The Chair Part:1

"Be careful what you wish for"

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It was time for dinner and my girlfriend Angel is usually waiting at the table when I’m finished cooking. 

“Angel, Angel, dinner is ready, baby. It’s jambalaya, your favorite,” I called from the kitchen. 

Hmm, where is she?” I thought to myself. 

I stirred the pot a few times and put the stove on a low heat to keep the food warm. I began walking through the house calling for her with no luck. I went to the bedrooms, the bathrooms, and my office with no luck. I went to the master bedroom and she wasn’t there either. Then I thought of the one place she could be. The one place she shouldn’t be without my permission. 

I stirred the pot once more before exiting out the back door towards the shed in the backyard. I had a large shed built in the backyard. It started out as a workshop but I spent so much time in there I added a kitchen, full bath, and bedroom for when I worked all night and fell asleep. Since Angel moved in, it has become more of a playroom than anything. We spent several nights a week in the “workshop” playing and experimenting. 

As I walked to the shed, I noticed the lights were on. So I knew Angel was in there, being the only other person with a key. I opened the door and saw her standing there, frozen. Her tight body like a statue, no movement except the sway of her body from breathing. Her petite frame always made me lustful in our playtime. Angel is twenty-nine years old and stands five foot three and weighs one hundred and twenty pounds. She has small perky B cup breasts and a taut ass that has the slightest jiggle when she walks. Her curly black hair runs about halfway down her back and is thick (perfect for grabbing). Her brown skin glowing as she stood in the middle of the room looking at the chair, knowing she’ll be placed in it. I walked up behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. Then I moved her curly hair so I could kiss her shoulders, neck, and cheek. 

“Angel, baby, dinner is ready. Let’s go, we don’t want it getting cold,” I said kissing her neck. 

She turned around to look up at me with a curiosity in her eyes. 

“Are you going to put, me in that?” she asked. 

“Well, I had planned on surprising you after dinner but, now you know. But the answer is yes, baby. I planned on putting you in the chair. What do you think?” I replied. 

“I want to sit in it now,” she said. 

“Not now, Angel, after dinner,” I replied. 

She pouted and put her head down. I knew she was about to have a bratty attitude. But I had a plan for her and wouldn’t divert from it. The chair in question is a little toy I had a friend make. Sorry if I forgot to mention before, but I’m involved in the BDSM community. I’m a dominant and Angel is my submissive. We have been dating for six years and playing in this role for the last four. It wasn’t easy helping Angel adjust into this lifestyle but it has greatly benefited us both. 

Anyway back to the chair. It’s your standard wooden chair with a leather cushion. But what makes it special are the straps for someone’s hands and feet. Along with a hole cut through the middle of the seat that has a vibrating wand mounted underneath, poking through; a tool to help test the limits of the person sitting in it. I had planned on showing Angel the seat during our next session but I know her curiosity is going to speed up her introduction. 

“Please, sir, place me in the chair. I’ve been good, I deserve to sit in the chair,” she said pouting her lips. 

“You’ll be in the chair soon, baby. Let’s go enjoy dinner and we can talk about it okay,” I answered. 

I knew this wasn’t going to be the end of this conversation. Anytime I brought home a new toy, Angel became like a child on Christmas Eve, eager to open the gift and play. But I knew I wanted to get through dinner and relax before we played. 

Angel stood on her tiptoes to try to kiss me but couldn’t reach. I leaned down to meet her lips and press them against mine. I grabbed her hand and led her back into the house. I fixed our plates and set them at our respective seats. Normally, Angel would cook but I like to treat her when I want to involve something new in our playtime. And that usually involved one of her favorite foods, and a bottle of wine; tonight was no different. Jambalaya with French bread, salad, and boiled corn and potatoes, her favorite. About ten minutes after sitting down, I noticed Angel had barely touched her food. 

“What’s wrong, baby, why aren’t you eating? I made your favorite,” I asked her. 

“I’m not hungry,” she replied. 

“Not hungry? I’ve never known you not to be hungry when I cooked for you. Do you want me to make something else?” I asked. 

“No, this is fine. I just….” she paused. 

“You what?” I asked. 

“I want to be put in the chair,” she snapped back. 

I knew this was coming. She always becomes so eager whenever she finds a new toy. She puts on this bratty attitude and tries to annoy me until we use it, but she also knows I have no patience for these games. 

“I said we’ll talk about it later. Now eat before your food gets cold,” I said with a stern voice. 

I began eating again and noticed Angel was now playing with her food. She knew this annoyed me very much because she was acting out to get some attention. But this behavior doesn’t get the attention she wants. She knows the outcome of her little games and what it leads to. This little game wasn’t going to get her in the chair any sooner. 

“Last time, Angel, EAT YOUR FOOD! If it gets cold you’ll be punished. And if you’re punished you won’t be able to sit anywhere, let alone that chair outside, now eat,” I said. 

She placed her fork back on the napkin, pushed her plate away, and took a sip of her wine. She then placed her hands and elbows flat on the table. Now she knows manners were a big rule in this house and she knows I don’t tolerate disobedience. I had to nip this little attitude in the bud before she took this any further. I stood up from my seat and pushed my chair in. I walked behind Angel and grabbed the back of her chair, then signaled for her to get up. 

“I don’t have time for your attitude, Angel. If you want to play there’s a right way to go about it. And what you’re doing isn’t it, now get up,” I said. 

Angel turned and looked up at me. Knowing she had pushed my buttons. But she knew she was playing a dangerous game. 

“Sir,” she said in her sweet voice. 

“I said get up, and lean across the couch,” I snapped at her. 

She did as she was told and stood up. She walked to the couch and leaned over the back of the couch. Her breath started to increase knowing what was to come. I walked behind her and pulled her cotton shorts down to her ankles. No panties of course. She rarely wore them unless we were leaving the house. I leaned over her back and put my face against hers. 

“You will be punished for that little act you just put on. Do you understand me?” I asked. 

Angel shook her head yes and bit her bottom lip. Her breath increased with each passing second. As I pulled away from her she turned to me and tried to kiss me but I wasn’t having it. I leaned back, away from her kiss and stood up straight. She had a want in her eyes knowing she was about to be punished. She wanted affection before I began. I took a step back and removed my belt from my pants. I folded the belt and ran it over her skin. Running it over her back and ass. 

“Mmmm,” was what she managed to get out. 

I rubbed my hands in circles over her ass. Prepping it for what was to come. I leaned forward and grabbed a handful of her curls. Pulling her up off the couch. 

“I didn’t appreciate your attitude from earlier, and you know that. So let’s see if we can’t fix that and resume our dinner without the attitude. I want you to count each strike, do you understand?” I said menacingly. 

“I understand, Sir,” she replied.

“Good. You know better than to act out. Especially when I had made plans for us,” I said. 

“I understand, Sir, and I apologize, ” she answered. 

I brought my hand back with the belt and swung it forward, connecting with her ass. 

SWAT the first hit landed. 

“One,” Angel yelled out. 


“Two,” she called out. 


“Three,” she continued. 


“FOUR,” she continued. 


“FIVE,” this time she yelped out. Her brown ass had begun gaining a pinkish hue to it. 

I could see her hands gripped the couch. And her muscles began to tighten, anticipating the next hit. 


“Six,” she yelped again. 


“Seven,” she turned to look up at me. She had tears welling up in her eyes. 


“Eight,” she shrieked out. She had rissen to her toes and gripped the couch tightly. 


“Nine,” she continued counting. 


“Ten,” she hollered out. When she turned to look at me, a single tear rolled down her cheek. 

“Stay there and don’t move,” I said to her. 

I walk to the kitchen and reached into the freezer. Pulling out an ice pack. I walked towards Angel’s seat and placed it on her chair. 

“Step out of those shorts, sit down, and eat. This time with no attitude. Do you understand?” I said. 

“Yes, Sir.” Angel looked at me and nodded yes in agreement. 

I walked back to the table and removed her wine glass, going to place it in the sink. We both sat back down and started eating. This time with no attitude or bratty nonsense. We finished our dinner and began cleaning up, first clearing the table then washing the dishes. This was something we did together no matter who cooked or what we ate. We did the dishes in silence like always. It was a bonding experience we both enjoyed, just being in each other’s company. 

As we were washing the dishes I took a step back. Angel’s ass wasn’t pink anymore but it was still a little swollen. She would feel those hits the next day. 

“Sir,” she asked looking up at me. 

“Yes, Angel, what is it,” I answered. 

“I’m sorry for my behavior earlier. I know I was being a brat. I got excited after I saw the chair and I know I need to have more control,” she said. 

I put my hands on both sides of her face, pushing her hair behind her face, and kissing her forehead.

“It’s okay, Angel. I know you got excited seeing the chair and you want to play in it, I do too. But you know the rules. We do things at the right time,” I said, looking down at her. 

She nodded her head yes. After we finished cleaning the last of the pots and plates, it was time. 

“Angel, baby, slip into something sleek and wait for me outside,” I said. 

“And pick up your shorts and put them away please,” I said softly. 

Angel nodded to me and went to grab her shorts off the floor and disappeared upstairs. I went to the bathroom and changed as well. I turned off the lights and exited out the back door. I walked to the shed and opened the door. There I was met by Angel kneeling on the floor with her hands on her thighs with her palms facing up. She was wearing a blue lace lingerie set with matching crotchless panties and barefoot. I walked past her and grabbed a bottle of water, then sat on a stool by the bar. 

“Now that we are here, let’s talk about this new toy,” I said. 

“This toy has four straps on it. Two for your wrists and two for your ankles. The wand has five settings on it. Each more intense than the last. I will place you in the chair and tie off the restraints. Our usual rules apply. Safe words are in effect and if you become unconscious at any point, I will stop immediately,” I said to her. 

Each time we played together it felt like the first time all over again. Her enthusiasm and willingness to experiment kept things fresh and exciting for us. Sometimes it’s hard to believe we’ve been doing this for four years. 

“Now, stand, and go to the chair,” I commanded. 

Angel stood up slowly and walked over to the chair. I could see her inspecting it with her eyes. She ran her hands over the chair, to get a feel for it. She was spilling over with anticipation. She tried to hide her excitement but I know all too well what she was feeling. 

“May I, Sir?” she asked. 

“Yes you may, be seated,” I answered. 

She sat in the chair and placed her arms and legs by the restraints, waiting to be tied up and ready for our session to begin. I stood up and walked over to her. I circled her as she waited. I was eyeing her as if she was prey and I was a predator waiting to attack. I knelt down and had begun strapping her into the chair, first her wrists, and then her ankles. I ran my hands up and down her body, and explored her as I had always done before we played. After securing her and checking the restraints, I placed a blindfold on her. Then I reached down and turned the wand on its first speed. 

A small moan left Angel’s mouth. But this was just the beginning. I grabbed her small left nipple and pinched it hard. Then I pulled it away from her body stretching the skin, then I released it. I did this with her other nipple as well. I ran my hand up her chest to her neck and grabbed it. I gave it a firm squeeze while looking into her eyes. I leaned in to kiss her but pulled back. Then I placed a small lick on her face but avoided letting her touch me. She always enjoyed a little tease before we began. I released my grip on her neck and stood up. I walked over to the fridge and reached into the freezer pulling out several ice cubes. I walked back over to Angel and the chair. 

“Are you ready?” I asked her. 

“Yes, Sir,” she responded. 

I knelt back down and increased the wand’s speed to two. Then I took some of the cubes and pressed them against her nipples. I made small circles as they melted against the heat of her skin. This time a loud moan came out. 

“Ohhhh fuck!!!” she belted out. 

I continued rubbing the ice over her chest and breast. Moving up to her neck and shoulders. The water started to trail down her body, coating her brown skin. She looked as beautiful as ever in this moment. I had continued rubbing her down until the ice completely melted in my hands. The ice left a small puddle in the seat and around the chair. I stood up again and went to one of the dressers and opened a drawer. I pulled out a pair of nipple clamps and a riding crop and walked back. Then I sucked each of her nipples causing her to moan loudly. I made them hard enough to put the clamps on. 

“Oh, my God,” Angel moaned out in pure bliss. 

I released her and stood up with the riding crop in my hand. I began circling Angel as I ran the crop over her skin. Causing her to shudder with excitement. 

“Are you ready to be a good girl?” I asked. 

“Yes, Sir,” she responded. Also nodding her head. 

I stopped on side of her. Rubbing the crop against her ribs. 

“Count for me, Angel,” I said to her sweetly. 

I reached back a few inches and gave her a quick tap on the ribs.

“One,” she counted. 

I began circling her again, giving her taps on different parts. Next was her thigh. 


“Two,” she counted. 

Next was her other thigh. 


“Three,” She said around. 

I saw she was beginning to shake. The wand had been working her pussy and the sensation from the crop was taking its toll. I had seen her toes curling and her grip on the chair tightening.


“FOUR!!! Sir,” she yelled. 

I reached down and increased the speed again and Increasing the vibrations being sent through her body. She began shaking more as the speed increased, causing her to shudder. 


“Ffffff… fffive,” she managed to squeak out. 


“Ssssix, Sir,” she said. 

“And one for good measure,” I said.


“SSSSSSEVEN,” she hollered out. 

I dropped the crop onto the floor and walked over to the bar and sat down. I watched as I saw Angel’s orgasms rip through her. Hearing her scream and watching her shake made me hard as steel. I drank from the water bottle and watched more orgasms come over her. 

“Ohh God, ohhh fuck,” she screamed. 

The chair caused her orgasms to come in succession almost to the point of being unbearable. I stayed seated in the chair and watched. I watched as she screamed, cursed, and convulsed in the chair she so desperately wanted to be in. I watched as she writhed in pleasure. Knowing each orgasm was more intense than the last. 

“Sssssir, please, turn it off. I…I… ccccan’t take much more,” she shuddered out. 

“I…I… I think I might ffffffaint,” she forced out. 

“You wanted this, Angel. This is what you asked for, no sense in quitting early. I think you can go a few more minutes,” I said smiling to myself. 

“Ohhh God,” she screamed again. 

Another orgasm ripped through her. She leaned forward with her mouth open, a small trail of drool escaping. She hurried and tried to suck it back in but she couldn’t. I watched as my girl came again and again, shaking and throwing her head around. I let her sit there and lost track of the time. I walked over and pulled at the nipple clamps causing her to hiss. Everywhere was sensitive on her, her body was a minefield. Even the slightest touch would set her off. With her head still hanging, I picked it up by her chin and kissed her deeply, forcing my tongue into her mouth and she barely responded. Her tongue was limp as she tried to kiss me back. But she was consumed by her orgasms, barely conscious, and another wave of pleasure overcame her. 

“J….j…jesus Christ, S…s…s…sir, I’m coming again. Oh God, I can’t take anymore. Please, turn it off, please,” she screamed. 

“I…I…,” she stuttered. 

I looked down at her as she came again. She was exhausted, breathing as if she ran a marathon. I knelt down and lowered the setting on the wand until it went off. I stood up and took a few steps back. I stood there, admired my muse, and what I had just seen. As her head hung down and drool was leaking from her mouth, she was exhausted. Her only movement was heavy panting as she tried to catch her breath. I went to the bathroom and turned on the bath. I drew a nice hot bath for her with her favorite oils and minerals. And I placed one of her favorite bath bombs on the side. 

I went back to Angel and the chair and began removing the restraints. I rubbed her ankles and wrists where she had been tied down. Then I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. I placed her in the tub to soak and dropped the bath bomb in. I let her soak and relax so her body could recover. 

“Mmmm,” was all she managed to get out. 

I took a sponge and washed her. Rubbing her body and soothing her. I let her soak in the tub for quite some time. I sat on the toilet and watched her in all her beauty. 

Rest now Angel, there is more to come,” I thought to myself. 

I could see a smile come across her face as she soaked. Knowing there was more to come.

Published 3 years ago

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