Tammy Is Spanked Again By Her Younger Sister

"Tammy breaks two rules and gets spanked twice by her younger sister"

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With their parents still living a long way away, it remained settled that Amber, although the younger sister and twenty, was in disciplinary control of Tammy, her older sister who was twenty-four. 


Both sisters were up for this. When their mum had lived at home, both were subject to her discipline, and both were still spanked. However, with their mum away, and, while she wasn’t aware of it, Amber and Tammy established it was best that Tammy followed the list of rules set by Amber, and that spanking was the primary punishment whenever Tammy didn’t. Tammy had instigated the arrangement, and Amber was happy to have that control over her older sister. 


This did follow the characteristics of each sister. Amber was certainly an alpha female, authoritative, and comfortable giving instructions to others. 


Tammy, on the other hand, was rather more beta, much happier following instructions, knowing that she didn’t have the strong willpower that her younger sister had, but, the threat of a spanking, and the spanking themselves, helped control her tendency to annoy others, particularly Amber as she was the one person alone with her the most.  


As much as they usually got on so well as sisters, Amber found Tammy really trying at times, but with each spanking by Amber, the frustration Amber felt then eased, and things got better and better between the two sisters.  


Both sisters had some similarities. They both worked out and so were both well-toned. They also both liked wearing, particularly in the summer, sleeveless tops and short skirts or shorts, showing off their bare arms and bare legs. Both were very used to heads turning to look at them, by both men and women. 


It was also fair to say that Amber took everything she did very seriously. She had a very good sense of humour but knew how to do what she said she would do. That was without wavering, because of her strong willpower.  


So, when it became established that Amber would have disciplinary control over Tammy, she set a whole range of rules that her older sister had to follow, knowing that spanking was the penalty when she broke any. In fact, what also became established, was that if Tammy broke two rules, then she would be spanked twice, an hour or two apart. 


Standard rules included curfew at 9 o’clock, keeping Amber fully aware of where she was going and who with, making sure that she cleared away everything after she had anything to eat at home, making sure that her room was tidy at all times, and putting everything away neatly. Other rules included a total ban on Tammy watching any form of porn on the Internet, particularly spanking porn. 


Today, Tammy had gone to a friend, supposedly to go shopping, and then go back to the friend’s house for afternoon tea. She didn’t do as she said she would, though. 


During the afternoon, Amber phoned Tammy to check up on her, and, when she answered, Amber said. “Hi, Tam, just checking you are okay.” 


It was the norm for Amber and their mum to call Tammy by the shortened version of Tam, whenever she was a good girl. However, whenever she was naughty, both her mum and Amber would address her as Tammy. If nothing else, that certainly made Tam aware that she was in trouble. 


Amber had given Tammy a video call because she liked to do that. However, she wasn’t so happy when Tam moved and she could see what she and her friend were looking at on the computer screen. It was a video, of one girl spanking another girl with a bath brush. 


Amber asked very sternly, “What are you looking at on the computer, Tam?” 


Tammy realised the mistake she had made because she knew she wasn’t supposed to watch any spanking porn. However, her friend was into it, although wasn’t spanked by her own mum. Equally, she wasn’t aware that Tammy was spanked by Amber and her own mum but knew that they were both into the fantasy of spanking. 


Tammy wasn’t aware that Amber had seen the screen, and so lied and said, “We’re just doing some online shopping, Amber.” 


Amber knew her sister was lying, and, worse, she was watching spanking porn. That was two very specific rules that she had broken. 


Amber decided not to tell Tammy of the punishments she was going to receive once she got home, but, instead, said a cheery, “I’ll have supper ready for 7 o’clock. Make sure you are home on time, Tam.” 


Tammy thought she had got away with it, and, smiling at her sister, replied, “No problem, Amber, I’ll be there in good time.” 


Tammy thought she had better make sure that she was home before 7 o’clock, and was. As she walked through the door, and into the hallway, she realised her sister was actually in the dining room rather than the kitchen. She also couldn’t smell any supper being cooked. 


Tammy walked into the dining room to ask Amber about supper because she was feeling a bit hungry. However, she was immediately worried when she saw that Amber was sitting at the dining table, and the bath brush was right next to her on the tabletop. 


Amber looked up as soon as her sister walked into the room, and said very sternly, “Don’t think I didn’t see what you were looking at on that computer screen, young lady. It was spanking porn, which you know you are not allowed to watch. In addition, you lied to me, and you know lying gets you a spanking. Do you have anything to say?” 


Tammy knew that she had lied and that she had watched spanking porn, but she also knew that even if she denied it, if Amber saw it then all she would be doing was committing a second lie. She had been caught out and knew there were consequences she would have to face. So, knowing that was the case, she replied, “No, ma’am.” 


Amber knew that she would have been surprised if Tammy had lied again, so at least her sister continued to accept her disciplinary control over her. Amber never thought that there was anything really strange about having disciplinary control over her older sister. After all, they were both spanked by their mum, and Amber doubted there was really that much difference when being spanked, whether it was by your mum or by your younger sister. Amber knew that she made sure that every spanking she gave Tammy was a hard one, just as she knew that every spanking their mum gave them was hard and very difficult to cope with. It was obvious that every spanking had to hurt to be worthwhile. 


Knowing that she had to punish Tammy, she said, “Go on the computer and bring up the video that you were watching. Believe me, I saw it well enough to know whether you will be showing me the right one or not. However, as it was a video that you were happy enough watching, I may as well make this spanking exactly like that one.” 


Tammy was very worried as she did as she was told, because, as much as she enjoyed watching the video, and had done with her friend several times before, she knew it involved an awful lot of very hard spanks with the bath brush. She was used to being spanked with the bath brush by Amber, but it was never as many spanks as happened in that video. 


As soon as Tammy got the video on the screen, Amber instructed, “Fold your arms behind your back, and stand there whilst I watch the video.” 


The reason Amber wanted to watch it, was that she could see in those few seconds of watching it through Tammy’s phone, it was a particularly hard spanking with the bath brush. As soon as the video was started, she realised it was one sister spanking the other, which made sense, but she also ran the video through which only took a few minutes, and counted the number of spanks given with the bath brush. She got to about two hundred spanks, which she knew was many more than the number of spanks she had ever given Tammy. However, she was going to today. 


After watching the video, she glared at Tammy and said, “Right, Tammy, you can expect a spanking like that with about two hundred spanks coming fast and furious with no noticeable gaps between spanks, for watching the porn film. However, you also lied to me, and that earned you a second spanking. What we will do, is carry out the first spanking now, and then you will go to your room. Once you have been there for an hour or so, I will come and get you. You will then have a shower, but not get dressed afterwards, and instead come back downstairs where I will give you a second spanking. As you know all too well, you will find that second spanking rather more painful than normal because it is going to be on your already red and bruised bottom cheeks.” 


Tammy had been spanked twice in one day before and knew how the second spanking hurt rather more than the first. This was going to be even more awful given the number of spanks she was going to get with the bath brush. She was already regretting watching the porn and knew she would have been better off if she had simply admitted to watching the video rather than lying. She was now going to suffer a particularly pain-filled lesson, but, had to admit, that Amber was totally right, because when two rules are broken, two spankings have to be given, and Amber knew exactly how to give a really hard spanking. Tammy was glad that Amber did know how to give a really hard spanking, as that was the best way to teach her every lesson she needed to learn. 


Amber picked up the bath brush, glared at Tammy, and gave the instruction, “Skirt and knickers off, and get across my lap.” 


Tammy knew it was pointless to resist, and, after all, she was the one who instigated disciplinary control by Amber over her. It was doing so much good, normally, although today she was just so lax. Tammy unzipped her skirt and pushed it down towards the floor, catching her knickers on the way, stepped out of them, and put them on another chair. She then went and stood next to her younger sister, and immediately bent down across her lap, balancing with her hands, her face was now close to the floor, and Amber’s upside down bare legs. 


As Amber watched her older sister submit once again to her authority, she knew she had seen an improvement in Tammy, as her older sister had kept to the rules most of the time, and so was far easier to live with than before submitting to her control. Amber knew that she was strict in imposing the rules, but that was what Tammy wanted as well. Then, whenever Tammy did break a rule, Amber would give her a really hard spanking, which Tammy always accepted, and knew she deserved. 


Now, once again, Amber was going to spank Tammy, but this was probably going to be the longest spanking she had ever given her older sister. When she had told Tammy that she was going to give the same spanking that she had watched on the video, she hadn’t expected it to be quite so long, but, as it was, it would be totally wrong to do anything other than give her that exact, very hard, very long, spanking. She knew that in reality, it was sisterly love because this was about correcting Tammy’s misbehaviour, rather than Amber’s enjoyment of thrashing her older sister. Well, there was some fun involved for Amber, but that helped her be so strict with her older sister. 


Amber asked the one-word question “Ready?” and when she heard Tammy say to the floor that she was ready, Amber immediately raised the bath brush and brought it down with a loud thwack on her older sister’s bare bottom, and watched, as usual, her sister’s bottom cheek flatten. She then proceeded to land spank after spank on her older sister’s very spankable bottom. 


Amber used a similar technique when spanking Tammy with the hairbrush to when she spanked her with her hand. She started spanking alternate bottom cheeks, then spanked the same bottom cheek several times in a row, then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and even spanked the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row, and then the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row. The major difference, was that the brush hurt Tammy rather more than being spanked with her hand, but, of course, Amber suffered no stinging pain in her hand whatsoever. 


Amber focused on making sure the bath brush landed fully on each bottom cheek, whilst at the same time keeping a count of the number of spanks. She knew it wasn’t essential to be absolutely precise because there was no way that Tammy would be in a position to count as well, because she would be dealing with such a lot of pain. 


Tammy was struggling far quicker than normal. When bent across her sister’s lap, she enjoyed the close-up view of her younger sister’s upside down well-toned legs and painted toenails. She would focus on them from time to time, and even enjoyed when she found it more difficult to see them because of her increasingly blurred vision. That didn’t work so well today because she found that her eyes were closed almost the whole time because she was struggling with the pain of the bath brush spanking down on her bottom so quickly and for so many times. 


Previously, Tammy had found that when Amber spanked her with her hand first, it was almost a warmup. Her sister would spank her with her hand for several minutes, and most of the time Tammy would struggle to cope. The bath brush always hurt a lot more than Amber’s hand, but her bottom was already stinging and, Tammy just told herself she was then ready for the bath brush. However, this time, going straight into the bath brush, the stinging intensified far more quickly. On the other hand, she could see how that was beneficial for Amber because only her bottom stung and not Amber’s hand. She wondered whether Amber would do it that way every time now, but, suspected, and even hoped, that Amber did get some satisfaction by spanking her bare bottom with her hand, and would continue to do that. 


Amber didn’t see anything wrong with spanking her sister’s bare bottom with her hand and saw it as a form of added control. She only did it until her hand started to sting, although that still took several minutes of good and hard spanks, and then always had the bath brush within easy reach. 


Amber did come close one time to stopping spanking with her hand. She had been spanking Tammy’s bare bottom quite happily but noticed that her sister had parted her legs and raised her bottom, as though inviting her to finger her pussy lips. Amber didn’t want to do that for several good reasons, but also thought that, if Tammy wanted her to do it, that was the best reason not to. After all, Amber controlled when Tammy could masturbate, and supposed that asking her to do it during the spanking, should really have earned her sister another spanking on top of the one she was then being given. Amber let her sister off that time but knew that she wouldn’t again. 


As Amber saw Tammy squirming around on her lap more than with a hand spanking, and gasping louder and louder, she could definitely see the benefit of just using the bath brush. So, as she used spanking with her hand as that show of control, maybe she would just use the bath brush on occasion as well. After all, it was solely her choice, and why let Tammy get too used to what was going to happen to her? 


Amber continued to keep counting the spanks she was giving with the bath brush but also listened to the pain-filled sounds being made by her sister. There were plenty of gasps and yelps, as well as her sister squirming around on her lap, tensing her arms and legs, although Amber knew that, as they were both two very fit girls, Tammy had the resolve to stay in position and take every spank, and Amber had the resolve to give every spank. 


Amber did see how so many spanks with the bath brush meant that Tammy’s bottom was bruised in several places. She had to smile to herself thinking that, when Tammy had watched this video previously, she probably thought it would be easy enough to cope with herself. She wondered what her older sister now thought about it. 


Although Amber didn’t know it, Tammy was thinking about that just then as well. She had so enjoyed watching that video, watching the sister moan and groan and squirm around on her sister’s lap as she was being spanked so quickly and for so many times, but still, she did stay across her sister’s lap. That was why Tammy was so resolute in wanting to stay across her younger sister’s lap as her bottom was being spanked time and time and time again with…

Published 6 months ago

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