Business Trip: Part Two. An Enveloping Requirement Story

"An unexpected surprise appearance and some more enveloping discipline is making it quite an unusual business trip."

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The door was slowly opening and Chris‘ stomach flipped and his heart rate increased. His eyes were wide open as he watched her enter the room. She was dressed in an all-white skirt suit with white, open heels. She looked very glamorous, as if dressed to attend a ceremony of some sort or a ladies’ day at the races. Her make-up was well done, and her hair was pulled back into a bun on the back of her head, with curly bangs that dropped down and touched her cheeks. She wore small, silver hoops for earrings, and on her arm, she carried a pile of Wall Street Journal weekend broadsheet newspapers. Chris managed to speak after the initial shock.

“Hayley? What—” he said before being cut short by Miss Lexington.

“I think you will find that is Miss Campbell to you, Christopher,” she said firmly, whilst still slowly masturbating his pulsating, erect penis.

“But she said that I could, what, why is—” Chris said in confusion before being cut short, this time by Miss Campbell.

“Obey your mistress at once, Christopher,” she said loudly in her American accent.

Miss Lexington smiled and spoke, looking at Chris.

“Mistress, I like the sound of that,” she said in a hushed tone.

Meanwhile, Hayley had closed the bedroom door and whilst keeping hold of her thick pile of WSJ weekends, she slowly walked around the bedroom, looking at the decor. Chris was very nervous. He thought this was a secret between him and Miss Lexington. Now there was another person in on this secret, and from what he gathered, she was here to discipline him. His eyes were fixed on her.

Miss Lexington then let go of Chris’ cock and began to rub her hand over the broadsheet atop his body. She then spoke.

“Right, Christopher, look at me,“ she said firmly.

Chris looked her right in the eyes as she continued to speak.

“I’m going to be leaving shortly for a luxurious spa weekend. Miss Campbell is going to be hosting the disciplinary proceedings here in my absence. She has my full authority and you will listen and obey her as if she were me. Do we have an understanding?”

Chris looked at Miss Lexington with a concerned stare. Miss Lexington then spoke loudly.

“Well, do we have an understanding?” She said firmly.

Chris, looking right at Miss Lexington, then spoke.

“Y-yes, Miss, we have an understanding, and Miss Campbell is here in your place,” he said nervously.

Miss Lexington smiled, then sat up and continued to speak as she climbed off of the bed.

“Good, well, it is time for me to get ready to leave. I shall call later to check in on how you both are and Miss Campbell can update me on your performance. I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Or you can leave now and return to the hotel and stay there for the rest of our business trip, but you most certainly will not be coming to work over here in the future. You will be UK-based for me, it’s your choice,” she said, standing with her hands on her hips at the end of the bed.

Chris didn’t take long to think about it. Miss Campbell was quite sexy, and he wanted to be able to come out here again.

“I choose to stay with Miss Campbell,” Chris said clearly.

She faced Chris and then spoke.

“Good, I’m glad you chose the right option for all of us,” she said whilst smiling.

She continued to speak.

“Right, Christopher, as I said, Miss Campbell is overseeing this weekend in my place. Now, you will do as you are told and you will do everything that is of her requirement. She has my full authority, and you will show her the same respect that you show me. I’m glad we have clarity. So, I shall see you soon, Christopher, and remember, best behaviour,” she said firmly before Hayley then stepped over to her.

Miss Lexington smiled as Miss Campbell leaned forward and they both kissed each other’s cheek.

“Enjoy your time at the spa, lovely,” Miss Campbell said in a happy tone.

Thank you, Hayley darling, I will. Oh, one more thing. Can you discuss this at some point, please?” Miss Lexington said to Miss Campbell whilst picking up the New York Times that she had made Chris ejaculate over and was showing her it, now stuck together.

Miss Campbell looked at it in Miss Lexington’s hands and then looked at Chris and spoke.

“Why, most certainly, I will make it a priority,” she said in a serious tone.

Chris was very nervous by now, but the thought of Miss Lexington’s rather sexy friend disciplining him was keeping him hard.

“Why thank you darling, oh, enjoy that champagne,” Miss Lexington replied before opening the bedroom door and walking out.

Miss Campbell smiled and closed the door behind her. She stood there with her back to Chris for about five seconds before turning round, and still holding her pile of broadsheet newspapers, she spoke.

“Well, Christopher, if you are wondering how I’ve ended up being part of this disciplinary, then I shall explain,” she said kindly.

Chris loved her American accent, and he was giving her his full attention. He had to obey her, as he also wanted to keep Miss Lexington happy.

Miss Campbell stood at the end of the bed and spoke.

“I’ve known your mistress for a long time and we have always been close. We had dinner here the other night to catch up, and she knows she can confide in me with absolutely anything. Knowing how I like a little kink, she mentioned to me about you being her requirement most weekends, and I was most intrigued. I asked her to tell me more about it and how she conducts these disciplinaries. She told me everything about the set-up, the schedule and the way to conduct the discipline, and I have to say, I wanted to try it for myself, and so, here we are,” she said with a big smile.

Miss Campbell then took a couple of steps backwards to the vanity unit and continued to speak. “Your Mistress was very kind to allow me to host you here this weekend. Now, one of the first things I want you to know is, I can not have my personal assistant being distracted and flirted with. You were checking out Cammie right in front of Miss Lexington, we most certainly can not have that. It was disrespectful and outright rude. You spent a lot of time focusing on Cammie rather than spending that time showing your mistress the respect she deserves,” she said firmly.

Her facial expression had changed to a more serious look as she continued to speak.

“That’s why you are here in my house, in my bedroom, and bound to my bed, wrapped and covered in broadsheet newspapers, with me. One thing I will do is be clear about everything, and I will explain upcoming actions before we proceed. Is everything understood?” she said firmly.

Chris was a little less anxious now but he was nervous. He liked Miss Campbell, he remembered her pert breasts and was hoping that he would get to see them soon.

“Yes, Miss Campbell, I understand, fully,” he said in a nervous tone.

“Good, well as Miss Lexington emptied you last night, you should last a while when I join you on the bed shortly, and we will most certainly be discussing sometime later that mess that you made of your Mistresses New York Times,” Miss Campbell said firmly.

‘Wow, she does mean what she says. Miss Lexington would rarely say what she was doing next,’ Chris thought to himself.

As Chris’ facial expressions were that of surprise, Miss Campbell noticed and spoke.

“Oh yes, darling, I see you understand. Yes, we will be having sex. We will be having a lot of sex these next couple of days, and there are going to be many more broadsheet newspapers. I’m looking forward to putting your big, British cock, deep inside of me. It’s going to be paradise,” she said firmly.

Chris’ heart rate and breathing increased in excited nervousness, and as he wriggled about slightly, all he could feel was the smooth pages of the broadsheet newspapers underneath and on top of him.

Miss Campbell then spoke as she turned to the dressing table behind her, placing the pile of Wall Street Journal broadsheets down.

“Well, I shall just place these here, and I will sip this nice-looking Champagne,” she said in a pleasant tone.

She poured the champagne and took a long sip. She then pressed some buttons on a phone, causing female opera to play out around the room.

‘Wow, this is just like the same scenario when at Miss Lexington’s,’ Chris thought to himself.

Miss Campbell then finished her champagne and turned round. She then walked over to the bed and slowly climbed on.

The pages of the broadsheets crunched and crinkled as she made her way to lay down next to Chris. His cock was throbbing in nervousness but he was very aroused. She pressed herself against the broadsheets he was covered in and placed her right leg over his. She began to rub her right hand over his broadsheet-covered body, and then made her way to his inner leg and tickled his perineum before gently taking hold of his cock. Miss Campbell then spoke.

“Remember, you are to do as you are told, by order of your Mistress,” she said, breathing the champagne smell into Chris’ face.

‘It’s just like Miss Lexington’s disciplinary’s but Miss Campbell seems a little hornier,’ Chris thought to himself before he replied.

“Yes Miss Campbell, I will do exactly what I am told and I fully submit to you for this disciplinary weekend,” he said nervously, but clearly.

Miss Campbell pushed herself closer to Chris until her mouth was centimetres from his. Her perfume wasn’t as potent as Miss Lexington’s, it was a different brand, but it was a nice floral aroma.

Miss Campbell began to gently masturbate Chris, making an exaggerated gasp sound with her mouth open. She looked into both his eyes before gently kissing his lips. Chris reacted with surprise. She then kissed him again, before speaking.

“You will kiss me, Christopher, understand?” she said firmly.

Chris was slightly shuddering but highly aroused. He replied instantly.

“Yes, Miss Campbell, I will, I apologise, I thought it would be rude to reciprocate without your say-so,” he said with a quiver in his voice.

“Well, I say so, so you will kiss me,” she said firmly.

Miss Campbell kissed Chris again and he kissed her back. It became a full-on passionate kiss with full tongues whilst she continued to slowly masturbate him.

After a minute had passed, Miss Campbell put a stop to the passionate kissing. She then sat up and climbed off the bed. She went over to the vanity unit and poured some more champagne before picking up a Wall Street Journal and taking it to the comfy-looking armchair on the other side of the room. She sat down, crossed her legs and opened up the broadsheet to read.

Chris was a little confused, she had kissed him like she was his woman. It was exactly what he wanted from Miss Lexington, to kiss her and to also make love to her but it was only ever her dominating him. He quickly reminded himself that he had it better than not being with her at all, but this sudden incident of kissing with Hayley Campbell was a head-fuck, especially now she had got the passion fire going and in an instant put it out. Chris just smiled and let out a snigger.

“Is something funny?” Miss Campbell asked.

Chris looked over at her and she had put the broadsheet down on her lap whilst still holding the pages in each hand.

‘Miss Lexington has taught her well,’ Chris thought.

“No Miss, just clearing my nose,” he said quickly.

“Hmm,” Miss Campbell replied before continuing to read her newspaper.

Around fifteen minutes passed of female opera music and the occasional sound of Miss Campbell turning the page. Suddenly she put the broadsheet down, drank the rest of her champagne and stood up. Chris could see her in full, the perfect, white skirt suit and white heels. She came over to the bed as Chris’ cock rose up in nervous excitement.

“We have much to discuss this weekend, Christopher, but first let’s resume today’s disciplinary. I’m going to suck you off,” she said firmly.

Chris’ cock throbbed. Miss Lexington had never done that, the excitement was overwhelming.

Miss Campbell climbed on the bed and sat on her knees between Chris’ legs. The broadsheets crinkled underneath her as she then took hold of his erect cock and pulled his foreskin right down, before taking it in her mouth.

Chris’ eyes rolled back in his head in ecstasy as she sucked back and forth, taking his cock in and out of her mouth. She placed both her hands on the broadsheet covering him and kissed his cock before continuing the sucking and licking of every inch repeatedly. He was pouring out pre-come and she licked it all up in between deep throating and kissing every inch. Then she suddenly stopped for a short while and looked at him with a stern look. She then rubbed his legs and body for a couple minutes, before then slowly rubbing both sides of his hard length with the shiny palms of both her nice manicured hands. She then spoke.

“I hope you aren’t thinking about any other woman, Christopher? The only females you should be thinking of are me or your Mistress,” she said firmly

He had Miss Lexington on his mind, and then that prompt about other girls had made him think about Cammie and Isabella.

She then began to rub his legs and body before placing them back on his abdominal area and took his cock in her mouth again. For the next few minutes, she sucked, licked stroked and held his cock before going full deep throat and it all became too much when she sped up the tempo and Chris erupted as she continued to suck on his full, solid penis. His was having orgasmic spasms, and letting out groans of ecstasy as she took his cock fast and deep, taking every drop that he violently shot and swallowed it.

As he began to come down, Miss Campbell passionately kissed and licked his cock before letting it flop onto the back of the WSJ that covered him.

Her facial expression changed from smiling to stern as she then spoke.

“Well, that went very well, until you allowed some after-come to flow onto your Mistress’ newspaper. I shall report this to her when she calls, and ask how it is to be dealt with,” she said firmly.

“Yes, Miss Campbell, I understand,” Chris said in a sleepy tone, still recovering from the ecstasy of the oral sex he had received.

Miss Campbell smiled. She then climbed off the bed and walked out of the room.

Chris lay there with the electrical buzz from extreme orgasm flowing through him. He thought about other blow jobs he had had in the past, but that topped them all.

The female opera singer was in full chorus as Miss Cambell returned to the bedroom and firmly spoke.

“Well Christopher, I think it’s time you tidied up this bedroom and then came downstairs,” she said as she unstrapped him from the bed.

“Yes, of course, Miss Campbell,” he said clearly.

Chris carefully lifted up the broadsheets covering him and placed them to the left side. He then sat up and climbed off the bed, unwrapping himself and placing the broadsheets in a nice pile. Where Miss Campbell was pointing to.

“Yes, Miss Lexington has definitely taught her the fine art of Meadow View discipline,” Chris thought to himself with a discreet smile.

Miss Campbell ordered him to re-cover the bed with new sheets from the pile that Miss Lexington had left on the chest of drawers. Once he had completed his task, Miss Campbell then requested he get dressed and follow her downstairs.

Once they arrived in the kitchen, she asked Chris to make them both some coffee and pancakes with syrup.

After breakfast, they spent the next few hours doing some extra work that Miss Lexington required to be completed for Miss Campbell on a laptop that Hayley had. They spent some time chatting about the UK and US sides to LNC. Chris was trying to find out more about Miss Lexington but he only heard what he already knew.

As the time passed, it was soon just past midday and, Miss Campbell walked to the kitchen. She returned with a bottle of champagne and nodded to Chris to make his way upstairs. He acknowledged instantly as the excitement rushed through him, but, maintaining his composure, acted according to the strict rules.

On arrival in the bedroom, he waited next to the bed as Miss Campbell closed the door, placing the champagne bottle on the dressing table.

Female opera music playing, Miss Campbell then became strict with her demands.

“Remove your clothing, and prepare to make yourself comfortable on the bed, Christopher,” she said firmly.

Chris did as he was told as Miss Campbell poured them both some champagne. Once he was undressed she handed him his half-full glass which he sipped, swirling it around his mouth and then drank the rest. Climbing on the bed, the fresh New York Times and WSJ broadsheets made a loud crinkle as he got into a comfortable position. Miss Campbell then bound him and, in the same manner as Miss Lexington, wrapped and taped his arms and legs in extra newspaper sheets. She then placed a sheet over her headboard. Chris knew what for and the thought made his cock throb all the more.

Once Chris was bound to her bed, wrapped and covered in her broadsheet newspapers, Miss Campbell then finished her champagne and picked up a Wall Street Journal broadsheet and walked over to the side of the bed. She knelt on the edge and placed it, front page down on top of Chris’ body. His cock was solid and was beginning to leak pre-come. Miss Campbell noticed whilst she fetched another broadsheet and covered his face with the open-to-centre WSJ. She then spoke.

“Well that’s what you prepared for when we have sex shortly, I just need to prime myself first, I require this to be euphoric,” she said in a seductive tone.

She walked over to her chest of drawers, opening the top drawer, she took out a vibrating, rabbit sex toy. Chris could only hear her movements as she had blocked his sight with the broadsheet. The nervous excitement was thrilling.

Miss Campbell sat on her armchair and opened her legs. She positioned her rabbit toy and switched it on. As the minutes past she began to make sounds of pleasure. Chris was in overload with excitement, hearing her pleasure herself, and with her American accent, it turned him on even more. The point that he could only hear and not see, only added to the thrill. Dressed in her white skirt suit, having an orgasm.

Before long and after making a lot of noise, Miss Campbell burst into a mild orgasm that had calmed after around ten seconds. Another was on its way for a second wave, and would most probably be more intense but she turned off her toy and made her way over to the bed, speaking firmly as she pulled the newspaper off from Chris’ face.

“It’s time for me to have your big, British cock,” she said in a firm pant, a slight anger in her tone.

She then began to unbutton her suit jacket and spoke further.

“I want you to watch me undress, Christopher, and while you see my clothing gradually come off, I want you to picture Cammie in your mind. I want you to think about her stunning looks and body. I want you to think about having sex with her but as you switch between fantasy and reality you are watching me get naked, knowing that it is me, and not Cammie that you will be having sex with,” Miss Campbell said in a semi-aggressive tone.

Chris’ mind instantly went to how gorgeous Cammie was and imagined it was her here right now, but with Miss Campbell undressing it was a distraction.

She had taken her suit jacket off of her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She then undid her skirt and let that too, drop to the floor, revealing she was wearing no underwear. She then unbuttoned her blouse and allowed that to also drop to the floor.

While watching her slowly undress, Chris’ mind focused on Cammie’s beauty but was then distracted by Miss Campbell undressing. His mind was then again occupied back to an image of Cammie looking so hot, then once more distracted by Miss Campbell as she undressed further.

Hayley turned round so her back faced Chris. She then undid her bra and that too fell to the pile of clothes on the floor. Chris’ thoughts were constantly flipped between Cammie and the here-and-now reality of Miss Campbell undressing and his cock was throbbing in arousal overload. Soon, she was standing naked at the end of the bed, apart from her white, open high-heels still on her feet. She was more curvier than Miss Lexington, but she was sexy. Chris’ pulse was racing and he hadn’t been this nervously excited since the first weekend with Miss Lexington. The excitement was immense and his cock was throbbing. He was waiting to see Miss Campbell’s breasts with anticipation.

She slowly turned round and there Chris saw them, her pert breasts. Chris’ eyes were locked on to them as they slowly came closer to him as Miss Campbell climbed back on the bed and instantly climbed on top of him.

His cock was throbbing violently and in seconds, Miss Campbell had slid it inside her, letting out a joyous sound as she took the whole length.

Miss Campbell then took herself back off and climbed off the bed. She walked to her drawer and took out a cock ring. Walking back to the bed, she climbed back on and, with the familiar sound of newspaper broadsheets rustling and crunching, she rolled it down his cock and took it deep inside of her once again. Both of them gasped as Miss Campbell then placed her hands on the broadsheet in Chris’ abdominal area. She pushed her chest out to show off her breasts and then began to ride him.

She held that position for around two minutes. She had a slightly different riding rhythm to Miss Lexington.

‘It must be her curvy body,’ Chris thought to himself before then being overcome by pleasure as Miss Campbell rubbed her hands up to the top section of the broadsheet while she pressed her abdomen onto the lower section.

She held that position for around a minute or so before she began to make pleasurable gasps and sounds. One thing Chris made out her saying with an outward breath was, “Oh my god,” as her abdomen rubbed the back of the broadsheet. Once that minute had passed, Miss Campbell lowered herself onto the broadsheet and firmly pressed her breasts into the top section. Chris felt a slight increase in pressure on his chest. She was taking his cock deep and then coming three-quarters off before plunging his cock deeper inside her each time. She then placed her left palm on Chris’ right cheek, kissed his left one and right next to his left ear, gently spoke.

“Imagine Cammie doing this to you, or maybe you would like Isabella to do it too,” she said seductively.

Now Chris’ thoughts were back not only imagining having sex with Cammie but now with Isabella as well. He was then once again back to the reality of Miss Campbell riding him as she sat up placing her hands on the broadsheet between them. Very soon after he received a hard slap across the left cheek followed by a hard backhander slap on his right and another palm strike back across his left cheek. That stung but the way Miss Campbell was riding, the pleasure took over.

She then pressed her breasts back into Chris’ chest and slowed the riding pace.

Another two minutes had passed when suddenly, she sat up, slapped Chris’ cheeks and began rubbing her hands up the back page of the WSJ in rhythm with how she was riding him.

She then slowed down and lowered her breasts into Chris again and began to kiss him. He kissed her back and they entered a moment of intense passion and pleasure. She never stopped her riding rhythm and as her vaginal fluids were flowing, she made the bottom of the broadsheet wet and it had become a lump of mushy broadsheet.

This was massaging her clitoris and as she began to groan louder she came away from kissing Chris and sat up, placing her hands back on the broadsheet. Riding for a few more minutes. She then closed her eyes, and making “ah” and “ooh” sounds, laid her breasts firmly back into Chris again. She began to kiss his neck and face very passionately, forcing her tongue into his mouth before she then sat up and began to laugh insanely whilst suddenly and intensely riding and rubbing.

Chris wondered what that was about, but pleasure took hold and it soon didn’t matter. She soon began to shudder and moan sounds of pleasure that turned into a scream of euphoria and the gush of fluids erupted out around Chris’ cock that was still solid and deep inside her. That orgasm faded away and she then began to ride harder and as her clitoris was being stimulated further, it built back up into another intense orgasm that made her drop her breasts firmly back onto Chris and she once again passionately began to kiss him on his face and his neck. The noise she made was a woman in pure euphoria and she wanted more.

Within twenty seconds Chris joined her in the sounds of ecstasy as he peaked and shot his come load deep inside her. She just kept riding him hard, sitting up and pushing her hands into the headboard to get as much penetration as she could until she then wound down into a slower movement. Gradually she lowered her body, firmly laying into him.

Both of them panting, they lay there for around two minutes before Miss Campbell sat up and spoke.

“We will be repeating this shortly, Christopher,” she said in a very horny tone.

Miss Campbell sat up and took a WSJ sheet from the headboard and scrunched it around Chris’ cock as she lifted herself off of him, plugging her vagina with it. She then climbed off the bed and walked to the bathroom. Chris lay there thinking about how wild that had been and how even more peculiar it was that Hayley Campbell was now a part of Miss Lexington’s discipline sessions.

Miss Campbell returned to the bedroom after around five minutes and got dressed back into her nice, white suit outfit. Her hair was still in the bun and she tidied up her curled bangs that touched her cheekbones.

‘She looks great, and she got dressed in front of me, all opposite to Miss Lexington,’ Chris thought to himself.

Once she was dressed, she sprayed herself with perfume and left the room, closing the door behind her. Leaving the opera music playing. Chris was used to this kind of dominance from Miss Lexington, he just smiled and thought about the past morning.

An hour passed and Chris had been lying there thinking about, Miss Campbell, Miss Lexington, Cammie and also Isabella. He wondered about why Miss Campbell kept making him think of them while she disciplined him. He could feel his arms beginning to ache slightly when the door opened and Miss Campbell entered the bedroom. She closed the door and in her hand, Chris noticed she had more broadsheets and two shiny magazines. The title said something like, “America’s Women” with a picture of a well-presented woman on the front, but due to Miss Campbell turning her back to him he wasn’t sure. There was one thing right now that he was sure of. Magazines spoke one language when with Miss Lexington. Hard spankings.

To be continued.

Published 6 months ago

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