Throughout my entire life I have jumped around from friend group to friend group, often having an entirely different cast of people in my life by the time a year had passed. It wasn’t that I couldn’t form relationships, it was much more that I enjoyed meeting new people. Unfortunately, this meant that old friends would often fade away into the background until they became strangers once again. By that point, rekindling that old flame seemed like far too much trouble and they would go from a stranger to completely non-existent in my life.
There has always been one exception to this, however. Since the age of six, my best friend has been a girl named Katie. We met in pre-school and have pretty much stuck together ever since. The strangest thing is that I couldn’t tell you why we were still friends. She definitely wasn’t my only friend in pre-school, yet I drifted apart from everybody else as would soon become the norm. This didn’t happen with Katie though.
For a while I thought we were just drawn together, practically destined to remain friends until we were old and grey. Soon enough, that thought was replaced by another. It was completely possible I was drawn to her and she simply allowed it. Just like me, Katie enjoyed meeting new people. It wasn’t especially hard for her to draw guys in either, not with her stunning looks. She had beautiful blue eyes and long black hair which fell over her shoulders, not to mention she also had a curvy body type.
It took a long time for me to become aware of my attraction towards her. In fact, I blame a lot of my attraction on a certain realization I had. One day whilst in class, I caught myself gazing at a girl who sat at the front of class. I wasn’t gazing at the girl herself though, I was actually staring at her shoes. Now that I had realized what I was doing, I began to search my memories and recalled other times when I had been staring at a girl’s shoes. I had been doing it a lot and I hadn’t even been aware of it.
That day, I went home from class and immediately googled why I was subconsciously staring at specifically girls’ shoes, which led to my discovery of foot fetishes. It wasn’t long before I was jerking off to pictures of girls’ feet online. Something about the smoothness of their soles and the way their feet arched affected me in a way nothing else ever had. Naturally, I eventually became somewhat bored of staring at feet on Google images. My mind drifted to Katie, my childhood friend. I had never seen her feet, not in all these years of friendship.
My imagination began to run wild as I envisioned what Katie’s feet might look like. I pictured her slowly sliding off her socks and revealing her perfectly pedicured toes, completely unaware of what she was making me feel. The concept alone made my heart pound. Never in my life had I thought of Katie in that way, not until today. Ever since then, my heart would pound whenever me and Katie hung out. I’d occasionally steal glances at her shoes and socks, but not frequently enough that she would notice.
Over the course of the next year, my newfound fetish would build like a volcano inside of me. It wasn’t just feet that I got off to, it was specifically Katie’s feet. Each and every time we hung out, I would gaze longingly at her shoes and be reminded that I had never seen them. Not knowing what her feet looked like was causing pressure to build up inside of me, a pressure that I wasn’t sure I could contain for much longer. Sooner or later, I would end up revealing my fetish to her.
One day after school during our senior year of high school, Katie had invited me over to study. This was completely normal and we had done it many times before. We went up to her room and she removed her shoes, revealing her black socks underneath. Obviously, I was staring intently as she removed them. This time, however, I had gotten careless. As she finished removing her first shoe, she tossed it in my direction and turned to see where it had landed. That was when she caught me staring at her foot.
“Um, Sam?”
Her voice broke me out of my trance-like state quickly. Panicked, I looked up at her. “Uh, yeah? Sorry, wasn’t paying attention.”
“Yeah, I could tell. Anything you want to tell me?” Katie didn’t bother removing her other shoe. She sat down on the floor and crossed her legs, laughing nervously, “I’ve seen you looking at my shoes in school. Now I’ve seen you staring at my socks too.”
Naturally, I wasn’t too sure what to say in this situation. Do I play it off or do I reveal everything to her? I glance around her bedroom nervously, searching for a possible way out of the situation. Playing it off didn’t seem like a possibility, she had already caught me staring at her shoes in the past.
“Katie, I, um…” She gazed at me intently, “I have a foot fetish.”
She stared back at me blankly for a moment. I felt like I shouldn’t have revealed this to her, which was only reinforced when she giggled anxiously, “You do, huh? And that’s why you’re always looking at my shoes?”
I nod slowly, embarrassed now that she knew my secret. I could trust Katie with my life, but this was something completely different. From the look on her face, it seemed like she was trying to process what I had told her. With her legs crossed, I could still see her foot held under her leg, covered by her black sock, “Can I… Can I touch it?”
Hearing my question, Katie turned her head from me to her own foot. Quickly, she looked back up at me and opened her mouth, “N-No, sorry, it’s just…” She paused for a moment, as if she was going to reconsider, “It’s just kinda weird, isn’t it? Like, I’ve known you for so long. I don’t like showing my feet anyway, even just generally, so…”
I blush heavily, embarrassed for even asking such a thing, “O-oh, that’s okay, I shouldn’t have asked. I guess that’s why I’ve never seen your feet before?”
Katie nods, tugging on her sock before releasing it with a flicking sound. “Sorry. Can we maybe forget about it?”
Now extremely embarrassed, I hurry to try and rectify the situation, “Y-yeah, don’t worry. Already forgotten about.” She smiled hearing this, and the evening continued with nothing else happening. We studied for a few hours, ate food, then parted ways.
I tried pushing my extreme attraction to Katie’s mysterious feet out of my head following that night. I had begun to figure that not knowing what her feet looked like was part of the attraction. A few days later, I found myself not getting nearly as turned on at the thought of Katie’s feet as I had done previously. Roughly a week after our study session, I decided to invite Katie round to my place to play video games. This was partly just to hang out with her, but it was also to prove to myself that I was no longer obsessed with her feet.
Later that evening, Katie was sitting on the couch whilst I sat on the floor, closer to the TV screen. She still had her shoes on as it was my house and I hadn’t asked her to remove them. So far, things were going very well. I hadn’t caught myself staring at her shoes and we were having genuine fun. We were both winning roughly half of the rounds we played, meaning we were pretty much neck-and-neck the entire time.
Between one of the rounds, I noticed a sound coming from behind me. I turned around to find Katie kicking off both of her shoes, letting them fall to the floor with a thump. She had the same black socks on as our study session previously. Immediately, I felt my heart begin pounding, but I tried my best to not stare and turned back to the TV. Another round passed, followed by another one. “I’ve been thinking about what you told me.”
I turn around, making a conscious effort to avoid looking at her feet. “Hm? About what?”
“About the foot thing. You know, how you kept staring at my shoes and socks?” Katie had a teasing look in her eyes, however I could tell she was nervous. My face was flushed with red, “You can… touch them if you want.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Are you serious? Like, for real?”
She nodded, laughing slightly. “I’m serious. You’re just touching my feet, it’s not a big deal.” She looked down at one of her feet and extended it towards where I was sitting, “Go ahead.”
I put down my controller and slowly reached out towards her foot. She looked down at me, a mixture of both anxiety and curiosity on her face. She didn’t like exposing her feet, however, she was probably wondering why her childhood friend had such a fascination with her feet. My fingers touched her sock and after a few seconds, I began stroking them along it.
My heart was pounding with how surreal this felt. The black cotton rubbed against my fingertips as her foot gently bobbed up and down. I could feel her watching me so I didn’t dare look up. More likely than not, she wasn’t enjoying it and only allowed it out of curiosity. That was what I assumed, until I heard her giggle. This time, her laughter wasn’t laced with anxiety. This was a genuine giggle of amusement. “Happy now?”
I turn my head to look up at her, my fingers still caressing her socks. “Can I take them off? Please?”
Katie giggled again, but my question was answered with a ‘no’. She pulled her foot away from me and picked up her controller. Naturally, she could sense my disappointment and even seemed entertained by it. In all the years of us being friends, she had never shown her feet to me. Obviously, she wouldn’t now, not when she knew I was attracted to them. I was on track to overcoming that attraction, but after that display, it was even stronger than ever.
We continued playing, but all I could think of was the feeling of her foot against my hand. Even if it was covered by her socks, that was the closest I had ever been. I had begun playing much worse, my mind clouded by my own arousal. Katie must have noticed as she eventually paused the game. “Okay, how about this.” she put down her controller and shifted on the couch to face me, “If you win the next game, I’ll show you my feet.”
My jaw almost dropped. “You aren’t joking? You actually will?”
“Mhm!” she nodded, happily. At the time I couldn’t tell, but she knew I would lose right there. She already knew that I was completely focused on her feet rather than the game. That was probably the reason why she let me touch them in the first place.
During that game, I played even worse than normal. I was already thinking about how her socked feet felt, but now I had the chance to see her bare feet for the first time. Focusing was impossible, so it wasn’t long at all until she won. In fact, I’d go as far as saying she completely dominated me. I had been beaten in seconds.
Seeing how fast she had won, Katie giggled. “That’s a shame. I guess you don’t get to see my feet.”
Katie put down the controller and went to stand up. Clearly, I had other things on my mind and posed no challenge to her. If I had let it go right there, I firmly believe that nothing else would have come from it. I never would have had another chance to see Katie’s feet. That may have even been her plan, to distract me with the promise of her feet only to stop me from seeing them altogether.
“Wait, please.” I instinctively blurted out those words before she could get up. This was my last chance and I knew it. “I really, really, want to see your feet.”
Katie stared blankly for a few seconds, before laughing softly. “You wanna see them that bad?” I nodded, and by some miracle, she actually began to consider it.
“Please. I promise I won’t tell anyone you showed them to me.”
She thought again for a moment, looking down at her feet. “Fine. Just this once, okay?” My heart practically burst out of my chest. She giggled again, softly and slowly, as she lifted her foot and began sliding off her sock.