Mom Meets Bunny Part 7

"After Nathan explains why he revealed their secrets, things take a whole direction"

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I was wet all over. My pussy was dripping, my tits were still saliva soaked, and my asshole was leaking copious amounts of my son’s liquid love. And for the first time, I could not enjoy any of it.

“I can explain really. Mom—”

“What is the ONE THING…“

“ I’m so sorry!”

“…we have talked about?!” I was up and pacing while wiping off my chest and legs “You cannot tell anyone! How could you have—”

“She’s my girlfriend! OK!” I stopped and put my arms akimbo. “Like, serious girlfriend…and we’ve been dating and having sex, a lot of sex.”

I tossed the towel at him. I could not hide the anger in my voice. “That was obvious when she dropped you off! A mother knows these things. Anyone could have figured it out the way you were looking at each other!”

I could tell by the way my son was fidgeting he was really upset. He should be.

“I thought you would be happy I ‘met someone,’ but I was afraid because…shit…”

I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut. I was mom-is-upset quiet. “I’m sorry I cannot be excited for you right now. Of course, I’m happy you have a girlfriend but,” I lost it, “Jesus Christ! Nathan!” I picked up the phone and showed him the text, “She knows about us! You told her we were going to have anal sex?!”

He gulped and looked away, frightened by the whole moment. So was I.

“I can explain.” I made a dismissive gesture for him to do so, then began to angrily get dressed. I don’t know why as I needed a shower badly.

“Like I said, we have been dating, and you know, fucking… ” I bristled. “And well, I accidentally called her ‘Mom’ once.”

I stopped halfway through putting on my bra. I had to think about my response for a moment. I had done the same thing with Steve last May when all of this had started, calling myself “Mommy”. Could I rightfully chastise him for the same error?

Being too angry was not going to help. “I was afraid that would happen. To be honest, I did it with your father once.” His eyes widened. “That was when I came up with the whole soccer team Mommy thing. Blech! Go on…”

Nathan was now in his underwear only as he was still going to shower. For some reason being nude right now weighed heavily toward wrong. I hated the feeling.

“Well… Bunny laughed and asked why I said that. And I quickly came up with a lie about liking that kind of porn. Well, not really a lie, but she said she liked Daddy/daughter stuff.”

I had to sit. “Oh my God…this is…”

“So, then she told me to call her ‘Mom.’ Well actually ‘Mommy’ and it made me think of you, and this, and Dad and everything, and wow, and we had reeeally crazy sex. Like sick wild. Afterward, she told me it was a big turn-on to imagine me with my own mom and asked if I thought she was a bad person for thinking that.”

“Been there.”

“Right? Me too, as you know.” He sighed and rubbed his face in frustration. “Mom…what was I supposed to do?”

The fantasy had crossed into reality and this girl he obviously likes a lot wanted in on both.

“…and then you just told her? About everything?”

“Not right away, no. It was the next time we were together. Two weeks ago, actually the night you told me about doing anal. I was so turned on that I said it again while we were making out.”

He paused to see if I was accepting or freaking. A little of both. I attempted with my next facial expression to let him know I was calming down.

“Then she shocked me. She said, ‘You should fuck your mom.’ And then,” he dropped his voice to a quieter sexy level and hit my libido point blank. “I said, ‘I already have.’”

The ringing ears were back.

I was now looking at a framed family picture on the wall. I was holding my bra, rubbing the fabric, and wondering what the hell Steve was going to say? Then I felt Nathan’s hot body close, kneeling next to me. My son turned my face towards his, wiping away the tears that had formed.

“Mom, I am so, so sorry. She’s smart and cool, and funny and—“

“Sexy as fuck?” I sniffed and he laughed that laugh your kids reserve for when you say something you think is now, but you are obviously way off.

“Sure, Mom.” He raised his eyebrows. “She came three times.” I sighed in admiration. “I think you’re gonna love her. I know she won’t say anything. She wanted to hear all about us, so I told her.” He took my hand. “I said to her, ‘Don’t ask me to stop having sex with my mom. Because I am still going to.’”

My heart twittered. How could I feel romantic in this absolute mess? His eyes were watering like mine; it was so difficult to be angry.

“Well baby… if you trust her, I guess I have to. But Nathan, you should’ve told us.”

“Told us what?” Steve asked from the doorway to the kitchen. “I assume from the towels, your red faces, and the blended fragrance of cum and coconut that everything went according to plan?”

I looked down and my intuitive husband knew something was up.

“Uh oh. Did you fart while he was stuck in your ass?”

Nathan rolled his eyes as he stood up. “Way to kill the vibe, Dad.” I made to explain what had happened, but my mature son took the responsibility. “Dad, Bunny is my girlfriend,”


“…and I accidentally told her all about us. And she is totally into it. I trust that she won’t tell anybody.”

Steve looked at me with shock and concern, “…holy fuck…everything?!”

Nathan nodded and I stood up and I took his hand. I wanted him to feel OK.

“Well…” Steve, ever practical, ever logical, ever amazing, settled my heart. “It’s all part of life’s adventure. Let’s get her over here and talk about it.”

Nathan was shocked at the immediate plan from his dad. “But Dad, she won’t—”

“None of us will be settled until we’re all in the same room. I’m picking the girls up in half an hour. Maybe we can just call her?”

“Nobody calls anymore. Should I text her back?” He was looking at me, and then my nipples. Boys. “What should I say?”

I had a decision to make. There’s no question that that was the best sex the two of us had so far. Steve’s preparation had made it that much better; I felt like he was in the room. I did not want to ruin that and/or affect how Nathan felt. Maybe Steve was right, we should talk with Bunny, my son’s girlfriend.

Deep breaths, Jen.

“Text her back that we did anal on the couch. Be graphic, it will turn her on, trust me. She doesn’t need to know that we know she knows, at least not yet. We can arrange something for tomorrow. You want to introduce her to your family, as your girlfriend.”

Nathan looked to his father first then back to me and smiled softly.

Steve held my other hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek, “You are amazing, Jen. I think you’re right. Stick with the truth. The only way we’re going to get through this is together.”

There was an impromptu group hug that was a bit awkward because my son and I were still shirtless, and we both reeked of fucking. Steve took the moment to make us laugh by sniffing deeply.

“My god, you smell like tropical sex. Really good sex I’m assuming?”

The laughter turned into moans and hums ripe with the residue of recent activities. “It was fantastic. Nathan was… nothing short of remarkable.”

“And mom was the most amazing I have seen her yet.” I kissed his cheek. “Thank you for understanding about this. And I’m really sorry it happened.”

“Well, we were once afraid of what Dad might do, and look how wonderful that turned out. Maybe this gir, young woman will be okay with it.”

We parted and Nathan quickly sent Bunny a text.

We did it” thumbs up emoji. “It was Fucking Fantastic. can’t wait to tell you.” devil emoji “mommy is a sexy ass-slut.”

He then handed me the phone. “Slut? You didn’t need to put that.”

Steve sounded very Dad-like, “It’s a compliment nowadays. And well, if the shoe fits…”

The next laugh was quite healing. I loved my men


The evening was actually wonderful and relaxed. My ass was horribly sore but anytime I squirmed I remembered how fantastic the orgasm was, and I was able to let it pass. We had a fun dinner with the girls and played some family board games and had lots of laughs. At about 10:00 Nathan took off to hang out with his buddies for a while, Steve and I watched a cooking show while he rubbed my feet.

“Mmm, I could use some lip treatment as well.”

We ran upstairs for some sweet quiet lovemaking that did not involve actual fucking. I gave him a wonderful blowjob drinking down a rich thick load. “Damn, that was huge! Is Mr. Waller excited about Bunny knowing our family secret?” He actually blushed. I took in a gasp! “Holy shit -you are!”

He growled, flipped me, and brought me off with the most loving oral sex he had performed in quite a while. Funny how these life transitions were taking us to new levels of pleasure with each hill we had to climb.

About 1:40 AM Nathan got home. College boys…

I was awake, of course. Mothers regularly half-sleep if one of their children is due home. I slipped out slowly to not disturb Steve and quietly made it to my son’s half-open door. I wanted to make sure he was safe… and maybe have a quickie before going back to sleep.

I pushed it open, but he wasn’t there. I was about to turn back when I heard the sink water and the tap of his toothbrush. Good boy. I waited, holding my arms in the door frame, my back to the hallway, my body posed as an X. I felt his cool hands on my hips, then his hot mouth on my neck. I shuddered; eyes closed. His left hand slid up my sleep shirt and squeezed my right breast, his fingers kneading, covering it completely. I pushed back into his naked snake as he slithered a hand up my thigh to my spread-open crotch. He rubbed my annoyingly wet pussy through my flimsy shorts!

I hissed in and whispered, “I need you Baby Boy! Badleee…”

Without separating, we walked into his room, and he closed and locked the door. He pushed me toward the bed, and I crawled onto it, pulling off my shorts as I went. I spread my legs, so my knees were on the edges blossoming my pussy as wide as I could get it. I was sure it was shimmering in the glow of his desk lamp.

His wide wonder slid in with ease and familiarity, but not without a little twinge of pain due to the size. Turned on to horny MILF level, I had a penetration cum and screamed into a pillow. I was so addicted to this incredible cock, this amazing man, my son, my lover.

I made it back to bed by 1:57, asshole still sore and cunt freshly soaked. I settled in with a deep sigh.


I swatted my husband on the ass, and he giggled, “Oh yes, that shoe fits nicely.”


I want to say that everything went smoothly the next day. Bunny came over and we all talked. Then she watched as Nathan and I fucked in front of her and Steve, the two of them getting each other off with their hands.

I want to say that because that’s precisely what happened!

Earlier, Nathan told his sisters that the girl who dropped him off was his girlfriend. Natalie laughed and said “Duh” just like her dad had. He then said she was coming for lunch and the afternoon. Nora whined, “Seriously? We have dance dress rehearsal at 1:00! Can we skip Mom?! Please!”

We had planned this so the twins would be out of the house. We had to do that often these last months, which left me feeling guilty, but I knew that discovery was much worse. “You know you can’t, Miss Wendy would be so mad if her two best dancers aren’t there. Like you said, it’s dress rehearsal. Besides, you’ll be back in two hours. Bunny isn’t going anywhere.”

Whines of acceptance followed.

Arriving at 11:30 as scheduled. Bunny was in a sweet fall dress in yellow that had a delicious V of cleavage and topped by an orange cropped sweater. Her hair was in a big ball pulled behind. Her face was stunning, her lips shining bright. I do not believe she was wearing make-up; she didn’t have to. This was a gorgeous young woman of color, and I found myself staring a little bit too long.

We all worked in the kitchen toward lunch, Bunny pitching in. “ I am so glad you were free today, Bunny. But I am mad at my son for not telling us about the two of you when you dropped him off. We have chastised him considerably!”

“Well as you know Mrs. Waller, Nathan could be a little thick sometimes. I said it was up to him. I’m just thankful that he texted me that I was ‘welcome anytime.'” She patted my forearm. “I love your family. And I love your dress!”

It was my turn to blush. “Oh gosh, thank you.” Was it my imagination or when she said the word “thick” did her eyebrows raise a little bit?

Nathan did a teen boy squirm. “Okay, okay! Enough with the boyfriend bashing. Let’s eat.!” Bunny and I giggled as we all sat at the table. It was great to have her here and to make Nathan feel a little bashfully uncomfortable. He was really sexy when he blushed.

The meal mostly involved the twins peppering Bunny with questions about Nathan and college, hair and clothes. She delightfully took it in stride. It was obvious the girls were fascinated by how gorgeous, friendly, and approachable she was. At one point, I looked at Steve and saw him staring at her cleavage. Who could blame him, it was quite beautiful; a gold star pendant rising and falling with each laugh. I nudged him under the table. He coughed. Oh my God, she was turning him on!

I couldn’t blame him; I was having some very strange feelings myself. I have never been with another woman. There was opportunity a few times in my life, most notably at twenty-seven when my best friend Brandi broke up with her fiancé and asked me to stay the weekend. We got quite drunk, and she nearly kissed me but passed out before we could do anything.

I have recalled that memory a few times with a giant “What If?” nudging my libido. Now I wondered if I wanted to answer with this gorgeous girl in front of me! My hard nipples seemed to say “YES, Jen, you do!” It did not help matters that she knew our secret, which made me strangely aroused (thus the quickie fuck at 1:45 in the morning).

Cleanup found Steve and me in the kitchen while Nathan and Bunny went outside with the twins to run about the yard.

“Fuck, Jen. Are you as turned on by her as I am? Your nipples and your flushed face are answering yes.” He looked out the window as they all ran about. “I’ve been hard most of the meal!”

I chuckled, shook my head, and drained a glass of water in one shot. “If they stay out there any longer, you’re gonna have to fuck me right here at the sink. What the hell has happened to me?”

“I don’t know. I don’t need to” He dropped to his knees and lifted the hem of my dress. He dove right in sucking my intense arousal through my useless panties. I shuddered and grabbed his head, trying to remain focused to make sure the kids didn’t catch us. My phone alert crashed the moment. “Oh! Dance transport time!” I sounded a bit too giddy.

Steve stood and wiped off his face. Then kissed me hard. “Do not start without me!”

Ten minutes later Dad and Daughters were driving off and the three of us were sitting in the living room, the college couple on the couch. I watched as the two of them play-tickled and settled with her leaning on him slightly, his arm around her.

I gave the obligatory prompt, “So. tell us about your family.”

She regaled us with a funny story about her two older brothers and her dad on a fishing trip. It was then that I found out her mom had passed when she was ten from cancer.

“Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry.”

Nathan held her tight, and she smiled. “Thank you. It’s all joy. I have great memories, and I have Aunties. But every once in a while, it would be nice to have a mommy around.”

It was a highly inappropriate response, but the word “Mommy” had my heart pumping faster.

After I shared a few blush-inducing tales about young Nathan, the moment felt right.

“So, Bunny. I hope this is okay that the three of us get to know each other more…closely.”

Her brown eyes went wide, and her body stiffened slightly.

“There is no easy way to do this -“

“Mom, let me-—” I waved him off.

“Bunny, we know that you know about us. I saw the text you sent, and Nathan spilled the beans.”

Her eyes went bigger but then she covered her mouth. “Oh my god…”

Nathan was rubbing her back, “It’s okay, B. Really it is, right Mom?”

“I assure you; it is okay. We had an intense talk, Nathan, his dad, and me, and we decided since you knew, why try to hide it.” I lowered my voice as she slowly. “What my son and I have is crazy, beautiful, and…

Published 7 months ago

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