“Oh, you dirty sods,” said the gentle voice happily.
A pause and a rustle of activity from the bedroom chair.
“Oh, you dirty bastards.”
This was Gaby speaking, and she didn’t sound pissed off, although the words look that way in black and white. She was now masturbating, sitting there with her hand in her knickers. Then she stopped and quickly got completely undressed. She was commenting on the fact that I was licking Liz’s arse. In her presence.
Liz wasn’t really my type physically. There was something about the way she carried herself, a sort of tomboyish swagger, that didn’t appeal to me. And I wasn’t wild about her hair, either, that too-short cut which was probably very practical for her role as a gym instructor, but again it gave her a slightly masculine air. She wasn’t bad looking overall, in fact, just not really my type.
Right now, though, she was absolutely my type. She was a woman of the right age group – 30-ish – intelligent enough to have a laugh with, clean and tidy and, I knew for a fact, very interested in sex. I knew this because she was Gaby’s best friend and I had been having an affair with Gaby for several years. Now here we all were in a hotel for one night in London for a gig. Bruce Springsteen. I wasn’t a huge fan, but Gaby and Liz couldn’t understand why anybody would not be a huge fan and had insisted I went along. I had agreed because it got me away from home for a night. My girlfriend wasn’t into music at all really, so she didn’t want to come, and that meant I could spend the night with Gaby.
After a boozy evening, we had gone back to the hotel bar and the conversation had turned fruity. It was all about how open-minded the girls were and it turned into a competition. When I had got back from buying a round of drinks, I had been presented with a surprising but extremely welcome proposition.
“You can shag Liz tonight,” Gaby had said when her friend slipped off to the ladies’. “Don’t look so shocked. She fancies you, and I know you wouldn’t say no, so here you go.”
That was half an hour ago, and now here I was in the double room with Liz while Gaby looked on. We had started off alone, with Gaby still downstairs.
“She might come and watch,” Liz had explained as we kissed, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. “What did she say to you?”
“just that I could shag you,” I said simply, hoping it didn’t sound cocky or presumptuous.
“And you want to?” Liz had asked with a touch of mischief.
“I have always wanted to shag you,” I replied, not quite truthfully. There is always a certain attraction between a man and his partner’s best friend – and a woman and her partner’s mate – so although as I said, she wasn’t my ideal woman, I had thought about getting her naked and thrusting my cock into her confident, experienced hole if the opportunity arose. Now that chance had arrived. “Do you want to suck my cock?” I had added.
“I have always wanted to suck your cock,” Liz replied. Before kneeling down she sat on the bed and rolled down her stockings – I had been surprised she wasn’t wearing jeans for the gig, but maybe they had cooked this up earlier and the bar conversation had just been for my benefit. Anyway, Liz didn’t want to damage her stockings by kneeling on a hotel room carpet to suck her best friend’s dick. As she went about the rolling, she gave me a quick but blatant flash of her black knickers, not looking at me but knowing for absolute certain that I would be watching her.
When she finally got on her knees in the time-honoured fashion – that wonderful mutual giving and taking, voluntary serving and grateful, respectful but dominating receiving of the gift – she looked up at me as she took my knob in her mouth.
At that precise moment, the door had opened and Gaby had come in. Liz and I froze; we had been given permission, so there was nothing to fear, but when you’re caught in the act like that, you freeze automatically.
“Don’t look like that,” Gaby had said. “You just carry on.” She went into the bathroom and Liz and I heard her pissing while Liz sucked my cock.
Now things had moved on and Liz and I were on the bed, she on her knees and I on my knees behind her, rimming her, as they say. I had my face in Liz’s crack, my nose enjoying the forbidden aroma and my tongue eagerly ploughing her utterly private place. She gave a low, involuntary groan of abject, lust-drenched pleasure just as Gaby emerged from the bathroom and took her place on the chair. She was naked, sitting there with her legs apart and her fingers occupied with her clitoris. This woman I had fucked a thousand times was watching me getting extremely rude with someone else and I still wasn’t sure how this was going to play out. What I did know was that Liz and Gaby were looking at each other, trying not to, but failing. Gaby was turned on by this live pornography happening right in front of her.
I turned up the intensity, licking Liz’s arsehole more strongly and passionately, with the intention of making her come, and soon she did, not in the low, controlled tone of her animal alter ego but in a high, very human, utterly female cry that is common to physical distress and sexual climax. Gaby matched the cry with her own and saw their eyes were locked together, their many years of friendship having taken a very different turn now in a shared sexual experience.
“Can I…” Gaby began, rising from the chair. I accepted my duty to allow her to take my place, and between them the girls guided my to a place in front of Liz where she could suck me while her friend took over the rimming. Gaby had never done it to me, and although I had done it to her several times and she had always come, she had eventually decided she didn’t want it anymore and we had let it drift away. But licking another woman’s arse: clearly that was something that appealed to Gaby, and I have to say I agree. A woman’s arsehole is a different place from a man’s. It is cute, dainty, all-in-all nicer, while a man’s, like the rest of his body, tend to be rougher terrain and much less attractive.
That is to ignore, though, the pleasure a woman gets from being subject to a man’s natural ruggedness and the thrills there are to be had from accepting your position as more or less a servant in the sexual context, in the same way as there is nothing shameful about wanting someone, man or woman, to piss in your mouth. While the internet contains plenty of asslicking videos, many of them are based on the incorrect assumption that one has to be forced into licking ass.
One of my favourites is the old lesbian lick my ass or lose your job scenario in which the “boss” is actually a quiet, reserved girl (with a beautiful little bottom I could happily eat my breakfast from) playing the part of a dominatrix of sorts, while the girl she is supposedly punishing clearly loves rimming her and would carry on all night if she was allowed to. When told that if she fails to do her work well in future she can hardy keep the smile off her face at the thought of being “made” to lick the woman’s arse again. They are only acting, but isn’t it exciting when you can tell they really love what they’re being asked to do?
So here we are, me on my back on a hotel bed, being sucked by Liz, while her childhood friend licks her arse – and Gaby is loving doing this. She may never have done it before to anyone, male or female, but I get the feeling she will be making sure it happens again regularly in future.
Just as Liz was rising again to a crescendo and Gaby was smirking her admiration of herself at her handiwork, Liz abandoned her position as sucker of the family penis and turned around, to share the anal joy that Gaby had been giving her. They clung together and then collapsed to the bed, chewing each other’s lips with the intensity that only arse-licking female couples do, that incredible sharing of sensory experiences that defies decent discussion. Nobody ever says “I have to kiss you because your face now smells of my bum,” but that’s what it is about.
After a few seconds of their absorption in each other, the girls looked around for me. I had taken Gaby’s place on the chair and was wanking. They both watched, fascinated, at this traditionally secretive act being performed brazenly in front of them.
“Who wants it?” I asked flippantly.
“Cum in Liz’s mouth,” my ever-generous lover said, urging her friend to come over to the chair. Liz knelt in front of me and placed her face close to the scene of the action. She began licking my thighs and my balls, risking getting hit by a knuckle for her trouble.
“Wait!” Gaby said suddenly. “Hang on…” and she threw herself across the floor, scrambled to her feet and stood on the chair with one foot either side of me. Carefully, she lowered herself, her beautiful cunt spread and descending onto my face. As my nose entered that little bumply, pink antechamber, the entrance hall to her vagina, Liz grabbed my cock and took over the stimulation. She was, of course, very good at it, and in a second she had conjured up my spurting orgasm, powering my spunk into her mouth. As I lurched and groaned, Gaby ground herself down on my face and squealed with delight as she squirted her mysterious fluid in a gushing torrent into my facial cavity.
“Squirting!” Liz giggled as Gaby’s stuff splashed out and down my chin. “You never told me you did that.”
“Special occasions,” Gaby replied, not really feeling like talking because her body was busy with other things.
“You’re going to squirt in my mouth one day,” Liz demanded.
Gaby gave a quiet, groany murmur of assent. “Are you going to lick my arse now?”
“Of course,” Liz said. “I’ll do anything you like.” They both looked at me and i waved my agreement. I would need a few minutes to recover anyway. So, as the girls reconvened on the bed, I made myself comfortable and settled in for a show I was free to join at any time. Then I had a flash of insight and reached down for Liz’s handbag, in which I found, as I was half expecting, a sachet of lubricant. I was going to fuck her up the arse. She wanted me to, in fact, and I knew Gaby wouldn’t object once she had had her fill of this refreshing lesbian interlude. Gaby was protective of her own arsehole, but we had watched anal porn together and I knew she found it strangely thrilling.
For now, though, it was girl on girl and they were in a passionate 69, their faces buried in meaty, juice-dripping gashes, loving each other with a pent-up emotion they must both have been carrying around quietly all these years.
What struck me most about the atmosphere was that it had gone beyond the usual delicate arrangement of egos and images. This was now a grown-up sexual episode in which no one was reticent, everyone was just doing it because we were here to have fun. It showed in Gaby’s eyes when she looked up from her current preoccupation, Liz’s crotch, and smiled at me, her long-term lover. She wasn’t being unfaithful and I didn’t feel betrayed. It was just the latest progression of a magical session in which we were all 100% invested.
When Gaby made Liz screech with ecstasy as their girl/girl licking came to fruition, they both looked at me and noted the fact that I was holding the lube sachet. Gaby knew it wasn’t for her and Liz felt a chill of anticipation because her anus, the focus of so much attention that day, was about to be invaded.
When the two friends eventually relaxed their hold on one another’s thighs. Liz said what we were all thinking.
“Is that for me?” I smiled and nodded.
“If that’s okay.”
“I thought nobody would ever ask,” she said, and Gaby laughed with her as they both looked at my ferocious erection.
Gaby vacated the bed and Liz stretched, as if getting ready for an athletics event, but a horizontal one. Then, apparently without any kind of self-consciousness, she raised her legs and exposed her toned little brown hole to the room – a bedroom which contained not just a man with a thrusting, determined erection waiting for the starter’s gun to bore into her and hammer her hitherto untouched anal interior, but also an observer, a woman who knew her intimately – more intimately than ever thanks to the recent passionate lesbian activity that had broadened her view of herself. She now felt like a more rounded individual, a more complete human being who had explored her own psyche and reached out to the reassuring presence of her oldest friend: oldest friend and most recent lover, now about to watch her lose her anal virginity to the friend’s long-term, secret but official boyfriend.
Liz knew she was taking Gaby’s place in a way, but for the admirable reason that her friend was afraid of doing this, receiving a cock up her arse. But was it fear or was it something else? Some moral objection; some logical viewpoint about this being unnatural. Whatever it was, the intellectual side was a distant light in the mist of Liz’s mind, drunk as she was on sexual lust. And anyway, she knew Gaby well enough to know she was more than happy about all this. There would, she knew, be a trace of envy in her mind, but when all was said and done, this was just a sexual experience and wasn’t going to rob Gaby of any love or even respect.
I looked into Liz’s eyes as I stood beside the bed, smearing lubricant onto my knob. Her anus seemed to be calling to me and I leaned down to give it a coating of protection from harm , then poked my finger into it. It seemed to twitch against my intrusion, before relaxing to welcome this outrider of my fucking.
I climbed onto the bed and knelt between her raised, bent legs. As my cock rested in her dent, I leaned down and whispered into her ear.
“Are you ready to have your arse fucked, Liz?”
“No whispering,” Gaby bellowed, trying to inject some humour into it but succeeding only, she knew, in betraying her slight fear of being usurped, betrayed before her very eyes.
I raised my voice and repeated my question.
“Are you ready to have your arse fucked, Liz?”
“Fuck yes,” she croaked. “Go easy, please.”
“Just bugger the bitch,” Gaby said in her distinctively witty way. Liz gave a short laugh, which was choked by a gasp as I applied my weight to the interface between knob head and sphincter. And then, without ceremony, I was in, and Liz’s eyes flashed with a combination of panic and delight. Relief was in the mix too as she felt her innards relaxing with the enjoyment she felt. She was looser, more accommodating, than either of us had expected; maybe she was made to be entered like this.
Her eyes were rolling up into her head with sheer erotic thrill and the pleasure of submission. Over on the chair, Gaby was rubbing her bean like a madwoman and as I approached an orgasm, she came over and climbed on the bed behind me. This tipped Liz over the edge and she began to shudder uncontrollably, crying out as if for help. Then Gaby stood up and, one hand on my head for balance, she began to issue a stream of liquid that hit my neck and ran down my back. Was she pissing or squirting? The latter, she would tell me later, but none of us were concerned about the definition at that moment. It was just the culmination of an incredible feast of depravity. I pumped my spunk into Liz’s rear tunnel and she basted my pubic region with her vaginal contribution to the proceedings.
When Gaby’s flow had finished, she lay on the bed and she and Liz resumed kissing. They allowed me to join the embrace and we were like the three amigos at the end of an adventure. Or was it the beginning? Only time would tell.