How I lost My Innocence (chapter 1)

"This is the story of Maria, a young girl that will soon discover how small acts can drastically change her life forever."

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“Maria!! I’m going to be late! Are you even dressed yet?”

“Almost ready give me two minutes please”

Even if she wasn’t screaming, I knew she was mad. My mom was already fuming yesterday when I told her the school bus wouldn’t pick me up this morning. Something about it won’t go through our neighborhood this year, and I never took the public bus before so I had to find a solution quickly. I guess any normal mom wouldn’t mind bringing their daughter to school, but my family has been broken ever since the day I was born. I never met my dad, and asking questions about him is strictly forbidden in my house, so it’s just me and Mom. I know she hates me, and probably would’ve given me up for adoption or something if it wasn’t for my grandma.


Now she’s screaming! I should’ve seen that coming. It’s the first day of school, I can’t miss it and I’m almost ready. I’m already wearing my jeans with a black crop top shirt, and my shoes are only missing. I glance around my room trying to find them but of course, they’re nowhere to be seen. If I asked her if she saw them it would only make things worse, so I decided to just put on a pair of flip-flops and head out of my room.

She’s already outside in the car waiting for me. I hurry up and sit in the passenger seat.

“You will have to find a solution for tomorrow, I won’t be doing this again.”

“I know, I’ll figure something out.”

The rest of the ride was complete silence. The school is only ten minutes from our house but this felt like an eternity. I’m not used to riding in the car with my mom. You could say I’m usually completely independent and it’s been like that since I was a kid. Make my food, clean my clothes, and find my way around. I used to get a monthly allowance from my grandma but that’s over now, she can barely take care of herself. So if I need new clothes, or books for school, or anything really, I need to find myself a job. I never worked before and it’s stressing me a little thinking about it, but I have to figure it out.

When we arrived at school she didn’t say anything to me, I got out of the car with my bag and headed towards the entrance. I know Stephanie is probably already in class, she’s like that. Always first to sit down and last to stand up. Probably one of the reasons she’s the smartest student of our year. Stephanie is my best friend, probably my only real one too. I don’t have a lot of friends, not because I’m a nerd or anything, but maybe because of my family situation and the way I act more maturely than the other students, it might make me harder to approach. In any way, I’m an introvert so the friend situation doesn’t bother me at all.

I finally get to class and see Steph in the front row with an empty seat next to her, she was saving it for me.

“Hey girl how was your summer?”

“Maria!! Europe was so beautiful, dad says we’re going back next year. “

“I’m happy for you, you deserve it.”

She didn’t bother asking me how mine was, she already knew the answer. B O R I N G. The highlight of my summer was seeing my grandma on Sundays.

Before we can continue our conversation the teacher, Mr. Davis, walks in and starts the class. Mr. Davis is a new teacher, our old one Mrs. Grimes retired at the end of last year. He takes a chalk and starts writing his name on the board. He is a very big man, I would guess in his fifties, with gray hair and a trimmed beard. He turns around to face the class and his eyes fixate on me as he starts saying “Hello everyone and welcome to a new year of learning. We’re going to spend a lot of time together. I can promise you that if you apply yourself, you will succeed in my classroom…”

He wasn’t done talking but I couldn’t focus on the rest because of the way he was looking at me. He was eying me from head to toe the whole time, it’s like there was no one else in the class. I don’t think Steph noticed because she already had her pen out taking notes. I tried to ignore it and started focusing on my desk. Pen in hand I started taking notes too. “There will be four exams during the year, and surprise tests that may or may not count towards our final grade….” I look back at him and see he’s no longer looking at me, phew!

I try to focus on the rest of the class but a few minutes later something else bothers me, I hear two girls whispering behind me. Once again, Steph doesn’t take notice and fully concentrate on the class. I try to hear what they’re saying.

“I swear I made 10,000$ without showing my face. I’m telling you no one knows it’s me!”

“What’s it called again? I might look into it myself”

“Only fans”.

This was the first time I heard the word, but I heard it. Only fans. What is it? How can a student make so much money? I need to find out. 10,000$ would change my life completely. This is more money than I ever saw in my life and from what I heard no one even knows she made that money. I could make that kind of money and hide it from my mom. Get out of this house? I couldn’t think of anything else the rest of the day, only to get home and look into it.

And so the bell rang, I said bye to Steph, and my mom was already waiting for me outside of school. She said something to me but I didn’t hear it the first time…


“Sorry yes Mom I did, public bus it’s fine”

The rest of the ride went by and I finally got home. I told my mom I had homework and closed the door of my bedroom. I fired up my laptop, went on Google, and typed: only fans.

It’s a website! I did some research and was completely outraged by what I found. Mostly girls, naked, posting pictures and videos doing all kinds of things and getting fans that are paying them. I researched it for hours and didn’t even notice it got dark outside. I found some girls are making hundreds of thousands of dollars by doing this. But what did the girl from school say? Without showing my face? But someone might recognize you even if you don’t show your face… How can you make it so no one can recognize you? I dug deeper and found some of the accounts are only feet. YES, FEET! People are paying girls to only see their feet?? Is it possible? I heard about guys that have a foot fetish before, but never in my wildest dream, I could’ve imagined they would pay to get pictures of them. I mean you could just google feet and find some for free, so it didn’t make any sense in my mind. But so much money… My freedom… What would happen if I created an account and posted a single picture of my feet? Could it be so easy? I needed to find out.

I started creating my account.

Profile picture: Umm I’ll just leave it blank for now.
Age: 18

Username : cuteteenfeet06

Height: 5’1

Body: slim/petite

Hair color: black

Eye color: Brown

Monthly membership price: Free (I decide to not charge anyone for now, just get followers and go from there. I might get tips, and I can always change it.)

Ok, that’s all it asks for, I guess so far it’s not that bad.


I click on it and it asks for my ID and bank information. I’m sweating, is this safe? I read and read and make sure I got everything covered and find out it stays completely anonymous and I shouldn’t worry that much. I go ahead and upload both.

Ok now back at it…

I look at the time, it’s already 11 pm! Wait I’ve been doing this for seven hours and didn’t see the time pass at all, I’m not even tired. Seven hours… not for nothing. I’m doing this. It’s only one picture of my feet. I click on CREATE POST and it toggles me with my camera. Ok, I’m aiming the phone at my feet. I’m still wearing my flip-flops and decided to keep them on for this post. They’re basic white flip-flops. My toes are freshly painted white too so it’s matching. I can do this. I take the picture.

Done! Now it toggles me with a caption for my post. What should I write? I keep it simple: Hi everyone! Do you like my white pedi?


It’s done, I did it. It would be like posting a picture on Instagram right? I didn’t do anything wrong. No one can know it’s me, it’s only my feet in flip-flops. I go back and look at my profile, with the one post. I decided to take the post and make it my profile picture so it doesn’t look that bad. No one on earth would ever give me a single dollar for that. I know it. It’s too empty, the profile has nothing else.

Then it suddenly hit me…

I didn’t check how to go to school tomorrow. I look at the time, it’s almost midnight. My mom is probably sleeping. I go on Google and look at how to take the public bus. There’s only one stop on my street. I type it in and look at the times… Wait…. NO……. The earliest one is at 9 am and my school starts at 8… I’m screwed. I started getting tired. I text Steph to see if she’s awake but no answer. What am I going to do? There is no way I’m asking my mom for a lift, how would I even explain to her why it took me so long to ask her, I had all evening… Hey Mom I know it’s midnight but I decided to just now look at the bus schedule. No way. I’ll deal with it tomorrow morning. I set my alarm at 7 am which gives me plenty of time. I undress and get comfy for bed, and the second I shut my eyes I go into a deep sleep….


My alarm just went off… I remember having a nightmare about Mr. Davis looking at my feet during class and screaming THOSE WERE ON ONLY FANS SHAME ON YOU, the rest is blurry. I look at the time, 7 am. I have to ask her, there are no other options. I get out of bed and walk out of my room to find the house empty. I look outside, no car. My mom left… Should I call her? Maybe she’s coming back? She never leaves this early… I muster the courage and call.

“Mom where are you?”

“I have an early meeting at work, not that it concerns you. I hope you’re not calling me for a lift Maria.”

“No, Mom I’m taking the bus, I was just wondering since you left so early.”

“Was there anything else?”



She hung up. I’m so screwed. What if I skip school today? It’s only the second day and I know Steph would give me her notes… What will Mr. Davis think? She skips the second day of school. Ugh… It’s not like I have a solution, I barely have an hour before the day starts. I could spend the day at home and figure out a solution for tomorrow. Mom wouldn’t even know I skipped. So I decide to stay for the day.

I fire up my laptop and it’s still open on my only fans page. Wait what’s this? I have six new private messages. I look at the account and it’s still at 0$. What do the messages say?

I open the first one: Pretty Toes Baby

second one: send a face pic for 30$

third one: How much for the used flip flops?

Fourth one: Do you video call?

Fifth one: Those toes would look better with my cum on them.

Sixth one: Would you send me a picture of your feet without the flip-flops? I’ll tip you 15$.

Wait this guy wants me to retake the same picture with no flip-flops for 15$? Why not… I mean it’s the same thing in my mind. Plus he didn’t write anything creepy so I ask myself why not… I see he’s online so I reply to him…

cuteteenfeet06 : Hey! Thanks for your interest :)! Sure I could do that!

GregSteel1962 : Hello. You have very cute feet! Here you go.

GregSteel1962 sent you 15$

(Oh my god is this real? I go into the account and see my balance: 15$. I have to do this now. I don’t bother changing my clothes, toggle my camera, and take a close-up of my feet against the floor, same thing I did yesterday but this time without the flip-flops.)

cuteteenfeet06 uploaded a picture

cuteteenfeet06 : There you go :)!

GregSteel1962: Oh wow so pretty. What shoe size are you?

cuteteenfeet06: 6.5 or 7, really depends on the brand haha xD!

GregSteel1962: You should add it to your bio on your profile. Small feet I love it. So I suppose you’re new to the platform.

(Add it to my profile that’s a good idea. I go back to my bio and add: Shoe size 6.5)

cuteteenfeet06 : Thx for the tip! Added it :). Yeah, I’m new on here haha… Heard about it from a friend and decided to give it a go!

GregSteel1962: I would love to know what you look like. Would you consider sending me a selfie for a considerable amount?

(Wait what? No. No. No. I’m not doing this. What’s a considerable amount? Should I even ask?)

cuteteenfeet06: I’m anonymous sorry… What’s a considerable amount? I mean I don’t want people finding out I’m on here.

GregSteel1962: A considerable amount would be 100$, and if I like what I see I would double it. I like to know the girl is as pretty as her toes ;).

(A 100$… maybe 200$. Where is this guy even from? What if he lives very far away and has no way of knowing or finding me? I should at least ask.)

cuteteenfeet06: So Can I ask where you’re from?

GregSteel1962: Sure thing sweety, I live in New York.

(New York, that’s like at least a six-hour drive from here. Hmmm).

cuteteenfeet06: Do you promise never to tell or show anyone? I can’t have anyone finding out, e v e r.

GregSteel1962: Don’t worry I promise, I’ll even delete it after. I just need to know what you look like.

GregSteel1962 sent you 100$

(Wait what? We were just talking I didn’t even agree to it… no no no. Why did he send me the money?)

GregSteel1962 : Hello?


GregSteel1962: Hello??

(omg fine fine. I take out my camera, and snap a quick selfie making sure the background doesn’t show anything except my white room wall)

cuteteenfeet06 uploaded a picture

GregSteel1962: Is this you?

cuteteenfeet06 : yea…. why?

GregSteel1962: Do it again, the same but throw a peace sign in there.

(Why would I do that? What’s with him? Ugh fine. I do what he asks, same selfie same background but I throw a peace sign.)

cuteteenfeet06 uploaded a picture

GregSteel1962: Give me a minute.

… I wait

GregSteel1962 sent you 1500$

(Wait… WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I went to check the account balance and it’s all there: 1615$. This money is mine, and what did I do for it? NOTHING. Did he make a mistake? Will he ask for the money back? Should I just block him or even delete the account and keep the money? I’m so confused. I need to do something. I see he’s typing.)

GregSteel1962: You are by far the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I’ve been on this website for years, talked and tipped and subscribed to at least 100 different girls, and never saw one as beautiful as you. You will have a huge success here young lady. Very pretty wow. I can tell you for a fact all the guys out there are eating you with their eyes, from your pretty face down to your perfect little toes.

GregSteel1962: I want to see more of your feet. Do you have toe rings? Ankle bracelets? High heels? A dildo?

cuteteenfeet06: That’s so sweet omg thank you..!!! I don’t have any of those except heels… Sorry

GregSteel1962: Let me see those pretty feet in those heels. In the meantime, take some of the money I sent you and order yourself some accessories. There will be more money to follow for sure.

(I’m losing my mind here. I’m completely at his mercy. So much money… I go and grab my heels. There’s nothing special about them. They’re completely open and black, I put them on and try to do a little pose with my feet and snap a picture.)

cuteteenfeet06 uploaded a picture

GregSteel1962: So perfect, flawless. Can I get a full-body picture of you in those heels?

cuteteenfeet06: I’m in my pajamas haha… can you wait I’ll get dressed

GregSteel1962: Don’t! I want to see those :)!

GregSteel1962 sent you 100$

(Another 100$… wow. My pajamas are just shorts and a T-shirt. Fine. I do it.)

cuteteenfeet06 uploaded a picture

GregSteel1962: Everything, and I mean everything about you is perfect. Your legs, your body. Impeccable!


Oh shit, my phone is ringing now… I don’t know the number but decided to answer it…


“Hi, may I speak with Maria please?”

“um yeah sure this is she, who is it?”

“Maria this is Mr. Davis from school, we didn’t see you in class this morning and when we called your mother she didn’t pick up the phone. Is everything OK?”

“Oh hi, Mr Davis! I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to school. The school bus stopped passing by my street this year and the public bus hours are a nightmare… I’m trying to figure out a way to get to school tomorrow…”

“Can’t your mom bring you? This is not an excuse Maria. I’m sorry but I take skipping class very seriously. You don’t want to start the year this way now do you?”

“I’m sorry… No, I don’t I take school very seriously I promise you. My mom can’t take me to school, but I will find a solution.”

“I see your address here in our system, it’s on my way to the school. If you are serious about taking it seriously I can take you there and take you back home.”

(Wait he wants to give me lifts to school? That’s so nice of him but why I can’t be the only student in my situation?)

“I don’t want to bother you, Mr. Davis… I promise I take it seriously. I don’t know what to do I was going to try and find a solution today…”

“No bother. I go to school early, be ready at 7 tomorrow morning. See you then.”

“Oh my god thank you so much, I’ll be ready I promise! Have a good day!”

“Yes yes, you too. Bye now.”

(Woah this is crazy! I’m getting lifts from my teacher now…)

I go back on my laptop to see what happened with my new fan to see he’s now offline…

GregSteel1962: Are you there?

GregSteel1962 : Hello???

GregSteel1962: Please don’t ghost me…

GregSteel1962: I have to go, I hope to talk to you again young lady. Goodbye now.

(I should write something so he can see when he gets back)

cuteteenfeet06: Hey so sorry got a phone call! But thanks again for all the tips!! Talk again soon take care :)!!

The rest of the day went by smoothly. I almost made two grand and didn’t do anything inappropriate, maybe I should post another picture on my profile. If I could make this kind of money every day just by showing off my feet I’ll have enough to move out of this house soon! I decided to post the picture I took earlier with my heels on with the caption: Do you like my heels?

When Mom arrived from work she didn’t ask me how my day was, and I didn’t tell her. In her mind, I was at school and I wasn’t going to tell her the truth. However, I needed to find a way to let her know my teacher was going to lift me to school from now on…

“Hi mom how was your day?”

“Fine. Don’t you have homework or something else to do than bother me?”

“Umm no not it’s still the first week of school so no homework…”

(There might have been homework given today but I couldn’t possibly know it so I lied.)

“What do you want Maria?”

“I just wanted to tell you that my teacher saw me taking the public bus this morning and told me that this bus passed by his house so he could give me a lift instead of me spending money on it since it’s on his way…”

“And? Do I look like I care?”

“Ok sorry to have bothered you, Mom.”

She turned her face away from me as if telling me the conversation was over. I got the message and got back into my room.

I try and gather my thoughts a little bit. First, there’s the fan that sent me more money than I’ve ever seen in my life. Then there’s school and my teacher, what a bad impression I must’ve left skipping school today. I need to focus and try to get back on his good side. I know I made a lot of money today, but maybe this was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing I got really lucky and landed on someone that just had money to waste that day. I can’t plan my future based on the money I made today, I need to focus on school which was the plan all along, and maybe find myself a job. I decide not to open Only Fans again for the rest of the night and try to think about my day tomorrow.

What did the fan say to me again while we were talking?

” I can tell you for a fact all the guys out there are eating you with their eyes, from your pretty face down to your perfect little toes.”

Was he right? Did every guy out there notice me? Looked at me like that? I was remembering the way Mr. Davis was looking at me yesterday when class started, was he “eating me with his eyes”? No. He wasn’t. But still, the thought lingered in my mind for a few minutes. Down to my perfect little toes. An idea came to me, tomorrow I’m wearing something revealing my toes to school, and I’ll try to see if Mr. Davis stares at them. If he likes my toes maybe he will forgive me for skipping school today.

(Maria you’re so stupid this makes no sense at all…)

But still, worth a try and won’t get me in any trouble, I’ll just be wearing sandals normally.

I go through all my footwear and find some beige-colored thong sandals with no straps. I think they look cute with my white pedicured toes and decided those will do for tomorrow. I remember the fan from earlier talking about toe rings and ankle bracelets. Toe rings might be a bit much but an ankle bracelet looks cute and innocent, why not give it a try? I look at the time and it’s still early, there’s a store barely two minutes walk away from my house that’s probably still open and they sell all kinds of stuff, I decide to go and look at what they have.

“Going out to the store mom.”


She’s reading a book on the couch and doesn’t lift her eyes.

I go out and make my way to the store. When I enter I see a guy that’s probably in his mid-twenties behind the counter and no other customers.

“We’re closing in five.”

His eyes are fixed on his computer and he didn’t look at me…

“Oki I’ll be quick! Umm, maybe you can help me?”

He looks at me and his eyes widen a little.

“Oh hey there! Sure what do you need?”

“I was wondering if you got any jewelry?”

“Sure thing! We got bracelets, necklaces, earrings, what are you looking for exactly?”

“I was wondering if you have ankle bracelets?”

His eyes suddenly shifted to my feet. I was wearing sneakers at this time. He looked back at me with a different expression, was it disappointment? I wasn’t sure.

“Oh yeah, we got them, just there on that rack behind you.”


I turn around and see them. There aren’t a lot of options… I see a golden simple one that looks kind of cute. I also see some toe rings. Maybe I should buy some just for my Only Fans page. I pick up the ankle bracelet and I see a pack of five toe rings with five different colors.

The guy scans both items and I pay with my card.

“Do those hurt when you wear them?”


“The toe rings?”

“Oh um not sure, I never tried wearing one…”

“Oh, do you want to try them now? If you don’t like them I’ll refund you…”

“Oh no that’s okay but thanks!”

I rush out of there quickly with my stuff and head back home.

(Was he trying to get me to take off my shoes just now? Are guys that into feet?)

When I got home I spent the rest of the evening thinking about the whole day. The money I made, how the guy at the store tried to get me to take my shoes off. Was it that easy to get noticed? I started thinking about all the guys that crossed my path all my life, were some of them looking at my feet and I never noticed it? From now on I’ll make sure to pay attention and see if they’re looking. I gave a quick look at my Only Fans page before sleeping and saw thirty-plus new notifications. I decided not to look at them for now but saw I got another 45$ in tips from random people since I posted the picture in heels earlier. I close my laptop, set my alarm for 6 am, and fall asleep.


My alarm went off. I get up, take a quick shower, grab a quick bite, and head back to my room. I decide that I’m going to wear tight jeans with a white cropped T-shirt that stops just above my navel. I take out my ankle bracelet put it on my right ankle, and wear the sandals I decided on yesterday. I look at my toes and see that my white pedicure still looks fresh.

I just sit on my bed and wait, time passes by and suddenly someone rings the doorbell. I look at the time: 7 am sharp. Mr. Davis is punctual.

“It’s for me bye Mom!”

She’s still in her room and doesn’t bother coming out.

I open the door with my school bag ready.

“Hi. I see you’re ready, good. Let’s go then.”

I follow him to his car and see him open the back door. Is he expecting me to sit in the back seat?

“You can put your school bag in there.”

Silly me, of course, he didn’t expect me to sit in the back. Why is this so stressful? I put my bag in the back seat and he opens the front seat for me to sit. I take my place, he goes to the other side and off we go.

The ride is silent for the most part. I keep thinking about Mr. Davis. Is he mad about me skipping school yesterday? He barely looked at me since he picked me up this morning and his behavior is cold. This is not the same man that was looking at me in class two days ago. I decided to try something. I cross my legs putting my right one on top of my left one, making sure that if he looks he will see my right foot, the one wearing the ankle bracelet. I start slowly dangling my foot around while he’s driving. He doesn’t seem to notice… What more can I do? I stretch out a little bit and place my right hand on my foot, gently caressing it on the side as if it was hurting me, and get back in place. He seemed to notice that, I see his eyes look that way for a moment and they go back to the road. Bingo! He looked. I continue dangling my foot around and notice him staring more. He keeps looking at it, he thinks he’s slick but I know he’s looking. I feel his eyes lingering on my right foot now and then. I think I even saw a little smile on his face.

“So Maria, tell me, what are your goals in life?”

“Oh umm, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet. I know I still have time to decide so I’m trying to just focus on school right now, you know like one day at a time.”

“Yes you do have some time, but still you should start thinking about it. It’s never too early to have goals.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“I have to stay a little bit after class today. I need to prepare some work for my class, won’t be more than an hour. You’re welcome to wait in my office while I work if you want a lift back home.”

It’s not like I have a choice…

“Oh yeah sure no worries I’ll wait.”


The rest of the ride went smoothly, we talked a little about me and how I grew up taking care of myself. I felt like he spent at least half the ride looking down at my foot, but maybe I was imagining things.

When we got to school it was still early. Mr. Davis told me he had some work to do and there was a teacher reunion he needed to attend so I went in class and waited. I decided to sit in the front row again. Steph was the first to arrive after me, she was surprised to see I was there first. I told her about my life issues and that Mr. Davis gave me a lift to school.

“Oh, that’s so great we can study together every morning before class starts!”

Like I wanted to do that…

I didn’t tell her about my day yesterday, I lied that it was boring and that I stayed home. Time went by, students started to arrive and get into their seats, and at 8 am sharp Mr. Davis walked in and started class.

The whole day went by normally except one thing, I was now sure that Mr. Davis was looking at my feet under my desk every chance he got. At some point, he sat on his desk that was facing me while he asked us to read a chapter of a book, and his eyes were fixed on my desk. I’m sure he doesn’t know that I noticed because I was careful while looking at him, but I know he was glancing.

When the class ended, I followed him to his office. I never walked into a teacher’s office before. It was very small, with a large desk right in the middle and barely space to sit anywhere else. Those offices are closed, but they’re not meant to receive any visitors. He grabbed me a chair from another office and put it next to his, we could both fit on the desk next to each other since it was a very big desk, and there wasn’t any more space in the whole office. When I sat on his left, my right shoulder was inches away from his. Any movement would mean we would be in contact with each other.

I had a whole hour in front of me, sitting right here with nothing to do. He opened a notebook and started scribbling inside. I tried to pass the time but every minute sitting here in silence feels like an eternity. I look down and see that my right foot is barely inches away from his left foot. I start moving it slowly to the point where it’s sitting next to his foot and any movement from either of us will mean contact. I don’t know how much time passed, and I don’t know what got through my mind, but I moved my foot an inch more, and there it was, touching his left foot. He didn’t move, and I removed my foot. A few seconds later, I saw his leg moving a little towards me, was it an invitation to put my foot back where it was?

I’m going for it. When we made contact this time he coughed a little and I saw him looking under the desk, then back at his notes. I decided to try something else. I slip my foot out of my sandal and rest it on top of his shoe. This time I got a bigger reaction out of him, not one I expected, or maybe I did.

“Are you playing footsie with me, young lady?”

“I What?”

“Footsie, you know?”

“What does that mean?”

“Playing Footsie, like playing with your foot on mine”

I look down and see my foot right where I planted it, on top of his shoe, and remove it immediately.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that was your foot I thought it was my sandal!”

The lie came to me so easily it’s scary…

“Oh ok well not that I would mind you know…”


What happened next took me by surprise completely. He reached out with his hand, grabbed my leg, and pulled it towards him. Both our legs were now in full contact.

“See, no harm done!”


His hand was still resting on my leg, somewhere just above my knee. He started stroking it while looking me in the eyes. I pressed it against him to let him know it felt good. I don’t know why I did it, but something about Mr. Davis gave me confidence, I felt completely secure with no worries in the world like all would always be okay as long as I stayed close to him. While he was still stroking my leg I let out a soft moan, something that came out of me unintentionally. I’m guessing he took it as an invitation because of what happened next.

“Let’s get you comfortable.”

He turned my chair and then his so that we were both facing each other, bent down to reach my right barefoot, and lifted it on his lap. He started stroking it slowly, rolling his finger on the side right where my ankle bracelet was.

“Mr. Davis, I….”

“Shhh everything is all right. This is a cute bracelet.”

“Thank you it was a gift” I lied. ” Mr. Davis, I don’t think that…”

” You have really cute feet you know.” He interrupted me.

“They’re very soft to the touch, your soles are so clean, little perfectly shaped toes. Yes very pretty indeed.”

That’s when I saw it, right there and then, while he was talking and stroking my foot. He had a huge bulge in his pants. He was turned on. I was in my teacher’s office, my bare foot in his hands getting massaged, he was complimenting me, and there it was, I was turning him on. It felt so wrong, but so right at the same time. Before I knew it, he reached down and grabbed my other foot. He slowly removed my sandal, as if it was a sensual act, and brought it up to his nose. What was he doing? Wait is he sniffing my sandals? The answer was yes.

“Your smell is divine.”

What was happening? I couldn’t answer that, but I knew I was dangerously close to crossing a line I shouldn’t. He gently put my sandals on his desk, took both my feet in his hands, and lifted them to his chest. He started giving me a foot massage in a very sexual way, almost rough. The office was dead silent, we were probably completely alone in the school and I had no idea what time it was at that point. The only thing I could hear was his breath, and it was heavy. His eyes were fixing mine completely and I didn’t move. I was completely dressed except for my bare feet, yet I felt completely naked in front of him.

He proceeded to lift both my feet and buried his face inside my soles. I didn’t even notice how uncomfortable I was, my position was extremely awkward. I was completely lost in the moment. There was a lot of sniffing on his part. I could see him holding both my feet to his face with his right hand. Wait where’s his other hand? I managed to sneak a peak on the side of my legs and saw he was touching himself with the other hand on top of his pants, right there in front of me.

It surprised me when he took out his tongue and started licking my soles, but it really shouldn’t have, it was obvious this was the next step. After barely a few seconds my feet were completely covered with his saliva. He took each one of my ten toes into his mouth, licked both my feet completely, and made sure not to miss a single spot. All this was happening in complete silence. I didn’t dare move, object, or say anything.

I started thinking about what was going to happen next. There is no way in hell we’re having sex, I’m a virgin and I’m planning on staying one for the foreseeable future. Surely he wouldn’t dare take it there. I was right, but he still expects something from me, right? While his face was still buried in my feet, his tongue still exploring my soft skin, the hand he was using to stroke himself started unzipping his pants. The second he took it out I was in complete shock, my mind was racing. This was the first live Dick I’ve ever seen in my life, and I knew it was huge. If I had to measure it, I would say it was at least nine inches long and very thick. This was not an average dick, it couldn’t be.

It was very clean, which surprised me, I didn’t know guys shaved their dicks. Maybe they don’t, but Mr. Davis did.

He slowly removed his face from my feet but kept them right in front of his mouth so I couldn’t see him.

“I’ve never been so turned on in my whole life Maria. Please forgive me if I cum quickly.”

Cum quickly? What? Is he going to masturbate plainly in front of me until he cums? What was he planning to do?

“Mr. Davis, I don’t want to…”

“Shhh Maria don’t worry, there is nothing for you to do really. I’m almost done.”

He took both my feet with both his hands and placed them on both sides of his fully erect penis. He guided them up, and down, and up, and down. I was giving him a foot job.

“Gosh, they’re so small and perfect.”

I wanted this to end as soon as possible, so I curled my toes inwards to try and help the situation while slowly letting out another soft moan. The second I did that he screamed so loud I almost jumped out of my seat, but he held my feet on his dick with extreme force.


Even if I wasn’t staring at his dick between my feet, I could’ve felt every drop of semen that was now covering my skin. There was so much. I have no experience with anything related to making a guy cum, or dicks, or anything sexual at all. But I knew this was not a normal amount of semen, it couldn’t be.

It was all over both my feet, they were completely covered. A mix of his saliva from earlier, and lots of his cum. It was dripping between my toes, covering my feet from top to bottom, all the way to my soles. I tried moving my toes and they were all sticky, I could see semen forming lines between them.

“You can put your sandals back on now Maria.”

“um Mr. Davis, do you have something I can use to clean my feet please…”

“I’m sorry I don’t. It’s all right don’t worry there is no one left at school right now. No one will see you.”

Is he crazy? He expects me to put on my sandals with that much cum on my feet and just walk around?

“Mr. Davis, I can’t go out of this office without cleaning…”

“Hush now. I have something for you.”

He proceeded to open his desk drawer, take out a kind of test that was all filled out, and wrote my name with the mention: A+ next to it.

“Surprise test from yesterday. It only counts for 5% towards the final grade, it was about what you saw last year to see if you kept up to date during the summer. You missed class, but I see how much you can apply yourself now. So here you go.”

He handed the test to me.

“If you continue to apply yourself, you will be the best student this year. Maybe even get a university scholarship.”

I understood what he meant, if I apply myself like I did just now, he will give me good grades. I was now selling my feet online and at school. What did that make me? I looked down on my feet another time and was completely disgusted by their look, all slimy and used. But I didn’t argue more. I put on my sandals and stood up. I could feel the cum dripping and moving around every time I moved a toe.

The walk to his car was very painful. I felt like crying. It’s like my emotions started getting back to me. Why did I let this happen? I didn’t try to stop it. He didn’t force me to do anything, I did it willingly. I felt like a complete slut. The car ride was silent, I don’t know if he was still looking at me or my feet, because my eyes were fixed on the mess he left down there. I was wiggling my toes around looking at his cum move around, it was starting to dry and I could feel it.

When I got home he simply told me “Same time tomorrow morning” and I nodded. My mom’s car was parked and that’s when I noticed it was completely dark outside. She didn’t even bother calling me, asking me why I wasn’t home.

I opened the front door and saw her sitting in a chair, she looked at me perplexed and asked,

“Wait did you just come home?”

Did she not even notice I wasn’t home?

“Uhh yeah sorry I had a school project I needed to…”

“Yes yes ok Maria.”

Is everyone making a habit of interrupting me now? Whatever, this is not a conversation I want to last long since my feet are still completely covered in cum. I head to my room and get ready to take my sandals off but I decide to take a quick look at my Only Fans before doing so.

Account balance: 2105$

Woah those are a lot of tips I got, I have almost fifty new messages now. All that from only two pictures posted in total? I wonder…

No, It’s a bad idea….

Or is it?

The harm is already done, might as well get some good out of it…

Without thinking more, I take my camera and start recording a video of my feet. The cum is drying out but it’s still very slimy. I wiggle my toes around for the camera, dangle the sandals until they fall slowly one after the other, and rub both my feet together.

Where was this Maria coming from? I wasn’t sure. There’s a part of me that hates myself now, but another part that keeps pushing for more. I look back at the video I just took and I start crying. Is this me? What have I become? I take my sandals and head out to the bathroom. I take off all my clothes, throw my sandals onto the floor of the shower, and clean myself up along with the sandals.

When I get out of the bathroom my mom is sleeping. I haven’t had super yet so I head to the kitchen and try to figure something out, but I’m not hungry. Then I see a bottle of vodka half full on the counter. I just take it and head to my room.

I’ve never drank before, but I go for it. The taste grossed me out but I don’t care. I need to feel something different. I need to forget what happened today. I chug as much as I can and I start getting dizzy, then I go for more and more. I now know what it’s like to be drunk.

I open my Only Fans and post the video.

Not even a few minutes pass by and I start receiving new tips. I have a lot of unread messages but only one peaks my interest, it’s the same guy I was talking to yesterday.

GregSteel1962: What’s my favorite girl doing?

cuteteenfeet06: Heyyyyyy!!!! Nothing haha I’m a bit drunk honestly :)! I just posted a new video!

GregSteel1962: Yup I saw.

cuteteenfeet06: Did you like it?

GregSteel1962: Yes but I’m a bit disappointed.

cuteteenfeet06: Oh why’s that?

GregSteel1962: I didn’t think you did meet-ups and real-life stuff. Who’s the lucky guy? If I knew I would’ve asked to meet.

cuteteenfeet06: oh no it’s not like that umm it wasn’t someone from the website.

GregSteel1962 : I see. Answer.


He’s video calling through the website oh shit shit what do I do? I’m not even dressed properly I’m only wearing a t-shirt with panties and my mom could hear. I quickly get a towel and squeeze it through the crack opening under my door to make sure she won’t hear, I connect my laptop with my air pods and answer.

“Hi pretty girl, I’m Greg by the way, I can barely see you can you open the light?”

“Heyyyyy ummm no I can’t sorryyy….”

Greg was a lot older, like a lot. He looked at least sixty years old. He was completely bald and a bit fat. So this is the man who sent me all that money yesterday.

“Why not? Anyways that’s fine. I thought it would be easier to talk on a video call. How was your day? Why are you drunk? What are you wearing? Are your feet still covered in cum?”

“Wooaahhhh that’s a lot of questions haha um my day was fine, I felt like drinking, just an oversized t-shirt I use it as pajamas and no I showered.”

“You’re so pretty you know that.”

“Haha thank you…”

The rest of the conversation went by smoothly. I continued drinking to the point where I could barely see the light coming from my laptop, everything was blurry and I think Greg noticed. He was really sweet which honestly surprised me. He didn’t ask me to take off my clothes or anything sexual, it’s like he just wanted to get to know me. I told him about my family situation, how I never met my dad, and how I and my mom didn’t get along. He told me about his ex-wife and how he spends too much time and money on Only Fans talking to fake girls and how glad he is he met me for a change. Maybe it was the alcohol, but I had this feeling Greg cared for me like he would a daughter or something like that.

After a good hour of talking and me telling him a little too much about myself due to being intoxicated, and him telling me how successful he was in his life financially and bragging a little about it, he hit me with a bomb :

“I want to ask you something and I want you to think carefully before you answer. Can you do that?”

“Umm yeah sure Greg what’s up”

“I want to meet you. I want to meet you right now. I don’t know where you live and I don’t need to know, but I need to see you. I’m falling in love here! Listen, you can choose anywhere public, any time. I don’t care if you live on the other side of the ocean I’ll take a flight to you right now. You just give me an address and a time and I’ll be there. I want to get to know you. Please know that I won’t expect anything from you. I’m an old gentleman, and I’m very respectful. I am divorced with no kids, and lonely at times. I have a lot of money, I’ve been very successful in my life, and no one to share it with. I want to share it with you. Will you meet me? We can go out anywhere of your choosing. I just want to get to know you. If you agree, I will send you 20,000$ right now.”


I said yes. I heard myself saying it and a million thoughts popped into my head, but they left as soon as they arrived. I just agreed to meet a stranger, a very old stranger, who has been sending me money for sexy pictures of my feet. What did I just do?

“Good baby I’m glad. I see you’re tired and a bit too drunk right now you need to sleep. I’ll send over the payment, you can take the night and just let me know where and when.”

“Oki. Good night.”

“Give me a good night kiss”

I blow him a kiss…


We hang up.

GregSteel1962 sent you 20000$

I don’t even bother checking my account balance, in my head it’s all a dream and everything fades to black.




Is that the doorbell? Wait…

I jump out of bed and rush to the front door realizing I forgot to put on my alarm clock. I open the door forgetting I’m only wearing a t-shirt barely covering my panties.

“Mr. Davis! I’m so sorry! I completely forgot I needed… I mean I’m not ready. I’m so so sorry. I know what this looks like but I…”

He puts a finger on my lips.

“Where is your mom?”

“My mom? What? she uhh..”

I realize her car is not in the driveway. She must’ve left early.

“I uhh… I don’t know.”

He grabs me by the shoulders and gently pushes me backward while walking into the house. He turns around, closes the door, and locks it.

“Where is your room?”

“My room? Mr. Davis, if you can just wait five minutes please I’ll be very quick and I’ll…”

Again with his finger on my lips.

“Your room. Now.”

I start walking towards my room and he follows me. As I’m walking I realize what I’m wearing. Panties and a t-shirt that barely stops right under my ass cheeks. That’s it, nothing else. I can feel his stare on my ass from behind without even looking.

We get in my room and he signals me to sit on the bed. He looks around and the scene leaves me completely ashamed. There’s a bottle of vodka with maybe a couple of ounces left inside, and my laptop opened on my Only Fans page.

“So this is why you aren’t ready yet.”

I have no words. Nothing can come out of my mouth right now. He inspects my body from head to toe without even trying to be subtle about it.

“Stay here.”

He takes the bottle of vodka walks out of my room for a few minutes and comes back with a glass he found in the kitchen that’s half full, I’m guessing he emptied the bottle in it.


“Mr. Davis. Can I just put some clothes on and we can get to school?”

“I won’t ask again. Drink this now.”

It’s a lot less alcohol than I drank yesterday, and I’m pretty sure there’s nothing left in the bottle. I just grab the glass and drink. As soon as the glass is empty I get very doozy. One second I’m sitting on the bed and the next I’m lying down seeing the ceiling. Everything is turning, and I can barely hear Mr. Davis when he says: “I got her, come help me.”

Complete blackout. No dreams, no nightmares, just seeing black. I’m in the deepest sleep I’ve ever been in my life. It’s a sleep I can’t get out of, and I don’t know how much time passes before I start regaining my senses. But I eventually do.

I open my eyes and see my ceiling again. Wait, no not my ceiling. This ceiling is very dirty. I try to raise my head a little and see with horror that my feet are tied to the bed, one on each side. I come to scream and realize I can’t, my mouth is gagged with something. I can barely make a sound. I start regaining more consciousness and try to make sense of the scene.

I’m in a room with a dimmed light. The room is very small and empty except for me and the mattress I’m tied to. I can guess that the mattress is sitting on the floor since I’m so low. My hands are tied on each side like my feet are. I’m completely stretched out in an eagle position. I’m still wearing my t-shirt but since my legs are wide open my panties are completely exposed. I don’t know how much time passes before someone finally walks in the single door. It’s Greg.

Wait, Greg? What the hell does Greg have anything to do with all this? It was Mr. Davis that got me here, it had to be. He was the one I was with last I remember.

“My my what do we have here?”

I try to scream as hard as I can but all that comes out is


“Don’t worry sweety. Everything will make sense to you soon. You must have a lot of questions.”


“Now now. Before we get to all that we need to start your training.”

My training? What the hell is he talking about?

He approaches me and sits down on his knees next to me. He places his hand on my upper thigh, inches away from my panties, and starts rubbing me sensually.

“You will become our best asset yet. I know it.”


Published 6 months ago

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