After six years working in engineering, I decided to have an early mid-life crisis and quit the world of science and maths to follow an amateur passion of mine, photography.
I had always enjoyed being out with the camera and liked to think I took a reasonable photo. I always thought that if the engineering route didn’t work out, I would fall back and look to do something with the camera. The local university had a decent photography degree so, I enrolled at the local university as a mature student.
At the end of September, I re-entered academia, something I did not expect to do after a three-year engineering degree that started some nine years earlier. I met my new classmates at a coordination session. Naturally, I was the oldest in the class, however a few of the students had taken a gap year or two, either to go travelling or to earn some money to support their degree and there was a good mix of guys and girls.
As the year developed we were given an assignment where we had to work in a group of three and take a landscape photo of whatever the person chooses. The other two members of the group then had to critique it.
The groups were decided for us, and I had landed in a group with two lovely ladies called Emily and Lucy. Both girls were nineteen, and the fact they did a photography course was about the end of the parallels between them.
Lucy was the shorter of the two, perhaps 5’5″, with long blonde hair down to mid-shoulder blade, blue eyes, a petite figure, 32B boobs, but an absolute dynamo of a personality. She was super confident with life, herself, anything. She wasn’t cocky, just confident. She had a naughty streak in her, with a great sense of humour and in general, was very easy to get along with.
Emily was a bit taller, around 5’8″, with shoulder-length brunette hair, brown eyes and glasses. She had a fuller figure with more boob (36D), bum and tum I guess you could say. She was a far more reserved character, still had a good sense of humour, but quieter and shyer. However, we still got on really well. In fact, the three of us found a good dynamic and throughout the assignments developed a great friendship.
The assignment went ok, we all got reasonable enough scores that we were happy with. The best part of the assignment was the three of us getting to know each other and getting outside to see places to take photographs, but we were pleased that it was done and dusted.
The three of us thought it would be good to celebrate the completion of the assignment and as it turned out, so did the remainder of the class. We had decided that we should head to the rodeo-themed evening at the student’s union. Now, as soon as this was agreed upon, Lucy was straight on the group chat saying that we needed to dress up as the classic cowboy and cowgirl. Eventually, Em and I caved and we agreed to which Lucy was very pleased.
So, as agreed we all dressed up in the correct outfit. I had arranged to meet the girls at the union, but as they lived in the halls of residence they decided to get ready together. As expected my outfit was rather predictable and included a check shirt, Stetson hat, blue jeans, boots and even a neckerchief.
I arrived at the union and most other people were in outfits along a similar theme to mine, no surprise there. My first stop was the bar, I definitely needed a pint. I then circulated around, chatted with friends and watched the dance floor.
I was about to head to the bar and felt a tug on my belt from behind me. I knew that could be only one person and I turned around to see Lucy with the cheekiest grin and Emily standing beside her.
Now, jeez, these girls were both looking stunning. Whilst again, outfits were predictable, they pulled it off so well. They wore check shirts, denim skirts, boots halfway up the shin and Stetson hats.
However, Lucy’s skirt was a good bit shorter, it wasn’t far over her ass, whereas Em’s was halfway down her thy. Lucy’s shirt was blue with a couple of buttons undone and tied up to show off her flat tummy and quite clearly no bra. Emily’s shirt was predominantly red and was tied at the bottom, although it didn’t really show off any of her tummy. She did however have more than enough buttons undone to show off her magnificent cleavage and black bra that held everything in place. Having gotten to know her a bit, it seemed a touch odd that she would show off so much. My thoughts were that Lucy had a significant influence on how she was wearing her attire.
With that, I gave them both a glance, I couldn’t help myself and they both caught me, to which I didn’t really care. They both looked so hot in their own right, but all they did was lock eyes with me to tell me they had noticed, giggled and I took one on each arm to the bar.
The evening proceeded with a mixture of drinking, dancing (terribly in my case) and chatting. As our veins developed into alcohol streams, the dancing became more flirtatious and suggestive. The girls started to tease me a little with them dance-hugging me, rubbing their asses against each other, knowing that I couldn’t not watch. All harmless fun, but most definitely fun.
We danced for a good while and into the late hours of the night before Em said to Lucy and me that she was thinking of making a move back to her room in the adjoining halls of residence. I said I would happily walk her home if she wanted and then come back and re-join Lucy. However, Lucy said, “Why don’t we all go to yours for a nightcap Em?”
We all agreed and with that, we wandered out into the warm night sky and down the hill to Em’s halls of residence block. As we got into the block, Em said there was coffee in the kitchen or she had some vodka in her room. Before I had time to think, Lucy firmly suggested that vodka was the way to go.
The conversation flowed easily between the three of us as we had become a close set of friends. We were laughing, joking, taking the piss out of each other, and regaling the assignment. It was just an enjoyable and relaxed environment.
I had noticed Em’s camera on the desk and I picked it up to have a closer look at it. I turned it on and whilst the light wasn’t great in the room, it was good enough to get a reasonable image. Despite Em’s protesting about me playing with the camera, the protests became louder when the first photo I took was of her.
Lucy sat in the beanbag laughing at what was going on, but then I turned to her and took a couple of photos. Initially, she was having none of it, but then warmed to the idea and even started posing a little, well as much as you can when sitting on a beanbag.
Lucy with a complete change of heart suddenly went, “This could be rather fun!”
With that, she hopped up and said, “What would you like me to do?”
I hadn’t thought any of this through, as I just saw the camera lying there. So as quickly as I could muster, I asked Lucy to move in front of the bathroom door as it was white and gave me a background to shoot against.
She happily posed in various stances for me, nothing leading or risqué at all, but some nice shots of her from the front, side and behind, as I couldn’t resist getting her ass on camera.
Lucy was trying to convince Em that she was having fun and she should bring her sexy ass over to her. Eventually, Em caved and went, “Fine, you do seem to be enjoying yourself.” Bear in mind, that Em is the shyer of the two.
She replaced Lucy in front of the bathroom door and I started snapping away and asked her to do a few poses much like Lucy’s. Again nothing untoward, but with the shirt done up in the way that it was, there was no way to avoid some serious cleavage shots.
I suggested that I could get some photos of both together. Lucy was very game for that and bounded into the camera view. I played around with a couple of bits, but had the classic back-to-back and side-by-side shots, at this point nothing remotely creative.
I asked them if they would be happy hugging each other and both agreed. Now as they reached around each other and first squeezed together, Lucy said, “My god Em, your tits really are big!”
All Em could do was blush as she wasn’t confident enough to really take the compliment, never mind from another girl. Anyway, I continued taking photos of them before out of nowhere, Lucy said, “What if I undid some buttons on my shirt?”
Well, I was not expecting that! I shot a look at Em, and she fired one back and then we both looked at Lucy. Once the glancing had stopped, I quickly said, “Absolutely, let me know what you are thinking?”
She responded with, “I’m not sure, but perhaps if I undo my buttons and just leave the knot?”
I said, “Let’s take a look!”
So with that, Lucy stepped away from Em a tiny bit so she could undo the buttons, which she did, leaving the knot intact. As the knot was just below her boobs it allowed the shirt to fall forward and show a lot of cleavage, but not quite far enough to be able to see her boobs fully.
I still wasn’t quite sure what was happening but rolled with it. The photos certainly contained considerably more cleavage now, to which I certainly wasn’t complaining! Lucy then suggested that she should undo the knot and just let the shirt drape. I mean, who was I to argue. Once again Em and I shared a look. However, no one was uncomfortable with what was occurring, so I continued snapping.
Lucy started to tease me a little now, holding the shirt open enough to show off a considerable about of boob as well as her gorgeous tummy, but without showing off her nipples. She knew what she was doing and whilst I was desperately trying not to, I started to stir in my boxers, and she had realised it.
Lucy then suggested to Em that she should do the same as her and undo the buttons of her shirt. I quickly mentioned that with how many buttons are already open I am not sure it would reveal too much more. Lucy was quick to retort with, “Yeah, you have a point, those tits aren’t being covered by much are they?”
Em didn’t know what to say and just went a shade of red. Lucy followed up with, “Don’t be embarrassed Em! You have a stunning figure.”
With that, we took a brief interlude to have another shot of vodka. Lucy didn’t even think for a minute to do up her shirt, or at least a couple of buttons, she sat there with the shirt open and let it drape where it fell. As we sat for a minute I said to the girls, “Did you enjoy that?”
Lucy responded instantly, “Absolutely, I love showing off! Was really fun to play with my open shirt.”
Em was a touch more reserved but responded with, “Yes it was, but I was a bit nervous, not sure I could do what Lucy has done with her shirt.”
“Are you serious girl? With your assets? If you wanted, you would truly rock the camera!” said Lucy. Em once again went red.
“You think so?” Em asked politely.
“Absolutely!” said Lucy, “Why don’t you whip off that bra and we can show you!”
Lucy and I were very surprised when with no real expectation Emily slid her hands up the back of her shirt unclasped her bra, slid it down her sleeve and dropped it on the bed. With the amount of cleavage that was on show, you could tell that Em’s boobs held their shape very well.
With that, Lucy was straight on the case of getting Em up to the bathroom door and I picked up the camera again. Em was asking, “What shall I do?”
Lucy just responded with, “Be natural, let him take your photo. Imagine you are doing a shoot for a magazine or something? Perhaps even copy some of what I did.”
I played with some poses and shots as she was slowly getting into it. Then Lucy just wandered in and undid the last buttons, leaving just the loose knot holding the shirt closed which was positioned around her tummy button.
The shirt parted a good bit more and I was getting photos with even more boob on show. Wow! Lucy had just taken it up a notch.
After a few more photos Lucy stepped in again and undid the knot. She did it so quickly that Em didn’t have time to grab her hands and stop her. Lucy then said, “There, now we are both the same!”
Em was red again with embarrassment, but Lucy once again told her not to be.
I continued snapping pics and Em was loosening up a little as she started to play with the shirt a little more. Holding it a bit wider for me so I could see even more boob and some of her tummy. It certainly had got another level hotter with Lucy’s second intervention.
Lucy then suggested some photos of them both, which sounded like a great idea to me, so I said, “Absolutely.” Within a millisecond Lucy bounded into the shot.
I started taking snaps of them beside each other and back-to-back, much like the earlier ones, but obviously with much more on show now. I then asked them to face away from me and slide their shirts down their arms a little to imply that they were sliding off. I then asked them to turn to face the camera with cheeky, innocent smiles.
I then asked if they would be comfortable taking the shirt off whilst they faced away from the camera, and they both agreed. I asked them to take their shirt off but hold it in one hand away from their body and after the snap with them facing away from me, turn slightly so I could see their faces whilst still holding their shirts at arm’s length.
After that, I asked if they would be happy to drop the shirts and use their hands to cover their boobs. Lucy again, was completely fine with the idea. I knew she was confident and perhaps a little alcohol-induced, but her confidence was higher than I thought. Again, Em took a second but went with it.
So with shirts on the ground, I asked them to place an arm over their boobs and turn their heads towards me. Then slowly moved back-to-back, still with arms covering their boobs whilst looking at me.
Then I bravely asked, “If you covered your boobs with your hands would you be happy to face the camera?”
Lucy covered her boobs, smiled, turned to face me and said, “Like this?”
After a split-second stare, which was more than long enough for her to notice, I said, “Yes, just like that Lucy.”
Em, then followed slowly and her hands were certainly not big enough to effectively cover her D cups. She also said, “Like this?”
Once again there was a split-second glance, at Em initially then a second one at Lucy, I couldn’t believe what was standing in front of me! Both girls noticed the glance as Lucy shot a mischievous look and Em went red again.
So I got to work with the camera with a few photos, then asked the girls if they were happy to face each other, which they did without too much thought. Their hands were still holding their boobs, but after a couple of photos, I asked if they could drop their hands and hug each other. At this point, Em had really started to relax and they hugged each other and I had a fantastic side-boob view.
After this, I then asked them to arch back slightly from each other, which I stopped when their boobs were touching just enough so I couldn’t see their nipples. Then I asked if they would be comfortable cupping each other’s boobs. Lucy said, “Absolutely, I wouldn’t have a problem at all.”
Now that Em was more relaxed, she said, “Sure, it wasn’t like our boobs weren’t just touching each other.”
With that, they both gently reached out and cupped each other’s boobs. Lucy instantly told Em how big and amazing they felt and Em didn’t go red this time, suggesting she was relaxed with the situation now.
I took a few more photos, then asked them to rest their foreheads against each other, which they did with no problem at all. Whilst looking into Em’s eyes, Lucy asked if they should kiss. Whilst trying my best to stay composed I said, “Yes, absolutely!”
With that, Lucy slowly edged towards Em and rested a small peck on her lips. Fuck me, this was seriously hot and whilst I did my best to hide it, I was definitely sporting a hard-on in my boxers.
Lucy asked Em if the kiss was good, to which she responded in the affirmative. She asked if they should do it again, to which I went, “Absolutely, perhaps a little longer this time.”
Lucy then locked her lips with Em more deeply this time and Em responded. Both got into it and Lucy’s hand left Em’s boob in the moment and went behind Em’s head to hold her close.
Once the moment passed and the kiss broke, I asked them if they enjoyed that. Lucy responded with, “Yes, definitely, that was super-hot, this whole evening has been super-hot.”
Em responded, “It was really fun, I was nervous to start with, but that was really sexy.”
I responded with, “I am really glad you enjoyed that, it was very hot to watch and be privileged enough to photo it.” I then followed it up with, “I wonder if you two are brave enough for one more shot, where perhaps you have your have your arms around each other’s waist and face the camera but with a full view of your boobs?”
With their bodies still close so I couldn’t see anything, Lucy looked at me and just said, “You just want to see our boobs fully don’t you, you dirty bastard?”
Em sniggered and let out a small laugh at that comment and I just said, “Yes, you got me, considering the last hour, you can’t blame me for trying!” We all laughed.
Lucy looked at Em and said, “I’m ok with it if Em is.”
Em said, “Sure, why not? It would be the most suitable end to this I think?”
With that, the girls lowered their arms around each other’s waist and opened the gap between them. As they turned I made sure I took full advantage of the situation and snapped as many photos as I could whilst they moved. I asked for one final shot with them resting their heads together with them facing me and wow, what a conclusion.
I lowered the camera still pinching myself at what had just occurred and my god, what a view it was, truly amazing, my jaw hit the floor. I told them again how absolutely stunning they were. Both giggled and just said thank you.
I initially thought the night was about to end there, how wrong I was. Lucy had got progressively hornier throughout the night, which I am not surprised by. As I got to know her, she was confident and loved the limelight, so it wasn’t surprising that this turned her on. Looking at Em’s nipples I thought she was probably turned on too. However, she was unlikely to be forthcoming with such information. Of course, I was hard as a rock under my jeans and Lucy very well knew this.
Lucy slowly walked to me, took the camera from my hand, and placed it on the desk. She then came back to me and stood in front of me staring into my eyes. She rested her hands on my shirt over my tummy and slowly slid them down towards my bulging cock. It was like torture waiting for her hands to get there, but when they did she said, “It looks like someone has enjoyed themselves tonight with how hard he is.”
I responded with, “Tell me how I couldn’t enjoy that?”
She just grinned and said, “I think you might enjoy this bit even more!”
Her hands started to work back up my shirt opening the buttons as they went. Once she had undone them all, she pushed the shirt off my shoulders and onto the ground. Next, she undid my jeans button and zip and I felt the first bit of pressure relief. Lucy hooked her fingers into the hemline of my jeans and pushed them to the floor and I stepped out of them. My boxers were a tent with my cock at full hardness.
Finally, she got on her knees in front of me, hooked her hands inside the hemline of my boxers and slid them down to the floor. I took a half step forward to step out of them, which took my thick cock even closer to Lucy and particularly her mouth.
Emily at this point had moved to the desk chair and dispensed with her skirt leaving her black knickers on which matched the bra. She hadn’t looked to join at this point, but she sat in the chair with her eyes fixated upon Lucy and me.
Whilst I had been watching Em move towards the chair, Lucy’s hands moved up and started to massage my balls. She looked up and said, “Your balls feel so full, I hope they are going to give me a good load.” I didn’t really have the wherewithal at this point to respond and what Lucy didn’t know was that I am a decent cummer and that I would have a large load for her.
Her hand started to stroke my hard, thick shaft, slow to begin with, but very quickly speeding up. She was so horny, any resemblance of control was out of the window. Her hands felt amazing against my member. Her grip got tighter as she sped up and I struggled to hold my balance standing up as I enjoyed it so much.
Before long, Lucy’s mouth enveloped the tip of my pulsing member. On the first stroke, she very slowly ran her mouth down my full length to take all of it in her mouth. Wow! I was in ecstasy. She then retracted all the way out and looked up at me, before enveloping my tip again. This time she kept her mouth glued to my shaft and started sucking me hard.
Whilst she was sucking me, and my balance was even harder to keep now, her hands came up again and she was starting to massage my balls to add to the sensation. Jeez, I knew I wouldn’t be able to last too long like this.
I tried to regain my senses and ensure that I didn’t cum too early. I looked around the room just to act as a small distraction. However, as my eyes looked over towards Em, she was on the chair at her desk and she had her left hand in her panties massaging her clit, and her right hand playing with her tits. It was not the helpful distraction I was looking for.
That was it, I quickly worked out this wasn’t going to last much longer. I tapped Lucy on the head and broke her rhythm. She looked up at me and I told her, “My turn.” The timing was exceptional, as one more minute and I was done for.
Lucy stood up and I literally picked her up and put her on the bed. I kissed her body on the way down to her pussy. I started with her neck, then sucked her rock-hard nipples then her tummy before the gorgeous smell of her soaking pussy invited me in between her legs.
She was so turned on and wet that the insides of her thighs were very sticky. My tongue slowly ran up the inside of her thighs to the top of the labia. I ran my tongue down the top of her labia to her asshole and then back up. My tongue then ran around the outside of her pussy before landing on her clit. Lucy let out a gasp and had a small jump as my tongue felt like a small electric shock on her clit.
I initially took it slow with her clit, licking it, kissing it and sucking it, before slowly picking up the pace and responding to her movements and breathing. I then took two fingers and just glided them into her sopping wet pussy.
I started to finger fuck her, again slowly to start but then sped up to match the licking of her clit. I was sucking her clit harder and harder and even gave it a light bite which she gasped at but I could tell she enjoyed it. My fingering of her wet pussy got faster and faster and I could feel she was building to an orgasm as her breathing was getting louder, deeper and erratic. This was coupled with her body writhing more and more with each stroke of my fingers and my tongue flicking her clit harder and harder.
It wasn’t very long before I felt her pussy tighten and a loud protracted moan as she orgasmed. I slowed my fingering and just rested my tongue on her clit as she came to extend it as long as possible. As her orgasm eased I felt her body sink into the bed. Her eyes opened and gazed up at me, she gave me the most amazing smile and said, “That was amazing! So powerful!”
I said, “It certainly felt that way.”
Almost forgetting that we had been watched by Em through all of that, she said, “That was the hottest thing I’ve seen, so amazing to watch you two.”
Lucy said, “You look like you are enjoying yourself there too Em, is that pussy of yours nice and wet after watching our little show?”
Em responded with, “I don’t know if I’ve ever known my pussy this wet before.”
“Mmmmm, that sounds remarkably good to me!” said Lucy.
With that, Lucy hopped off the bed and went over to Em grabbed her hands and pulled her to the bed. “How would you like the same treatment? Would you like your pussy licked like that?”
Whilst walking back to the bed Em responded with, “Fuck me, yes please!”
Lucy walked her to the bed and pushed her over onto it. She then proceeded to remove her panties and allowed me to my second beautiful pussy of the night. I started kissing up Em’s thighs, where I could taste her pussy juices from her fingering and landed my tongue straight on her swollen clit. She let out a gasp as my tongue touched her clit for the first time.
I wasted no time in giving Em’s clit a firm licking with my tongue. It was so hard, and larger than Lucy’s which made it easy to suck between my lips which I could feel Em was really enjoying. I then gave her clit a little nibble and she jumped and gasped.
Lucy initially rested against the desk and fingered herself. She then came over, cupped Em’s tits and started to massage them before she bent down and started sucking and kissing the nipples. I felt Em respond to Lucy’s touch and I added two fingers inside her soaking pussy.
Lucy swapped between the nipples as I sped up my licking of her clit and finger fucking of her soaking pussy. Her breathing was getting heavier and heavier, and her body was wriggling more on the bed as she responded to us both pleasuring her. We both knew it wouldn’t be long.
Lucy massaged her boobs, pinching and tweaking her nipples. She watched Em’s face as she was getting closer and closer to the point of no return. I continued my licking of her clit and finger fucking of her pussy. Lucy then planted a deep, long kiss on Em’s lips and we felt her body explode with a thunderous orgasm. Her back arched and she broke the kiss with a very loud “Fuuuuuuuuck!” before her body slowly relaxed back down and she regained her breath. I took my fingers out of her pussy and so they could both see, I sucked the juices off them.
“How much did you enjoy that Em?” asked Lucy,
Em just replied with, “Were you not watching?!” all three of us laughed.
As the laughing eased, I got up off my knees and my rock-hard member protruded out from my lower abdomen. Lucy noticed it straight away, came over and stood behind me. Her hand reached around and she very gently started stroking me. She whispered in my ear, “I want you to take your hard cock and bury it deep inside me,”
For about the twelfth time, who was I to argue. I turned around picked her up and threw her on the bed. I climbed on top of her and my cock glided straight into her absolutely soaking pussy with zero resistance. As my cock first entered her she let out a loud gasp of approval.
I started to fuck her slowly, to begin with, enjoying being deep inside her, but I started to pick up the pace so that I maintained my control but wouldn’t cum too soon. Lucy was really beginning to enjoy herself, her breathing was getting heavier and her swearing was getting louder and continually more dirty.
Em then reached in and started kissing Lucy as well as caressing her boobs. Light kisses to begin with but Lucy was in a very horny state and was reaching up to hold Em’s face to hers so she could kiss her very deeply. In response, Em started to really squeeze Lucy’s tits, interspersed with tweaking and pinching Lucy’s nipples. Between us, we knew that Lucy was getting close.
As a result, I started to fuck her harder and deeper, really using my body to drive my cock deep inside her, with my balls slapping against her. Her breathing was getting deeper and more erratic and whilst she tried to keep kissing Em, she couldn’t maintain the focus. With her mouth now free, Em started to suck on Lucy’s nipples and this was the final catalyst required.
Lucy then exploded around my cock, her pussy contracting and squeezing my thick shaft. She let out a loud, elongated moan as she came, which without doubt could have been heard all over the building. As her moan eased, her breathing returned to normal and her pussy relaxed, I slid out of her pussy and lent into her face and gave her a deep kiss. She just glanced up at me, then Em and just said, “That was amazing, I’ve never cum that hard, ever.” Em and I just smiled at each other.
Lucy then looked at Em and said, “Your turn”.
Em responded, “Absolutely, I’m not missing out, but I want you to take me from behind.”
Before I could say anything, Lucy just said, “You dirty bitch.”
Em got onto all fours on the bed and I then came up behind her and rested my tip at the entrance to her very wet pussy. It was possibly not as soaking as Lucy’s, but very wet nonetheless. With one smooth motion, I was deep inside Em. Now I thought Lucy’s pussy was tight, but Em’s was even tighter. I knew I was going to need good control here.
I started thrusting into her slowly with long, deep strokes. The thrusts were firm enough for her ass to ripple and her large tits to bounce. Lucy had made her way to the desk where she was watching and enjoying the show.
Em’s breathing was starting to get a bit heavier as she was slowly building towards her own orgasm. I began to speed things up a little, maintaining the long and deep nature of the strokes, but increasing the frequency of them. Em’s body reacted accordingly with her ass rippling and her tits bouncing more, as well as her breathing getting heavier and heavier.
Lucy then said to Em, “Why don’t you ride him Em, so he can have the delight of watching your tits bounce like I can?”
Em was more than game. She moved forward and I slid my cock out. She hopped off the bed so we could swap places. I lay on my back and then watched Em climb on top of me and hold my cock as she guided it to the entrance of her pussy. She then slowly slid down it, inch by inch teasing the life out of me.
She started slowly, to begin with, leaning slightly back and fuck me, what a view. Those 36D’s were magnificent wobbling to her strokes. She started to speed up, but maintained control, her tits bouncing a bit more now and I started to have difficulty focussing.
Lucy wanted one more slice of the pie so to speak. She climbed on the bed and then in reverse, on top of me. She sat on my face so she could play with Em whilst she rode me and I could lick her.
I wasted no time in licking her pussy again, with my tongue burying deep inside her still soaking pussy. I then pulled my tongue out of her pussy and slowly licked up her perineum to her the rim of her asshole. As I ran my tongue around it for the first time I heard Lucy gasp, followed by a gasp from Em as Lucy squeezed her tits very hard.
Em asked, “What happened there?”
Lucy said, “His tongue just ran around my asshole, caught me by surprise!”
Amongst heavy breathing, Em retorted, “Dirty bitch.”
I was starting to get close and with the evening’s festivities, I knew I would struggle to hold this one back. I said to the girls I was getting close and Lucy wanted to make sure that she got some of my cum and it didn’t all end up in Em.
Lucy got off me and told Em to do the same as she did. They both knelt on the floor in front of me and Lucy took hold of my steel and started stroking it very hard whilst Em massaged my balls. Within seconds I was ready to fire and I told the girls to cup their tits for me. I took over and with two strokes I was shooting multiple thick ribbons of cum over both sets of cupped boobs in front of me.
After I had spent my load, the girls licked the cum off each other and we all looked at each other with massive smiles on our faces, but we were all spent and knackered. There was no way I was going to arrange a taxi to go home and Lucy couldn’t be bothered to get dressed and head back to her dorm, so we all hunkered down in Em’s double bed. It was a bit snug, but that did have its advantages.
What. A. Night.
I will save what happened in the morning for the next part.