For a moment, the hot girlfriend didn’t know what to say. She could still feel his lips against hers, the firm feel sending a rush through her hot, slender body. However, the moment of clouded judgement quickly began to dissipate and in another heartbeat Becca gave her boyfriend’s friend a small, sardonic smile.
“You only said a kiss, you didn’t say what kind,” she replied just as softly, though with more of a smirk of her own this time. That she was still on her hands and knees whispering to him, didn’t strike the slender girlfriend as flirtatious at all.
“You owe me another one. That wasn’t fair,” her boyfriend’s teammate responded intently, and this time it was Becca’s turn to smile amusedly as she shrugged.
“Tough luck. You got your kiss. You should be more specific next time,” she said as she moved back to sit down, and took a deep sip of her drink to mask her sudden surprise at saying ‘next time’. There wouldn’t be a ‘next time’, and she definitely didn’t want a ‘next time’. So why had she said that?
Sean, however, didn’t seem to notice the slip, and instead only watched her a moment before he too moved back, though with a strange, amused smile on his face. Becca had no idea why, and so she put that out of her mind as she turned to look at Danny.
She was about to ask him what he’d been thinking, saying that she should kiss his friend, when she firstly saw the big grin on his face. He obviously thought that she was feeling as embarrassed as he had earlier. And secondly yells from outside suddenly caught everyone’s attention.
Literally two seconds later a figure entered the doorway and chaos descended as the circle suddenly broke up as people jumped up with a grin. Except Rachel, anyway.
“Max…” Becca heard her pink-haired friend say in a tone that was far from impressed. Before she could say any more, however, the guy that Rachel was ‘seeing’ spoke first.
“Sorry I’m late, Rach, the van broke down. Tried getting it fixed but they’ve had to tow it here instead,” he explained, and Becca watched as her friend glanced out the front window before letting her irritation die down.
“Alright, but you owe me some make-up sex,” Rachel replied as calmly as if she were talking about the weather. For his part, Max simply grinned and nodded, at least until Rachel punched his shoulder and added, “Well, get some tunes on!”
Rachel’s ‘guy’ gave her a wink before he turned to walk out of the house. As if that somehow released everyone from a spell, the conversations sprang up again. This time with the excited buzz about the soon-to-be playing music and dancing which would really get the party going.
And so, the game of spin the bottle was quickly forgotten as people began looking forward to the music, or helping Max bring in his sound system.
The sudden lightning-change in atmosphere also snapped Becca from her thoughts. And so, despite the strong burning within her body, that deep desire to release all of her pent-up horniness, and despite what had just happened, the beautiful girlfriend put thoughts of Sean from her mind as she took another sip of her drink and smiled at Danny.
She was about to say something about the music when her boyfriend suddenly broke his big grin with an amused chuckle.
“You should have seen your face,” he jested, obviously trying to say that her embarrassment was worse than his.
That, of course, did flare the colour in the stunning girlfriend’s cheeks. Though this time it wasn’t embarrassment. Rather it was a sudden remembering of what had just happened, and what she had felt when her lips met Danny’s friend’s’.
“You think it’s funny that I just kissed your friend?” she asked with a mix of emotions, but Danny just made a dismissive gesture as he took a deep swig from his can.
“Ah, it was just a dare. And, besides, I had to kiss Rachel too, so forget about it,” he answered calmly, before once more grinning like an idiot, “Though your face was a picture.”
Once more Danny chuckled to himself and Becca just shook her head as she thought again how odd guys were. After all, if some girl had been acting like Sean around Danny, dare or no dare Becca would not have acted like her boyfriend was.
Still, it was over with now – even if her body felt like it was a charged lightning rod – and so the sexy girlfriend quickly put what had happened behind her and changed the subject. She was unaware just how the night’s events had suddenly changed on her.
Sean Danton paid little attention to either the setting up of Max’s music system or the hot girl that was speaking to him as she pressed her formidable, and almost completely exposed, tits into his arm. Instead, he watched as Danny and Becca laughed and talked with each other, before they headed through to the kitchen. Damn, but his friend really was a lucky bastard.
Still, he had managed to get a kiss out of the scintillatingly beautiful brunette, albeit a peck. And he had managed to get an incredible view down the top of her dress. Damn, but when he had seen her crawl forward on her hands and knees and his eyes had watched as her huge, succulent, round tits had hung and shivered within the confines of her half-visible bra…just waiting to be grabbed and tasted…Sean had thought that his dick was going to rip through his jeans. Damn, he still thought that it would.
But that kiss…fuck! Sean had kissed a lot of women before, and he was sure that there was a moment in the brief period that their lips had touched that Becca was only going to brush his lips with hers. But then she had pressed them against his instead. Not totally firmly, and still in a very platonic way, but Sean was still sure that that meant something. Though he had to admit that that was probably his wishful thinking.
Damn, but he would love to get another, proper, kiss from her. She had been right that she’d fulfilled the dare but, fuck…he would have said anything to get her to kiss him again. She was just so, well, dick-hardeningly hot!
Thinking that he would definitely fantasize about fucking Danny’s girlfriend doggie-style later, Sean reluctantly turned his attention to the woman beside him. He entertained a brief idea of taking this hottie upstairs and screwing her instead.
However, with the fantasy of Rebecca Vaughn still in his mind, that thought just wasn’t as appealing as it would have been. And so, Sean Danton smiled and spoke to this girl, enjoying the view he had, before the music began playing and some of the other guys from the team showed up.
But still that fantasy remained…as did that deep desire for another kiss.
Becca followed Danny into the lounge again after a good ten minutes of watching some odd people ‘wrestle’ outside and refilling her drink as her boyfriend grabbed another can of beer. He was drinking far more slowly than she was, and Becca could definitely feel the alcohol going to her head. But then after what she had drunk that was no surprise.
While she had a high threshold that amazed even Danny – as she had drunk him under the table more than once – the amount of rum, tequila, and…whatever else Sean had mixed into her drink, made up the difference pretty quickly. Even taking into account the small amounts of cola and lemonade that she had been mixing the drinks with.
In fact, Danny had commented – with vast amusement – about how much she had drunk already and how her eyes were slightly glazed. However, she had shushed him with a kiss that had made her own toes curl before she had told him how she was looking forward to the music. Because now she felt like dancing!
Oh, yes, Rebecca Vaughn knew that she was starting to get drunk – only starting, mind – but she was enjoying herself, and that’s what this night was all about after all.
And so, the pair headed into the lounge and once again fortunately managed to grab a seat on the sofa. This time, however, next to several of Danny’s teammate’s, who quickly began talking about things that Becca didn’t find overly interesting. Mostly various kinds of sports and pranks that they were going to pull on each other.
Sometimes, the gorgeous brunette doubted whether any of those guys really noticed anything outside of their own little group – it was like their whole world.
Consequently, Becca soon decided to leave the boys to their male-type conversation and see what was taking Max so long with the tunes.
“Sure, babe,” Danny replied as she told him, before he quickly turned back to his conversation. Becca gave him a quick kiss on the head before she headed over to the corner of the room that Max had claimed, and Rachel was hovering in.
“Maxey!” Becca exclaimed, as she walked over and gave him a hug before setting her cup down — still in her grip — on the top of his deck. She leaned against it next to Rachel, “What’s taking so long?”
“He’s trying to grow a brain,” Rachel said jokingly, to which Max replied mostly to himself that, ‘at least he was able to’, before Becca’s pink-haired friend placed a small shot glass filled with some black liquid in front of her, and added with barely hidden amusement, “Here, try this”
“What is it?” Becca asked as she took a sniff of what was in the glass and almost felt her eyes fall out. The stuff smelled like aniseed and death!
Rachel couldn’t help but laugh at Becca’s reaction.
“Just try it. It smells worse than it tastes,” the pink-haired woman replied, and so Becca gave her a mock-worried look before she downed the entire glass.
“AH! You’re such a liar!” Becca exclaimed with a mix of disgust and eye-watering, throat-burning horror, “That tastes worse than it smells! You bitch!”
Rachel simply laughed hard, as did Max, and Becca drank half of her own drink just to try to wash the taste away before she slapped her friend’s arm. She was about to insult her again, still grimacing in disgust, when suddenly Max grinned at the deck and pressed a button.
Before Becca had managed to even draw breath to speak, a tune that was louder than hell tore from the speaker that she was standing next to, and the sexy brunette jumped.
“Bastard!” she tried to shout at Max, though it came out only mouthed because of the music. As did Rachel’s further gales of laughter.
And so, with a playfully angry look that promised retribution, Becca turned and walked away, heading back towards Danny before her friend and ‘her guy’ could pull any more pranks on her.
Of course, Danny was now completely engrossed in his conversation with the other guys, and so when she returned and sat on his lap, wrapping one arm around his neck as his arm encircled her waist, he continued talking and joking with the others.
For a couple of minutes that was alright, as Becca was still trying to get rid of the taste of whatever that poison was that she had drunk, while also staring daggers of playful vengeance at her friend. Rachel only smiled and laughed back at her though.
But after that the attractive girlfriend began to feel a little bored just sitting there listening to her boyfriend and his friends talking about sport.
And so, after another couple of minutes Becca said that she was just going to have a wander, to which Danny nodded before going right back to his conversation. So, she once more kissed him on the head before she headed through into the kitchen to find herself a drink that had a taste that could wash that black hell from her mouth.
Soon the taste was forgotten, as the stunningly hot brunette girlfriend had a new drink that some random gay guy had mixed for her – with flourishes of throwing bottles around – and she was talking and laughing with this person or that group. Or she was watching more people doing more random things. Or swaying to the music as she spoke to her friends in various places in and outside the house.
Drinks flowed, music beat a rhythm that somehow flowed in time with the still pulsing horniness within Becca’s body, and laughing, joking, and numerous conversations followed. As did the occasional dance with some of her friends as they stood in the hallway outside the lounge.
All in all, Becca was feeling amazing as the night slowly wore on – incredibly horny, but damn good too. The alcohol flooded through her, seeming to match the warmth of the spring night, and making the stunning brunette relax and giggle more. As well as making her horniness creep up within the conversations, such as when talking to some of her girl friends about guys they liked and what they hoped they could do with them. Or twisting things that some of her friends said which set them all off into fits of hysterics.
And so, it was some time much later, after more drinks than the hot girlfriend could remember, that she was walking down the crowded hallway, bopping slightly drunkenly along to one of her favourite tunes that Max was playing at a level that the whole university must have heard, heading towards the kitchen to get another drink, when Rachel turned the corner and broke out in a smile as she walked over.
“Hey, you, having fun?” the pink-haired woman asked in a shout to be heard over the music.
“Yeah!” Becca answered emphatically, and just as loudly, as she continued to bop around to the song, much to her friend’s amusement, “We have some crazy friends. There was this guy doing magic tricks with cards outside. He was amazing. It’s really turned out to be a good night, ah?”
Rachel nodded at that as she let some people passed from the kitchen.
“The night’s young yet, lots more fun to be had!” her friend shouted, before glancing at Becca’s empty cup, “Getting another drink?”
“Yeah. Hoping that gay guy is still making the drinks, he was awesome,” Becca replied, and then laughed at her friend’s confused expression, before waving a dismissive hand and asking, “Thing’s ok with Max now?”
“Yeah, though he’s still a douche,” Rachel replied, causing the pair of them to laugh a little, “Speaking of, where’s Danny?”
“Huh?” Becca replied confused, bopping a little more as the chorus came on.
It was only after a moment of looking at her friend’s openly amused stare at how more-than-slightly drunk she was that the hot girlfriend finally registered what she had been asked.
“Oh, Danny!” she exclaimed, feeling like a little bit of a loser for not remembering her own boyfriend for a moment. Though come to think of it, she hadn’t thought of him for a while. She’d been having too much fun, and she had drunk a bit. Well, maybe more than a bit.
“Yeah, your boyfriend, you know?” Rachel joked, and Becca grinned.
“I know, I know. I haven’t seen him in….” she replied, trailing off as she realized that she actually had no idea how long it had been since she had saw him. Had she really forgotten all about him? No doubt he was having fun, Becca knew that she was. Way too much fun to really pay attention to anything else, she thought as she bopped along happily and maybe a little drunkenly.
“Where is he?” she asked, suddenly feeling that warmth and hunger rise within her once more as thoughts of her hot boyfriend stirred within her mind.
“He was in the lounge talking to the rest of his teammates the last I saw him,” her friend answered as Becca took her hands and began dancing with her on the spot.
“He was too when I last saw him,” she replied energetically, “He’ll no doubt be talking with them for hours, he always does. Always about boring stuff.”
That last made Rachel laugh and say something about guys, which was interrupted by someone that wanted her to see something.
“I’ll catch up with you in a bit,” Becca’s friend said as she was pulled away, and the perhaps-slightly drunk girlfriend waved happily as she turned towards the kitchen once again, still bopping along until the song finished. She smiled to herself as she thought about how fun Rachel actually was.
That made her think of Danny and suddenly the tipsy girlfriend chuckled to herself as she headed in the direction of the drinks. She couldn’t believe that she had been so focused on how much fun she was having to even think about her own boyfriend. Of course, she had drunk quite a bit already, but still, he hadn’t even entered her mind since she left him in the lounge with his friends.
Deciding that she would go to him after she got herself a drink, Becca finally reached the counter with all of the bottles. Only she found a group of people all chanting ‘Chug! Chug! Chug!’ as one guy downed almost a whole bottle of wine while the guy opposite him wavered as he stood with empty glasses in front of him.
The fun atmosphere of the drinking contest quickly seeped into the sexy brunette girlfriend and her beautiful face lit up. Soon she was joining in the chanting as the wavering-guy took his turn with a ‘yard of ale’ glass, only to drink about a third before he collapsed into the group around him.
Cheers went up for the swaying winner, who bowed and promptly almost fell over, before he wisely decided to go for air. The next participant stepped up, ready to choose their drinking partner.
“You,” the familiar voice of Sean Danton said suddenly, and Becca turned from watching the other guy leave to see her boyfriend’s teammate pointing a finger at her and grinning expectantly.
Whether it was the drinks she had had or just being caught up in the whole fun of the contest -probably both – Becca smiled at her boyfriend’s friend with vast amusement and put one hand on her seductive hips.
She was about to take a drink from her cup when she suddenly remembered that it was still empty. And so, she turned the move into a more swaying from side-to-side gesture as if she found Sean’s challenge amusing.
‘Damn, I really have drunk more than I thought if I’m forgetting this much’, Becca thought to herself giggly, finding that just another part of the night’s fun.
“You seriously want to be embarrassed in front of all these people Sean-y?” Becca asked with a bright grin.
Her boyfriend’s friend fake-laughed loudly at that
“Come on, Bec, are you just going to stand there, or are you chicken?” the brown-blonde football player asked mockingly, and Becca raised her eyebrows at him.
She had never met a guy yet that she hadn’t drunk under the table. This was going to be easy.
“Alright,” the hot girlfriend of two years said with amusement and determination as she walked forward to stand opposite him. Placing her empty cup on the counter, she said, “You’re going down boy!”
Her boyfriend’s friend’s grin became more of a smug smirk at those words, and that interested look entered his eyes again as he looked her up and down.
“Oh, I think it’s you that’s going to be going down, Bec,” he replied in a more focused-amused tone. That was so clear that Becca knew that he meant it both as a reply to her challenge and as an insinuation.
This time, though, that implication didn’t make the hot girlfriend blush. Instead, Becca just took it as all part of the night’s fun. And so, instead of growing embarrassed, Danny’s girlfriend only laughed.
“You do have a lot of dreams, Sean-y,” she joked, referring to his earlier ‘dream’ about ‘getting used to the view down her dress’, as she picked up a bottle of tequila, “Now, are you ready to show all these fine people how much of a lightweight you are?”
“Bring it on,” her boyfriend’s friend replied challengingly, and the contest began.
The first couple of shots went passed quickly, the next were straight shots of the white rum that Becca had been drinking. And then, as the knockout brunette refused to drink beer, shots of something that was set on fire followed the rum.
The cheers rang out and the glasses slammed down onto the counter – as something else would be slamming into someone else soon enough – and Becca felt her head starting to gently move as her body tingled a little more from the alcohol. That only seemed to heighten the already simmering horniness that was pulsing within her, bringing it more to her mind.
And so, lost in how much fun she was having then, and the whole night, and once again having forgotten all about going to see Danny, Becca felt her inhibitions lessening and her fun, joking, teasing…flirty…side, beginning to take over.
“Getting a little weak in the knees, Sean-y boy?” the beautiful brunette girlfriend teased with a small, playful smile, as she watched her boyfriend’s teammate sway uneasily on his feet.
Sean simply laughed as he downed the triple-sized shot that he held in his hand and slammed the glass down on the counter.
“Ha!” he exclaimed as he leaned on the hard surface, probably to steady himself, though he still seemed to sway. Or was that her vision?
“The only one who will be ‘weak in the knees’ is you, when I’m done with you,” he added with such a sheer veil of implication that it was almost not worth bothering.
Becca laughed lightly again as she took the four-sized shot of…some green alcohol…that someone poured for her.
“Now you really are dreaming…” she replied with an amusedly-playful smile, before downing the drink that seemed to taste like apples, and slamming the glass down on the counter, “And has anyone ever told you that over-confidence is as bad as a lie?”
Taking his turn with the green drink, Sean smiled a confident, and Becca had to admit, cute smile. Well, she had always said that he was good-looking, she just wasn’t attracted to him.
But still, that smile was cute.
“It’s only over-confidence if it’s not true,” her boyfriend’s friend replied, before downing the drink. His glass joined the others. Oddly, he seemed to stand up a little straighter now, then he added with that same self-assured smile, “I guess you’ll have to be the judge of which it is, ah?”
Becca ignored the small butterfly that flitted in her stomach at his tone, his words, and the way that he looked at her. She was slowly becoming very aware of the head-spinning lust that had filled her all night suffusing her every vein and setting her pussy burning.
Not because of Sean, even if he was good-looking and cute. Oh no, but his words and eyes seemed to stir what was already pent up within her and what the alcohol coursing through her mind and body enhanced. The fact that he was very attractive and had a charming smile, maybe added a little. Maybe.
Whatever it was, the hot girlfriend – who by now was completely lost in the moment and had forgotten all about her loving boyfriend – didn’t think, she only felt, and right then she only felt like she was having too much fun.
“You wish,” she joked teasingly, before downing a shot of something that immediately raced to her head and set her vision spinning for a few seconds. Shaking it off, the knockout brunette girlfriend let out a deep breath, only to see Sean smirking at her.
“How about a kiss then,” he asked as he lined the glass up to his lips and watched her intently with his glazing eyes, “You still owe me one from the dare earlier.”
Becca felt another butterfly’s wings bolt around within her stomach at the brazen persistence of her boyfriend’s friend. That, of course, added fuel to the fire already burning within her which her alcohol-spinning mind enjoyed.
“How about ‘no’,” she replied, and then added with a small smile that seemed to brighten that glaze in Sean’s eyes for some reason, “Besides, I already gave you that kiss, remember?”
“That was hardly fair,” he said in response, “Come on, just one quick kiss?”
Becca pursed her lips in a small, playful smile as her body hummed with alcohol and horniness, seemingly thinking it over and really just enjoying making this attractive guy think that he actually had a chance.
Oh, she had to admit that for a moment she did think about how good-looking, and toned, this guy was. And a quick kiss wouldn’t hurt anyone – though at that moment Becca had no idea why she thought that last bit at all, who would be hurt by a quick kiss after all? – but she didn’t entertain that thought for more than a split second, and not really seriously at all.
It was just that Sean was attractive enough to kiss. Instead, she smiled inside at how much anticipation showed in her boyfriend’s friend’s face.
All of that took less than a couple of seconds, before the hot girlfriend spoke.
“Nope,” she replied, and almost giggled at the frustration on Sean’s face, “I gave you your kiss for the dare, that’s all you get. Now, are you going to drink that or are you going to give in?”
Sean’s frustration melted into a small, determined smile, before he too downed the powerful liquid and squinted and shook his head at the potency of it, just like she had. As he slammed the glass down, he gave her a self-satisfied, challenging smile.
“You’re never going to take me,” he said smugly.
“We’ll see,” Becca replied confidently.
And so, the contest continued, and while Sean was clearly having the worst of it, Becca increasingly felt the effects of the strong shots that the two were downing so quickly.
It was after a few more that the hot brunette girlfriend knew that she would have to do something to win or else they were both going to drink until they collapsed, and then that would be an end to this amazing night.
She was just about to suggest a mix of all that they’d had before, when out of the corner of her beautiful hazel eyes, Becca saw Rachel come into the kitchen and smirk as she saw the beautiful brunette and Sean clearly drunk at the counter. That gave the stunning girlfriend of two years a brilliant, if devious, idea.
“Rach. Rach,” Becca called happily, and smiled tipsily as her friend came to stand beside her, “Sean thinks that he can beat me at a drinking contest.”
Her friend’s amused and playfully disdainful smile at the grinning-proudly friend of Becca’s boyfriend showed what Rachel thought of that.
“So, what next?” Sean said smugly, as he rested his hands expectantly on the counter.
“Well…” Becca began, “…Rachel has a little drink that I think would be perfect.”
Becca’s pink-haired friend eyed her confusedly for a moment before a wide grin curved her lips and she quickly headed out of the room. In a moment she was back with a bottle of that black drink that she had pranked Becca with earlier. Promptly both she and Sean had a double shot of it in front of them, and Becca took a deep breath before raising the glass to her lips.
She so didn’t want to drink this stuff again, but at least she knew what she was in for, which the smugly cocky friend of her boyfriend didn’t.
And so, hoping that she wouldn’t be ill after this, Becca downed the drink as quickly as possible before slamming the glass to the counter. She tried desperately to keep her face from screwing up in disgust.
Sean, however, only smirked at her before he downed his…and the result had both Becca and Rachel in stitches.
Sean gagged and choked as his face screwed up like a piece of paper in a fist, and the sudden exclamation of disgust that he shouted was so from-the-soul that if Becca hadn’t been laughing so hard she may have felt sorry for him.
“I think I win,” the beautiful brunette girlfriend announced triumphantly as she saw her boyfriend’s teammate’s face turn a little green. She smiled happily as those around her began cheering and clapping her on the shoulder.
Sean only nodded as he finally straightened his face and eyed the bottle of black death with very watery eyes.
“That was unfair,” her boyfriend’s friend said, half choking.
“Aww, going to pout, Sean-y?” Becca teased before grinning at Rachel, then back at him, “You seem to say that a lot.”
“You should never underestimate a brilliant woman, Sean. You should know that,” Rachel added with a very-pleased smirk, and Sean gave her a look of acceptance that Becca couldn’t help but find cute. He looked like a lost puppy!
“Aww,” the slender brunette cooed as she reached over the counter to ruffle his blonde-brown hair.
The smile that sprouted on his attractive face, however, had nothing to do with his thinking that he’d won her over. Rather, Becca noticed, that her leaning forward on the counter gave him another clear view down the top of her dress. This time all the sexy girlfriend did was smile amusedly as she moved back and playfully rolled her eyes.
“Careful, you might fall down there if you keep staring like that,” Rachel teased Danny’s friend, as she watched his eyes gawk avidly at Becca’s full 34D tits.
Becca slapped her friend’s arm and gave her a shocked open-mouthed smile which was soon turned on her boyfriend’s friend as…
“Quite happily,” Sean replied, and Becca threw the empty plastic cup that she had used earlier at him, which he ducked out of the way of before grinning at her.
It was at that playful moment that Becca and Rachel’s favourite song in the world came suddenly blasting from the slightly darkened lounge. And with a sudden shared glance of amazed pleasure at each other, the two women moved.
And the night began the final countdown of events that would see Danny’s hot brunette girlfriend of two years fulfilling every dream that his teammate had ever had of her…much to the stunningly sexy girlfriend’s own enjoyment…
Danny Mills’ loud laughter was drowned out by the music that boomed out of Max’s sound system in the corner of the lounge as his friend’s funny story came to the punch line. Another friend then began to try to top it with a prank that he had pulled some night a few weeks ago.
As he began to listen to the new story, taking a deep swig from his can of beer, the football playing boyfriend thought that soon he would need to grab a new can as this one was almost empty. He’d had a couple since Becca had wandered off to talk to her friends, and so he was only a little tipsy. Mostly because he wanted to be able to enjoy what his girlfriend had promised when they got home.
That thought made Danny smile to himself. Damn, but he was a lucky guy to have landed such a hot, amazing, and intelligent woman like Rebecca Vaughn. He still thought that every day, and most especially when she lay beneath him writhing in ecstasy.
Stifling a sudden surge to his cock, Danny light-heartedly wondered for the third time since Becca had wandered off where his sexy girlfriend was. No doubt she was having as good a time with her friends as he was with his, he began to think before one of his friend’s spoke.
“Hey, you going to Matt’s in a bit?” one of his teammates asked, interrupting the story that had turned out not to be as funny as the guy claimed.
“Uh, not sure, man,” Danny replied hesitantly as he took another swig of his beer, “Becca and I have plans later.”
That, of course, brought rounds of jeering – both about what those ‘plans’ were and also about Danny being under his girlfriend’s thumb – however the dark-haired boyfriend paid little attention to either. Instead, he thought about the fight that Matt had got that he was going to miss later.
Still, no fight could compare to having hot sex with his girlfriend. But then, Becca was enjoying herself, and the last that he had heard from Rachel when he caught her heading towards the kitchen was that his girlfriend had been drinking a lot.
While Danny knew from experience that she could handle more than anyone else that he knew, she might be having too much of a good time to really do anything later, or to be mad at him for going to Matt’s for a little bit. He’d have to ask Rachel a bit later on and see what she thought. After all, those two were best friends.
“Alright, alright, I’ll see,” Danny said, fending off the jeers and jibes of his friends. Though some still carried on about how he was pussy-whipped, and so Danny added, “Well, at least I’ve got a hot girl to give me pussy every night, unlike some, ah?”
That soon shut most of them up, and brought yet another tale about something that was related that soon had the group all in stitches again.
And so, the caring boyfriend continued to enjoy his night while his girlfriend of two years continued to drink more as she flirted lightly with his friend in the kitchen. Smiling as Sean glanced down her dress rather than rebuking him gently as she had earlier, all as her hot 20-year-old body simmered hotter and hotter with the horniness that Danny had aroused earlier within her.
As the large-breasted, sexy brunette slammed glass after glass down on the counter in the kitchen, Danny finished his beer and was handed another by one of his friends. And as his succulently hot girlfriend teased Sean and leaned towards him to ruffle his hair, giving Danny’s ‘friend’ a perfect view down the top of her dress, another of the dark-haired boyfriend’s friend’s arrived and told him that Marcus was running around naked out the front after some girl who had stolen his clothes.
That, of course, got the whole group up and rushing out of the house in gales of laughter and banter. And so, the loving boyfriend of Rebecca Vaughn didn’t notice his girlfriend’s favourite song burst from the sound system, and only by heartbeats left the room before his girlfriend and her friend came rushing in from the kitchen.
How much would have changed if Danny Mills had remained just those few seconds more.
As it was, what Danny missed, his teammate was about to enjoy.
The moment the song came on and Becca saw Rachel’s face, the hot girlfriend knew exactly what her friend was thinking. And so, without a backward glance the two friends hurried into the living room, which had turned into more of a slightly darkened dance floor. Groups of people sat or stood around the edges talking since the last time Becca had been there.
Grinning at each other happily the two women began to dance with each other, snaking their slender hips, shaking their sexy asses gently, moving their arms, and laughing as they swayed from side to side. They just let the music guide their movements and laughing as they danced.
The music played to Becca’s soul and much to her delight, while the drum beat within the song pounded to the same rhythm that her pussy pulsed. The rush of alcohol through her lust-filled veins and drunk mind seemed to make the whole world glow with light and fun. Pure happiness and enjoyment suffused the hot and horny brunette, and she danced while smiling at her best friend.
After a couple of minutes of dancing as if nothing else existed in the whole world, Rachel grinned as she pointed back towards the kitchen. Becca smiled because of her friend and turned to look back to the well-lit room, only to see Sean, holding a drink in his hand and smiling in pleasure as he watched the two of them dance. Well, Becca admitted, watched her dance anyway.
That thought, and the way that his eyes watched her hips and legs in her short dress as she swayed to the music energetically once more stirred the already horny feelings within her. After all, she was a woman, and Sean was good-looking. And having an attractive guy watch her dance was bound to stir the heat that already boiled within her.
And so, with a playful smile to her friend, Becca half-rushed, half-danced towards her boyfriend’s friend with her hands out towards him.
“Come dance, Sean!” Becca called in a light, fun tone, as she came closer. She noticed his eyes take in her whole body as she continued to sway gently, something that once more set that heat within her a little higher.
“No, no, no!” her boyfriend’s friend replied adamantly, as he smiled at her.
“Oh, come on,” Becca said again, as she reached to take hold of his free hand and tried to gently pull him into the lounge.
The contact of his hand in hers seemed to intensify that humming feeling within the knockout girlfriend, though at that point she was too focused on trying to get Danny’s teammate to dance.
“Don’t be boring,” she added with a little laugh, still trying to gently tug him into the lounge. Though it was like tugging a brick wall, he was so strong.
The sudden bolt of horniness that shot from Becca’s pacing heart, deep into her horny pussy at that sensation was definitely noticed, and the hot, sexy brunette felt her cheeks heat a little.
For a moment Sean seemed to hesitate, as if he were going to give in. However, just as Becca thought that he was going to say ‘alright’, a gleam appeared in his eyes.
“I’ll come and dance if you give me a kiss,” he said with a playful smirk, and Becca smiled a small, playfully amused smile.
“You won’t let that go, will you?” she asked amusedly, and watched as Sean shook his head.
For a moment, Becca again seemed to consider it, though this time her alcohol and lust-fuelled thoughts did actually find it a little more tempting than before, especially as he smiled down at her with that handsome face and held her hand softly yet so strongly. However, once again Becca decided against it and so, still smiling amusedly, she shrugged and let go of his hand as she backed away…her large hazel eyes on his.
“Your loss,” she said with more than a hint of playful teasing as she backed away a few steps before heading back to Rachel who seemed to grin all the more
Shaking her head at Rachel’s unasked question, Becca glanced over her shoulder and smiled to herself as she watched her boyfriend’s teammate watching her. Playfully, she began to dance a little more daringly, just a little though. Her hips swayed just that little sexier, her hands sometimes touched Rachel’s shoulder or bare arm or rested on her own flat stomach or sexy hips.
When she was facing Rachel, Becca would give sly glances over at Sean, her full, mahogany hair that fell in waves down her slender back obscuring all but her large, glazed-hazel eyes. When she turned her back to him, her tight ass, hidden just beneath the short skirt of her black dress, would shake in time with the music just that little bit more.
And when she turned to face him, her eyes would fix on his as she danced against her friend, her slender arm raising above her head while the other hand almost-but-not-quite ran over her large, barely covered tits, before instead moving to rest elegantly on her slim waist. All the while the curve of her soft, red-brown lips seemed to invite teasingly while they smiled amusedly.
All of the little things had an obvious effect on Danny’s friend as his eyes grew ever more hungry and intent, his cup held forgotten in his hand, and his mouth parting slightly in desire.
For Becca, however, despite still having forgotten all about her boyfriend, she was only dancing like this to tease Sean for not coming to dance with them. And both she and Rachel found the whole thing – and the brown-blonde guy’s expression – vastly amusing.
That was why she smiled and moved as she did…at least, consciously anyway. For Rebecca Vaughn’s body had been simmering on an ever-increasingly pent up horniness, and her virile 20 year-old body yearned to be touched, and to be released…in an earth-shattering, loudly-screaming, orgasm.
And each and every move she made, the look of desire in the handsome, and strong, football player’s eyes, all sent pulse, after hot, horny pulse of hungry lust deep into her burning hot pussy. And the alcohol…well, that not only intensified it, but seemed to wipe away any thought that could stop what she felt.
The look on Sean’s face only grew worse, and Becca and her friend continued to find it amusing, even going so far as to dance closer together and run their hands down the sides of each other’s bodies and faces. Or holding each other’s hips or waists, especially when Becca turned to face Sean.
After what seemed like half-an-hour, but was really about five minutes, the two women almost couldn’t dance from laughing, as one of Sean’s teammates came over to him and started speaking. But Danny’s friend didn’t seem to even notice that he was there until the guy punched him in the arm, and then Sean jumped as if goosed and dropped his half-full cup on the floor, spilling it down one legs of his jeans.
With a quick glance at the now hysterically laughing women, Sean shook his head with an amused smile before he grabbed a couple of napkins to dry his leg and followed his friend towards the hall.
That was the last Becca saw her boyfriend’s teammate, as she and Rachel danced until Max changed the music a few songs later and the two women giggled their way into the kitchen for a vodka and lemonade to cool down with.
After that Becca was soon drawn into a conversation with some of her other friends, and Rachel headed back into the lounge to tell Max what she thought of the new music. Though as always she went with a smile.
And so, the night continued with fun and drinks.