Smartwatch – Chapter Two

"After a wild weekend with her husband, Kat returns to work hoping to turn over a new leaf. But will the smartwatch guide her in a new, exciting direction?"

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As her weekend progressed, Kat found herself falling more and more in love with her new smartwatch and its robust list of features. The fitness tracker kept her moving when she sat still for too long. The music and calendar apps on the watch interfaced seamlessly with her phone, and she even found the stress tracker to be fairly insightful.

Of course, the best part of her new smartwatch had to be the goal prompts. Kat couldn’t help but marvel at the device’s clever AI. It always seemed to know exactly the right time to come to life, vibrating on her wrist to let her know she could progress towards a goal. Then, as soon as her eyes flashed down the screen, it was almost as if something came over her, compelling her to achieve her goal.

From the moment the first goal prompt on Sunday morning came through, Kat knew that the device was just what she needed. She had been asleep when the vibrating sensation on her wrist caused her to stir. Looking down at her watch, the words “Goal: have some fun” lit up the screen. Kat blinked a few times as she woke up, looking around her to see what there was to have fun with. Her eyes landed on her sleeping husband. She could tell from the tent in their covers that he’d developed an erection. A smile crept onto Kat’s face, and she realized exactly how she could have some fun to start her day.

A few moments later, Kat was busily bobbing up and down on her husband’s cock as he stirred from his slumber. As Skip groaned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, Kat popped her lips off his cock long enough to tell him good morning before going back to work. After swallowing his load, Kat and Skip swapped places, and she let him eat her out to an explosive orgasm. As she screamed in pleasure, “Learning” flashed once more on the smartwatch screen.

The same scenario repeated several times over the day. Kat’s new watch monitored her environment, looking for other opportunities to work on her goals. When she followed the prompt, the watch would learn from it, incorporating Kat’s reaction to the prompt into its subliminal conditioning. Since Kat was alone with Skip, she was more than happy to engage in sexual scenarios with him again and again as she followed the prompts, unaware that the watch was learning to associate her sexual behavior with the prompts.

By the time Monday morning rolled around, Kat awoke knowing two things. First, she could barely wait to get to work. As much as her smartwatch had improved her personal life over the weekend, she was confident it would also significantly improve her professional life. Second, she was still horny as fuck from her wild weekend with Skip. She considered waking him up for a quickie, but ultimately decided that she still wanted to get to work at least a little earlier than everyone else.

After her shower, Kat slipped on her underwear and headed into her closet. She plucked her favorite black suit jacket and matching skirt off their hangers, then began rifling through her blouse collection to find something lovely to go along with it. Just as she was reaching for a fairly conservative button-down top, her wrist buzzed. Looking at her smartwatch, Kat saw the words “Goal: be more sexy” appear on the screen.

The woman couldn’t help but smile. Once again, the Goalminder was right. She really could stand to be a little more sexy at work. Not too sexy, mind you, but definitely more than that frumpy shirt. Digging further back in her collection, she found just the thing—a pretty white blouse with lacy frill that ran along a moderately low-cut neckline. Slipping it on, she looked in her mirror and smiled. She still looked like a professional, but now she definitely had a hint of sexy in along with it. It was perfect.

Kat arrived at the office half an hour before starting time. Taking a seat at her desk, she started up her computer and opened her calendar. As the calendar lit up her screen, she let out a sigh. When she left early on Friday, she solved the problem of clearing her calendar by moving all her tasks to this week. As a result, the next several days were beyond full.

As she reviewed the day’s agenda, her smartwatch buzzed once more, displaying “Goal: delegate tasks” on the screen. As soon as the woman read the words, she knew what she had to do. Opening up her email, Kat composed a message to Malik, one of this year’s interns. She proceeded to pass off a number of the more menial tasks that she knew he’d be capable of handling. In no time at all, she managed to free up a good portion of her week, leaving plenty of time to follow Mitch’s advice and unwind.

About an hour after everyone else arrived at the office, Kat was busily working on her computer when a knock from her door filled the small office.

“Come on in!” Kat shouted from her chair as she continued typing away.

The door handle jiggled but didn’t turn. “Um, I think it’s locked,” came a voice from outside the door.

Kat stopped typing and looked up. “Oh, right,” she mumbled to herself. After passing along some of her work, Kat was prompted by her watch to have some fun. As horny as she’d been, her first thought was to lock the door and get herself off, which turned out to be a lot of fun indeed.

Rising from her desk, Kat walked over to her office door, unlocked it, and swung it open to find Malik waiting outside, holding a short stack of papers.

“Oh, hey, Malik,” she smiled. “What brings you by?”

“Not too much,” he began. “I just had a couple quick formatting questions about the Bortech account documentation you sent to me. Do you have a second?”

“Sure, come on in,” Kat replied, ushering him into her office.

The two sat down across from each other at Kat’s desk, and Malik began explaining what he needed help with. As he spoke, Kat noticed his eyes flick down to her cleavage a few times. Every time it happened, she couldn’t help but feel a little rush of excitement. She hadn’t really thought about it before, but as she looked over the dark-skinned intern, she had to admit that Malik was a really good-looking guy. He was tall, muscular, and super handsome. He had a deep, rich voice, and he looked so good in his shirt and tie. If she were still single, he’d definitely be on her radar.

Malik’s problem wasn’t complicated at all, and Kat was able to talk him through the formatting fairly quickly. Malik thanked her for her help but remained in his chair, looking at the woman. After a moment, he spoke up.

“So, there was one more thing I wanted to ask you,” he admitted.

“Shoot,” Kat replied, a gentle smile on her face.

“Okay, so next month, our internships are ending,” Malik began. “The thing is, I really enjoy working here. Mitch already told our group that he might only keep one intern this year out of the five of us. You were an intern last year and managed to land an awesome position with your own office. I guess what I’m asking is, how’d you do it? How can I be the one who gets hired this year?”

Kat was about to respond when she felt her smartwatch vibrating on her wrist. Out of habit, she looked down at the screen, which read, “Goal: have some fun.” As soon as she read the words, her smile brightened, and an idea popped into her mind. She really should have some fun, and right now, nothing she could think of would be more fun than getting to know this sexy intern a little better. Before speaking, Kat carefully looked him over once more.

“I’ll be honest,” Kat began. “I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing you around this office for a good long time. Let’s make a deal. Join me for lunch this afternoon, and I’ll give you a few pointers. Maybe from there I can find a few projects for us to work together on over the next few weeks. Play your cards right, and I’ll even put in a good word with the big boss.”

“Really?” Malik asked. “That would be awesome. Thanks so much, Kat!”

Malik stood up and extended his arm out to Kat for a handshake. Kat rose up from her chair and shook Malik’s hand. Stepping around her desk, she opened the door and escorted the man into the hallway.

“Meet me in the lobby at noon,” she smiled, “and we’ll go from there.”

Malik thanked her once again and headed back to his desk. Kat smiled, watching him go. A small part of her wondered if she should be having one-on-one lunches with sexy coworkers, but she quickly dismissed her concerns. Malik was looking for guidance, and she had the expertise she needed. On top of that, Mitch had suggested she get to know her coworkers better. What better way to accomplish that than by sharing a lunch break?

As the morning progressed, Kat’s Goalminder helped her make the most of the day. After a reminder to be more sexy, Kat decided to show off a little more and slipped off her suit jacket. She could barely contain her grin from all the looks her cute blouse got from the guys in her morning meeting. Then, thanks to a reminder to have some fun while she was at the copier, she decided to stroll down to Malik’s cubicle for a quick chat and to make sure he knew that she was looking forward to their lunch later. Another prompt as she returned to her office a moment later led to her panties being pushed aside once more as she brought herself to her second orgasm of the workday.

Despite having one of the best mornings at work that she could remember, Kat’s lunch meeting with Malik turned out to be the highlight of her day. Their conversation quickly shifted from a strict focus on business into sharing about their personal lives. As they chatted and laughed, Kat realized that they actually had a lot in common. They both got hooked on marketing due to a fascination with TV commercials; they both had a soft spot for sci-fi, and they even loved baking. When her smartwatch prompted her to have some fun, she even managed to engage in some light, innocent flirting. By the time she was driving herself back to the office, Kat felt like she had found a new work friend.

Later that afternoon, Kat was working at her desk when Janelle stepped into view and leaned on her doorframe.

“Damn, girl,” Janelle smiled, “you’re looking fine today!”

“Thanks!” Kat exclaimed, waving her friend into her office. “It’s all thanks to this,” she said, holding up her wrist to show off her smartwatch.

“You got one!” Janelle squealed, rushing over to sit across from her friend. “So, how do you like it so far?”

“I love it,” Kat grinned. “You were right. This thing is life-changing. I’ve only had it a few days, but I already feel like I couldn’t live without it.”

“Same,” Janelle replied. “I don’t know about you, but I already feel like I’m hitting my goals more than I could on my own.”

“No joke,” Kat echoed. “It’s only my first day wearing it at work, and I’ve delegated tasks, made time to unwind, and I feel like I’ve even made a new friend. Mitch is going to be so proud of my progress.”

“Wait. Miss ‘too busy for socializing at work’ made a friend? During work hours? That’s borderline miraculous. Who is this lucky friend?”

“Malik,” Kat answered, “from the intern pool.”

“Fuck,” Janelle groaned, “that man is so dreamy. I’d blow right past friends and get straight to friends with benefits if I were you.”

“Janelle!” Kat mock-scolded with a grin. “You know I’m a happily married woman. I’d never do that. Of course,” she added with a wink, “there’s nothing wrong with a little flirting, right?” The girls shared a giggle as Janelle nodded.

“That’s my girl,” Janelle laughed. “It doesn’t hurt to flirt. You’ve gotta have something to keep your engine going.”

“I don’t know,” Kat chuckled. “My engine’s been going in overdrive since I got this watch.” I’m pretty sure I wore Skip out this weekend.”

“I know what you mean,” Janelle said. “I haven’t had a boyfriend in months, so I set one of my goals to be more flirty. I think both guys I brought to my apartment over the weekend would say that I met my flirting goal, and some extra credit on top of that.”

The girls chatted a little bit more before Janelle left for her cubicle and left Kat alone in her office. She had already been turned on before her friend had shown up, but after hearing about Janelle’s sexual escapades and gossiping about her own fun with Skip, Kat was a worked-up mess. Fighting through her desire to lock her door and fingerfuck herself for the third time since she arrived at work, Kat pushed ahead, making progress on her report.

Just as she finished up the last of her paperwork, a knock on her open door drew her attention. Looking up, Kat realized that Malik was standing in her doorway, smiling at her.

“Got a second?” Malik asked in an upbeat tone.

“For you? Absolutely.” Kat smiled back as she rose from her chair and stepped around her desk. “What’s up?”

“I wanted to ask you something, but can I shut this?” He asked, gesturing to the door.

Kat nodded, and Malik stepped into the office, closing the door behind him. He paused, his eyes briefly flicking over to the door before returning to Kat’s. Taking a deep breath, he began.

“Okay, so look. You’re offering to help me out, and I don’t want to mess up a good thing here, but I gotta know something. At lunch today, were you just being friendly, or was that something else?”

“What do you mean?” Kat asked as she tilted her head slightly and scrunched her brow.

“I mean,” he began, “I was sorta getting this kind of vibe from you while we talked, especially there at the end. It was like you were being friendly, but then it felt like maybe there was something more. Like there was something you wanted. Now, maybe it was just in my head, but after thinking about it all afternoon, I don’t think it was. So I gotta know, was that just you just being friendly, or was I supposed to be reading something between the lines?”

As he spoke, Kat caught on that Malik was talking about her light flirting over lunch. She hadn’t done anything too overt. Lightly rubbing her foot against his for a few seconds. A compliment on his cologne. Letting her hand rest on his for a moment. Still, he clearly picked up on it, and now he wanted to know if she meant anything by it.

With all her pent-up arousal, Kat’s mind flooded with all sorts of naughty thoughts. She could imagine throwing herself at Malik, begging him to take her. She imagined how the tall, muscular intern would hold her tightly while they made out. She pictured him bending her over her desk, reaching under her skirt, and pulling down her panties. Her mind raced with the thoughts of him pushing inside her as she moaned out in pleasure.

As exciting as the thoughts were, Kat knew they couldn’t become reality. Flirting was harmless fun, but that had to be the end of it. She was a very happy married woman who had no intention of cheating on Skip, even with a stud like Malik. Kat took a deep breath, using the moment to prepare herself. She knew she had to play innocent to make sure he knew there couldn’t be anything between them.

Just as Kat was about to open her mouth to tell Malik that he’d misunderstood her, her watch began buzzing once more. Kat’s eyes flicked down to the screen as the words “Goal: have some fun” blazed across the display. The words immediately registered in her mind, causing Kat’s lips to curl into a sultry smile as an entirely new idea formed.

“Oh Malik,” she purred, taking a slow, deliberate step toward the intern. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. I’m just a sweet, innocent, happily married girl.” She took another step closer, swaying her hips as she came toe to toe with the man. “If my foot bumped up against yours,” she added, looking him in the eyes as her left foot traced along the outside of his shoe, “why, I’m sure that must have been an accident. It couldn’t mean that I want to run my feet and legs up against yours.”

Kat shifted, leaning in until her nose and mouth were millimeters from Malik’s neck. Inhaling deeply, she brought her lips up to his ear and whispered, “And if I tell a tall, handsome man like you that I like his scent, why, that’s just an innocent compliment. There’s nothing more to it.”

As her hot breath flowed against his ear, Kat gently placed her hand on the back of Malik’s hand. His breath caught in his throat as the woman resumed whispering. “And if my hand just happens to graze up against your big, strong hand, there’s nothing to read into. It’s not as though I want to feel every inch of your body.”

Kat shifted so that she was face to face with Malik. Their noses nearly touched as their lips hovered dangerously close to one another. Outside her door, the sounds of a busy office seemed to grow more and more distant as the two colleagues stared deeply into one another’s eyes. Time slowed to a crawl as they stood there, lost in each other’s presence.

“You see,” Kat finally whispered…

Published 6 months ago

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