(SU Rules! No. 14)
The warm spring sun gently caressed the soft breeze that passed lazily over the jewel-like city of Shorehaven. It moved as if it too would rather rest on this idle Sunday morning, just as many of the inhabitants of the great City of Taboo Dreams were.
Many of the City’s residents were already up and about. Some were going about mundane chores, others enjoying their day off, while still others either headed to work or already slaved away, while they wished they were still in bed.
Some, of course, were already in bed (or elsewhere) and enjoying themselves…their illicit moans and groans teasing the air before quickly being lost in the hubbub of the noise that always filled a city the size of Shorehaven.
The wind meandered languidly north-westwards, from the golden beaches, up over the sprawling metropolis, and over the sparkling blue of the great River Aphrodite. It finally brought its warm, refreshing sea air into the northern-river part of Downtown that held the extensive campus of Shorehaven University.
Here too the same things were happening as in the rest of the City, as if the campus was a miniature version of the grand metropolis that it belonged to. Onward the gentle breeze drifted, towards the edge of the grand campus, until it teased its way onto a raised street lined with large older-looking houses that the university rented to groups of students, each able to house eight or more people.
From that hilly street one could see the great river not far away as it sparkled bright blue in the sunlight. However, few around the university were up and about at that time on a Sunday morning to see.
Within one of those houses that stood with a large front garden with no fence, the mass of people that lay about in all manner of places remained silent. Only one person stirred from their deep sleep after the chaotic night before.
And so it was that the warm southerly wind found Rebecca Vaughn, as it sighed through the large open windows of the upper front bedroom. It softly, almost lovingly, reached in to tenderly stroke her bare shoulder and arm as she lay sweetly and soundly asleep within the large pine double bed.
Delicately the breeze stirred her soft, long mahogany-brown hair, and warmly passed over her soft cheek, almost like a breathy moan at how beautiful this twenty-year-old student was.
It was that soft, warm air that gently stirred the beautiful girlfriend of two years from her sweet sleep. Her large hazel eyes slowly fluttered open before she sighed contentedly, relishing in the best rest that she had had in a long time.
In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time that she had slept so well, nor felt more peaceful, and, well, strangely…content. That was it, she thought drowsily as she smiled dreamily to herself. She felt perfectly content. As if the whole world were just right.
Her whole body seemed to tingle all over and yet at the same time feel more alive, more absolutely relaxed and stress-free than ever before; as if every muscle within her body was relaxed and renewed.
Smiling again as she sighed and continued to relish in that feeling, Becca, as she was known to all of her friends, pulled the covers a little down her body so that she could feel the soft air caress her smooth skin.
It was too hot to have the things on really, and so she was glad that she was only wearing her black lace underwear, not her pyjamas. Though why she was still wearing her bra in bed the sleepy girlfriend didn’t know.
Wondering about that, however, quickly passed. As did the contented feeling that she was so enjoying, as Becca tried to lift her head to look at the clock on the bedside table.
It wasn’t the fact that there was no clock that made the attractive brunette grimace however, but rather the sudden sharp pain in her temples and behind her eyes as she moved her head.
Stifling a groan, Becca lay her head back on the pillow, and as the pain began to recede again her large hazel eyes fell on the empty cocktail glass on the bedside table. Suddenly the beautiful brunette girlfriend understood both her headache and why her clock wasn’t there.
Last night she and Danny, her boyfriend of two years, had gone to a house party at her friend Rachel’s place. Becca knew that she’d had a few drinks, but obviously she had had more than she realized. And more obviously she had been too drunk to head back to Danny’s place to crash.
Rubbing at her temple with her free hand, Becca winced at the hangover pain. Why had she drunk so much? She had promised herself that she wasn’t going to get so drunk again. She hated hangovers.
Frowning at the throbbing behind her eyes, the stunning brunette glanced once more at the cocktail glass, hoping to see it filled with water to help her head, but unfortunately it was still empty.
Sighing again, though this time more in resignation than contentment, Becca decided that she would have to head downstairs to get some water otherwise her head would kill her all day.
However, before the knockout girlfriend had moved her fingers from her temple the bed suddenly shifted behind her as someone moved. Calmly dropping her hand to the covers that were just about covering her bra-clad tits, Becca was about to turn around when a toned arm suddenly moved from behind her to rest on her stomach over the covers, and she felt a firm kiss on the back of her head.
Smiling brightly at the thought that Danny was there too, Becca let her hand reach down to gently grasp her boyfriend’s strong hand as he lightly held his arm around her. She always loved being held by her boyfriend. He was just so loving, and strong, and, well, hot. And she especially loved it when she could feel his toned, muscular chest pressing against her slender back as they lay in bed together, just like she could now.
The feel of him close to her, his skin on hers, sent a gentle pulse of warmth coursing through her pussy, and for a moment the slowly receding pain in her head vanished at the gentle stirrings within her hot body. At least, they did until she was about to turn her head to kiss him, then she winced again and decided that for now, it was probably best not to move.
She was, however, about to ask him if he could go and grab her a glass of water – as she doubted that Danny was in as bad a state as she was. He was always more careful when he drank – when suddenly she heard her favourite song blast out from the bedside table.
For a moment all the hot girlfriend could do was squeeze her eyes shut at the sudden throbbing in her head as she reached out to frantically slap at the table. That was when her hand suddenly landed on her phone, and with a half-painful, half-irritated expression lifted it up to try to silence it as quickly as possible.
It wasn’t her phone’s alarm, she knew that despite only having just woken up, it was her ringtone. She had had this phone long enough now that she could answer it with her eyes closed.
And so, trying to get rid of that pain-inflicting noise, Becca didn’t even look at the screen as she quickly pressed the ‘answer’ key and held it to her ear, squeezing her eyes again as she wished for her head to stop pounding.
“Hello?” she said, sounding half asleep as she felt her boyfriend gently pull her against him.
The sudden feel of Danny’s bulging underwear against her tight ass once more sent a pulse through her body that made her pussy tingle even more this time. He made a noise as if he had just been woken up by the sudden blaring of her phone, before he once more kissed her firmly on the back of her head again.
Becca was about to try to turn to face him again, the pained expression changing to a small smile of teasing pleasure, when the person on the other end of the phone replied.
“Hey, babe! Wakey wakey,” came the familiar voice of her sweet, loving boyfriend of two years.
And suddenly Rebecca Vaughn, the stunningly hot brunette girlfriend, forgot all about the pain in her head and the pulsing heat in her loins.
“Danny?” she asked, sounding stunned, before she could think straight. How could he…?
Her boyfriend chuckled down the phone at her, obviously amused. Becca felt every part of her body suddenly go cold.
“I take it you drank a lot more after I last saw you?” he asked in reply, sounding even more amused.
“What…?” Becca began to ask, still feeling numb as her mind reeled. What was going on? “Where are you?”
“You really got wasted, ah?” her loving boyfriend teased down the phone, oblivious to anything untoward.
“I’m on my way to Rach’s. Guessing you crashed there. I shouldn’t be long. You really don’t remember?” he asked, sounding vastly amused at her drunken state.
“I…” Becca began before she realized that she didn’t know what to say.
And then, as if a switch flicked on in her mind, the hot brunette suddenly remembered the arm around her and the bulging crotch pressed hard against her lace-underwear-clad ass.
That was when the sexy girlfriend’s eyes shot open, and all the pain in her head was forgotten as she felt her stomach twist, her mind racing.
She was in bed, in her underwear, and some guy had his arm around her and his bulging cock pressed against her as he held her from behind. He had kissed her head. And she was on the phone to Danny. So Danny wasn’t this guy.
She was in bed, half-naked, with some guy that wasn’t her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was on the phone while she lay in the arms, and pulled against the hard chest and bulge of this guy. What had happened?
Panic set in as Becca moved faster than she ever had in her life and spun around and sat up at the same time. The fact that the bed covers fell into her lap, fully exposing her heaving, only black lace bra-covered breasts, didn’t register to the hot girlfriend as her eyes suddenly fell on the attractive, just-woken up but smiling face and well-built body of Sean Danton. Her boyfriend’s teammate and one of his best friends.
Becca’s mouth fell open and her heart seemed to race at an unthinkable speed. Thoughts should have been flooding the stunning girlfriend’s mind as she stared into the face of the half-naked friend of her boyfriend lying next to her. However, right then it was as if the whole world had stopped.
What had happened? What had she, they, done? How?
It was in that numb state of shock that Becca finally registered that Danny, her sweet and caring boyfriend of two years, who was oblivious on the other side of the phone to the fact that his girlfriend and his teammate were half-naked in bed together, and obviously had been all night, spoke her name to question her sudden silence.
Becca, however, couldn’t think straight right then. All she could do was stare in utter shock at Sean’s face, ignorant of the fact that he was openly enjoying the sight of her swelling, luscious breasts perfectly on display before him in their lush confinement.
Then Danny’s words finally hit her; he was on the way to Rachel’s.
He was on the way here!
“Uh, how long are you going to be?” the stunning girlfriend asked numbly, as she watched Sean stretch. Then he pushed himself up to lean against the headboard. Becca’s eyes looked from his naked muscular chest to his smugly pleased face.
“Shouldn’t be long.” Danny replied, completely unaware of what was going on with her, “Only about ten minutes or so, I just started back from Matt’s.”
Becca still stared at Danny’s friend for a moment before she pulled her eyes away and frantically looked around the room, as if some answer lay there. Her mind reeled, and she didn’t know what to say.
“Uh, ok, I’ll see you soon then,” she replied, trying as hard as she could to sound perfectly normal.
“Yeah,” her boyfriend said, still seeming amused at what he thought was the result of her drinking too much, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” she replied, trying hard to ignore the sudden spike of panic, or guilt, or whatever it was, that lanced through her heart as she said those words and thought about where she was and with who.
The moment she heard the phone click off on the other side, Becca dropped her phone on the bed and ran her hands through her long hair. Then she turned with wide eyes to stare at Danny’s friend.
Sean sat back against the pine headboard, calm and serene, as if everything was as it should be in the world, rather than that he was sitting in only his underwear, in bed, with his friend’s almost completely naked girlfriend.
“Fuck, Sean, what’s going on? What happened?” she asked, sounding as bewildered and panicked as she felt. Her hands fell from her hair to grip her phone again as she stared numbly at her boyfriend’s friend and teammate.
“You don’t remember?” he asked calmly – calmly – with a small, amused smile.
“I…” Becca began, when suddenly memory crashed home like a rampaging flood…
“You’re not going to Matt’s tonight, are you?” Becca asked as she finally managed to clip the delicate silver-link bracelet around her slender wrist before reaching for its matching necklace. That had a small pearl hanging from it.
She looked over at her boyfriend of two years through the mirror.
“Huh?” Danny answered, as he turned to look at her as he placed his phone on the bedside table, obviously not having heard what she had said.
“Matt. You’re not going to his tonight, are you? Rach is expecting both of us,” she repeated, as she reached beneath her long deep-rich mahogany hair to fasten the fine chain around her elegant neck, her eyes still watching Danny calmly.
“Oh, no. He was just asking about tomorrow,” her loving boyfriend replied, as he stood up to check his pockets before grabbing his hair gel and styling his relatively short dark hair.
Feeling herself relax at his answer, Becca smiled to herself as she watched him. She let her hands rest on her neck as her eyes took in his handsome face, before they slid slowly down to follow every toned, well-displayed inch of his muscular body.
Danny was on the football team at SU, and surprisingly he wasn’t one of these jock-types that had nothing in their head but footballs, beer, beating each other up, and as many women as possible in their beds.
Oh, he was still the kind of guy that did most of those things – at least all but the other women part – but he was also kind, caring, and smart. Of course, that didn’t mean that he was without his flaws, he was a guy, and still a jock, after all, so he did sometimes get too obsessed with the game, or with ‘the guys’ and what they got up to. But still, no one was perfect…and he was incredibly hot!
That thought, and the sight of her attractive boyfriend brought a familiar heat to Becca’s hot body that steadily built a tingling fire of horniness within her hungry pussy. Her eyes took in every solid inch of him, and for a moment, the stunning brunette felt her cheeks heat and her breathing deepen as she thought of just ripping his new clothes from his body and screwing him senseless on the bed!
“You alright, babe?” Danny asked, as he turned the collar of his new shirt up a little and popped open the top two buttons. Both of which sent a flutter from Becca’s stomach deep into her already gently buzzing pussy. Damn, but he had a great body.
“Fine,” she replied with only a touch of breathlessness, something that her sweet boyfriend didn’t pick up on, “Just thinking how lucky I am, that’s all.”
The gorgeous smile that he gave her in return made that gentle flutter become a rampaging horde of butterflies and Becca had to force herself to look away before she made them late, instead of him.
Still, the thought that later would be more intense the longer that she held her horniness inside brought at least a little comfort to the beautiful girlfriend as she tried to settle the feeling in her body. The problem was it spiked again as she watched Danny walk over to plant a firm kiss on the top of her head.
“Not as lucky as me,” he said from above her, and this time the feeling in the stunning girlfriend’s heart was a deep, warm love.
He really was a great guy. She gave him a pleased, loving smile in return as she finally moved her hands and grabbed the bottle of perfume that she’d decided to wear tonight.
“So, what did Matt have to say?” she asked, as she rubbed the scent into her wrists, sides of her neck, and top of her chest.
“Oh, just something about getting the fight tonight,” her boyfriend replied nonchalantly. Too nonchalantly. Becca’s hands froze for a moment, and she looked back at him through the mirror.
“You didn’t say that you were going to drop by, did you?” she asked very neutrally, as she placed the top of the bottle back on and stood up.
“Bec, I told you I’m not going. He just mentioned it, that’s all,” he answered in an honest, yet obviously slightly forced, way.
She knew that part of him wanted to go, though why when he could catch the fight any time, hung out with Matt and the rest of the guys most of the time, and could have a party with beer, most of his friends, and her, she would never know. Guys were just weird.
Becca eyed him a moment through the mirror, watching as he put his sneakers on, before she turned to look at herself. She checked to make sure that everything was just right.
The party was just a house party, and so it wasn’t the kind of thing you dressed up for, so Becca had decided not to go over the top. But even still, it was still a night out with her friends and so she had wanted to dress up a little. Especially because she hadn’t really had much chance to party lately with the amount of work she had had, and Danny’s being busy all of the time.
So, Becca had decided on a pure black party dress that clung gently to her upper body and slim waist yet hung loose around the tops of her thighs. The skirt ended just above the middle of her thigh and the top of the dress was snug around the swelling firmness of her succulent 34D breasts. It was cut low enough in the centre to display a generous view of her full, deep cleavage.
The dress itself was held up by two thin straps over her shoulders and a small zip at the back. Underneath she had chosen her sexiest black lace underwear, something that she knew Danny would love later. She had also chosen a sleek pair of black heels that had a beautiful strappy design that wound around her slender ankles.
The necklace and bracelet that she wore were presents that Danny had bought her for their two year anniversary a few weeks ago. Her long, mahogany hair hung down to the bottom of her shoulder blades in luscious waves. She had decided to leave it loose tonight, despite Danny enjoying it when she wore it in a ponytail…for obvious reasons…as it just looked better with the dress. That and she could always put it up when they got back anyway.
Finally, she had decided on a deep red, almost a brown, lipstick for her soft lips. That seemed to set off her large hazel eyes in a way that was only magnified by the deep, rich colour of her hair. Her long, smooth, sexy legs were bare and displayed to perfection by the length of the dress’ skirt and her heels. Just as the dress seemed to emphasize the slenderness of her waist, the flatness of her stomach, and the tightness of her ass.
In fact, smiling at herself as she looked at her reflection, the stunningly gorgeous twenty-year-old girlfriend felt more than pleased, and knew, as she glanced through the mirror at Danny, that she was definitely going to make a certain man very happy tonight.
Which of course she was…only at that time the sexy brunette had no idea who that guy would turn out to be.
Still, for now, with that feeling still tingling within her hot body, Becca couldn’t help but turn around and place her slender hands on her slim waist. She smiled a small, teasing smile at her boyfriend’s head as he finally pulled his sneakers on.
“So, what do you think?” she asked, trying to hide a deeper smile at the reaction on Danny’s face as he looked up at her. He froze with his hands still on his trainers.
“Uh…wow!” was all he could say as he looked her over with very wide, and very appreciative, eyes, “You look great, Bec.”
Giving him a small smile as if she was only just about pleased with what he had said, rather than positively beaming inside, Becca ran her hands down her flat stomach. Which to the still goggling boyfriend seemed to emphasize the swelling of her large, heavy breasts.
“You sure it’s not too much?” she asked, feigning uncertainty. She was well aware that how she looked was fine, and wouldn’t have changed anyway, but Becca just wanted another compliment from him.
“Babe,” Danny began as he stood up and walked over to her, placing his hands on her waist as he looked down at her, “You look fantastic.”
Those words brought a smile to the beautiful girlfriend’s face, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him, staring up into his eyes.
“Have I told you that you’re the best boyfriend ever?” she asked
“Hm, yeah, but not for a while,” he jokingly teased back.
“Well, you are,” she replied honestly, running a hand down his cheek, “And I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied sweetly, before his eyes took on a familiar look of intense hunger.
“Though if you keep pressing against me like that you won’t be wearing that dress for long,” he added with a grin, and Becca felt her own eyes sparkle with the heat that was once more pulsing within her. She contemplated pulling the buttons off his shirt yet again.
“Well, maybe when we get back…” she began, about to dig her fingernails into his neck, when suddenly she heard his phone ring. ‘Perfect timing as always’, she thought.
As he gave her an apologetic look, Becca gave him a mock-accepting one that he should have easily seen through and unwound her arms.
“Tell your boyfriend, Matt, I said hello,” she only half-joked in a lightly irritated tone.
Danny didn’t even comment on how she knew which of his friends was calling him, he knew as well as she did that nine times out of ten when his phone rang it was Matt on the other end. So, Becca’s boyfriend just chuckled to himself lightly as he walked over to the side of the bed.
Becca tried her best to just ignore the conversation that sprung up and again went back to making sure that she was ready. Then she checked the bag that she would take with her and decided against taking a coat. It was spring after all, and this was Shorehaven.
Fortunately for both her boyfriend and his friend, by the time that she had finished checking everything and had turned around Danny was leaning against the wall, stuffing his wallet into his jeans as he watched her warmly. That look softened the minor irritation that Becca had felt as if it had never been there, and once again she thought of ruining that shirt.
‘Later’, she said to herself as she bit her bottom lip, and finally managed to pull her eyes up to look at her boyfriend’s face. That was when she noticed the small, amused, yet equally turned-on smile on his face too. That definitely promised a lot ‘later’.
“We better go,” Becca finally said as she forced herself to turn towards the bedroom door, and let out a deep breath as she tried to calm herself
“One sec,” Danny called as Becca reached the top of the stairs and waited for him, only to eye him quizzically as he finally came out with his team jacket on.
“You’re not going to wear that in this heat, are you?” she asked, already knowing the answer he would give.
Sure enough, with a glance down at the ‘lettered’ jacket and a confused look, followed by a pleased smile, Danny gave her the same answer that he always did when she asked that question.
“Come on, babe, you know I’d never go anywhere without this,” he said as if stating the perfectly obvious. Which Becca supposed he was in a way. After all, he never did go anywhere without that thing. It must be another weird guy thing.
Rolling her eyes, the beautiful brunette let her boyfriend’s odd behaviour pass as the two of them made their way down the stairs and out of the house that he shared with four of his friends.
Rachel’s house wasn’t far from where Danny stayed and so the two of them decided to walk. The night was really quite beautiful in its gently fading light and fine warmth. And the full-of-life atmosphere that the entire university campus had — especially on a Saturday night — made the distance seem even less than what it was as they passed groups of students running around half-drunk or heading out to some club further downtown.
The whole mood soon had Becca feeling that same, familiar excitement at a good night to come. A sensation that suddenly grew as she saw the large three-storey house that Rachel shared with some other of her friends.
The unfenced garden was already teeming with life, and from the amount of people that Becca could see through the front windows as she and Danny made their way to the front door, there were even more people inside. That excitement buzzed brighter inside her and the beautiful brunette smiled broadly at her handsome boyfriend as they walked in.
The party was already in full swing, with people everywhere holding paper cups filled with varying kinds of alcoholic drink, laughing, chatting, or doing…random…things. Like trying to handstand against the wall while drinking through a straw.
Becca couldn’t help but smile deeper as the whole party atmosphere suddenly washed over her. There were so many familiar faces, and, like at any of these kinds of parties, there were even more unfamiliar ones. And the house was packed full. It was exactly the kind of place that Rebecca Vaughn, the stunningly sexy brunette girlfriend of two years, wanted. Well, almost exactly.
“Where’s the music?” Danny suddenly asked as he turned to look at her with the same expression of confusion that Becca wore.
Shaking her head, the attractive brunette was about to say that she didn’t know when suddenly a familiar female voice answered in a tone that was most unimpressed, “Max hasn’t turned up yet.”
Becca’s smile returned full force as she let go of Danny’s hand and wrapped her arms around Rachel, hugging her tightly as she said hello, before moving back again. Danny gave his usual nod and Rachel’s smile was friendly in return but clearly preoccupied by her irritation at Max.
“He isn’t here?” Becca asked as she took hold of Danny’s hand and leaned against him.
Rachel raised the cup that she was holding to her lips and shook her head, her uniquely styled mostly pink and slightly purple hair only vaguely moving from all of the pins holding it in…whatever that pattern was that Rachel had managed to come up with. As always, though, it did suit her.
“He said he had to get a few things fixed with the system, but that he ‘definitely would be here before everyone else’,” Rachel answered, the sarcasm in her voice at the end clearly plain as she looked around at the packed house, “Still, nobody seems to care.”
“They have beer and vodka,” Danny chimed in with a grin, eyeing the cups that everyone carried as if he wished that he had one as well, “Most students will forgive anything so long as they have that.”
This time Rachel’s smile was a little more relaxed as she laughed gently, nodding at how true that was.
“It’s a good job that we’ve got enough to supply a whole army then,” Becca’s friend replied as she pointed towards the kitchen, “I didn’t even know there was this much in the whole City!”
That brought a round of light smiles from all of them.
“I’ll give Max a slap when I see him next,” Becca said, trying to show some girly solidarity, which seemed to work, as Rachel’s smile lost the last of its irritation.
“That’ll make two of us,” Rachel replied in the tone of voice that only a woman who was talking about the guy she was seeing could have used.
Well, Max and Rachel weren’t really together, they just had sex whenever they felt like it. But the fact that neither had slept with anyone else since that had begun kind of made them together. At least that’s how Becca thought of them anyway.
“Alright, let’s get some drinks!” Danny said abruptly, and Becca and Rachel shared a very amused glance at Becca’s boyfriend’s obvious uncomfortable feeling at suddenly being the odd one out in that moment of ‘girl power’.
“Drinks,” the knockout brunette agreed as she tried not to smile too broadly. However, as Danny cheered and began to walk down the hallway, Becca suddenly became aware of that jacket that he was wearing again, “Babe, are you going to wear that thing in here?”
The look of consternation on her boyfriend’s face at what she was talking about would have made the gorgeous brunette laugh at any other time. Except it only lasted a heartbeat as Danny caught on and looked down at his jacket before looking up at her
“Well, yeah,” he answered finally, sounding confused about why she would ask, despite the warmth from the night and the fact that the house was packed full of people.
“Really?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him before glancing over at Rachel who looked as perplexed by Danny’s insistence as Becca was. Men were odd.
Their twin stares seemed to have no effect at first. However, after a moment Danny finally took his jacket off. Though he did so in a way that seemed to say that he was only removing his precious baby for her, and that probably only because he wanted that ‘later’ that she had promised.
“Everyone’s put their coats in the front bedroom upstairs,” Rachel said when the silent exchange was finally over. Though she said it more to Becca than Danny. Then she added another moment of ‘girly solidarity’ by saying, “Though I don’t know why anyone brought them in this heat.”
Sharing another amused ‘men-are-odd’ smile with Rachel, Becca walked over and took her boyfriend’s hand before she left her friend and followed Danny up the stairs. They squeezed passed the people crowding the staircase and the hallway above and headed down towards the room on the right side at the end of the hall.
The bedroom was not overly large, though it was far from small. But the big, comfy-looking pine double bed in the centre made what space was left seem less than what was actually there. An effect added to by the large stack of coats that were piled on the sofa by the door. That sat under part of a window that looked down on the front garden. The window took up almost the entire wall, seeming larger due to its wide ledge that was broad enough to sit on.
The rest of the room was just like any other generic bedroom; bedside tables, wardrobe with mirror, a bookcase against one wall, and a spiral-designed circular rug on the floor.
Danny added his coat to the pile, at least after he had wrapped Becca’s bag in it, before the pair turned to head back down to the party, squeezing passed everyone as they went again.
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, the loving couple turned to head down the hallway towards the kitchen before promptly deciding to head via the lounge when they saw how many people had jammed into the narrow passage.
“Danny-boy!” a deep male voice boomed and was quickly followed by more male voices hollering excitedly, as the pair entered the room.
Becca had no need to see who it was before a guy that was about the size of any two other people in the room stepped in front of her and Danny wearing the same type of coat that her boyfriend had just left upstairs.
“Boulder!” Becca’s boyfriend roared, before instantly giving his friend one of those ‘man hugs’ that guys didn’t class as a ‘normal hugs’, because they involved lots of back-slapping.
The two laughed and grinned as they always did when they saw each other, before Aaron ‘Boulder’ Biggins looked over at her.
“Hey, Bec. How are you doing?” he asked good-naturedly, and Becca smiled as she replied.
“I’m good, Boulder, thanks,” she answered, receiving a nod before any further conversation was broken off as the rest of Danny’s team showed up and more roars and back-slapping began.
Despite the fact that they had all seen each other the day before, the beautiful brunette couldn’t help but smile at the friendly family-type atmosphere. A smile that deepened after the ‘man love’ had ended and Danny wrapped his strong arm around her almost bare shoulders in a way that felt so good.
Which was the moment when the group of testosterone-fed guys noticed that their teammate’s girlfriend was there also, wearing a dress that showed off her smooth legs, emphasized her voluptuous curves, and displayed her swelling 34D breasts and deep cleavage.
Their immediate grins and ogling eyes were even less of a surprise to the hot girlfriend than who had made the shout in the first place.
“Hey, Bec,” more than one said simply as they grinned and took her in with their eyes.
Most of the rest either nodded and ogled her or just plain undressed her with their eyes, none of which Danny made any fuss about. Largely because it made him feel good to know that he had her and they didn’t, and they were just guys being guys. Two others, however, did say a little more.
“Hey, Bec. Nice dress,” a guy called Marcus said as he gave her his best winning smile, which, Becca had to admit, would have been breathtaking if she hadn’t already been spoken for.
“Bec,” Sean Danton, a very good-looking brown-blonde-haired guy chimed in suavely, as he leaned on another of the guy’s shoulders and openly let his eyes trail over her body with a very clear interest, “Looking good as always.”
For the most part, the gorgeous brunette simply nodded, smiled, and said hello back, taking the way the guys acted around her as normal. After all, she’d been with Danny two years now, and he’d known these guys longer. She even let herself enjoy all of the attention. After all, she was human and none of these guys were bad looking.
However, with the last two, Becca couldn’t help but blush just slightly from the way that they looked at her – as if Danny wasn’t there at all and she was about to let her dress slip from her shoulders to the floor.
And so, smiling slightly, the voluptuous girlfriend leaned closer to her boyfriend and turned to focus her attention on the other guys. At least, that’s what she intended until Danny said something that got her attention.
“What’s up with your face, Danton?” Danny laughed, as he looked from his friend to the rest of the group in amusement.
“Huh? What?” Sean replied, seemingly confused, which amused the other guys to no end. Yet Becca could see something in his eyes, as if he were only pretending to be so lost in thought at that moment. Her boyfriend’s friend’s next words confirmed her suspicions, “Oh, I was just amazed at your girlfriend. That dress. Damn, but you look good, Bec!”
The unexpectedness of the compliment, not only from her boyfriend’s friend, but also that he had said it right in front of Danny, made Becca’s heart suddenly miss a beat. For a moment the stunning brunette didn’t know what to say.
Instead of replying she just looked up at her boyfriend, expecting him to say something. However, all Danny could do was grin like an idiot, still amused at his friend’s expression, as if his teammate hadn’t just blatantly been eyeing her up in front of him. Not to mention that he had then had the balls to not only compliment her, but quite obviously show how much he meant it too.
“She does look good,” Danny said as if it were just the most perfectly normal thing to say after his friend had had his eyes all over his girlfriend and had told him, and everyone else, about it.
“But if you’d stayed in that daze any longer Boulder would have tackled you from behind. Then you’d have been on the floor before you realized it,” he added with a grin.
The other guys, especially Boulder, broke out in a jeering laugh to which Danny couldn’t help but add more banter too, “We’ll have to watch him guys, don’t want to be losing a game because Sean-y hear loses himself in a daydream on the field.”
The guys broke out in a roaring laugh at that, once more slapping each other on the back as they made fun of their friend. Becca meanwhile noticed that none of the words made any impact on Danny’s friend at all.
Rather he seemed to pay none of the other guys any mind at all. His slightly alcohol-glazed eyes remained fixed on Becca in a way that had the hot girlfriend once more feeling as if Sean could see through her dress at the black lace underwear that hinted at her sexy body. Despite herself, the beautiful brunette girlfriend found it hard to look away.
That was why she noticed her boyfriend’s friend say something in response to Danny that the other guys seemed to miss.
“I know someone I’d ‘tackle from behind’,” Sean said so softly that Becca hardly made out the words before he lifted his cup to his lips and drank deeply.
His words once more made Becca’s heart skip a beat as her mind reeled, wondering if she had just heard what she had thought. Then a momentary thought popped into her mind. Sean had spoken softly, and the only reason Becca had heard it was because she had been paying attention to him. But if she had heard it, had Danny?
Glancing up at her boyfriend again, the stunning brunette noticed that the only thing on her boyfriend’s face was a grin, which he certainly wouldn’t have had if he’d heard what his friend had just said about his girlfriend.
Though, thinking about it again, Becca thought, considering how Danny had reacted to what Sean had just said before, he’d probably have just laughed again. Laughed. At another guy saying that he wanted to ‘tackle’ his girlfriend ‘from behind.’
As Becca turned confusedly from her boyfriend, she caught Sean’s eyes rising from her legs, blatantly staring at her swelling breasts and deep cleavage, before grinning ‘triumphantly’ at her as his eyes returned to her face.
He had to be drunk, that was the only way to explain it, she thought. And so, as the jokes from the other guys cooled down, Becca decided to join in. After all, Danny had been calm about what his friend had said, hadn’t he?
“If you like the dress so much you can wear it if you want?” she said amusedly, as she hugged Danny closer.
That caused an even greater round of laughter, especially from Danny.
“She got you there, Sean-y,” Becca’s boyfriend laughed, before he grinned down at her.
Becca smiled back up at him before she turned to see the red rise in her boyfriend’s friend’s cheeks. It was his turn to be a little embarrassed now. Still, his eyes seemed to watch her approvingly as he nodded to her for a well-scored point. Then he quickly cut short her victory.
“If you’re going to take it off in front of me, I’ll wear it,” he challenged jokingly, and the laughter of the group quickly changed to half of the guys turning to look at her for an ogling response, while the other half punched Sean’s arm for admitting that he’d wear a dress. Danny was one of those latter.
For her part though, Becca didn’t know what to say at first. Her boyfriend’s teammate’s tone was clearly honest as well as joking, especially as the way he watched her, so admiring and appreciatively, seemed to say that he really would do whatever she suggested to see her slip her dress from her slender shoulders.
Once more the hot girlfriend felt her heart beat a little irregularly, and once again she glanced up at Danny who still had no reaction other than amusement at how his friend was speaking to his girlfriend.
This time though, at least Becca didn’t blush.
“I think you’re dreaming, Sean,” she joked, brushing his words off, and then added amusedly, “Though, by the sounds of it, I think you should be on the cheerleading squad rather than the football team.”
Once more the group erupted in a round of laughter, and for the first time her boyfriend’s friend pulled his eyes away from her as the other guys began making fun of him and pretended to dress him in a cheerleader’s outfit.
Danny joined in, and all Becca could do was laugh as Sean tried to fend them all off. That was until Danny finally slapped him on the shoulder and said that he and Becca needed a drink. So, the two of them left the group while most of them, including Sean, were too lost in their fooling around to notice.
At least, Sean hadn’t seem to notice, yet as Becca turned to glance over her shoulder as she and Danny made their way through to the kitchen, she once more caught her boyfriend’s teammate’s eyes upon her.
This time, though, they were following the sway of her barely-covered ass as she walked away. Until he noticed her looking anyway, and then he gave her one last smile before he turned back to the others and tried to turn the jokes around on them.