An Only Child’s Halloween

"An erotic incest fantasy"

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I’ve always been a shy and quiet classmate. I find it very stressful to make friends with kids my age. I’m short and pretty insecure about it, so I’ve never even come close to asking a girl out. Without anyone to hang out with, I spend pretty much all my time at home.

I’m also an only child, so I’m only ever around my mom and dad. Despite only being in their late thirties, my parents have an old-fashioned sort of strictness. No dating until I turn eighteen and both my phone and computer are not allowed to have passwords.

About a month after my sixteenth birthday I got caught jerking off.

It was a teacher-work day so I didn’t have school. My parents had both left for work and I was watching porn with my new headphones in my bedroom. Credit to their superior noise-canceling, I did not hear my mom return home minutes after she’d left to grab her purse.

I guess she had to ask me something because she walked right up to my room. All of a sudden, I was staring at her with my cock in my hand and porn on my laptop. My face went bright red as I ripped the blanket over my nude lower half. Deep embarrassment washed over me as I struggled to say something.

My mom was frozen as well, face just as red as she looked back at me. She opened her mouth to speak before pausing and hurrying out the door.

She left just as quickly as she arrived, without so much as a word. I was panicked, my heart pounding in my chest.

Holy shit, how’d I just let that happen? Will she say something? I could be in so much trouble. On one hand, my parents are strict to a fault. If anyone would ground their kid for jerking off, it would be them. On the other, that’s insane. She probably just won’t say anything.

All day I was dreading their arrival home. My dad got home first and didn’t say anything. I hid in my room, avoiding my mom when she arrived. Eventually, I was called down for dinner. I did my best to act natural as we ate. She didn’t say anything. What a relief. Seemingly in the clear, I attempted to forget that embarrassing moment ever happened.

The next night, I came downstairs to watch a movie. My mom was watching Netflix as usual at this hour. This time, however, she was wearing a cropped white tank top with no bra.

She invited me to watch with her. I was stunned, doing my best not to look as I sat down. She didn’t usually wear such revealing clothing. I had never appreciated how perfectly big and perky her boobs were. Her nipples poked through the tight tank top and her exposed side boobs left little for the imagination.

Inside, I felt conflicted and embarrassed with how much I wanted to look. Unable to stomach the tension, I told her I was gonna do homework and hurried back to my room. I did my best to forget what I had seen and ignore how it made me feel.

My parents were gone most of the next day. When they got home that evening, I grabbed the basket of laundry Mom had folded for me and took it up to my room. I came across a black lace thong at the bottom of the basket. It must’ve gotten mixed in somehow.

As I held it in my hand, the same feelings of uncomfortable desire washed over me. As much as I tried, I couldn’t stop imagining my mom wearing them. I could feel myself hardening.

I should just go put them back while Mom’s downstairs.

I walked to my parents’ bedroom and over to Mom’s dresser. After quietly opening a few to see which was which, I found her underwear drawer. I gazed down on a rainbow of lace lingerie.

Jesus, does she wear a single pair of normal underwear?

I rapidly became hard again and couldn’t help but not want to give them back anymore.

She has so many that she probably won’t even notice these are gone.

Suddenly, I heard my mom’s footsteps coming upstairs. I Panicked, stuffing her thong in my pocket and quickly sliding the drawer. To my dismay, it got stuck about an inch from being fully closed. I was out of time, and desperately thought of excuses as I stepped into the hallway. Mom saw me leave her room just as she got upstairs.

“What were you doing?”

“I borrowed your charger, I was just putting it back.”

I quickly slipped into my bedroom, hoping she was satisfied with my excuse, and didn’t notice her underwear drawer left ajar.

The next morning was a Sunday, and I came downstairs around nine. My parents liked to sleep in on weekends and I was often up before them. Around nine-thirty my mom walked into the kitchen in her robe, as usual. This time, however, something was very different. Her typical white cotton robe was now entirely sheer, transparently draping over her nude body underneath.

“Good morning, sweetie.”

“Good morning, Mom,” I replied with a voice crack.

My cock grew in my shorts as I scooted in my chair to hide it under the kitchen table. Battling the urge to look, I stared down at my phone in embarrassment. As she turned to make coffee, now facing away, I couldn’t help but look. The robe flowed down her ass like a waterfall. I was hypnotized. The spell broke when I heard my dad walking in.

He has to say something. There’s no way it’s normal for his wife to be dressing like this around her son.

He walked to the fridge without so much as a pause, grabbing water before he left for a run. I was dumbfounded.

Are you kidding? He’s okay with this?

I just kept staring as she poured her cup, utterly entranced by her luscious ass. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of her makeup mirrors on the counter next to the coffee machine. That wasn’t usually there.

I glanced at the reflection only to see my mother’s gaze reflecting back at me. She had been watching me stare. Her eyes darted back down to the coffee, not saying a word. I couldn’t bear to wait for her to turn and face me, so I hurried up to my room immediately. One final glance at the mirror confirmed she was watching me leave.

Oh my god, this is so bad, she one hundred percent caught me staring.

I looked down to see my cock standing straight up, quite noticeably.

Please tell me she didn’t see this as I walked upstairs.

I spent the rest of the day hiding in my room, trying my hardest to distract myself from the stress of being caught and the conflicting desires I felt inside. Nothing worked.

By nightfall, I couldn’t sleep. At eleven I was finally overwhelmed and reached for my laptop. I opened the browser and typed:

“Why am I attracted to my mom?”

A Quora post asking a similar question came up first. The first answer told me about the myth of Jocasta and then told me to talk to a therapist.

The second answer told me I was sick, and that I needed serious help. A wave of pure guilt washed over me. The last answer was from a guy with a Bane profile picture:

“Nothing. Nothing at all. It’s ok to be attracted to her. She may even be attracted to you. It happens a lot more than society admits. It’s even ok to have sex with your mother. As long as you don’t force yourself on her in any way and it’s all consensual, nothing [is] wrong with you. And [if] she’s not giving you vibes then keep low-key checking her out and masturbating to it. Who’s hurt by that?”**

I wasn’t sure if I was more shocked by the answer or the fact that it had the most upvotes of the three. I knew in every way that it was wrong to feel this way, but I couldn’t help but begin to get aroused once more. As blood rushed to my lap, I lost all inhibitions and opened another tab.

“Mom and son porn,” I searched, pulling my cock out.

My gorgeous mother flooded my mind as I touched myself, cumming harder than I ever had before. It was euphoric.

Moments later, post-nut clarity set in. A sense of deep embarrassment and uncertainty washed over me as I closed the laptop and cleaned myself up. I got in bed and shut my eyes hard, hoping to sleep away the guilt.

The next day at school, I got an exam back that I had scored ninety-seven percent on. For a while, this good news kept Mom off my mind. This lasted until I got home and walked up to my bedroom. The laptop I had left closed on my desk was now open. It had been powered down, but it was still open.

Did I forget to close this? I swear to God I didn’t forget to close this.

I started sweating as I turned it on. A sudden realization made my heart sink. I hadn’t remembered to switch to incognito mode. I don’t have a password and my mom was the only one who’d been home all day.

Not only had I searched for incestuous porn, but I literally told Google that I was attracted to my mother. This was bad. There would be no reason for it to be open if she hadn’t been using it.

After an hour or so my dad got home from work. To my absolute dread, my mom called me to come downstairs not long after.

I found them in the kitchen with crossed arms, looking at me disappointedly. My worst fears had come true, and I braced for the single most awkward conversation of my entire life. My mom broke the silence first.

“What is this?” From her hand, she revealed a disposable vape. “This was in your room.”

Despite the circumstances, a wave of relief washed over me. I had found it in my gym locker, left behind by someone in an earlier period. Everyone in the boy’s bathroom was using them, so I decided to bring it home. It tasted disgusting, clearly empty and burnt. I had honestly forgotten it was in the back of my desk drawer.

I did my best remorseful look and told them exactly that, promising that I never wanted to try it again. This seemingly softened them a bit.

“Good. Your father and I are nonetheless very disappointed and you will need to gain our trust again. In the meantime, all bedroom doors will stay open in this house.”

While unhappy with this newfound lack of privacy, I was very aware of how much worse this could’ve been. I obediently accepted their punishment and went back upstairs. While I had made it out alive, now I knew for sure that Mom was at my desk.

What are the odds she had opened my laptop to look at anything other than the browsing history?

All I knew was that she hadn’t mentioned it and prayed that meant she hadn’t seen anything.

The next few days were relatively normal. I had committed to not entertain any lustful thoughts towards my mother, even going so far as to avoid her in the mornings when she wore that robe.

I was even getting used to the open door. Without jerking off, I didn’t really have anything to hide. I did, however, find it interesting that my parents were being literal when they said ‘all bedroom doors.’ Their doors remained half-open as well.

A few days later I crept downstairs for a midnight snack. After I grabbed some pretzels, I tiptoed back up to my room. As I entered the second-floor hallway, I became aware of soft moans coming from within my parents’ bedroom.

The image of them having sex flashed in my mind as I rapidly became erect. My objective self was screaming at me to ignore it and go back to bed. Every muscle in my body, however, desperately wanted to take a look. I couldn’t stop myself.

As silently as possible, I snuck over to their door. My heart thumped in my chest as I peeked.

The foot of their bed faces the door. My dad was on his back and my mom was sitting on his face. She was facing me as she rode his mouth, moaning and rocking on her hips on my father’s mouth.

I slipped back out of view. While her eyes were closed now, she could’ve seen me at any moment. My nerves, however, became overpowered by the same incestuous desires I had tried so hard to avoid.

I looked again. She leaned forward, her boobs now pressing against Dad’s stomach and her ass arched in the air. I had never been so turned on. She kissed his tip before glancing up and locking eyes with me.

I ducked behind the door as my face went bright red. Hiding there for a moment, I waited for her to shout my name in anger. It was eerily silent as if they had stopped simultaneously. I covered my mouth, my heart pounding through my chest. Seconds later, the moans and soft sucking resumed.

Fuck, did she not see me?

Once more I felt with certainty that I needed to go back to my room. Once more I was too drunk on lust to make the right decision. I pushed my luck, peaking a final time.

Her seductive eyes found mine instantly, piercing me while her lips slid lower down my father’s cock. I became dizzy, literally hypnotized by her gaze and rhythmic sucking. I could not look away. After five seconds I snapped out of it, quickly going back to my room and creeping into bed.

I had never been so horny, cumming hard into my blanket mere moments after I started touching myself. It was one of those orgasms that put you right to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and well-rested. This was until I felt the stickiness of the mess I had made, and it all came flooding back.

Was she actually watching me watch her? There’s no way she’d do that. It was dark, right? Maybe she couldn’t see me.

I did my best to convince myself what happened wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. I felt affirmed in my rationale when nobody mentioned anything.


The next week or so was relatively uneventful. I kept my head down and avoided temptation. Keeping my mind off things was Halloween’s nearing arrival. Everyone my age had been going to Halloween parties for years. In an effort to finally get invited, I was doing my best to be more social in school. Unfortunately, I wasn’t having much luck.

It’s not like my classmates are mean, I just didn’t know how to ask for an invite while trying to be cool. I had just spent my sixteenth alone earlier that year and expected this Halloween to be much the same. Three days before the thirty-first, my mom came into my room, glowing with excitement.

“Hey sweetie, do you have any Halloween plans?”

“No, I’ll probably just stay home.”

“Great! You’ve been invited to a Halloween party with our friends from work. Would you like to come?”

“Really? Of course! Have I met them before?”

“I don’t think so, these are the same parents your father and I occasionally see on weekends. They’d love to meet you!”

I was ecstatic. Finally, I’d be out partying like everyone else. Some of their kids had to be my age.

“I was really hoping the three of us could have a costume theme. Most of the options were sold out but your dad managed to find Batman, Catwoman, and Robin all in our sizes!” She handed me a Robin costume from behind her back.

“Mom, this is an embarrassing costume. Couldn’t I be someone else?”

“Everything else is sold out, sweetie. Pretty please?”

As embarrassing as it would be, I couldn’t say no to her. There was no way I’d miss this party.

“Okay Mom, I’m just glad to be invited.”

The costume turned out to be a small instead of a medium. It was uncomfortably tight, but I swallowed my pride so as not to disappoint her.

Around seven in the evening on Halloween, I was in my room getting ready. Butterflies flooded my stomach with nerves and anticipation. My mom came into my room with laundry and a sheepish look on her face.

“I have some bad news, honey. I accidentally left the temperature on high when drying some of your clothes.” She paused a second before continuing. “All of your underwear shrunk in half.”

“Are you kidding! What am I gonna do?”

“It’s gonna be okay, sweetie. You don’t need underwear for costumes anyway!”

“Really? Shouldn’t I borrow some of Dad’s?”

“Dad’s are too big for you, love. Nobody will notice, I promise.”

“Okay, Mom,” I begrudgingly replied.

Now, I was even more embarrassed. All I could do was try and reassure myself.

At least I’m going to a party.

I got dressed and came downstairs to leave. Dad was in a typical store-bought Batman costume. Mom’s, however, could not have come from the same place. She wore cat ears and a long-sleeved, latex leotard. In the front, her low zipper barely covered her nipples. In the back was a thong, accentuating her luscious ass. I had successfully gone the whole week without acknowledging my desires, but this was too much.

“Are you ready to go?”

I could barely stutter out a response.

After driving for more than a half-hour, we arrived at a large house with the longest driveway I’d ever seen. My mom rang the doorbell. Moments later, we were greeted by twenty other couples my parents’ age.

My cheeks went bright red when we stepped through the door. Much like my mother, everyone’s costumes left very little for the imagination. It became abundantly clear that nobody else brought their children.

The crowd shifted over to us, seemingly very eager to meet me. They kept calling me handsome and talked about how cute I looked as Robin. Overwhelmed and shy, all I could do was blush and sheepishly thank them. I…

Published 7 months ago

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