My Sexy Little Fashion Show

"The Evolution of an Exhibitionist: Part 2"

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I found myself in an unfortunate situation. I had married young, and it had gone very bad. I could not bring myself to tell my minister father that I was getting a divorce. So, I found myself without a place to stay, and pretty much just the clothes on my back.

However, I knew a couple of guys, Brandon and Mark, who were starting a video editing business. It was low-budget, so instead of a proper office, they had rented a small, cheap apartment to house their business. No one lived there. It was only used as a place where they could edit their projects.

So, I asked if I could stay there, just until I got back on my feet. They agreed.

I really did not know them very well, so they were quite kind to do such a big favor for me. I think they felt a little obligated because I had once worked for free, performing in one of their videos. I wanted to be an actress. They mostly did cheap corporate and real estate videos, trying to build a media business as the internet was just getting going.

They were very nice to me. At first, I tried to stay out of their way when they were working, but they seemed to enjoy that I was there. One or both usually worked at night. And sometimes we would get to talking. I really started to enjoy their company. I needed this. Considering what I was going through, the attention of nice young, ambitious men was wonderful.

They learned a good bit about my situation. After listening to me complain about not being able to get my possessions back from my husband (not even my panties) they surprised me with a gift card from Victoria’s Secret. That was so nice of them. But I thought it may also be a suggestion. I think they had their own ideas of what it would be like to have a girl living in their office.

As an exhibitionist, I was not too shy about walking around while barely dressed, but when I first moved in, I wasn’t sure how it would go over. I would not want one of them, or one of their girlfriends, to be put off and put me out. If it were later in life, I would just ask if it would bother them if I walked around naked. But back then I did not have the audacity.

Not long after I moved in, my desire to tease them was growing uncontrollably. During my upbringing as a preacher’s daughter, everybody thought of me as a ‘good girl’. I hated that. More so, when I would do something to surprise or even shock people, I felt wonderful. It was thrilling. But I didn’t take it too far, so not to disappoint my parents. But when I got to college, I went wild. (Stories for another time.)

Then, right out of college, I went the other way. I married a conservative man who did not know about, and would not at all like, my exhibitionist ways and the things I did in college. But I eventually could not take this anymore. And now that I had left my husband, I really wanted to break free. I wanted to go wild again. This is how I was feeling when I moved in with Mark and Brandon.

I decided to test them. One day, around the time I expected one of them would come by, I left my hairbrush out on the editing desk and watched TV naked in the main room. When I heard the key in the door, I rushed into the bathroom and turned on the water. I wet my hair, turned the water off, and walked right out to the desk completely naked. It was Mark, and he was alone.

When we made eye contact, I feigned surprise. He froze for a second, then looked away. I scurried back to the bathroom while apologizing and explaining about my brush. He apologized and said I could get my brush; he would not look. I came back out saying it was his place, he could look if he wanted. He didn’t. So, I picked up my brush and said it doesn’t bother me. He hesitantly glanced over as I started brushing my hair while walking back to the bathroom. I played it calmly, but my heart was pounding.

As I was catching my breath in the bathroom, I heard him say, “Wow.”

I called back, “Thank you.”

It took a few days for it not to be at least a little awkward after that. But I started daring myself to do doing little things, to see what I could get away with. While they were working, I would usually find things to do in the kitchen because I could be seen there from their editing desk. I would do things like go bottomless with a tee shirt that wasn’t quite long enough to cover me. I remember more than once successfully working up my courage in the bedroom to go grab a snack in the kitchen while topless. I started leaving the bedroom and bathroom doors open while I was changing, showering, toweling off, etc. I tried to pretend like this was just normal and I didn’t think much of it. But I was always overwhelmed with excitement and titillation when I knew they were watching me.

When they gave me the gift card to Victoria’s Secret, I decided to pay them back with a fashion show of some of the underwear I bought. I couldn’t figure out a good way to do this live. So, I decided to surprise them with a video. When I was alone, I set up their camera in the corner of the office and put on a little show. It was silly, and not very well done. But it really got me excited. I thought maybe I took it too far. Particularly after my fashion show turned into me playing with myself, and for far too long. I spent a lot of time waffling about it, and I thought to erase it. But eventually, I just committed and went through with it. I put the tape in their machine for them to discover. When Brandon came into work, I said I had somewhere to be and left. I was too nervous to watch him find it. When I returned, no one was there, and the tape was gone.

Days went by with no one mentioning the tape. I was getting frazzled and tried to find ways of broaching the topic. Eventually I overheard Brandon telling Mark that he had finished his recent project and turned all the tapes over to his client. I nearly passed out when I realized he must have given my tape to one of his clients. I found it excited me, but I was terrified of what I may have done to his business. My panic must have been evident, as they soon let me off the hook. They had both watched the tape and had not given it to their client.

The whole situation was a bit awkward, but my video was well-received. So much so, Brandon asked me if I would pose for more videos. This led to Brandon being my cameraman for many videos around that time, and for years to come.

Published 5 months ago

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