Diane was sitting in the kitchen with her friend, Angela, and went unusually quiet for a moment.
Both were twenty-seven, married, and had known each other for many years. Angela could see that Diane was thinking about something, and asked, “Come on girl, what’s on your mind?”
Diane blushed, as she replied, “I was having a coffee, and I overheard two men talking. One described how, when he was at school and was eighteen, he got a double detention and was sent to the headmistress to be caned. He got four strokes and said it was the one time in his life when he felt he had no control over anything. He thought that he shouldn’t have got one of the detentions, but wasn’t allowed to contest the reason for it, had to stand silently, be scolded by the headmistress, and was then ordered to lower his trousers and underpants and bend over. He hated the lack of having any say at all, and just had to do everything the headmistress told him to do, without question, and accept all the strokes.”
Angela listened, but didn’t quite understand the issue. Diane was a forceful character, and so wasn’t used to staying quiet, just accepting whatever someone else said, and maybe she didn’t understand that most people weren’t like that. She replied, “It happens that people don’t have a say sometimes, girl.”
Diane blushed again as she replied, “I know, but just listening to that man reminded me that I am a control freak and need to be in control of everything. However, as I walked home, and thought I’m always in control, I found myself getting really aroused by the thought of having to submit to an unquantified punishment, and not having any control over what punishment was going to be given.”
Angela smiled as she replied, “Well, I know you are pretty much a control freak. However, does it have to be a punishment to get you aroused?” Angela didn’t mind Diane being a control freak as it quite often meant she didn’t have to think so much herself, but just did what Diane said, and she was really good with that relationship.
Diane was still blushing as she replied, “I know. I was thinking of other things whilst walking home, but the only thing that got me aroused was being punished. It wasn’t just being caned I thought about, but being spanked as well.”
Angela hesitated just a moment, as she knew that she got aroused by fantasising about disciplining someone else, had quite often pictured the dominant Diane across her lap spanking her very spankable bottom, and, now she mentioned it, she would find ordering Diane about a real turn on. However, she didn’t dare say any of that, and just replied, “So, who would you want to discipline you?”
Diane knew that she felt turned on by the thought of Angela disciplining her. However, just in case she hated it if it happened, she replied, “Someone I don’t really know, I guess.”
Angela had a sudden thought. “Do you remember that lady we always referred to as grumpy, last week you argued with her at the coffee bar, and actually called her that to her face. Well, she used to be a headmistress. I was talking to her a couple of days ago as we both had another coffee, and we had a whole discussion on school discipline. She even said that that time you had the argument with her, if you had been at her sixth form college and said it, she would have ordered you to her study and caned you.”
Diane was wide-eyed as she remembered the argument. “I do remember, and was meaning to go and apologise. I do find her a bit scary, and I guess she would be ideal if she used to be a headmistress. However, I can’t just go and ask her to cane me, can I?”
Angela replied, “Maybe I could arrange it for you, if you really mean it. She said that she was also a bit of an actress, and I bet you that she would role-play disciplining you. What do you say?”
Diane took just a moment before replying, “Okay then, if you can organise it, I will happily arrange a time to go to her house, and then do everything she tells me to do including caning me.”
The next day, Angela knocked on Diane’s door, and they were once again sitting in Diane’s kitchen, chatting. Angela was purposely chatting generally, whilst Diane was on tenterhooks but, trying not to be her usual control freak, waited for Angela to get around to tell her if anything had been arranged.
Angela could tell from Diane’s more restrained conversation that she really did want to ask whether anything had been arranged with, ‘grumpy’. Angela found it strangely enjoyable being the one in control, and continued chatting about all and sundry, knowing Diane was feeling more and more uncomfortable with the wait.
Diane had to bite her tongue several times, and just wanted Angela to tell her what had been agreed, if anything, of course. She realised, though, that she found having to stay silent and wait was actually turning her on. She also saw, for the first time, that giving someone else all the responsibility relieved her of the need, and wondered if that was why she found having no control suddenly arousing.
Angela decided it was time to tell Diane about her discussion with Miss Hastings, or grumpy as they used to refer to her. “Well, Diane I did speak to grumpy, but you must now refer to her as Miss Hastings.”
Angela deliberately took a sip of coffee, knowing that usually Diane would have snapped at her to hurry up, but not today.
Diane waited patiently still for Angela to explain it all, and was again turned on by her submission.
Angela could see the usually dominant Diane struggling to keep from snapping at her, and then continued, “Okay, I went and saw Miss Hastings, and initially continued our discussion on discipline. At an appropriate time, I then told her about your desire to be caned with Miss Hastings taking on the role of the very strict headmistress. She actually reacted very well, and has agreed to do it, but only on the basis that you really do submit to her as though you were in a double detention which earns you the cane. What do you think about that?”
Diane could feel the quivers flying around her vagina, and replied, “Agreed. When?”
Angela smiled to herself, as she could see the anticipation in Diane’s eyes, and heard it in her voice. However, she said sternly, “Not so fast, young lady.”
Diane blushed again, looked at the table, then submissively back up at Angela, and said, “Sorry.”
Angela was enjoying her more dominant role, although knew that she was friends with Diane because of Diane’s dominant personality. However, she would enjoy the moment, and continued, “Miss Hastings has asked that you attend her house wearing something that resembles a summer school dress. Do you have one?”
Diane thought for a moment and then, smiling, said, “Yes, I bought a school dress for that fancy dress party. The dress is short-sleeved, green and white gingham check, and the ankle socks are white. ”
Angela asked, “What about regulation knickers and school shoes?”
Diane thought for a moment and replied, “I guess I can buy some school regulation knickers at the school uniform shop in town,” and grimaced as she knew they would be tight and uncomfortable compared to the slinky silk knickers she usually wore. “I can buy some patent shoes there as well,” and realised that she was quickly submersing herself in the role.
Angela continued, “Now let me explain the rest. Miss Hastings has said that I should attend as well and be the school teacher who is holding the detention.”
Diane asked in a now interested tone, “What will happen in the detention?”
Angela said sternly, “You really must get into the role, girl. You are the naughty schoolgirl who is being punished. You don’t have a say in anything.”
Diane was starting to get the idea of being submissive, looked again at our hands, and replied, “Sorry again, Miss.”
Angela smiled, knowing that the experience was going to be fun for both of them, though perhaps more fun for her than Diane who was going to suffer things that she hadn’t suffered before, including a caning.
Angela continued, “Miss Hastings said that we should allow two hours. You and I were due to go shopping tomorrow afternoon, so if that is enough time for you to get the regulation knickers, then I can tell Miss Hastings we will be there at two o’clock tomorrow.”
Diane smiled at Angela and said, “Yes, please, Miss.”
So, Angela and Diane walked up the garden path to Miss Hastings’ front door at exactly two o’clock the following afternoon. Diane had felt nervous walking outside in what was clearly a school dress, and was self-conscious about the regulation school knickers she was wearing, but decided that if she was asked by anyone then she would simply say that she was going to a fancy dress party. It helped that Angela was dressed as a strict schoolmistress, in a short-sleeved white blouse and light blue skirt with a hem down to her knees, which was rather longer than she normally wore.
As they got to the front door, Angela turned to Diane and said sternly, “Don’t forget that you are the naughty schoolgirl so none of your usual answering back or smart-aleck comments.”
Diane was already anxious about playing the role, but was pleased that Angela had put her in her place even before entering the house. She turned to Angela and replied an obedient, “Yes, Miss.”
Miss Hastings opened the door and had a stern look on her face as she said, “Please do come in.”
Once the door was closed, Miss Hastings ordered, pointing towards the living room door, “The detention room is through there.”
Angela and Diane walked into the living room and saw that there was a dining table with an exercise book and pen on it.
Miss Hastings ordered, “Go and stand by the chair with the exercise book in front of it, girl.”
Diane did as she was told, stood looking down at the exercise book, and felt excited, waiting to be told what to do next.
Miss Hastings glared at Diane and ordered, “Any girl in a double detention knows that she is going to get the cane, and has to sit in detention without her knickers on. Therefore, please take them off and put them on the chair next to you.”
Diane certainly wasn’t expecting that instruction, but not minding because it was just women in the room, she replied, “Yes, Miss Hastings.” She then lifted up the hem of her dress, slipped her thumbs into the elastic of her regulation knickers, and pushed them down to the floor, stepping out of them. She then scooped up the clingy knickers and put them on the chair next to her as directed, actually pleased to take them off.
Miss Hastings ordered, “Roll your dress up so it is above your waist, and then sit down, girl.”
Diane swallowed hard but didn’t say anything and, obediently, rolled her school dress right up so that she was naked below her waist except for her ankle socks and shoes, and then sat on the chair looking down at the exercise book on the table. She did feel a bit strange sitting there with her bare bottom on the dining chair, but knew that very soon she would be having very different, more pain-related, feelings.
Miss Hastings then said to Angela, “You hold detention and so I will leave you in charge. You have a naughty schoolgirl to deal with in your detention. I will be along later on to cane her.”
When Angela and Diane were alone, Angela ordered, “Right, girl. Do your lines. ‘I am a naughty girl and need to be caned.’ Write it out one hundred times, and no mistakes or you will get extra strokes of the cane. Get going. When you are finished just put the pen down and sit quietly.”
Diane desperately wanted to ask how long Miss Hastings would be before coming back, but knew her submissive role was just to do as she was told, and, as she picked up the pen, realised it was far easier to do as she was told rather than think everything through for everyone. So, feeling happier and even more relaxed, she started to write her lines. It started out as fun writing them to begin with, but soon she found it more and more boring, just like a detention should be, she supposed. At last, though, she got to a hundred and, sighing, put the pen down but felt good that she was just doing as she was told.
Angela watched Diane from a short distance, and saw how quickly she was writing. As soon as she saw Diane put the pen down, she went and stood behind her, and ordered, “Now stand up and put your hands on your head, girl.”
Diane was getting more and more used to doing as she was told, so stood up and placed her hands on top of her head, realising that her dress was still up above her waist and she was still naked below the waist except for her socks. She did feel a bit embarrassed because Angela was standing behind her and therefore had the perfect view of her bare bottom, although, as a close friend, that hardly mattered and it wasn’t so dissimilar to one schoolgirl looking at another girl in the changing room.
Diane then stood looking in front of her which was straight out of the dining room window onto the garden. She wasn’t sure how long she had to stand with her hands on her head, and she certainly felt more like the naughty schoolgirl than at any other time. After a few minutes, though, she realised that, although boring, she still didn’t have to think about anything and felt even more relaxed than when she was thinking all the time in her control freak mode. So, as she thought her own thoughts, she found being submissive even more pleasant than she had expected.
There wasn’t a clock in the room, at least not one within her range of sight, but she reckoned she was standing with her hands on her head for a good fifteen minutes before Miss Hastings came back. She was snapped out of her own thoughts as Miss Hastings came in through the living room door, and whilst she couldn’t see her, she heard her in discussion with Angela, as though she wasn’t even there.
Miss Hastings said, “I understand you have one girl in double detention, Miss Mason.”
Diane found it quite funny that Miss Hastings knew Angela’s surname, and wondered what else they had discussed. Clearly, her doing lines and standing up for ages.
Angela replied, “Yes, Miss Hastings. Travers is in double detention. She has done her lines and I have had her standing up with her hands on her head wasting her time.”
Diane realised that Angela and Miss Hastings really had discussed quite a bit. However, that was what teachers did, so no real surprise there, she thought.
Miss Hastings said to Angela, “Well, as Travers has a double detention, I will need to cane her.”
Angela replied, “Of course, Miss Hastings.”
Miss Hastings went and stood behind Diane and ordered, “Step away from the chair, girl.”
Diane did as she was told but kept her hands on her head, stepped to one side and then backwards, so that she was standing behind the chair on which she had put her knickers. She then watched as Miss Hastings turned the chair that she had been sitting on around so that it was facing into the room. She also saw, for the first time, the hook-ended cane that Miss Hastings was holding. Diane gasped as she looked at the cane, knowing that she was about to have to bend over and take the punishment she had actually asked for. She thought, ruefully, how she had rather liked the detention so far, but was pretty sure that this was the bit that she would not like because it would be so painful.
Miss Hastings finished turning the chair around and then, holding each end of the cane, she flexed it a couple of times before letting go of one end, holding it by the hook-end, then swished it right in front of Diane, and ordered in a stern school teacher’ish tone, “Right, Travers, bend over and clasp hold of the chair with your legs apart and your bottom sticking out as far as you can. Make sure you stay bent over because, if you get up, or even rub your bottom, that stroke won’t count.”
Diane again knew she had agreed to obey every instruction, even though it flew in the face of all her control freak tendencies, but had so far enjoyed being subjected to Angela’s discipline, and now wanted to be caned to see how she would react to that. So, she bent over and grabbed hold of the sides of the chair, placing her legs apart and dropping her tummy whilst holding her head up, knowing that would stick her bottom out making it the best possible target for the cane, and she still felt that she was benefitting from letting Miss Hastings make all the decisions. She finished positioning herself, licked her lips as she felt the cane rubbed from side to side across her bottom, looked down at the floor behind her, and saw Miss Hastings’ legs knowing she was, of course, in full control of the caning. Diane again told herself the caning would hurt, but the stinging that she would no doubt suffer for ages afterwards, would be a reminder of letting someone else have the whole problem of having control.
Miss Hastings reminded herself just how rude Diane had been to her the other day, and so fully intended making this a seriously hard caning. Travers was an adult, after all, so could take a harder caning than one of the girls at the sixth form college she had taught at. So, as she pulled her arm back and focused on the very spankable bottom pointing up at her, she used more strength than normal as she whipped the cane downwards, saw it bite into Travers’ bottom, and be engulfed for a moment before being spewed back out. As she pulled her arm back for the second stroke, she saw the red welt appear and heard Travers gasping and saying a loud, ‘Ow,’ followed by some heavy breathing. Travers stayed in place, though, Miss Hastings was pleased to see.
As Diane had waited tensely for the first stroke, she was still looking at Miss Hastings’ upside down legs, saw her calf muscles tense, and knew that the cane was on its way for the first stroke. When it landed, Diane gasped as the pain was much more than she had expected. She fought to stay bent over but managed it, remembering the penalty of an extra stroke if she let go. At least she was saved from that, although, just then, it struck her that Miss Hastings hadn’t actually said how many strokes she was going to get. How ridiculous of Miss Hastings, Diane thought, but then realised it was she who was bent over and, knowing she was about to be caned, didn’t even ask, so maybe Miss Hastings wasn’t the ridiculous one, but she was. Anyway, it was too late now, and so she once again realised that Miss Hastings was in full control, just as she was supposed to be.
When the second stroke landed, Diane again gasped and let out a pained, ‘Oww,’ and shook her head because of the pain as she clasped hold of the seat of the chair to make sure she didn’t get up. That was two strokes, she told herself, and remembered the man in the coffee bar saying his double detention got him four strokes. So, hoping for the same, or at least no more, and not daring to ask as she was sure that would earn her another stroke, she pushed her bottom out again and, moments later, the third stroke struck. This stroke certainly hurt more than the first two, which she supposed was because the stinging pain was intensifying.
Angela looked on as the fourth stroke landed. She knew the cane would hurt as several of her friends had been caned when at sixth form college, and showed her the results, which were a horribly raised red welt for each stroke of the cane. She had even felt some of the bottoms because several of her friends made a show of bravado that the caning didn’t hurt, although she knew they all cried their eyes out in the toilet block first before coming out and facing their friends. It was remembering that that made Angela wonder how come Diane wanted to be caned, but now she was, she had to admit it looked like she was taking it well enough. What was also very noticeable, though, was the lack of the dominant comments she was so well known for making. In fact, what was very clear was the way she was being submissive, and showing how much each stroke hurt with the pain-filled gasps she was making.
Diane let out a more extended, ‘Owwww,’ as the fourth stroke landed because, once again, the pain was more intense than the previous strokes. She found herself gasping with the pain as she shook her head from side to side, with her eyes tightly closed, and hissed in and out through clenched teeth.
What Diane also realised, was that, not saying anything and biting her tongue for so long, was actually so erotic, and as she felt herself getting ever more aroused, she wondered whether four strokes were her total punishment. She couldn’t ask, and actually enjoyed not knowing, but looked towards Miss Hastings’s legs and realised they were blurred because of the tears filling her eyes. In any other situation she knew she would have demanded to know if her punishment was over, but, once again, as painful as her bottom was with the intense stinging, she felt aroused knowing that she had to wait to find out what Miss Hastings decided, so she looked back at the seat of the chair, sniffing several sobs, and waited.
In the event, the wait wasn’t overly long. She heard the swish of the cane and then heard the thwack of the fifth stroke. The pain cascaded once more around her bottom as she shook her head and hissed in and out through her clenched teeth. Yet again, though, she realised that having no control wasn’t so bad, and, as much as her bottom was stinging, she relished the time spent this afternoon with someone else making all of the decisions for her.
The caning still wasn’t over, and when the sixth stroke landed, Diane broke down into tears, and was sobbing as the pain once again cascaded around her bottom. She reminded herself, of course, that she had asked Angela to arrange exactly this punishment for her because she wanted to learn what it was like to let someone else make all of the decisions, was learning fast, and found that she was getting far more aroused than when she was the one making all the decisions and having to think for everyone else. She told herself, as well, that she had now experienced six of the best, and was glad that she had.
The next moment, Diane cried out yet again as the cane bit into her bottom once more. This time she didn’t think how wrong it was but accepted that it was still up to Miss Hastings to decide upon the number of strokes that she needed to be given. The fact that she was now crying uncontrollably, she knew was her problem, and no one else’s as, after all, she had referred to Miss Hastings as grumpy which was so rude, and it was definitely right that Miss Hastings should be making all of the decisions about what punishment was correct in the circumstances.
When the eighth stroke landed, Diane didn’t even know what reaction she was giving as she was just crying, and the pain cascading around her bottom consumed all of her thoughts. Later, Angela would tell her that, as well as shaking her head and breathing in and out through clenched teeth, Diane wriggled her bottom from side to side which, Angela said, did look rather funny, and which was nothing like her reaction when she was the one in charge. Diane told Angela that all she thought of at the time was that it was yet another deserved but ever so painful cane stroke.
Whilst continuing to cry and feeling the tears streaming down her face, Diane wasn’t aware that something was being said to her. By the time she could hear clearly, what she did hear was, “Well, as you are not going to get up, girl, then you may as well have this,” and the next moment Diane felt the cane biting into her bottom once again. This time she did listen, even as she was shaking her head and, it seemed, wriggling her bottom so comically again, and she heard Miss Hastings and Angela joking about her not doing what she was told. Diane realised that on several occasions she had done the same kind of thing to others who hadn’t listened to her, now understood that it was wrong, and made the other person suffer unnecessarily. She had always told herself that she could do it because she was the one in charge, but might think differently in the future.
This time, Diane did listen, and heard Miss Hastings instruct, “Get up, girl,” and Diane pushed herself up so that she was standing. As she did, her hands flew to her bottom and she was rubbing her stinging cheeks, and clutching them as she stepped from foot to foot. Her eyes were still blurred with her tears and so she didn’t see the smirks exchanged between Miss Hastings and Angela, but did hear the comment from Miss Hastings, “I think she has learned not to be rude to me again.”
Diane continued to step from foot to foot for a few more moments as she clutched and rubbed her stinging bottom. As she calmed down, she stood still, although couldn’t stop clutching her stinging bottom cheeks, and said in the most apologetic tone she thinks she had ever used, “I am so sorry to have called you grumpy, Miss Hastings.”
Diane could just about make out that Miss Hastings was smiling as she replied, “Well, your apology is accepted, but feel free to call me that again if you want another detention and caning.”
Diane replied, still sniffing back tears, “Thank you for the offer, Miss.”
Angela laughed, and that made Diane laugh, and everyone was now smiling, whilst Diane realised that she was the only one who had a stinging bottom.
After a moment, Miss Hastings added with a wicked smile, “Just be glad I don’t give you a letter to take home to your parents telling them to spank you. That happened to my students after they earned a caning, and I demanded a note back from the parents confirming they had given the requested very hard spanking.”
Diane and Angela exchanged glances, but stayed silent. Ten minutes later, Diane and Angela left Miss Hastings after Diane thanked her again, and said she wouldn’t call her anything other than Miss Hastings, in future.
On the way home, Diane and Angela discussed what had happened. Diane said to Angela, “I found the detention was so boring but erotic as I didn’t have to think, and the cane was so painful but the stinging is now making me want to do myself.”
Angela replied in a mockingly stern tone, “Well, I can tell you it was quite a turn-on to watch you having to be so submissive, so I think we should sort each other out when we get back, and no arguing.” She placed her finger on her tongue and winked at Diane, and both knew it was the sign they used for tongue and finger sex.
Diane found herself saying happily, “Yes, please, Miss.” Then, after a moment and with a broad grin, she added, “I think, I am getting used to doing as I’m told.”
Angela said in a testy tone, “I don’t think so yet, but if we have a few more sessions like you have had today, then, just maybe, you will lose some of your control freak attitude.”
Angela added in a suggestive tone. “That was a funny comment Miss Hastings made about a punishment letter. She had said leave about two hours for your punishment but there is still a good forty-five minutes left, so what do you think she meant?” Angela thought even forty-five minutes was too long to make out, but spanking Diane sounded like more fun she could have.
Diane licked her lips as she was also thinking about the reference to the letter, and more particularly the request for a spanking. She swallowed hard and said, “Of course, I still need that spanking, mum.”
Angela was delighted and said in a stern tone, “Just what I was thinking, you naughty girl.”
Suddenly remembering they were walking along a public street, they both looked around, saw no one was close by, and laughed. Still, they fell silent knowing that Angela had now changed her role from school teacher to mum.
Diane and Angela walked in silence and thought through what they hoped might happen going forward.
Diane felt she was learning that she still liked being a control freak, but, maybe, every now and again, she would like to sit another double detention and take any other consequences, whether it be the cane, or even a much longer and even more humiliating bare bottom spanking, or both, of course. She even thought that Angela could take on the role of Miss Hastings, particularly if they were going to give each other finger and tongue sex afterwards. Actually, maybe every now and again should be weekly.
What Diane didn’t know was that Angela was thinking about similar things, because she had been so turned on by watching her very close friend having to accept someone else’s decisions. Well, whilst she was very happy having Diane as her more dominant friend, she thought it would be good fun, now and again, to take on that dominant role over her.
In fact, maybe it made sense to do it weekly, at least, and, maybe, she would suggest it after giving Diane a very long and hard spanking when they got back to Diane’s, and before they give each other what she knew would be explosive orgasms.
Both women smiled as they thought their own thoughts, and both hoped their current fantasy would come true.