The following morning, Naka-Mur arose at dawn with an unusually somber expression. It was time, at last, to make known the will of the gods to his people and to tell all the Aiwaha which beautiful young women had been honored by being chosen for the Festival. He ambled over to the Great House with a heaviness about his shoulders, the weight of his responsibility hanging heavy upon him.
Dr. Harwood seemed to pick up on it because when she arrived at the Great House for the morning meal with her students in tow, she gave him a questioning look. Naka-Mur nodded in response to her unspoken question and she paled a little, but nodded back. When the food had all been served, the High Chieftain rose from his dais and said, <“My people, I have an announcement to make. The sacred Festival of Fertility draws ever closer, and since making it known to you, many beautiful women of our tribe have asked, even pleaded, for the honor of being chosen, of dancing the Dance of the Gods from the sacred tree. It is with great joy in my heart that I announce the names of those whose prayers the gods have heard.“>
There was a sharp intake of breath from everyone, including the outlanders. Bonnie was practically on the edge of her seat with anticipation.
Naka-Mur looked around at them. <“The gods have chosen fifteen of our most beautiful young women to perform this revered duty. The names of the chosen ones are Tizca, Cholchi, Xochitl, Amoxtli, Palenque, Anacaona, Atlatl, Ohtli, Nahuatl, Tiamat, Qetesh, Cualli, Coaxoch, Jaziri…and Bonnie.“>
Bonnie shot to her feet, her naked breasts bouncing as Harwood translated. “YES!” she shouted, pumping a triumphant fist. “Fuck, yeah! Awesome!”
The rest of the tribe erupted into cheers and applause as the chosen ones were called out. The excitement was palpable in the air, and the anticipation grew stronger with each passing moment. Many of the Aiwaha began to congratulate the girls whose names Naka-Mur had spoken, hugging them, embracing them, and telling them how lucky they were. The reaction was overwhelmingly positive; some of the girls selected for sacrifice were so overjoyed that they wept with happiness. Many of those who hadn’t been chosen looked downright envious or disappointed.
The professor looked at Bonnie. “Well, it looks like you’ll get your wish,” she said. “How are you feeling?”
“Fucking ecstatic! I can’t believe it,” Bonnie exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with excitement. “This is going to be the wildest ride of my life!”
“And the last,” Gabby added drily.
As the Festival of Fertility grew closer, the atmosphere in the village was electric. The air was thick with anticipation and the scent of cooking meats filled every corner of Tlacloban. Bonnie lay in the communal hut with the other sacrificial girls, her body a canvas of sweat and cum from the marathon of lovemaking she had endured that day. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn’t sleeping. Instead, she was lost in thought, contemplating the morrow.
It was astonishingly easy for her to come to terms with the fact that in just two short days, she would be dead. Bonnie had always been a bit of a thrill-seeker, and the idea of dying in such a spectacularly erotic fashion was more than enough to make up for any fear or regret she might have felt. Her heart raced with excitement, her pussy was wetter than it had ever been before as she imagined the feeling of the rope tightening around her neck, her breath growing shorter and shorter until she was gasping for air. The orgasms she had experienced so far were a mere taste of what was to come.
She listened to the muffled sounds of the jungle outside, the distant cries of howler monkeys, and the occasional rustle of leaves as an animal passed by. Inside the hut, the other girls were asleep, their breathing deep and rhythmic. Bonnie felt a strange kinship with them, all of them bound by this shared fate. In less than twenty-four hours all of them would be dead, buried in the crop fields, their flesh and blood nourishing the earth to ensure the tribe’s prosperity. It was a huge turn-on, knowing her body would be used in such a primal, sacred way. She couldn’t help but feel a thrill at the thought of it, her nipples hardening despite the humid night air.
There was no hope of sleep for her. She was too wound up for that. So instead, Bonnie reminisced about some of her past sexual conquests. She thought about the first time she’d ever had sex, back at the water park her parents had brought her to. She didn’t even remember the guy’s name, but she remembered his face well enough. He’d been only a year older than her at the time and as soon as she’d seen him, she’d thought he was cute. Bonnie was already curious about sex even then, so she’d simply walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder, and asked, “Wanna do it?”
The guy had been flustered, but he’d managed to nod his head. They’d snuck away to a quiet spot behind the water slide and she’d let him fuck her doggy style, the sound of rushing water and the screams of other kids muffling their gasps and moans. It had been fast and furtive, and she had come away feeling like a naughty little slut. That feeling had never really gone away, and she had spent the rest of her life chasing it, seeking out new and more daring sexual experiences. She and the guy–what his name, dammit?–had tried to do the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing over a long distance, it quickly fizzled and all communication between them had ceased. But she had never forgotten that first taste of freedom, of doing something that she wanted to do, regardless of what anyone else thought of it. And now she was about to experience the ultimate freedom.
She smiled at the memory. It was a bit of a cliché to say that she’d die happy, but in this case, it was true. Bonnie’s mind drifted to her parents, who had no idea what she was doing here. She hadn’t even spoken to them since before she came on this trip with Harwood and the others. Her mother and father would have had a stroke if they knew their daughter was about to be sacrificed to a bunch of people who, from their ignorant perspective, were little more than naked savages. But Bonnie knew better. The Aiwaha were a beautiful people, living in harmony with nature and their gods. Their way of life was pure and untainted by the corruptions of modern society, and she felt more alive and freer here than she ever had back in the stifling environment of her parents’ mansion.
The thought of her family’s reaction to her decision made her snicker. Her mother would probably have a meltdown and her father would start screaming about the family’s reputation and his precious connections. They would probably hold some stuffy funeral for her and go on and on about how much they loved her, but Bonnie had never seen much evidence of that. After she learned to walk she’d been handed to over a series of faceless nannies while Mom and Dad traveled around the world for business. She could count on one hand the number of times they’d actually done anything together “as a family” and still have a few fingers to spare. Bonnie had always felt like a possession to them rather than a daughter–something to show off to their rich friends so they could brag about her achievements.
They would claim to be devastated by her fate, but that was their problem, not hers. The thought of dying tomorrow didn’t scare her; it thrilled her. It was like the ultimate climax, the grand finale to the great sexual odyssey, the glorious cavalcade of hedonism that was her life. And she could hardly wait.
It hadn’t been all fun and games, though. Kura had shown up early the previous morning in the hours before dawn and woken them all up. Bonnie still had no idea how the old woman had the energy to be up and about so early, but if Kura felt tired she didn’t show it. Instead, she gestured to the two young men who followed in her wake, lugging a large basket between them filled with vines.
“What’s that?” Bonnie had asked with a yawn.
<“It is customary,“> Kura had said, <“That each girl uses these vines to weave the rope from which she will perform the Dance of the Gods at the sacred tree. You must use these vines to tie your own noose. It is a symbol of your willingness to offer your lives for our people.”>
Bonnie had watched as the young men set the basket down and pulled out the vines, which looked surprisingly soft and pliable but also strong enough to keep from snapping or fraying. They had shown the girls how to weave the ropes, and even though it was a simple task, it felt incredibly significant. Each loop, each twist of the vines, was a step closer to her destiny. Bonnie took one of the vines and began to weave, her eyes half-closed as she focused on the rhythmic movement of her hands. The vines were a rich green, almost black in the dim light of the hut, and smelled faintly of earth and rainwater. It was surprisingly peaceful, sitting there with the other girls, all of them working together to create their own instruments of sacrifice.
They had worked quietly, each of them absorbed in their own thoughts, and Bonnie made sure that her own noose was particularly tight. She didn’t want any slip-ups when the time came. It was a strange sort of serenity that had settled over her, a peace she hadn’t felt in years. It was like all the bullshit of the outside world had just melted away, leaving only the purity of this moment, the anticipation of the experience that lay ahead.
Now, as she whiled away the hours of the last night of her life, Bonnie smiled at the memory. The noose was still there, carefully coiled up next to where she was lying. It was a constant reminder of what was to come, and it made her stomach flutter with excitement. She picked it up and began to run it through her fingers, feeling the roughness of the vines against her skin. It was surprisingly comforting, like a warm embrace from a fuck-buddy she hadn’t seen in a long time.
The door to the hut creaked open, and the sound of footsteps alerted her to the presence of someone approaching. She assumed it was one of the other girls needing to use the communal area, but when she looked up she saw a young Aiwaha warrior standing there, his muscular body silhouetted against the flickering light of the cooking fires outside. He was naked except for a loincloth, and his cock was already erect, pointing at her like an arrow.
Bonnie was in no mood to turn him away. It’d be a great way to pass the time and get herself even more worked up for tomorrow. “You want some of this?” she asked, her voice thick with desire as she spread her legs. The warrior nodded eagerly and approached her, his eyes gleaming in the dim light. He was young, probably not much older than she was, and that was all for the better because it meant he’d have some stamina. He knelt down between her thighs and began to kiss her, his lips gentle and warm against hers. Bonnie moaned. Usually, she wasn’t one for all the touchy-feely shit, but this time she’d let it slide. She wrapped her arms around him and eagerly returned the kiss, sliding her tongue into his mouth.
He pushed his loincloth aside and shoved his dick into her. There was no need for foreplay and neither of them had the patience for it. Bonnie took him in eagerly and began moving in time with him as he began to fuck her hard and fast, his hips pumping until each thrust made her spine arch off the floor. Bonnie didn’t bother to hide her pleasure or muffle her moans of delight. She didn’t care if she woke the others; she was going to get the most out of this last night of her life.
The guy clutched her throat gently, not too hard, but just enough to remind her of the fate that awaited her. His kisses grew more urgent as he fucked her, his teeth grazing her lower lip in a way that made her shiver as he fucked her like a stallion in heat. She gloried in the sensations. She felt so alive, so full of life and passion. All that mattered was the feeling of this man inside her, his cock driving into her like a piston, his body heat mixing with hers.
Bonnie’s vision blurred as she felt him tense up and come inside her. She watched his face contort with pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head as he gave a final, guttural grunt. She felt his warm cum filling her, that indescribable and oh-so-familiar heat gushing into her nubile body as her pussy walls clenched and squeezed. She had never felt more alive than she did right now, so close to the hour of her death. It was like every nerve ending was on fire, every sensation magnified a thousand-fold.
She screeched like a harpy as she came. Bonnie’s orgasm hit her like a truck, making her body spasm uncontrollably. The young warrior didn’t stop moving until she had come down from her high, panting and smiling. He withdrew his cock with a wet sound and leaned back, watching her with a satisfied expression on his face. She could feel his semen trickling down her inner thighs.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming. He nodded and kissed her again before standing up and disappearing into the night. Bonnie lay there, her chest heaving, as the other girls–woken up by her cries–watched her with grinning faces.
Cholchi giggled. <“He certainly liked you,“> she said, her voice thick with sleep. <“You will be a good offering to the gods, I think.”>
<“An excellent one,“> Palenque concurred. <“Your spirit is strong, and your body will be a fine gift.“>
Jaziri agreed. <“Your lust is more than a match for even the most hot-blooded man. I am impressed.“>
Bonnie gave them all a thumbs-up. She couldn’t understand the words but the tone made their meaning clear. “Right back at ya, bitches,” she quipped, making them laugh again.
She wasn’t the only one to have a visitor that night, nor was that the last of the males who came to fuck her. Bonnie and the girls cavorted with one partner after another until just before dawn. In fact, she was still riding a guy in reverse cowgirl and giving handjobs to two more when Kura came into the hut, flanked by at least a dozen armed warriors. The expression on the old woman’s face was grave.
<“It is time,”> she intoned. <“The Festival of Fertility begins at dawn tomorrow. Come, girls, and follow me. You must be purified and made ready in body and spirit, and attend the great feast, before going to meet your fate at the sacred tree.”>
The four of them looked at each other. Then, as one, they rose to their feet. Bonnie gave her fuckbuddies an apologetic smile as she hurried out the back of the hut. Together, she and the other fourteen girls followed Kura to the edge of Tlacloban and into the jungle. The old woman seemed to know the route to wherever they were going by heart, and Bonnie took great care not to trip over any roots or branches in the dark. She had no idea where she was going, but she knew it had to be somewhere important. The males who’d accompanied Kura kept a careful watch for any dangerous predators that might try to hurt the girls as they walked in single file down the jungle path.
Bonnie poked her tongue out at her. “Oh, you’re just jealous.”
Isaiah, sitting next to Metztli–who had become part of their little group by virtue of being his mate–paled as he heard Bonnie’s fate become sealed. He felt a knot forming in his stomach, a cold, hard rock of fear and dread. Metztli saw this and gave his hand a squeeze.
“Is okay,” she murmured. “Is great honor, especially for foreigner. Be joyful, not sad.”
He smiled wanly. “But it’s still… There’s just so much to take in. I mean, she’s a friend, you know?”
Metzli nodded. “I know, but she want this. She choose this. You not want ruin it for her, right? Not want make her feel guilty or sad.”
Isaiah took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re right. I’ll try to be happy for her.” It wouldn’t be easy, but it was something he’d just have to accept. If he was going to stay with Metztli, he was going to have to accept all aspects of Aiwaha culture, and that included the Festival. He’d known that when he’d made his decision, and he knew it now.
Lin Ming was having a similar struggle. She too had come to accept her new life with Zolin and the Aiwaha, but the idea of her friend dying was difficult to stomach. Bonnie was so full of life, so vibrant and carefree. Yet, as she saw the joy in her eyes and the eyes of the other chosen women, she reminded herself that she was looking at this through the lens of her own fears and prejudices. This was a sacred event, one that the Aiwaha had been practicing for centuries. Who was she to judge? Still…
“I…am happy for you,” she finally said to Bonnie. “But…I will miss you, Bonnie. Very much.”
Richard nodded. “Me too.”
“I, uh, hope it’s not painful,” added Brian. He looked at Harwood. “Will it be painful?”
Harwood shook her head. “Perhaps, but every effirt is made to minimize discomfort. The Aiwaha give the chosen girls a potent concoction that helps them endure any potential discomfort as they asphyxiate. Consuming lots of caium beforehand also helps..”
“What do they use to make it?” asked Jeremy.
“I don’t know,” Harwood said. “The recipe is a closely guarded secret, known only to the tribe’s storyteller. Kura is the only one who knows it, and it is made specifically for the ceremony.”
“I see.”
“So…what now?” Aisha asked. “I mean, is there something Bonnie has to do to prepare?”
“Indeed,” confirmed the professor. “The women selected for the ceremony are given a special hut, apart from the rest of the tribe, to live in until they are sacrificed. This is meant to reflect the fact that the gods have marked them out as special. They will be feasted, and praised, and their families will be given gifts as a sign of the tribe’s gratitude and respect. If they have children, they will be allowed to see them but they can’t go back to their old huts.” She turned to Bonnie. “There will be some ritual preparation involved before the actual ceremony takes place, and you’ll be expected to take it seriously.”
“What kind of preparation?” asked Krupa.
“Bonnie will be expected to bathe and purify herself prior to her sacrifice. The day before, she and the other girls to be sacrificed will be led to a secluded, special pool where they will bathe and groom themselves. Then her body will marked with body paint from head to toe–one half of her body will be painted gold to symbolize the sun, the other half black to symbolize the soil she will go on to fertilize after her death, though she will also be free to add markings of her own too. She will also be expected to participate in a final feast held in her honor and in the honor of the girls sacrificed alongside her, where they will be served the most delectable foods.”
Bonnie smirked. “Sounds pretty good to me. And I can still have sex, right? That’s not, like, forbidden?”
Harwood rolled her eyes at the blonde’s irrepressibility. “Yes, you can still have sex,” she said. “In fact, it’s encouraged. The idea is that you’re supposed to go to the gods with a heart full of joy and no regrets. So have sex, eat as much as you want, drink as much as you want, live each day from now until your sacrifice to the absolute fullest. As far as the Aiwaha are concerned, it’s your right and your duty to live it up as much as possible.”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Bonnie said. “But what about you guys? What are you supposed to do? Just sit around and wait?”
“Hardly,” the professor replied. “Most of us, myself included, will probably be participating in the orgy during the actual ceremony, but between now and then, there are still some things we can do to help out. For one thing, we’ll be assisting in the preparations for the Festival. That means gathering food and helping to cook it for the ceremonial feasts, ensuring that there is plenty of wood for ritual bonfires, and taking care to make sure that there is an abundance of fresh meat. Isaiah, Richard, Brian, Jeremy, you will all probably be working overtime with Metztli to help take care of that.”
Metztli nodded. “Yes, is good. We hunt. A lot.” She squeezed Isaiah’s hand. “I know Rabbit not fail. Not fail to bring in meat. I believe in Rabbit.”
Isaiah felt his pulse quicken and blushed. So did Lin Ming, for that matter. Harwood didn’t notice.
“I think,” she went on, “that if Kura approves, you could do a little mini-documentary for your streamers, Krupa. To document the lead-up to the Festival, you know? Maybe do some interviews with Bonnie leading up to the ceremony, which will let her tell people back in the states why she’s doing this and what her thoughts are. I think that would not only go over very well with your followers, but also provide some excellent material for anthropologists like myself.”
“That’s a great idea!” Krupa gushed. “I’ll definitely need to get some footage of you, Bonnie, and maybe get some insights from the other chosen ones too! My subscribers are gonna eat that up!”
Bonnie smirked. “Fine by me. You know I love the spotlight.”
“Gosh, you don’t say,” Brian replied sardonically. “We had no idea.”
Everyone in the group chuckled, easing the tension in the room. Bonnie’s bravado was infectious, and even in the face of what lay ahead, her spirit remained unbroken, her enthusiasm unaffected. The students had spent the last few weeks documenting various aspects of the Aiwaha lifestyle and learning about their culture and history, but nothing they’d seen or done so far would compare to what was to come. Bonnie was all smiles, as were all the other girls who’d been selected. One of them was embraced by an older couple who were almost certainly her parents, their eyes shining with pride at their daughter’s selection. Another embraced two small children, obviously her own, and whispered to them that she’d see them again in the afterlife.
Naka-Mur watched the students’ reactions to the news with a keen eye. He’d been a little skeptical of Bonnie’s sincerity, had feared she would have second thoughts about being chosen, but thankfully that didn’t seem to be the case. He took a moment to appreciate her beauty and that of all the other chosen girls. Truly, this was a gift worthy of the gods.
<“Let the chosen girls be taken to the special huts, to live apart from the rest of the village,“> he declared. <“Their purification begins now. They shall be treated as goddesses until the day of the Festival.“>
Bonnie rose to her feet as Tenoch came to collect her. “Guess that’s my cue,” she said, as he put a hand on her shoulder. “See you guys later!”
As they approached the special hut set aside for them, Bonnie noticed that it was all adorned with flowers and leaves, giving them a festive yet eerie look. It was indeed set apart from the rest of the village, surrounded by a ring of torches that burned day and night to keep predators at bay. Inside, it was spacious and comfortable, with soft beds made from woven vines and animal furs. There were no windows, just a small hole in the roof to let in air and light and allow smoke from the firepit to escape.
The girls quickly made themselves at home and began to chatter among themselves. Perhaps inevitably, they were curious about the blonde-haired foreigner who’d volunteered to share their fate. Palenque walked up to Bonnie and spoke in a thickly accented voice, ”You not scared?”
Bonnie tilted her chin up a little and smirked. “Not even a little. I’m actually super-excited to be a part of this.”
The Aiwaha woman cocked her head. “Excited?” she asked. “You not afraid to die?”
Bonnie shrugged. “Why should I be?” she said. “We all gotta go eventually, right? Besides, this way I’m getting to choose how I check out, and I’m going to be worshipped like a goddess the whole time and have lots of sex, and everyone’s going to remember my name. How many people get to say that?” She studied the other girl. “Are you afraid?”
Palenque snorted. “No. None of us are. We know this is great honor. Many girls in tribe pray for this. It is only you foreigners who might be scared.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m totally down for this,” Bonnie declared. “You have, like, no idea how psyched I am.”
Cholchi, a shy, soft-spoken girl of 18 or 19, looked at Bonnie with a mix of admiration and bewilderment. She couldn’t comprehend the blonde’s enthusiasm to take part in the ceremony since Bonnie was an outsider, but she respected her for it nonetheless. <“You are brave,” she murmured. “I hope your gods are proud of you.”
“Thanks,” the blonde slut beamed. She sat back on the nearest bed and took a minute to study the other girls. Palenque was a statuesque beauty, busty and well-built with long, dark hair that fell in glossy waves down to her waist. Cholchi, on the other hand, was petite, almost fragile-looking, with a heart-shaped face and big, doe eyes and small breasts similar to Lin Ming’s. Tiamat, who was sitting cross-legged by the firepit, had a regal bearing, her skin a deep, rich brown that was almost black in the flickering light. Her eyes were the color of polished amber, and she had a tattoo of a snake coiled around one of the nipples on her perky C-cup breasts.
The rest of the girls varied in shape and size, but they all shared one common trait: they were all stunningly beautiful, each in their own way. Qetesh had the largest breasts of the group, a full D-cup that bounced delightfully when she laughed, which was often. She had a round, friendly face with dimples in her cheeks, and her skin was a rich, sun-kissed bronze. Nahuatl had the lightest-colored hair of any Aiwaha Bonnie had seen so far, a very pale shade of brown that she wore cropped short. Her body was slender, with small, pert breasts. Anacaona had almond-shaped eyes and a full, lush figure. Her breasts were a generous B-cup, almost a C. Ohtli and Atlatl were twins, distinguishable only by the way they did their hair. Ohtli wore hers in a bob, Atlatl let hers run free down her back. They were almost as tall as Bonnie and had full C-cups, with heart-shaped asses and muscular, athletic legs. The two sisters looked like they could run for days without getting tired. Cualli was the shortest of all the girls there, and also had the smallest breasts of any of them, but what she lacked in height and bust she more than made up for with a fiery personality. She had an almost feral glint in her eyes and a jagged smile.
Amoxtli was a huntress, like Metztli, with a muscular body and a stern expression that made it clear she didn’t take any shit from anyone. Her tits were a respectable B-cup, and she had the kind of thighs that could crush a man’s skull. Before feeling called by the gods to offer herself as a sacrifice, Coaxoch had been one of a group of Aiwaha women studying with Kura as potential replacements once the old storyteller passed on, and she had a studious, almost analytical personality. She had a cleft chin and a sharp nose that looked like it had been carved from obsidian. Her tits were a large C-cups bordering on D-cups, and she watched the rest of the group with assessing dark eyes. Finally, Jaziri had the darkest skin of all of any Aiwaha Bonnie had yet seen. Her body was lithe like a dancer’s and her full D-cup breasts were tipped with nipples so dark they stood out even against her dark complexion. She was cordial but reserved, not engaging in conversation unless engaged first.
Bonnie couldn’t help but feel just a little self-conscious, which was rare for her, as she took in the beauty of her new companions. Each girl had been chosen for their own unique allure, and she found herself comparing her own body to theirs. Palenque’s long, wavy hair made Bonnie’s own blonde locks seem almost mundane, while Cholchi’s delicate frame reminded her of a woodland nymph from a fairy tale. Tiamat’s amber eyes exuded a determination that made her feel a little more like a bumbling tourist than a participant in a sacred ceremony.
She banished such doubts with a firm shake of her head. This was an adventure, and she was going to make the most of it. Besides, she had her own assets to be proud of: her long legs that seemed to stretch on forever, her blonde hair that was always a hit with the boys, and her own generous D-cup breasts. And besides, she knew the men of Tlacloban found her exotic, just as Isaiah and the boys in Harwood’s class found Aiwaha girls exotic. Exotic, she reflected, was in the eye of the beholder.
“So,” she asked, not directing her question to anyone in particular. “Why’d you guys volunteer?”
Cualli spoke up first, her voice carrying the same fiery spirit as her eyes. <“For honor,“> she said. <“To show gods I am worthy, and to bring strength to my family. To show everyone that despite my size, I am as fierce as jungle cat.“>
The other girls nodded in agreement, as did Bonnie when Tenoch–who’d been one of the males assigned to escort the sacrificial girls to the special hut–translated Cualli’s words to English.
Amoxtli said, <“I have volunteered to set an example for my daughters, all of whom are too young for this year’s ceremony. I want them to know that death is not to be feared, but embraced when it serves the greater good. I want to show them what it means to put our people first.“>
<“You not fear leaving them behind?“> Cholchi asked.
Amoxtli’s expression softened, a hint of sadness flashing across her features before she regained her stoic composure. <“Of course, I fear for their future without me,” she replied. <“But I trust in the gods and the wisdom of our ancestors, and I know the rest of the tribe will care for them in my absence. My sacrifice ensures their lives are filled with bountiful harvests and strong hunts. This is the greatest gift I can give them.“>
Ohtli and Atlatl spoke up together, their voices in harmony. <“We do this simply for love of our people,” they said, sharing a knowing look. <“We have felt the whispers of the gods and know that our union with them will bring peace and prosperity to our tribe. Our hearts are filled with joy for the chance to serve Tlacloban in such a holy way.“>
<“Indeed,“> said Jaziri. <“And you, Coaxoch?“>
If Coaxoch had had glasses, Bonnie suspected she would have pushed them up the bridge of her nose before responding. <“For the gods, and for the chance to live forever through the stories of our sacrifice,“> she said. <“Having studied with Kura for years, I know that songs and stories offer the only way for any of us to live on after death. I wish to be remembered in such a manner.“>
Bonnie listened to the girls’ responses with both fascination and admiration. Each of them had a unique motivation behind their willingness to participate in the Festival of Fertility, and she felt honored to be among them. She knew her own reasons were vastly different—the thrill of the experience and the desire to choose her own fate—but she couldn’t help but feel a spark of camaraderie with these brave women. All of them were about to embark on a journey, and she was determined to show the same strength and resolve she saw all around her.
They hadn’t been in the hut long before several young men came to visit for sex, and the girls were all too willing to oblige. Bonnie reveled in the way they approached her almost reverently, at the attention and veneration she and all the others were starting to receive. She laughed with joy as she was plowed doggystyle by one of the young Aiwaha warriors, her large breasts bouncing with every thrust. She wasn’t the only one, either. Jaziri bounced on a cock in reverse cowgirl while Cualli was taken in both her pussy and ass at the same time, screeching like a harpy with every pump. The twins Ohtli and Atlat had found a young man with a particularly thick cock, and took turns riding him while the other sat on his face, their eyes never leaving each other’s as they competed for who could take him deeper and fuck him harder. Palenque had a cock in her mouth and another in her cunt, and she took them both with the grace of a gazelle.
Bonnie felt the familiar warmth of jizz gushing into her womb and the guy’s grip on her hips tightened hard enough to make her flinch. He held her fast to make sure she took every drop and then withdrew, letting a sticky white waterfall pour out of her.
She blew him a kiss as he left, and lay back down, panting a little. And the best part, she knew, was that this was just the beginning.
It wasn’t long after the guys departed that Krupa entered the hut, nodding at the two males on guard outside. “Yo, Bonnie! You holding up okay?”
“Better than ever,” the blonde slut replied. “You here for that interview?”
“The first of many, I hope,” Krupa said. “I thought we could make it like a daily thing, with one recorded each morning until the Festival takes place. I want to document as much of your experience as possible for my followers. You okay with that?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Krupa nodded and switched her phone on. “So, Bonnie, tell us why you agreed to do this.”
Bonnie smirked and, yet again, went over her reasons for volunteering. When she was finished, Krupa asked, “Anything you’d like to say to your friends back home? Maybe your parents?”
“Yeah.” She faced the camera and held up a slender middle finger. “Fuck you, Mom and Dad. If you’d paid some fucking attention to me when I was a kid maybe I wouldn’t have turned out this way. I hope what I’m going to do fucking devastates you, assholes. By the time you watch this it’ll be too late for you to do a goddamn thing to stop me.”
Krupa nodded solemnly, understanding that Bonnie’s words were a declaration of independence as much as anything. “And what about those who think you’re throwing your life away?”
Bonnie’s expression grew fierce, her eyes sparkling with determination. “They can think what they want. This isn’t about them; it’s about me. I’m going to experience something they can’t even imagine, something that’s going to make me feel alive in a way they’ll never understand. And when it’s over, I’ll have lived more than most people ever do. They can all suck it.”
“I’ll be here,” Bonnie promised. She grinned. “After all, where else would I be?” Where else would I rather be? Fucking nowhere.
Metztli also didn’t waste any time once the sacrifices were announced. She put Isaiah and the other boys right to work and led them out into the jungle as soon as breakfast was over. Isaiah, filled with newfound confidence and a burning desire to prove himself, clutched his bow tightly and took care to walk in the way she’d shown him, putting his weight first on the balls of his feet and then slowly rolling onto his heels to keep his steps as silent as possible. The others followed suit, trying to match her swift and graceful movements. It was still so early in her pregnancy that she didn’t even have a baby bump yet, and she’d brushed off Isaiah’s attempt to get her to stay behind. Metztli would not hear of shirking her duty as a huntress, not when it came to the hallowed Festival. When her stomach began to bulge and her pregnancy became more pronounced, then yes, she would have to set her weapons aside for a time. But not now. Not yet.
Metztli clutched her spear and listened hard for any sign of their quarry. The goal was to hunt boar and other large game like tapirs to contribute to the Festival of Fertility feast. She and the foreigners were joined by a dozen Aiwaha men, all seasoned hunters and heavily armed. Boar was a dangerous game–even wounded, the animals could inflict gruesome injuries with their tusks. It was far better to be cautious than to have to carry an injured or dead Aiwaha back to Tlacloban.
She held up a hand and the party came to a halt. Her huntress’s senses, honed from years of chasing game through the Amazon, were on high alert and her gut told her prey was near. Metztli had learned long ago to trust her gut. It had never steered her wrong. The underbrush rustled as she motioned for everyone to be quiet. She crouched, listening, her eyes narrowing as she tried to pinpoint the exact location of the sound.
There was a grunting, squealing noise and the bushes rustled again. Metztli’s face split in a predator smile and she raised her spear to throw it. Behind her, Isaiah nocked an arrow in his bow, as did Brian, Jeremy, Richard, and the other hunters. Every muscle in her body was tensed like a coiled spring.
She gave her Rabbit a sidelong glance and felt her heart swell with pride. He looked every inch the Aiwaha, standing with his legs firmly planted in the dirt, his arrow drawn back so far the fletching tickled his ear. He’d come a long way and she adored him all the more for it.
The boar broke cover with a squeal of rage and charged. In the blink of an eye, more than half a dozen lethal arrows and almost as many spears sailed through the air. A few missed but most found their mark. Blood misted in the hot, steamy jungle air and spattered onto nearby foliage. Even with its fabled resistance and thick, coarse hide, the wounds inflicted on it were too much for the animal to bear. Its charge ground to a halt and it fell over onto its side, kicking and snorting with rage and pain.
Isaiah stepped forward to finish it off, but she halted him with an arm on his shoulder. “Still dangerous, dummy,” she said. “Those tusks still get you. More than one hunter injured or killed by boar in its final moments. We stay back.” She nodded at them all. “More arrows. Kill it now.”
Isaiah nodded, nocked another shaft, drew it back, and loosed it in one smooth, practiced motion. So did all the others–the arrows made a whooshing sound, and the boar’s dying squeals were cut abruptly short as they thudded into its body. It looked like a giant oversized pincushion, pierced through and through from snout to tail.
“Good,” she said and went to start pulling the shafts out. Metztli cleaned one with a large, broad leaf from a nearby tree and handed it back to her lover. “Now again. Need more like this. Lots more.”
“How many?” Brian asked.
Metztli thought about it. “At least twenty. Maybe more. Need much meat.”
As it turned out, they got more than twenty. In fact, the hunting party wound up bringing almost thirty dead boars back to the village. It took them several trips to do that, and by the time it was done, Isaiah and his fellow students were red-faced and dripping with sweat. The dead animals were heavy, heavy enough that it took two or three men between them to carry each one, but that wasn’t the end of their labors. Metztli also organized spear-fishing expeditions into the nearby river. Catfish and other large river-dwellers were speared by the dozen, but the true prize was black caiman–those large, toothsome reptiles whose meat was a rare delicacy due to the inherent danger involved in hunting it. Isaiah watched, fascinated, as the Aiwaha lured the caiman near to shore by laying out bait consisting of fresh meat and dead fish, as well as lacing the water with animal blood. Then, when the beasts were attracted by the smorgasbord, they’d be speared in a weak spot in their scaly armor on the back of their necks. It was a risky, bloody business and Isaiah and each of his classmates all had close calls and narrowly avoided being bitten. Thankfully, they all managed to emerge unscathed.
Birds, too, were taken. The hunting parties went out around the clock, working morning, day and night in the days leading up to the festival. The meat of native Amazonian fowl such as the curassow and the macaw was considered a rare treat. Isaiah had never seen such a frenetic pace of life, not even during finals week. So much meat flowed into the village that it was a wonder the surrounding jungle wasn’t completely depopulated. It was like watching a well-oiled machine, each person knowing exactly what they needed to do and when they needed to do it. The Aiwaha set about preparing for the Festival at a breakneck pace. The sense of eagerness in Tlacloban was almost palpable.
There was plenty of work for those who weren’t on hunting duty, too. Women and children and men too old to wield bow or spear worked like cogs in a great machine, skinning and gutting the animals the hunters brought in or working in the fields at all hours to bring in the harvest for the feast. Great swathes of the fields were emptied of produce and countless baskets of manioc, pineapples, mangoes, and papaya were brought into the village. Great bushels of bananas were stacked in piles and acai berries picked by the basketful.
Bonnie, for her part, rapidly became fast friends with the other women chosen for sacrifice. She particularly got along with Cualli and Palenque, who had a similar zest for life and a willingness to indulge in the wild side of existence. Her first day as a sacrificial girl was spent competing with them to see who could fuck the most guys and take the most loads in their pussies before the sun finished setting. It was a joyful experience for all concerned, and Bonnie fucked like there was no tomorrow because, for her, there wasn’t one. She debauched as she’d never debauched before her in young life. She bounced up and down on one dick after another, never noticing or pausing long enough to memorize names or faces of the men who used her and who she used in turn. Palenque had been right—she had a bottomless cunt, and it seemed like every male in the tribe wanted to see just how much they could fill it.
She laughed in exultation as yet another guy filled her sore, swollen pussy with a fresh load of hot jizz. She had lost count hours ago, but she knew she had to be close to fifty guys by now. She had started to feel the effects of the constant fucking, sure, but she had never felt more alive. This was what she was meant for. This was her destiny.
She wasn’t the only one embracing it either. Cuallie was shrieking like a banshee as she was spit-roasted, her pussy and ass stretched to their limits by two thick, meaty cocks. Palenque had been tied to a wooden post by one of her many partners and was now being fucked by a veritable assembly line of men, one after another after another. It was like nothing Bonnie had ever seen, and it was beautiful.
Other girls were being similarly ravaged. Atlatl and Ohtli were on their hands and knees being fucked doggystyle right next to each other and they fondled each other’s breasts as they were pounded hard enough to give their slender necks whiplash. Amoxtli was a habitual masturbator, jilling herself off while she watched the orgies unfold around her, her eyes glazed over and her mouth open in a silent O of ecstasy. Jaziri was pressed up against a nearby wall and getting fucked in standing missionary, her legs wrapped around a guy’s waist as he hammered away at her snatch. Ancaona was lying on her back with a man on top of her, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he plunged into her. Even soft-spoken Cholchi had a cock in each of her hands, stroking them both in a frenetic rhythm while riding a third in reverse cowgirl.
There was no other way Bonnie would rather spend what was left of her life, and that’s exactly what she did. She sucked and fucked like a depraved succubus, to the point where even some of the other girls regarded her with awe. If she wasn’t sleeping or eating, she was getting some dick.
Lin Ming, meanwhile was true to her word. She assisted Zolin in any way she could. This mostly entailed fetching water from the river, chopping vegetables, and helping to clean the various tools and weapons that were used in the preparations. She watched in amazement as the villagers worked. The sense of unity and purpose was overwhelming, and she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy at their freedom and connection to the land and each other. She looked forward to the day when she would feel, truly feel, like one of them instead of an outsider.
Zolin noticed her curiosity and took a moment to explain the significance of each task. “Everything we do is for the gods,” he said, his voice low and solemn. “Only by pleasing them can we ensure our way of life survives.”
Lin nodded. “Yes.” She still had reservations about the Festival, but she’d made her peace with it. In a way, she was glad she didn’t have to worry about Zolin volunteering at some point in the future. It was one less thing to stress about. “Zolin, I’m…really happy I met you.”
Zolin’s command of English was far from perfect but he understood that much. “Yes,” he said with a broad smile, “Me too. You mine. I yours. Forever.”
Lin’s heart swelled in her chest. The words were simple, but the meaning behind them was profound. She had never felt so claimed, so owned by another person before. But she was quickly discovering she liked it a lot! She loved the idea of belonging to Zolin, of being his in every way. It was a stark contrast to the life she had always known, where her father had dictated her every move. This was something she had chosen for herself. For the first time ever, Lin felt fully and totally in control of her own life and the feeling of liberation was indescribable. She would go to her grave happy if she never heard her father’s voice again.
The happy atmosphere was only heightened when, in the days leading up to the Festival, Aisha made an unexpected but happy announcement at breakfast one morning.
“So, guess what, everybody?” the ebony bombshell asked. “I’ve got some big news.”
Harwood arched an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Aisha reached over to Jeremy, sitting next to her, and clutched his hand. “I’m fucking pregnant!”
The table erupted into a cacophony of shock and congratulations. Jeremy looked equally surprised and thrilled, his eyes wide and a grin spreading from ear to ear.
“Oh, my God!” Krupa squealed and hugged Aisha fiercely. “That’s, like, so amazing! I’m so happy for you both!”
“Me too,” Lin said broadly. She felt a twinge of envy–she wanted children of her own with Zolin–but she was careful not to rain on Aisha’s parade. Even Metztli and Zolin offered their congratulations. Zolin clasped Jeremy’s forearm in a warrior’s handshake, and Metztli, herself already pregnant by Isaiah’s child, slapped Jeremy on the back hard enough to make him wince.
“Me three!” Gabby declared.
Richard pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Can’t say I’m surprised, but that is indeed happy news.” He looked over at Jeremy and offered his hand to shake. “Congratulations. So, uh…bygones?”
Jeremy hesitated, and Aisha elbowed him in the gut. “Honey,” she said in a warning tone.
He sighed and shook Richard’s hand. “Oh, fine. Fuck it. Bygones.”
The group shared a relieved laugh and the tension dissipated like mist in the jungle sun. Aisha was completely over the moon with joy. Her dark eyes sparkled like the stars above. She had never felt so alive, so free. It was like every time she thought about the baby growing inside her, a warm glow filled her entire being.
It was a glow Metztli knew well. She gave the other girl a comradely smile. ”You want help, advice, come to me. I have babies before. Will have another one soon. Rabbit’s baby.”
She hadn’t meant for the rest of the group to hear that but they did. There was a collective gasp and Harwood’s grin grew even wider, if that was even possible. “You’re sure?”
“Very. Have four babies before now. Know what it like when I have one here.” Metztli pointed to her stomach. “Will be no problem.”
Brian stared at Isaiah. “I thought all that stuff about knocking her up was just, like, sex play. Like when you guys did it while we were out practicing archery.”
“It wasn’t,” Isaiah admitted. “Metztli’s wanted to have my kid pretty much since the moment she laid eyes on me. She’s convinced it’s going to be a boy, too.”
Lin gave Isaiah what she hoped was an encouraging nod. “You’re going to be a great father. Better than mine ever was.”
He flushed a little. “Thanks. That, er, means a lot.”
Zolin handed him a cup filled with caium. “My brother,” he said, in his deep voice. “You truly one of us now. Drink.”
Isaiah took a sip. It rolled sweetly over his tongue. “Thanks, man,” he said, a little awkwardly.
And so, for the next few days, that was how it went. The hunting parties hunted, the cooking fires blazed, the fields were reaped and all of Tlacloban fairly buzzed with excitement and joy. The atmosphere became positively electric and it was hard not to get swept up in it. Even Metztli seemed a little less intense and a little more mellow in the days leading up to the start of the Festival. If Bonnie felt nervous as the hour grew ever nearer, she gave no sign of it. Her enthusiasm and eagerness never wavered, nor did her lust.
Krupa stopped by the hut almost daily. She wanted to record a video diary to post on her stream for her followers once she returned to the States. Every morning she came over to get Bonnie’s thoughts and even interviewed some of the other girls too. The Aiwaha women were a bit wary of being recorded at first, but Bonnie soon convinced them otherwise. They told Krupa their names and stories and why they’d decided to offer themselves. Krupa eagerly recorded it all.
Krupa wasn’t the only one to stop by, however. Kura also made sure to stop by and visit all the girls who’d been selected on several occasions. It was important that those chosen for sacrifice were kept in a positive, happy and healthy frame of mind. She knew that fear and sadness would taint the experience, making their sacrifice less pleasing in the eyes of their deities. The Festival of Fertility was meant to be a joyous celebration of life, not a mournful ritual of death. So she listened to the girls and heard their stories, offered them comfort if they needed it, and helped them to prepare themselves mentally and spiritually for what was to come. She made a special point of talking to Bonnie, as there were still lingering concerns that the outlander woman may not have understood what she’d signed up for.
But Bonnie was quick to lay such concerns to rest. She had embraced her fate with an enthusiasm that surprised and delighted Kura. <“I have never seen an outlander embrace our tradition so wholeheartedly,”> the storyteller admitted as she and the blonde slut sat on the floor of the hut. Palenque and Cholchi were both being fucked in the background but Kura ignored it. <“You truly are a daughter of the Aiwaha, in spirit if not in flesh.”>
Bonnie grinned. “Thanks for the compliment. Seriously, though, don’t worry about me. I know what I’m in for and I’m fucking looking forward to it! It’s gonna be such a thrill!”
Kura nodded. <“It is an honor, yes. And your willingness to participate…it shows great bravery and respect for our traditions. I am proud of you, daughter of the Aiwaha.”> She looked around at all the girls. <“I am proud of all of you. Your ancestors and the gods see your selflessness and bravery, and they smile.”>
<“I know it is so,”> said Amoxtli. <“I feel their warmth in my heart. They gaze upon us with pride.”>
Cualli, who’d been in the midst of an impromptu gangbang when Kura entered the hut, spat out a thick load of cum and removed her lips from around a young man’s cock and said, <“How else would they look at us? We are giving ourselves to them, in the most fundamental way possible!”>
<“Indeed,”> Kura said. <“You do us all proud. Know that your sacrifice will not be in vain. You will nourish the fields in which we grow our crops, and the gods will continue to bless us with bountiful harvests and rich game to feed our people.”> She stood with a groan. <“Be well, all of you. The Festival will soon be upon us.”>
Bonnie pulled Amoxtli close for a passionate kiss and dipped her hand between the other girl’s legs. Amoxtli groaned and returned the gesture with zeal.
“Not soon enough,” Bonnie whispered. “Not fucking nearly soon enough.”