After what can only be described as an average, almost painfully normal night, Craig and I retreated to the lounge to watch TV. Funny, I couldn’t remember the last time we’d done that, but here we both were! Sitting there, I assumed Craig was also hoping something would happen again. It felt a little odd if I’m honest. We were just brother and sister right then, but I also felt flushed thinking about him sexually. Crazy how just last night, or even this morning, I wouldn’t have thought about him, at all! Even more, thinking of him sexually would have disgusted me.
Mum and Dad continued to potter around doing whatever parents do after dinner, seeming to flitter in from time to time for no particular reason. Just a normal night! Sitting there looking at Craig though, I thought, “Who would have thought things could be so normal after fucking your brother!”
I don’t think either of us cared what was on. Sitting on opposite lounges, we both jumped on our phones and scrolled through our socials. Looking over to try and, I don’t know, I wanted to try and gauge his mood, we both looked up at the same time, and it felt awkward. I think we were both wondering what the other was thinking, and both checked at the same time. We both instantly looked back at our phones, which just made it feel even more awkward.
I hated that feeling! I wished I could just ask him, stupidly, nerves stopped me though. Wanting to change it, I opened WhatsApp and tried to think of something to write, but nothing came to me. My brain had abandoned me, again! Staring at my phone, I clicked the camera button thinking it would be fun, and an icebreaker to snap a picture of him and send it. When the camera opened though, seeing images pop up at the bottom, I went to my images. Scrolling through, I picked one of me in a mini dress and thought about sending it to see his response. The photo was nothing revealing or anything, but still kind of sexy. Just me taking a selfie after I’d bought it, although admittedly, I’d pulled it up so it looked crazy short! Thinking “fuck it” I added a caption, “Hot or not?” And hit send.
Watching Craig see the notification, open my message then smile. Quickly followed by his response, “HOT, but not as hot as your swimsuit.” I almost laughed out loud. He was right, but also, it also made me relaxed to know he was still okay with everything.
The response gave me my confidence back, I opened my private folder and selected a pic of me in lingerie. I’d done this before, not with my brother obviously, but with other guys. Selecting a sexy photo, and almost sending, but I always chickened out before sending it. This photo was one of my favorites. Not slutty, it was me in a pink and white floral thong, and a white lace bralette. My pose was kind of side-on, showing my ass and turning to the camera. Imagining sending it to my brother felt very cheeky. I had a fair few pics of myself like that, but had never published them or anything. It was just fun to feel sexy. Like, I wish I dared to post pics like that, but I didn’t! I just took them for myself. Looking over at Craig, I thought fuck it, I’m gonna do it.
Before hitting send, I added a caption, “Hotter or notter?”
Waiting for my brother’s response, I hear the buzz of his phone, then watch the light of his phone hit his face as he opens my message.
Studying it for a moment, then looking at me, then back to his phone, I saw him use two fingers to zoom in. Smiling, he began typing. “Hotter, but still not as hot as your swimsuit.” Buzzed onto my screen.
My little plan seemed to work. Things felt relaxed and not awkward. Plus, it was feeling sexy as fuck messaging my brother like this.
Rolling through my privates, I was more confident, plus I loved the feeling of finally hitting send. It felt hot sending sexy pics of myself! Looking at my nudes, I pondered for a moment before again thinking fuck it I’m going to. I settle on one, me naked, taking a mirror selfie. I added the caption, “Swimsuit or birthday suit?”
Again, I felt flushed but excited as I watched my brother zoom in on a picture of me before he responded. Opening his message, I see a picture of his hard cock with the caption, “OMFG, birthday suit for sure.”
Seeing his cock again, feeling confident, I couldn’t help myself. I replied straight away, “OMG, I can’t wait to feel that inside me again.”
I was very happy to see, “me either,” replied equally quickly.
Sitting there sexting with my brother, I could feel my nipples stiffen as the time rolled by knowing, Mum and Dad would soon be off to bed. I’d usually still be wearing a bra until in my room for privacy, but now, here I was, allowing my nipples to display themselves, almost like they were beacons for my brother’s sexual attention. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was starting to grow a little wet. I never could have imagined my brother being a source of sexual arousal, but he was very much.
After Mum popped in giving us the usual, “Night guys,” she then doubled back reminding Craig, “Don’t forget your interview tomorrow and good luck.”
Craig replied almost annoyed at the reminder, “I know, thanks, Mum. “
Hearing this, my mind excitedly jumped to thoughts, as it had every other time over the last few months when hearing I’d be alone, to where I’d be masturbating tomorrow. My first thought was the pool. As quickly as those thoughts arrived, disappointment also set in knowing my brother wouldn’t be around. “Oh how quickly things change,” I thought, realizing alone time is no longer what I wanted.
This though, sparked a thought that raced through my mind! Sitting there, not quite sure I was confident enough, I began playing out my fantasy in my head.
Listening to Mum and Dad’s footsteps climb the stairs and the inevitable creaking of the upstairs floorboards, my heart began to thump, my intentions elevating my nervousness. The tension in the air grew (well it did for me at least), and with what seemed to be a feeling of anticipation, we were finally alone again. While our parents were around, there were no thoughts of play, however, the protection of their presence was now gone. Nothing to stop us, so to speak which brought on nerves.
Not knowing if we’d dare do anything while our parents were home, the mere thought of fucking my brother again had me tingling with nervous excitement. Being pantyless, I worried my excitement might show! Still, I let my legs drift apart imagining a wet spot showing on my PJ shorts.
As I listened to the creaks upstairs, they seemed to walk around their room sorting themselves out for way longer than usual. I felt the tingle in my pussy begin to rage knowing what I wanted to do, and while I was impatient, I was also nervous about what we’d do once they stopped.
Hearing the toilet flush, then again a second time, the creaking floorboards ceased and I knew they were in bed. My heart felt like it was about to explode. I’d been waiting for the moment they had gone to bed to see if Craig and I would do anything, and that time was now! The waiting was over. No more hiding behind them.
To be clear, I was confident we wouldn’t get caught. My parents worked hard and I knew that almost as soon as their heads hit the pillows, they were out. They’d always been that way as long as I could remember. Plus, knowing if we did do anything, the creaking floorboards would give me plenty of notice to sort ourselves out before getting caught. So, I was confident we could play if we wanted to. Those creaking floorboards had prevented my brother from catching me masturbating several times after all.
Sitting there with just the dim light from the kitchen and the TV illuminating us, I started to muster up the courage to start. I quickly realised though, that I was looking at my brother. As horny as I was for him right then, I was more nervous that he might reject me, or say no cause our parents were home.
As I pondered my plan, my body didn’t act. I was too nervous. Then, an ad came on that had a bright white backdrop, instantly lighting up the room as though someone had turned on the lights. Shifting my eyes over to Craig, the first thing I noticed was his boner pushing his shorts out and, even better, I saw it flinch. My heart thumped, not with nervousness this time, but excitement. That’s all I needed to see to know, he was thinking the same thing I was. He wasn’t trying to hide it and I took that as my green light.
Now, as I said before, I’d begun exploring my voyeur kink since finishing school, and although I loved it, I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would truly act on it. Don’t get me wrong, I had amazing orgasms while imagining being caught, or having someone watch me while I masturbated in different spots around the house, or the backyard, but had accepted that’s as far as I’d go! Fantasy not reality.
Feeling confident after seeing my brother’s erection, I stood up causing him to look at me. My mind was made up, I decided I was going to live out my fantasy!
Standing there for a brief moment, enjoying my brother’s now full attention, I reached down, grabbed the bottom of my singlet with crossed arms and proceeded to lift it off dropping it to the floor. Standing there feeling somewhat exposed with my b cup breasts on display. I was still extremely nervous to the point, I almost stopped, but grabbed the top of my pajama shorts and pushed them down, letting them drop swiftly to the floor. No turning back now I thought! If I didn’t feel exposed before, I can tell you I did now! But I equally loved the feeling of my brother’s eyes wandering over me. This time it did feel the way I’d imagined all those times before. Funny how even though my brother’s cock had been inside me just hours earlier, I was still nervous, so vulnerable, just standing there on display for him.
I’m not sure if Craig was nervous, or in shock, but besides seeing his cock flinch in his shorts, he didn’t move and didn’t say a word.
Stepping back, I sat on the lounge facing Craig as much as I could, the lounges being ninety degrees to each other meant it wasn’t direct. I leaned back, lifted my feet onto the sofa, my knees raised almost to my ears and then let them drop to the side. Spreading my legs wide, I’ve never felt so exposed. It felt every bit as exciting as I’d imagined while watching girls in porn! I couldn’t quite believe I was doing it, but looking down, I loved the feeling of spreading my legs to give my brother the best view possible of my pussy! It felt amazing looking through my spread legs at my brother. So naughty, so wrong, but no feeling had ever compared before with this excitement!
Placing my hands on my breasts, I gently rubbed them. I delighted in how hard my nipples were, while my brother’s eyes flicked between watching me caress my breasts, and soaking up the sight of what I assumed, must have been a now glistening pussy between my spread legs. The realization that I was about to masturbate in front of my brother, something I’d imagined him catching me doing, was a level of arousal that was indescribable. Knowing, admitting and acting on sexual urges towards your brother is something only experience can explain or give justice to!
Before I had a chance to reach down and feel how wet I knew I was, Craig stood up, pulled his shorts down and started heading towards me. I can’t lie, seeing his cock standing almost upright, so stiff as he walked, I wanted to let him fuck me, and almost didn’t stop him. But I knew what I wanted to do first.
As he reached me, I stood up, grabbed hold of his cock and led him back to his lounge pressing him back down. Slowly sliding my hand off my brother’s cock, landing a gentle kiss on his lips, I whispered, “Watch until I say so.” I hadn’t realized before and it wasn’t till later, after watching more porn that I realized, I appeared to have a bit of a dominant streak. All I knew right then though, is I wanted my brother to watch me masturbate to orgasm. I wanted to bring to life those feelings I’d had when imagining being caught.
Moving back to my lounge, I leaned back into the same position, knees up before spreading wide and placing my hands back on my breasts. Looking over at my now naked brother, his cock rigidly standing straight, I couldn’t wait any longer! I slid my right hand down my body until my middle finger slid effortlessly between my lips. I was wet—very wet.
Gliding my finger back up between my lips until I reached my clit, my finger began to circle using my wetness and I instantly flinched with pleasure. I’d never been so aroused before touching myself. Usually touching myself led to arousal but this was the opposite. I was halfway to orgasm before touching myself. My body instantly felt like it was on fire. Who would’ve ever thought, your brother, could be the one to bring out so much sexual pleasure? I certainly didn’t know it before now, but later found out while researching the subject, they’ve scientifically proven it to be the case between siblings. There’s an unrivaled connection, which I can confirm!
Nonetheless, I digress.
As I start to swirl my finger over my clit, I see Craig reach down, grab his cock and slowly start masturbating. Lifting my finger off my pussy, I held out my pointer finger waving it from side to side. ‘No touching till I say so,” said louder than I intended given our parents were upstairs.
He let go of his cock allowing me to place my hand back between my legs. Letting my middle finger side through my now-soaked lips, through my opening and back to my clit, again caused me to jerk, I’d never felt sensitivity like it. Looking down, I watched my hand swirling between my legs, with the view of my naked brother in the background watching me intently, it was overwhelming. Sliding my finger back down, I allowed both middle fingers to slide back through my lips, soaking them both with my wetness before returning to swirl, on my now insanely sensitive clit with more vigor this time.
As my fingers and hand swirled faster and harder, my left hand grabbing at my left breast, The tingles started to pulsate inside me as I began to rub myself to orgasm. My hand and fingers now almost thrashing at my clit, I run my fingers down for wetness, back up to my clit, back down, back up before sliding down and burying my two fingers into myself. Thrashing my fingers up and down inside myself, I loved hearing the unmistakable sound of the wetness inside me, my wetness splashing in unison with my fingers. Usually, a sound I hid from, was now something I wanted my brother to hear. I hoped the sound of my sex turned him on.
As the pulsating tingles continued to grow, I felt them run up my spine, before feeling like they exploded inside me. I frantically pulled my fingers back out, thrashing them over my clit, body flinching and jerking as waves of orgasm ran through me. I began whimpering through my breaths, I was in a trance, but still aware our parents were above us. I had to control the moans I so desperately wanted to release, as I jerked through my orgasm. Forcing myself to keep my eyes open, I came to orgasm, shaking uncontrollably while looking at my brother who was watching me cum.
Slowly slipping back into the real world, my hand slowed its pace on my clit and my orgasmic flinches reduced down until I was back in control. I marveled in what could only be described, as an expression of pleasured shock on my brother’s face, as I looked at him through my quivering spread legs.
Slowly sitting up, I stood up and stepped over to my brother. Standing right in front of him, I stood there and ran my fingers slowly through my pussy lips a few times. Looking down at my brother, watching me touch myself, I couldn’t wait any longer! Lifting my left leg and placed my knee on the lounge before doing the same with the right, hovering over his lap and resting my hands on his shoulders. Without needing any assistance, I lowered myself and his cock glided effortlessly into my extremely wet, relaxed pussy, until I was down and sitting on his lap.
Leaning in so close our lips almost touched and I whispered, “Did you like watching me?”
“Ffffuck yes” is all he seemed to be able to muster at that moment.
Feeling my brother’s cock twitching inside my pussy, I sat still to enjoy feeling him inside me. Sitting there, it was like a dream. I was naked, sitting on a guy, his cock inside me, and it was my brother I’m staring at. Such an odd, but extremely thrilling feeling.
Breathing in each other’s warm breaths, my impulses again took over me and I whispered…