The Secret Life Of Samantha: Chapter 3

"One man's wife is another man's sex goddess."

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Samantha woke up early on Sunday morning, feeling sore but thoroughly satisfied. She stretched her arms above her head and slowly sat up in bed, taking in the sight of Logan’s muscular back as he slept soundly beside her. She couldn’t help but smile at the memory of their intense lovemaking over the past two days.

With a contented sigh, Samantha carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb Logan’s peaceful slumber. The cool air kissed her bare skin as she stood up, sending a tingling sensation throughout her body. She walked over to the window to look out at the sun rising over the city. The morning air was crisp and fresh, a welcome change from the stuffy air in the suite.

Samantha felt a presence behind her. A soft rustle of sheets and the sound of footsteps drew nearer, and she sensed Logan’s warm breath against her neck. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist, pulling her close, and planted soft, tender kisses along her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Feeling his lips brush against her skin, Samantha turned around. As they locked eyes, an unspoken understanding passed between them. She knew she needed to leave, a mix of anxiety and responsibility tugging at her heart. She reached out, her fingers lightly brushing against Logan’s cheek. She looked at Logan with a mixture of longing and anticipation.

“I’ll come over again next weekend when Doug is out of town. I’ll tell my mom that I need her to take the girls again since I’m swamped with work. It will be the weekend before school starts, so it’s totally believable,” Samantha said, her voice filled with a sense of excitement.

Logan nodded, his eyes reflecting the same emotions. “I’ll spend this week getting ready for school. The only thing I’ll have left to do next weekend is you,” Logan grinned.

Samantha laughed and got dressed, her mind already rehearsing the conversation she would have with her mother about the girls staying with her again next weekend. She cast one last glance at Logan before making her way out of the suite. The door closed behind her, sealing their secret within the confines of Logan’s suite.

She arrived home and made a beeline for the shower. The warm water cascaded over her body as she thoroughly cleaned every area and crevice of her body, ensuring that no trace evidence or lingering scent of Logan remained. Doug usually never attempted to get intimate right when getting back from his three-city trips, so her pussy should have plenty of time to recover.

Once she deemed herself fully cleansed, Samantha stepped out of the shower, feeling both physically and emotionally renewed. Thoughts of her upcoming conversation with her mother swirled in her mind as she put on her typical weekend attire: a t-shirt, sweatpants, and tennis shoes.

​​Samantha embarked on the short drive to her mother’s house, where her daughters eagerly awaited her arrival. The anticipation of seeing her girls after their weekend apart brought a smile to her face, momentarily pushing her illicit encounters to the back of her mind. As she entered the house, Megan and Kayla’s faces lit up with joy, their genuine affection bringing a smile to Samantha’s face.

“Mom!” Kayla exclaimed, running with Megan to embrace their mother tightly. “We missed you!”

Samantha returned the embrace, her eyes filled with love. “I missed you both too, my darlings. How was your time at Grandma’s?”

Kayla chimed in, her eyes shining with excitement. “Grandma baked cookies with us, and we watched movies all night!”

Samantha smiled, grateful that her mother had provided such a joyful time for her girls.

“Mom, remember you promised to take me shopping for a new outfit?” Megan reminded her, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.

“Megan, my sweet girl,” Samantha said, her voice filled with warmth. “I haven’t forgotten about our shopping trip. We’ll go today, I promise.”

Megan’s face lit up with excitement. “Yay! I can’t wait!”

“Grab your stuff and put it in the car so we can head to the mall,” Samantha said as the girls raced to gather their belongings.

When the girls were out of earshot, Samantha turned to her mother, “Hey, Mom,” she said, some weariness creeping into her voice. “I hope the girls weren’t too much trouble.”

Her mother chuckled. “Oh, they were angels. They had a wonderful time with their grandma.”

Samantha sighed inwardly, relieved to hear that her daughters had been blissfully unaware of the weekend she had.

“I’m so glad to hear that,” Samantha replied, her eyes meeting her mother’s. “Listen, Mom, I have a favor to ask.”

Her mother turned towards her, a kind smile lighting up her face. “Of course, dear. What can I do for you?”

Samantha took a deep breath, buckling up for the carefully constructed lie she was about to weave. “Next weekend, I have an overwhelming amount of work that needs to be done before the school year starts. With everything going on, I won’t have enough time during the week to get it all done. I was wondering if it would be possible for the girls to stay with you again. Just for the weekend.”

Her mother’s eyes softened with understanding, her own experiences as a retired kindergarten teacher providing insight into Samantha’s predicament. “Oh, I remember those days well. The start of a new school year can be quite demanding. Of course, dear, you know I’m always here to help. The girls are more than welcome to stay with me. I’ll make sure they have a wonderful time.”

Relief washed over Samantha, mingling with a tinge of guilt that she skillfully concealed. She embraced her mother, grateful for the support she offered without an inkling of suspicion. “Thank you, Mom. I truly appreciate it. You’re a lifesaver.”

Her mother chuckled, patting Samantha’s back affectionately. “It’s what grandmothers are for, my dear. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything.”

Samantha nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She suppressed a surge of excitement from the anticipation of spending next weekend with Logan. She vowed to focus on being a devoted mother and wife around her family, ensuring they remain oblivious to her double life.

With a determined smile, Samantha led her daughters out of the house and headed to the mall for Megan’s shopping trip. As they drove away, her thoughts drifted to Logan and how the journey ahead would test her resolve and push the boundaries of her carefully crafted facade.

Doug arrived home later that evening. As expected, he was too tired for intimacy. The two didn’t have sex again until the next day, another one of Doug’s three-minute specials. By then, Samantha’s pussy had returned to its pre-Logan condition. Doug was none the wiser about his wife’s extramarital adventures. It was business as usual in the Wallace household as the week flew by.

Samantha and Logan had another amazing weekend together. The intensity and passion from their first weekend carried over, as their lovemaking seemed to get more animalistic and raw. When the school year started, Samantha continued to seek sex with Logan as much as possible. They established a routine where they would meet at Logan’s suite after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for their version of a quickie, which lasted about an hour.

Logan did a number on Samantha’s pussy after each tryst. She knew Doug would feel the difference if she ever had sex with him right after meeting with Logan. Therefore, Mondays were always off-limits. They had their weekend fuckfests when Doug was out of town working his Thursday-Sunday three-city trips.

Samantha’s life and marriage have improved tremendously. Logan fills a need for her. No longer does it bother her when Doug gets home, tosses his luggage on the floor, puts on his pajamas, and gets into bed with nothing more than a perfunctory kiss on the lips before saying “Good night.”

When Samantha is at home, she is Mother: the matriarch of her family, keeper of her daughters, and wife of Doug. When she is with Logan, she is Lover: a sexual being focused on giving and receiving pleasure, taking her body places she never thought was possible, and feeling desirable, passionate, and alive.

One month into her torrid affair with Logan, Samantha found herself unexpectedly falling ill. Fatigue settled deep within her bones, accompanied by waves of nausea and bouts of vomiting. She tried to brush it off as a case of the flu, attributing her symptoms to the changing season and the stress of the new school year. However, a small voice inside her urged her to seek medical attention, just to be sure.

Since her doctor was booked solid for the next two weeks, Samantha made an appointment to see another doctor at an urgent care center. As she sat in the waiting room, her mind raced with worries and questions. Could it be something more than the flu? Fear mingled with anticipation, knowing that a positive outcome would bring relief.

Finally, her name was called, and Samantha entered the doctor’s office. The physician, a middle-aged woman with a gentle smile, listened attentively as Samantha described her symptoms. The doctor asked a series of probing questions, her voice gentle yet inquisitive.

As the questions progressed, Samantha carefully crafted her responses, ensuring they aligned with her narrative. She spoke of her routine, her lifestyle, and her overall health, leaving out the illicit affair that had consumed her during the past month. Samantha felt a pang of anxiety as the moment of truth approached. With a deep breath, she composed herself and prepared to answer truthfully, yet selectively.

“Have you been sexually active recently?” the doctor inquired, her eyes fixed on Samantha, searching for any hint of hesitation.

Samantha’s heart raced, and she weighed her words carefully, knowing the importance of her response. She had to maintain the illusion that her intimacy was confined to her husband, Doug, alone.

“Yes,” Samantha replied, her voice steady. “My husband and I have been intimate.”

The doctor nodded, her expression remaining neutral. It was a routine response, one that she had likely heard countless times before. Samantha exhaled silently, relieved that her answer seemed to satisfy the doctor’s initial inquiry.

“Do you use any form of birth control or contraception with your husband?” the doctor asked, her eyes peering over the rim of her glasses.

The truth was that Samantha had never used birth control or contraception with Doug. Her two pregnancies occurred 12 and 10 years ago. They had tried for a couple of years to have their first child, but nothing happened. She had herself checked, and there were no problems with her reproductive system. Doug, on the other hand, refused to get himself checked because he was sure there was nothing wrong with him.

Samantha remembered the desperation and frustration she felt during that time. They were newly married and excited about starting a family, but the strain began to show, especially when Doug refused to consider the possibility that he might be the reason for their struggles.

Eventually, she had a one-night stand when she was out of town at a counselor’s conference in Los Angeles. She and her lover got so carried away that they forgot to use a condom. After the encounter, she said goodbye, giving no further indication that they’d meet again.

Samantha didn’t reveal any personal information that he could use to trace her once she was back home. When he asked if he could see her again during her stay, she told him that she was leaving Los Angeles early the next day.

Three weeks later, she realized she was late and soon confirmed she was pregnant. Doug was ecstatic when Samantha told him the news. He swept her up in his arms, spinning her around the living room, his face beaming with joy.

“This is the best news, Sam. We’re finally going to be parents!” He kissed her forehead, his eyes shining with happiness. “I told you it was just a matter of time.”

After her first child was born, Samantha vowed to be a “good girl” and focus on her family. However, after a year of no luck in their attempts to conceive again, history repeated itself.

Samantha had been going to her local Planet Fitness more frequently, using exercise as a way to cope with the stress and disappointment from the long streak of negative pregnancy tests. During this time, she found solace in a 22-year-old attractive personal trainer named Jake Rasmussen. Jake was everything Doug wasn’t: attentive, energetic, and physically fit.

Jake’s touch during their training sessions lingered a bit longer than necessary, and his gaze often locked with hers in a way that made her heart race. Their attraction had been building for months, and one evening, when the Planet Fitness was closing for the night, Samantha approached Jake as the last of the stragglers left.

“Jake, can I please take a quick shower? I promise I won’t take long,” Samantha pleaded, her eyes locking onto his with a hint of desperation.

Jake glanced around the empty gym and shrugged, his expression softening into a warm smile. “Okay, go ahead. Just don’t take too long, alright? I need to clean up and shut everything down.”

Before she turned away, Jake added, “By the way, great workout today. Your form on those squats was perfect.”

The compliment made Samantha’s heart flutter, a visceral reaction she hadn’t expected. She turned back and smiled at him, feeling a warmth spread through her body. “Thanks, Jake. That means a lot coming from you.”

She disappeared into the women’s locker room, her heart pounding in her chest. As she stripped off her gym clothes and stepped into the shower, she let the hot water cascade over her, trying to wash away the tension of the day. But instead of relaxing, her thoughts kept drifting to Jake’s muscular physique and six-pack abs.

As the minutes ticked by, Jake busied himself with closing tasks. The image of her flushed face and the curve of her smile lingered in his thoughts. Eventually, he realized more time had passed than he expected.

After locking the front door, he walked towards the women’s locker room, hesitating briefly at the door before calling out, “Samantha, are you alright in there?”

Samantha, feeling a twinge of guilt, called back, “Yeah, Jake. I’m fine. Sorry, I just lost track of time.”

“No worries,” he replied. “I just need to quickly clean the women’s locker room. Are you okay if I come in?”

Her voice echoed back, slightly muffled by the sound of running water. “It’s okay, Jake. Come on in. I’m almost done.”

Samantha could hear the soft shuffle of his feet and the clinking of his cleaning supplies. As Jake approached the shower area, he caught a glimpse of Samantha through the frosted glass. Her silhouette was tantalizing.

“So, do they pay you overtime for staying late like this?” she asked, trying to keep the conversation light.

Jake chuckled. “Nope, not a dime extra. It’s part of the job, I guess. But you know, I usually take a quick shower myself before I head home. You’re kind of eating into my shower time,” he said with a half-smile, his tone teasing yet sincere.

“Sorry about that,” Samantha laughed, moving toward the frosted glass door, her silhouette becoming more prominent. “Maybe you should join me then, to save us both some time,” she said, the words out before she could think them through.

There was a long pause, filled only with the sound of the running water. Jake stood there, stunned into silence, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and disbelief. The seconds stretched, and Samantha’s voice broke the tension again, this time more daring, “Unless you’re too scared…“

No more cleaning was done at Planet Fitness that night. The two engaged in nearly half an hour of intense intercourse in the shower, culminating in powerful orgasms for both Samantha and Jake.

After coming down from their highs, Jake gently set her down, and they both stepped out of the shower. Samantha swiftly dried off and began to get dressed, her mind racing as the weight of her actions slowly started to sink in.

As she pulled on her clothes, she looked at Jake, who was watching her with a mixture of concern and satisfaction. “Samantha, is everything okay?” he asked.

Taking a deep breath, Samantha met his gaze. “Jake, I don’t regret what we just did. You were incredible, and I needed this more than I realized. But it can’t happen again. I’m a married woman.”

Jake’s face fell slightly, but he nodded in understanding. “I get it, Samantha. It was amazing, but I understand.”

She appreciated his maturity and reached out to give his hand a squeeze. “Thank you for understanding.”

They finished dressing in silence, the weight of the moment lingering between them. The only sounds were the distant hum of the gym’s air conditioning and the occasional drip of water from the shower. Jake walked her to the front door, unlocking it and letting her out into the cool night air.

“Take care, Samantha,” he said softly, his voice laced with a sadness that matched her own.

“You too, Jake,” she replied, giving him a final, lingering look before stepping outside.

The next day, Samantha joined a new gym, 24 Hour Fitness. She never returned to that Planet Fitness location or saw Jake again. The memory of that passionate encounter was pushed to the deepest recesses of her mind. She vowed to bury her indiscretions and focus on being a better wife and mother.

A month later, Samantha realized she had missed her period. A pregnancy test confirmed her suspicions—she was expecting. When she told Doug the news, his reaction was one of unbridled joy. He swept her into his arms in a warm, loving embrace. “This is wonderful, Sam! We’re going to have another baby!”

After the birth of her second child, four years passed without any pregnancies. Samantha and Doug shrugged their shoulders and decided to be content with two children. She was in her mid-30s at the time, so they bought into the conventional wisdom of declining female fertility.

The idea that her pregnancies might have been linked to her indiscretions remained buried in her subconscious, a connection she never fully acknowledged. Samantha’s assumption about her infertility had led her to stop using any birth control or contraceptives with Doug and, recently, Logan.

“My husband and I don’t use any birth control or contraception. I haven’t gotten pregnant in over ten years, so I don’t see the need to start.”

The doctor scribbled some notes on her clipboard before speaking again. “Well, Samantha, it’s important to be aware that fertility can be unpredictable, even without the use of birth control or contraception. Sometimes, chance plays a significant role. I recommend conducting a pregnancy test, just to be thorough.”

Pregnancy test. The word echoed in Samantha’s mind, reverberating through her thoughts. The realization hit her like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her in a mix of emotions—fear, shock, and a profound sense of uncertainty. Samantha felt numb.

“Okay,” Samantha replied, trying her best to maintain her composure. “Let’s do the test.”

Minutes ticked by as Samantha anxiously awaited the results. Her mind raced with the implications, the potential consequences of her actions. What if she was pregnant? How would Doug react? Could she keep her affair hidden? The weight of her choices settled heavily upon her shoulders, each second feeling like an eternity.

Finally, the doctor returned, holding a small plastic device in her hand. Her demeanor was gentle as she delivered the news. “Samantha, the test results are positive. You’re pregnant.”

The doctor observed Samantha’s stunned expression, noting the mix of shock and confusion that clouded her features. It wasn’t the reaction she had expected, considering she often dealt with older married women who, despite the unplanned nature of their pregnancies, eventually found joy in the news. Samantha, on the other hand, appeared deeply troubled. The doctor’s intuition whispered that there might be more to the story, something lurking beneath the surface.

“Samantha,” the doctor began gently, her voice filled with compassion, “I can sense that something is weighing heavily on you. It’s important for you to remember that our conversation is private, protected by doctor-patient confidentiality. I’m here to help and provide guidance, but to do so effectively, I need you to feel comfortable opening up to me. Is there something you’d like to share? It’s important for me to have a complete understanding of your situation.”

Samantha’s mind raced, contemplating the doctor’s offer. The past month had been built on a foundation of secrets, carefully crafted narratives to maintain the illusion of normalcy. But now, faced with a pregnancy that could shatter her carefully crafted facade, Samantha felt the weight of the truth pressing upon her. She knew that hiding the affair from the doctor would only complicate matters further.

With a trembling breath, Samantha looked into the doctor’s eyes and felt a spark of trust. She knew that she needed guidance, someone to confide in, and the doctor seemed genuinely concerned about her well-being.

“Doctor, there is something I haven’t told you. Yes, I have been intimate with my husband, but there is someone else. Someone I’m also involved with.”

The doctor’s face registered a combination of understanding and concern, her gaze unwavering. She had suspected that Samantha’s reaction held deeper complexities, and now the puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place. She reached across the desk, placing a comforting hand on Samantha’s trembling fingers.

Taking a deep breath, Samantha spoke. “His name is Logan. He’s a new colleague. We started an affair, and it has been going on for the past month. I didn’t think it was possible for me to get pregnant since my husband and I haven’t been successful in conceiving again for over a decade. Logan and I didn’t use any protection, and he has cum inside me countless times.”

The doctor’s eyes widened, briefly caught off guard by the sordid details, but she maintained her composure. She offered Samantha a reassuring smile. “Thank you for opening up, Samantha. It takes courage to share such personal details. I appreciate your honesty. Remember, our conversation remains confidential, and I’m here to support you. How often have you been intimate with your husband compared to your encounters with Logan in the past month?”

Samantha hesitated for a moment, her thoughts swirling with the complexities of her double life. She knew it was useless to hold back details at this point, but revealing the stark contrast in her sexual experiences felt both intimidating and superfluous.

“My husband Doug and I have been intimate only about once a week or so during the past month,” Samantha confessed. “But with Logan, it has been almost every day. Often multiple times in a single encounter.”

“I see,” the doctor replied, her voice tinged with curiosity. It was clear that Samantha’s affair had been intense and passionate, far beyond the bounds of her marital relationship. The doctor sensed Samantha’s need for a more personal connection, a space where they could discuss the intricacies of her affair with Logan without judgment. She allowed herself to relax her professional demeanor, adopting a more casual and empathetic tone.

“Samantha, I want you to know that our conversation is now woman-to-woman,” the doctor said, her voice filled with compassion. “Let’s set aside the formalities and talk openly. Sometimes, sharing the details can help us gain clarity and perspective. Consider me a friend in this moment, someone who understands the complexities of desire, intimacy, and the longing for fulfillment.”

Samantha was taken aback, grateful for the doctor’s willingness to step into a more informal space. “I appreciate that, Doctor,” Samantha replied, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and vulnerability. She shared the details of when she first saw Logan at the end-of-summer staff meeting and the unexpected encounter with him in her office afterwards. Her words tumbled out as if she had been waiting for this opportunity to confide in someone.

“It was lust at first sight,” Samantha confessed, a flush creeping up her cheeks. “When I first laid eyes on Logan, there was an instant attraction. His rugged good looks, his confident demeanor, it ignited something within me. I couldn’t control myself, especially since I’ve been so frustrated for years due to my unsatisfying sex life with Doug.”

The doctor nodded knowingly, a hint of understanding crossing her features. Samantha’s words resonated deeply within her own experiences, her own husband mirroring Doug’s conservative and dull nature.

“Samantha, I understand more than you might think. With my own husband, let’s just say our bedroom life has left much to be desired. Sometimes life throws us unexpected challenges and unfulfilled desires. It’s crucial that we find our own happiness and fulfillment, even if it means taking unconventional paths. You’re not alone, Samantha,” the doctor said, a touch of playfulness in her voice.

Samantha’s gaze locked with the doctor’s, a newfound connection forming between them. She had never anticipated finding common ground in such a personal realm. This woman, who had been a stranger only moments ago, understood the depth of her longing, the weight of her choices, and the complexity of her situation.

“Doctor, when Logan walked into my office that day, it was like a dream come true,” Samantha began, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nostalgia. “I couldn’t believe that this incredibly attractive younger man was standing before me, wanting to get to know me. My heart raced, and my mind immediately began to wander into forbidden territory.”

The doctor smiled softly, her eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and envy. “It’s a difficult place to be, torn between the familiarity and stability of a marriage and the intoxicating allure of something new and passionate. By acting on it, you have awakened a part of yourself that has long lain dormant.”

Samantha nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. The doctor’s candidness provided a safe haven, a space where she could unburden herself from the guilt and shame that had plagued her.

“Thank you, Doctor,” Samantha whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. “It means so much to have someone to confide in, someone who truly understands. I’ve carried this weight alone for far too long.”

The doctor listened attentively as Samantha shared the intimate details of her encounters with Logan, her words painting a vivid picture of their passionate connection. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and fascination.

“He’s always so hard,” Samantha confessed, a mix of awe and exhilaration in her voice. “I can ride him for such a long time, and he will still be rock hard. It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before. He also doesn’t slip out easily and we can try so many positions.”

The doctor gave a knowing smile as she recognized the veiled reference to Logan’s endowment. She understood Samantha’s attempt to convey the size difference without explicitly mentioning it. Her understanding glance served as both acknowledgement and validation.

“Samantha, let’s focus on how to best navigate your situation moving forward,” the doctor said, changing the subject. “You have some very important decisions to make. The first of which is whether you want to keep the baby or not.”

Tears welled up in Samantha’s eyes as she responded without hesitation, her voice quivering with conviction. “I want to keep the baby,” Samantha replied firmly, her voice filled with determination. “No matter who the father is, I want this child to have a chance at life.”

“Okay then, I need to understand your medical history better to provide you with the best advice. Can you tell me about your two previous pregnancies?” asked the doctor.

Samantha felt a lump form in her throat, but she nodded. “Of course, Doctor. My first pregnancy was twelve years ago, and the second was ten years ago. Both were full-term and relatively uncomplicated.”

The doctor’s eyes narrowed slightly as she continued, “And you mentioned earlier that you and Doug struggled with conceiving for a while before each pregnancy. Was there anything specific that you did differently around the times you got pregnant?”

Samantha hesitated, her heart pounding. She sensed a shift in the doctor’s demeanor. “Well, yes,” Samantha began, her voice trembling. “We tried to relax and not stress about it too much. We also made sure to time everything correctly, you know, tracking ovulation and all.”

The doctor nodded, but Samantha could see the wheels turning in her mind. The doctor leaned forward slightly, her expression gentle yet probing. “Samantha, is there anything else you think I should know?”

Samantha’s heart raced, and she felt a wave of nausea that had nothing to do with her current condition. The room seemed to close in on her, and she knew she couldn’t maintain the facade any longer. The doctor’s eyes were kind, and her demeanor inviting.

“Doug and I tried for a couple of years to have our first child, but nothing was happening. I had myself checked, and everything was fine with me. Doug was adamant that there was nothing wrong with him, so he didn’t get himself checked out.“

The doctor nodded, encouraging her to continue. “Go on, Samantha. Remember, this is a safe space. I’m here to help you, not to judge.”

She paused, looking down at her hands. “I was at a counselor’s conference in Los Angeles, feeling desperate and alone. I had a one-night stand with a man I met at the hotel bar. Three weeks later, I found out I was pregnant. Doug was so happy when I told him, and he never suspected anything.”

The doctor listened intently, her expression softening with empathy. “And your second pregnancy?” she prompted gently.

Samantha swallowed hard, the weight of her confession pressing down on her. “After our first child was born, we were trying for a second baby, but a year had passed and nothing was happening. I was going to the gym a lot during that time, trying to cope with the stress. That’s when I met Jake, a personal trainer. One night, after the gym closed, we ended up in the shower together. The next month I found out I was pregnant again.”

Samantha’s voice broke as she relived the memories. The guilt, the fear, the desperation—it all came flooding back.

She looked up at the doctor, tears streaming down her face. “Doug has no idea about either of those and I never intended to deceive him, but I felt so desperate and alone. Now, with this new pregnancy, I’m terrified of what will happen if he finds out the truth.”

The doctor reached out and gently took Samantha’s hand. “Thank you for sharing this with me, Samantha. I can see how difficult this has been for you. Your honesty is a crucial step in figuring out how to move forward.”

The doctor continued. “I recommend we do a prenatal paternity test at around seven weeks into your pregnancy, which would be in a few weeks. It will provide a definitive answer regarding the biological father. Given the circumstances, it’s essential that you approach this with the assumption that Logan is the father until proven otherwise.”

Samantha absorbed the doctor’s advice. She knew that the likelihood of Logan being the father was high, but she also understood the importance of confirming it through the paternity test.

“Doctor,” Samantha whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. “What would you do in my situation if Logan is the father, and I want Doug to believe that the baby is his? I also don’t want Logan to know that he got me pregnant.”

The doctor’s expression softened, recognizing the pain and complexity of Samantha’s predicament. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking empathetically.

“Samantha, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t waste time telling Doug that you’re pregnant. I would also take immediate steps to sever ties with Logan,” the doctor advised, her voice steady yet compassionate. “Break off the affair completely and convincingly. Come up with a story. Maybe you can tell Logan that Doug found out about the affair. Make it clear to Logan that you can never see or speak to him again, or else Doug will file for divorce.”

Samantha’s heart sank at the thought of ending things with Logan, the one aspect of her life that brought her immense pleasure and fulfillment. The prospect of giving up the incredible sex was unbearable. She also thought about how much of a logistical nightmare it would be to break off the affair.

“But, Doctor,” Samantha whispered, her voice filled with desperation, “I work with Logan. It would be impossible to completely avoid him. Besides, I’m just not ready to let him go. I don’t want to end my marriage either.”

The doctor sensed Samantha’s inner turmoil and offered more guidance. “Samantha, I understand it’s a difficult situation. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Think it over and come up with a plan that aligns with your values and priorities.”

A resolute determination settled within Samantha’s heart. If there was a way to get through this with both her affair and marriage intact, she would find it. She knew that she couldn’t give up Logan, nor did she want to jeopardize her marriage. She realized that she needed time to devise a plan, a strategy to navigate the treacherous waters ahead.

Samantha looked at the doctor and offered a faint smile. “Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate your guidance and advice. I’ll take some time to think about everything.”

Suddenly, Samantha’s eyes widened with an unexpected idea. “Wait a second. Doctor, could you call Doug right now and share the news of my pregnancy with him? If he hears it from you, as a medical professional, I think it would carry more weight. I know he trusts me, but I want to eliminate any chance of him having doubts. This way, he can hear the news in a way that is reassuring and clear.”

Instead of dismissing the unethical suggestion, the doctor’s philandering past and sympathy for Samantha fueled a desire to help her. “Sure, Samantha. I can call him and explain that fertility is a complex matter. I will emphasize your excellent health and the timing of your lovemaking with Doug, reassuring him that it was the key to conception.”

“If you could, stroke Doug’s ego a bit during the call, make him feel like it was his prowess that led to this pregnancy. It would mean a lot to me,” Samantha requested, her voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

The doctor smiled warmly, understanding the significance of Samantha’s request. “Of course, Samantha. I’ll do my best to handle the conversation in a way that assures Doug and reinforces his confidence as a man.”

Samantha’s face brightened, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “That would be incredible, Doctor.”

The doctor nodded, understanding Samantha’s desire for a seamless narrative. “I’ll make the call right now, Samantha. Let’s hope this paves the way for a smoother path ahead.”

Samantha sat anxiously, her heart pounding in her chest. The room fell silent as the doctor dialed Doug’s number and put the call on speakerphone. Samantha held her breath, her hands trembling slightly.

After a few rings, Doug’s voice came through the speaker, laced with curiosity. “Hello?”

“Hello, Doug,” the doctor greeted him warmly. “This is Dr. Elaine Johnson from Stockton Urgent Care Medical Clinic. I’m calling with some news regarding Samantha.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Doug responded. “Urgent Care? What is going on? Is Samantha okay?”

The doctor took a deep breath, maintaining her professional tone. “Doug, I wanted to inform you that Samantha is pregnant. It’s wonderful news, but I understand it might come as a surprise considering the challenges you both faced in the past.”

Samantha held her breath, her heart pounding in her ears as she waited for Doug’s response.

“Pregnant?” Doug repeated, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and joy. “But we haven’t been actively trying, and it has been so long since we had another child.”

The doctor’s voice was calm and reassuring. “Fertility is a complex matter, Doug, and Samantha’s excellent health played a significant role. The timing of your intimate moments was key in this conception. You have excellent swimmers, so to speak.”

Samantha glanced at the doctor, gratitude shining in her eyes. This was the moment of truth, where her carefully constructed plan would be put to the test.

Doug’s voice wavered with emotion. “I, I don’t know what to say. This is incredible news. Sam, we’re going to have another child?”

Tears welled up in Samantha’s eyes as she responded, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and joy. “Yes, Doug. We’re going to have another child, a beautiful addition to our family.”

The doctor concluded the call with warm wishes and reassurances, leaving Samantha and Doug to process the news together. Samantha’s heart swelled with gratitude for the doctor’s support and the success of their carefully orchestrated conversation.

“Thank you, Doctor. You have no idea how much this means to me. I couldn’t have done it without you,” Samantha said, her voice trembling with emotion.

As Samantha left the office, her mind swirled with the weight of the decisions she had to make. She knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but she was determined to navigate it with as much grace and control as possible. Deep down, she knew her choices would shape the lives of everyone involved.

On the drive home, a sense of cautious excitement enveloped her. She reveled in the knowledge that Doug remained oblivious to her affair, his genuine enthusiasm about the pregnancy fueling her confidence. In her mind, the pieces of the intricate puzzle were gradually falling into place. The last piece of the puzzle, however, rested on ensuring Logan remained oblivious to the fact that Samantha may be carrying his unborn child.

Samantha’s plan crystallized as she navigated the familiar streets of her neighborhood. Doug will be at a concert tomorrow, and her daughters are having a sleepover at a friend’s house. With a devious smile, Samantha saw an opportunity to take advantage of Logan’s youthful naivete and the unyielding trust he had in her. She knew that his eagerness and desire for their affair to continue would cloud his judgment and he wouldn’t question the timeline or the possibility of him being the father.

She would invite him over to her house tomorrow night under the guise of having one more passionate tryst before she stops taking birth control and tries to get impregnated by Doug. When she arrived home, Samantha parked her car in the garage and took a moment to gather her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she reached for her phone and called Logan, a mix of nerves and anticipation fluttering in her chest. He answered on the second ring.

Logan’s voice sounded surprised. “Hey, Samantha. Is everything okay? We agreed to only call if it’s really important.”

Samantha’s voice carried a hint of urgency as she replied, “I know, Logan, but I have something important to discuss with you. Something that could change everything for us.”

Logan’s curiosity piqued, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and concern. “What is it, Samantha? You’re making me nervous.”

Taking a deep breath, Samantha feigned a hint of hesitation in her voice, adding a touch of vulnerability. “Logan, Doug and I have decided to have another baby. We’re going to start trying soon, which means I’ll have to get off birth control.”

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by a disappointed sigh from Logan. His voice laced with resignation. “So, this is it, then?”

Samantha’s voice softened with reassurance. “No, Logan, not at all. This just means we have to take a break until Doug gets me pregnant. But I really need one last experience with you before I get off birth control. Tomorrow, I want you to come over to my house while Doug is at a concert and my daughters are away for a sleepover.”

Logan’s excitement was palpable, his voice filled with anticipation. “Are you serious? Tomorrow? That’s great! What time should I be there?”

Samantha smiled, knowing that her plan was falling right into place. “Yes, Logan, I’m serious. Come over to my house at 3636 Brookview Drive tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. sharp. We’ll have the house all to ourselves for a few hours before Doug gets back.”

Logan’s voice filled with excitement. “I’ll be there, Samantha. I’m looking forward to it.”

“3636 Brookview Drive,” Samantha repeated, emphasizing it once more for clarity. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Logan.”

Ending the call, Samantha couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. She felt a sense of accomplishment for solidifying Logan’s belief that she had been on birth control during their affair. A sense of exhilaration coursed through her veins. Her mind was consumed by the possibilities that lay ahead tomorrow night.

Time seemed to move at a brisk pace in the Wallace household. Samantha made several calls that evening and the next day to family and friends revealing the news of her pregnancy. Megan and Kayla were elated when they found out. Samantha’s excitement about Logan coming over grew with each passing minute. The girls were already gone when the clock struck 6:00 p.m. Ten minutes later, Doug was scrambling to make his exit.

“I’ve gotta run,” Doug said as he gave Samantha a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll call you when I leave the concert.”

“Have fun, sweetie!” Samantha said. “I can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back.”

A car full of Doug’s friends pulled into the driveway. He hurried toward the idling car in front of the house. Samantha’s excitement started to build as she saw Doug and his friends drive off into the distance.

She grabbed her phone and drafted a text message for Logan: He’s gone. Get over here. Make sure to park at least a few houses down the street.

Adrenaline surging through her, she pressed the “SEND” button.

Logan reacted with a celebratory yawp when he received the text message from Samantha. He got up from his couch, grabbed his keys and wallet, and walked out the door.

As Logan drove to Samantha’s house, she was at the forefront of his mind. The past month had been the time of his life. The sexual chemistry with her was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He was disappointed that they would need to pause their affair after tonight, but he had enough self-awareness to know that seeing a married woman required flexibility on his part.

Samantha was home alone, preparing for Logan’s arrival. She could feel the fluttering in her stomach as she climbed out of the shower. After toweling herself dry, she removed a pair of little pink thong panties from her “Logan-only” stash. They were made of a sheer, see-through material. She slid them on, the thong running up between her butt cheeks. She dabbed some perfume between her breasts, a wild and arousing scent.

She grabbed a sexy Asian silk nightgown that matched her panties and pulled it on over her head, feeling the material caress as it fell over her exquisite body. She stood in front of her bedroom mirror and adjusted her tits into perfect placement.

Looking at her image in the mirror, Samantha was proud of her appearance. Her erect nipples and areola were quite visible through the thin material of the nightgown, leaving little to the imagination. Pleased with how sexy she looked, Samantha headed down stairs and anxiously awaited Logan’s arrival.

The neighborhood was quiet, lawns green and neat, the houses large and well kept. The Wallace house was built of brick and glass, looking out over an maple-studded lawn toward the street. Logan parked his car five houses down the street, climbed out, and sauntered up to the front door, pressing the doorbell.

He arrived right at 6:30pm, looking fresh and chiseled as always. She met him at the front door, donning her sexy nightgown, hair and makeup done to perfection.

“Jesus,” he said. The look on his face was one of astonishment and hunger. He got a hold of himself and pushed inside the house.


Published 7 months ago

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