Saturday morning arrived, Jimmy could not help but think of the incredible adventure Friday night had turned out to be. He was so thankful to have a girlfriend like Lisa and was now just as fascinated by her beautiful little sister. He could not stop wondering what Saturday night might bring. Lisa told him to come over tonight at six. The minutes and seconds ticked by slowly the entire day.
As much as he had enjoyed Friday night, Jimmy could not help but wonder if the girls may have had second thoughts with the new day. Things like Friday night just don’t happen to him. Did everyone get carried away and allow events to go too far? He spent the day looking forward to seeing Lisa and hoping Joni would not be home, thinking it would be best to get the reaction from his girlfriend without her sister being present.
Six o’clock finally arrived, and Jimmy was on Lisa’s doorstep, nervously ringing the bell. To his surprise, it was Joni, with a friendly smile, who opened the door.
“Hi Jimmy, you are right on time, just as Lisa said you would be. Come on in.”
“Is Lisa home, Joni?”
“No, she forgot that she was filling in for a friend at work. So she asked if I would keep you company until she got home. I hope that is okay with you.”
“I suppose that is fine; when will she get home?”
“She works until 9, so sometime after that. She felt really bad about it but had no way to get in touch with you. I hope you don’t mind spending time with her little sister.”
“I guess not, but if you have better things to do, I can just watch some TV or something.”
“Of course not, Jimmy; I enjoy being around you.”
“You do, really?”
“Yes, I think we have a kind of special relationship, don’t you?”
“Of course, Joni, I was a little concerned that you might have some regrets about what happened last night.”
“No way, last night was the most interesting, special, and exciting night of my life.”
“Wow, what a relief to hear you say that; it was the same for me. I was concerned that you might have thought that I was out of line and got carried away.”
“Jimmy, you saved me from getting into big trouble with my parents; I owe you for that.”
“How did you ever learn to spank a high school girl like that? You must have had some type of experience to be so good at it.”
“Well, last summer, my cousin, about two years older than me, spent a month at our house. I accidentally caught her drinking some of my dad’s beer. She did not want me to tell on her, so she told me I could punish her just as well as my dad. I told her I would not know how to even begin punishing my older cousin, let alone a girl. She said, I am older, but I see you as someone who is bigger and stronger than I am. I’m sure you would at least be able to give me a good spanking. So after that, it seemed like I gave her a spanking every time my folks were gone, and I guess I got pretty good at it.”
“You were really good at spanking me, Jimmy. I am amazed that a boy your age would know exactly the right things to say and do. That is all I have thought about since you tucked me in last night.”
“I’m happy to hear that. If you don’t mind, I would like to hear what you thought I did so well and how I could have been better.
“First of all, and most importantly, you calmed me down after my talk with Lisa. I was very upset, and for some reason, I felt comfortable talking to you. You were reassuring, and I felt that you would be the best person to help me through it. I just understood that it was important for you to spank me. I did not want Lisa to enter, so I locked the door. Then I stood in front of you while you confidently opened my pants and took them down. You offered to spank me with my panties on, which was thoughtful, but to me, it was important for you to see that I am a big girl, so my panties needed to be taken down. Then, you gently and carefully helped me into a comfortable position across your lap. I was disappointed when you began to spank me before taking my panties down. I then understood that you just wanted to give me another opportunity to leave them on. It became exciting once I felt your fingers slide inside the waistband, and I knew that my panties would soon be removed. Feeling the cool air hit my bare bottom and your right hand gently brushing it was more exciting than I could have imagined. Finally, the spanking began. I was afraid that I might cum right away. I was able to hold back by guessing which cheek would get the next spank and how hard it would be. I was never right. Every spank was a surprise and was well and lovingly placed. A few pretty hard ones did shock me, but they ended up being the most exciting. I tried to open my legs enough to give you a view of wet clit. A couple of times, you even complimented me on having a really nice bush. Hearing those words from you meant more to me than you know. There is nothing you could have done better. If I need to be spanked again, I want you to do it.”
“I must be the luckiest guy in the world. I have Lisa as a girlfriend and get to spank her beautiful younger sister. So Joni, not to embarrass you, but may I ask you a personal question?”
“Of course, I want you to ask me everything?”
“I’m curious; what happened after I left last night?”
“You mean, did I think about being across your lap, feeling you take my panties down and then spanking my bare bottom? Of course, I did. I was excited and needed to bring it to a conclusion, if you know what I mean?”
“I think I know, but I’m not really sure how that works for a girl. I would love to learn.”
“Well, maybe we should go back up to my room?” She said with a wink.
With that, Joni got up and nodded for Jimmy to follow her up the stairs.
From behind, Jimmy admired Joni’s cute blue skirt and the perfectly shaped bottom he knew it covered. She held the door for Jimmy to enter before turning the lock. Joni put a dim light on and pulled her desk chair to the side of the bed before telling Jimmy he should sit there as she removed her shoes.
Jimmy’s eyes were wide with anticipation as he watched his girlfriend’s very cute little sister lay on her bed, smiling at him.
“Jimmy, you need to stay quiet and pay very close attention to everything I do.”
Joni closed her eyes and began to run her hands gently over the front of her short-sleeved white blouse. They roamed from her shoulders across her breasts to her stomach and back again. Her eyes cracked momentarily, and she smiled, seeing that Jimmy was captivated. Joni then cupped and enthusiastically fondled her breasts. Soon, her fingers were fumbling with the buttons of her blouse. One by one, they opened until her thin, lacy white bra was in full view. Jimmy was transfixed by it all; he observed Joni sucking her index fingers before sliding them under the top of her bra. Her nipples stood at full attention, and she quickly popped the front closure bra open. The sight of Joni’s perfectly shaped 16-year-old breasts and firm tits was better than anything Jimmy had dreamt of. Her fingers continued to play with her nipples until he noticed her right hand begin to slowly slide down across her stomach toward the waist of her short skirt. She now began to twist and turn, causing her skirt to rise nearly all the way up. Jimmy slid his chair back to where Joni’s panties were in full view. He noted that the thin, lacy bikinis matched her bra. He stared anxiously as her right hand took her skirt up the rest of the way before sliding to the top of the dark muff that could easily be made out through the lacy material. Joni’s middle finger was beginning to stroke her clit on top of her panties, which were becoming more transparent as she worked the area. Her hand now found its way inside the waistband. Her back arched slightly, and she was able to push her panties down to her thighs. Jimmy enjoyed his position observing her fingers moving up, down, and around her cute young clit; suddenly, in a loud whisper, she said, “Jimmy, pull my panties off right now!”
Obediently, Jimmy stood, bent forward, and gently lowered the panties to her ankles and off.
Joni was now thrashing about on the bed; Jimmy’s eyes no more than a foot from her pretty pink pussy watched as her back arched, followed by two fingers disappearing deep inside the 16-year-old’s cunt. The moaning, twisting, turning, and finally eruption continued for several minutes. At last, with a deep sigh, Joni quietly curled up, both hands firmly tucked between her legs.
Jimmy remained still and quiet, admiring everything he had witnessed. After a few minutes, Joni’s eyes opened. She smiled at him and asked, “How did you like that?”
“Amazing, that was just incredible! So all of that was just from thinking about being spanked.”
“Some was about you spanking me, Jimmy, but mostly it was because I knew that you were watching. I noticed that you paid close attention and even moved to get the best possible view between my legs; I liked knowing that you were watching everything I did. That was amazing!”
“WOW, look at the time; Joni, Lisa should be here any second. What do we do now?”
“It’s okay, Jimmy; I suppose I should feel guilty about letting you watch me masturbate, but I really enjoyed it, and after all, it was mostly Lisa’s fault; she told you to come over at 6 pm, and then she stood you up.”
You’re right, Joni; Lisa was a very inconsiderate and naughty girl. Don’t you think she needs to be punished?”