Sandy Reinstated Her Full Control

"Tammy and Amber are both spanked by their mum"

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Tammy and Amber had got home after being out at work all day. Sandy, their mum who was forty-four, had been home for about a week, had spent the day working from home, and was going to be around for another week before going away on one of her long work tours.  

As Tammy and Amber got home, Sandy sat them down and said she needed to have a chat with them. Tammy and Amber both grimaced, because they thought their mum’s one-sided chats and scoldings were long gone, and spanking was the primary punishment.  

Once they were all seated, Sandy said, “I’ve been thinking about things, girls. I know that I now spank you both whenever you break a rule. I also know that you, Amber, spank Tammy every single night, even though she hasn’t broken a rule, but to maintain your control over her, and as a reminder to behave. I suppose some call them maintenance spankings, and I can see the sense of them. Do you agree with that, both of you?”  

Tammy and Amber looked at each other, nodded their heads, turned to their mum, and Amber replied, “I suppose so, mum.”  

Sandy continued, saying, “I know there are plenty of times when you both don’t quite keep to the rules, but don’t cross a line that earns you are spanking. However, if I take two or three of those times, and add them together, then that would earn you a spanking. I just think it makes sense to give you a spanking from time to time, even when you haven’t broken a rule, obviously to maintain my control over you, but also as a reminder in the same way as a maintenance spanking reminds you. You see what I am saying, girls?”  

Tammy and Amber certainly did understand what their mum was saying, and could see how their mum was building up to saying they were both going to get a spanking, even though there wasn’t  

one specific reason that they had earned a spanking for. However, they could see the sense of a maintenance spanking, and, as much as they didn’t want to suffer it, they could see the benefits to all three of them. After all, they all knew now that the one-way long-winded discussions that their mum used to have didn’t work, whereas a long and hard spanking, with their mum’s hand, hairbrush, strap, or bath brush, did work very well.  

Sandy was happy that both girls agreed, saw no better time than the present, and so instructed, “Right then, both of you, get your bare bottoms over the dining table, stretch out and clasp hold of the far side, and I will be using both a leather belt and the bath brush. I want you to understand this is in the form of a maintenance spanking, but, actually, also takes into account several minor misdemeanours which, when added together, certainly have earned you both this spanking.”  

Tammy and Amber glanced at each other but knew it was so right that their mum had the final say in this, and on all matters, and it was not their place to argue. After all, even though they were twenty-four and twenty, they both wanted spanking to be their punishment because that was the most effective way to point out where they had done wrong, and, with the threat of a spanking hanging over their heads at all times, it should be a good reminder to them both not to disobey their mum. Well, that was the aim, but it clearly wasn’t working out that way yet, although both girls knew that was their own fault and not their mum’s.  

Eager to obey their mum right then, both girls immediately undid their jeans and pushed them down towards the floor. Then, both eased their thumbs into the elastic of their knickers and pushed them down to the floor. Having stepped out of both items of clothing, they bent down, scooped them up, and put them on separate cushions on the sofa. Then, they walked over to the dining table, naked below their waists but their mum had seen that often enough, moved a couple of the chairs away, then bent over, clasping the far end of the table, knowing that their bottoms were now presented just as their mum had instructed, and ready to be thrashed.  

As Sandy knew she was going to give this command, she already had to hand both one of her really thick leather belts, and one of the bath brushes. She didn’t feel bad about the fact that she was going to thrash both her girls, because she felt it had been needed since she returned home last week. She knew that Amber still spanked Tammy, when she was naughty, and also gave her the nightly spanking. However, that was between Tammy and Amber. Now, though, it was her, their mum, simply imposing her control over her two daughters, not in words, but in very firm actions.  

As soon as Tammy and Amber had bent over the dining table, next to each other, Sandy was able to position herself so that she could spank each girl in turn. Of course, she wasn’t going to do it equally in turn, but unequally, so that each girl might be waiting for a spank but realise it had been given to her sister. The uncertainty of knowing whether the next spank would land on her bottom would lead to stress, and therefore an increasingly effective punishment.  

Sandy knew she was going to start with the belt, because, whilst that hurt, she never thought it was as painful as the bath brush. She got that from assessing the reaction of each girl when they were spanked by both, and they were always yelping more with the bath brush, and the tears flowed much more freely down their faces. She did enjoy when her daughter’s make-up stained her face, and knew that would happen today as both girls wore make-up for work.  

Tammy and Amber were both tense with worry as their mum positioned herself. Both actually understood why a maintenance spanking of this type was the right thing for their mum to do. She was only here for a couple of weeks and then would be away for three weeks or longer. Therefore, she only had these two weeks to make sure that both girls understood just who was in charge, and both knew that when their mum was at home, neither of them expected to be in charge. That was a given, but this spanking, given simply because their mum wanted to, reinforced the disciplinary control she had over both of them.  

Sandy was thinking those same thoughts as she looked down on two bare bottoms belonging to her two daughters and saw how they knew just who was in charge. Sandy felt good about that, because she now knew that even at the ages her two daughters were, neither thought that they were too old to be spanked. That was certainly right.  

Sandy pulled her arm back whilst holding the folded thick leather belt, looked at both bottoms, and even then, hadn’t decided which bottom to spank first. She decided upon Tammy, landed that first spank with the leather belt, and enjoyed listening to her daughter’s gasp. When she raised the leather built up again, she decided at that moment to land the second spank on Tammy’s bottom again, which she did, and got another gasp She also gave the third spank to Tammy.  

The next spank she landed on Amber’s waiting bottom, and Amber was surprised because she had expected a couple of dozen spanks to be given to Tammy before any were given to her. Now she had the first spank, though, Amber half expected the next spank, which she got, and then the third spank as Tammy had been given three spanks. Again, she got that spank. She relaxed a little bit, but gasped even louder when the fourth spank landed on her bottom and then the fifth and the sixth.  

It was Tammy’s turn to be surprised when she got the next spank, the one after that, and the one after that as well. Now, because her bottom was stinging so much, Tammy didn’t even focus on how many spanks she got, but was just thankful when she heard the loud thwack but got no pain, and knew it was Amber being spanked again, and not herself.  

Amber was now thinking the same way. This was the first time that she and her sister had both been spanked together, and, not knowing which bottom was going to receive each spank with the leather belt made the punishment somehow much more intense.  

Sandy continued to land the leather belt on one bottom or the other, but still neither girl knew which one each time, and Sandy could tell from the louder gasps that both girls were struggling more than usual.  

At the same time, Tammy and Amber both said to themselves that not knowing when they would be spanked was no bad thing, because it was important for their mum to show them that she was the one in control of both of them.  

As much as Tammy was spanked much much more than Amber, given that she was subject to the control of both her mum and her younger sister, she still didn’t feel aggrieved about getting yet another thrashing. As the leather belt kept on landing on her bottom, and Amber’s, Tammy was still so up for this and every other type of thrashing she was given. It was the type of punishment she needed to suffer, because, as much as it hurt, and, of course, because it hurt so much, she kept reminding herself that this was the best form of correction, for her.  

Sandy had lost count of how many spanks she had given the girls with the leather belt, but could see from the way that both bottoms were now bright red, and from how both girls were struggling to cope because they were both already crying, that she could stop spanking them with the belt. On the other hand, she fully intended to do pretty much the same with the bath brush. Why shouldn’t she, she told herself, because that was still the right way for her to deal with two naughty daughters, even though one was twenty, and the other was rather older at twenty-four.  

After just a short gap, Sandy was then spanking the bath brush down on each of the girls’ bare bottoms, and, as expected, the gasps from each girl were louder than when spanked with the leather belt.  

Both girls immediately noticed the difference when their mum was using the wooden bath brush on their already badly stinging bottoms. After all, for most, being thrashed with a leather belt would be the total of the punishment, but then, at their age, it had to be right to make every single thrashing more severe, and their mum was certainly doing that.  

Tammy was more used to being thrashed with the bath brush than Amber was, but, even so, she dissolved into tears very quickly. She wondered whether that was because her mum was spanking her harder, or whether Amber was just better at taking the spanking. There was no doubt in Tammy’s mind that it was the latter, because Amber was the stronger willed of the two of them, and realising that made Tammy respect Amber, even more than ever before, since giving her younger sister disciplinary control over her. Tammy also knew that sisterly love was returned by Amber, who was far less stressed at Tammy’s bratty attitude, since she was able to deal with that by giving a really hard spanking.  

Tammy was also thinking how, before her mum started spanking her again, she sometimes got really annoyed with her mum over the lack of discipline imposed. Now, she knew she had so much respect for her mum, as well as love. She knew that love was also returned, and the knowledge that her mum was imposing an increasingly effective disciplinary control was proof of her mum’s maternal love for her.  

As Sandy continued to spank the bath brush down on each of her daughters’ bare bottoms, both girls were now crying uncontrollably, but, equally, were being obedient and staying bent over the table and forcing themselves to stay in position as they continued to be spanked. Sandy could see how this was a much more effective way of disciplining her daughters than those one-sided discussions that she always got so frustrated at giving. Now, she gave that same message much more effectively, without having to waste any words because every single spank yielded a loud gasp which showed the girls were listening, and learning. She didn’t know whether both girls were taking heed, but actually, that didn’t really matter, because the proof would be in whether they behaved in the future. If they did, all to the good, but if they didn’t, then she would happily give one or both girls another thrashing, no matter how many were needed to be given.  

In the meantime, Sandy told herself she was still some way away from finishing this thrashing. She knew that Amber gave Tammy two hundred spanks with the bath brush, and didn’t see any reason to give any less to each girl herself, even though both girls had already been thrashed with the leather belt. She knew, as their mum, that whilst she had true maternal love for both girls, she couldn’t show any sympathy whilst thrashing them when they needed to be, because, actually, that was part of what maternal love was. Teaching your offspring how to behave, and punishing them when they didn’t.  

However, when she got to about two hundred spanks given to each girl, she was satisfied with the thrashing she had given both of them, and put down the bath brush.  

Afterwards, with both girls crying, and with tear-stained faces, sitting on dining chairs, Tammy managed to say a tear-filled, “Sorry, mum.”  

Sandy stood in front of Tammy and was pleased with the apology, which she saw as a show of respect. Feeling even more maternal, she leaned down and kissed Tammy on her forehead.  

Tammy loved it that her mum kissed her forehead after giving her such a thrashing, and definitely saw that as a sign of both maternal love and control.  

Sandy then went and stood in front of Amber, leaned down, kissed her on her forehead, and heard her younger daughter give her an apology. “Sorry, mum.” That was good enough for her.  

Sandy then knew she should set out how she would be dealing with discipline in the future. She said, “Obviously, from now on, whenever either or both of you break one of my rules, that will mean another spanking. However, I do believe strongly that there will be times when there might be no specific reason to spank you, but, in my view, as your mother, I think that a spanking is still in order, maybe if it is just to relieve any stress that you have caused me, or just because I feel that I need to. That is when I will be giving you another spanking.”  

Tammy and Amber glanced at each other, but Sandy could tell from the looks on their faces that they totally understood that their mum must have the discretion to spank them, whenever she thinks it’s necessary, even without a specific rule being broken, because spanking is the primary punishment. Sandy happily accepted the end of the very long one-sided discussions as being the punishment, when the girls knew their mum would have set out a very long explanation as to what she thought they had done wrong. Now, that discussion was going to be in the form of a spanking, so it was right that their mum retained full discretion to spank them as her way of pointing out that they had done something wrong.  

Sandy knew that that would work fine when she was at home, but she also needed to explain what would happen when she was away. It would certainly be different from what had happened up till now, so she thought she ought to explain it, but had a different plan of action for each of her girls.  

Sandy felt really confident in the control she now had, and first said to both girls, “When I’m away, I will be phoning much more often, probably with video calls.” Sandy then looked directly at Tammy and said, “For you, Tammy, if I feel that you need a spanking, I will tell Amber to give you a spanking. No arguments. Understood?”  

Tammy was really up for that and just had that feeling of security and love, and definitely loved having her mum back in the position of full control. She happily replied, “Yes, mum, fully understood.”  

Sandy then turned to Amber and said, “Amber, we will also have those video calls, but if I feel that you need a spanking, it will wait until I get home. I will not be telling Tammy to spank you because we both know she needs to concentrate on being obedient herself.”  

Tammy was so relieved. She certainly didn’t want to spank Amber, and totally agreed with her mum she had to focus on being obedient to both her mum and her younger sister. In fact, Tammy realised that reinforced the fact that her mum knew what she needed and was making the correct provision for when she was away on work trips for two or three weeks at a time, leaving Amber in charge of her, which worked so well.  

Of course, Tammy knew it would mean her being spanked even more often, but she still preferred having her mum and younger sister…

Published 5 months ago

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