Brad had always enjoyed taking nature walks. He found solace in nature and his walks took his mind off the problems that seemed inevitable in life, especially now that he was seventy. He even enjoyed walking in solitude—although recently, he found himself wanting a little less of that at home. But the truth was, Brad, enjoyed walking on this public path along the bubbling forest stream more than ever. Now that he was alone. Now that his wife was gone.
The path was several miles long and wound through the trees alongside a stream. It was at the mouth of a canyon on the edge of a small city. It was very popular with couples, mountain bikers, joggers, and others who enjoyed exercising in nature. But Brad walked alone.
He had acclimated to his new situation as a widower and had even gone on a few dates. He found, for the most part, other women his age were nice, but there was a tendency for them to be mainly seeking just a companion, with sex being a minor part of the equation. However, Brad still had major sexual urges. He had lived decades with a woman who had only a mild interest in sex. They would fuck every couple of weeks at best, and on his birthday, their anniversary, and romantic getaways, she would dutifully suck his cock as a treat. But sex wasn’t important to her and towards the end, it had become very rare indeed.
This had led Brad to cheat—especially as he hit his fifties. It wasn’t often, nor was there any long-term affair. Rather, it was one-night stands with women who wanted some fun and excitement, or in a couple of instances, with co-workers who wanted a quick fling and then move on. Brad wasn’t proud of this. It was just a fact of life. He was always in love with his late wife. It was just unfortunate that she didn’t reciprocate that love sexually. Although she was a short BBW, she was sexy in Brad’s eyes and could have been the ultimate fuck. The problem was, she just wasn’t that interested.
So here he was, walking (and sometimes jogging) down this dirt path, watching out for bicyclists, and ogling the women he met along the way. Especially the ones wearing tight spandex workout clothing and bare midriffs.
Susan thought of her walks along the river trail as a way to stay in shape. She thought she had a pretty good body for a woman her age (sixty-six) and wanted to keep that up. Even with both of her knees replaced with artificial ones, she thought she did a good job keeping up a decent pace. Walking was also a good way to clear her head and let painful memories fade. Her memories of her husband dying of cancer two years previous. The walks had become an obsession since she had retired. Five days a week when possible, as long as the weather was decent and there was no snow or mud.
It was Brad who first noticed Susan. Over time he met her several times. She hit his radar at first as a woman around his age. Second: as a mature woman with a great body. Third: as a friendly woman who always smiled and said “hi”.
He noted her rather large breasts and how nice her ass looked in skin-tight yoga pants. She wore glasses and her hair was almost white in that way that blondes often go, and hanging below her shoulders. He guessed her to be about five-seven with an athletic body.
It got to the point where he began to look for her each time he walked the river trail and felt rewarded when he saw her. At this point, he had the presence of mind to look for a wedding ring. There was none. Brad began to make note of the time he saw her and adjusted his walk to coincide. It seemed crazy. He knew absolutely nothing about this woman or whether she would even give him the time of day, yet here he was wanting to see her like a lovesick teenager. He told himself he wasn’t stalking her.
Susan finally began to notice Brad as well. He was seemingly a fixture on this trail, as devoted to walking or jogging it as she was. He always gave her a friendly smile and said, “Hi”. It was comforting, rather than creepy. He seemed fit with a decent body and around her age. The idea that he could be interested in her eluded her.
Serendipitously, when running behind schedule, Susan was late to arrive at the trailhead. She had just gotten out of her car when a pickup truck pulled up, two spots away. It was that man. The one that always said, “Hi”.
Giving her a little wave, Brad, true to form, said, “Hi”, and as they both walked to the trailhead, he went a little further.
“Nice day for a walk. I see you all the time here. You must love this trail as much as I do,” Brad remarked casually.
“Oh, I do. I love walking along the stream. I think it is good therapy for my head,” Susan replied.
“Mine too. Clears my mind of all my troubles. I hope you don’t mind if I walk with you today. Go ahead and run if that is part of your routine,” Brad said, asking permission politely.
“Oh no, I don’t mind. It will be nice to have company. I don’t have that much anymore,” Susan admitted, then quickly rueing the fact that she said that to a total stranger.
“Oh good. I’m not a serial killer or anything. So don’t worry. My name is Brad,” Brad said, slightly giddy from this good fortune.
“Oh god! Sorry! I shouldn’t have said that. It sounds weird,” Brad quickly corrected, embarrassed that he was acting like a teen.
“Oh no. You’re good. I’ve seen you plenty of times here. But if you were a serial killer, wouldn’t you say that you weren’t?” Susan replied with a wry smile.
“Got me there! I guess so. I guess you’ll have to take your chances then,” Brad said in recovery mode.
“I’m Susan. My friends call me Suzy, Mister Not-A-Serial-Killer Brad,” the mature woman teased back.
Sheepishly, Brad answered back, “Glad to meet you…Suzy. God, I’m such an idiot with women.”
“Not at all. I think you’re funny. Let’s go, shall we?” Susan retorted.
The pair walked down the path, exchanging small talk until Susan asked the question, “How long have you been walking here regularly?”
There was a slight hesitation, then Brad answered in a somber voice, “Since this spring. Since my wife passed away.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” was Susan’s honest reply, knowing she had touched a painful memory.
“No need to be. It’s fine. I’m okay. I’m dealing with that okay. At least most days,” Brad said soothingly.
“Well, if it is any consolation to you, my husband passed away two years ago. I guess in some ways, this is my therapy too. I promise you it gets better,” the wonderful mature lady at his side told Brad.
“Now it is my turn to say I’m sorry. I guess we have that in common,” Brad said sincerely.
“I guess we do. Now let’s not get all weepy here. The past is gone and the future is unknown, but I’m enjoying the sunshine and beauty right now. Not to mention good company,” Susan said cheerily.
“I’ll drink to that, Suzy!” Brad chortled as he took a sip from his hydration bladder.
The pair walked in silence for a long time, breaking it only to make small talk. Brad thought Susan was beautiful and had an appreciative eye for her body. Life was good at that moment, just like she had said.
It happened on the return trip. A mountain biker approached unseen and almost unheard from behind at a rapid speed. He shouted something at the last minute and Brad grabbed Susan and yanked her out of the path of the bicyclist. She spun around against him, front to front, body to body in his arms. The biker passed. It took just a bit longer than you would think for the pair to break their clasp. Both felt the electricity, but neither admitted it to the other. Instead, they sheepishly broke the clinch and returned to walking and small talk. But they had looked each other in the eye in that brief moment. And the look they saw in each other told the story. Told of their latent hunger to be held, touched, and more.
The parking lot was another awkward moment. It was like being on the front porch after a first date. Neither of them knew quite what to say and how to end this pleasant time together. They engaged in small talk, neither of them quite willing to part yet.
It was Susan who made the bold move, surprising even herself.
Holding her arms open to Brad, she said, “I’ve gotta go, but come give me a hug before I do.”
Susan felt detached as if another part of her was speaking without her permission. She felt strangely giddy.
Brad, being no fool, immediately gave the attractive Susan a nice hug. Again he felt that tingle and a feeling of lightheadedness. The hug lasted just a bit too long to be one between recent strangers. It was as if each was trying to burn the impression of the other’s body into their soul. Neither wanted to make the first move to let go. But they finally did.
“Well, that felt good. It’s been a while,” Susan commented.
“Same for me,” Brad agreed, then added, “I don’t suppose you’d like to walk together again tomorrow, would you?”
“I think I would. It’s been nice to have someone to talk to,” Susan replied.
The time for meeting up was decided upon, but no phone numbers were exchanged. Then they parted their separate ways.
Susan felt euphoric all the way home. She chided herself that it wasn’t a date and she wasn’t trying to make it more than it was. It was only a new friend that she could walk with. But she knew that was a lie. She had been on two dates since her husband’s death and she felt like this on neither of them, even when she had hugged them when they dropped her off at the door at evening’s end.
At home, Susan stripped off her clothing and tossed them in the hamper. For the first time in years, she looked at her nude body in front of the full-length bathroom mirror. Her boobs were nice and full but saggy with maturity. She lifted them with a critical eye. Maybe she should buy a push-up bra, she thought. Shaking her head she decided that was silly. A man (she didn’t say which man) would have to like her for what she was.
Her belly was a bit pouchy but not too big, and her upper pubic area was a bit fat. Turning she saw her ass was a bit big and saggy as well, but she remembered how much her hubby had liked it. He had liked to spank it and enjoyed screwing her doggy style, telling her how sexy her ass was. She would have to have faith in his opinion of it, she decided.
Her pussy was lightly covered in blonde pubic hair. When her husband was alive, she kept it shaved bald like he liked it, but hadn’t bothered since. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she examined her pussy closer, deciding whether to shave it or not. Absently she ran her fingers over her labia, then parted her lips and touched her clitoris. She felt a thrill shoot through her body!
Feeling the urge to masturbate—again for the first time since her husband had passed—Susan got up and reached up to the top shelf in the closet and got down a homemade wooden box. Fumbling in her jewelry box, she pulled out a key that fit its padlock and opened it.
It was a box her husband had made for her. It contained a latex and a glass dildo, as well as a vibrator. There was also a jeweled butt plug, lubricant, nipple clips, and a couple of cock rings for him. He had made the box, he said, so the grandkids wouldn’t snoop around and find out how kinky grandma and grandpa were. Susan reached in and grabbed the vibrator and switched it on. It was dead.
She plugged the charging cable into the USB port and felt frustrated. Then she looked at the pair of dildos. Picking up the latex cock dildo, she remembered the last time she had used it. It was her husband’s birthday. He hadn’t been feeling good but she thought he would enjoy some sex to take his mind off the pain. He made a gallant attempt but couldn’t get it up no matter what she did. Finally giving up after getting his cock sucked to no avail, he told Susan to lie down.
Going to the box, he selected the latex cock and began to toy with her pussy, teasing it at first, then sliding it in and fucking her with it as she got nice and juicy. With love in his eyes, he fucked her with it, slowly at first, then faster. As he did, he sucked her nipples, taking great care to stimulate each one. Susan felt overwhelmed by the love he was showing her despite his problems. He wanted her to cum. To cum for him. The cock went in and out and his mouth sucked and nibbled. Her clit turned to fire. Then she exploded in orgasm. A long drawn-out cum that made her shake like a leaf. After she finished, she promised him that next time he would get it up. There never was a next time.
Susan replaced the ersatz cock. Too many memories involved to use it. Especially as she was fantasizing about sex with another man. To use it would feel like cheating. At last, she picked up the smooth, cool, glass dildo with its twists and cock head. It would do.
She laid back on the bed, the room shaded and dark with closed blinds. Closing her eyes, she rubbed the cool head over her labia. It felt good. Putting it aside, she reached her fingers down and began to play with her clitoral hood and then her clit. She felt herself get wet. She remembered how she felt in Brad’s arms. Susan circled her clit and rubbed it harder. It had been so long! How wonderful it had felt!
Imagining a strong man above her, finger fucking her pussy and fondling her girls, Suzy reached for the dildo. It felt cold and good sliding inside her hot cunt. Just the head was all that entered. She rubbed it back and forth, pleasuring her love button. Mmm, so good. So very good.
Now she pushed it deeper into her vagina and worked it in and out. Just like she was getting fucked. She made sure the head tingled her clitty. As she did, she worked her hips, just like when she was getting fucked. Then her hand went to her nipple, pinching and twisting. Mmm, so fucking good!
Oh my god! It had been so long! You think you remember how good sexual pleasure feels, but when you feel it, it is always so much better! And so it was now, with the dildo hitting just the right spots and filling her cunt with substance. Not exactly a cock, but close enough to light the fire that consumes and explodes.
And so it was. Susan took her time, wanting to enjoy the ecstasy for as long as possible. Out of guilt, she tried to visualize her late husband making love to her, but she couldn’t visualize a lie. It was Brad she was visualizing. Fucking her pussy and twisting her nipple. His fit, sweaty body on hers, just as she had felt it when they hugged.
Then the sexual frenzy unhinged her mind as she yowled, “Uuuuhhhhhooooohhhhhaaaaahhhh!”
Her body shook and shook with the orgasm as she came. She squeezed her legs on the dildo at the moment of triumph, then when it abated, she relaxed and collapsed, eyes closed savoring the moment.
At last, she put the sex toy to the side, but not before examining the thick juice that coated it. If only it was a real cock. She would like her juice right off of it like she used to. At that point, she realized she wasn’t done with sex yet—not by a mile. Would Brad be the one she would fuck to begin this new era in her life? Perhaps.
They met as planned that next day. Much of the conversation had to do with the story of their spouse’s illness and death. The shared tribulation brought them closer to each other’s hearts. Susan was quick to note Brad’s interest in a blonde jogger wearing spandex shorts and a sports bra who ran past, showing plenty of firm, midriff belly.
She punched his arm and said, “You like that?” in a kidding way.
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. But yes, she was attractive,” he replied.
Susan told him, “I used to look just like that. My hair was blonde too.”
“You still look good, Suzy. And I like your gray hair just fine,” Brad assured her.
Susan beamed. That afternoon she bought a new sports bra and capri-length yoga pants. She wore them the next day, though feeling self-conscious about her flabbier midriff, she wore a sleeveless, low-cut top over it.
She was rewarded with Brad immediately complimenting her on how good she looked the next day. It was sincere. When she bent over, Brad fully appreciated her sexy ass and could only imagine fucking her doggy style while her nice titties bounced under her. He had to admit he was smitten for the first time since his wife’s death.
Later, up the trail, Suzy paused on a bridge and looked out over the stream and woods. She was hot and had taken off her over-shirt, leaving her glorious in her sports bra. Brad took the opportunity as she faced away, bent over the rail, to snap a picture with his phone, capturing that wonderful ass in its skin-tight covering. Then he told her to turn around. She did and posed while he took another with plenty of bare tummy to excite him. It was Susan who suggested they also take a selfie of them. Snuggling close, with his arm around her was a special treat. As always, they hugged when they parted in the parking lot.
That night Brad went through the usual nude pics on his favorite site but concentrated on the “Granny” genre. He was hoping to find a pic of a woman who looked something like Suzy. Nude, in bed, he stroked his cock slowly, edging. He was as rigid as any twenty-year-old and the helmet of his penis glistened with pre-cum. No woman he had ever fucked had complained about his cock. It was quite large and veiny with a prominent circumcised head. He hadn’t bothered shaving, so it stuck out of a forest of pubic hair.
In the end, he opened the pics of Suzy and imagined himself fucking her and sucking her nice, big tits. Faster and faster he jerked, feeling the pre-cum on his finger as his had traveled to the top of his shaft and head. His balls were tight and he felt his cum rise and his groin tighten as he was about to cum.
“Oh fuck, Suzy!” he exclaimed, as his cock exploded and his cum spurted up to cover his hand and drip down his shaft onto his pubic hair.
He had it bad for the sexagenarian, gray-haired widow.
The next day, when they met, he suggested to her that they ought to carpool to the trailhead. Susan readily agreed, exchanging contact information. Today, she wore jogging shorts that showed off her nice legs and a tight top that barely came to her midriff. It was obvious she was dressing in a way that showed off her body to him.
The moment of the day was when they met a younger woman who wasn’t wearing a bra under her thin tee shirt. Her boobs jiggled and bounced sexily as they passed. Once again, Brad couldn’t keep his eyes off the erotic sight. He hoped his sunglasses would hide his interest. But that didn’t work.
“There is an eyeful for you. I bet you enjoyed that,” Suzy said in a teasing manner.
“Oh shit! You weren’t supposed to notice,” Brad said in defense.
“It’s okay. My hubby would have been drooling all over that, too. He was a real tit man. I can see you aren’t dead yet, anyway,” she laughed.
Then Susan stopped and turned to face Brad as she added, “But I used to tell him: It’s okay just as long as you remember that you get it from me!”
Looking down at Suzy’s nice cleavage and sexy body, Brad couldn’t help but reply, “He was a lucky man,” then he added, “My wife had sort of lost interest years ago.”
Looking deep into his eyes in one of those electric moments, Susan replied, “That’s too bad. I don’t know why some women are like that. I’m sure you had a lot of love to offer her.”
The spark was there and strong. Brad wanted to take Suzy into his arms and kiss her but chickened out, merely thanking her for the nice comment. The hug at the end in the parking lot was a bit longer than usual, and Brad promised to pick her up on Monday.
With that moment in his head, it was a long and sexually torturous weekend. They had each other’s number and Brad thought about calling, but couldn’t get up the nerve. What if he had misread her interest? He hoped for a call from her, but none was forthcoming. Going through his porn pics, he picked the one closest looking to her and stitched it to her pic. He must have jerked off to it four or five times, interrupted only by sexting with one of his online porn friends about their fantasies. His friend was impressed by the pic of sexy Suzy that he shared privately.
As for Susan, she noticed her vibrator sitting there, still plugged in. Without hesitation, she picked it up and turned it on. The pleasing noise made her smile. She tested it against her crotch. Even through her jogging shorts, she felt the magic vibes. Slipping off her shorts and panties, she tested it against her bare labia. Mmm…heaven! Stripping her top and bra off, she laid down, gloriously nude, and began to tease her slit. Deeper it went in, tantalizing her clit. She changed the vibration setting and slid it in deep. Oh my god! She thought. Better than she remembered. On and on it went until she erupted in a cataclysmic orgasm. Stopping only for a couple of minutes to recover, she again began masturbating herself a second time with the electric toy. She visualized a man on top of her, ramming his cock in deep. Fucking her brains out as she willingly gave him all her body.
But who was she kidding? It wasn’t “a man”, it was Brad. Brad fucking her for all he was worth. She ached for him to call, even though she knew she was weak and would end up having sex with him. But he didn’t call, so it was just her and the vibrator. And one more thing—for the first time since her husband’s death, she shaved her pussy bald.
Sunday night she tried on different clothing for their walk tomorrow. Four sets of shorts and different tops. Her brand new skin-tight spandex shorts got the nod. She knew he loved the sports bra and bare midriff look. It was so unlike her—a respectable older woman in the community to wear something like that in public. She looked so… naughty! Then, she tried on a rather minimalist bra that worked well with shirts and showed her cleavage nicely. And finally a tight tee shirt and no bra. Experimentally she walked around and bounced slightly. Her boobs jiggled and bounced with the best of them. Too much for now, she decided.
He picked her up on time Monday morning. Susan hoped he would like her outfit. Guys were so lucky, they didn’t have to worry about how they dressed.
On seeing her new spandex shorts, Brad gasped, “Oh I like that look!”
“I thought you would. How do I compare to that one blonde?” she asked.
“You are everything she is,” Brad told her.
Pulling off her tee shirt that covered the sports bra she asked, “How about now?”
“Holy shit! Is that really you? You look hot! Oops, maybe I shouldn’t say that kind of stuff to you. I mean…uh…you look very attractive,” Brad replied.
“I’ll settle for hot,” Suzy reassured him with a wink.
Brad couldn’t keep his eyes off of the attractive woman beside him. And neither could several of the mature male walkers they met on the path. One had his wife elbow him to stop his gawking.
“I think your outfit is a roaring success, Suzy,” Brad commented.
“It’s so unlike my old conservative self, but I’ll admit I do love the attention. Especially from you,” she assured him.
A few minutes later, Susan grabbed Brad’s elbow and whispered, “There she is again. The girl with no bra.”
“Holy shit! It is her!” Brad whispered back.
After the young woman passed, Suzy said, “I thought you’d enjoy that.”
“You know me all too well, Suzy,” Brad admitted.
“I thought about going without a bra myself today. Just to see what you would say,” Suzy said in a teasing voice.
“Oh my god! I would have lost my mind! I don’t know if I would have been able to walk! Yours are…” Brad gushed, then stopped, giddy at the picture and then catching his words.
Susan finished the sentence, “Mine are bigger? That is what you were going to say?”
“Aw christ! I’d better shut up,” Brad said, blushing.
“Yes, they are. Like I said, my hubby was a tit man,” she told him.
“Like I said, I wouldn’t be able to walk,” Brad repeated.
“Mmm, glad to know I have that power. Must be a nice one if you couldn’t walk!” Suzy teased as she stopped and turned toward him.
Shocked at her boldness, Brad said, “Uh…no complaints so far.”
“That’s good because I’m beginning to like you,” Susan replied, moving within inches of Brad.
“I’m beginning to like you too,” Brad told the tall, gray-haired fox before him.
Susan just tilted her head up and parted her lips slightly. Her eyes were indecipherable behind her sunglasses. All fear fled from Brad. He took her into his arms and kissed her on the lips. She responded in kind.
Then she whispered, “I know I just met you, but I feel like I’ve known you for years.”
“Me too. Now shut up and kiss me, Suzy,” Brad commanded, again putting his lips on hers.
The kiss was long and passionate. Very long. Finally, after a pair of women came around the bend of the trail into view, they broke it off. Not saying anything, they held hands and continued their walk in a very happy mood.
Back at Brad’s pickup truck, there was more hugging and kissing until they decided they needed to go.
But not before Susan asked, “How good can you walk now?”
Brad replied, “You damn well know the answer. Not worth a shit!”
Dropping her off at her house, they lingered in the truck until Susan finally said, “Oh what the hell—you might as well come in with me.”
In the house, Brad sat down on the sofa while Susan offered to get him something to drink. She came back with a flavored water for herself and a beer for him. They sat next to each other, sipping their quaffs as the sexual tension grew. Susan debated what to do next. Her body told her one thing while her mind said another. As for Brad, like any guy with a hot woman next to him, he just wanted to get into her pants.
When Brad had finished off the beer he put his arm around Suzy. It was at that point her body won the argument. They began to make out. Susan took off her glasses, laid them on the coffee table, and laid back. They French kissed and Brad ran his hands over her thighs, bare waist, and shoulders. When Suzy moved her position slightly, she could feel his hard cock. She spread her legs enough to admit his leg between hers. The friction on her twat was thrilling. There was no doubt that Brad was moving his leg subtly and just enough to rub her just right.
Getting out just a couple of words between kisses, Brad told Suzy, “I told you…mmm…that I think…mmm…you’re hot. Mmm…I can’t…mmm…get enough of you…mmm.
Suzy replied in kind, interspersing words and kisses, “I warned you…mmm…you big sexy man…mmm…that I…mmm…was hot…mmm…so hot…mmm…oh god…mmm…kiss my shoulders.”
Brad moved his kisses down her neck where he lingered for a bit, then to her bare shoulders. An erogenous zone for Suzy, she pushed her cunt harder against his leg as she moaned slightly. Tentatively, Brad kissed her breast area above her sports bra and ran his hand over her ass.
“Oh god, Brad! You make me so…mmm…so fucking hot! I needed this,” Suzy moaned.
The fact that this classy woman used the F-word turned Brad on. He loved a woman who talked filthy in bed. His wife never did.
And Susan did need it. Need it badly. Just like she was positive that Brad needed it too. Especially after all the things they both had been through. They were at a dead end here on the couch with her wearing her tight sports bra and spandex shorts that were hard to get out of. She was at a crossroads, either they could continue at this level, or she could invite him into her bed. Which means they would fuck. Fuck, it was, she decided.
“Let’s continue this in my bedroom, Brad,” she told him, breaking the moment.
Brad followed her with his arms around her bare waist and his cock rubbing her ass as he held her tight from behind, kissing her neck and shoulders. It was slow progress. By the time he got there, one hand had crept up to her tit, holding it firmly. She made no move to remove it. There was no doubt about it anymore. They were going to screw each other.
Spinning around in her bedroom, Suzy began to undress him. First, his shirt came off over his head, then she undid and pulled down his shorts and underwear, leaving him naked with a hard-on jutting out jauntily. She was totally in charge at the moment.
Susan was surprised at the size of Brad’s rigid cock. She expected six inches like her husband but it was much longer, close to two inches longer, perhaps. She grasped it and stroked it for a minute as he stood there.
“Mmm, I like that! So big!” she said, smiling.
“I guess it’s my turn,” she said next.
Turning away, as if shy, Susan removed her bra and then pulled off her shorts, leaving her bikini briefs on. The view of her bare backside and sexy ass was erotic for Brad. Unconsciously he started to stroke his cock.
Turning around and raising her arms, Suzy said, “Ta-da! Do you like the way I look?”
“Oh fuck yeah! You’re gorgeous!” he gasped.
And she was. Large breasts with nice pink aureoles topped with hard nipples that hung ripely down. Her pussy was shaven bald, a real dream for Brad. Pink lips protruded somewhat from her outer labia. Her sexual parts were further delineated by the paleness of her skin that contrasted with the tan of her legs upper shoulders and arms.
Susan spun around, playfully, and asked once again, as if to reassure herself that she was, indeed, sexy, “Do you like what you see? Do I make you horny? Because you make me so fucking horny!”
“Shut up and let me screw you, baby. I’m as horny as hell and as hard as a rock,” Brad growled, to Susan’s delight.
He threw her onto the bed amid her giggles and started to kiss her. As he did so, his eyes wandered to the bedside table and saw the vibrator.
He picked it up and unplugged it, waving it in front of her, saying, “Mmm. Looks like Suzy has been a very naughty girl!”
To Brad’s delight, Susan flushed red as a beet and stuttered, “Uh…yeah…I guess I have. I’m so embarrassed!”
“Don’t be. I like the idea of you masturbating all naked and sexy here in bed. I hope you were thinking of me,” Brad assured the naked woman under his body.
“Uh…actually I did,” Suzy admitted.
“Good! Let’s see if I can live up to the hype. I have tough competition here,” he replied waving the toy again.
“Did your wife ever?” Suzy asked, shyly.
“Nope. Never. She thought it was sinful to masturbate. I thought it would have been so hot to watch her. So I’m all on board with you here,” Brad answered.
Brad then began to kiss Suzy and work his kisses down to her tits. They were far too spectacular to ignore. He was a tit man himself, after all. He fondled and sucked her tits and nipples until she told him to bite them lightly. He did so and it brought out moans of delight.
“Oh shit, yes! Like that. Harder. Oh yes like that. Oh fuck yes!” the hot sexagenarian moaned.
It was better than she remembered. Much better! She might have to use her nipple clamps if this kept up. Then Brad put his hand down to her bald beaver and parted its lips with his fingers. The electric shock ran through her body.
“Mmm, yes!” Suzy whimpered, loving the stimulation.
It was obvious to Brad right now that Suzy was hotter than a firecracker in bed. A far cry from his beloved wife. Then Brad had an idea. If his cock hadn’t already been as stiff as a hickory fence post, it would have become so with this next sex trick.
Grabbing her vibrator from when it lay on the bed, Brad turned it on and growled, sexily, “I’m going to fuck your pussy with your fuck toy. What do you say to that?”
Thrilled about how dirty and in control Brad was, Suzy moaned, “Oh yes! Fuck me with it. Then fuck me with your cock!”
“I love your dirty talk. I love a woman that talks like a whore in bed,” was all Brad said as he began to insert the vibe into the opening of her pink cunt hole.
“I’m such a bad girl! Such a slut in bed for my man. Just like I was with my hubby,” Suzy admitted.
“I’m going to fuck your cunt with this fuck toy, baby, then I’m going to fuck your hot cunt with my cock,” Brad said gruffly.
As the intense pleasure of the vibrator hit her clit, Suzy moaned, “Oh yes, it is a cunt. A hot little cunt that feels so good!”
“Good. I like it when you say fuck, and cunt, and slut,” Brad said, encouraging her.
It was a freeing feeling knowing that she could be as dirty, and talk as dirty as she wanted with her new man. After decades of screwing the same man and the same sex, it was wonderful to be able to change things up. If he wanted her to talk filthy, she would. She rather enjoyed the idea of being a secret slut, even if it was only to Brad.
The ecstasy from the intense vibrations and his nipple play was sending her up the wall.
She cried out, “Oh, oh, oh shit, Brad! Deeper and push it harder against my clit…I’m gonna cum!”
“Cum for me, baby! Cum for me!” Brad encouraged her.
“Oh, oh, oh, ooohh, aahh, ooohh, my god! Oh my god!” the sixty-six-year-old cried out, grabbing his hand and holding it and the vibrator hard against her clit.
Finally, her body tension dissipated and she lay relaxed on the bed. Her cunt was dripping wet with creamy juice.
“Mmm…that felt good to get fucked like that, but I need a cock in me. A real, live, big, hard cock. Fuck me, Brad,” Susan pleaded
“Oh god, this is so freeing! I’m going to shout it to the world! Fuck me! Fuck me baby! Fuck me in the cunt! Fuck me in my filthy fucking slut cunt! Screw the fuck outta me!” Suzy screamed.
Brad was stunned by her loud, primal scream. True he was the only one that could hear it, but it was so unrestrained and loud! The last possible hesitation he could have about her as a girlfriend was removed. Any woman who would shout out such filthy talk so loud wasn’t going to have many hangups about sex.
Then Susan said, “Oh god! I feel so good! Yes…Fuck me! Fuck me now! Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Not nearly as loud as Suzy, Brad growled, “Yeah, baby! I’m gonna fuck you with my big, hard cock. Fuck you right in your cunt! I’m gonna shove it in your fuck hole and fuck your brains out!”
But Susan had one last request, “I wanna be on top.”
“Do it, baby! Climb on Daddy and fuck me, you hot little slut!” Brad cried as he flipped onto his back.
Susan was a little stunned that he referred to himself as “Daddy”. He was older, true, and the idea of being Daddy’s naughty girl was a turn-on. But it was the first time she had been exposed to this sexual vocal kink. Nevertheless, she decided she’d play along. After all, it was a new beginning. Life was short and it was time to strut her sexual stuff and push the boundaries. Her hubby would have been proud. And turned on.
Suzy straddled Brad, her big jugs hanging down so sexily as she lowered herself onto his fuck rod. The moment of entry was intensely pleasurable to both of them. The moment they had been waiting for.
As she finished guiding him into her vagina and removed her hand, she commented, “I’ve wanted to fuck you since the day we met.”
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you, too. So bad! I’ve been jerking off thinking of nothing else ever since that day,” Brad admitted.
“We don’t need to masturbate anymore. We’re doing it! Oh god! We are so doing it! Your cock feels so good in my pussy!” Suzy cooed.
Susan started slow, with a hungry look in her eyes as she stared at him. That bright, sparkling, yet smoky look of sex that eyes can get.
Leaning over, she fed Brad her large breasts once more, playing the kinky word game that Brad had started.
“Does Daddy want to suck my little titties?” she cooed, mischievously.
“Fuck yeah, baby girl!” he replied as he began to squeeze and fondle one and suck the other.
Guys had always loved her tits. She had let several guys suck and play with them after she turned sixteen. No real sex back then. She was too careful for that. But she would jerk them off, and that, combined with sucking her jugs, seemed to satisfy them. At sixty-six, she was still grateful that men loved her breasts, saggy though they were now. On the trail today, she seemed to get some rave reviews judging from the eyes that stared at her. One day she might have to walk the trail sans bra and wearing just a tight tee shirt. That might be fun!
But for right now, she was enjoying one of the best fucks of her life! The moment when she had cum from the vibrator was when Susan had an epiphany. It was okay to move on, sexually, from her late husband. And it was okay that she had found another man and was having sex with him after such little time. Her instincts were right—he was The One. At least The One for Now.
And she realized how freeing it was to let it all go, sexually. To fuck any kinky way she wanted with wild abandon. To play the slut, or the little girl, or whatever fantasy she and her partner chose. And freeing to talk dirty and use the most obscene profanities with her partner. To scream to him to “FUCK ME”. She saw the effect it had on Brad. She wished she had done something like this with her late husband. He would have loved it!
From now on, she was going to fuck whom she wanted, when she wanted, and any way they both wanted. She was going to be a profane whore in bed—no holding back. And she was going to fuck hard and often because life was short. And if she felt like showing off her tits and nude body to men, even strangers, that was wonderful and empowering too.
Suzy had been riding Brad’s cock at a moderate pace. It seemed to be an unwritten desire on both of their parts to enjoy their sex fully, and that meant making it last deliciously long. Edging while copulating, as it were. But now the pace was picking up as both of them worked closer to a climax. Susan was riding him much harder and faster, and Brad matched her by thrusting his pelvis up hard, driving his prick deep into her juicy, pink, fuck hole.
“Oh, you fucking bastard! What are you doing to me?” Susan cried out.
“Fucking you, you hot fucking, big-titted bitch!” Brad snarled.
The squishy sound coming from the junction of cock and cunt seemed loud.
“Oh, oh, oh god…oh god…oh god, my cunt!” Suzy moaned.
“Fuck me you bitch!” Brad gasped, in a sexual frenzy.
“Oh god, Daddy! Your bitch feels so good!” the mature sex goddess replied.
Brad knew it wouldn’t be long now. Suzy was screwing his dick with a vengeance now, bouncing up and down like a woman possessed. Sweat dripped from her brow, as she leaned over his hard, masculine body, working her clitoris against his pussy pleaser.
“Oh fuck, baby! You’re gonna make me cum!” the seventy-year-old gasped.
“Cum in my pussy, honey!” the mature vixen moaned as she neared her orgasm.
Brad raised his ass off of the bed as he shoved hard upwards, both lifting Susan and shoving his dick up hard into her vagina. As he did, he felt his balls and cock explode as his prick throbbed and shot its load deep into Suzy’s cunt hole.
“Oh fuck! Aaarrrggghhh!”Brad cried out as he climaxed.
Susan felt her body lifted and his cock go in impossibly deep as he orgasmed. It triggered her internal explosion.
“Aaaaaahhhh…Ah, oh, oh, oh, oh my god! Honey! HONEEEeeeee…” were the sounds and words that escaped her lips as she had a shattering climax on his cock.
The way Suzy shuddered under the intoxication of her orgasm let Brad know how good their sex felt. It went on for a long time with Susan seemingly over it, then she shifted her body on his cock and did some slight fucking motions on him. This triggered a second, smaller orgasm that seemed to take her breath away. She sat upright and her eyes closed, then popped open, seemingly sightless as the intensity of the lightning flowing through her body took possession of her entire soul.
At last, she was done, and slowly climbed off of Brad and laid down at his side, kissing him passionately.
“Oh my god! That was incredible! I think I’ve had orgasms like that before, but I can’t remember when,” Susan cooed.
“Well, let me tell you—that was the best sex I’ve ever had. It is how I imagine honeymoon sex. My god, you are amazing!” Brad gushed, still high on sex.
“It was like honeymoon sex, wasn’t it? And I don’t want it to end! Will you stay here in bed with me all day long? And all night too? I want you to hold me, kiss me, and fuck me the whole time!” Susan told her new lover.
“That is a deal, baby,” Brad said, confirming his nascent love and care for Suzy.
“Honey, I love you! I promise you more of what we just had,” Susan told him.
They held each other’s naked bodies, kissed, and cooed little nothings and dirty little platitudes to each other. Susan continually called Brad “Honey”.
By the constant use of such a very personal endearment in these circumstances, Brad realized that Susan seemed to be falling head over heels in love with him. And admitted that he was feeling the same towards her. The “honeymoon” aspect of their sex was brought up by him again.
“I can’t believe how I feel. It is like I have known you and loved you for a lifetime. It did feel like we had honeymoon sex. Like it was the culmination of months of knowing each other instead of just six days,” Brad told the sexy grandma next to him while admiring the look of her big tits that flopped to each side as she lay there.
“I know! Seriously! I kept thinking it was too soon, but here we are and I love it!” she quickly agreed.
“Of course, I saw the way you ogled those twenty-something hotties on the trail. I know for a fact that you were undressing them in your mind,” Suzy teased.
“Okay, you caught me. But it wasn’t like you weren’t looking at a couple of twenty-something hunks like you wanted to fuck them for breakfast!” Brad retorted, teasing back.
Suzy had a quick reply, in line with her new-found sexual self-confidence, “Tell you what—I’ll let you fuck a twenty-year-old skinny hottie with firm little tits if you let me fuck a hard-bodied, twenty-two-year-old stud with a nine-inch cock. No reason for both of us not to have a good time if we want. But I think in the end, it will be each other we will want to fuck. After all, once you’ve had me, you are spoiled for life. My husband was.”
Brad had to admit that was true. And that her liberal sexual attitude was very attractive.
“You’re right. I think you’ve spoiled me for other women. But I just want to ask: Can I watch you fuck your hot stud? You’re so hot that even watching you fuck another guy would make me cum!” Brad told Susan, sounding more serious than he meant to, though that was how he felt.
“Yes you can, honey. You can watch me screw my hot plaything all you want. And when he’s done, you can screw me all you want. Anything to please my guy. Anything,” Suzy told him with a surprisingly serious tone, herself.
Brad wasn’t sure if this obscene offer was as serious as it sounded. It was far too early in their relationship to know. But he liked the sound of the possibilities this outré offer.
Playing up on this new sexual fantasy, Brad slid down Susan’s body and put his head between her legs, which she conveniently spread as she lifted her surgery-scarred knees.
“Oooh, what is my boy toy doing?” she inquired.
“Your twenty-two-year-old is eating your hot granny cunt,” Brad said with a grin as he dove in on her still swollen, bald pussy lips.
“Mmm, this granny loves your young tongue eating her out. But I think it might be my horny old boyfriend eating the pussy of a hot, young twenty-year-old blonde!” Susan retorted.
Brad paused his snatch slurping long enough to say, “Both.”
Assuming a girlish voice, Suzy answered, “Eat my hot little cunt, Daddy!”
It wasn’t long before Susan was again in the throes of yet another climax that soaked the sheets.
“Oh…Oh…Oh…Uhhh…Oh my god! Honey! Oh fuck, Honey!” the sexy silver siren called out as her body shook once more.
Brad, his mouth tasting like pussy, kissed his new sweetheart passionately as he felt up her jugs once again. But this time, it was Susan’s turn to play.
“I’m going to suck your cock, and then I want you to fuck me. I don’t want you to cum when I suck you. I want you to cum in my beaver,” she instructed her lover, adding, “Yes, I suck cock. My husband taught me how. Well, and some porn we watched helped.”
Before Brad knew it, his semi-hard shaft was being orally pleasured by his pretty, mature friend. Suzy obviously had much experience, and it was as good of a blowjob as he had ever had. He imagined them on their walking trail, off to the side, sucking his dick. That would be the ultimate part of their exercise regime!
“Oh fuck, Suzy! I love the way you suck cock! Oh god, it feels so fucking good!” he moaned.
At his warning, the lovely sexagenarian broke it off, leaving his cock covered in saliva and pre-cum. She informed him that she wanted to have sex doggy style this time, admitting that she loved how deep a cock penetrated her in this position.
But first, she reached under the bed and pulled out the wooden “toy” box her hubby had made. Opening it, she got out the nipple clips and donned them. Brad took note of her sex toys and was particularly turned on by the nipple clamps. Here was a woman who enjoyed a bit of pain!
So she eagerly assumed the position, like a bitch in heat, while Brad got behind her and pushed his rod into her awaiting slit.
“Oh fuck, honey! Oh god, that is deep! Deeper than my husband…mmm…it hurts…hurts so good!” she told Brad.
“Fuck yeah, baby! This is how Daddy likes it!” Brad said, while simultaneously slapping her mature ass.
“Oh god, yes! Fuck me, Brad! Fuck me like a bitch! I hope your cock gets knotted in me!” Suzy begged, obscenely.
Brad had never had a woman say anything so obscene and perverted in his life. But he was determined to be the stud of her perverted dreams.
Brad began to spank her nice-sized ass harder and harder. Her starfish asshole caught his eye, making him fuck her harder and hoping one day to penetrate its interior. He spread her ass cheeks with his hands just to get a better look.
“That’s all yours, too,” she cooed.
Then it was back to spanking her, with visions of anal dancing in his head.
She begged for more, “Harder, you bastard! Spank me harder! Spank your slut like she deserves!”
Brad shoved his cock in and out of her wet fuck hole as his balls bounced against her. Susan shoved back against him in rhythm. He finally held her tapered waist with one hand to steady him as he spanked her with the other. The hard slaps echoed in the room.
Susan didn’t know what had gotten into her. It was true that she used to fuck her hubby like this all the time with her nipples clamped and him spanking her good and hard. But to do it the first time with a guy she had just met? That was crazy! Yet she felt so comfortable with Brad, that she couldn’t help herself. It was so familiar.
And the “cock gets knotted” statement. Well, that had been a little joke between her husband and herself after seeing it happen with their dog. She used to tell him that she wished his cock would get knotted in her. But, my god! Brad was almost a stranger! Yet he didn’t seem to care.
“Fuck me, you dirty little bitch! Fuck me like a bitch in heat! God, my cock loves fucking your ass!” Brad grunted, in the throes of ecstasy.
Of course, technically, he wasn’t screwing her asshole. Rather her twat. However, when she was pregnant, for some reason, she craved anal sex, so she wasn’t a stranger to its joys afterward. Hence the butt plug. It was something she now wanted do with Brad. After all, she had been sexually born again, right?
Her large breasts were bouncing around like crazy under her, and the feeling that came from her clamped nipples, was truly exotic! Add the masochistic pleasure of his spanks and the thrill of his cock on her clit in her cunt, and Suzy was in sexual heaven! She reached under her and touched the clitoral area where his stiff rod was going in and out. It sent shivers through her body.
“Ooooohhhaaaawwwweeeee, honey. Mmm…fuck your bitch…oh god, like that. Oh god, I’m such a cunt!” she moaned.
“Uh…uh…uh…I love…a good…cunt…uh,” Brad exclaimed breathlessly with every thrust of his prick, as he fucked her.
He was pounding her now, his balls slapping against her and the loud squish sound of his shaft penetrating and withdrawing from her cunt flaps. Her clamped nipples were hard, sensitive points inside their cage, sending their intense pleasure everywhere. Her big, saggy breasts were beating a crazy rhythm under her body, loosely chained together by the nipple clamp chain. Her ass was red with palm prints from the spanking she had taken. Brad had abandoned the tantalizing punishment for the time being in his rapture. Only occasionally would he give her a desultory slap. Mainly, he held her hips and used the leverage to drive his cock deep into her holy of holies.
Susan’s cunt had been fucked many times for decades, but still responded to the large cock currently invading it. She was in a state of euphoria that words can’t adequately describe. Sixty-six and feeling like she was eighteen again, was accurate. Fucking was the fountain of youth, it seemed.
“Oh shit! It’s going in so deep!” she moaned in a combination of pleasure and almost pain.
In truth, Brad felt he was hitting her cervix, but who knew? One thing for sure, she loved his big cock inside of her delicious vagina.
Once again, Susan’s body experienced a shattering climax. She couldn’t remember the last time she had enjoyed so many in one night (or day, as it were).
“Oh, oh, oh, oh god! Oh my fucking god…Cumming!” the sexy senior citizen gasped, shaking intensely.
“Fuck…Oh fuck…Oh you fucking Bitch!” Brad answered back as the spasms in Suzy’s love tunnel triggered his cumming.
Brad drove his cock deep into Suzy’s fuck hole. Deeper than she had ever experienced before. Just as her ecstasy was abating, it exploded again. Perhaps not quite as fierce, but still intense. She shook and shivered on Brad’s throbbing member. The only sound she could make was a gasping sound.
Brad’s body finally relaxed and he pulled back somewhat, loathe to withdraw from her body—from being one with her. Susan buried her head in her pillow, ass still sticking up in the air while she recovered her senses. The man had fucked her into near insanity!
At last, they parted. Brad’s dick was covered with pussy juice and cum, and Susan dripping cum from her soaking wet slit and swollen cunt lips. The wet spot on the sheet was massive. Susan turned on her side and Brad lay next to her. Both were silent for a long time.
Finally, the silence was broken by Brad, admitting, “That is the best fuck I’ve ever had!”
Susan quickly retorted, “I told you so. Once you’ve had me, you are spoiled for life.”
“In that case,” Brad replied, “You can spoil me for the rest of my life.”
“Mmm,” was all Suzy said as she ran her fingers up the length of his penis and brought them to her face, examining the mixture of sex juices on her digits.
As she absently licked the sticky substance off her fingers, Brad made a frank admission, “Suzy, I’m going to confess right now that I wasn’t always faithful to my wife. I’m not proud of it. Her lack of a sex drive and unwillingness to do more than the basics drove me crazy. I want to tell you right now that if she had been like you are in bed, that would have never happened. I’ve been looking for a woman who was the kind of woman I feel in sync with, in and out of bed. And I think that you are that person. I’m not asking for a commitment, but I just want you to know that I’m falling for you. Falling hard. And that I’m not perfect, but I’ll do my best.”
Susan gave him an honest reply, “I wasn’t looking for another man when I met you. But when I met you it seemed like we had known each other for years. I feel comfortable with you. In fact, I’ve said and done things in bed with you today that I can’t believe. You let me be myself, sexually. You brought out the real me. And I loved it! I want to tell you right now, I don’t want you to leave me today. Or tonight. I want you to make love to me until we can’t do it anymore. I want to continue the honeymoon feeling. I want you to hold me, kiss me, and cuddle me. I don’t give a fuck that you cheated on your wife. What I hope is that you’ll love me for who I am, and take things one day at a time. But right now, I hope this feeling I have for you right now will never end.”
Brad answered with a kiss. A passionate kiss as she looked him in the eye with all the love in the world in them. They both knew the truth. This was love.
Finally, Suzy broke the kiss and said, “Get dressed and I’ll make your lunch. Then let’s go to your place. I want you to pack an overnight bag. Because, Mister Serial Killer, I don’t want you to leave my side today or tonight. And probably not tomorrow either.”
“I’m still a Serial Killer?” Brad teased.
“Well, Serial Fucker is more like it. I met a Serial Fucker on the trail and now I’m powerless in his clutches!” Suzy teased.
Brad retorted, “I’m telling you right now, Suzy, that this Serial Fucker isn’t finished with you yet. There are plenty more positions we need to try out.”
Laying yet another big kiss on Brad, Susan replied, “Mmm, threaten me with a good time! After all, isn’t this our honeymoon? But I’m warning you. You just met the slut of your dreams!”
And he had.