Just Another Day In The Girls’ Dorm

"She left him bound and naked. What could go wrong?"

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Like most dating couples in college, Ben and his girlfriend Lucy had a common interest.  Yes, they were both Mets fans, but I’m talking about sex.  More specifically, sex play where one partner controlled the other.  As Lucy’s college roommate was away for the weekend, they had her dorm room to themselves. 

It was Ben’s turn.  After he stripped off his clothes and lay naked on her bed, Lucy bound his hands and feet to the bed frame with Velcro ties, leaving him spread-eagled.  She began to rub her hands over his bare chest, inching toward his middle.  Ben loved the teasing and knew what lay ahead.  This was not their first time.  Life was good. 

And then Lucy’s cell phone rang. 

“It’s my mom; I need to take this,” she told Ben.

After a few moments of conversation, Lucy told Ben that she was going to go to the front of the dorm building, as cell reception inside was notoriously poor.

“I’ve only got one bar.  I can barely hear her.  She’s fighting with my sister again, and I’ve got to talk to her.  I’ll be right back,” she told him.

“Wait, you can’t leave me like…”  Ben began. 

But she was already gone.

So, he lay there, stretched out naked, his hands and feet bound to the bed.  Waiting.  Time went by.  What was taking her so long?  Finally, he heard the door knob turn and he looked to greet his girlfriend. 

A voice called out, “Hey Lucy, can I borrow some…”  But the speaker never got the next words out.  She stared at the naked man sprawled spread-eagle on the bed. 

Ben stared at her too, his mouth frozen.

“Are you okay?” the girl asked.  He knew her; it was the pretty blonde from across the hall, Sarah. 

“Er, yeah, sure,” Ben said.  “I mean, no, no; can you untie me?”

“Did Lucy tie you up?  I heard she liked kinky stuff, but I never imagined…”

“Yeah, she tied me up.  But she had to leave.  She’ll be back soon.”

“She left you like that?” inquired Sarah.

“Well, yeah, she had to take a phone call and you know how bad the cell reception is in the dorm.  Can you untie me?”

“In a minute.  I’ve got to do something first.”  And she left.

She’s got something to do? thought Ben.  What the hell?

Sarah returned in a minute with another girl, an attractive brunette just wearing a long t-shirt that just covered her panties.  Clearly, she’d been dragged from her room in a hurry. 

“Can you believe this shit?  Look at what these guys have been doing,” said Sarah.

“Wow,” said the new girl, Betty.  “He’s a good-looking guy, too.  Nice pecs.”

“What should we do?” said Sarah.

“We need to find MaryAnn.  This will knock her socks off.”

Now MaryAnn was the shyest, quietest girl in the dorm.  A mousy girl who barely dated in high school, and who everyone knew was a virgin.  She had admitted in one of those late-night girl talks that she’d never seen a man naked.

Find MaryAnn? thought Ben.  What the hell?  Is this a nightmare?

“Girls, ladies, please, I need you to untie me.  I really need to get going.  I’ve got a test Monday.”

That wasn’t true, of course, but it was what he thought sounded like a persuasive reason to be untied.  (Guys don’t do their best thinking when naked.) 

The girls paid no attention to his statement, and Sarah left.  Betty stayed there, staring at the dark swirl of curly hair that covered Ben’s privates.

“You’ve got an awful lot of pubic hair.  Have you ever considered shaving it?” she asked him.

(She’s making conversation? Are we having a chat?  This is insanity.)

“No, that’s something girls do.  Say, er, what’s your name?” he asked.

“I’m Betty.”

“Hi, I’m Ben.”

“Nice to meet you,” Betty said.

(Am I dreaming?  Did she just say that to me?)

“Yeah, nice to meet you too,” he said.  “Listen, I know this is awkward, but I really need you to untie me and I’ll be on my way.”

Just then, Sarah returned with MaryAnn.

“Oh my God!  I thought you were playing some sick joke on me!” said MaryAnn. 

“Nope, here he is.  In the flesh.”

“Look at that penis, just lying there.  Was it hard when you arrived?” asked MaryAnn.

“No, this is how we found him.  I’ll bet Lucy will fix that when she returns.”

The girls laughed.  Ben did not laugh.

“What are you going to do with him?” asked MaryAnn.

“Well, Lucy left him like this so I think we should let the two of them sort this out,” said Sarah.

“Do you think it would be okay if I touched it?” asked MaryAnn.

“I think he came here to have his penis touched.  You don’t mind, do you, Ben?” said Sarah.

“Huh?” said Ben

“See, he’s fine with it.  Go ahead,” said Sarah

MaryAnn reached down and gingerly took hold of the penis, gently raising it like it was a delicate piece of art.  With three fingers, she rubbed around the ridge at the top.

Normally, having his penis touched by a girl would have caused an immediate reaction, but Ben was too stressed from his predicament, and a little stunned at being groped, for that to happen.

“Why don’t you feel the balls,” suggested Sarah.  “They slide around in your hand.  And guys really, really like that.”

MaryAnn, an apt student, reached with her other hand and moved the testicles around, feeling their weight. 

That shocked Ben out of his stupor, and the penis moved a little. 

“See, I told you,” said Sarah.


“Er, girls, I know this is very educational, but could you untie me?  I really need to get going,” asked Ben.

They ignored him.

“Why isn’t it hard?” asked MaryAnn. 

“I’m not sure.  Usually, it’s pretty automatic.  You touch it, and it shoots up,” said Sarah.  “Ben, do you have performance issues?”

Ben stared at her.  “What?”

“We’re wondering why you’re not hard.  Do you have problems in that regard?  It’s okay if you do, we’re just curious.”

“I do not have performance issues!” Ben said, with some emphasis. The idea.

“Then why aren’t you hard” Sarah asked.

“Well ladies, maybe that’s on you, huh?” said Ben.

MaryAnn, insecure from her unfamiliarity with the opposite sex, asked him the obvious question.  “What should I do?”

Ben was beginning to warm to the situation.  (When life hands you lemons, make lemonade?)  “You could use your tongue. It really likes that.  And if you’d take off your top, I’m a big fan of breasts.  That would help a lot.”

MaryAnn was in no way going to place her mouth anywhere near a man’s penis.  But taking off her top…

“OK,” she said, as she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall away.  She was wearing a rather pedestrian, utilitarian bra that held two small breasts.  In truth, she didn’t need a bra, but it helped fill out her clothes.

“The bra, too,” said Ben, helpfully.

MaryAnn looked around at the two other girls.  They just shrugged their shoulders, as if to say, “whatever.”

MaryAnn unclasped the bra.  Two smallish orbs, with tiny nipples and almost no areola, made their appearance.

Ben had higher expectations, and the penis didn’t budge.  He would have liked to show some appreciation for her efforts, but no.

“Now would be a good time to touch the penis again,” Ben suggested.  “With some assertiveness.”

MaryAnn began to rub the organ as requested, applying more force.  This produced some additional movement, and it lifted up, but still not a full erection. 

Just then, Lucy appeared at the door.

“What the fuck?” she said, seeing the three girls, one topless, with her naked, bound, boyfriend and his half-erection.

“Oh, hi.  We found him like this,” Sarah said, as if that explained everything.

“What are you doing in my room?”

“Well, I needed to borrow some typing paper.  I’m all out.  Do you have any I can borrow?”

“Oh sure, take some from my printer,” said Lucy.

“Super.  I’ve got to print that English lit review for Professor Peterson,” said Sarah.

“Yeah, I know that’s due Monday,” said Lucy.  “I’m planning on finishing it later tonight.  I loved the book.”

“Me too,” said Sarah. “Great character development.”

Ben listened to this conversation and felt like he was in the Twilight Zone.  Were they going to discuss an English assignment while he lay on Lucy’s bed, naked, bound, with his arms and legs spread?  With MaryAnn still touching his penis?  (She hadn’t stopped manipulating him despite Lucy’s entrance.)  Does stuff like this happen every day in the girls’ dorm?

Mercifully, the three girls soon left (with the typing paper) and Lucy turned to Ben.

“Untie me,” Ben said.

“Not so fast.  Where were we?” she said, smiling, as her hands began rubbing his chest.

Published 6 months ago

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