For Dana

"Kara and Dana meet in person for the first time after developing an intimate relationship online."

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I sit at a booth at the back of the bar. My leg bounces nervously under the table as I watch the front door. I scan everyone as they enter, watching for her. 

My heart races in my chest every time the door opens. My hopes rising and falling like a loose balloon floating to the ceiling only to pop and fall back to the floor as soon as it hits the heat of a fluorescent bulb. 

I catch my reflection in the mirror behind the bar across the room. I adjust my long blond hair to fall down my back instead of over my shoulders where it obscures the neckline of my sapphire blue velvet dress. It’s one of the only things I own that make my eyes look truly blue, rather than the dull gray they usually give off. It doesn’t work its magic if it’s covered up by stringy blond hair. 

I glance at my phone, checking the time. It’s barely past eight o’clock. She’s probably just running a little late. Maybe she couldn’t decide on what to wear. Or she’s having trouble finding parking in the city. 

Or maybe she’s standing me up. Perhaps she’s had second thoughts and decided that it’s crazy to meet a relative stranger at a bar after only ever speaking online. 

I wouldn’t blame her. It is crazy. I almost can’t believe I even suggested that we meet. I’ve never done something like this before. But, even though we’ve only ever spoken within the confines of an online chat room, I feel a surprising connection to her. 

What began as nothing more than talk of sexual fantasies and cyber role-playing sessions has grown into something more. Hours of chatting about everything and nothing. I poke fun at her for not knowing any of my obscure movie references. She tells me all about her garden and the fresh zucchini, squash and tomato plants she pours her time and attention into. We’ve even discussed our Olympic crushes as we watch the Paris games together as if the thousands of miles separating us were nothing more than the length of a breath moving between our lips. 

We’ve argued over cultural differences, debated politics and disagreed on our respective stances on black or red licorice. She likes black and I think licorice in any color or form is disgusting. 

I opened up to her about how I’ve always known I was gay, but have never felt comfortable coming out to my religious family. She told me about learning that she was attracted to women while in a long-time relationship with a good man that she loved. 

I never thought it was possible to develop a meaningful relationship with someone without actually meeting them in person. But here I am, waiting for a woman that I’ve never physically laid eyes on, in the back of a dimly lit Toronto bar. The one where she suggested we meet when I told her that I would be visiting her city for work and that I would love to take her out for a drink if she’d be willing. She agreed almost immediately and my stomach has been a tangled mess of knots ever since. 

I look back to my phone. Double check that I have the right time and the correct address. With my eyes focused on the blue light of my phone screen, I feel her presence before I look up.

Standing before me is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. We’ve exchanged pictures, so I knew what she looked like. But damn, those pictures are nothing compared to the real thing. 

Her long, lean legs are displayed prominently in a stylish black mini dress, the fabric clinging tight to every supple curve of her body. The square neckline allows just enough cleavage to entice without giving away too much. Her loose brown hair, tossed to one side, falls over her shoulder in cascading waves of espresso-colored silk. 

And her eyes. 

Her mesmerizing eyes, deep pools of rich dark chocolate, are what stop me in my tracks. Wide and sparkling with excitement, those enchanting eyes hypnotize me, halting all normal function from my brain. 

I stare open-mouthed, gawking as I will myself to act like a normal human being. I swear my eyes jump out of my skull, complete with buzzer sounds and a big red ‘AWOOGA’ plastered across my forehead.

“Kara?” the beautiful woman asks.

It takes me another awkward moment before I’m capable of speech. 

“Y-yeah. Dana?” I ask in response as I stand. Even in my highest heels, she’s still a few inches taller than me. 

She smiles, warm and inviting. “Yeah.”

“Hi,” I mumble, unsure of what else to say.

“Hey!” she says with a breathy laugh. The sound of her laugh alone makes me blush.

We share a friendly embrace. However, her hand lands on the skin exposed by my low-back dress. Her fingertips, warm and feather-light, linger on my skin for just a fraction of a second too long. Long enough to send sparks shooting up and down my spine. Long enough to set my entire body on fire. 

“Have a seat,” I say as I sit back down, sliding to the middle of the curved booth to give her room. 

“Thanks,” she says, pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she settles into the table.

She seems nervous. I don’t want her to be nervous of course, but I have to admit that it makes me feel a bit better about my own anxiety buzzing around my belly. 

“How are y-”

“Did you find-”

We both start speaking at the same time, cutting each other off. 

With nervous laughter, we both look at each other. I take a deep breath and speak.

“It’s so good to finally meet you,”  I say, ending on a relieved sigh.

“You too!” She beams her brilliant smile at me and I’m pretty sure I melt right there at the table. “I can’t believe we’re actually here.”

“I know. It’s a little weird, isn’t it?” I ask, putting a name to the awkward veil hanging over us. 

“A little, yeah.” She thinks for a moment before adding, “But good… right?”

I bite my bottom lip and nod my head. “So good,” I agree.

Two hours and three rounds later, the conversation flows as naturally as if we’d known each other our entire lives. 

When the night began, nerves wedged a physical distance between us. But as we fell into a familiar comfort with each other, nervous laughter turned to flirty, lust-filled glances. Stiff muscles melted into sensual touches. Clumsy apprehension transformed into an impossible-to-ignore sexual tension, grasping and pulling at the threads that tied us together. 

Dana lifts her glass to her lips to take a long sip of her red wine. When she lowers it back to the table, there’s a small drop of crimson liquid left behind in the center of her bottom lip. I imagine extending my tongue to lick the crystalline bead from her mouth, my body trembling at the thought of finally tasting her. 

But before I can will my body to move, her own tongue slides so slowly, so seductively between her lips, it’s all I can do to not let out the pathetic whimper that rises in my throat at the sight. 

Dana catches me staring intently at her plump, wine-stained lips. Suddenly, her hand, so warm and soft, is on my knee. I blush as her fingers move slowly up my thigh, knowing she can feel the goosebumps her touch elicits on my skin. 

My lips part slightly as her fingers find the hem of my dress, playing with the dark blue fabric that ends only inches away from my heated core. 

Dana leans in close, her cheek touching mine as she whispers in my ear, “Don’t you know it’s not polite to stare?” I can feel her lips pull into a smile against the line of my jaw.

I let out a sharp breath that I hadn’t realized I had been holding. 

“What makes you think I’m so polite…?” I ask, my voice trembling with desire.

She pulls away just enough to look me in the eyes. “I know you, Kara,” she purrs, her voice low and hypnotizing. “You’re a good girl. A sweet little kitten…”

My eyes fall to Dana’s lips and I swallow hard. Nearly as hard as the intense throbbing taking over my clit. 

I close the short distance between us, pressing my mouth to hers. It’s soft at first, gentle and timid. But as I feel her fingertips slip past the hem of my dress and graze lightly over the thin lace of my panties, I gasp into her mouth and she kisses me back, hard and passionate. My head clouds with lust as she pushes her tongue into my mouth, allowing me to taste the sweet wine I had been longing to lick from her lips only seconds ago. 

The pressure of her fingers increases, pushing the fabric of my panties between my quickly-swelling lower lips. I feel my face heat, knowing that she must be able to feel how wet I am. How embarrassingly ready I am for her.

She bites down on my bottom lip, letting her teeth scrape across my skin as she pulls away, sending my lip flopping back against my teeth with a quiet ‘pop.’

Smiling conspiratorially, she narrows her eyes at me. “What do you say we get out of here and you show me just how good of a girl you are?” 

The only response I can manage is an emphatic head nod and a breathless, “Yes!”

Dana finishes off her wine, grabs her bag and slides out of the booth, looking back and extending her hand to help me out behind her. She waits next to me with her hand resting on the small of my back as I close out my bar tab. I quickly add a tip and scribble my name across the receipt, pushing it back to the bartender, eager to get out of the now suffocating bar.

Thankfully, my hotel is only a few blocks away. I’m not sure I could have waited any longer to have her.

When we reach the door to my room, I fumble in my bag to find the key card, distracted by Dana as she plants soft, wet kisses along the column of my neck. I giggle and moan quietly as I slide the card into the door handle and push it open the second the green light appears. 

As soon as I hear the door close and lock behind us, I kick off my shoes and rip off my jacket, tossing it to the chair in the corner of the room. I turn toward Dana, but before I can face her, I feel her at my back, pushing me forward. Her hands grip my waist, holding me tight between the wall and her own body. 

She reaches a hand up to move my hair over my left shoulder, her mouth landing on my right. My body shudders as her tongue glides across my collar bone and up my neck until her teeth sink gently into the flesh of my earlobe. 

Electricity shoots through my every limb. My fingertips shake, itching to touch her. To feel her delicate skin on mine. Hear her melodic voice moaning my name as she unravels under my touch.

Her hands travel down my body, trailing the fabric of my dress until her fingers find the hem. Hooking underneath and hiking the short skirt up over my hips, she exposes my ass, clad in nothing but a small black thong. A fresh wave of arousal floods my pussy as the cool air of the room hits my bare skin. 

“Ever since that very first picture you sent me of your perfect ass, I’ve been dying to get my hands on these cheeks,” Dana whispers into my ear, her breath hot on my skin. 

I close my eyes as I feel her palms grasp the backs of my thighs. Something between a moan and a sob falls from my lips as her fingernails dig into my flesh, dragging upward, ending in a hard smack against my right ass cheek. 

She delivers a series of deliciously stinging slaps to each cheek. I push myself back into her as she kneads and rubs my skin between each blow. My heart races, electricity coursing through me each time her palms make contact with what I’m positive is now a bright red, swollen behind. 

Dana’s fingers move to slide between my cheeks, over the cotton of my panties. I curl my lips into a small smile and hold my breath, waiting for her to find the surprise I’ve hidden for her. I spread my legs just a touch wider, enticing her to explore. When I hear a quiet gasp followed by a satisfied moan behind me, I know she’s found my hidden treasure.

“Baby,” she sighs, long and slow. “Is this what I think it is?” she asks, her fingertips softly circling around the hard gem. 

Electricity sparks deep in my belly when she calls me ‘baby.’ It’s her favorite term of endearment for me when we talk so I’ve heard it from her a million times before. But something about actually hearing her say it. Feeling her warm breath on my neck as she whispers it in my ear… I can feel it in my entire body.

I turn my head so I can see her face out of the corner of my eye. “You’re gonna have to take a closer look to find out,” I breathe as I bend at the waist, pushing back into her as I spread my legs wider. 

The speed at which Dana drops to her knees behind me elicits a small giggle as I settle myself against the wall, leaning my weight on my forearms. She moves my panties to the side, revealing the pink heart-shaped gem attached to the end of the small silver butt plug nestled between my cheeks.

“God damn, baby!” I can’t help but smile at the reverence in her tone, memories of the first time I used this toy with her springing into my mind.

“Do you remember the first time we played with this?” I ask, breathless as she traces a finger around the outside of the heart-shaped gem, using just enough pressure to tease. 

She lets out a soft chuckle behind me. “Are you kidding me? How could I forget? I still have that picture you sent me saved on my phone. The one of you bent over and spreading these cheeks for me. This little pink heart teasing me.” 

The sound of skin on skin rips through the quiet room once more as she lands another hard smack on my right cheek. I yelp at the instant sting, but it quickly turns into a desperate moan as her tongue slides over the tender spot, soothing the bite. 

“You’ve been wearing this all night? Hiding it inside you the whole time?”

“Mhm… I wanted it to be a surprise,” I respond, my voice barely reaching the level of a whisper.

“And what a sweet surprise this is, baby girl.” She plants a few soft kisses on each cheek before leaning back on her heels. “Bring your hands down here and spread this ass apart for me.” 

I slide my hands down and grab each cheek, pulling them apart in front of her. She sighs happily as her hands travel from my knees up the backs of my thighs. I feel her fingers grip around the base of the plug, pulling it out slowly. I moan and press my face into the wall in front of me, stretching around the widest part of the toy as she holds it there, making sure I feel every incredibly agonizing moment. 

I let out a sharp breath as the plug slides all the way out of me, my hole pulsing as it adjusts to the sudden emptiness. 

The cool metal of the plug is soon replaced by the soft, wet heat of Dana’s tongue. She licks circles around my asshole as a single finger begins to stroke through my soaked slit. Her tongue and fingers work in harmony, making my head spin.

I’m so lost in the sensations that I almost don’t even notice the familiar pressure between my cheeks. My mouth falls open in an ‘o’ shape, likely mirroring the way my asshole is stretching open to accommodate the plug Dana is slowly and carefully reinserting into me.

Dana chuckles lightly behind me as she pushes the plug back into my body. “I just had to see this up close. Watch your perfect ass stretch and swallow this plug right up.” 

Something resembling a high-pitched squeal falls out of my mouth as the widest part of the plug slips back into me. My knees shake and nearly give out as I slam my hands back onto the wall to keep myself upright. 

“How does that feel, baby?” Dana asks. Her hands slide down my ass and caress delicately up and down the backs of my thighs and calves.

I take a deep breath in through my nose as I shake my head up and down slowly. “So good!”

“Good!” Dana echoes as her fingers slip under the waistband of my panties, yanking them forcefully down my legs. “Because I can’t wait anymore. I want you so fucking much.” 

Her fingers find the zipper of my dress and pull it down in one fluid motion. The dark blue fabric falls to the floor, pooling around my feet as I stand in front of her fully naked. She stands up and spins me around in her arms to face her, pushing me back against the wall. Her fingers tangle into my hair as she pulls me in for a fiery kiss.

She pulls my head back to expose my neck, her mouth sliding down and teeth sinking into my soft flesh like a starving vampire. I gasp and writhe under her touch, my body straining against hers as my hands grasp at her hips, trying desperately to pull her into me. 

I let out a small cry as she pulls away. I stare into those endless brown eyes, waiting for her instruction. I’m putty in her hands and she knows it. I’ll do whatever she wants. Anything to please her. She could strap a collar and leash around my neck and parade me naked on my hands and knees through the busy streets of Toronto and I would do it with a smile on my face if it made her happy.

“On the bed. Now!” she practically growls as she grabs my hand, pulling me toward the king-sized bed on the other side of the room.

She stands at the foot of the bed as I crawl to the middle, laying down on my back, propped up on my elbows while I look back at her. My heart leaps and races in my chest, anticipation overtaking me as I wait for her to make a move.

She reaches up to her shoulders, pulling down the sleeves of her black dress. I lick my lips as the fabric slides sensually down her toned legs, the contrast between the dark material and her creamy porcelain skin making my mouth water. 

Standing before me in nothing but a cream-colored thong and matching bra, so sheer I can see the outlines of her rosy nipples so perfectly even in the dimly lit hotel room, I’m convinced I must be dreaming. That’s the only explanation that even makes a little bit of sense as I look back at this unfathomably beautiful woman. The woman staring back at me with hunger in her eyes. As if she can no longer contain the lust overflowing inside her. Like she wants nothing more than to devour me, sucking every last morsel of meat from my bones, leaving nothing but sinew and scraps behind in her wake. 

And fuck, I want that too! I want her to take me. Claim my body as her own and use me until she’s fully satisfied. Until I’m nothing more than her malleable plaything that exists only for her pleasure.

Still dressed in her underwear, she slowly, languidly climbs onto the mattress and crawls over my waiting body. My legs part instinctively, allowing her to settle between them, her left thigh nestling right up against my aching pussy. Her body is so soft and warm on top of mine, I swear I nearly come right then. 

“I can’t believe we’re finally here,” I whisper as a smile spreads across my face. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed of actually being able to touch you and hold you and kiss you.”

“I know. It doesn’t feel real.” Her fingertips graze my forehead as she brushes a stray lock of hair behind my ear. I close my eyes and lean into her gentle touch. 

Dana lowers her mouth to meet mine. The kiss is tender and sweet. The tip of her tongue swipes softly across my bottom lip as she sighs into my mouth. My hands wander her body, sliding over her back, down to her ass, palming and squeezing her firm cheeks. I pull her into me, lifting my hips to press myself against her thigh. 

Dana laughs as she pulls away from me slightly. “Not so fast, baby. I love how eager you are, but there is no way I’m going to let you come without tasting that sweet pussy first.”

I moan as she whispers her lascivious promises into my ear, a fresh wave of arousal spilling out of me. 

She licks, kisses, and bites her way across the landscape of my body. Laying claim to every inch of skin she encounters. Goosebumps spread across my arms and legs as she rakes her teeth over my sensitive nipples. Soft giggles fall from my mouth as she tickles circles around my belly button with her tongue.

Finally, my legs fall open as she settles herself between them. I can smell my own arousal in the air as her fingers slide through my swollen lips, parting them to allow unrestricted access to my hard, throbbing clit. She slides her fingertips up and down my slick folds as her lips caress the inside of my thigh, sucking my soft skin hard enough to leave marks that will stay with me for days to come. Soon those marks will be the only proof I’ll have that any of this was real. Instead of some deliciously cruel fantasy playing out in my lust-addled mind. 

“Fuck, you’re so wet for me, baby. Oh my god!” Dana purrs into my cunt as she slides her tongue up through my lips. 

The feeling of her warm wet mouth on me is nearly too much. I have to take a deep, grounding breath, forcing myself not to come yet. Her touch feels too good to come so soon. But, my god, it’s like she already knows my body better than I do. She knows exactly what strings to pull to completely unravel me. 

I reach down and push my hand through her dark hair. The strands slip through my fingers like liquid silk. I gather as much as I can and brush it to the side so I can watch. Dana’s tongue is hard at work on my pussy, circling my clit with the same ferocity as my heart pounding away in my chest. 

My head falls back against the pillow and my heavy breaths turn into full, guttural moans as she slides two fingers inside me, filling my pussy and pumping in and out as her tongue lashes against my clit. My body trembles uncontrollably as her fingers curl inside me, hitting that spot so perfectly and with just enough pressure to send me careening toward the edge of endless paradise.

“Come for me, Kara. Give me everything you have.” I look down again to find Dana staring back at me from between my quivering thighs. Her lips gleaming with my wetness and those dark eyes overflowing with pure, wanton need is all it takes to push me over that edge. My eyes squeeze shut and a cry that I didn’t even think myself capable of making rips through my chest as I lose myself, helpless in a sea of unrestrained bliss. 

I come for what seems like an eternity. Waves of white-hot, all-consuming pleasure ebb and flow inside me, over and over until my body can’t take any more. I collapse, my exhausted body falling back to the mattress in a heap of limbs, limp as a ragdoll.

I lay there, completely spent and thoroughly satisfied, as Dana moves up my body, trailing sweet, wet kisses along my belly, breasts, and neck. I feel her body heat radiating into my side as she settles next to me, sliding one arm under my head and wrapping the other around my waist. She pulls me in close and I relax into her as she nuzzles into my hair, planting feather-light kisses from my forehead down to my jaw and back up again. 

“Dana…” I sigh happily.

She chuckles softly in my ear. “Kara…” she echoes and the sound of my name on her lips sends heavenly shivers down my spine. 

“That was… holy shit! I don’t even have words for what that was!” I exclaim with as little grace as humanly possible. 

This elicits another laugh from Dana and I never want her to stop laughing. I will willingly make the biggest fool of myself necessary to keep that joyful, lilting melody ringing through my ears.

“That was pretty ‘holy shit,’” she teases, running her thumb back and forth over my forearm. “You’re so amazing, Kara. God, I nearly came just eating you out.”

I blush at her words and bury my face in her shoulder. 

“I’m serious,” she continues earnestly, taking my chin between her fingers and tilting my gaze up to meet hers. “Watching you come for me was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.” She leans down and kisses me softly, her thumb swiping over my bottom lip as she pulls away. 

With renewed energy, I lean back into her, planting my lips against hers just a fraction harder. Just enough to reignite the flames of desire coursing through us both. Unwilling to wait another moment, I roll her onto her back, settling myself on top of her. I sit up straight, my weight centered atop her hips, and run my hands over her body. I let my fingers roam lazily over every inch. Traveling from neck to navel, drawing a map of each peak and valley. Memorizing every curve her exquisite body had to offer. 

Dana’s hands cover mine, guiding me to her breasts. I cup the soft mounds over the barely-there fabric of her bra, feeling her hardened nipples press into my palms. I swipe my thumbs across the pebbled peaks before pinching them both as I twist gently. I lose myself in the moan that reverberates in Dana’s chest at the firm touch. 

I reach up to wrap my hand around the back of her neck, pulling Dana up to a sitting position, her body pressing into mine as I straddle her. She winds her arms around my waist as my hips grind down into hers, our mutual arousal working together to soak both sides of her panties. 

Moving my hands to her back, I unclasp her bra and slide the straps down her arms, tossing it behind my shoulder. I immediately grasp and squeeze at her breast again with my left hand. Moans fall from my own mouth now as I caress her skin unhindered by the pesky fabric.

My right hand wanders down, snaking between our bodies until I’m able to cup her pussy through her underwear. I slide my fingers up and down her slit, our bodies so close that my knuckles graze across my own slick folds. 

“My god, you’re so fucking wet!” I whisper into her ear, not even trying to conceal the awe in my voice.

“Mhm,” Dana murmurs in acknowledgment. “I want you so much, Kara. I need to feel you inside me. Please!” she begs breathlessly, her hips bucking upward, grinding herself into my hand. 

“I’ll give you anything you want, baby!” I assure her as I slip my fingers under the waistband of her panties. 

Dana moans at the exact moment I make contact with her hard, swollen clit. The sound, low and dripping with desire, ripples through my body, erecting my nipples and sending a new rush of blood pulsing through my own clit. 

I’ve barely even touched her yet and my hand is already fully coated in her slippery wetness, her warm juices spreading into the palm of my hand. The idea that I’ve had this kind of effect on a woman like Dana… Me. My lips. My hands. My body. It’s almost enough to make me come again, right here, with my hand buried between her damp thighs. 

I slide into her entrance. My middle and ring fingers slipping into her so easily I wonder if she can even feel it. But the way her head falls back and her breath hitches tells me she absolutely can. I pump in and out, feeling her legs tremble around me. I can only watch, enraptured, as this stunning woman moans and writhes under my touch. 

I almost feel bad that I have to stop when I know she’s so close. But I’m far too selfish in this moment to let her come without tasting her. Without really taking in every inch of her body before me. I pull my fingers out of her, the cool air of the room sending an instant chill over my wet digits. 

“I’m sorry, baby,” I soothe, smoothing my thumb over her cheek. She looks at me with furrowed brows and a soft whine falling from her parted lips. “I need my mouth on you when you come.”

She says nothing as I lift my fingers, glistening with her juices, to my mouth and slip them inside, sucking her arousal from my skin. She tastes so incredible. I can’t even imagine the thrill of drinking her in directly from the source. Although, I won’t have to imagine much longer. 

I place a quick, sweet kiss on her lips as I push her back down to the mattress. I scoot down her body, grabbing hold of her panties – the last small shred of clothing separating our bodies. I smile as she lifts her hips off the bed so I can pull them off, relegating them to the heap of discarded clothing piled on the floor. 

I sit back on my heels for a moment. I let my eyes scan over her body, taking in the sight before me. My heart flutters in my chest as I work to commit the sight of this goddess to my memory. 

Smooth, ivory skin, flushed pink with lust. Long, toned limbs that only moments ago were wrapped tight around my body. Gentle curves, so soft and inviting, I could lose myself in them. I’ve never seen a more perfect work of art in all my life.

But the truth is, as stunningly beautiful as she is. As much as I can scarcely believe that this woman is real and all mine, I would be equally enthralled with any shape, size, or color she came in. As long as it was her. 

I can’t stand not touching her for another moment. I lay down on my belly, settling myself down between her legs as I push them apart. I take a deep breath in through my nose. The scent of her body, rich and heady, makes my mouth water. 

Desire propels me forward as my fingers slide up her slit, parting her drenched lips. My tongue moves of its own volition, sliding up through her velvety folds, long and slow. I moan into her pussy as I taste her, savoring every drop of her arousal that coats my tongue. 

I feel her hands tangle in my hair, pushing the blond locks out of my face so I can look up at her. Her gorgeous face is the picture of longing as she urges me to keep going.

“Oh my god, Kara! Your tongue feels so good!” Her voice trembles as her chest heaves. 

My hands clamp down on her thighs, holding her still as she squirms underneath me. I alternate between circling her clit with my tongue and sucking the stiff bud between my lips. Both methods seem to drive Dana equally wild. 

“Use…your… fingers… Please!” She pants out around increasingly heavy breaths.

Without missing a beat, I slide two fingers inside her, feeling her already tight walls clench even harder around me. 

“More! Kara, please! I’m so close!” Dana begs from above me as her hand pushes against the back of my head, my senses enveloping in the intoxicating aroma, sweet flavor and silky softness of her pussy.

I work another finger inside her, pumping in and out at a consistent rhythm. I curl my fingers with each thrust, filling her as deep as I can manage. I give her everything I have, so desperate to make her come for me. 

I move my free hand down, using my thumb to circle slowly around her asshole. Increasing my pressure, I pop inside. I move in and out as best I can, but she’s so tight around my finger that I can barely move inside her. 

My hands and mouth work in near-perfect harmony to shoot Dana toward the brink. All at once, I suck her clit into my mouth with a wet slurp, curl my fingers as they slam into her clenching pussy and press my thumb up toward the ceiling.

Dana goes completely silent, her mouth hanging open as her back arches off the bed and her body goes entirely rigid. I continue working her body at the same cadence, knowing that she’s teetering so precariously on that delicious edge of overwhelming rapture. 

With an intense shudder and the long, loud exhalation of a quavering moan, Dana comes entirely apart in my hands.

Soft thighs tighten like a vice around my head as a torrential orgasm washes over my lover. I continue pulsing my lips around her clit and moving my fingers inside her as I guide her body through every wave after wave of pleasure. I want this to last forever. I want to make her feel this good for as long as I possibly can. 

Warm liquid pours from Dana’s body, spilling over my fingers and pooling in the palm of my hand before dripping further down my wrist. Once I’m positive her orgasm has subsided, I slowly pull my soaked fingers from her pussy. I watched as the stream of liquid euphoria flows from her, dripping down to her still pulsating asshole. 

Mirroring the movements that brought us to this passionate climax, I slide my eager tongue up through Dana’s slit, lapping up as much evidence of her orgasm as I can find hidden away inside her silky folds. I lose myself in her pussy, cleaning every last drop from her skin, until I feel her hand at the back of my head once more. This time, gently pulling on a handful of my hair, silently beckoning me back up to her. 

I slide myself up her body, kissing and nibbling on sweat-coated skin along the way. I collapse on the bed beside Dana, my honey-colored hair mixing with the chocolate strands fanned out beneath her head. Her eyes remain closed as her breathing slowly settles.

I playfully poke her calf with my toe. “Hey. You still alive over there?” I tease.

“Nope,” she replies with a satisfied sigh. “You’ve officially killed me.”

I giggle and turn on my side to face her, propping my head up with my hand. 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kill you,” I say as I trace the tip of my index finger over the seam of her rose-colored lips.

Her tongue darts out, swiping up the pad of my finger, making me laugh even harder. I move my fingers to her chin, turning her head in my direction. I lean over and press my lips to hers in a soft, sweet kiss as my knuckles trace lightly over her jawline and down her slender throat.

Our eyes meet as our lips part. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth. My smile fades as a dark cloud comes into view, raining unspoken questions over our happy moment. 

What happens now? I’ll be on a plane, on my way back home, in less than twelve hours. Do I just leave and never see Dana again? Do we go back to our online chatter and sexual games like we didn’t just spend the most incredible night together? I can’t keep my mind from racing away with every dreadful thought. 

Dana shifts, turning onto her side to face me. “Kara?” Her brows knit together in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just…” I take a deep breath, considering what I even want to say. “I’m leaving soon. I guess I just didn’t really think about what would happen after tonight.”

“Yeah…” Dana responds, looking away from my eyes. “I didn’t think about that either. To be honest, I’ve been trying not to think about it all night.”

“I mean, it’s not like I want to move in together and get married and adopt a bunch of cats or anything like that. I’m not that much of a lesbian stereotype.”

Dana chuckles, bringing her eyes back to mine. 

“It just feels… I don’t know.” I pause for a beat. “It sucks! To finally meet you in person and have this amazing night together… and then I just leave? Just like that? But I don’t know what else we can do.” 

Dana brushes a stray lock of hair off her forehead as she lets out a long, contemplative sigh. “Well, you’re not going to ‘just leave.’” She reaches over and intertwines her fingers with mine, swiping her thumb soothingly over the back of my hand. “I’m not going to let you walk out the door and never see you again. Even before tonight, you were way too important to me to let that happen.”

I smile and bring our clasped hands to my mouth, planting a gentle kiss on one of her knuckles. 

“And you’re really not that far away from me, you know,” Dana continues. “I mean, yeah, we live in different countries, but it’s only, what, like a two hour plane ride? That’s nothing!” 

I smile wider at her easy optimism. “I guess that doesn’t sound too terrible. And I come to Toronto a lot for work, so there’s that too.”

“See, we’ve already got a solid plan. We’ll figure this out. If it works, it works. And if not…” Dana takes a deep breath before continuing. “At least we tried. That’s the best we can do.”

“You’re right. We’ll figure it out.” 

I press my lips to Dana’s in a comfortable kiss, the anxiety fraying my nerves only moments ago beginning to ease. Not entirely, but enough to make me feel hopeful for a possible future, rather than dreading a seemingly inevitable end.

Dana pulls away, smiling as she runs her fingertip over my lips. “How long until you have to leave for the airport?”

I lift my head to look over her shoulder at the clock on the bedside table. “About ten hours.”

Dana’s arms wrap tightly around me, pulling me in close, our limbs entangling. “Then, for the next ten hours, you’re not leaving this bed. Do you hear me?” She feathers soft kisses along my cheekbone and down the line of my jaw. “For the next ten hours, you’re all mine.”

Published 6 months ago

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