Gathering Desires

"She listens to his story and her friends haven't just been invited to the party to make up the numbers."

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When Mark read the rest of what Janet had said in her message to him, he felt intrigued, Escapist fun on a website he used was a way to pass the time, often with hilarious or rewarding consequences and Janet was someone he respected and liked. The request she had made to bring himself and his story-telling to her gathering wasn’t a shock, but Mark decided to ask for confirmation about his duties, just to make sure, A simple thumbs up in reply to Mark’s message confirmed he had interpreted the request correctly. The reply left him willing, happy and ready to begin on the task he had been set.

The story Mark had been asked to write was primarily for Janet’s benefit, although she felt sure others would enjoy hearing it too. Janet already had a running order in mind for her gathering, her plans getting underway as soon as Lydia, Tammy and Eva had all accepted invitations to attend.

As well as letting Mark know he was on the right track with his understanding, Janet also sent him further encouragement.

“I’ve enjoyed your stories and can’t wait to hear you read mine out to me in person, If I had any doubts about you whatsoever, you wouldn’t be writing for me and you certainly wouldn’t have been invited to read one of your stories out in a room full of my best sexy friends on the planet,” she advised.

Janet had intended her message thanking Mark in advance would be her last to him for the day, She loved his enjoyment of bringing so much fun to others using his imagination and couldn’t wait for her friends to see it for themselves too, She did realise, however, that one last pointer Mark could keep handy might be in order.

The message was designed to help Mark, as well as ensure those who were there to be entertained would know he understood everything. It read:

It can get chaotic when there’s a party, so just for reference:

Janet- Listener

Lydia- It’s her show

Tammy and Eva- The actors

You- Narrator and on-call assistant, if required.

Reading the message made Mark laugh out loud, Armed with his guidelines, he then set to work.

On leave from his dull job for ten days, Mark worked into the night on the task of creating Janet’s story. He wanted it to be good, but also flexible enough to be able to have parts added or taken out, if needed or requested, Not being precious about his escapist writing was going to be of benefit to everyone, if Mark had his way.

Mark had been given a week to finish his story and he messaged Janet on his progress daily. His updates usually just received a thumbs up, but the one saying he had finished putting the flexible tale together was greeted with great pleasure,

Lydia, Tammy and Eva were thrilled to receive Janet’s update on the progress of preparations for her event and they were all quick to confirm this with messages to that effect on this occasion.

‘Impatiently horny’ was the consensus.

Once the day of the gathering had arrived, Mark’s reference to a pre-event meet-up in a message didn’t surprise Janet at all, it was how she imagined he might respond. Even though this was true, Janet was delighted to see the words, as she was in knowing the private group chat she had set up meant others would read them too.

Janet felt sure Mark’s suggestion to meet elsewhere beforehand wouldn’t need to be taken up and very quickly, three messages were posted to say a first encounter in person at the house was fine,

The day of the gathering saw those travelling to the house do so in high spirits. The host was busy with finishing touches and waiting for people to arrive, whilst eagerly anticipating what she hoped would be a very special event.

As had been agreed, Mark was the last to make an entrance, as Janet wanted everyone to meet him together. Mark got the message to say his time had come whilst sitting in a cafe close by and it all worked perfectly. Without any awkwardness or concerns, everyone was soon chatting casually about life, as they would have done at any other small get-together that didn’t have the proposed agenda of this one.

“I think we should prepare to begin,” Janet announced, when a lull in the chatter presented itself. Everyone did just that.

Janet sat in a comfy chair that had long legs and was positioned behind a large, high table. Another identical chair, diagonally opposite, was reserved for Mark, whilst three more of the matching set had been placed side by side and facing the one earmarked for use by the storyteller.

Janet’s organising had been fun for her and was very detailed. Considering viewing angles, spaces and routes to withdraw had all been a part of her preparation, so too were a few practical additions that the previous hosting had benefited from.

A range of toys was spread across the floor close to the table and some bottles of water had been placed on a tray, A few bottles of lotions and potions had been made available next to the water too, which Janet knew would allow anyone to oil any part of themselves or others, should it be deemed necessary, or just a nice idea.

Everyone except Mark was already aware of Janet’s dress code for her parties and each complied with it on her invitation to do so. Mark understood what was required, simply through observing others, which drew a nod of approval from Janet that Mark had been meant to see and he did.

With everyone now seated in just lower-body underwear, Mark cleared his throat and he began speaking. Getting to this point had presented its challenges, but now it was time to show that the preparation had all been worthwhile.

The scene Mark set was painted with his words at a slow pace, It mentioned the hopes of all present and was filled with humour and attention to detail,

Almost at once, Janet slipped into a dreamy state to the sound of Mark’s storytelling. Tammy and Eva were soon kissing and gently stroking each others’ shoulders and breasts, whilst Lydia had already eased into a world where she saw every picture suggested by the words she heard.

As Mark described a rising tide of erotic tension in the story, Janet felt so wonderful listening to it. She loved seeing Eva, Tammy and Lydia clearly enjoying the performance, but noticing Lydia was getting ready to play with herself inside her knickers was a sight that made Janet’s escapism richer beyond her most ambitious of hopes.

Each time he spoke, Mark made sure there was time for everyone to digest what he had said before continuing with the story. Facial expressions, contented sounds and in Lydia’s case, some gentle play, greeted everything and seeing and hearing it all had already made it a scene Janet never wanted to forget,

Mark announced all of the developments that took place in the room, including the moment Tammy joined Eva next to him.

Kissing each other, Tammy and Eva massaged gently up Mark’s legs and planted kisses behind their touch as it rose. They also took great care to ensure Lydia would be able to see as much of the action as possible, which everyone knew they were doing expertly, confirmed by the sounds coming from Lydia’s chair,

Lydia was having a memorable night already, but it wasn’t only her own pleasure that was exciting her. She had arrived content to be aroused by the promised show, that was her thing, but what she needed and wanted had changed dramatically in the short time since the action had begun. Lydia had taken the first steps, but her mind was now racing with the possibility of more and she felt certain this was what she wanted and needed to bring everything to life.

One thing Lydia realised, once she knew her feelings were real, was that if she was going to speak out, it needed to happen sooner rather than later. It was a risk and she quite liked those in her fantasies, but this step into the unknown was real,

“Tammy, Eva, I don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but if either of you have a hand spare. I could really use one right now,” Lydia explained.

Immediately understanding the courage Lydia had shown in speaking up, everyone was thrilled to see her join Tammy and Eva beneath the table. The new arrival went to lie between Eva and Tammy. as Tammy looked after Mark with her hands and kisses during the break in his story.

Janet found herself close to tears at the developments, but she knew any spilt during the evening would be joyful. To show so much courage, even in an environment you trusted, was something Janet felt meant she had to break her usual silence in these situations,

“You’re in a room of people who’ve just got even more respect for you than they had before, Lydia, Being this happy about that is making me so horny too. Relax and enjoy.” Janet said.

Mark felt as confident as all others in the room did that Lydia had meant everything she had said. Even though this was true, he decided to add a brief statement to what he had planned to say.

“Just a reminder to everyone. If what you hear, see or feel makes you uncomfortable in any way, please speak up and we’ll stop,” Mark said firmly.

When Mark resumed reading, a few adjustments were made to reflect what had happened during the break in the story. The changes were smooth and were without drama, mishap or any concerns over them whatsoever,

Eva and Tammy were no longer stroking Mark’s legs, That could wait, Their attention was now focused on Lydia, who felt wonderfully aroused and liberated. The scene was described as gently as the touches on Lydia’s body, once Mark had amended his story to reflect the changed reality and hearing him do this so naturally was magical for all those who did,

Lydia found the combination of the touches on and inside her body and the words Mark wove around them so special. There was no rush for anyone involved in the massage, nor for the storyteller and its primary audience either.

It was no surprise to Lydia when Eva and Tammy brought her body to climax so beautifully, It was greeted loudly and with squirms of joy and the smile over Lydia’s face was mirrored on those of everyone else. Lydia’s thoughts were focused firmly on the present, never once slipping into the past, she did, however, find herself contemplating the immediate future. Her mind was centred around what she wanted from the evening next. It was a moment few outside her current situation would have understood the significance of.

“I’m ready for more, but I’m sure Eva and Tammy have other things to think about, Janet needs to know about it too, Mark,” Lydia announced.

The words were the most wonderful to break a silence anyone in the room could have imagined hearing.

” We are here for you, Lydia,” Eva whispered, knowing she had spoken for Tammy also,

Mark’s next words were a brief summary of what had happened. They reflected the most recent changes that had taken place and the effect on those who had experienced or witnessed them.

“Wonderfully flexible work, Mark,” Tammy said with a giggle, as she took it upon herself to do a spot of feedback.

As Eva and Tammy’s touch fell on Lydia, Tammy got Mark to lie next to her, so she could take his cock in her free hand and join Eva in massaging Lydia with the other. Mark’s storytelling incorporated the reality easily, something that Janet knew would be another memory of the night she would treasure.

Lydia’s body was electric with arousal once more. The touch and being able to see Tammy holding Mark. eager and ready to devour him, was blissful. Knowing how much it all meant to Janet made everything perfect,

Dreamy touch stirred noises of pleasure from the floor, whilst Janet, meanwhile, was already very aroused, despite not having a touch laid on herself, nor would there be.

Each moment of speech, listening and action made Janet more confident that Mark’s words would deliver soon, She also knew If everyone could time this right. it would be unforgettable and a notable triumph indeed. Lydia’s awakening had turned this into a unique event, during which, everyone had taken an opportunity to shine and there was more to come.

Once again, Janet’s storyteller picked just the right moment to resume his commentary, describing the scene as Tammy gave Mark a lick and Lydia’s body burned wildly with excitement. Tammy also felt an update of her own plans would be beneficial too.

“In case it goes quiet on the reading front, Janet, I’m letting you know I’m going in now,” Tammy advised,

The news had an effect on all of those present, as Tammy focused on Mark, whilst Lydia and Eva played with, kissed, sucked and explored each others’ bodies, Janet’s watching smile just broadened further.

To this point, all of the latest batch of toys Janet bought each time she hosted had been left untouched after they had been laid out. Nobody would have probably noticed or cared about this, but Eva decided that offering Lydia a double-ended friend so they could enjoy it together, might be a suggestion worth making,

“Fuck, yes!” Lydia said, the idea appealing to her instantly.

Eva took a moment to whisper to Lydia that she would be slow and gentle with her introduction to a new experience. This had rarely been the way when similar toys had featured at previous gatherings, but the circumstances were different and Eva knew it.

Eva let Lydia get used to the tip resting against her, wanting to be sure it felt right. The reality of a large part of the toy being inside her without the prospect of wild movement would be a different experience for Eva, she knew that, What she also realised, however, was that guiding Lydia through her new pleasure and sharing the joy of it would more than make up for the change,

With everyone agreed on how things should progress, the tension was mounting, Eva made sure Tammy’s wet arousal was fingered closer to deliverance and she did this whilst gently moving the toy against Lydia’s gorged wetness. All that remained was to hope Mark retained his powers of speech for long enough to finish the work he was doing for Janet and that everyone could enjoy a triumphant climax as close to simultaneously as possible.

“I can understand how we’re all hoping for something memorable, but I hope you don’t feel you’ve drawn the short straw by being stuck looking after me,” Lydia said to Eva with a worried tone in her voice.

Eva looked at Lydia, Eva was relieved that Lydia had felt able to speak so honestly, but Eva was also eager to allay Lydia’s fears at once.

“If you’re happy, we all are, Lydia, Seeing you feeling aroused again today will be enough to make me feel as excited as anything anyone could do physically to me would do. You might be too busy with your own fun to notice, but a new kid on the block finding a fresh way to feel brilliant will do all that’s required for me, I can assure you.” Eva explained.

The whispered word of thanks from Lydia’s lips wasn’t due to shyness, or an unwillingness to share, it was the consequence of being lost for anything more, after having heard such a beautiful response.

Wanting to make this as special for Lydia as she could ensure Eva took all the care in the world with any movement she made. Lydia sensed this was the case and so when she felt the time was right, she gently suggested to Eva that she could be just a little bolder if she wished, Lydia knew there was a chance Mark might miss this, or miss passing the news on to others and so she did so herself, as she savoured the warm glow that was alighting around her entire body.

“I’ve told Eva to turn the gas up a little, Simmering’s not for me now,” Lydia called out.

Lydia’s words were just the latest Janet had heard that made her feel more aroused and content, Eva knew this was the case and so she worked with a renewed purpose on Lydia’s excited wetness, once the room knew what was approaching,

Eva’s expertise took Lydia quickly to the brink and the feeling of Lydia’s body against her own with the toy inside them both sent Eva rushing towards a similar point too,

Whilst Eva was increasing her attention on Lydia, Tammy was managing Mark’s approaching finale expertly. Knowing how to tease enough to keep the heat on, but without it boiling over, was a skill Eva prided herself on having and even by her own standards, she knew she had brought her best game in that respect to the gathering.

Lydia tried to hold on for as long as she could, whilst wildly enjoying Eva’s movements inside her, but she was finally overcome and surrendered, Lydia greeted her release with a scream of heavenly wonder that echoed around the room and this sparked Eva’s body into an unexpectedly quick onset of deep climax too. The erotic chaos in Lydia’s body rocked her and it was made even more intense by Eva’s own release, achieved whilst holding Lydia so close that Lydia felt its energy.

Tammy and Mark’s bodies buckled in the sensual atmosphere of the room. Tammy had reached her breaking point and she shuddered with the onset of her own climax, as Mark’s cock spat ferociously over her tongue and throat. Hearing the shared sounds of excitement and climax took both Janet and Lydia’s arousal to another level and a mix of laughter, groans, shrieks and noises of pleasure rang around the room endlessly.

The sound of Tammy working on Mark and the noises of orgasm they made were just another element that meant Janet could savour a further round of anticipation tearing from within, Lydia found the accompanying sounds of this alone to be the source of fresh sexual release, the sight of which, re-energised Eva’s body in a similar fashion. Janet, meanwhile. was becoming almost helpless with sensual joy, the sight and sounds of everyone else so ignited being enough to spin her into orgasms of spectacular intensity.

Tammy’s appetite for all that Mark had to give did not prevent her from recognising when she had emptied him. She had no doubt she had given him his own piece of pleasure, or that she had enjoyed his flavours, but she was just another of all of those present who knew the part he had played would be remembered as much as any outsiders and guests whose contribution had been physical alone.

Lydia was free of the shackles she had worn and she knew it, She had the wildest thoughts ever racing through her mind, but she wondered if this was the time to voice them. She decided there was only one way to find out.

“Cheeky request, Mark, but a gentleman’s tongue would be most welcome,” Lydia said through giggles.

Although all that had happened had taken Janet into a dreamy state, hearing Lydia’s request and watching Mark prepare himself to grant it was beyond belief in its ability to arouse her further. Mark took his position between Lydia’s legs, massaging them, as his tongue flicked inside her, whilst Eva stroked Lydia’s back, legs and buttocks, Tammy also took over Mark’s duties as the narrator and storyteller, doing so without a second thought.

Tammy’s eagerness to step in to help was what mattered. Her different style of delivery didn’t. Tammy’s words describing Mark’s tongue flicking and his lips kissing Lydia’s swollen clit sent Janet’s body alight in wild ecstasy, as one of the most powerful erotic surges ever took its grip on her and sent her mind spinning with erotic joy.

The sound of the usually quiet Janet greeting her moment so loudly spurred Tammy on with her words. It did so as Mark was equally focused on the impending release from Lydia’s body.

Lydia screamed as she reached her climax, her cries as loud as those spilling from Janet’s mouth. The sound of Mark’s groaning delight also filled the room, as did giggles of fun from Tammy and Eva, whose bodies had been ignited further by the beauty of what was happening all around them.

Those more used to the scenes that had unfolded knew this was how it was meant to be, but Lydia was in a world of opportunity and felt she needed more.

“Finish me off,” Lydia pleaded with Mark, pointing to her breasts and hoping Mark could oblige.

Eva took charge without hesitation, her experience bringing Mark’s cock to life swiftly. This was one aspect of the evening Eva didn’t feel required any delicate, slow work and she watched Lydia’s already convulsing body go deeper into noisy bliss, Eva coaxed an orgasm from Mark quickly and his release fell onto Lydia’s breasts to cries of utter deliverance from the woman who had requested it. Lydia massaged her own coated breasts joyfully, as she writhed and squealed with delight.

As final acts went, Lydia’s just sealed the deal for everyone. Five bodies gripped with pleasure enjoyed every second of their shared triumph. It was a scene that needed no words whatsoever and it was yet another highlight to be savoured by all and one that continued in waves and waves for those present.

After a period spent to allow a climb down and for the lingering embers of sensual fire to cool, Janet resumed her duties as host. by offering drinks to everyone. The smiles on the faces of the group and their own quiet reflection were more fitting than chatter or analysis of what had happened would have been. These things were left until it was time for Janet’s friends and someone they would all remember fondly forever to leave.

“You’ll just be the bloke we met online again in the real world from now on and we’ll chat there, I’m sure, Revisit to our reality? Never again, but you’ll always be remembered for what we shared today and I know my friends well enough to feel certain they agree.” Janet told Mark in a brief farewell announcement.

Mark closed the front door to Janet’s home behind himself as he left, Janet was proved right, Mark never met any of the group in person again, but he often shared the banal thoughts ordinary online acquaintances do with those he had encountered that night. Returning to normal meant staying as friends in the virtual world and they did.

Published 6 months ago

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