“You guys have to stop eating like this. I’m going to get you some real food or you will be like balloons soon.” John chucked another little cube of cheese on the floor of his terrace and the ginger cat was faster than the black one and nabbed it. John took a sip from his red wine and looked out over the valley below him. He had been lucky to find this place. It was a little house with one bedroom, bath, and tiny living room but it fitted his needs. It was about half an hour’s drive from Marbella up into the mountains. He had moved in in March and then it had been cold at night but now it was late May and the weather was perfect. It was Sunday and in the morning, he had driven down to the beach to fish. He hadn’t caught anything but that didn’t matter. He sat in his beach chair and drank coffee. A few tourists wandered by and he checked out the women in bikinis, nothing wrong with that.
Anna received an urgent phone call at the end of February and had to go home to see her sick grandmother. She had called a few days later telling him she had quit and wouldn’t come back. He was of course sad since they had had such a wonderful time together since that first time. Anna was a mature woman for her age and they would discuss all kinds of topics over wine and dinner before fucking late into the night. He couldn’t get enough of her young firm body and tight little pink pussy.
After she had left he thought he would go back to masturbating weekly and feel sorry for himself but like all things in life, there are surprises. Even though he and Anna had made sure no one knew about their fling, it appeared that wasn’t true. Just a couple of weeks after she had left, during a happy hour after work, John was approached by a young woman. She had been working with him for a month and was fun, charming, and another blond from the middle of nowhere.
After a few drinks, she leaned and whispered, “Is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“That you are great in bed.”
John put down his drink and looked around. No one seemed to have heard what she had said. “Who told you that?”
“Oh, you know, I used to share a room with Anna and well, she liked to masturbate before sleeping. I pretended I was knocked out and she would often moan your name.”
John blushed. “Shit, yeah, we did it a few times, but I don’t know if I’m great in bed.”
She put her arm under his. “Let’s find out. My parents are paying for my place and it’s not far from here.”
They snuck out and hailed a cab. In the back seat, they made out and she was a darn good kisser. “John, I want you to fuck the shit out of me tonight.”
“It will be my pleasure, Malin.”
The floodgates had opened and from that day, John had a steady stream of young and a few older women he would take back to his cabin or go to their places if they lived alone. Life was good again, and John was a happy camper.
The cats were feral and as soon as they realized the cheese was gone, they scurried off into the bushes and were gone. “Unthankful bastards,” said John and filled his glass from a gallon bottle of wine. He had made good friends with his closest neighbor, who now dropped a few gallons off each week at no cost. His cousin had a vineyard in another town so he didn’t need all he made. It wouldn’t win any prizes but it was good enough and it was a great talking point with the ladies.
He went inside and made some pasta which he took back outside. The following day was a Monday and on Monday the recruits arrived. He always looked forward to it. It didn’t always mean he would get laid but he liked to watch their faces when they first arrived. Many had never been abroad before and they looked like lost little lambs and he was the wolf. The company had a high turnover of staff. Mostly because these young men and women weren’t used to being away from their families and friends so they often got homesick after a month or so. Others found better-paying jobs and left.
John had never seen himself as a Casanova type of man; he was too shy for that but his ego was much better now than when he had arrived. He did realize that he wasn’t for everyone and had been shut down a few times, but that was okay. He learned what to look for and what to avoid. He finished his dinner and washed the dishes before showering and going to bed. He read for half an hour and then turned off the light. He could hear the cats outside, looking for more cheese, and the night insects were out in force.
Lina and Valentina got out of the taxi and the driver helped them with their luggage. It was a sunny morning and the birds were singing in the trees that lined the street.
Lina was a bit of a tomboy. Short hair, small boobs, narrow hips, and a squarish face. Valentina was more of the coke-bottle type. Full boobs, a thin waist, curved hips, and a heart-shaped face with full lips. Their journey had started at 5 am that morning with an hour’s drive to the closest bus stop and then a bus to Arlanda airport outside of Stockholm, which had taken another four hours. The flight was smooth but when they arrived at Malaga airport, they decided to share a taxi instead of taking another bus.
“Holy shit, Lina, I can’t believe we are finally here,” said Valentina.
“It’s so warm.” She shrugged off her sweater and wiped some sweat from her brow.
“Let’s go inside.”
They walked into the business center and took the elevator up to the third floor. When they stood outside the double doors to the call center Lina turned to Valentina. “Are you ready?”
“Hell yes, finally we are out of that dump where we live and we can have some fun and meet cool people.”
She pushed the door open with her foot and they walked inside. The noise was high and above the music, they could hear people screaming. There was energy in the room. Long benches held computers and Lina counted twenty-five people sitting at them talking into a headset.
“Hi, you must be Lina and Valentina. My name is Jessica and I’m the office manager. How was the trip?” said the tall brunette and shook their hands.
After the usual chit-chat, they were ushered into a conference room where they were given a crash course in telesales. After a late lunch, they listened to some calls to get the idea and then they were off on their own. It was a disaster for both of them. Not one single sale and most customers just hung up on them.
One row behind them sat John. He had seen them come in and his gaze was drawn to the shorter but very fuckable girl. She had an aura he knew well. She had had cock before. Maybe once or twice and she was hungry for more. She looked around the room taking in the young men but when her eyes reached John she didn’t even pause. It was like he wasn’t even there. No problem, he thought. I have time.
Lina and Valentina arrived at their company-sponsored apartment, which they would share with three other girls and two boys. Luckily Lina and Valentina would share the same room. After unpacking Lina poured two small glasses of vodka she had bought at the airport and they went out onto the little balcony. From there they had a view over a park and a children’s playground.
“I liked that dude Steve, he is fucking hot,” said Valentina, meaning the guy who had sat next to her. Tall, broad-shouldered, and with black hair. She guessed he was in his late twenties or early thirties.
“God, you have only been here one day and you are already thinking about sex.”
“Yes, and so would you if you had tried it.”
“Fuck you. Just because your parents took you to Greece last year and some English guide fucked you on the beach doesn’t mean you know anything about sex.”
Valentina finished her vodka and took a long drag on her cigarette and exhaled before saying, “At least I know what a dick feels like.”
Lina didn’t answer. She stayed on the balcony while Valentina went to take a shower. They and the rest of the group in the apartment would go out for pizza. Lina sighed. She had been invited to Greece but preferred to stay at home working to save money. Maybe if she had gone, she wouldn’t be a virgin at twenty-one. She and Valentina met when they were three in kindergarten and had been friends since then. Honestly, Lina was quite jealous that Valentina had had the experience but she would never tell her. Finding a decent guy in the hamlet where they lived was impossible.
The pizza restaurant was close to the apartment so they could walk. Wine and beer were ordered and after the pizzas were eaten the glasses still arrived. By 10 pm the group was quite drunk.
Daniella, one of the older girls in the apartment, leaned over the table and said to Lina and Valentina, “Did you see John? What do you think?”
The girls looked at each other and then Lina said, “Who’s John?”
“The older dude behind you. He always wears a hat to work, like we didn’t know he was bald.”
Lina and Valentina shrugged their shoulders before Valentina said, “What about him? Is he like dangerous, creepy?”
One of the other girls, Helen, said, “Well, that depends. If the rumors are right, he has been with several of the younger girls over the last few months and some of the older.”
“Bullshit, I didn’t even notice the man,” said Valentina, suddenly curious. How the heck had she missed him? Not that she was into older men, limp-dicked and overweight as they often were, but she wanted to know what the deal was.
“He is quite well hung and can keep a hard-on for a long time,” said Daniella and giggled.
“Hey, hey, so can we, so if you ladies want some dick, just let us know,” said Martin and he and Mike laughed.
“If I wanted short and pointless sex, I would call you. I like it for a long time, not minutes,” Daniella answered back and the two guys fell silent.
“But none of you girls have been with this… John?” asked Lina.
“No, I once tried to talk to him, but very politely he showed that he wasn’t interested,” said Karoline, the last of the older girls.
I wonder why? Could it be that you are short and slightly overweight? thought Valentina. She knew she could be quite the bitch sometimes especially if she felt threatened by other women. Back home at school, she had been the queen bee for years.
The group had another round and then walked back home where they pretty much passed out in their beds.
Up in the mountains, John was shaving his cock in the shower. He had never thought about doing it even though he loved shaved pussy. Not until Nadia had suggested it. Nadia was in her forties and just like him, she had recently divorced. They had hooked up after she had been at the company for a week. While she was sucking his cock she said, “This would be much nicer and easier if you didn’t have any hair.”
John looked down at her. She was right; it was quite the bush. “Do you want to shave me?”
She giggled. “Sure, do you trust me?”
He had said yes and after that, he had the most sensual experience in his life apart from actually fucking. She had lathered his cock and balls and with a brand-new Gillette, she shaved him slowly and carefully until he was smooth as glass. Then she sucked his cock for a long time before swallowing every drop. That was why he sometimes liked older women: very few of the younger did swallow.
When he was done, he ironed a shirt for the next day, fed the cats some real cat food, and went to bed. The following day, he was going to see how far he would get with that new hot girl. He didn’t even know her name.
So, that is John, thought Valentina the next day. She was standing with Lina and a few others in the break room and John was pouring coffee into a mug. He wasn’t very tall, and she could see the extra pounds around his waist. When their eyes met she was the first to look away. She had never seen such an intense gaze before. It was like he had undressed her in a nanosecond. When she looked back, he was gone. She looked around and spotted him talking to one of the coaches who helped with difficult clients. Valentina felt naked where she stood. She must have blushed because Lina said, “Are you OK, what happened?”
She pulled her friend aside. “That John, he, he, he just fucking undressed me and fucked me with his eyes.”
Lina laughed so loud that some of the others looked at them. “Come off it, that didn’t happen. You are dressed like you always do, a bit slutty, but classy.”
“From now on, I’m wearing an overall, mittens, and a hat. I have never felt so naked and exposed before.”
During the day Lina tried to make eye contact with John and the few times they did she felt nothing. He was just a goofy-looking middle-aged man in a group of people half his age or less. He helped some of the newer people, and talked to everyone but didn’t seem to try to pick any of the girls up.
Valentina kept her eyes on John and each time she met his gaze, she felt the same feeling. By the end of the day, she was exhausted from the experience. She wondered what he was thinking. He was probably fucking her brains out or she was sucking his hairy shriveled old man’s cock. She shivered at the thought. She had seen some videos on the net with men his age fucking younger girls and she had always thought that those dicks didn’t look good at all.
That evening they stayed at home. Daniella cooked spaghetti with cream sauce for everyone. John didn’t come up as a topic but they did talk about old boyfriends and girlfriends. Some were sad stories, some were funny and some were crazy. Lina and Valentina liked their flatmates and looked forward to spending many months with them.
John was happy. He knew what effect his look had on certain women, not all, fewer than one might think. But when it worked, he would knock them out of their shoes. Valentina had reacted; he thought she would start crying. Her reaction the first time was physical. She had taken a step back, looked down at herself as if she was naked, and then blushed. John loved that; it turned him on immensely so when he had gone back to his desk, his cock was hard as a rock and begged for pussy.
All he had to do now was to reel her in. One problem was that skinny chick, Lina. They were besties, he understood, and it was always harder when that was the case. She had tried to catch his eye, but he had ignored her. Now, he was thinking it might be a good idea to get her on board as well. What he didn’t know was if his look worked on her. He had to try the following day.
John was in the breakroom making a sandwich when Daniella walked in with the rest of her flatmates including Lina and Valentina. He waited until he saw Lina and she saw him.
“What?” said Lina a bit too loudly.
The others turned to her. “What happened?” asked Danielle.
John was gone and Lina shook her head. “Nothing, I thought I had forgotten something.”
She held Valentina back and when they were alone she said, “Holy fuck, you were right. He did it to me, just now.”
“I told you. It feels so fucking creepy but exciting at the same time.”
Lina nodded slowly. “You are right, like he had seen something you didn’t want him to. Holy shit, what do we do? I mean, it’s bordering sexual harassment.”
“We play it cool. I want to see if he follows up, or if he’s too much of a chicken to talk to us.”
“OK, that’s fine with me.”
By Friday, John hadn’t spoken one single word to them, and he hadn’t done his eye thing either. Valentina felt so frustrated. She was used to men giving her attention. Now this old man was ignoring her and that wasn’t cool. She was the young and pretty girl; she was supposed to ignore him or make fun of his shitty advances. This was fucked up, she thought, and had to be handled. After all, she was a queen bee.
After work that Friday was at a new place they hadn’t been to before. It had an Atlantis feel to it, with aquariums and wall paintings of people dressed like the ancient Greeks. It was nice with a large terrace where the coworkers hung out so they stayed together.
John was sipping on a GT and talking to Gabriel, one of the coaches, when he noticed Valentina looking at him. He had counted her drinks and she was on her third rum and coke. It was time.
When Gabriel got a call and walked off John approached Valentina from the side. At first, she didn’t notice him. By the time she did, he was leaning against the wall next to her.
“Hi, how are you?”
His voice wasn’t deep or high, but there was almost an echo to it, thought Valentina. “I’m fine, how are you? This is the first time you have spoken to me since you gave me that glare at work.”
“Glare? I thought it was more of an appreciative look. I like well-dressed beautiful young women, that’s all.”
“Uh-huh, sure.” She leaned in, “I bet you want me, but let me tell you…”
“Shush, I don’t want you as much as you want me.”
Valentina’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times like a fish on dry land. When she spoke again her voice was shaky. “You bastard. No one speaks to me like that.”
“Maybe no one has before.”
For a second he thought she was going to slap him but she just walked off in her fuck-me heels and firm round ass swinging under her mini skirt. God, did he want that. Anal sex was something he hadn’t had since Anna had left and he would love to try it with Valentina if she was up for it. After observing her during the week he changed his mind. The way she acted around men, he figured she had had plenty of dick for her age.
The evening went on and John was on his way to leave when Valentina walked up to him. “Look, hot shot, I give up. What’s your deal, what is it you want from me?”
“Nothing. I just like the company of a nice woman or two. I mean, you can always take Lina with you if you don’t feel safe.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Dinner at my place tomorrow night. I live outside of town, it’s very nice and relaxing. I will pay for your Uber back of course since I can’t drink and drive. What do you say I pick you up at the bus stop at 7 pm?”
Valentina was surprised at his confidence. “Yeah, sure.”
When she was gone John exhaled. He had been darn nervous but he figured it was best to get it out of the way before one of the younger guys hooked the two girls. After all, who wants a Fiat when you can have a Ferrari? Him being the old rusty Fiat.
Valentina woke up with a light hangover, nothing too serious. She heard Lina in the shower; she always sang the same song. Valentina wasn’t sure she had made the right decision about meeting John later that day. She hadn’t told Lina about it either and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. Her friend would most likely refuse to go.
Lina came out naked which wasn’t unusual. The girls had known each other for such a long time that they were completely comfortable with each other. Valentina made the same joke as always. “When are you going to get rid of that thing?”
Meaning the tuft of blond pubic hair above Lina’s slit. “Not until a guy fucks me and then he can have the honor to shave it off.”
“So, you mean like in several years from.”
“Fuck you, slut. By the way, I saw you and John whispering yesterday. What was all that about?”
Valentina sat up in bed, showing off her firm round boobs. Her nipples grew hard from the cooler air and she rubbed them. “He asked us to dinner tonight. At his place up in the mountains.”
“Cool, I wonder if it will be by chainsaw or axe?”
Valentina was confused. “What are you on about?”
“The way he will get rid of our bodies after he strangles us with our panties.”
Valentina sighed. “Look, if you don’t want to go, we don’t go. I, for one, am curious about this man. Remember how he made us feel? Also, no one has gone missing and we know for a fact he has fucked many from the office. Besides, what else will you do? Fighting with the horny kids downstairs or staying in your room masturbating?”
Lina blushed. She did masturbate several times a week and Valentina had heard her on many occasions over the years.
“Fine, let’s go. We have lived a short but good life, I guess.”
Valentina laughed at threw her pillow at her friend.
When John came around the corner, he saw the two girls waiting for him. He had asked them to be on time since where he picked them up was busy in the evening. They got in, Valentina in the front and Lina in the back.
“Hi, you ladies look great,” he said.
“Thank you.” Valentina wore a long skirt and a halter top, no bra, no panties but John didn’t know that. Lina wore shorts, panties, a baggy T-shirt with a rock band logo, and no bra. She had never and would never be a girl who dressed up for a man.
They talked about their first week at the office in the car and before they knew it, John made the last turn and parked outside the cabin. The two cats sat on the terrace but when they saw the girls they ran off.
“I guess they didn’t like us,” said Lina who loved cats and dogs.
“They are just shy. Please, have a seat and I will get us some glasses.”
Lina took a few photos with her phone of the view and the cabin. Mostly because it was an amazing view but also, she figured she should be safer if someone knew where they were. She sent them to her mom with a brief note they were having dinner with a coworker. As an afterthought, she also sent the location.
“Here we go. I hope you like red wine because that’s all I got,” said John and lifted the gallon bottle.
“That’s fine. What kind of red?” asked Valentina.
“It comes from grapes, and it’s alright. A friend of mine has a cousin who makes it.”
Lina prepared herself for a god-awful taste but to her surprise, it went down quite smoothly. “Not bad.”
“I agree, very nice actually,” added Valentina.
They discussed the view and the fact that it was the girls’ first time abroad. They told John about growing up in a small hamlet in Dalarna which is a wild country in Sweden. He did the usual questions about boyfriends and they told him they were both single. He told them about his divorce.
When John went inside to prepare the plates Valentina whispered, “Ask him about that gaze he does?”
“No, you do it.”
“C’mon, please.”
“Quiet, he is coming.”
“Here we go, girls, I hope you like it.”
After a few bites, Valentina put down her fork. “John, we have a question for you. What is it with that gaze of yours?”
He laughed and drank from his wine. “Honestly, I have no idea. It works on some women, and on others, nothing happens.”
“Well, it sure as shit worked on me,” said Lina.
“And me,” said Valentina.
“I guess it did, that’s why you ladies are up here. By now, you must have heard the rumors around the office about me. I just want to make it clear. If you don’t want to fool around, that’s fine. I will drive you back right after dinner before I have had too much wine. So, I’m going inside to get some more, please decide.”
“What do you think?” Valentina said.
Lina looked out over the mountains. “I understand if you want to, but what about if I just hung back, you know? I’m still a virgin and I’m not sure this is the way I want my first time to be.”
Valentina nodded slowly. She understood her friend. Even though her first time had been on a beach with a drunk dude that most likely didn’t remember her name the next day, she understood and respected that many women want their first time to be with someone special. “OK, that’s fine. You can hang out here, and have some more wine. He won’t last very long I would say.”
When John came back Valentina said, “This is what’s going to happen. You and I can fool around, but Lina, who is still a virgin, doesn’t want to.”
“Great, that’s fine with me. Lina can feed the cats, they should be back soon.”
When dinner was over John and Valentina went inside. He closed the sliding doors but left the door to his bedroom slightly open so it wouldn’t become too hot.
John sat down on the queen-size bed and Valentina stood between his legs. Looking at her he thought she was nervous. “You have done this before, right?”
She bit her lower lip. “Just one time.”
John was surprised but instead of telling her what he had thought and maybe hurting her feelings he said, “OK, that’s fine. We will go slowly.”
He put his hands on her lower back and slowly began to work his hands in under the skirt. Valentina was tense and stared at the wall behind him. This felt weird, as if it was orchestrated, not natural. His warm hands touched her ass cheeks and then she relaxed a little. He caressed them and squeezed them a little before pulling out. With his hands on her hips, he began to push down the dress and it soon fell to the floor.
Valentina giggled as she stood there with her pussy in the air and a much older man just inches from it. “I hope you like it,” she said, insecure suddenly. The queen bee was gone and she was just a girl feeling unsure about her body, sexuality, and life in general. With that drop in the skirt, she became acutely aware that she wasn’t as tough as she had thought.
“I love it. Do you mind if I touch it and maybe lick it?”
She shook her head and closed her eyes. Why the fuck did she do that, she wondered and opened them again just in time to see John’s middle finger slide in between her legs.
It wasn’t wet, just humid but as he gently moved his finger back and forth, she became wet. He leaned in, rested his head against her tummy, and licked her clit which grew under his touch. Valentina placed her hands on his shoulders and moved one foot to the side so he had better access.
Suddenly things didn’t feel so strange. Now it felt good, fucking good in fact, she thought. His middle finger was now sliding in and out while he licked her. Her knees became weak and she said, “Do you mind if I lie down?”
He pulled away. “Sure.”
While she took off her top, he undressed so when she turned he was standing naked in front of her.
“Holy shit! That thing is huge and shaved.”
“I hope you like him. As you can see, he loves you.”
She giggled again. His cock was standing straight up. The foreskin had slid back and his dark red head was exposed. She sat down and then scooted up on the bed and spread her legs for him. He lay down and went down on her, licking and sucking on her clit. Enjoying every drop of pussy juice he could drink. His hands explored her thighs and tummy but ended up on her boobs. They were so firm and full in his hands.
Lina checked her phone again. Twenty minutes had passed since her friend and John had gone inside and not that she knew much about sex, she figured an old man like him would last a few minutes, at the most. So, figure she sucked him, he licked her and then they fucked, they should have been done by now.
She got up and opened the doors. She could hear a bed move, and a few moans, but nothing else. She moved inside and to the bedroom door. She peeked in and what she saw took her breath away. It was nothing like the porn she had seen. This was beautiful; this was the way she had imagined sex to be. To the left of the door stood a chair so she slipped inside and sat down. It didn’t take long before she had her hand inside her shorts and panties and was rubbing herself.
John was lying on his back and Valentina was riding him. Her upper body lay flat on his and they held each other while kissing. Valentina rocked back and forth, slowly, and Lina could see how the cock slid in and out of her friend’s pussy which was stretched. John’s cock was long and thick around the middle. She stared in fascination at how such a small hole could take something that much bigger and while she did, she realized to her horror that she wanted to try.
“Guys, I’ve changed my mind.”
Valentina jumped at the sudden voice not three feet from her and John slid out of her before she rolled over on her back next to John, whose cock was still hard and wet from her juices.
“Hi there, how nice of you to join us. Please, take your clothes off and come onto the bed,” said John.
Lina was nervous. This close, the cock looked even bigger. She lay down next to John and said, “Please, take it easy.”
“Lina, you got to suck dick first, that’s part of the foreplay. Come, I’ll show you.”
Valentina proceeded to help Lina to position herself between John’s legs. She knelt and took his cock in her hand. “Fuck, it’s thick and wet.”
Valentina giggled. “I’m the wetness, so now you will taste me as well. Anyway, lick the head and when you are ready take him in your mouth. Don’t try to take all of him, because you will gag.”
Lina licked the head and tasted a salty substance that wasn’t nasty, just different. She licked around the head, kissed it, and then down one side and up the other. She came back to the head, opened wide, and took him inside. It was so hard and warm in her mouth and it surprised her. She began bobbing her head up and down while stroking his shaft.
“Look at you, working that cock like a pro,” said Valentina.
Then she had an idea. She straddled John’s face and rubbed her pussy along it and he was quick in understanding what she wanted. He ate her out and played with her anus which was a new experience for her and she loved it.
When Lina came up for air a few minutes later she said, “I’m ready.”
Valentina got off and helped her friend sit down on John’s hips. His cock was right behind her. “Do you feel him against your crack? When you are ready, lift yourself up and then lower yourself slowly. You don’t have to do it all at once, it might hurt since it’s your first time.”
Valentina grabbed John’s cock and held it so it would penetrate her friend easier. The first couple of inches were fine but then Lina began to moan. “Oh, fuck, it’s big.”
“Relax, go slow, it’s not a race. Try to move up and down a little.”
John caressed Lina’s small breasts and cheeks, making her relax. He felt her pussy open up a little bit for every so many moves she made. Then it was like hitting a wall.
“Honey, you need to come down hard one time to break through,” he said.
Lina was hyperventilating and her face was flushed. “OK, here we go!”
John gasped when he broke through and slid deep into the tiny tight pussy which was wrapped around his cock.
“Ouch, fuck, that hurts, god!”
“Don’t move, just sit there with his cock inside,” said Valentina, while stroking her friend’s back.
“Ha, oh, shit, fuck he is big.”
She sat still for a while and then suddenly out of nowhere the pain receded and she could breathe again. “Wow, now it feels pretty good. Still a little dull pain.”
“OK, begin to move, like you saw me doing.”
Lina lay down on John and began to rock back and forth while he held her hard in his arms. “Yes, yes, I love this.”
She had never thought having a man inside her would feel so wonderful and amazing. Her body just began to react to it. Her nipples went hard, her mouth opened a little and dirty words came out.
“John, you old fuck, give me more cock, fuck my tight pussy until you come inside me.”
She hadn’t meant the last part. She didn’t want to become pregnant, but suddenly there was a new sensation. She looked over her shoulder and Valentina was licking her asshole.
“What are you doing?” she managed to say between moans.
“I don’t know. Suddenly I just wanted to.”
“Should I let him fuck my ass since he already is doing my pussy?”
“If you want to.”
Lina turned at John. “Do you want to fuck my ass?”
“Yes, please,” was all that John could manage. He was on the verge of coming.
She slid her hand between their bodies and with surprise since it was her first time, she grabbed his cock, put it against her, and began to slide down on it.
Valentina, who was hornier than ever, saw an opportunity that she had been curious about. Without a warning, she slid two fingers into her friend’s pussy and began to finger fuck her. Lina gasped at the sensation, closed her eyes, and pushed down on John’s cock which entered her. She thought it must be because she was relaxed now from being fucked.
“Oh my god, my first time having sex and I got my best friend’s fingers in my pussy and an old man’s cock up my ass. I knew I would have fun in Spain!”
No Uber was called, and the cats were never fed. The three of them had fallen asleep around three in the morning from a lot of sex and wine during the breaks. Valentina had wanted to try again to swallow and when John came in her mouth she was surprised at how good it tasted. He explained to her about the vasectomy and that made both girls crazy. He had to fuck and come in their pussies until he passed out.
The following evening Lina and Valentina lay in their beds. They hadn’t spoken much about the night with John but instead cleaned their room and the house together with the others. Then they had done laundry and had dinner.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by finger fucking you and licking your ass. I was just so horny and you have the cutest pussy.”
There was a long silence before Lina answered. “It’s fine. If you want to, you can come over here and do it again?”
Valentina held her breath before saying, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, this whole sex thing has made me realize what I have missed out on and I want to try it all… who else is the perfect partner, if not my best friend?”