Pay For It In The Morning.

"One night, one morning, one experience, one escort."

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Face down. Not asleep. Silence. Dark, almost.

Right eye, open. Phone. On table. Reach. Turn it. ALIEN LIGHT ! Burns my retina.

05:33. Wednesday.

Move head. To other, side. Left eye, open. Across the bed. Human shape. On side, back to me. Silhouette. Feeble, dawning light. Unfamiliarity. Uncertainty. Wait, who?

Ok, now, discomfort. From what, where? Foam pillows? No. Twisted sheet? No. Thirst? Yes, but no.

Groin? Yes. In that, area.

Ok, now awakening. Sentience trickles. Realization. Recollection. Regret? Maybe, soon. But first, orientation. Turn onto back. Where. Am. I?

Box, monochrome, stuffy. Textured ceiling. Air con vent, sprinkler, light. Walls. Thin curtains. Picture frame. Mirror. TV. Chair. Digital clock. Fingers of light, under door.

A. hotel. room. A shit, hotel.

Sit up. Look right. No movement.

Push aside, twisted, poly-cotton. Rotate. Feet, on thin carpet. Elbow, on knee. Hand, supporting head. Head pounding. Naked.

“Fuuuuuuuck,” whispering.

Look right. Nope. Still. Sleeping.

Stand up, shakily. Walk, shakily. Around bed. Tread on clothing, on things. Hard things. Approach human. Look down. Poly-cotton. Sheet. Semi-over body. Hands clasped. Sleeping. Adorable.

A. Woman.

Me, awake now. Let her, sleep. Her sleeping, face. Enough to remember. Vividly. Events, of last night. Now, angelic. Last night? No.


In the shower. Quietly. Cold water. Warm water. Now hot. Too hot. Steam. Soap. From dispenser, on the wall. Smells, cheap. Is, cheap. Functional. Few suds. Under shower, back of head. Looking down. At my sore, red, penis. Gently clean. Pull foreskin, back. No, resistance. Skin, between helmet and foreskin. Clean it. Of content.


Back in room. Now, daylight. Sort of.  She, still, sleeping. Same position. Breathing.

Pick up, from floor. Soft, black ropes. Cuffs. Panties. Panties, are damp. Soapy, slimey. I sniff. Yes. It is. That.

More, stuff. Bra. Clothing. My clothes. Her clothes. Shoes. Everywhere.

Kick something hard. Hurts. On floor. Pick up. Hitachi. A, black, wand. Place on bed. Next to, a black, gag.


I needed. Wanted. To fuck someone. I don’t, fuck my wife. She doesn’t, fuck me. Anymore. We are, associates. Not, lovers. I wank, to porn. I wank, to stories. I wank, to fantasies. I am, a wanker.

It’s no good. Wanking, I mean. Empty. I need, want, to cheat. It makes me hard. The thought. To do things, bad things, with a woman. Who wants to do bad things. With me. A woman. One that I, don’t know. The touch. The smell. Of, a woman.


Look online. Escorts. The acronyms. ATM. BBW. CIM. The images. The words. The promises. The beauty. The business. The time. The cost.

BDSM. I chose. An acronym. To explore. And others.

Lilly. I chose. An escort. To meet. £2000. One night. 8 hours.

The Claremont. I chose. A hotel. Cheap. To meet at. The bar. 21:00. Tuesday.

Lilly. Beautiful. Elegant. Blonde. Tall. Powerful. Confident. Wore black. Wore black underwear. A black case. Inside. Black things. Things, I listed. Before.


We showered. Together. I explored, her. Kissed her, mouth. Kissed her, breasts. I licked her, cunt. Her, anus. She kissed, me. My face. My nipples. Sucked, my cock. Licked, my anus. In the shower. I didn’t come. I wanted to. Did she? Ask her. I don’t know.


In the room. We drank. Wine. Red. We talked. About fucking. Kinks. Fantasies. Preferences. Hates. About BDSM. And things. She told me. About submission. About restraint. About boundaries. About knots. And trust. And communication.

She started. I lay. She sat. On my face. I licked, her. Her cunt. Her anus.

I continued. She lay. I sat. On her face. She sucked, my balls. My anus. My cock.

I spunked. A lot. Over her. Everywhere.


She progressed. Cuffs, on ankle. On other ankle. I connected. Both to wrists. She, bent over. I tied, rope. Around her. Her waist. Her legs. Together. Ball gag. In her mouth. On her back. Big thighs. Her cunt up. Anus nearly up. Noisy wand. On her, cunt. On her, anus. Her tits. Her mouth. Lubricant. I fucked, her. Asshole. Hard. In. Out. Gaping. Her cunt. In. Out. I asked. Stop? No. She shook, her head. She, groaned, sort of. I fucked her. More. More. In her ass. Mostly.

Gasping. I came. A lot. More.

Gasping. She came. A lot. I, think.


It’s, on my phone. The things. We did.

She’s now, awake. Sits up. Smiles. Showers. Her body. Red lines. Red patches.


We go.

That’s it.

















Published 5 months ago

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