It took Amanda a few days to really feel like herself again; her first shift or two back to work definitely found her with a little less gas in the tank than she usually had. Greg waited a week and a half before trying to set up any sort of meet, and when he reached out the first time, it was to uncharacteristically ask—not demand—that she come over. When she did so, he was a much reserved version of himself, far more concerned with her comfort and preferences than he had ever been in the past.
While it felt nice to know that he cared, it also made the entire vibe of the encounter feel… off. So when the big man started getting close to his orgasm, began rubbing his fat cock head on her face and basically just used the blonde as a place to paint his semen, Amanda felt almost relieved in a twisted way. Yes, she wanted him to not hurt her, but she found that she definitely did crave his casual domination.
To her credit, Amanda did not leave until she had a firm commitment for a threesome with Greg and Mark on Saturday two weeks later.
Those two weeks passed quickly enough. Amanda picked up a couple of extra shifts to set back some vacation money; while the bonus cash was nice, it meant that she was a walking zombie until she forced some extra dedicated sleep blocks into her schedule. The kids each had a sleepover, which Mark handled like the pro that he was. His own work schedule was busy enough, so before the Greens knew it, that Saturday arrived.
Soon enough, they were waving goodbye to the kids at Grandma’s house and heading out to dinner. After that, the plan was to stop by Greg’s to finally realize this threesome. Amanda tried to keep a calm exterior, but inside, she was awash with nervousness – how would Mark react when he saw the interplay between her and Greg? This wasn’t the usual “show up and fuck” situation. She had never been with a guy where they had such defined roles, and she worried that Mark might be jealous or take offense at how she reacted.
She tried to prepare Mark as to how her dynamic worked with the big man, as she didn’t want him to be surprised if her husband saw a side of her that was new to him. Mark smiled.
“Baby, I get that things are a little different between the two of you,” he told her. “As long as I know that you are mine when we leave there, I’m not worried about it.”
Amanda gave a lukewarm smile in reply; she loved Mark with all of her heart, and hoped that he wouldn’t take that sexual chemistry between her and Greg to mean something that it didn’t. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be an issue.
The Greens arrived at Greg’s house a little before nine PM. Both Mark and Amanda were each more than a little nervous; Mark made a mental note that if there ever was an FWB situation like this in the future, he’d insist on a threesome way sooner.
The big man greeted them at the door, giving Mark a firm handshake and Amanda a tight hug. He then showed them around the house, with Mark smirking at the chance to witness firsthand the couch that caused so many sore backs. Still, there was little reason for pretense; within just a few minutes, the three of them found themselves in the ex-Marine’s bedroom.
Greg saw Amanda and Mark exchange a sideways glance and decided to take the lead. “Mark, would you like to start?” he asked politely. “Amanda is your wife, after all.”
Mark smiled in response, trying to ignore just how awkward this felt. “If it’s okay with you,” he replied, “I like to join in rather than start—I get a big kick out of watching my wife for a bit.”
The burly man shrugged and took a step towards Amanda and began to pull his sweatpants down. “In that case,” he stated, “go ahead and suck on my cock, baby,” he all but ordered.
Amanda gave Mark the slightest sideways glance, but she didn’t hesitate – she dropped to her knees in front of the big man and began tonguing the head of his hefty cock. As Greg moaned in pleasure, her husband couldn’t help but notice how quickly she had complied, how the expression on his wife’s face was something bordering reverence. The sight was so erotic that Mark couldn’t help but to pull out his own hardening dick to begin stroking it.
After a couple of minutes, the big man withdrew his thick dick from Amanda’s mouth and began rubbing it on her face. “Get naked, baby,” he ordered. “I want you back on the bed.”
Apparently, the consideration towards Mark as the husband had evaporated.
Amanda did as she was told, stripping everything off and laying back. Greg stepped up and sunk a thick finger into her vagina, then quickly added a second digit. The blonde’s wetness was no secret – the noises of lubrication very audibly squished and squelched as the big man played with her. Soon, a third finger was added, then Greg spoke up. “Rub your clit, Amanda. I want to see you cum.”
Mark fully expected his wife to demure, to object, to at the most comply in a grudging manner. If Amanda masturbated at all, it was a very private thing for her to do; she had only rubbed herself a couple of times for her husband, and usually seemed reluctant to do so.
When the blonde reached down without an instant’s hesitation, used her left hand to fully expose her engorged clit, then licked the middle and index fingers of her right hand and began frantically rubbing away, you could have knocked Mark over with a feather. To his further surprise, it didn’t take her long at all to climax – with Greg sliding his thick fingers in and out of her cunt, keeping up a steady, low series of comments and encouraging her to come, Amanda broke into orgasm in perhaps two minutes of time. When the big man praised her for it, calling her a good girl as he stroked her, the orgasm seemed to extend on and on and on.
Greg gave Amanda perhaps thirty seconds to recover before he was lining his thick cock up with her opening. With one push, he seated himself almost halfway inside of the blonde’s soaked vagina; she cried out in response, but her legs flew open wide. Momentarily, the burly man was hilted inside of her pussy. He stayed there, motionless, for a long pause, then glanced at Mark with a bit of a smirk.
Amanda began rolling her hips, trying to force the large cock to begin moving inside of her vagina. “Is this what you need?” Greg asked as he began to properly fuck her. As his dense cock began to piston in and out of her body, the blonde groaned in response.
The ex-Marine, his tattoos clearly visible, was driving hard inside of Mark’s wife, causing her breasts to move in a circular pattern with every stroke as he bottomed out inside of her vagina. He began speaking in a low tone, encouraging Amanda’s response.
“That’s it,” he murmured. “That’s a good girl. You are so wet for me, aren’t you? Go ahead, cum for me, Amanda. Cum on my cock.”
Amanda usually needed clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm; it was rare indeed for her to come from penetration alone, and it usually needed to be an extended session to really build her up properly for her to be able to do so. Mark’s throat was dry, his own dick throbbing, as he saw his beautiful little wife begin to shake and moan underneath the big man.
His wife was orgasming on this other man’s cock with an ease that Mark would have never believed possible.
Not only was she coming – she would relax for maybe thirty seconds, then begin to orgasm again, as Amanda’s muscular lover never stopped, never slowed – he just kept fucking her steadily through orgasm after orgasm. “Fuck yes, I can feel your pussy squeezing me, baby,” Greg growled. “That’s it. That’s a good girl. Keep coming on my cock!”
After the third such orgasm, Amanda wailed – Mark thought that he saw tears forming in the corners of his wife’s beautiful blue eyes. What the fuck was happening?
Mark was torn. Seeing his wife react like this was incredible; he didn’t know if his own cock had ever been harder. But it was also a little sickening, like being stabbed in the gut; he had never drawn this sort of reaction from her, and he realized that he surely never would. Still, Mark loved Amanda with all of his being; he couldn’t imagine taking this sort of pleasure away from her.
Mercifully, Greg decided that it was time to change things up.
“Come on, baby,” the big man said as he withdrew his glistening phallus from Amanda’s sopping vagina. “I can see that Mark is ready to get involved. Why don’t you go ride him, I’ll join you in a minute?”
Amanda got off of the bed, walked to Mark, and kissed him. She placed her hands on his chest, and e found himself lying back on the carpet as the curvy blonde straddled him. She reached underneath to grab his cock, guided it inside of herself, and sank down to the hilt in one motion.
Mark groaned in pleasure. A crooked grin tugged at Amanda’s lips. “My, you are very hard,” she murmured in his ear. “I take it that you are enjoying yourself?”
“Uuunnngg… yeah, it’s hot,” Mark replied, lost in the wet heat of her pussy as it caressed his shaft. He glanced to Greg, who was absently stroking himself while watching the couple. “It’s just… uhhh… a lot to see,” of offered.
“Are you okay?” Amanda asked, a note of worry on her face as she leaned back. “Is it too much? I–”
Mark cut her off. “No, it’s hot, baby. I just didn’t… uhhh… know exactly what to expect is all.”
The blonde smiled and began riding her husband hard. After a minute or so, she leaned back; Mark had been enjoying her with his eyes closed, but when he sensed something change, he opened his eyes to see his wife’s large breasts covered completely by the other man’s big hands as he toyed with her tits.
They stayed with this for a few minutes, then Greg released Amanda’s tits and backed up. Mark didn’t have long to wonder what the burly man had in mind, however; momentarily, he heard Amanda groan, felt a strange sensation against his cock – the other man had grabbed lube and was worming a finger into the blonde’s ass. The process was retreated a couple of times – Greg would withdraw his finger, add lube, push it back inside of Amanda’s ass, work in around. Mark was a little uneasy as he was quite certain that Greg was not only fingering lube into his wife’s ass, but was apparently trying to stroke Mark’s cock through the thin membrane that divided her vagina and ass; Mark just couldn’t quite figure out what to do with that information.
In a few moments, however, the big man changed positions, put his body down over Amanda’s back. Mark saw his wife’s blue eyes go wide and an expression of intense concentration settle over her features. “Hunnnnghhhh…. oh God that’s so much,” she groaned.
And then, the big man was in. Suddenly, Amanda’s already snug vagina got tighter to an incredible degree – as the big man’s big cock forced its way deep inside her ass, Mark felt it slide alongside his own penis through the membrane while forcing Amanda’s vagina to envelop him tighter than he cold ever remember feeling.
Amanda cried out in what sounded like a mix of pain and pleasure. “Huuuaaahhh!! So… full! Fuck… huh…. so much!” She was almost panting from the intensity, and Mark started to say something when he realized that his wife’s face was screwed up in a mask of naked lust.
Then, her cunt began to spasm around Mark’s dick. “Fuck yeah, that’s my good girl,” Greg groaned. Presumably, his sensations were every bit as intense inside of the blonde’s ass. “Cum on our cocks, baby,” he encouraged in his gruff voice.
Come she did. Amanda wailed, her head thrashing back and forth. She tired to ride the two men, but her efforts were disjoined, uncoordinated. In some unspoken response, both Greg and Mark began fucking her instead, where they soon worked out a workable rhythm.
Mark could hear the big man groaning above his wife, could feel Amanda fall into orgasm at a ridiculously regular interval – again and again she came, filling the air with the scent of her lubrication and the sounds of both her cries and the squelching, squishing, slapping noises from her cunt and ass.
“I’m going to come,” Mark announced as he felt his balls begin to tighten and boil. It was too much to take. This was a more intense sexual experience than he had ever conceived of – let alone lived. The look on Greg’s face made Mark think that the big man was right there with him; perhaps they would fill both of Amanda’s holes at the same time.
“YEEAAAHHH…. FUCK!” Mark exclaimed as his semen began to jet out into his wife’s vagina. “HUAAANNNG YEAH!”
“Fuck yeah,” Greg grinned. “Fill that pussy up, man. Give it to her!” For his part, the big man kept fucking the blonde’s ass until Mark’s penis shrunk and fell away.
Mark expected Greg to keep fucking Amanda until he reached his own orgasm, but instead, the big man pulled out of her ass and instructed her to bend over the bed. Caught up in his own post-orgasmic daze, Mark didn’t really process what was happening until he saw the bigger man line up and slide his cock inside of the blonde’s pussy.
“Whoa! Greg, stop,” Mark objected. “You have to clean up first, we talked about this!” What the fuck was wrong with this guy?
The burly man immediately withdrew, looking sheepish. “Damn, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” he replied. Greg walked to the bathroom, where they could hear the water running soon after.
Amanda looked at her husband. “I told you, he has sexual ADD,” she offered.
Greg walked back into the room, but Mark did not stop his reply. “That may be, but Amanda – that made you so sick before. You could have literally died. This cannot happen, not once, not ever.”
Greg nodded. “You are completely right, Mark. I was an asshole before, and I was just then. I’m sorry. I have got to be more careful and not get so caught up in the moment.”
Mollified, Mark nodded and moved back to allow the other two to resume their activities. Greg had Amanda lie back on the bed where he unceremoniously began fucking her again; this kept up for a while before he pulled out, laid back, and had the blonde go down on him. Amanda sucked and licked the big man’s cock like it was her favorite treat in the world; when he pulled it out of her mouth, she began licking his balls, going down so far as to even tongue around his asshole – something she had only ever done two or three times for Mark, something he always had to ask for.
Soon, the big man tangled his fingers into Amanda’s blonde curls and began ejaculating all over her face; even as the warm semen collected on her skin, Mark heard his wife moan as if it were her receiving sexual release as opposed to the big man.
As their orgasms wound down, the three of them were chatting mindlessly about nothing much when the sound of the front door slamming could be heard. “Greg?” called a female voice from the living room.
“The fuck?” the big man exclaimed. “Becca? Hang on, I have guests!”
Confused, Mark looked at the big man.
“It’s my sister,” he explained. “Shit, I didn’t know that she was planning to crash here tonight. I knew that she was in town, but she usually stays with a friend. Hang on, let me fill her in.”
But Amanda was already up and grabbing her clothes. “No,” she replied. “I wouldn’t feel right about making her leave or something, but I won’t be able to relax and keep doing a threesome in here knowing she’s in the house.” She laughed. “Look, this breaks the ice, maybe we can try again before too long, okay?”
That seemed like the most reasonable response, to they all got dressed, Greg ran interference, and Mark and Amanda left the house, feeling a bit like teenagers in some illicit tryst as they headed out into the night.
The next few days were… interesting in the Green house. On the one hand, Mark was relieved to see that there were no emotional bonds at play. Amanda didn’t show any signs whatsoever to set off any alarm bells in Mark’s mind – she visited Greg for sex, obviously, but it was just sex. Mark had worried by Amanda describing how she seemed to do almost anything the big man wanted, that Greg had some romantic hold on Amanda. After seeing two to of them together, Mark no longer had any doubts or worries that this was the case; there had been no shared glances, no extra touches, no changes in tone or behavior. He had zero doubt that Amanda had any feelings for Greg.
On the other hand… it was incredibly difficult for Mark to see his wife respond sexually to another man the way that she did with Greg. She would do pretty much anything the big man wanted – she hadn’t even objected when he went anal to vaginal again, despite it nearly killing her before! And the way her body responded, the ease of the orgasms, the way she kept coming again and again and again… It was a lot to process and accept.
To her credit, Amanda clearly recognized how tough that had to be to see. She offered to stop seeing Greg immediately, to cut him off for good. Mark didn’t want that, however; he wanted Amanda to be happy, satisfied – even if he himself couldn’t get those same responses out of his wife’s body that the ex-Marine could get. Also, his and his wife’s sex life was the best it had ever been; he didn’t want to change the dynamic and risk ruining what they had.
So after some serious in depth talk, some real soul searching and deep sharing, they agreed to keep things going as is. Mark once again reminded Greg via text that anal to vaginal could not happen anymore without cleanup, and made Amanda promise to actually say no if Greg tried again.
For two more months, all was well.
The first problem came when Amanda got called in to work on a day she was supposed to see her OB/GYN for her annual checkup. She called the doctor to let them know, but rescheduling was a problem – the doc was headed on vacation the following month, and the practice was already short one doctor, meaning that the remaining doctors had to split patients until a new team member came on board.
That wouldn’t have been so bad, but Amanda already had her final ring of her current prescription in, and the doctor refused to write a new prescription without an exam. While that was extremely frustrating, there was little to be done for it. She and Mark agreed that they would simply rely on pulling out – Amanda had a bit of a latex allergy, and Mark had no desire to go back to the dulled sensations of condoms.
But that left Greg.
Amanda felt pretty confident that it wouldn’t be an issue; as many times as she had sex with the big man, he had come inside of her vagina maybe three or four times. Primarily, he wanted to put his semen on her face, sometimes inside of her mouth or ass. Even so, it was worth a serious discussion, and Mark found himself a little worried over it.
As it turned out, the ex-Marine just laughed when Amanda told him about having to pull out. “Baby,” he explained, “you know that I like to come on your face anyway – and I don’t want kids. I don’t see that this really changes anything, but I will make sure to be careful.”
When Amanda relayed the conversation, Mark felt a lot better about it – especially since Greg had been as good as his word since the threesome. Apparently, he had gotten into a habit of awkwardly pausing if he pulled out from anal before his orgasm, but he would always go and wash up thoroughly before trying any more sex of any sort. Mark was glad to have that worry off of his mind.
A second problem came in the form of periods – Amanda had been replacing her ring every three weeks, which kept her from having a period at all. Now, she had to worry about how that impacted sex, as she hated the mess and such that period sex caused.
It didn’t take long – while she was on her first period after that last ring, Greg had texted her to come over. At first, she declined, but he refused to take no for an answer, telling her that her mouth still worked even if she didn’t want to make a mess. With anyone else – even her own husband – Amanda would have been furious; with Greg, she ended up going over to his house and letting him use her mouth to get off twice that night. Insanely enough, it made her feel sexy to give him that release, and she found herself almost looking forward to offering him the same service the next month.
Soon enough, they all found equilibrium with this new normal. Sometimes, Mark liked to tease Amanda during sex, ask her to tell him to come inside of her, to make her pregnant… but she didn’t seem interested in playing those games, so he learned to mostly keep that to himself. Not that he had any intention of actually risking pregnancy; it was nice for the kids to be old enough to spend the night away, to be able to entertain themselves some at home. It was just some kinky dirty talk, but then Amanda had never been much of a talker.
All in all, life was good, sex was hot, and the Greens got along very well. There seemed to be no end in sight for this golden age of their marriage.
“So if you’re heading out to the Walker site first thing in the morning, you could slip by the house and see me for a few minutes before I go to sleep. It’s not like your boss will ever know,” Amanda told Mark on the phone.
The plan was solid. Driving to the Walker site meant that Mark would literally go right by the interstate exit for his house. Amanda would be home by eight AM at the latest; if he went into work a little early and headed out to Walker first thing, he could stop by, see his wife, then give her a quick round of sex before she crashed from her shift the night before.
Mark was actually a little surprised that Amanda was willing to sacrifice the sleep – this was already her third shift in a row, and she had been forced to pick up a fourth this week. Normally, she was ready to do nothing but sleep after a third shift, let alone with a fourth in the wings, but the blonde was incredibly horny. Apparently, being off birth control was giving her a serious shot to her libido; she seemed in a higher default state of arousal pretty much all of the time after going off of the ring – but the last day or so had been truly ridiculous.
Naturally, Mark was hardly going to complain, so the plans were made.
Just as he left work that next morning – and the same time that Amanda should have been leaving the hospital – his cell began to ring, with Amanda on the caller ID.
“Hey babe,” she greeted him tiredly.
“What’s up?” he asked. “Are you still wanting me to meet you at home?”
“About that…” She trailed off. “Greg reached out. He asked me to come by his place this morning for a quickie. Of course I won’t if you don’t want me to, but…”
Mark sighed. He would be lying if he claimed to not be disappointed that she would even consider seeing the other guy instead of him. “So, what’s the plan, then?” he asked. “I guess that I see you tonight?”
“Oh baby, I still want to see you this morning!” Amanda explained. “I was just figuring that I could go by his place, get him off, come home, and you could still swing by and see me after. You said it wouldn’t take long at Walker – if you came by the house on your way back to work, we could still have sex before I go to sleep.”
Mark would be further lying if he pretended that some of their best sex wasn’t after Amanda met this other guy. Still, would she even be awake for him? He voiced the concern.
“That sounds hot, baby,” he offered, “but I worry that you will be crashed by the time you get home. I don’t want to keep you up; I know you have shift number four tonight.”
“No!” Amanda objected. “Baby, I want it! I made plans with you, I’m not dropping you – I just thought it might be extra kinky if I saw Greg first. Don’t worry, I’ll tell him that I can’t make it.”
Mark chuckled. “No, I’m being stupid. You’re right, it would be hot. We’ve never done it quite like this. Go see him, then make sure that pussy is hot and ready for me. I can’t imagine that it’ll take me too long, anyway,” he replied.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Amanda stated in a sultry tone. “I bet I’ll sleep so good after two guys fuck me…”
Mark laughed. “Sounds like a plan, baby. You go get laid, I’ll hurry at Walker, and I’ll see you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too,” Amanda answered.
Amanda pulled into Greg’s driveway just before eight AM and texted Mark before heading into the house.
“At Greg’s, headed in,” she typed. “See you soon, love you.”
“Love you, too,” came Mark’s reply. “Have fun.”
The blonde gave a tired smile as she walked up to Greg’s porch. As his text had promised, the door was unlocked, so she let herself in. “Greg?” she called.
“In here!” came the voice from the bedroom.
Good. They would get right to the point – given her heavy fatigue, Amanda doubted that she had much foreplay in her this morning.
The lights were dim in the bedroom, thanks to Greg’s room darkening curtains. As tired as she was, Amanda appreciated that aspect quite a bit. “Thanks for coming,” came the big man’s voice from his bed. “I know that you have to be tired. I just… I just didn’t want to be alone this morning.”
Amanda frowned as she approached the bed. Greg’s voice sounded a little strange, filled with an emotional vulnerability that she had never heard in the year or so that they had been hooking up. Had the big man been drinking this early?
Just before climbing into the bed, the blonde shed her scrubs and underwear. Post-shift scrubs were gross and dirty anyway; there was no way that she would dream of wearing her scrubs into bed. She crawled up from the bottom of the bed, stopping with her mouth near the ex-Marine’s crotch.
Looking up and making eye contact with the big man, she took his half-hard penis into her mouth; he groaned in response, and his body began to immediately react, with his member reaching full hardness in short order. Greg smiled blissfully, sliding his fingers into the blonde’s curls and wrapping her golden hair around his thick fingers while she slid her mouth up and down his heavy shaft. As tired as she was, Amanda became aware that she was already quite wet; even as she nigh worshipped the cock in her mouth, she found her hips grinding as she sought contact against her leaking pussy.
After a minute or so, Greg pulled her head off of his member, but instead of his typical habit of rubbing it on her face, he instead prompted Amanda to join him up on the pillows. “You know,” he spoke in a low, husky tone, “I tell you all the time how sexy you are. How incredible your body is. How hot you are. That’s all true, of course.” He paused, his deep brown eyes locked with her own blue orbs. “But I don’t really tell you just how beautiful that you are – and I really should. You are a truly beautiful woman, Amanda.”
For the first time since this situation with Greg had been new, Amanda felt herself caught totally off guard. She stumbled for a response, but the big man surprised her again by pressing his lips to hers in a tender kiss.
Kissing in and of itself wasn’t some new thing. Amanda had no qualms about the act of kissing; kissing often happened during sex or as a stepping stone to sex, and it could be hot. She had always rolled her eyes when people acted like the “Pretty Woman” attitude was real, that kissing was somehow more special and intimate than sex. Sorry, but letting a man place his penis inside of your vagina, often even allowing him to ejaculate his semen inside of your body – how could anything be more intimate than that?
But this kiss… this kiss felt different. This kiss was full of emotion, tenderness, meaning. This wasn’t just lust, mere physical attraction. Even as Amanda felt herself struggling against the tide of emotion rushing over her body, a part of her recognized the danger hidden in it. Her synapses were firing like mad, giving sensations of electricity running all through the blonde’s body. She moaned involuntarily into Greg’s mouth as his tongue sought hers. For a moment, she met him eagerly, her own tongue swirling with his as her pulse grew rapid and her breathing grew ragged. Her arousal, which had already been raging in her belly, burning though her body, threatened to consume her. The entire world melted away, nothing mattered but this incredibly sexy man and the way that he was making her feel…
Momentarily, she tore her face from his, turned her head, ended the kiss that had been threatening to consume her. No. This was supposed to be just sex, just some fun – nothing more. She drew a breath to say something, to help reset things… but then, his warm mouth was on her throat, the fat head of his phallus was nudging against her sodden opening, new electricity was radiating from her vagina through her body. A cry was pulled from her throat as Greg penetrated Amanda; her eyes rolled back in her head, and she was lost.
Sex with Greg had always been excellent. He seemed in tune with her body in ways that Amanda herself was not; he seemed to always know which buttons to press, what to say, when to say it. Always before, he had regarded her almost as a plaything, using her body as he saw fit to gain his own pleasure – which, for reasons she could never truly process, invariably led to her own. Always before, Greg would fuck her forcefully, bringing her body to an orgasmic boiling point and keeping it there, keeping her on a roller coaster ride of climax after climax.
Today, things were different.
Oh, his hefty phallus was every bit as filling as it always had been – stretching her right to the edge of comfort and then slightly past that point, pushing her vagina to stretch to accommodate his member in a wonderful agony of pleasure that trod the very line of pain. But rather than drive away inside of her, battering her quickly to the point of orgasm, the big man today was moving slowly, sensuously inside of her. His lips worked their way around her throat, to her breasts, capturing a nipple, causing tingles of burning energy every place they attached to her skin. His strokes were agonizingly long, passionate, every single one seeming to take her one tiny little step closer to a height previously unimagined.
Ever since she had been off of the ring, Amanda had found her libido to be much higher. Even so… today, it was like she was some other person. The fatigue from work and the lack of sleep didn’t matter. The agreement that this was only supposed to be some fun sex on the side didn’t matter. The fact that this was not her husband, but another man who was bringing her to such delicious agony didn’t matter. All that mattered was the feel of his warm skin against hers, the tingles that his lips left on her nipples and her throat, the burning warmth building to an irresistible fire inside of her vagina stoked by the delicious pressure from his thick cock sawing back and forth.
As Greg began to increase his pace, moving faster and faster inside of the blonde mother, Amanda’s head began to thrash back and forth as her back arched in ecstasy. Wordless cries of passion escaped her lips as the burly man thrust inside of her again and again. She didn’t even process that she was moaning so wantonly; her entire world was reduced to the big cock moving so exquisitely inside of her body, the way that her body trembled as the tidal wave of her orgasm neared its crest.
Greg’s breathing grew ragged as he continued to thrust away, with Amanda grinding back at him on every stroke. The thought of where Greg would come never crossed her mind – he had almost always insisted on coming on her face, sometimes in her mouth. He knew that she was totally unprotected, but after so many months of time together, Amanda had grown to trust Greg completely. Of course, the bigger truth was that at that time, Amanda was so far lost into her own pleasure, her own arousal, in the incredible orgasm that she was teetering on the cusp of… she lacked the mental capacity to even consider the consequences of the mind-blowing sex that she was having.
Some subtle change in the big man’s movements seemed to register in some part of Amanda’s brain. She opened her eyes, her pupils dilated widely to the point where the blue was a mere sliver, and fixed her gaze on the deep brown of Greg’s stare. A strange look was on the big man’s face – some parts of both anguish and reverence – and the expression took her breath.
He thrust as deeply inside of Amanda as he could possibly get, his thick phallus buried against her cervix.
“Amanda, I love you,” he stated in a tone saturated in deep emotion. Amanda’s eyes widened, but Greg kissed her deeply, passionately, pouring his entire soul into the act, and Amanda found herself powerless to respond.
Then, he began to ejaculate inside of her.
Looking back later on, Amanda wished that she had paid more attention to the signs. That she had realized what was happening. Or, at the least, that she had pushed him off of her, jumped up, protested – that she had done anything at all other than what she actually did.
The stimulation was too much. The arousal had been almost more than she could stand, the buildup had been the most intense sex of her life. But when Amanda felt Greg’s thick shaft begin to flex inside of her, when she felt the warmth of his copious semen begin to flood the deepest part of her vagina, it was more than she could bear.
Amanda literally screamed into Greg’s mouth as her orgasm shattered her body. He gave her several short thrusts, holding each one as deeply inside of her as he could, grinding his hips to ensure that every jet of life-giving sperm was deposited as deeply inside of her vagina as he could humanly ensure. The blonde lost control of her body, the powerful contractions of her orgasm radiated from her vagina and uterus seemingly throughout her body; she twitched and shook as if she was having a seizure.
As she slowly came down, Amanda realized that she was driving her tongue into Greg’s mouth, moaning into him while he did the same. One hand was on his ass, pulling him tightly inside of her, the other was behind his head, sealing his face to hers. At some point, her legs had wrapped around the big man, her ankles had locked behind his legs, her vagina was grinding against him, milking every last drop of semen from his penis.
A man other than her husband had inseminated her when she was completely unprotected; even now, tens of millions of his sperm were surely flooding the entrance to her womb, searching for her egg. Amanda should have been upset, but somehow, it just felt so right. Rather than do anything at all, the blonde continued to kiss the big man on top of her.
Eventually, Greg broke the kiss off and looked at her again. “You are another man’s wife, he spoke in a husky tone. “I know that. I would never want to hurt you. I don’t want to ruin your marriage or break up your family. But…” he paused and looked at her intently, “I love you. Thank you.”
Amanda’s head spun with the confession. She was more than a little sure than Greg had to have been drinking; he never acted like this! How the hell was she supposed to react now? God, why did she let herself get so carried away? She needed to get up, to clean up, to go home…
Then, Greg leaned down and kissed her again. As he did so, his hips shifted a bit… and Amanda realized that the big man’s cock had never really gotten soft. When she felt it move inside of her, the blonde gave a soft little moan, which caused the burly man to grin in response.
He moved inside her again purposefully, and electricity ran through Amada’s body, causing her to moan louder. Greg leaned over to kiss her hard, and once more, all ability to process rational thoughts seemed to flee Amanda’s brain.
It was nearly ten AM when Amanda pulled into the driveway at home. Mark was already there, had turned the sheets down and had the fan on for white noise. Amanda stumbled up the stairs and shuffled into the house and the bedroom. She was always so very tired after her third shift in a row; today, she had also lost out on two more hours of sleep, and in the process, had expended a lot of energy in sex with Greg. She was so tired that lifting her arms up seemed a chore; Mark solicitously helped his wife remove her scrubs and underwear.
As he peeled off her clothing, Mark could smell Greg’s scent heavy on his wife. That in and of itself was arousing, but when the panties came off, the pungent aroma of her arousal – and the unmistakable scent of semen – filled the air. Mark’s heart felt like it would explode as Amanda climbed into bed.
“Amanda, what happened?” he asked in a soft tone. “I expected you home forty-five minutes ago; you were supposed to have a quick round with Greg, then come home to me before you went to sleep. You took a long time, and… you have cum inside of you.”
Amanda was red-eyed as she responded. “I know, baby. I know. I’m sorry. He was… he was really weird this morning. I’ve never seen Greg like that.”
She paused, as if searching for words. Mark decided to give his wife a chance to explain. “He told me that he loved me,” she stated flatly. “He’s never hinted at anything like that before. I think he had been drinking. But he told me that he loved me… and he came inside of me.”
Mark felt the room spinning as she confirmed the worst. “Amanda!” he exclaimed. “You’re not on birth control right now! What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know,” she nearly moaned in reply. “I’m used to doing what he wants, but he’s always so careful. I wasn’t thinking, I got caught up in it. Baby, I’m sorry, I’m so tired…”
Mark’s mouth was dry. “Your period ended two weeks ago, Amanda. This is probably a really unsafe time for you. Holy shit… he probably got you pregnant!”
“Please don’t be mad,” the blonde pleaded. “My periods are all screwed up right now, I’ve been on the ring for a couple years with no break. It’ll be okay. It was just once.” She paused. “Well, twice.”
“Twice?” Mark exclaimed. “You let him come inside of you twice? What the hell?”
“I’m sorry,” she replied. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that he was going to do it the first time. I was kind of out of it. And then, he started again, and it just seemed pointless to worry about it, since, uh…”
“Since you were already full of his cum,” Mark finished. “Fuck, Amanda. That’s so risky. What are you going to do if you are carrying his baby?” he demanded.
“I’m sorry!” Amanda wailed. “I didn’t mean for it to happen! We will deal with it, baby. You and me. I’m just so tired… Mark, I have to be up for the kids in five hours. I’m so tired that I hurt. Please, baby. I’m sorry. Can we please talk about it later?”
Mark sighed. Suddenly, it was if that Amanda had just processed that her husband was naked – and despite the conversation (or perhaps, because of it), seemed to be fully erect. “Oh baby, I promised you sex, too. I’m so sorry, I’m just so tired. Mark, I know the rules, but I have to drive, I have to take care of patients. Can we maybe wait until tonight before work? I need to sleep so badly. You could just take care of it here next to me? Please?”
There was no way that Mark would ever hurt his wife, even if he was terrified and sickened by the bad choices she had made. “Yes, baby. Sleep now,” he replied. “I’ll knock one out really quick; I have to get back to work, anyway.”
As he moved up on the bed next to his wife, Mark tried to pretend that the ridiculously filthy thoughts running through his head weren’t responsible for him being so achingly hard. Even as Amanda pulled her sleep mask on and her breathing quickly grew slow and regular, Mark’s synapses were firing rapidly at the thoughts of his loving wife willingly accepting another man’s semen while she was unprotected – and quite probably, extremely fertile. As Mark stoked his own cock, he could still smell Amanda’s own secretions – as well as Greg’s semen that had leaked out of her.
A wild thought hit him, and Mark carefully slid out of bed, moved across the room, and found Amanda’s discarded clothing. He pulled her panties out and discovered that they were absolutely sodden. He lay down beside the bed, his thoughts filled with imagined visions of his wife’s legs spread as the big man drove that thick cock inside of her and inseminated her fully. He thought of her belly swelling, becoming firm, expanding out with another man’s baby growing inside of it, of her breasts engorging with milk for another man’s child. Mark’s nostrils flared, delivering the scents of Amanda’s and Greg’s sexual secretions directly to his brain, and that combined with the horribly awful, arousing images in his head caused his cock to explode in a truly powerful orgasm.
Once the sensations subsided, Mark looked over at the bed. His beautiful wife’s mouth was slack, she was fast asleep. There was nothing to do but pull his clothes on and return to work.
Four weeks passed after Greg inseminated Amanda, and her period never came. At three weeks, she tried again to protest that there was no need to worry, as her cycles surely had yet to return to normal – she loved to point out that her first period had come two weeks after stopping the ring, and that it had lasted for four days as opposed to her normal two to three days.
At four weeks, the dizziness and cramping really set in, and Amanda got worried. The at home pregnancy test said to give five minutes to read the test – the second pink line was visible in less than two.
Amanda tried to suggest that the baby could still be Mark’s; after all, pulling out wasn’t one hundred percent effective. But the fact was, despite his dirty talk about knocking Amanda up, Mark had been very careful to never ejaculate inside of her – and Greg had inseminated her twice on the date that all of the charts said was a “very fertile” day for her – if not her ovulation day.
Amanda was pregnant, there was no doubt of that. There was also no doubt as to the father was – and it was not her husband.
Author notes:
While this story is based on some real life events, it is a work of fiction. While you, of course are free to call me a sicko cuck loser, doing so won’t change the choices that the characters made.
Yes, this was an unconventional marriage. This is not an example of a really healthy ENM (ethical non-monogamy) relationship. I’m sure that some of you are just itching to toss hateful commentary my way – have at it!
As is my custom, I do not intend to write an epilogue as to what happened with the pregnancy or the marriage. I write erotica, and I don’t see anyone getting off to decisions around abortion, adoption, or delivering another man’s baby – nor do I see the sexiness of handling heavy questions like how a marriage is impacted by a woman allowing herself to be impregnated by a man other than her husband or how to deal with said pregnancy. I do, however, invite you to explore the scenario in your head and come up with an ending that you find to be satisfactory.
Regardless, I appreciate you taking the time to read my tale. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the story.