The Priestess of the Spire – Ch. 02 – The Cavern Spas

"Luna and friends help Gar unwind before the celebration"

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A blast of warm steam scented with exotic fragrances enveloped Gar’s senses as Luna led him by the hand through a great wooden door to the baths. In the dim light, Luna bid Gar to remove his boots while she bent over to undo the straps on her clogs. They placed their shoes in an alcove before she led him down a rock-hewn hallway into billowing steam.

They arrived at a small chamber which was lit by large, roughly shaped crystals which cast a diffuse amber glow on the chamber walls through the warm mist. From an ornate cabinet, she withdrew a silver flask and poured a small amount of purple liquid into a goblet and offered it to Gar. “Enjoy some of this ooba nectar. It will fill you with vigor.” The steam and the heat was very relaxing, and Gar was even feeling a little sleepy. However, once he drank the sweet nectar he felt a surge of energy light up his mind. His muscles felt revived.

Luna was walking slowly around him. The steam was making the tight fabric of her tiny shirt and shorts even more transparent on her firm slender body. “Before we enter the caverns, would you like my assistance in performing the rite of purification?” Her eyes gazed inquisitively into his, reflecting the amber light.  Sensing that he didn’t quite follow, she continued, “We bathe before entering the baths. First thing we need to do is get you out of these clothes.”

She began deftly unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it down around his forearms. She traced her fingers down his chest, marveling at his chiseled pectoral muscles and broad shoulders. She released his belt buckle and his pants fell to the floor. Gar wore no undergarment. He stood naked in the warm steam, his muscles rippling in the amber glow. Luna stumbled back in shock.

Gar grinned. He knew that he had a massive cock, and he had hoped he would not disappoint Luna. Her reaction was not unlike those of the maidens that saw him nude in the town baths or at the swimming hole. The men took notice too, though their reactions were more teasing and envious. His rod could vary in size, depending on the environment, and in the warm steam of the purification chamber, it hung more than halfway to his knees. Free from the constraints of clothing and with his senses attuned to Luna’s enticing appearance, his cock began to slowly stiffen.

Luna’s eyes went wide and she appeared to lose her balance for a moment. A hand went to her mouth and she sank to her knees in front of Gar, her face inches away from his cock as it rose. Her closeness made it swell quickly until it stood off his body rigid like a strong tree limb. “It’s… beautiful…” Luna managed to whisper. She reached out to touch it and was startled and bemused by the violent twitch her touch produced. Gar felt energy surging within him, the veins on his cock bulged in the dim light. With more daring, Luna again touched his cock, tracing the length of the shaft with her fingers, smiling now as it twitched. Gar grunted quietly and a little bit of pre-cum emerged from the tip. As if in a trance, Luna stuck out her tongue and leaned forward…

“What’s taking you so long, Luni?” From the hallway came the sound of bare feet on stone. “We have everything warmed up. Is Master Gar…” the owner of the voice halted in the doorway. A tall young woman of exceptional beauty stood in a flimsy robe that barely covered anything, she had long black hair in curtain bangs which framed her astonished face. She gasped and held her hand to her mouth. Luna stood up quickly, slightly embarrassed but also amused by the other Sister’s reaction. Two more girls in similar robes came up behind the newcomer and halted with similar reactions.

“Oh. My.”

The trio walked in slowly, Gar couldn’t help share a smirk with Luna who seemed to have recovered somewhat from her shock, though she still eyed his cock hungrily. The new girls crouched and knelt around his erect member, tentatively reaching for it, their eyes wide. There were murmurs of appreciation and wonder.

“Ahem. Sisters.” Luna spoke sharply. The women stood instantly, agitated and a little flustered they smiled at Gar, unable to refrain from downward glances.

Luna introduced them. Gesturing at the tall one, she said, “This is Riva,” to the others, “These are the twins, Vana and Lala. Lala!” Vana stepped to the side, exposing her sister to view. Lala’s robe hung open, her face was flushed and her eyes were closed. She was sucking lazily on the long index finger of one hand while the other was between her legs, deep within her bare pussy slit. Her sister Vana shook her arm and whispered an admonition in her ear and Lala seemed to wake from a trance, putting her hands behind her back and smiling dreamily.

“I am at your service.” Riva stepped forward and gently pulled Gars wrist up so that he could place his hand on the center of her chest. Vana did likewise with his other hand. Their skin was wet and slick, he could feel their hearts beating rapidly. Lala reached and pulled his hand away from Vana and placed it on her own chest, but she held his wrist and moved her body so that his hand could slide over her slick breasts and feel her hard nipples slip under his palm and fingers. Vana gave her a nudge with her shoulder and smiled at Gar sheepishly.

“Sorry for the interruption…” Riva said, giving Luna a sideways look. “We have been waiting for you in the baths, Master Gar. Luna was supposed to help you purify and then bring you into the bathing caverns.”

Luna responded, “I didn’t want to rush him, he should feel relaxed and unhurried.” Her tone was slightly defensive. However, after a moment her eyes lit up and her mood changed with a realization. “Well, now that you are here, you can help me with the rite of purification!” This pleased the newcomers.

They collected large round sponges from a shelf and gathered before him. Luna strode to the wall and moved a lever and then rejoined the group as they began a sort of sensual dance before Gar.

With swiveling hips and serpentine movements, they took turns getting low and caressing each other from their shoulders down to their thighs. Presently, pearly ropes of viscous fluid started dripping from hidden spigots in the ceiling like thick, white honey. The goo dripped over their bodies, soaking them with nacreous sheen.

The weight of the fluid hung heavy on the fabric, causing the silk belts of the robes to come loose and hang limply. They sopped up the creamy substance that pooled on their chests and rubbed the loaded sponges over one anothers’ bodies, causing the robes to slip in various degrees from their shoulders. One by one, all but Luna stood completely naked and dripping in the ivory puddle of goo and discarded clothing.

In the middle of the group, Luna was coated in a milky sheen like a glazed confection, the colors of her transparent little shorts and shirt tinting her skin under the gloss. The others surrounded her, their hands all over her, pulling the transparent fabric of her tiny garments in all directions. The cloth stretched cross her breasts and vulva, compressing her flesh underneath, making her body twist. Luna held her gaze on Gar through half-closed eyes as she was handled. She lifted her hand and beckoned him hither.

Gar stepped into the throng and they surrounded him, Luna pressing herself into to the front of his body. The fluid had a clean, herbal scent of floral extracts and the girls used their sponges, hands, arms and naked bodies to cover him with it. In a slow dance they were turning and rolling against him, their tight asses against his thighs, their hard nipples traveling across his ribs.

His cock was compressed tightly against Luna’s abdomen and it felt so very good. It throbbed and bucked as it slid across her slippery belly. She was looking up at him, her wide blue eyes blinking playfully with exaggerated innocence. He could feel her heart racing, her breathing was rapid. She was so beautiful. Simultaneous feelings of affection and lust blossomed in Gar’s mind. He embraced her tightly and she let out a soft feminine gasp that was muffled as Gar lowered his face and covered her lips with his. She closed her eyes and relaxed her jaw, her warm sweet mouth becoming a playground for his tongue.

He lowered his shoulders and firmly cupped her ass with strong hands while his cock slid up and down her belly. It desperately wanted inside. He tried to grip the backs of her thighs to lift her up but she was too slippery, his hand slipped into her shorts and she was lifted off of her feet as the fabric hiked up into her pussy. She moaned and threw her head back. Gar then noticed that she had become weightless. Vana and Lala stood on each side, and they were now supporting her, lifting her up. He released her shorts and placed his hands on her hips, guiding her into position. Riva pulled Luna’s soaking shorts down to her thighs, exposing her shiny smooth vulva as it rose above Gar’s pulsing cock head.

As the twins held her, Luna’s body slipped and she came down resting firmly on the end of Gar’s cock, the fat tip of his rod plowing apart her labial lips. She was tight, but her pussy and Gar’s cock were coated in slippery lubricant. Gravity slowly began to take effect. She gasped, her body rigid, her legs and  arms extended stiffly, her hands turned to fists. Riva pulled Luna’s shirt down below her breasts and the tight fabric pinned her arms to her side. Luna quivered, her tits were springy, her nipples pink and hard. The others watched in awe and fascination as Luna descended further on Gar’s engorged phallus. He couldn’t believe how good it felt to be inside her, he felt every ripple and muscle of her vagina as it gave way to the head of his cock and traveled down the length of his shaft. So wet, so tight.

Gar hugged Luna tightly, her arms pinned at her sides. Her head was thrown back and she was muttering, “Yes, oh yes. Oh yes. Oh…” With every inch of insertion her voice became higher pitched. He kissed her neck as her descent slowed. He was deep within her, yet he had not given her his full length. His cock head pushed up on her cervix causing her vagina to stretch as gravity persisted. It was too much for Luna. When Gar started thrusting, his length and his girth hit all the right spots. She was in an ocean of bliss and now a tidal wave was lifting her up, dropping her hard into a shuddering orgasm which continued in merciless waves like surf pounding the shore.  She jerked and bucked while the other girls caressed her and spoke encouragement.

The sensation of the suction and slippery friction from Luna’s squirming orgasm was overcoming Gar as well, he felt a thundering in his temples as all of his muscles clenched, he was no longer in control. He erupted with a force that nearly knocked him off balance but the girls caught him. His mind as well as his muscles were spasming, his eyes rolled back, his strong arms constricting around her twitching body. His cum was gushing into her in violent squirts, building up pressure until it came spurting out around her labia. Luna’s body went limp in his tight embrace, he was thrusting more slowly and steadily pumping his cum into her. The other girls caressed the couple as Gar’s semen flow subsided. His muscles slowly relaxed and he loosened his hold on her. Luna fell back like a ragdoll into the arms of Riva, a torrent of his cum draining from her pussy as his softening cock slid free.

Gar was suddenly concerned. Luna seemed unconscious.

“What’s wrong? Is she okay?”

“Oh, she is fine,” Riva responded, gently setting Luna on the floor where the pearlescent soapy liquid still pooled. “In fact, better than fine, I would say.” She looked up at Gar with admiration. “Her aura is highly charged.”

Gar was confused. “That’s a good thing?”

Lala stood next to him, her arm around his waist, her hand caressing his chest. “Oh yes. It is an intense spiritual experience for us,” she explained. “Attaining orgasm is something we are very experienced in, it is part of the daily rituals of the Spire. It charges our auras, our spirit beings.”

“But without men, how are you able to…” Gar trailed off as his question was obviously extremely humorous to the girls.

Lala responded with a big grin, “Oh we have ways, Master Gar. We have ways.”

Vana added. “The rites of the Spire have many methods for us to attain spiritual elevation, it is something we can do alone or together with others, with or without instruments of stimulation or sacramental herbs and elixirs…”

Lala interrupted, “Yes, but the lore is quite clear: none of it compares to getting fucked by one who possesses the power.”

Then Riva and Vana nodded solemnly in agreement.

Gar considered his effect on Luna as she lay still with an occasional twitch. “Do you think I might have the power that the Priestess seeks?”

Riva knelt in the pool of milky fluid, Luna’s head on her lap. She answered without certainty. “It is possible, but this is not proof. Luna may have felt a real emotional connection with you, and you may have touched her in just the right way.” She eyed his cock, drooping yet still softly turgid. “You definitely have the equipment and energy to pleasure a woman.” At that moment Luna stirred, arched her back and moaned before collapsing on her side and curling up in a ball, eyes closed with a big smile on her face. Riva stroked her head. She then spoke to Vana and Lala. “Will you two please help Master Gar wash so that he may proceed to the baths? I will keep Luna company for a little while.”

The twins led Gar out of the chamber and into another one that was similar in form and function. They drenched their bodies with a cascade of warm water, washing away the pearlescent sheen of the liquid. The women obtained fresh sponges and cleansing fluid from the overhead spigot and they scrubbed Gar and each other until their skin glowed. In the process, Gar had became quite erect again. Lala had rubbed her soapy belly against his cock while staring into his eyes, licking her lips and fondling her breasts. Vana, however, was insistent that the purification not become sidetracked once more.

Eventually, naked and clean, they led him out and into a series of caverns that had chambers of various sizes. There were steaming pools lit from within by warm phosphorescence, low seating areas made from a rubbery gel-filled material, tables with bottles of various liquids and tanks with assorted pipes and tubes running into the shadows. They ascended a short flight of stone stairs and a vista opened up before them. This particular cavern was embedded in a cliff face and one side of the room was open to the outdoors. After Gar’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the afternoon sunlight, he could see the sky and the face of a cliff shrouded in mist.

The twins lead him across the cavern to take in the view.

They stood by a modestly sized bathing pool excavated from the stone floor with large ornate silver faucets emerging from the rock wall to protrude out over the basin. The pool was lined with the same rubbery gel-filled material he had noticed elsewhere forming cushions and mattresses. This made a wide ring around the pool and seamlessly dipped into the water to form a seating area underneath. The warm stone floor was a colorful terrazzo pattern with rings radiating outwards from the pool. In a few places around the cavern, large mounds made from the ductile material seemed to suggest places to lounge.

The trio walked to the edge of the opening and Gar was stunned by the view that revealed itself. The opening was pretty high up on the cliff, he saw a steep verdant canyon with a multitude of waterfalls and streams emptying into a river that wound between ponds and meadow plateaus, rocky outcroppings and forest groves. The mist from the waterfalls rose in clouds, spawning rainbows above the valley. The sound of songbirds could be heard echoing across the sky.

Vana stood on her tiptoes and stretched, arms back, eyes closed, her delightfully nude body statuesque in the sun. Lala slid under Gar’s arm and wrapped her arms around his waist. He took a moment to enjoy her beauty as the sun warmed their naked skin.

She had long auburn hair that hung damply down her back reflecting magenta and purple where it caught the sun’s rays. Her skin was lightly tanned and freckled, her pink nippled breasts were a perfect handful and her body was fit and slender with long elegant legs. She looked up at him sedately with sparkling amber eyes under long dark brown eyelashes. Languorous and lazily, she leaned into him, her breasts flat against his ribs, her smooth shaven pussy pressed against his thigh.

“The hidden Vale of the Spire.” Her eyes turned to the vista.  “Well, what do you think, Master Gar?”

“It is amazing,” he said with genuine awe. “I had no idea this place existed. ” His eyes searched the distance. “I have been around the Vale boundaries, this canyon is hidden very well.”

“It is a magical place for us, so many incredible secrets to explore and enjoy.” Lala stood on her tiptoes and hugged him warmly. “I can give you a tour sometime, if you wish.”

The girls insisted on giving Gar a massage. Vana pulled one of the cushion blobs closer to the pool and bid Gar to lie down on it face down. The cushion flattened out beneath him but the viscous gel within kept his body comfortably suspended. The girls poured vials of scented oil upon his back and began rubbing his muscles with strength and tenderness. “Are you comfortable, Master Gar?”

“Oh yes. It feels wonderful.” He absorbed the sensation of their hands all over his body and the soft rubbery material, oily and slippery beneath him. He was surprised at how great the cushion felt on his skin. It was soft and yielding, almost voluptuous, yet springy and structural. His curiosity got the better of him. “What is this cushion made of?” he asked. “I’ve never encountered anything like it. “

“Ah, that is ploova. It is a most wonderful substance. We use it for so many things.” Vana slid over and around his back, buttocks and thighs using her entire body to apply pressure with precision in various places. As tension released from every part of his body, she explained that ploova was a product extracted, much like sap, from a unique tree which they cultivated in the Vale. It emerged as viscous gel and could be shaped into almost any use and hardened by heat or other energy. With certain treatments it could mimic numerous materials, from glass to wood to rubber. It could also be added and blended in other applications from paint to cloth. It was even used in the sheer, stretchy fabric used in much of their clothing.

“The Priestess is adept at shaping ploova into almost anything,” Lala commented. “She has even made sculptures which came to life.”

“Not really…” Vana responded. “It was more like a puppet she controlled somehow. And it took a ton of her energy. And she was unable to sustain the effect for more than a moment. Still, it was amazing.”

Gar found this extremely interesting. As a woodcarver, his artistic instincts found such a material to be fascinating with many possibilities. He especially wanted to see what the Priestess could create with it.

The girls bade Gar to turn over for the frontal massage. This they performed with their whole bodies as well. They were dripping with the slick massage oil as they slid exquisitely across his legs and abdomen. In turn, their smooth bare pussies rode his thighs and their breasts traveled up the shaft of his cock and across his chest. His cock became ramrod stiff once more, lying like a log on his belly, long and fat with pulsing veins.

With grace, Lala straddled the shaft and rode slowly up and down the slippery length, her glistening pussy lips stroking the underside of his cock. Tossing her head back, she threw her back into an arch, tilted her pelvis and the head of his cock slipped between her tight pussy lips. The next moment, his cock had slid out and was traversing her belly toward her breasts as she slid back down. Vana lay next to him on the mat and ran her hands over his chest. She had the same amber eyes as her sister.

Lala had turned over and now her tight, slick, oily backside was stroking his shaft, then he realized that he had slid into her pussy once more. She reclined to lie back on Gar’s chest. With one arm he pinned Lala across her breasts, with the other hand he pulled Vana’s face toward him. He thrust. His fat iron-hard cock went into Lala with a squish which made her go limp and squeal in breathless delight. Vana closed her eyes and opened her mouth and let herself be penetrated by Gar’s tongue.

Gar felt intense pleasure and he felt an urge rising in him to squeeze Lala tight and give her his entire length, pistoning until his cum blasted inside her. However, the relaxation of the massage was still present and he didn’t wish to let go of it. With some effort, he relaxed his grip, his arms dropping away to lie flat on the mat. Vana’s soft lips set about kissing him about his neck and face and Lala continued leisurely slide on and off his cock while rolling over on top of him to various positions.

He found a peaceful bliss and savored the pleasure. Time was disregarded. For a moment, he wondered if this was some incredible dream, perhaps he had never gotten out of bed this morning, never answered the door. But the feeling was too real, he was too present. He let the sensations and the intimacy with the girls become the totality of his awareness. Their sexual generosity filled him with warmth. He felt great affection for them, he felt love. It was ecstasy.

The sun sank behind the cliff took and the sky took on an orange hue. Eventually, Lala’s movements brought her to a paralyzing orgasm which pulled him off the sustained near-peak he had been leisurely enjoying. Vana sensed he was cumming and pushed Lala up and off his cock. Before he unloaded, Vana immersed his cock in her mouth. As his cum pumped, she gulped. She took her time until his semen stopped flowing and then cleaned his cock with her tongue, not one drop remaining. Lala lay panting on his chest, spread eagle and listless. Vana kissed him on the cheek, got up and walked over to a cabinet by the wall.

She returned with a large silver carafe and three goblets. “Shall we?” she inquired, gesturing with her face and shoulders at the bathing pool.

The pool was incredibly comfortable with the firm yet squishy padding that lined the interior. The two girls sat on each side of Gar in a curved recline of the basin. Vana dumped a vial of floral oils into the pool which made it even more soothing and added lubrication. Bubbles flowed up around their bodies as they drank together, holding their goblets of ooba and watching content and relaxed as the clouds passed. They laughed and talked flirtatiously, the girls admired his sexual endowment while he praised their beauty to comedic excess. They nestled up against him, gazing at him adoringly, stroking his cock as the peace of early evening descended.

Published 3 years ago

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