Tim was twenty-seven years old, six feet tall, and well-built physically, from all the hard work growing up on the farm near Golden B.C. And also, from the physical labor working in a gold mine near Dawson City Yukon. he liked his independence, so one time when he was eighteen, while he was at home for a break from working at the mine, he decided to build a cabin on his parents’ property, so he asked his dad if it would be okay.
His dad said, “Yes, and I can help you build it.” Together, we built a nice cabin about a half mile from my parents’ home. And that’s where I stayed when I was at home on a break from work.
One day, around the middle of July, Tim was off work for the week, so he drove up to Revelstoke. He spent some time looking around and enjoying the place. He needed a haircut before returning to work, so he found a hair salon in town. He asked the girl at the till if he could get a haircut, and she said. “Absolutely! Follow me; my name is Josie, by the way.”
He said, “Hi, Josie, my name is Tim; nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you Tim.” She said as he followed her to a room in the back. He walked behind her, and he could see that she was a petite girl, around five feet tall or just a little over that; it looked like she weighed around one hundred and twenty pounds, and she had long, wavy brunette hair that hung down her back to just above her bum. She wore tight-fitting blue jeans that showed off her full, well-rounded bum and tiny waist. She had a perfectly shaped hourglass figure.
They entered the room, and she told him to sit in the chair as she put a sheet over him to keep the hair off. She asked him, “How do you like your hair cut?” as she prepared her workstation
Tim told her what he wanted, and she started cutting his hair. He watched her as she worked and saw that she was unbelievably beautiful. She looked around eighteen years old and was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. She had full, perky breasts that looked like they were straining to get out of the tight blouse she was wearing. She had a beautiful face with sparkling blue eyes that were always smiling. He could see that she had a wedding ring as she worked.
As she worked, they made small talk and started to get to know each other. She told Tim, “She had moved into town from the farm about thirty miles away, where she grew up with her mom and dad.”
Josie said. “I got married and moved into town with my husband when I was sixteen and have lived there since then. I quit high school and went to hairdressing school to become a hairdresser. I’m seventeen now and have been working here for about a year.”
Josie asked Tim if he was married, and he said, “No, I’ve had a few girlfriends over the past nine years, but I couldn’t make anything last because I have spent so much of my life working in the gold mine and they just don’t like waiting for me to come home.”
She said, “Maybe it’s time to get a job closer to home; a logging company here needs people.”
Tim said, “Yeah, maybe I will look into that.”
Josie finished cutting his hair. Tim paid her and thanked her for the great haircut. As he walked out of there, he thought to himself. “What a gorgeous girl. She is the prettiest girl I’ve ever met, and so sweet and sexy! I would love to have a girl like her; it’s too bad she is married.”
Tim loved it in Revelstoke, especially after meeting Josie. So, he decided to buy a home and move there. Tim had plenty of money saved from working in the gold mine to buy himself a wonderful place. After a week of looking around different areas, he found a beautiful log home that he loved. It was situated right on the edge of the Columbia River. It was exactly what he was looking for. He ended up buying the house and started to move in.
Tim decided to take Josie’s advice and stop working in the gold mines. Instead, he got a job with a local logging company. He was hired as a tree faller near Revelstoke, and now he could be around home more.
Tim would stop in regularly at Josie’s hairdressing place, many times before he even needed a haircut because he just wanted to see her. He started getting to know her quite well throughout that fall and winter, and he liked her. She was a friendly girl, always smiling and laughing, and they enjoyed each other’s company. One day, around the middle of May, it was just before the long weekend in May. Tim stopped where Josie worked for a haircut, and as she cut his hair, he could tell she was incredibly sad.
Tim asked. “Are you okay, Josie? You seem sad today.”
She said, “Yeah, I’m just a little sad. It is my eighteenth birthday tomorrow. My husband and I had plans to go away for the weekend to spend some time together, but at the last minute, he decided to go on a fishing trip with his friends instead, so now I’m going to be at home all alone for the whole weekend.”
Tim felt terrible for Josie, so as she cut his hair, he devised a plan to make her feel better. She finished cutting his hair, and as he paid for the haircut, he said, “I have a surprise planned for you tomorrow, Josie. I will pick you up at eight if that’s okay.”
Josie looked up at him, smiling, and excitedly said, thank you Tim, I love surprises; it is okay with me. I’m not doing anything tomorrow, and I can hardly wait.”
As he walked out, Tim said, “I will pick you up at eight tomorrow morning, Josie. Bring a picnic lunch.”
She said, “Okay, Tim, that sounds fun; I will see you in the morning.”
It was Saturday morning. Tim headed over to Josie’s house to pick her up. He pulled up to her house, and she was ready, waiting, and eager to go. He said, “Good morning, Josie.”
She replied with a good morning as she climbed into his pickup, and they headed out. He knew about an old logging road with a nice lake that led out into the mountains. He had been there several times, and he had stashed a canoe in the bushes there. Josie slid over on the seat to be close beside him. She was excited. She smiled and talked as they rode out to the lake together. “Where are we going Tim?”
“It’s a surprise Josie, you will see.” An hour later, they arrived at the lake. They got out, and Tim went into the bushes and pulled out the canoe. They loaded some things into the canoe, and as she stepped in, he pushed them out and jumped in behind her. He paddled out, and they went around a bend in the lake and came to a beautiful waterfall with a nice pool below that the water was cascading down into. Tim pulled the canoe out of the water, sat by the waterfall, and they talked while enjoying the beautiful spot together.
It was noon now, so Josie took out her picnic basket, and they ate their lunch together. Then Tim stood up and said, “Let’s go swimming Josie. I was here last weekend, and the water was nice.”
Josie said, “I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”
Tim said, “Neither did I Josie, but I’m going swimming anyway.”
Josie watched Tim as he undressed, started walking down, and stepped into the water. “Tim sure has a nice bum!” she thought to herself as she watched him from behind disappearing into the water. Then she started undressing herself and went into the water after him. They splashed each other and swam around, sometimes swimming under the waterfalls to have a natural shower. Sometimes, their naked bodies would touch each other, and Tim had a tough time keeping his hands off her. They had fun, enjoying themselves till about four in the afternoon, and he said, “We should go, Josie; we have some more things to do before this day is over.”
Josie exited the water first, and Tim followed as she approached the picnic area. He had a really good view of her beautiful bare bum and backside. Her body was a beautiful tan colour without any tan lines anywhere; she had a very shapely hourglass figure with a perfect upside-down heart-shaped well rounded bum, with dimples in her lower back just above her bum cheeks. “What a gorgeous girl she is.” Tim thought as he followed behind her.
Then Josie picked up the towels, handed one to Tim, and started to dry herself off, and he did the same. He was watching Josie as she dried herself, and he could see that she had perfectly shaped, full, firm, rounded breasts with pink nipples and chocolate-coloured areolas. Her nipples were hard and poking out now from being cool after getting out of the water. Her skin was flawless, and he could see that her pussy was completely smooth and without any hair between her pretty, toned legs. He thought to himself. “I sure would love to taste her pussy and feel her smooth skin on my face as I lick her.”
By the time Tim was dried off, he was fully turned on by her, and as hard as a rock. He started to get dressed but struggled to tuck himself in and zip his jeans up. He looked over at Josie and saw her watching him as he was trying to stuff his big cock into his jeans; then she looked up at his face and smiled as he finished zipping his pants up. She put on her T-shirt and pulled up her tight-fitting blue jeans; she was not wearing a bra or panties. Her shirt was one of those short-belly shirts. It showed off her sexy, toned belly. Tim thought. “I love it when a girl is not wearing underwear. I think it’s so sexy!”
They packed everything back into the canoe. Josie stepped in, and Tim pushed it out and got in himself, then he paddled back to where they had parked the truck. They put the canoe away, packed everything into the truck, and climbed in, heading back towards town; as he drove along, Josie sat close to him and laid her head against his shoulder for the rest of the trip to town. They stopped at a hiking trail, and hiked up to the top of a hill and could see the city of Revelstoke down below them. Tim sat down on a big rock, and Josie came over and sat down on his lap; even though there were plenty of other rocks to sit on, he sure was not going to complain about that though!
She laid her head against his chest, and Tim wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight as they sat there enjoying the beautiful view of the town in the valley below them. He could smell her hair; it smelled like raspberry. The combined scent of Josie, the closeness of her body sitting in his lap, and the memories of seeing her perfect naked body earlier that day were driving him crazy with desire for her. He was rock hard now; and he was sure she could feel it, because she was sitting right on top of it.
After a while, Tim said they should head back down before it started to get dark. Josie stood up, and Tim took her by the hand as they walked down the trail together. They arrived back at the pickup and drove the rest of the way into town and on up to the ski hill. There was a Gondola at the ski hill parking lot, so they stepped into it and road it up to the top of a high mountain. At the top of the mountain, there was a beautiful restaurant. It was situated in the middle of the peak and slowly rotating all the way around.
Tim took Josie by the hand and led her inside. The server seated them. They sat down beside each other and ordered their meals. They talked as the restaurant slowly turned, and they could enjoy all the beautiful scenery way below them. It made a complete turn once every half hour.
Josie asked, “I thought you had to have a reservation at least a month in advance to get into this place?”
“Yes, but I bought the tickets for this place over two months ago and was going to give them to you and your husband as a surprise birthday gift. When you told me he wouldn’t be around on your birthday, I decided to take you here myself.”
Josie smiled at him and said, “Thank you so much, Tim. You are so sweet, and you make me feel so special!” They finished their supper, and then the wait staff came out carrying a birthday cake as they sang “Happy Birthday Josie.”
The cake had eighteen candles, and Josie blew them all out in one go. Then Tim sliced the cake, gave one piece of cake first to Josie, and then offered cake to everyone else eating at the restaurant.
Everyone said happy birthday to Josie and thanked her for the cake, and one of them said, “You two make a really cute couple.” Neither Tim nor Josie corrected them to say they were not a couple; instead, they pretended they were on a date together. That was true; they were on a date even though she was married. They talked for a couple more hours until it was completely dark, and they headed back.
Tim dropped Josie off at her home, and she hugged him and said, “This was the best birthday I have ever had. It was so much better than anything my husband would have planned if he even had any plans at all.”
Then he said, “Josie, would you like to spend the day with me again tomorrow?”
“Yes, I would love to Tim; this has been a perfect day. I never even thought about my husband bailing on me once today. I am happy he did because today was way better than it would have been if I had been with him!”
Tim went to Josie’s house and picked her up the next day. They spent the day together doing a lot of fun activities, and then again on Monday. On Monday night, he said, “I better take you home before your husband gets back from his fishing trip tonight.”
Tim dropped her off at her place, and she hugged him, pulling him in tight. He could feel her sexy, small body tight against his, and he was rock hard again. The bulge in his jeans was pressing into her, right where her pussy was, and she pushed back into him like she wanted to feel his bulge contacting her pussy. They held on tight like that for a moment, and then Tim let go of her, not wanting to be caught in a tight embrace if her husband showed up. With a big smile, Josie looked up at him and said, “Thank you so much for this whole weekend. This has been the best weekend I have ever had.”
He said, “You’re welcome, Josie. I enjoyed it as much as you did, probably even more.” Then he climbed into his truck, said goodbye, and watched her happily skipping into her house as he drove away.
Josie was completely turned on now from being with Tim, and as soon as she was back in her house, she quickly stripped all her clothes off and jumped into the shower, and started massaging her clit while fantasizing about him. She thought about how good his bum looked when he was naked at the lake, and how good it felt when she was sitting in his lap.
She remembered feeling the bulge in his jeans pressing into her ass as she sat there, and again just now when he dropped her off, his big bulge pressing into her pussy as they were hugging each other. Josie knew that he wanted her too, by the way he looked at her and the fact that he was always getting hard when they were around each other.
It felt so good to know that Tim wanted her that much. It made her feel sexy, and after only a minute of touching herself, she started to moan loudly, and then she exploded in an intense orgasm, the very first orgasm that she had ever experienced in her life. As she started calming down from the experience.
She heard her husband call out. “Are you okay, Josie? It sounded like you were saying something while in the shower?”
“Yes, I’m okay, ” she said as she stepped out of the shower. Drying herself off, she quickly dressed and came out of the bathroom to greet her husband.
After that weekend they spent together, whenever Tim was in the hairdressing shop to get a haircut, Josie would be flirty with him and she was always brushing against him whenever she was cutting his hair. Sometimes, when she was behind him, he could feel her firm breasts pressing into his back as she worked. It seemed to Tim that all her touching and flirting was intentional, but maybe that was just her personality; he really enjoyed it though.
Josie’s cubicle was in the back room, a room by itself with a door on it. Lots of times, she would close the door so that no one could hear them as they talked. They were starting to get comfortable around each other now, and one day, Josie told Tim about her husband, and the conversation became more personal. She told him that he was her first love and the only guy that she had ever had sex with.
She said, “Sex isn’t very good, He will never let me suck on him, and he won’t please me with his mouth. Our sex life is just getting undressed, and then he rides me for a few minutes till he has an orgasm, then it is all over. There is no passion or romance. It is more like he is doing a task instead of making love. It’s like we are roommates instead of lovers. And he will never have Sex without a condom because he is afraid that I will get pregnant.
I have never even had an orgasm with him yet, or experienced the feeling of having a guy cum inside me without a condom. And it seems like he is quite small; I never get any satisfaction when we make love. I experienced my very first orgasm just a couple of weeks ago. As soon as you left after dropping me off from spending the weekend with you, I was so sexually aroused after all our time together that as soon as I was in the house, I stripped naked, jumped into the shower, and after only a minute I had my first orgasm ever! It felt so good.”
Then Josie leaned in close and whispered, “Tim, how big are you if you don’t mind me asking?”
Tim looked at her, a bit surprised by that question, but after it settled in for a moment, he said. “You saw me at the lake, Josie; you know how big I am.”
She said, “I only saw you from behind except when you were getting dressed, and I could only see just a bit as you were tucking it into your jeans. It looked big, but I could not see the whole thing. I saw enough to see that you are circumcised. I think that it looks way better than my husband, who is uncircumcised.”
“Well, I’ve never measured myself. I am about average I think, but I do not know. My last girlfriend could wrap both her hands around it, and there were still a couple of inches of the head sticking out for her to suck on. Also, she couldn’t close her fingers, so her thumb and fingers touched each other. That’s about the only thing I have to go by.”
Josie said. “That sounds pretty big to me. I can only wrap one hand around my husband’s, and there is only a little sticking out. My fingers easily touch each other when my hand is closed around him.”
Tim thought to himself. “Josie’s hands are very petite, so her husband must have a very small one.”
Josie said. “I feel like I’m missing out on some of the best things in life. My girlfriend said that her man always pleasures her with his mouth and lets her suck on him. She said she loves it, and she has an orgasm every time they make love.”
Tim said, “I’m so sorry to hear that, sweetheart. I have had both, and they are both amazing. It is too bad that some guys don’t understand that. I wish that I could do something about that for you, Josie, but you being married kind of prevents me from doing anything.”
Josie blushed and said, “Yeah, thanks, Tim; I’m sure you are very good at it. If I am with him, I will never know what it feels like. Thanks for being so kind and understanding. You’re a nice guy and a great friend to me.”
Tim started to realize that Josie, if given the chance, would cheat on her husband. She was standing behind him now, and he could feel her firm breasts pressing into his back as she worked. All the talk about sex and the thought of her masturbating in her shower while she was thinking about him, her body so close to him, her touching him as she worked, and the smell of her was too much for him.
Tim wanted Josie more than he had ever wanted a girl before, and he was going crazy with desire for her. He had a huge bulge in his jeans now from being so turned on by Josie that he shot a big load of cum inside his jeans. He tried hard not to let her know what was happening, she must have noticed something because she said. “Are you okay, Tim?”
Tim said with as much calm in his voice as he could. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
Tim had heard about an amazing Airbnb out in the mountains. He thought of an idea as she was finishing up with his haircut, and he said, “What are you doing on the July long weekend, Josie?”
She said, “I don’t have any plans yet Tim, why do you ask ?”
“I’m just thinking about something, that’s all. I will let you know when I figure it out.”
She finished cutting his hair, and he was careful not to let her see how wet the front of his jeans were, as he paid her and left.
When he returned home, he had a shower and dressed in clean clothes. Then he went online to look up the Airbnb that he was thinking about. It was available for the July long weekend, so he booked it for the whole weekend. It was a gorgeous place out in the mountains. It was a log cabin with a deck that was right out over the water. The big bay window faced the front deck and the lake, and a hot spring was just outside the cabin.
This place was costly but precisely what he was looking for. The only way out there was by helicopter, so it was very remote, and there would be no one around to bother them. The place came complete with a helicopter flight out there and back again and a fully stocked fridge so they would not have to bring food. There were horses to ride, canoes, and fishing gear. This place had everything they would need for a perfect weekend.
The website said the owners took care of the place during the week and rented it out only on weekends and holidays. It cost Tim almost five thousand for the weekend, but being with Josie for a whole weekend was worth more than money to him. He texted Josie, saying he had a plan for the long weekend in July, and asked her if she could go away with him.
Josie texted back right away and said, “Yes, I would love to go away with you for the weekend, Tim. My husband will be home, but I will say I am going away for a girl’s getaway weekend. He is always going away with his friends and leaving me at home all alone, so now it’s my turn, and he can’t say anything about that. Tell me when and where to meet you.”
“Meet me on the Friday morning of July long weekend at eight AM at the airport, Josie.”
“Okay, Tim, I can’t wait. I’m so excited! The last time you took me somewhere, it was amazing, so I know that what you have planned this time will be awesome, too.”
To be continued…