It was Thursday afternoon, Victoria, who was seventeen, and in her college uniform of a green and white short-sleeved dress and white ankle socks, walked up the pathway to Mrs Beckett’s house with the intention of giving her the second performance review about Alice. The review was being held under the Parents Participation Scheme. Mrs Beckett was involved as Alice was her granddaughter but staying with her whilst her parents were away.
Mrs Beckett and Victoria both knew this meeting had nothing really to do with Alice’s performance and Alice was unaware that this review was about to take place, nor that the first review had taken place. In fact, none of the students were aware of the Parents Participation Scheme, and the rules stated that Alice must not be made aware of the review taking place.
Mrs Beckett had been looking forward to the second review, and had effectively demanded the review happen and was taken by Victoria. She had ended up being disciplined last time, painfully so, and was hoping for the same punishment this time. Although Victoria was just seventeen, Mrs Beckett was been quite taken by her and didn’t feel embarrassed by the fact that she was in her sixties and was going to be disciplined again by the teenager.
Mrs Beckett heard the doorbell and immediately opened the front door, remembering she would have to address Victoria as Miss Victoria, even though she was just the Deputy Head Girl and not even a teacher. However, she had got herself excited at the thought, and right then knew that her knickers were already damp at the prospect of what was going to happen.
Mrs Beckett was shocked when she opened the door expecting to see just Miss Victoria. Instead, when she opened the door she saw six more girls all dressed in the same college uniform. Even as she looked shocked, Victoria and the other girls simply walked passed her into the house and into the living room.
Mrs Beckett was very concerned and about to say something about it, but heard the very dominant instruction from Miss Victoria, “Beckett, come in here now.”
As she walked into the living room Mrs Beckett was adamant that she was not prepared to be disciplined in front of so many girls. They weren’t invited, so why were they here?”
Victoria could see the concern on the granny-aged Mrs Beckett’s face but enjoyed ordering a woman her age around. She was certainly of the view that age never mattered when it came to one person giving instructions to the other. It all came down to who was the one in charge and who was the one who had to obey. Well, today, given that it was a review under the Parents Participation Scheme, and that Mrs Beckett had specifically asked her to carry out this second review, she knew exactly who was in charge.
Mrs Beckett was also having these thoughts and was working out whether she could get herself out of this very embarrassing, in fact, very humiliating, position. She was thinking, though, that she was the one who had asked Victoria to come here specifically to carry out the second review, and with the hope, and intention, that she would be spanked and caned, and so, once again, get the huge orgasms she gave herself that night when in bed after the first review.
Victoria could see that Mrs Beckett was thinking about whether she could just kick them out, but Victoria certainly had other ideas. She immediately said in a very stern tone of voice, “I have brought these girls with me because I asked them to monitor Alice’s performance and general attitude since the first review. Normally there would have been far more time between reviews, but, as there wasn’t, at your specific request, Beckett, I needed their help. We now need to carry out that review and establish whether Alice has performed sufficiently well to avoid you needing to be disciplined again. I hope that is understood, Beckett. Is it?”
Mrs Beckett was again taken with the authoritative tone of voice that Miss Victoria used, and even though the other girls were there, she felt quivers once again flying around her vulva. Given the firmness of what was said to her, any resistance dissolved, and she replied obediently, “Yes, Miss.”
Victoria was happy with that response and, looking around the room, saw the dining table at the far end and said to the girls, “Let’s go and sit there and carry out the review.”
Victoria glared at Mrs Beckett and ordered, “Beckett, you will sit at the far end of the table and only speak if asked a question. Is that understood?”
Mrs Beckett was now back in submissive mode and replied, “Yes, Miss.”
All the girls sat around the table, with Victoria at one end and Mrs Beckett at the other. The girls then held a discussion about Alice’s performance. Mrs, Becket listened intently but quickly realised that while Alice’s performance had not deteriorated, it hadn’t got any better either.
Of course, Victoria knew that all of this was a sham and that she always intended to come to the decision that Mrs Beckett needed to be punished again under the Parent Participation Scheme. So, after ten minutes of discussion, all of which had been pre-planned between the girls, Victoria, glared at Mrs Beckett and said, “It is quite clear that there has been no improvement. Under the Scheme that does mean that you need to be disciplined again to give you the incentive to work harder with Alice. Do you accept that decision, but please remember that if you don’t, then Alice will be expelled.”
Mrs Beckett knew that no improvement was the answer that she wanted and that as the discussion went on her knickers were getting damper by the second. She therefore had no trouble in replying, “Yes, Miss, I do accept your decision.”
Victoria waited just a moment but kept a straight face before bending down and picking up the holdall that she had brought into the house. She unzipped it and took out a hook-ended senior cane and also a wooden-backed paddle hairbrush. Both implements were placed on the dining table in full view of Mrs Beckett and, of course, the girls.
Again, Victoria waited a few moments, studying Mrs Beckett’s face and saw the concern written across it as she stared at both implements. However, it was also noticeable that there were no questions or objections coming from Mrs Beckett, but just an acceptance that she was going to be punished.
Mrs Beckett was swallowing hard as she looked at the cane and the hairbrush but had such mixed feelings. On the one hand, there was the serious concern about the amount of pain she was going to suffer, whilst on the other hand, she was feeling aroused and excited at the prospect of suffering that same pain. Added to that was the humiliation of being stared at by the teenage girls sitting around the table, some with broad smiles, some with their hands over their mouths, hiding their giggles but couldn’t hide the sound of them. However, she found the humiliation an exciting turn-on as well, and so when she put all those feelings together, the overriding one was the continuing flutters cascading around her vulva.
Victoria gave the stern instruction, “Stand up, Beckett, and put your hands on your head whilst I explain how you will be punished this time.”
Whilst Mrs Beckett didn’t understand why she should stand in such a demeaning way, she still couldn’t deny that she was getting more and more excited by being under the control of such an authoritative teenage girl. She also liked the fact that Miss Victoria was in her college uniform, showing off her bare arms and bare legs which, again, Mrs Beckett found such a turn on.
As soon as Mrs Beckett had stood up with her hands on her head, Victoria said in her now usual authoritative tone of voice, “You will be going across my lap for a bare bottom spanking both with my hand and this paddle hairbrush. You will then have to stand up, bend over this dining table, and I will give you eighteen strokes of the cane. I hope that, after you have been punished like that, you will focus on Alice and help her improve her performance. Is that understood, Beckett?”
Mrs Beckett listened with increasing concern at the punishment she was going to get. Eighteen strokes were rather more than she had anticipated, and she knew that she had struggled last time with just six strokes, but the anticipation was still getting her excited. As the punishment was getting closer and closer, she still couldn’t understand why her excitement was increasing and wondered if there was something wrong with her. However, as she had fantasied about being punished again today she knew that wasn’t the case and took it that suffering the pain and humiliation of this type of punishment was exactly what turned her on, even at her age.
As Victoria was watching the increasing look of concern on Mrs Beckett’s face, she realised that her knickers were getting damper. She knew that she was an alpha girl, and enjoyed being Deputy Head Girl and giving classmates and others prefect’s detentions. However, she now knew that she enjoyed much more controlling a woman older than herself, and, of course, a woman who was the grandmother of one of her classmates. That was particularly so because she was going to be the one who would be punishing this granny-aged woman, and, hopefully, making her cry and suffer, albeit as a punishment, but, most likely, one that this granny-aged woman wanted anyway.
Those thoughts led Victoria to make another decision, and she glared at Mrs Beckett and said, sternly, “In order to impress on you just how much you deserve this punishment, I don’t think you should remain clothed. In fact, I think you should be wholly naked when you go across my lap and when you are caned.”
Victoria enjoyed the gasps of surprise from several of the girls sitting around the table as she certainly hadn’t discussed this with them. She also enjoyed the look of horror on Mrs Beckett’s face who clearly had not even considered the possibility of having to be naked in front of all these teenage girls. However, what was equally noticeable was that Mrs Beckett didn’t object and just licked her lips in anticipation of what she was going to have to do in addition to suffering the pain of a spanking and the cane.
Victoria, instructed, “Right, Beckett, do as I have just said and get undressed.”
Mrs Beckett again told herself that she could argue, but didn’t want to. Why not suffer the added humiliation of being naked in front of all of these teenage girls, she said to herself? After all, she had wanted this to happen, and Miss Victoria and the other teenage girls were the ones in charge of her and she was the one who had earned the punishment. As well, when you earn a punishment you shouldn’t have any control over what that punishment is. Maybe she shouldn’t even have been told how many strokes of the cane she was going to get as it would cause her increased suffering in not knowing whether each stroke would be followed by another and then another. She found herself wondering whether next time she should make the point that she shouldn’t be told how many strokes she was going to get. Then, of course, she realised she was even thinking about being punished again, but there was no certainty at all that she would be.
Wanting to obey Miss Victoria without question, Mrs, Beckett immediately turned and asked the teenage girl closest to her to unzip her dress. As soon as that was done, she slid her dress down her arms, passed her waist catching her knickers on the way, and then pushed her dress and knickers down to the floor. She was able to then step out of both. After that, she put her arms behind her back, unclipped her bra, slid that down her arms, caught it, and then stooped down, picked up her dress and knickers, folded them all, and put them on the chair she had been sitting on.
In the meantime, Victoria had moved her chair away from the table and sat down again. Quite noticeably, she had raised her college dress up so that her thighs were now bare, and she knew that Mrs Beckett’s bare tummy would be lying across her bare thighs, and loved that prospect.
Once she saw that Mrs Beckett was undressed, Victoria glared at her and ordered, “Now come and get across my lap, Beckett.”
As Mrs Beckett went and stood next to Miss Victoria, she looked down and saw the bare teenage thighs she would be lying across, and once again that got her excited, just as it was more humiliating, but such a turn on that she would be lying across those bare thighs rather than a dress. That was certainly more sexually arousing for her.
Moments later, and Mrs Beckett was once again lying across the teenage girl’s lap, her face inches from the floor, but also inches from Miss Victoria’s bare upside down legs. She saw her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair and as she looked sideways, she saw lots of the other girl’s upside down bare legs as they were standing close to her ready to watch the spanking. That was exciting enough for Mrs Beckett, but it got even more exciting when she felt Miss Victoria’s hand rubbing her bare bottom in circles.
What added to Mrs Beckett’s excitement, and humiliation, were the comments being made by the teenage girls encouraging Miss Victoria to give her a really hard spanking. There were also derogatory comments about her turkey neck and her fleshy bottom cheeks which made such a great target for both Miss Victoria’s hand and the paddle hairbrush. The girls also highlighted her large dangling breasts with taut nipples suggesting she wanted to be spanked and caned. Her undoubted excitement was only helped when Miss Victoria rubbed the back of her legs, and then her inner thighs, and ran her fingers along her pussy lips, which she knew were wet, and she couldn’t stop herself from letting out an erotic groan.
Victoria didn’t stop with just running her fingers up and down Mrs Beckett’s wet pussy lips the once or even twice, but she continued until she heard Mrs Beckett orgasm. She knew she wanted to do that first in order to remove any sexual feelings that Mrs Beckett might be having about being spanked. In fact, whilst that would intensify the pain and increase her inability to cope, she was also pretty sure it would lead the granny-aged woman to even greater orgasms afterwards.
Once she had made Mrs Beckett reach her orgasm, Victoria then raised her hand, brought her palm down on the very inviting far bottom cheek, watched as it surrendered to her hand, wobbled around, and then settled down just as Victoria spanked the just as inviting near bottom cheek. She then proceeded to spank Mrs Beckett’s bare bottom cheeks, alternately, time and again, enjoying how she was turning both cheeks darker and darker shades of red, and listening to Mrs Beckett’s louder and louder gasps of pain. Of course, she knew that, as loud as those gasps might be now, they were certainly going to be much louder before long.
Mrs Beckett was surprised that she had been brought to an orgasm, but as soon as the spanking started, she knew there had been little change in her desire to be spanked. When she had had an active sex life, she quite often experienced multiple orgasms, and so reckoned this would be the same. That first orgasm was effectively foreplay, but she hoped that a hard spanking, and then the cane, would give her more orgasms, maybe not whilst in front of all of these girls, but certainly afterwards.
As the spanking continued, Mrs Beckett knew that she was finding it harder and harder to cope. That was totally expected and part of her fantasy because the last thing that she wanted was some light spanking. She wanted the real thing, to be spanked beyond what she could cope with, and really hoped that Miss Victoria would do that again for her today.
Mrs Beckett registered a very short gap in the spanking, but then felt two light taps with something far harder than Miss Victoria’s hand, and knew without even trying to look that she was about to be spanked with the paddle hairbrush. Just moments later that happened, and instead of just gasping with pain she was now yelping with the pain. She could tell immediately how this was such an effective implement to use when giving a real punishment as anyone spanked like this would be reduced to tears very quickly, just as she knew she was dissolving into tears. However, even as she knew the tears were blurring her vision, she still wanted to be spanked so severely, and, although struggling she did keep herself across Miss Victoria’s lap and was glad she was getting the increasingly intense pain that she had so often fantasied about getting.
Victoria had to admit to herself that she was impressed with the way that Mrs Beckett was staying across her lap, bearing in mind the way that each bottom cheek surrendered so much more fiercely than when she spanked her with her hand. However, still knowing that Mrs Beckett wanted to be thrashed in this way, she wasn’t going to go lightly or have any sympathy at all. Instead, she simply spanked her harder with the hairbrush and got even louder yelps, and just as she knew she was getting more and more aroused by the way that she was thrashing Mrs Beckett, she still reckoned this granny-aged woman would experience several huge orgasms tonight, albeit with her bottom still stinging, hopefully, agonisingly.
Once Mrs Beckett’s bottom was not just bright red but was bruised given the way that she had spanked each bottom cheek, Victoria decided the spanking could end and she could then enjoy giving Mrs Beckett the cane. She therefore stopped spanking, looked at the back of Mrs Beckett’s head, and loved the way that she was crying, but still ordered, “Get up, Beckett. I now need to give you the cane.”
As much as Mrs Beckett was crying she still heard the stern instruction, and whilst on the one hand there was a gap in being spanked, she knew the pain would be even more difficult to deal with when she was being caned. However, it was another fantasy of hers to be caned again and again, and she just hoped that she would be able to cope sufficiently so that Miss Victoria would be able to give her the full promised punishment.
Once Mrs Beckett had pushed herself up from her lap, Victoria then stood up and picked up the cane and swished it twice so that Mrs Beckett knew what was coming. As she did, she ordered, ” Right, Beckett, bend over the dining table and clasp hold of the far side. I want your legs apart.”
Mrs Beckett obediently turned and bent over the table and clasped hold of the far side. She knew that she had struggled with the cane during the earlier review just a few days before, and that was just six strokes. How was she going to cope with so many more strokes, she wondered?
As Mrs Beckett bent over the table and parted her legs all the girls smiled as they saw her hair mound, which was still glistening with her sex juice from the orgasm. They even wondered if her sex juice was still flowing which would mean this granny-aged woman was turned on by actually being spanked. That got several of them thinking more seriously about this type of punishment.
Happy that Mrs Beckett was in position, Victoria swished the cane twice more to remind Mrs Beckett what was about to happen. At that moment, she also wondered whether any of the other girls might be submissive and want to be punished in the same way. She quickly looked at the faces of each of the girls and thought she saw two of them who might well be thinking that they would like to be in Mrs Beckett’s place. She put that to the back of her mind but was going to remind herself to check that afterwards, given how damp her knickers were.
As Miss Beckett heard the swishes of the cane her arms tensed and she held her breath, just for a few moments, pondering the prospect of more pain. She knew that she could just get up and walk away, because, after all, this was all arranged by herself, pressing Miss Victoria to hold a second review, even though it shouldn’t have been held by her. She knew that whilst she was working she was an alpha female and well respected by her colleagues. However, her inner self told her that she did have submissive desires which she told herself were confirmed as she was aroused by being punished so severely by Miss Victoria. Well, she knew she preferred submission to being alpha and relished the pain she had already suffered and what she was about to willingly suffer.
Mrs Beckett also quickly came to the realisation that being submissive was not a weakness. What it meant was that she got aroused by the pain and humiliation, just as there would be others who got aroused by giving the pain and making someone else humiliated. Actually, that wasn’t so different from any other loving relationship.
Mrs Beckett also thought about the age difference. She had fantasied about being spanked in the past, but pretty much always by a woman her own age who might be her girlfriend, or someone rather older. She had never considered being punished by a girl of seventeen, but now she was she realised age made no difference whatsoever. In fact, being punished by a girl Miss Victoria’s age only added to the humiliation. More so, today, when she wasn’t just being punished by a girl of seventeen, but was being watched by a whole series of girls who were also seventeen. All of that humiliation just got her more excited.
The next moment, the first stroke landed on her bottom. She gasped, and the pain was horrible. However, once again, rather than try to force herself up, she made herself clasp hold of the far side of the table much more firmly to make sure that she didn’t get up. She hoped she would be able to do that throughout the punishment.
As Victoria landed stroke after stroke she really loved the way that the cane bit into the fleshy bottom cheeks of Mrs Beckett, and then a thick welt developed. Of course, having the louder and louder gasps fill the room was also adding to the excitement she felt and the dampness of her knickers.
As she painted welt after welt across Mrs Beckett’s bottom, Victoria knew that one of the subjects that she was doing at college was artwork, and she enjoyed the way that she was, effectively, drawing a painting of welt after welt, as close to parallel lines as she could make them, and she was certainly going to give herself an A for this project.
Mrs Beckett didn’t count the number of strokes, or rather she realised that after the first few that she didn’t know how many strokes she had already received, and therefore left it to Miss Victoria to keep count. In fact, she again told herself that it would have been better if she hadn’t been told the number of strokes she was being given because that would have raised her anxiety, but also her excitement. As a submissive, she didn’t want any control whatsoever and handed that total control to the fabulously dominant and authoritative Miss Victoria.
From time to time, between strokes, Victoria again looked at the faces of the watching girls. She looked particularly at the two who she felt were submissive, and that view was strengthened by the anxious but thoughtful way they were looking. She could see that the others were smirking or giggling, and that made them more likely to be dominant. Maybe there was a match for several of these girls, and Victoria certainly intended looking for a submissive girl to become her girlfriend.
Mrs Beckett wasn’t able to think of anything other than the pain cascading across her bottom cheeks. She focused on keeping a firm hold of the far side of the table, and in that way showing her total submission to Miss Victoria. Far from hating it she was relishing it and wanted more of it.
Victoria knew that she was coming towards the end of the number of strokes she had pre-set. She didn’t have a reason to increase the number and didn’t think it fair to increase the punishment if Mrs Beckett had done what she was told, which she had done. What she could do, though, was make sure that those last few strokes got harder and harder, which she did, and was rewarded with louder and louder yelps. She made sure that the last stroke was the hardest of them all and loved the way that the yelp echoed around the room.
With the cane strokes stopping, Victoria focused on Mrs Beckett and the way that she was breathing so heavily, and, when she looked at her face, she could see the tears dribbling down her cheeks. Her first thought was how surprised she was that a woman Miss Beckett’s age just lay there and took every cane stroke. However, she quickly reconciled the fact that as a dominant she was very excited by punishing Mrs Beckett, and therefore, as a submissive, Mrs Beckett was probably very happy being punished so thoroughly. That again strengthened her own intention of finding a girlfriend who was submissive.
As Mrs Beckett recovered, she knew beyond doubt that she wanted to repeat this type of punishment. She knew that it was unlikely that she could get Miss Victoria to do it again, nor one of the girls. After all, bearing in mind that age was not a relevant factor, she actually wanted to find another woman who could be her long-term girlfriend and dominate her in this way. She knew that most of the time she would want to be her girlfriend’s equal, but then use this type of punishment as foreplay given that right then the quivers were again cascading around her vulva, and she knew that she was going to enjoy some seriously huge orgasms.
Victoria could see that Mrs Beckett was recovering, and therefore ordered, “Right, Beckett, get up and face me with your hands on your head.”
As much as Mrs Beckett was still struggling to cope with the pain, she heard the instruction and, albeit uneasily, managed to force herself back up into a standing position. She then turned and faced Miss Victoria, placing her hands on her head, realising that what she really wanted to do was rub and clutch her stinging bottom, but as the submissive here following instructions without question was her priority.
As soon as she was standing with her hands on her head she heard the comments coming from the girls again, including perhaps the most surprising, which was that they said how her nipples were taut and that her pussy lips were glistening with her sex juice. How could that be, she asked herself, at least how come so quickly? Maybe it wasn’t true, but then her eyes were blurred with the tears that filled them and so she couldn’t check anyway. She didn’t dare move her hands away from the top of her head either because that might lead to Miss Victoria giving her more strokes of the cane. Momentarily, she did think that maybe she would earn some more cane strokes but quickly reconciled that she had suffered enough, and now wanted those orgasms.
Victoria glared at Mrs, Beckett, and said, “We have now finished the second review. I hope it has given you the incentive to help Alice improve her work standard. Just so you know, your next review will be carried out by Miss Collins although none of what has happened today will form part of the paperwork. Now, our work is done here today and so we will leave you to ponder the lessons that I hope you have learned.”
With that, Victoria and the other girls walked out of the living room into the hallway, then out of the house and closed the door behind themselves. That left Mrs Beckett alone in the living room actually still standing there naked and with her hands on her head because she hadn’t been told to remove them. She did so for several more moments, actually enjoying the fact that she was alone but still felt submissive, before dropping her hands but immediately clutched and rubbed her stinging bottom cheeks.
Mrs Beckett couldn’t wait to go upstairs to her bathroom, and when there, she turned and looked at her bottom in the mirror, and she gasped at all the raised red welts that were painted across her fleshy bottom cheeks. She could understand exactly why she was struggling with the stinging pain, although at the same time was getting more and more excited by that same pain.
Moments later, Mrs Beckett had gone into her bedroom and was lying on her bed, She managed to lie on her back, even with the stinging pain, but moments later, with her legs apart, she was running her fingers up and down her very damp pussy lips and in what seemed like just seconds, she exploded in a huge orgasm. She stayed on the bed, and after calming down from that orgasm she was again running her fingers along her still damp, in fact even damper, pussy lips, and excitedly brought herself to a second huge orgasm. How crazy was this, she told herself, after calming down again, as she then fingered herself to a third huge orgasm.
She lay on the bed and again thought about Miss Victoria, and the other girls, and wondered if they were going to finger themselves to huge orgasms, or, maybe, even finger each other to huge orgasms. It certainly wouldn’t surprise her. However, she knew that she wouldn’t see those girls again because Alice would soon be going back home, and so she wouldn’t even get to the next review herself. Whilst that upset her to an extent, it focused her mind on finding another woman her own age, or maybe just a few years younger, or older. They could become long-term girlfriends, and whilst they would be equals most of the time, she would certainly want this kind of discipline again as foreplay to lovemaking.