As soon as I rang Sean’s apartment doorbell, I knew there was no turning back from what I was about to do. I wouldn’t allow myself to lose my nerve. But in those seconds before he answered, I grew lightheaded from anxiety. Running a hand through my mop of dark curls, I again silently rehearsed what I planned to say.
When Sean opened the door, his smile made me feel like I was on a rollercoaster, with my stomach in free fall.
“Hey, Travis!” Though he was clearly surprised by me showing up at his door, his brown eyes filled with warmth.
All my careful plans evaporated at the sight of him. “Amber’s cheating on you,” I blurted out.
Sean’s gaze darkened at my words, and I feared he was angry. Still, he opened the door wider and said, “Come on in.”
Swallowing hard, I strode past him and made a beeline for the couch. Not even my tactless outburst could cause Sean to forget his manners, for he was quick to ask if I’d like a drink.
“I’m good, thanks.” Glancing around, I spotted one of Amber’s hair clips on an end table. Her sweater was draped over the back of a nearby chair. There were reminders of my sister everywhere.
Sitting down next to me, he released a heavy sigh. I expected him to bombard me with questions, but he simply muttered, “I suspected as much.”
“I’m sorry.” I started to place a comforting hand on his arm, then thought better of it. “I like you, Sean. A lot. And I didn’t feel it was right to keep quiet about what Amber’s doing.” Of course, I had other motives for revealing my sister’s betrayal, but I’d make those known soon enough.
Sean slumped back against the couch. His hair was as dark as mine, but he wore it a little neater. Though he usually did whatever my sister wanted, he hadn’t yet shaved his beard. Amber complained that it made him look like a slacker; she preferred clean-cut guys. Right now, he was still dressed in business casual, having just gotten home from work on a Friday evening.
I’d been preparing for this conversation all day. While sitting in classes at the local university where I was a student, I hadn’t heard a word my professors said. I was too busy imagining all the ways this discussion with Sean might play out.
I also knew I had a small window of opportunity to talk to him. Earlier that afternoon, Amber had left town with several of her friends. They had tickets to see a favorite band in concert on Saturday, and they planned to make an entire weekend out of the event. I couldn’t help but wonder if the guy Amber was cheating with also intended to make the three-hour drive in order to meet up with her.
Like me, Amber still lived at home. I was twenty and a full-time student, whereas she was twenty-three. Sean was two years her senior. I knew Sean and Amber had talked about her moving in with him at some point, but my sister seemed content to live rent-free at home, where my parents treated her like a queen. Though she had an office job, I suspected that her ultimate goal was to land a rich husband so she wouldn’t have to work.
If I had to choose between Amber and Sean, he would win every time. For an entire year, he’d dated my sister, and every single day of their relationship, I wanted to ask him why he was wasting time with her. There was no question that she was beautiful, with long, chestnut-brown hair and a figure that made men practically drool. Maybe it was the physical attraction that kept Sean wrapped around her finger, but I feared he actually loved her. When she spoke, he adoringly hung on every word. Whatever she asked for, he bent over backwards to provide.
And all the while, I struggled to hide my desire for my sister’s boyfriend. He’d always been kind, expressing a genuine interest in what was going on in my life. Six months ago, I’d come out to my family, and while Amber had snorted at the news and said, “Tell us something we don’t already know,” Sean actually gave me a hug. Later, when the two of us were alone for a few minutes in the living room, he revealed he’d gone through a “bi-curious” stage in college, during which he’d experimented with a few guys. He’d sworn me to secrecy, and the fact that he’d shared such an intimate detail with me and not Amber made my feelings for him intensify.
Now, I worked up the nerve to rest a hand on Sean’s knee. “You deserve better than Amber,” I said gently. “She only cares about herself.”
As he stared straight ahead, I noticed his jaw tightening. “How did you find out?”
“I heard her on the phone a couple of days ago.” My face reddened as I recalled that conversation, which my sister had no idea I’d overheard. Its explicit nature left no doubt in my mind that she was fucking someone else.
Sean’s gaze dropped to my hand. It took all my courage to leave it on his knee. “She’s been different lately,” he said in a low voice. “More distant. Always making excuses as to why she needs to be somewhere else.” Finally, he met my stare. “I know I should be furious, but I think I’ve been bracing for the end of our relationship for weeks. Part of me was in denial before. Now? I’m just hurt that she didn’t respect me enough to be honest.”
Before I could stop myself, I slipped my arms around Sean. He readily hugged me back. “Amber’s a fool,” I murmured.
“Thank you for coming to me about this, Travis.” His embrace tightened just a little. “I promise when I talk to her, I won’t say a word about our conversation. I think she’ll come clean if I tell her my suspicions.”
He started to withdraw from me, but I wouldn’t let him leave my arms. For months, I’d ached to feel him hold me like this. I craved his touch and his scent, and now that he was so close, I lost all self-restraint. Burying my face in his neck, I whispered, “If you were mine, I’d spend every day doing my best to make you happy.”
I sensed him tense at my words. Immediately, I feared I’d made a horrible mistake. Yet Sean simply murmured, “Oh, Travis…” He patted me on the back, like I was the one who needed comforting. I felt ridiculous for believing he could have the slightest interest in me. But my humiliation didn’t stop me from pressing my lips against his skin.
I expected him to push me away. When he didn’t, I dared to slide my hand up his thigh. His sharp intake of breath was loud in the otherwise quiet room. “Please,” I begged him. “Please let me help you forget about her.”
“Travis, we can’t.” Weaving his fingers through my hair, Sean gently drew me back from him. His expression was so intense that I struggled to meet his eyes. “I think you’re a great guy, and I’ve loved hanging out with you. But I’m still in a relationship with your sister.”
“Not for much longer.” I hated the neediness in my voice. “And I know that after you two break up, I’ll probably never see you again. So just give me tonight, okay?” Now, I did have to look away. My throat tightened, and my chest ached as I waited for Sean to answer. Never had I wanted someone this much.
“Hey.” His tone was gentle, and when I met his gaze, I was surprised at the tenderness in it. “You and I will always be friends, I promise.”
“I want us to be more than friends.”
Sean started to speak again, but before he had a chance, I kissed him. He made a surprised sound as I cupped his face in my hands. Simply being in his arms had gotten my dick hard, and I was powerless to control my arousal. The moment our tongues touched, I moved to slide onto his lap.
“Travis, we have to stop.” Sean was breathing faster. Even as he tried to dissuade me, his hands roamed over my body.
“No, we don’t. I want to make you feel good, Sean.” Reaching between us, I moaned to feel his erection through his pants. He was big, I discovered. Bigger than I’d ever experienced in my few short-lived relationships. I’d heard Amber make insinuations to her friends about the size of Sean’s cock; she claimed he’d ruined her for all other men. Now, I realized exactly what she’d meant!
“Ah fuck, that feels really good!” He looked down to watch me stroke him. “But this is wrong.”
“It isn’t,” I insisted.
As Sean gazed up at me, I sensed he was struggling, torn between his conscience and his desire. The moment he drew me to him for another kiss, I knew his desire had won the battle.
I hurried to pull my T-shirt over my head, then worked at the buttons on Sean’s shirt. My trembling didn’t make the task easy, but he didn’t seem to notice my fumbling; he was too busy sliding his palms over my bare chest. I gasped at the feel of his fingers grazing my nipples. The look on his face was one of such fierce need that it made my dick pulse. I couldn’t help but grin at the realization that he was beyond ready for this. For me.
I thought we might do it right there on the couch, but Sean returned my grin, and then said, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
Once we were standing next to his unmade bed, he didn’t bother to turn on the light, since there was still plenty of daylight left outside. Instead, he rushed to take off his button-down shirt and the undershirt he wore beneath it. I advanced upon him, kissing his mouth and neck.
Sliding a hand between my thighs, Sean let out a moan at finding me rock-hard. “How long have you wanted this?” he whispered.
“Since I first met you,” I whispered back.
That revelation made his stare grow even hotter. He wasted no time stripping from the waist down, and when I finally saw his cock in all its erect glory, I couldn’t suppress a whimper. “Oh, sweet Jesus, you are huge!”
A shadow of uncertainty flickered across his face. “Am I too big for you?”
“Absolutely not! That dick is going to feel incredible inside my ass.” Though I was well aware that taking his monster cock would be painful at first, I still craved it. I longed to feel the searing stretch of flesh, and the subsequent fullness. I’d never had a partner, or even experimented with a toy, of Sean’s size. Eagerly studying him, I saw that he wasn’t overzealous in trimming his pubic hair. His balls, shaved smooth, were nice and heavy. My mouth watered at the thought of sucking each one.
By this point, I was ready to get on my hands and knees and offer Sean my tight hole, but he had other ideas. Since we were almost the same height, it was easy for him to line up his cock with my own. I felt more than a little inadequate in comparison, yet my insecurities soon faded, only to be replaced by the pleasure of Sean stroking us simultaneously. Many times in my secret, forbidden fantasies, I’d imagined the two of us frotting. And now it was actually happening!
My nearly uncontrollable excitement caused me to produce ample precum, which Sean used for lubrication. While his touch was gentle, I still got carried away, thrusting my hips in order to slide my dick against his. The room was quiet except for our heavy breathing and the whispered caress of skin on skin. Sean seemed transfixed, his gaze riveted to our cocks. When I murmured his name, he looked up as if in a trance. Again, we kissed, our tongues meeting between our lips.
“I’m so goddamn turned on right now!” he confessed. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”
“Please!” I begged. It was no use pretending I had any pride left.
Sean flashed a grin as he said, “I want to suck your dick first, though.”
I worried I’d come the moment he wrapped his lips around me, but I wasn’t about to turn down his offer. This might be the only chance I had. After we climbed onto the bed, Sean started to ease me onto my back, but I shook my head. “I want to suck you off, too,” I told him. “I’m dying to find out just how much of that gorgeous dick I’m able to swallow.”
Sean was clearly flattered by my praise, yet he insisted with a smile, “I’m not that big.”
“Oh, yes, you are!”
Once he was lying on his side, I positioned myself so that my face was level with his cock, just as his face was directly before mine. Already, I’d grown far too excited; my entire body seemed to throb in anticipation of his mouth.
Resting my head against Sean’s inner thigh, I set about lavishing attention on his tip. In this position, I could relax and simply focus on giving him as much pleasure as possible. While eagerly licking and kissing his cockhead, I stroked his substantial length. Wrapping my fingers around his girth served to reemphasize just how large he was.
“Oh, fuck yes!” I heard him groan.
I swirled my tongue over his slit, coaxing forth some precum. It was mild, bordering on sweet, and I licked it up with blatant enthusiasm. Breathing in, I felt my dick harden even more as I reveled in Sean’s scent. My lips traveled to those smooth balls, which I kissed and ever so gently suckled.
Sean groaned even louder just before taking my cockhead between his lips. The sensation of being in his mouth was so intense that I actually shivered from it. My jaw slackened, and I had to close my eyes for a few seconds. Again, my mind reeled; this man whom I’d adored for so long was now sucking my cock!
“Oh God, Sean, that’s so good!”
He moaned around my dick, taking a little more. His efforts prompted me to continue sucking him off, and I went wild sliding my tongue along his shaft. Finally, I circled my lips around his tip and began working my way toward the base. It was necessary to keep my mouth open almost achingly wide, and though I didn’t have a particularly strong gag reflex, I had to fight against it while accepting more of that huge cock. The feel of my lips being stretched made me vividly imagine my puckered hole enduring the same treatment.
Just as Sean made plenty of precum, he also produced lots of saliva, so the blowjob he gave me was messy and noisy. In other words, it was fucking perfect. The way he effortlessly worked up to a steady rhythm had me wondering just how much head he’d given during his bi-curious phase in college!
I quickly found that I could take only two-thirds of Sean’s cock in my mouth. Already, it was violating my throat and causing my muscles to constrict around it. My airway was blocked completely, but I managed not to pull off right away. Instead, I basked in his lust-filled grunts and groans as he worked to take my entire dick.
When he slipped his fingers between my ass cheeks and began massaging my hole, his touch brought me dangerously close to shooting my load. All the while, his mouth kept up its insistent sucking, and I wondered if he could feel my cock twitch against his tongue. Lifting my head, I panted, “I’m too close! I don’t want to come yet.”
He let my cock escape his mouth. “You sure? We don’t have to do more than this, Travis. You should probably use a plug before I take your ass for the first time.”
I knew he was right, but I was determined to go through with this. Though it would have felt amazing to come in his mouth, and have him come inside mine, I feared post-nut clarity would convince him it had been a mistake. I’d leave here knowing we’d never do anything like this again. “I’m good,” I assured him now. “I need you to fuck me, Sean.”
Sitting up, he reached for me. “I want you to ride me, okay? That way, you can choose how fast you want to go.”
The kiss I gave him was full of affection as well as lust. Again, I thought about how my sister was an idiot for taking this man for granted.
I said a silent prayer of thanks when Sean told me he had a bottle of lube in the nightstand drawer. “Amber needs it sometimes,” he revealed, then immediately grimaced. “Sorry, you probably didn’t want to know that.”
“It’s okay,” I replied through my laughter. “I’ve actually heard her talking to her friends about how well-endowed you are, so I’m not surprised she needs a little help taking it all.”
Sean rolled his eyes even as he grinned. “I didn’t know Amber was such a size queen.”
Once he retrieved the lube, we decided to go a little crazy with it, figuring extra couldn’t hurt. My eagerness was evident as I straddled him. While he grasped his cock at the base. I guided the tip to my slick hole. Ideally, I would have worn a plug beforehand, but I had no way of knowing that Sean would be willing to fuck me tonight, and while I’d heard Amber’s talk of his size, I never imagined he was sporting a nine-inch dick.
With a knee on either side of Sean’s hips, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, doing my best to relax. Finally, I started sinking down. His huge, swollen tip was rigid against my tight flesh, but I kept going. My eyes locked with his as I inched lower. It was impossible to hide my wince, and I saw concern darken his expression.
“Do you need to stop?” he whispered.
Vehemently, I shook my head. A groan escaped me when I managed to take his cockhead all the way inside my ass. “Ah, fuck, you’re opening me really wide!”
He drew in a sharp breath through clenched teeth. “My God, Travis, you’re so tight all around me!”
When I knew I could bear the exquisite stretching, I took several inches more. By now, I was sweating, and as Sean’s dick slid farther inside me, I reveled in the way it stimulated my prostate. The pressure was constant, for there was no way his thick rod could avoid hitting that sensitive spot. A smile broke out on my face at the realization that this was going to feel so fucking good.
Growing impatient, I bit back a whimper of pain and settled all the way down upon him. My cock was still fully erect, and Sean began gently stroking me while I relaxed into the sensation of being filled. “How do I feel?” I murmured.
“Like a goddamn dream!” he replied in a thick voice. “Not sure how long I’m going to be able to last.”
“That’s okay,” I told him with a wink. “Your gigantic dick is going to make me come in no time.” Leaning back a little, I placed my palms against his hairy thighs. With a tentative motion, I started to ride him, all the while bracing for pain, but whatever discomfort I experienced was quickly overpowered by my abject need. I wanted, more than anything, to feel him hitting my prostate, again and again. My movements caused my cock to slide through his grasp, and the bliss of his touch only made me wilder for his dick.
Soon, I was fucking Sean at a faster pace, my taut flesh sliding up and down his length. Still stroking me with his right hand, he cupped my ass with his left. His dick provided relentless pressure against my prostate, making me feel like I had to take a wicked piss. I knew from previous prostate stimulation that the sensation was normal.
My body seemed to have a mind of its own, leaving me no choice but to practically bounce up and down on Sean’s dick. I could only imagine how my stretched asshole would gape wide after we were finished.
As Sean’s helpless grunts mingled with my cries, I could tell from his clenched jaw that he was trying to hold back. Still, he didn’t urge me to slow down. Instead, he fixed his stare on my face. “Ah, that’s it, Travis! Take me all the way inside that tight little ass!” His fingertips dug into my buttock, and his stroking grew rough. Oh yes, he was almost there!
Fortunately, I was, too. The first orgasm swept through me from head to toe, making me shake all over. I managed to choke back a shout before a tiny amount of fluid leaked from my cock. Sean braced himself, as if he expected a blast of cum to the face, but I wasn’t quite there yet. Knowing I could withstand any amount of pain in order to experience such mind-blowing pleasure, I let myself go completely. I’d never ridden anyone so hard, and so fast.
“Baby, I can’t last much longer!” Sean panted.
“Ooh, God, you’re gonna make me come again! Keep jerking my dick!”
His hand pumped away, determined to summon forth another climax. My body was on autopilot, taking Sean’s cock like my life depended on it. I was going to be sore as fuck for days, but I didn’t care. I only wanted more of him.
My eyes rolled from the repeated contact of his cock against my prostate. I couldn’t hold back a strangled cry when my body finally succumbed to another orgasm. This time, my semen shot forth in powerful spurts, landing on Sean’s chest and neck. He kept stroking me, his loud groans now desperate.
“Gimme your cum!” I begged. “Breed my hole!”
Sean started shuddering, and a guttural sound emerged from his throat just before he came hard. The feel of his dick throbbing as he emptied his balls inside my ass was so damn satisfying that it sent a tremor through my entire body.
We were both still shaking when I gently eased forward so I could lie on top of him. As he lifted his head, seeking out my mouth for a kiss, his cockhead stayed buried in my ass like a plug. I loved that I could keep his seed inside me for a while longer.
I didn’t know what to say when our eyes met and he gave me a sweet smile; I feared whatever words I chose would be wrong. But Sean saved me from my struggle. Caressing my cheek, he whispered, “All this time, I’ve been with the wrong sibling.”
I knew I was grinning like an idiot, but it was far too late to try to hide my feelings for this man. “So you want to do this again?”
“God, yes! But…” His smile faded as he grew thoughtful. “I don’t want to cause problems between you and your family.”
“You won’t,” I rushed to assure him. “My parents love you!”
“Still, after I end my relationship with Amber, I think you and I should wait a little while before letting your folks know we’re together.”
Together. I never dreamed that word would describe me and Sean, but here he was, stating it as a fact. We were now together.
“That’s probably a good idea,” I agreed. “But I’m sure Amber will be quick to announce she’s with someone new, and once that happens, we can do the same, right?”
“Absolutely,” Sean said, wrapping his arms around me.
“And in the meantime,” I went on, “we can keep seeing each other here?” My voice held a clear note of hope.
“Of course,” Sean said as his smile returned to its full strength. “I’m already crazy about you, Travis.”
Our kiss started out tender and quickly grew more passionate. A little later, when we decided to take a shower together, I noticed Amber’s favorite body wash beside the shampoo. Sean didn’t bother with it; instead, he lathered up a bar of soap in his strong hands, then set about washing me clean.
I knew Amber would one day realize the mistake she’d made by cheating on Sean, but the opportunity to change her ways had already passed. My sister’s loss was now my gain.