Hurricane Aftermath

"When disaster strikes, the best come out in people."

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I enjoy getting laid but, last month, I got fucked hard by Mother Nature. It wasn’t pleasant either. Hurricane Helene hit the Florida Gulf Coast where I live with a vengeance. It showed no mercy as it traveled north. My house is on a peninsula, surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico on three sides. It is like living in a private tropical paradise… until now. As the storm hit, a surge of water came crashing through the house, rising to five feet. It destroyed everything I own.

The upside is that I am fine. I heeded the mandatory evacuation order and left for higher ground. I drove my F-350, so it was saved. Unfortunately, I lost my BMW. With a suitcase of clothes, a few adult toys to occupy my time, and my big white machine (that is what I call my truck), I traveled about ten miles inland to a Super 8 Motel. It isn’t the accommodations I am used to, but I was safe.

It was a quick storm, lasting overnight. By morning all seemed normal and the sun was peeking through the clouds. I made a few phone calls. I found out that the water receded and the evacuation order had been lifted. I was able to return home. What I found was total destruction. I spoke with my boss. He told me to take a few weeks off and take care of business.

It was overwhelming. The force of the water pushed my BMW through the wall of my garage into my kitchen. Every piece of furniture, appliances, electronics, and personal items was strewn throughout the house. The task was going to be a long and difficult process. As I was assessing the damage, my phone rang. It was an acquaintance from work named Roger. He and his wife Megan live just a few miles inland from me. They heard about my situation from our boss and offered me a spare bedroom to stay. I accepted. Being close by would make it easy to deal with the cleanup, insurance adjusters, and contractors.

I spent about an hour taking pictures with my iPhone to document the destruction. Amazingly, I wasn’t sad. Almost everything could be replaced. I kept thinking to myself, ‘This is just possessions, nothing important.’ When I divorced my husband, I left similar to evacuating, with just a suitcase and a vehicle.

When I arrived, Megan greeted me at the door. I had only met her once before at a fundraiser. “We are so happy to have you here. What you are going through must be devastating. When I told the children that we would have a visitor for a while they were all excited. Roger is still at the capitol. I’m sure you understand that with all the carnage up and down the coast, he is quite busy. He said he would be home by 9 PM.”

Just as she finished her greeting, three kids came running down the hall to meet me. I forgot about their children. Two boys, ages six (James) and four (Shane), and a little girl (Cali) who just turned three. This was going to be interesting. I haven’t been around small children in thirty-five years. I looked at it like being a Grandma visiting.

“Megan, I can’t thank you enough for this. Being this close will make this very easy to take care of business. I’ll try not to impose on your routine.”

She hugged me, and as her body pressed against mine, I became aroused. “Oh please, it’s nothing. Let me show you where you’ll stay. When we had this house built we added an extra master bedroom with the thought that someday my mother may need to live with us. She is a widow and lives in Ohio. When she visits, this is her room.”

The room was more like a suite. It had a small sitting area, a large television, a coffee bar with a small breakfast table, an ample size bathroom, and a king-size bedroom off the sitting area. The room even had a sliding glass door to a private patio area.

When Megan opened the door, my eyes lit up. “I didn’t expect this.”

Then I jokingly said, “I thought I would be sharing a bunk bed with Cali. This is so beautiful, I may never leave.”

She laughed. “Roger called me and told me about your situation, I insisted that he invite you. It’s not like anyone is using this space. Just make yourself at home and please, stay as long as you want. You may want to keep the door closed so the kids don’t bother you. They can be a bit much at times.”

What a wonderful young woman. She is a stay-at-home mother and has her hands full. Now she has me, a stranger to deal with. She shut the door and left me to settle in. The privacy gave me the chance to start making some phone calls. After several hours of making calls, I had an appointment with an insurance adjuster, and a salvage team to empty the contents, and I hired a flood mitigation company to dry out my house. Several weeks from now, I can start the rebuilding process. All I have to do is travel back and forth to the house to supervise the work being done.

It was late afternoon and I was mentally exhausted. I unpacked my suitcase, hung a few things in the closet and the rest of my clothes placed in a dresser. A rush of delight ran through my body when I came across my toys. I had forgotten that I packed them. With nothing to do, I stripped out of my clothes and laid on the bed. My favorite toy was an arm’s length away. A small pink rabbit has what looks like two bunny ears that vibrate. I placed the ears on my clitoris like a paper clip, clicked it on the slowest setting, and worked myself into a series of small spasms. It was sheer delight.

I shut my eyes and fell into a well-deserved slumber, still naked on top of the bed. About an hour later I was awakened by a knock on the door. I was so relaxed that it startled me. For just a moment, I had forgotten where I was.

“Yes, I’m getting dressed, give me a minute.”

When I opened the door, James and Shane were there to deliver a message. James said, “My mom said dinner will be served in ten minutes.”

They made me smile as they scampered down the hallway. I dressed and joined the family for a Friday night treat of homemade pizza. I cleaned the kitchen while Megan got the children ready for bed. Cali was the first in for the night. The boys were allowed to wait up for Roger. They didn’t make it. The two were fast asleep on the couch in the family room. Megan took the opportunity to enjoy the quiet and open a bottle of wine. We went to my sitting room so we wouldn’t disturb the boys.

We were on our first glass of wine when we heard Roger come through the back door.

“Hello? Where is everyone?” He yelled.

Megan left my room to greet him. I gave them some privacy. He was in Tallahassee all week, the same way I would have been if it wasn’t for the hurricane damage I sustained. I could hear them whispering in the distance so I closed the door to not intrude on their reunion. After several minutes, Roger knocked on my door.

“Hi, Darlene. I’m so glad you took us up on our offer to stay here. I’ve been traveling the entire coast with the boss. Your place was hit pretty hard. I’m worn out, it was a very long day. Were you able to watch any of the press conferences? He did well today.”

I answered, “No. I was at my house for a while. There is no electricity. In fact, there is no functioning television either. I lost everything.”

He had a sympathetic look. “Yeah, I know. That was silly of me to ask, I’m sorry. You make yourself at home, and please, stay as long as you want.”

“Thank you, Roger. It will only be a few days. Then I’ll be back in the office. I’ll move into my condo up north until my house is repaired.”

“You’re going to need to check on the progress regularly. When you are doing that, please feel free to base yourself here at our house. The local motels are filled with evacuees and people who lost their homes. The room is empty and I know Megan and the kids will love having you around,” he said.

“Again, thanks for this. Let’s get through the weekend and see where I’m at with everything. Then I’ll decide what I’m doing.”

He flashed a smile and said, “Okay, whatever you want to do. The boss told you to take as much time as you needed. I know he meant that.”

With that, he turned and left my room, closing the door as he walked out. I stood and locked the door. I was going to peel off my clothes and get comfortable. Megan left the bottle of wine. I poured another glass, went to the bedroom, turned on the television, and climbed into bed. This was as cozy as if I was in my own home.

I tuned into Fox News to catch up on what was going on in the world. I was bored after three minutes of constant hurricane coverage. I didn’t need to watch that. While flipping through the channels, I found an episode of Blue Bloods starring Tom Sellek. I’ve always had a thing for him. A fantasy started to build in my mind. I was on all fours and he was fucking me in my ass. This started that familiar tingling feeling between my legs. The illusion was interrupted when I heard a banging noise on the wall opposite my bed.

Roger and Megan’s bedroom is next to mine. Our bedrooms share a common wall. It took me about five seconds to figure out that my hosts were getting reacquainted after he was gone for a week. This started a whole new fantasy in my head. I was trying to visualize what they looked like naked. She is tall with pale skin. Do her nipples get hard like mine during sex? Was Roger well hung? Does he last? Do they get freaky in bed? Now my imagination kicked into high gear. Was she tied to the bed? Was he? Is she a dominatrix? Are they into group sex? I had to know.

I got up from bed, put on a T-shirt, and walked down the hallway to their bedroom door. The door to their room wasn’t closed all the way. I stood outside the room watching them through a small one-inch opening in the door. Roger had her pinned like a wrestler, in a missionary position. He had her legs pushed up to her chest and he appeared to be embedded deep inside her. The pounding she was receiving was the noise I heard from my room. He was like a sledgehammer pummeling her, using her as his receptacle for his seed.

For a time, I was trying to decide if I should go in. Or, should I return to my room, take out my dildo, and dream about Tom Sellek giving me anal. I wanted so badly to join them. I also knew I would be crossing a line that I’ve always professed I would never cross. Never get involved with someone from work. Never mix business with pleasure. Or as I always say, ‘Don’t shit where you eat.’

I continued to watch these kind people that opened up their home to me. My fingers slid between my legs and were instantly coated with my secretion. I started to massage my clitoris. This was so much better than a fantasy with Tom Sellek and a dildo. As I was building up and about to come, Roger pulled out of Megan before she finished, holding and stoking his cock. A powerful explosion covered her. His cum shot like a rifle from her navel and reached her tits. When I saw him unleash the stream, my knees started to buckle. It was difficult to hold myself up as I began to writhe in a frenzy. I want that!

Surprisingly, the special homecoming seemed to be over. Roger lifted himself off the bed as if he was getting up to go to work. He looked pleased with himself as he walked to the bathroom. Megan lay there covered in Roger’s sperm and he didn’t even offer her a tissue to clean herself. Her disappointment was obvious at the lack of an orgasm. I wanted to go in and make love to her, clean her, suck her pussy, stroke her clit, and finish what Roger started. I knew that couldn’t happen.

When I heard the shower turn on, I knew for sure that Roger was done. I tip-toed back to my room. The sadness I felt for Megan was deep. I was with a man for years that never satisfied me. Being a woman who craves a great climax, it would drive me crazy to be used like that. I considered reaching out to Megan and giving her my pink rabbit. That little device gets the job done every time. She deserved some pleasure tonight. It was obvious that Roger wasn’t going to provide it.

It was late when I returned to my bed. I was tired, stripped off my T-shirt, and climbed into bed. Before I could even think about my dildo, or having anal sex with Tom Sellek, I was fast asleep. It felt like I was asleep for ten minutes. When I focused in on the clock, it read 7:55. It was Saturday morning. I could hear the pitter-patter of little feet outside my door.

I opened the door and said, “Good morning little people! Is your Mommy awake?”

James answered, “She is downstairs making breakfast. Daddy already left to play golf with his friends. Mommy isn’t happy about that.”

Out of the mouths of babes. At work, Roger is a solid, caring man. A brilliant strategist dedicated to our boss to a fault and always ready to help anyone who needs it. Yet at home, he seems to be an asshole. Last night, not caring about Megan’s needs and now, after being away all week, he left his wife and kids to go play golf. In just one short evening, I’ve lost respect for a man that previously, I admired and held in high esteem.

“James, tell your mother I’ll be down in just a few minutes.”

Without responding, he turned and ran toward the stairs.

Megan was busy making sure Cali and Shane finished their breakfast. James was all ready to start his day.

Megan was cheery. “Good morning. I’m going to make pancakes as soon as I get these little delinquents ready. All three are spending overnight with their cousins from Clearwater. My sister will be here soon to pick them up. Tomorrow, I’ll drive down there to retrieve them.”

“Wow. You and Roger have the night to yourselves and now I am intruding. I need to go to a hotel and give the two of you some privacy.”

Once again, she displayed the same disappointment that showed when Roger left her without being physically satisfied.

“Please don’t leave. I love having you here and I know Roger would insist on you staying. Believe me, we don’t need any alone time with each other.”

This was my opening to find out what was going on. “He’s been gone all week. You don’t want to have some private intimate time with him. I know if it were me, I certainly would.”

I struck a nerve. A tear ran down her cheek. “After my sister picks up the kids, can we talk? You seem like such a wonderful and caring woman.”

If she only knew how much I enjoyed watching her and Roger. “Of course we can.”

Megan’s sister arrived about thirty minutes later. It was a quick turnaround and she was out the door with the three children in tow. Now, Megan and I had the afternoon to ourselves.

I asked, “What time does Roger get home?”

“When Roger golfs with his buddies, he never comes home early,” she answered with a slight tone of contempt.

She wasted no time. There was something on her mind and she was ready to open up.

“Darlene, I know we don’t know one another. Roger thinks the world of you and I feel like I can confide in you. Please, I beg you, don’t say anything to him about anything we talk about.”

“Oh sweetie, whatever we say stays between us. Think about it like attorney-client privilege.”

That made her laugh. Then she turned serious. “I’m not going to mince words. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, I’m just so frustrated. Roger is a selfish lover. He holds me down, fulfills his needs, and always leaves me hanging. This happens every Friday night when he comes home. He’s like an animal in heat. I need to be satisfied too. I’ve tried to talk to him about it but, he doesn’t seem to care. He feels like he is entitled to have me service him. He might as well just go to a street whore.”

We were on the couch in the sitting room in my guest suite. She stopped talking to gather her thoughts and started to cry. I leaned into her to hold her. Now she was sobbing uncontrollably. This was one very unhappy young woman. As we embraced, I had a reaction between my legs.

“It’s okay, let it out. We all need a good cry sometimes. I can sympathize with you. My situation when I was married was similar. He never gave me an orgasm because we never had sex. I would come to bed naked, lay with my leg spread wide, and beg him to take me. He would say things like I made him sick and that I wasn’t his type. It turns out he was a closet homosexual. It didn’t make my lack of a climax any better but, at least I realized it wasn’t me.”

Megan calmed down. “I knew you would understand, I just knew it. What did you do?”

“I divorced him. My situation was easy. I was sixty-one years old. We didn’t have young children and I was the breadwinner. It cost me quite a bit of money. I gave him a huge sum of cash rather than pay him monthly alimony. It was over and was worth every dime. You are in a very different place. You have the three little ones to worry about.”

“Last night it was the same thing. He wasn’t forcing me, I wanted to be with him. I wanted him to be passionate with me, to kiss me, to ravage me. He clutches onto me so that I can’t move just impales me. There is never any foreplay and, never any intimacy afterward. He doesn’t make love to me anymore. It’s just pure animal hunger. He never waits for me. All I am is childcare, his maid, and a call girl.”

I looked at her, feeling her frustration. My emotions started to take over for good judgment. I ran my finger through her hair waiting for a reaction. Her eyes shut and she took a deep breath. Then I took it a step further. My finger started to trace the outline of her body, slowly sliding down her shoulder, then her arm to her hand. Our fingers locked and I pulled her close to me.

She unthinkingly leaned into me. In a moment of unbridled passion, our lips met, our mouths opened and our tongues started to intertwine with each other. Megan was a good kisser. It was intense and heated. I pulled up the T-shirt she was wearing and my hand found her breast. Her tits were firm, a surprise for a mother of three, and her nipples were rock hard. This was a real turn-on for me. Our minute-long kiss ended with me pushing her down onto her back. I crossed the line now and there was no turning back.

“Darlene, I’ve never been with a woman before.”

I put a single finger over her lips to stifle any objections she might have. Her eyes closed and her hips lifted so I could remove her gym shorts. She had on white cotton panties that were saturated from the excitement of our kiss. I moved my hand over the material, causing her to gasp for air.

“You like this, don’t you?”

My fingers lightly tugged at the elastic waistband. Again, her hips lifted, a form of affirmation that she wanted to be taken. I slowly slid them down her legs exposing a small patch of dark blond pubic hair. I didn’t notice her small bush last night. I was focused on Roger’s cock. With a single finger, I ran up her leg, passing through the glistening dampness and finding my way under the pink T-shirt she was wearing.

She sat up, pulling her shirt over her head. Her breasts were slightly larger than I remembered and her nipples were dark. I pushed her back down cupping a breast and started to kiss her again. Megan lye naked on the couch waiting for my next move. This needed to be all about her. My lips started at her neck, down her shoulder, and to her chest.

I whispered in her ear, “You are so beautiful, so sexy. I want you.”

“Oh God, take me, take it all. Make me feel like a woman again.”

My tongue started to flick at her left nipple. I didn’t think it was possible but, it hardened even more, standing erect.

“Bite it, play with it, I love it when they are mauled.”

I took her right nipple and gave it a little twist. As my lips released her left nipple to move down her body, I took both in my fingers and started twisting and yanking them simultaneously. I held them in place as I passed her belly, running my face through her coarse pubic hair and down to her glistening lips. I worked my mouth over her clitoris. She had a sweet taste, I loved it. It was small, the size of a pea. My tongue started to flog the little protrusion.

Her body stiffened. “Oh Lord, that is wonderful. Don’t ever stop, I need that.”

My fingers were still working her nipples hard and I started to suck savagely on her clit.

She yelled, “Harder, suck it harder! Give it to me you fucking bitch!”

I let go of her left nipple so I could have access to her pussy. I didn’t let up on her and I rammed two fingers inside her. I was like a contortionist, left hand pinching a nipple, my mouth like a vacuum on her clit, and right-hand finger fucking her deep into her G-spot.

“Holy shit, I’m going to explode!”

In a fit of passion, she added, “I love you, Darlene!”

Then it happened. Her body started to tremble, she was a human earthquake. I was fairly sure it had been a long time since she was pleasured like that. When I looked up at her, her eyes rolled back in her head and I noticed her toes were curling. I didn’t let up and her orgasm became violent. She was mumbling and making sounds that made no sense. I finally stopped but, her orgasm continued, and her body shivered with excitement. For several minutes, she experienced a series of aftershocks, shaking and flinching.

I stood up. I was still fully clothed. The decision now was, do I continue this incredible session, or do I walk away, a one-time thing never to be spoken of again?

As she started to come down from her high, she noticed that I was standing and must have sensed what I was thinking. “Please don’t go away. I want more. Show me how to please you. I want to taste you. I’ve never had a woman before.”

How could I refuse this poor woman? So much for the one boundary I live by. I can justify it by telling myself, I don’t work with her, I work with her husband. Then I heard footsteps. I was standing above Megan, she was still completely nude on the couch in my sitting room. The room was filled with the scent of her orgasm. Roger was home, and I had no way to escape, and she was in no condition to jump up and dress. The two of us remained still and quiet.

He didn’t come looking for either one of us. Instead, he went directly to his bedroom. I heard the shower turn on. We were safe, for now.

“You better get dressed and get out of here,” I strongly suggested.

She looked at me with total disregard for Roger being home. “Fuck him! I want him to catch us. He needs to see what I need.”

Megan’s attitude would surely cause problems for me. I understand her frustration, but handling it like that is the wrong way to go about it. Fortunately, she came to her senses. For now, we left well enough alone.

“We need to pick this up later. Tomorrow night, when he leaves for Tallahassee, I will take a few more days off. I have to handle some things at my house anyway. I promise this isn’t over. After all, you need to learn how to pleasure me.

Published 5 months ago

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