with well-cut muscle and dark brown skin approached the bed with Isis’s pillow.
A raven-haired disciple with flawless skin of ivory white was behind him. She reached around to stroke his well-veined and hard cock, which was pointing straight at Isis with a tip shining from his own love juices.
He looked Isis intensely in the eye, and it seemed his cock began to visibly throb, seething with lust for that which lay between her legs.
A chime rang out. What did she choose? Bow out now and go home and have just Isaac, or fuck them all, feeling ten beautiful and raw cocks moving into and out of her ravenous and now very wet pussy?
It was such a surreal experience, and Isaac wondered for a moment what she would do. With the rules of the rite, as he now knew, his cock would not taste cunt tonight. Still, the spectacle! He loved seeing Isis fuck, and there were so much else to see, and he had other options of getting off. He hoped beyond hope his wife chose to stay.
Any of his fears of missing out were laid to rest within moments. Isis, gazing at the acolyte in front of her who returned her gaze with cock ready, tore off her robe and tossed it to the floor. She briefly looked at her husband, who was gazing at her with wide eyes while giving her an affirmative nod, and then turned her eyes back to the brown acolyte who was slowly approaching her.
Isis adjusted the pillow to make a comfortable rest against the headboard and positioned herself against it so that her front faced forward. She spread her legs spread wide, presenting her open pussy. The chime rang out. All women, Isis included, chose to stay.
The high priest spoke again, saying, “All the new invited divine vessels have chosen to enter the rite! Praises to thee, and know Bacchus is pleased! The ten sacred minutes to prepare yourselves will begin when the gong rings.”
He motioned to a man at the outskirts of the room near a great bronze gong, and the man struck it with great force. The sound resonated through the room, and when the reverberations diminished, the man turned over a large bronze and glass timepiece filled with sand. This was a ten-minute timepiece. Sand began slowly filling the lower chamber.
The brown acolyte was now mere feet in front of Isis’ bed, and the woman that was stroking his cock was now on her knees in front of him. She was looking directly at Isis, though she would occasionally also shift her gaze to Isaac and some of the other nearby bulls. Her right hand held and lightly squeezed the tip of his cock with her fingertips, and she was licking the underside of his long cock from base to tip.
Upon the gong’s sounding, the acolyte stood still with his eyes now closed. His arms were upright, and his hands made arcane gestures. All the acolytes were doing the same. They were waiting for the rite to begin in a meditative trance.
Isis became aware of time. In ten minutes, she would be penetrated, and it would go on for longer than she had ever engaged in a continuous act of vaginal intercourse. She had taken note of what was in store. None of the acolytes would be considered small. Most were slightly above average in both length and thickness, but a few she considered quite large.
The acolyte in front of her, the one that would enter her pussy first, was one of the largest. She needed to be ready.
Isis noticed that the invited women used varied tactics to prepare themselves. It really was a free-for-all, and everyone used the supplied lube freely. A few women were rubbing themselves with their hands, yet many others grabbed sex toys from the nightstands and began using them. Others were commanding the bulls. Some of the bulls attended their wives, and others were free-roaming.
To Isis’ right, lovely Miko was using a clitoral stimulator on herself. Her bull had left to wander. To her left, beautiful Hailey guided a large vibrating wand around her pussy region. Isis spoke first. Looking at Hailey, she asked, “Trade our men and command them?” Hailey nodded in affirmation.
Isaac went to Hailey and Hailey’s bull went to Isis. Hailey cried out, “Put your cocks in our mouths!” Hailey opened her mouth wide, and Isaac bent down slightly and put his cock in between her waiting lips. Her mouth closed on his dick and she started sucking on his head while her pussy vibrated under the power of the wand.
Isaac looked over to his wife and saw her sucking on Hailey’s husband’s balls before taking his cock into her mouth. Hailey’s bull briefly watched his wife suck on Isaac’s cock before his gaze fixed on Isis’s pussy being toyed. A wandering bull first approached Hailey, stroking his cock over her breasts for a few moments before leaving to do the same over Isis’s tits. He left shortly after to continue his wanderings.
The sand in the timepiece was about one-third spent, and already Isis felt that her own fluids matched the lube she used on herself. Hailey’s husband’s cock was sweet. It was slightly longer yet a bit thinner than Isaac’s. Isis looked at his angular and handsome face, and told him, “Now I want your tongue on me. I want you to eat my pussy.”
He did as she commanded. Isis removed the device from her clitoris and spread her outer lips wide to give Hailey’s bull full access to her pussy. He moved quickly and obliged her in every way, and he was good. He knew how to use his tongue to give a woman pleasure. He licked and sucked her in every way but knew just when to focus on her clitoris and how much pressure to use.
As Isis’ pleasure was waxing at a steady rate, all of a sudden, the high priest appeared at her bedside. Hew spoke in a deep and again otherworldly voice, saying, “Take in more pleasure, my love, and rise to where He wants you to be.”
With that, the High Priest placed his erect penis into Isis’ mouth. Cocks were normally salty, but his was sweet. Cocks were normally musky, but his smelled of Jasmine. His piercing blue eyes stared into her deep brown ones, and he cradled her jaw as his cock thrust into and out of her mouth. Amazingly, when he was fully in her mouth, tickling her throat, her gag reflex did not activate. This was new. There was nothing but overwhelming pleasure as he buried his penis completely into her mouth.
Isis felt totally immersed in sex. The high priest’s cock was fully in her mouth, Hailey’s bull’s tongue was in her cunt, and a beautiful acolyte was in front of her having his cock licked by a stunning woman. To her left, her husband was now in a sixty-nine position with Hailey, his face buried in her pussy while Hailey took his cock in her mouth. Isis was on the orgasmic brink.
The High Priest removed his penis from her mouth, and the pace of pleasure slowed, but did not stop. Hailey’s bull continued to give her head, and the High Priest next went to Hailey. While Hailey had her husband’s dick still in her mouth, the High Priest also offered himself to her. Hailey now had two cocks in her mouth while Isaac’s face remained buried in her pussy. Hailey now seemed on the brink of detonation.
Isis’ attention briefly turned to the timepiece. Now over three-quarters of the sand was in the bottom chamber. She was incredibly turned on and wet, but she knew she needed to get ready to receive a penis into her. She needed to get ready to receive many. She knew that Hailey’s bull could not penetrate her, so she commanded him to grab a dildo from the sex toy stash.
He grabbed a realistic and large dildo and applied plentiful lube. Isis commanded him, “Fuck me with it, but go slow and make me ready.” At that moment, another wandering bull came to her side to watch while stroking his cock.
With two men watching, and her husband next to her pleasuring Hailey, Hailey’s husband expertly worked the dildo into her. He went slowly and made sure he rubbed her clitoris while he worked it into her. He used small strokes, superficial at first, and when she was ready, he went deeper and deeper. In short time, the dildo was completely inside of her, and he used long and slow thrusts. In and out of her pelvis it plunged. Isis spread her major labia completely while it happened, and the wandering bull began flicking his tongue on her clitoris as the dildo fucked her.
Isis again felt on the brink, but the wandering bull stopped with his tongue, stood straight upwards and stroked his cock vigorously, moaning in pleasure. His cock released into the air, and his semen sped upwards, arcing and then falling over Isis’ torso. Most landed on her breasts, but some also fell on her neck and stomach.
As the last bit of the wandering bull’s cum fell on her left nipple, the gong sounded. The rite had begun. Hailey’s husband removed the rubber dildo from her, and she was now open to the acolytes. Isis was ready to fuck like she had never fucked before.
It seemed as if all the bulls stopped and backed off to witness what happened next. The high priest approached Akasha, and the other acolytes followed suit with the other women. Isis felt her inner thighs grazed by the outer thighs of the brown acolyte with a huge cock. She opened her eyes to meet his deep brown gaze. They were both panting, but the room was mostly silent.
The High Priest uttered, “The rite has begun.” While Isis and Isaac could not see, they knew that in that moment his cock was sliding into Akasha’s sweet cunt.
Isaac, cock in hand, watched as Isis’ acolyte gently guided his erect penis in between his wife’s vaginal crevice and slowly, steadily penetrate her cunt. Isis moaned in pleasure as he slid inside of her most intimate and velvety lovemaking channel until he was fully buried inside of her. It was larger than her ideal size, but still, it was pleasure with no pain. Isis and her first acolyte locked eyes upon complete insertion, and then, gazes locked, they began to fuck.
It was not overly slow, nor was it hard and fast. It was measured. It was ritualistic. They breathed in unison. He chanted in an unknown language while gazing into her eyes, and her pelvis moved in synchronicity to receive him into her. Then he spoke, saying, “pleasure thyself as you take me, and ascend higher to His grace.”
She knew what he meant and began to lightly rub her clitoris as his long cock slid into and out of her vagina. After a bit of time elapsed, he spoke again, saying, “Bulls in attendance, He commands thee to give all thou hast to these divine vessels!”
His meaning could not be clearer to the lowly bulls, who watched, stunned, and they sprang to action. Isaac attended to his wife, and Hailey’s wife attended to her. Even Miko’s husband, absent until now, made an appearance. Each man fed their cocks to their wives’ mouths, who were in turn being cunt-fucked by acolytes.
After a few moments of this, the acolyte fucking Miko sniggered and let out with, “Ha! This is fine but give the beauties variety. Circle around!”
The bulls obeyed as if under the thrall of the whip, but with pleasure rather than pain. Hailey’s husband disappeared into the swirling mist to feed his cock to an unknown woman’s mouth, as did Isaac. Miko’s handsome husband, his cock smaller than Isaac’s in every way yet very pretty, entered Isis’ mouth while her first acolyte penetrated her sweetly and smoothly.
Isis felt in bliss, fucking and tasting new cocks, and was lost in the moment when the gong sounded. Her first acolyte pulled out of her. The first round ended.
Her eyes refocused, and her second acolyte approached her. He was a golden blonde, muscled, beautiful man, and his wet cock was smaller than her first. It reminded her of her husband’s. To her, it was the perfect size in length and thickness. He asked her, “What position do you prefer?”
Isis responded demurely with, “The same.” She was stricken with his beauty and chose to remain in missionary position, but now slid down the bed so that she was completely flat. Her second acolyte responded simply with, “So be it.”
While formal and ritualistic, the moment his cockhead touched her pussy lips, he whispered into her ear with, “I saw you from the beginning, and you are the one I would choose to finish in, if I had the choice.” With this utterance, Isis locked eyes with him, and he smiled lovingly at her while he slowly pushed his cock inside of her.
The second round was underway, and Isis was fucking a new man. They both enjoyed feeling each other’s fuck parts slide together when one of the devotees appeared at their side. She was a stunningly beautiful black woman, and she kissed the acolyte as he fucked Isis, then she bent down and did the same to Isis.
After her lips parted with Isaac’s wife, she looked at her and said, “Taste me, and go higher.” With that, she strode Isis and planted the sweet wetness between her legs on Isis’ mouth. While her second acolyte fucked her, Isis now licked and sucked the pussy of one of the most beautiful women she had ever laid eyes on.
Isis was so full of sex, and so fucking lit, that it pained her to hear the gong resound. The woman removed herself, as did her acolyte. It was time for the next round.
Another acolyte approached her, as hot as the next, asking her what position she preferred. A devotee was by his side, willing to give her more. This went on, again and again, each time as hot as the next. Sometimes she fucked on her back, sometimes she rode the acolytes, and yet again sometimes she let the acolytes take her from behind.
Her pussy was always full, her mouth never wanted for a cock or a pussy, and her hands always found a fun thing to play with.
The bulls circulated, giving their tongues to clits when requested, or cocks to mouths. Devotees did everything, save being penetrated.
It all blurred in a maelstrom of sex and lust. During one of the turns, maybe the sixth or seventh, Isis had a distinct memory of a muscled black acolyte fucking her from behind while she had her mouth on a beautiful Asian devotee’s pussy. What made it memorable was that the devotee sucked Isaac’s cock while she had her tongue in her cunt, all the while the new cock slid into and out of her pussy while her husband watched her fuck.
In retrospect, however, what made it MOST memorable was that it was the last turn before the High Priest took her. When Isis had her face buried in the Asian beauty’s pussy and her cunt felt the black acolyte’s thrusts, Isis heard the gong sound. It was a new turn.
The Asian woman left, and the black acolyte withdrew from her vagina. Isis was on her hands and knees and noticed them all bow reverently to the right. Isis repositioned so she was on her back, preparing for the next turn.
For this, her next, the High Priest approached her. He was older than the acolytes, but no less desirable. In fact, he exuded sexual power to a level she had yet not experienced. Her husband, Isaac, exuded similar power, but this was on another level. The High Priest was handsome and attractive, like her husband, but he had something more. Something intangible. Something otherworldly.
The High Priest pulsed with power, and she gave into it. She had no other choice, and she loved it. It was sheer pleasure. No other acolyte or devotee approached then, nor did any of the bulls. This was only her and the High Priest. As powerful as he was, he was not intimidating. He was welcoming. He was kind. He was loving.
The High Priest, in this moment, was everything she would want in a lover, and more. So much more. Yet, the rite had to continue. He did not approach her with force, but rather took her hand gently and said, “Are you ready, my most beautiful love?”
Isis was at a loss for words, and simply nodded and spread her legs for him.
The High Priest approached her with cock erect, wet from fucking and dripping fluids of lust from his tip. His eyes never left hers. He cradled her chin with both hands, not needing any guidance to enter her. The very instant the flesh of the tip of his penis touched her outer lips she exploded. It was unlike anything she ever experienced.
Isis had massive orgasms before, but this was different. It was not quite massive, but it was certainly an orgasm. Her body, starting from her pussy, convulsed, and it spread to encompass her entirely to envelope her mind. Still, she was in control, but thrust into sexual ecstasy. She was orgasmic, but still able to act and go further. She did, and so did the High Priest.
He pushed into her so that the head of his cock was inside of her, and the bliss increased. He continued inside of her, and with increasing depth of penetration, the bliss rose and rose. Eventually, his penis was fully buried inside of her vagina, and the bliss was at a maximum, nearly unbearable, yet still she did not break. As he withdrew, the bliss subsided, only to return to full intensity when he returned to full depth of penetration.
On and on this went, ecstasy waxing and waning with his thrusts. Isis had felt sexual fulfilment before, but this was new. It was if her very state of pleasure was linked to how far he was inside of her.
Time went on, and she worried that the gong would chime. The High Priest seemed to know her concern and said, “No worries, my love, you will cross into His grace before the end.”
With that, he thrust deep into her and remained there, kissing her deeply. To Isis, thunder struck, and the moment of clouds and rain fell upon her. Her whole body was wracked with ripples of divine pleasure, and she was transported to another world of sex and union with the divine. To her, it was timeless, but in reality, it happened moments before the gong sounded.
Isis returned to reality, and the High Priest exited her. He kissed her once more sweetly and moved on to the next for the rite. Another took his place and slid his brown cock into her pussy. She fucked him, and sucked on a wandering bull’s cock, but could think of nothing more than the High Priest.
Fueled by a newly invigorated fuck lust, thanks to the High Priest, Isis fucked the remaining acolytes in sequence. She felt a new command on her pussy. She knew it was a seat of power and that it was the gateway to higher levels of consciousness and total experience. She would never be the same.
Lost in time, the final gong sounded. The last acolyte withdrew from her, his cock slick with her cunt juice.
All acolytes and the High Priest gathered around the silver urn on the low dais. As trained, none had released their seed as of yet into the women. They all started a low, ethereal chant while stroking their cocks.
This went on for a few minutes, and the chanting got more intense, rolling into a crescendo. The speed of their stroking kept in time with the intensity of the chanting and rose to a breaking point.
Seemingly all at once, and when the chanting hit a high and harmonic note, the acolytes began to come to orgasm. Nine cocks, seemingly in unison, began to spit forth copious thick, white fluid from their cockheads. The semen spurted and dribbled, but all of it made its way to the silver urn. Lastly, the High Priest did likewise. His penis throbbed, convulsed, and released his cum into the already full urn.
As the last throb fell into the receptacle, the fire of the braziers dimmed, and turned green. A low hum permeated the room, and the sex fluids in the urn caught on fire.
The fire blazed bright, and all the braziers went out. The only light was from the flame in the silver urn. For a while, it lit the whole room, then it waned and went out utterly.
There was no light. The room was black and silent. Then a low rumble was felt by all in attendance, followed by two red lights.
It was the eyes of the state. In the low light, all in attendance saw dimly the High Priest bow to the ground as the statue, previously made of marble rise in power and behold those who had brought it incarnate into this world.
Praise Bacchus! He had come.