As soon as I saw Herman, I knew he was up to no good. Almost every day, he came to visit Elsie, his wife of sixty years, at the nursing home where I worked. I was only in my early twenties and still had a lot to learn about life, but even I could tell that the bond between Elsie and Herman was special. Still, the man was full of mischief, and when he sidled up to me, I prepared to hear something outrageous from him.
And Herman’s conversation didn’t disappoint. “Hey, Trevor,” he said with a sly smile. “My birthday’s this Thursday. I’ll be eighty-three!”
“That’s wonderful, Herman. Happy birthday!” We were standing in the hallway outside Elsie’s room. Since she didn’t have a roommate, she and Herman had some privacy during his visits. However, the door was supposed to remain open.
“If you really want my birthday to be happy,” Herman said, “you’ll stand guard when I come by after dinner that evening. Elsie’s going to have a nice treat for me, if you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
I’d been working as an aide at the nursing home for only a few months, and I figured Herman considered me an easy mark. I decided to set him straight right then. “No can do, sir,” I told him firmly. “You know the rules: no inappropriate fraternizing between residents, or between a resident and visitor.” Aside from the risk of injury, romantic relationships caused far too much drama. Back when I’d first started here, I’d watched two ladies in their nineties curse each other out, using language that would make a sailor blush. And it was all because one of them had stolen the other’s boyfriend. Since then, I’d been convinced that the current policy was a wise one.
“Here’s something to sweeten the deal.” Herman withdrew a fifty-dollar bill from his pocket. “Come on, Trevor, be a sport! It’s not like it’ll take long. Even with the help of a little blue pill, I’ll probably last just a few minutes.”
After furtively glancing around, I took the money. While I knew I might lose my job if anyone found out, I really needed that cash. Leaning closer to Herman, I said, “You’ve got ten minutes on Thursday evening. That’s it!”
He considered my words for a moment. “Alright, I’ll make it a quickie. Elsie likes foreplay, though.”
“No foreplay!” I insisted. “And no getting naked, either. This has to be a fully clothed quickie.” When Herman chuckled, I tried to look stern. “I mean it, Herman—ten minutes! And don’t try anything fancy. Missionary position only!”
While Elsie’s mind was still sharp, she’d recently had a series of strokes. Her rehabilitation was going well, but she still required more care than Herman could provide for her at their house, and that was why she was now here. For his part, Herman got around okay, with only a little stiffness to his gait. Tall and thin, he had a full head of white hair. I hoped he knew his limits and wouldn’t overexert himself on his birthday.
He smiled and ruffled my dark hair. “You’re a good kid, Trevor. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to visit with my beautiful bride.”
The moment he disappeared into Elsie’s room, I started to regret my decision. My unease only grew as Thursday approached, and by the time Herman’s birthday arrived, I had a knot of dread in my stomach.
Still, I stationed myself outside of Elsie’s room after dinner that evening. In one hand, I held a file folder, and in the other hand, a paper towel. If one of the other employees noticed me loitering in the hallway, I could always pretend to be reading over some papers, or I could mop up an imaginary spill from the floor. As long as I looked busy, I didn’t think I’d draw too much attention. It was bingo night in the community room, so many residents and staff had gathered there.
When Herman turned the corner and started down the hall toward me, his grin looked as devilish as ever. “Happy birthday, Herman,” I said, forcing a smile. “Ten minutes, remember?”
He gave me a dismissive wave as he passed by. “Yeah, yeah, I remember.” He was nicely dressed, and I could tell he’d just combed his hair. Before entering his wife’s room, he winked at me and said, “No peeking!”
Elsie greeted him in a sweet, sing-song voice. “Happy birthday, my love! Come here and give me a kiss.”
With my back to the doorway, I opened the folder and feigned interest in the papers it held. As far as I knew, none of the other staff had spotted me, yet I had to fight back a surge of anxiety.
Straining my ears, I heard whispers coming from the room behind me, followed by the rustling of clothes. At least Herman was keeping his word and getting right to it.
Soon, the sound of Elsie’s moan carried to me, and I grinned despite my nervousness. They were obviously both enjoying Herman’s birthday gift!
Five minutes passed, and five more. All my mirth vanished when I glanced at my watch. We needed to wrap this up. Approaching the doorway, I said quietly, “Okay, Herman, it’s been—“
What I saw made my eyes widen in shock. Elsie was lying on her back, and I immediately noticed her flushed cheeks. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought she was feverish. Her long, silver hair was pinned back in a bun, but several strands had come loose. My stare drifted from her face to her dress. Its front buttons were unfastened, and either she or Herman had lifted her breasts out of her bra. Having lost their firmness, they sloped down toward her armpits. But that didn’t stop her from playing with her nipples.
Meanwhile, Herman was lying on his stomach, between Elsie’s spread legs. Her dress and slip were bunched around her hips, revealing her knee-highs. Herman had taken off Elsie’s panties and was now going down on her with an enthusiasm that belied his advanced age.
“Herman!” I hissed. “Herman, stop that!” Fuck, I was going to get caught and canned for sure!
Instead of showing even a hint of embarrassment, Elsie giggled at my mortification. “Has it already been ten minutes?”
“You know it’s been longer than that!” As I spoke, I couldn’t look directly at her. Averting my eyes, I continued. “We’re all going to get in trouble. Now, put your—” I stopped abruptly, for I’d been about to say, Put your tits away! But that sounded too crude even under the current circumstances.
Taking a steadying breath, I tried again. “Elsie, cover up right now!”
“Herman’s the one who got the girls out,” she replied. When I sneaked a glance in her direction, I saw she was gazing down at her pendulous breasts. “I might have trouble putting them back in my bra.” The smile she offered was playful. “Maybe you could help me?”
In desperation, I rushed over to Herman, who was doing a great job of pretending I didn’t exist. With his eyes closed and his tongue extended, he rested a hand on Elsie’s mound, which was covered with wiry gray hair.
Before I could say a word to the man, Elsie started moaning again. Herman moaned in response, his tongue working even faster. While tugging at her nipples, Elsie said, “Pay attention, Trevor. You might learn something!”
By this point, I was hot and sweaty. Tapping Herman on the shoulder, I spoke as loudly as I dared. “Party’s over!”
Finally, he lifted his head and grinned up at me. “Elsie and I are just getting started!” To emphasize his words, he retrieved a small bottle of lube placed within easy reach on the bed. “Now, help me up.”
Gritting my teeth in a futile effort to contain my aggravation, I guided Herman upward so that he rested on his knees. But trying to gently move him off the bed proved impossible, for the stubborn man refused to budge. Before I’d interrupted them, he’d taken his dick out, and I discovered he now sported a medication-induced hard-on.
“Ah, I don’t want to see that!” I blurted out, clapping a hand over my eyes.
“Then get out of here for a few more minutes!” Herman said. “That’s all it’ll take, I swear.”
I knew I’d waste far more than five minutes trying to convince him to leave Elsie’s room. Pointing a finger at him, I said, “You’d better get on with it! You’re gonna get me fired!”
“Time for the main act!”
When he started stroking his dick, I spun around and stormed out of the room. Elsie’s laughter trailed after me. “Stay and watch if you want!” she called. Who would have guessed she was a secret exhibitionist?
Keeping watch outside the door, I heard the faint, rhythmic squeaking of the bedframe. At that moment, I could have wept with relief. Elsie’s moans strengthened to cries, but I didn’t dare interrupt in order to tell her to quiet down.
I also heard Herman’s labored groans. “That’s my girl! Take it all inside that sweet pussy!”
Another minute passed before Elsie cried out Herman’s name. As his grunts grew more fervent, I prayed he was close.
Finally, he came, his orgasm accompanied by a guttural sound. When I called into the room, asking if everything was okay, Elsie assured me they were perfect.
“Get dressed, you two!” I practically barked.
“Jesus, let me catch my breath, will you?” Herman grumbled.
Once he let me know they were both decent, I went into the room to make sure they’d left no evidence of their furtive lovemaking. Elsie’s dress was buttoned up, and the skirt of it was modestly lowered. She wore a smile of such satisfaction that I decided I’d done the right thing, even if I risked my job by breaking the rules.
And Herman was grinning from ear to ear. After helpfully informing me that he’d come on Elsie’s thigh and then wiped up the mess, he added, “Thanks for keeping watch.”
I couldn’t hide my own grin. “No problem. Visiting hours aren’t over yet, so you can stay a bit longer. But no sex stuff, okay?”
He placed a hand on his chest. “I promise to be on my best behavior.”
“That’s a low bar!” Elsie quipped.
Once Herman had settled into the chair beside her bed, I patted his shoulder. “I hope to have as much fun as you when I’m eighty-three.”
Herman regarded his wife with a loving gaze. “First, you gotta find a woman even half as wonderful as my Elsie.”
“Not sure I’ll ever get that lucky,” I said, “but I’ll be on the lookout.”