The Business Card

"I'm sitting alone in my hotel room staring at a business card that has been burning a hole in my pocket all day"

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You see, as I was leaving this morning, a lady was also leaving a room. I barely saw her as she breezed past in a whirl of a nice perfume. As she walked toward the elevator I turned in the same direction and paused. The sun was coming through a window down the hall and created a wonderful silhouette right through her dress. Apparently I couldn’t stop myself and I said, “Wow!”

I mean, you probably would have as well. From behind she was stunning! Tall, terrific hips and, well, my personal weakness, a world class tail end. While I would normally be an appreciative yet silent audience, the silhouette from the morning sun caused that utterance. It went right through her thin dress and it was like she was naked showing off all her assets, even ones normally not noticeable.

I wouldn’t have thought she could hear me, but she stopped, turned, paused for a moment as if sizing me up, and then walked back toward me. From the back she was gorgeous, from the front she was . . . well stunning is a pale word, but it kept coming to mind, even knowing what I saw a moment ago. When she passed from the sunlight I got a better look at her without the distraction.

Long dirty blonde hair was the first thing you noticed, with a hint of redness, maybe more a dirty-strawberry blonde. Is that a hair color? It framed an attractive if slightly severe face. Her look coincided with her demeanor. She wasn’t smiling, but seemed more a force of nature. I think just her walking up pressed buttons I didn’t know I had.

She handed me a business card and said in a low, sexy voice, “The menu is on the back!”

I stammered a very defensive reply, “Uh, I’m married!”

She smiled a knowing look, “Most of my clients are!” and walked away giving me that view again. As she got to the elevator, it opened like it knew she was there and she glanced back at me. I might have seen a small smirk if I had noticed, but I was reading the card.

The front had a single name ‘Melodious’, a phone number, an email address, and a website URL. The back had what could only be, as she said, a menu. It made it quite clear what line of work she was in and even I might have, though her pricing was over the top if I hadn’t seen her with my own eyes and we weren’t in a fairly expensive city whose adult entertainment was well documented.

The rest of the day I kept pulling the card out, deciphering some of the symbols, one threw me for a loop. ‘GFE’, it was the most expensive thing on the menu and I have no idea what that meant. When I got back to the hotel, before going to dinner, I looked up her website. For a nerd like me, I appreciated the professionalism of the site, but what was the most captivating were her pictures. Nothing erotic, mostly just her face although one might have been her in the throes of what had to be one hell of an orgasm. The site laid out all her services and most of the costs.

I did get a read on what ‘GFE’ was, Girl Friend Experience, as in she would spend the evening and night with you as if she was your girlfriend. Dinner, clubbing and what is described as one unforgettable night through the next morning. I sat there just staring at her pictures and some very unusual thoughts running through my mind.

After I closed my laptop, I took a colder than normal shower and was about to head out to grab some dinner when my room phone rang.

“Hello?” I wasn’t expecting anyone to call and knew most would have called my cell. Was the hotel on fire or something?

“Hello. this is Melody. I’m downstairs, come buy me a drink in the hotel bar, I have a proposition for you!” As the phone clicked off, all I could do was stare at the business card on my bed!

Published 6 months ago

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