It will all work itself out

"There was steam on both sides of the door"

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I hadn’t gotten an erection in six weeks. A great partner is hard to find. Someone who will help you achieve your goals, keep you focused, and most importantly pick you up when you’ve fallen down. My wife had been that person since we started dating. We’ve been together for eleven years and married for eight. And through many trials and tribulations she has stood by me, and this time was no different.

My name is Dominic and I’m the senior architect and lead designer for a large property development company. We specialize in multi-level large square footage properties. Such as hotels, apartment buildings, multi-unit offices, etc. As the lead designer and architect it’s my responsibility to oversee the project from concept to proposal acceptance. 

Now this job comes with it’s normal stress related baggage, things like tight deadlines, unreasonablenl clients, headaches from the city, and zoning comission. But what I experienced during this last project almost caused me to spiral. My boss had come in my office and dropped a proposal on my desk. Nothing out of the ordinary, all things considered. But there was a look in his eyes that concerned me.

“What’s going on Rick?” I asked.

Rick was my boss and president of the company. We had been working closely together ever since I got promoted to head architect. We were pretty friendly so I knew his mannerisms. He had a concerned look on his face.

Client trouble without a doubt,” I thought.

People can be so unrealistic when it comes to designing and building properties. This isn’t a video game where we can make a hundred story hotel in five minutes. But ask a client and several months is too long to build an entire hotel.

“Sorry Dominic, I hate to drop this on you but we got sent a proposal for a new property,” he sighed.

“How’s that different from any other job we do, what are the details?” I replied opening the folder with the proposal inside.

When I opened the folder I knew why Rick had that look on his face. This project was going to be a pain in my ass. A forty floor hotel with a parking garage and amphitheater to be built by the lakeshore. This wasn’t the problem, the client was, PDK Inc. We had done projects for them before, and everytime it was like pulling teeth with no anesthesia. The constant revisions, redrafts, deadline changes and budge adjustments made working with them a nightmare. And who would be on the front line of their ridiculous demands, yours truly.

Now when I had started this project several months ago I knew I would get stressed out, how could I not. I was dealing with a company who thinks designing a building is like making sand castles, and that can be extremely stressful. I wouldn’t know how stressful until the last six weeks of the design phase.

I had been stressing over the final presentation of the project for weeks. Knowing that at anytime the clients could scrap the project and have us start all over. This had caused me to develop a case of erectile disfunction. It wasn’t uncommon for me to have stress related ED, but it was the first time it lasted more than one night.

My wife and I have always had a great sex life. Ever since we first started dating we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. Anytime we had privacy, and even times when we didn’t, we were going at it like animals. So you could imagine both of our frustrations when I couldn’t get hard. It was especially frustrating considering I have a ten inch penis that hangs below my balls even when I’m not erect. 

And my wife’s beauty has always been more than enough incentive to make me hard as steel. My wife’s name is Kiana, I forgot to mention, we’re both black. I’m six foot three with brown skin and I weigh about two hundred and ten pounds. I had a muscular physique from wrestling in college before I went to design school.

 But my wife on the other hand. She looked as though she was sculpted from marble, and brought to life by the gods. Kiana has dark brown almost chocolate skin, with gray eyes. She’s five foot ten, making her quite tall for a woman, and weighs about one hundred and seventy pounds giving her amazing curves. She wore her hair in bantu knots and always smells like essential oils and exotic fragrances. 

Normally just being around her enough to smell her perfume is enough to have me erect but this project was taking its toll. Luckily I was guaranteed a hefty bonus upon completion, and I had set up a vacation for Kiana and I when we closed the deal. Three weeks of no interruptions, no designs, no proposals, no revisions, just me and my baby getting to enjoy each other.

Now, like I said before this job had its stressors, but this last project takes the cake. For the last six weeks everytime Kiana and I tried having sex I couldn’t get hard, let alone maintain an erection. This was putting an uncomfortable strain on both of us considering we have sex four to six times a week. Sex was more than a time to fuck for us. We had been exploring and experimenting ever since we started dating. Sex was more of an experience than something we did from time to time. And we were both being affected from the deprivation we were enduring.

It wasn’t all bad though. I had been finishing Kiana with my mouth these past few weeks to help compensate for my issue. Even though I knew she was still having her orgasms, something was still left to be desired. I hated not being able to please her like I normally would. I missed filling her holes with my big dick and stretching her while she gripped around me and squeezed me like a boa constrictor. Even her teasing and taunting me didn’t help. Kiana would squeeze my dick in the morning and try to wake me up with a blowjob to no reaction. Even her dressing in lingerie and doing a strip tease didn’t help.

We both knew this project was the problem and we both couldn’t wait until we finalized the paperwork. Then things could finally go back to normal, or so we hoped.

The final weeks had passed and it was time to send off my fifth revision of the project. I waited in my office sweating bullets and hoped they approved it so we could move forward. My phone rang and it was Rick.

“Congratulations Dominic, they accepted your concepts and we’ll be moving forward. You really earned this one man. Be sure to check your email before you leave,” Rick said before hanging up.

I was overcome with joy. Finally after months of work it was over. Now I could take my vacation and spend some time with my wife on a much needed vacation. I had reached for the phone to call Kiana when I decided to check my email first. I went to my messages and saw a message from Rick. The title read “Thanks for all you do“. It was a short message thanking me for all my hard work, telling me how vital I was to the company’s success. The usual thank you, we appreciate you email, or so I thought. I scrolled down to the bottom and saw a desposit form. 

“Son of a bitch!” I said out loud.

There was a deposit made to me with a small note.

Thanks for all you do, Rick“.

He had tripled the bonus I was supposed to get and covered my vacation as PTO (paid time off), this definitely brought my spirits up. I shot Rick a thank you text, packed my stuff for the day, and ran down to the parking lot. I couldn’t wait to tell Kiana the great news. I was so excited, thay I felt my dick twitch for the first tine in weeks. Things were finally starting to turn back to normal, or so I thought.

That tingle lasted about three mintues then I was back to a limp wimp. I arrived home and saw Kiana was making dinner and it smelled amazing. I came through the front door and walked to the kitchen. The house smelled of all kinds of herbs and spices. I walked up behind her and gave her one of the tightest hugs I had given in a long time.

“Mmmm, baby, that feels nice, good day at work?” She said.

I kissed her neck and shoulders from behind still wrapped around her body.

“Such a good day babe, the clients accepted the concept and we’re moving forward with the project,” I said continuing to kiss her.

“Ohhh baby, that’s such good news, let’s sit down and eat. I knew something good was happening today. I made shrimp and grits, your favorite,” she replied.

We sat down for dinner and I told Kiana about the clients’ acceptance letter and how Rick increased my bonus along with the paid vacation. She was smiling ear to ear knowing my hard work had paid off. 

“See baby you were stressing for nothing, it all worked itself out,” she said.

“Thank you baby, you always reassure and remind me to believe in myself, you really are my rock,” I said back to her.

“Speaking of rock, is there a chance that all this good news has made something hard for me to enjoy?” She asked seductively.

I looked down to no response. My dick was still soft, what a drag to such a great day.

“I’m…sorry baby, I’m still not feeling it, I’m…so sorry,” I said with tears welling up.

Kiana stood up and walked around the table to kiss me. She wiped the tears from my face and reassured me I would be back to my old self soon. I wanted her so badly and I couldn’t do anything about it. I got up, and walked to my cigar bar and grabbed a smoke, I clipped the end, and lit it. Normally I had a cigar to celebrate but there was a dark cloud over me. I had to shake this feeling and get back to my old self.

I went back inside to find Kiana running herslef a bath. She always enjoyed soaking in the tub, and I enjoyed watching her. Her long legs in the water and the soap covering her body usually drove me wild, but not today. I walked over to the tub and grabbed a sponge.

“Need a hand?” I asked.

Kiana nodded her head and leaned forward so I could wash her shoulders and back. She took the cigar from my hand and placed it in her mouth. Kiana didn’t normally smoke but every once in a while she would take a few puffs off my cigars.

“That feels good baby, you know just how to touch me,” Kiana said with a pur, blowing smoke into the air.

I leaned forward to kiss her back as I washed the soap away. I ran my hands over her body causing her to moan. She looked over her shoulder and blew me a kiss. I moved my chair down and washed the rest of her before the water started to turn cold.

“Babe, can I ask you something?” Kiana said in a low voice blowing out more smoke.

“Of course you can, what’s up?” I answered.

“Do you still find me attractive?” She asked.

“Absolutely baby, I’m just as attractched to you as the day we met. I want you now more than I ever have. Eleven years together and I couldn’t want you anymore than I did in the past,” I replied.

Kiana smiled and kissed me before standing up to get out of the tub. She took another drag and told me to get up, then she moved the chair to the center of the bathroom. She had it facing our large glass shower. She patted the seat for me to sit back down and I did. Kiana leaned down my ear and whispered.

“Let’s bring my friend back to life, shall we,” she said in a seductive tone.

She put my cigar back in my mouth, then turned to walk away. I watched as Kiana swayed her hips as he walked to our large walk in shower. She turned the water on super hot causing the glass to fog, only showing a silhouette. But Kiana’s body shape was very profound. I sat there still smoking my cigar, as I watched the water hit the shadow of her body as steam billowed from the top of the glass. She ran her hands all over herself as she pressed a hand against the glass.

I felt a twitch in my pants. A twitch like the one from earlier, but this one was more definite. The more Kiana rubbed herself the more excited I got. She reached her hand down and began touching herself. I was starting to get aroused. I pulled my dick out of my pants and began stroking it. I stood up and walked to the door. Kiana saw this but didn’t let me in, she just wiped a part of the steam away and pointed back the chair.

“Sit down,” she said with authority.

My first hard on in weeks and she denied me. That’s never happened before.

She stared at me through the glass, still playing with herself. She moved her hand in a jerking motion, encouraging me to continue. She licked the glass teasing me.

“I want you hard as stone if you want me,” she said in a seductive voice.

My dick was coming back to life as I continued stroking. I could see Kiana rubbing her nipples and bringing her hand up to taste herself. We both had a good rythym going when I stood up again.

“Not yet,” she growled at me.

I sat back down, curious to what game she was playing. The teasing was doing its job and I was almost fully hard. I stood back up and walked to the door. I could see Kiana bent over playing with her pussy moaning loudly. I grabbed the door handle to the shower and pulled it to no use. She put the latch on to keep the door closed. I pulled again when she turned around. She wagged her finger in a no motion. As she continued to pleasure herself, I was almost completely hard now.

She still didn’t let me in, even when I showed her I was back to full mast. She pushed her nipple up to her mouth and began sucking it. I want to put my mouth on her large breasts and suck them, this was driving me wild. I put my dick in the glass and tapped several times showing her I was ready. But she just kept pleasuring herself, leaving me on the other side of the glass. I increased my pace as she continued, then she upped the ante by sticking multiple fingers in herself. First one, then two, three, and finally four, she had four fingers inside and she was fucking herself.

I let go of my dick and placed my hands against the glass. Like a convict longing for freedom, but I wanted a different kind of release, a release that was separated by a piece of glass.

“Baby, please, let me in,” I pleaded wanting her to open the door.

I was overly excited and almost became primal in my desires, I wanted Kiana so bad, I was ready to bust the glass door to get to her. She could see it in my eyes as she watched me. She could tell I wanted to devour her and fuck her into the ground. But she just smiled and kept fucking her hand.

I went back to pumping into my fist when the first sign of reciprocation came. Kiana walked to the door and put her hand on the latch. She stared into my eyes and licked the glass door. Rubbing her tongue in circles as she licked the steam from the door. All this teasing but she didn’t let me in. I was hard as a rock, harder than I had been in months and she was denying me. She looked up at me and began shaking. She was having an orgasm right in front of me. Less than a quarter of an inch separated us and I couldn’t touch my wife. I watched as she shook and writhed with pleasure, making me watch and desire her more. She looked so beautiful with the water cascading over her body, God I wanted her so fucking bad.

She kept this up for several more minutes. I found it harder to contain myself as the minutes passed by. With every second that passed I found myself wanting her more, but even more so wanting to break through the glass and take her. As my lust increased, she put more focus on her nipples and played with herself enough to have another orgasm. This time it brought her to her knees. She fell to the floor catching herself with one hand. She was weak in the knees and was shaking and panting on the floor. Watching her orgasm had always been something I enjoyed, and her teasing me only amplified the feeling.

I watched as she came down from her most recent orgasm. She stood up and and walked towards the door again, watching me stroke myself because of her. She pecked kisses on the glass and licked her lips while looking at me stroke my dick. She was such a dirty bitch and she knew it. She smiled as the lust in my eyes projected every thought that was going through my mind.

“Do you want me baby?” Kiana asked me.

“Yes, love, I want you,” I replied.

“How bad baby?” She asked.

“So fucking bad, please let me in, I need to be inside of you,” I was begging to fuck my own wife.

Kiana was amused at how aroused she had me she let out a small giggle. She had total control of me, and the situation, we both knew it. She tapped her fingers on the glass pressing her body against it, smushing her breasts, she was a vision in my eyes. She hawked up some spit and let it drop into her hand as she went back to playing with herself. I was hard and my balls had gone tight against my body. 

I pressed my other hand against the glass, and Kiana did the same. I could feel her hand through the glass or maybe I was so horny I convinced myself I could. As I looked at her through the glass I noticed she looked more beautiful than any other day I had seen her. While our hands were pressed against the glass, Kiana removed her hand and put it on the latch. She removed the latch unlocking the door. I was ready to pounce on her when she held her hand up in a stopping motion. She calmly looked at me and asked.

“How bad do you want me?” Her smile was so wicked.

To answer her question I opened then door and walked in under the water, still completely dressed in my suit from work today. I stood infront of her completely soaked, pants, jacket, shoes and all.

“Does this answer your question?” I responded.

And with that she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in to kiss me. I pulled her up and held her under her legs and we kissed so deeply, with so much passion, I thought I would cum right then. But, I knew I owed her a fuck. I raised her up with one arm and undid my pants. I stroked myself a few times before slowly lowering Kiana onto my dick.

“Jesus Christ, your so hard and thick babe!” she cried out.

“It feels like your splitting me open!” she continued. 

I looked into her eyes and kissed her deeply. Grabbing the back if her head and forcing it into mine, pressing our lips tightly together. I began picking her up and down, working her onto my dick. I had forgotten how tight she was, it felt like I was in a vice. Kiana kissed me back, sloppily running her tongue all over my face and mouth. She moaned into my mouth as I stroked deeper inside of her.

I raised her up almost slipping out and lowered her back down repeatedly. I pulled her off of me and put her on her knees. The water hitting her in the face showering her. I grabbed her hair and began fucking her mouth with a feverish pace. Normally my girth would make Kiana choke and gag but I think lust had taken over both of us, as neither of us stopped or hesitated. I looked down to watch her suck me and we locked eyes. It was like falling for her all over again. I let go of her hair and put both of my hands on the sides of her face and developed a rythym. Her mouth and throat were so smooth amd her tongue was working me something fierce. After fucking her mouth for some time I pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply, precum, spit, it didn’t matter. I had to touch and taste all of my baby.

I turned Kiana around and bent her over against the wall. I came up behind her and gave her ass a hard smack. 

“Fuck baby!” She yelled out.

I gave her a few more smacks before I kneeled down and ate her pussy from the back. I licked and sucked as much of her as I could. I lifted her leg up and angled myself to get better access to her clit. After I played with her clit for several mintues Kiana began screaming and shaking above me.

“Jesus Christ, fuck me baby, fuck!” She screamed out in pleasure.

I had to press up to keep her from falling onto my head. Her legs went weak and she started shaking, but I wasn’t done. I moved back behind her and began eating again. I moved up and spread her ass cheeks and she let out a soft moan. I moved my face up and began licking her ass, trying to put my tongue in her dirty hole. Kiana put her hand on the back of my head forcing my face deeper into her ass. She was almost smothering me when another orgasm hit her. I felt myself having to catch her as I felt all her bodyweight fall into my arms.

She looked up at me exhausted but still wanting more, and I was gonna give it to her.

I raised her leg up and held it in my arm and began pounding away. I was stroking into her at a pace I couldn’t keep up, and we both knew it. I slid in and out sawing into her deeply. Our skin slapping against each other and the water making us wet pushed me over the edge.

“Fuck, baby, I’m cumming!” I yelled out in euphoria.

“Yes, cum in me, baby, fill me up,” she screamed back.

And with a hard full thrust I emptied my balls into my wife. Filling her up so much, my cum was spilling and leaking out of her. We both collapsed on the floor exhausted from what just happened. We sat across from each other, panting trying to catch our breath. I leaned over and kissed Kiana’s back then leaned against the wall. She turned and smiled while looking at me and said.

“It will always work itself out,” she said with a devilish grin.

She motioned for me to look down. I still had my raging hard on. It hadn’t gone down a bit. I put my hand on top of my head relieved. Everything was back to normal. Kiana crawled over to my lap and began stroking me. 

“Let’s get you out of these wet clothes and continue in the bedroom,” she said. 

I leaned down to kiss her forehead. Knowing the night had just begun. 


Published 3 years ago

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