A Simple LIfe Part 7

"Spring has sprung and the gangs all here"

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The timing was most likely horrible, but Linda and I had been talking about Beth over the last week. I shared everything with her, including some of the sexual adventures Steve and I had with Beth before Linda moved in next door. Beth knew I was going to talk to Linda and had encouraged me to do so. She wanted to be back in our lives and to be honest, Steve and I missed her.

Linda was sitting at the kitchen table with me and reached out to take my hand. “You know, I’m not the jealous type. I think you both like Beth, and I don’t have a problem with you seeing her again. I would love to meet her.”

I’ll admit I was surprised. “That’s a fantastic thing for you to say, Linda, and I love you for it. The truth is that Steve and I have been so into what we have with you that I wasn’t considering being with Beth. I knew that the three of us needed to focus on each other. Steve and I keep in touch with her and have told her about you. I hope you aren’t upset about that, but you must understand that I trust her completely. She’s very happy for us, even though I know she didn’t want our sexy fun to end.”

Her hand tightened on mine. “Please invite her here. I don’t want you or Steve to push people you care about away because of me. Plus, I’m sure that I’ll like her too. I want to get to know the people you care about.

“Hell, invite her here during spring break! With that many people around, you can sneak off while they keep each other busy. I’m sure Beth would have a great time. You can always claim the need to get away and get a hotel room for the night.”

I squeezed her hand back. “First of all, there will not be an us with her and not you. I will not set you aside while I’m with someone else. You are always my love, and I will not pretend otherwise. You feel me, woman?

“Secondly, she’s dying to meet you, and I think you might just have a lot of fun together. So there!”

She smiled in the way she does, and that sent a tingle through me. “So, are you going to give me her number?”

I did, then left her to make the call. An hour later, she joined me by the pool, smiling happily. “She’s excited and can’t wait to meet me! Now we have to figure out where everybody is sleeping.”

I nodded my agreement. “I guess the open issue is whether Rich and Jeff’s girlfriends will sleep with them or in a separate room. What does Mom think of that?”

Linda chuckled. “Mom thinks whatever works for them works for her. I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I got all prudish now.”

She went back into the house and returned a minute later with the floor plan she’d drawn. Our home sits on an acre of land that’s twice as long as it is wide. Our house sits well back from the street. The walkway of pavers from the street to the three steps leading up onto our front porch is rarely used by anyone other than the mail carrier. Outside of the young couple that bought our old house, our nearest neighbors are half a mile away. The driveway next to the house is wide enough to park cars on either side and still access the three-car garage. Most of it is compressed gravel because paving that much area isn’t within the budget and may never be. The garage is pole building, clad in cedar, and deep enough to contain a small wood shop and a modest music studio.

The side entrance near the garage feeds into the mudroom, then into the kitchen. The front door is centered on the house and our front porch has two swings because they are awesome. Given its size, the house doesn’t have many bedrooms. We moved walls and installed columns and headers to carry the loads so we could convert the old tiny rooms into much larger ones. The result was a two-story house with twenty-five hundred square feet on each floor.

The first floor was dramatically different on the right side (garage side) of the house. The old formal living, dining, and Linda’s rooms were now a great room, with plenty of area for entertaining. The flat screen on the wall was massive, and the picture quality was beyond belief. In addition to being a musician, Steve was an audiophile and, over the years, has collected some fantastic sound equipment. Movie nights were fucking awesome.

The staircase to the second floor was in the middle of the house and a focal point when you came in the front door. To the left was a large cloak closet, followed by Jeff and Rich’s old bedroom, then the infamous closet, now part of the library. The end of the house was the kitchen and dining area with two sets of French doors leading out onto the patio and pool deck. The staircase sides and back were clad in cherry trim and raised panels. Steve and Linda made every bit of it and integrated CNC carvings, nooks, and a hidden door to the storage space underneath. It was absolutely gorgeous.

The master bedroom on the second floor was at the back of the house and included an en suite bath. The three of us had quite a lot of fun in that room the night before. Right outside our bedroom on the garage side was a laundry room/utility room, then the second-floor bath, followed by a smaller room that was storage for lack of a better purpose. The other side of the floor contained two bedrooms. The one nearest our room was now Jeff and Rich’s room.

I got this ornery idea. “How about we put Beth and the other girl in Jeff and Rich’s room? We’ll put the two guys in the upstairs bedroom and the Twins’ girlfriends in their old room. If Jeff and Rich feel strongly that they can’t sleep with their girlfriends, we’ll put them in that little room upstairs we aren’t using.”

Linda grinned at me. “You are so bad! You want them sleeping together!”

“Well, duh! I intend to squeeze every ounce of fun I can out of this spring break. Rich and Jeff are coming home; I want it to be amazing. You know as well as I do, these girls must be pretty special. You know how the twins feel about us. The last thing they would do is bring home a couple of skanks.”

Linda looked a little pensive. “Yeah, as nervous as I am about meeting them, I can’t imagine what it will be like for them to meet us. I also can’t imagine Josh or Rich bringing them here clueless about our family. They have to have told them something.”

I thought about that for a minute. “If they told them something, I’m betting they trust them enough to tell them pretty much everything. Maybe not the details, but the gist of it anyway.”

We looked at each other big-eyed for a second, and then the grins broke out. I held up my hands. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’ll see when they get here.”

Beth arrived an hour before Steve returned. Lisa and she hit it off immediately like I knew they would. We gave her a house tour, finishing in Jeff and Rich’s upstairs bedroom. Linda ran downstairs to grab Beth’s bag, and I took the opportunity to grab Beth. I was passionately kissing her when Linda walked back into the room. When our lips parted, we saw Linda smiling at us. Beth smiled sweetly at her. “Would you like a kiss, too? I hope so because I really want to kiss you.” Linda bit her lip and nodded. Their kiss was tentative at first but soon became affectionate, borderline sexy. They parted with a look that promised each other there would be more.

Steve had taken the Honda van to pick up our spring breakers. One of the girls had a Nissan Cube that she drove as well. The twins and their girls rode with Steve while the others rode with her. The drive was an hour and a half each way, and I was pleasantly surprised that he got back with his cargo in the early afternoon.

I had figured getting them collected and on the road would be like herding cats. Steve told me that the group was waiting when he arrived, and he had to hold them off long enough to take a bathroom break before leaving the campus. He wasn’t sure what the twins had told their friends, but whatever it was, the group was excited.

When we made our way downstairs, there seemed to be people everywhere and total confusion. The women wandered around the first floor, oohing and aahing over the house. The guys were getting in each other’s way with the luggage, not having a clue where to put anything.

I stood on the staircase, put my fingers to my lips, and let out a shrill whistle that froze everyone silently in place. “Hey, everybody! Welcome to our home! Let’s all go to the great room, do introductions, and then we’ll get everyone settled.

“Guys, leave the luggage where it is for now. Steve, would you get everyone something to drink?

“Well? Move it, people! We need to get this party started!”

Linda and Beth were standing behind me and laughing at me. I couldn’t help but notice that Steve and the twins were as well. The others looked at me with big eyes, probably wondering if I was as crazy as I appeared. I suspect they underestimated me by a lot.

Linda, Beth, and I went to the kitchen, gathered the snacks we had prepared earlier, and brought them into the great room. Steve was doing a fine job as a bartender. He had talked to the twins on the way home and had pointed out that we were good with them drinking as long as they weren’t stupid about it. He didn’t mention that at their age, we were almost always stupid about it. The lack of stupidity on any occasion was more from lack of funds than maturity. It wasn’t like the cops would show up and start carding everyone. Most of them were either old enough to be legal or within a few months of being so. It would not be the first drink for any of them by a long stretch.

Everyone got quiet and looked at me. I smiled happily because they were a happy-looking bunch, and I was happy they were in our home. “Hey, everyone! I’m Ginger.”

Steve held up a hand. “Hey, I’m Steve, Ginger’s long-suffering husband. Welcome to our home.”

Linda was acting shy, but Rich and Jeff weren’t going to let that happen. Each of them grabbed a hand and pulled her to the middle of the room. Jeff waved his hand in a rather sexy way down in front of her while Rich put an arm around her shoulder and grinned. “This is Linda.”

I noticed that when my husband introduced himself, the young ladies in the group became very attentive. They stayed that way until Linda’s flashy introduction, which, by the way, I could tell had equal parts embarrassed her and turned her on. The smiles on the twins’ girlfriends’ faces told me they were very happy to meet her.

Rich and Jeff hugged Linda, and she returned it happily. They had missed each other and weren’t about to let people standing around keep them from reconnecting. I’m sure our guests expected the welcome-home hug to be a chaste family hug, but that isn’t what I saw by any stretch.

It wasn’t like they were feeling each other up or doing anything super-lewd. Still, a blind person could see a physical attraction that went hand in hand with their affection. My nipples were throbbing, and I decided we needed a distraction. “Rich, Jeff, where are your manners? You can have more hugs later. Introduce everyone!”

They both blasted grins at me and let their stepmom go. Linda looked equal parts happy and horny. Fortunately, all eyes were on the two young ladies Rich and Jeff went to.

Rich, being Rich, went first. He held the hand of a stunning browned-haired woman. She may have been in college, but her classic beauty lent her a look of maturity beyond her years. Those elegant long legs contributed a lot to that look. The young woman was a few inches taller than me, and her figure was svelte but not skinny. Of course, she had gorgeous tits. I doubted Rich would leave nice tits required off the list of preferred attributes for a girlfriend. They weren’t in league with mine cup-wise, and definitely not their mom’s, but they seemed pretty nice. I decided that I could iron out the details at the pool later.

She was beautiful, and I thought they looked awesome as a couple. Her big brown eyes darted from Linda to me, settled on Steve for a moment, and then darted back to Linda. The poor girl was a nervous wreck, and she needed Rich to get on with it. He finally saw the state she was in. “This is Rose, and she is wonderful!”

Rose blushed, but her smile told me how she felt about him. Linda immediately pulled her into a hug. “Thank you for coming. I am so glad you are here.”

Rose was tall enough to look into Linda’s eyes straight on. That didn’t stop Linda from taking command or Rose from nestling in her arms happily. I’ve never seen two people connect so quickly.

Thinking back on it, I realize the scene was surreal. There were no side conversations, and every eye was focused on the center of the room. None of us knew what to expect when we planned this weekend, but from what I had seen so far, it was well on the way to something special.

Jeff stepped up with a hot, little green-eyed blonde with a mischievous look. I could tell already that she was going to be fun. “This is Anne.”

That’s all he got out of his mouth before Anne took it upon herself to go for a hug with Linda. Linda accepted it happily, and the two stayed at it for a long moment. Their hug was a bit different. Where Rose was passive, Anne was a bit more exuberant. She kissed Linda lightly on the mouth when they separated, leaving Linda standing there with her fingertips on her lips. It was like she was checking and decided that those were the lips Anne had just kissed. She was hardly upset about it.

Jeff took Anne’s hand and turned her to me. “I think you two have a lot in common, Ginger.”

That mischievous look turned into a grin as Anne looked at me. “I can’t wait to get to know you better. Jeff said you were beautiful, but I had no idea how beautiful.”

I laughed and reached for her. “You don’t have to suck up already. Give the others a chance.”

Oh, she felt nice. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me so good. I couldn’t help but notice her hand slide down my back and gently squeeze my ass. Steve was standing behind me and let out a snicker when I jumped.

When she moved back, she checked my eyes, and when she saw that I wasn’t going to kick her out of my house, she gave me the sexiest little smile. This one was trouble, and I loved it. She also confirmed that Jeff had shared more than a little information.

We all took a moment to sip our drinks, and Steve took control. He put an arm around Beth’s shoulder and smiled. Beth, for her part, was having trouble focusing on anyone but Steve. His hand came up, and he used a finger to turn her chin away from him and toward the group. “This is Beth. She’s a friend of ours from out of town.”

She blushed at the looks she was getting from the males in the room.

Jeff and Rich pushed their three other friends forward. The first person introduced was an auburn-haired cutie with green eyes who looked like a mini-me. She was a few inches shorter than me, and her body was a little more voluptuous. She was a hot little package and seemed very happy. She waved at everyone. “Hi, I’m Penny! This is going to be so much fun. Thank you for inviting me!”

Steve stepped forward until he was danger close. “We are happy to have you.”

She looked into his eyes and got lost for a while. I knew her little panties were getting soaked. Her cute little mouth opened, “I…I… Uh…”

Linda had to save her because I was perfectly happy watching her drool over my husband. “Introduce your other friends, Rich.”

Rich threw his arm across the shoulders of a handsome young man who had the look of the guy who always started the fun. He wasn’t much taller than me, maybe five-eight, with brown hair and eyes. He had an energy that I found very attractive. I remember thinking I might have found the male version of me.

As soon as he was introduced, he grinned at me. “Can I have one of those welcome hugs?”

He was better behaved than I thought he would be, but that still left a good bit of room. He wrapped his arms around me, hugged me, and let me go after a somewhat reasonable interval. He stepped back, red in the face, and with his hands clasped in front of his crotch in a vain attempt to pretend he was unaffected. Steve was snickering again.

The remaining friend stepped forward, and suddenly, the room got smaller. He reached out and took Linda’s hand, shaking it softly. “Hello, I’m Dan.”

I thought Linda was going…

Published 6 months ago

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