On the Sunday before Labor Day, I stood at my living room window and stared out at the line of cars parked in front of Myles’s house. I’d wanted to avoid being one of the first guests at the party, forced to make small talk with Dana while she waited for others to arrive. But it looked like I couldn’t put off going any longer.
Though Myles had insisted I didn’t need to bring anything, I knew better than to show up emptyhanded. Now, I retrieved a plate of homemade brownies from the kitchen, then gave my outfit a final once-over. I’d chosen a fairly modest summer dress; it was teal, with an empire waist and flowing skirt. The V-neckline revealed a little more skin than I preferred, but it wasn’t as if I had much cleavage to show off. On my feet were comfortable espadrilles.
Outside, the afternoon was sunny and pleasant. A mild breeze held just a hint of coolness, a reminder that the fall season was right around the corner. I strolled across the street, hoping the smile I’d fixed on my face hid my anxiety. This is a bad idea, I told myself. Still, my steps didn’t falter. After all, I’d promised Myles I would make an appearance.
Standing on their front porch, I rang the bell. It was Dana who answered the door, and when our eyes met, I sensed her smile was just as phony as mine. “Colleen! So glad you could come.” Myles’s wife looked as stunning as always. Her dark curls were swept back from her face, and she wore a cute red mini dress with a white collar. Her open-toe white heels added a little bit of height to her frame.
“Thanks for inviting me.” I slipped into an immaculate living room with a bay window. Offering the plate to her, I added, “Hope you like brownies.”
“Oh, these look delicious.” Her stare swept over my outfit. “Love that dress,” she said. “It’s very… quaint.”
My face burned at the backhanded compliment. As I followed her into the kitchen, I wondered how soon I could make my exit without appearing rude.
“Everyone else is outside,” Dana said, glancing at the back door. She set the brownies on the counter and then went to open the refrigerator. I started to tell her I’d head out to join the others, but before I had a chance, the door opened.
Myles stepped into the kitchen, carrying an empty plate. “Hal’s commandeered the grill,” he said to Dana, “and he’s ready for—” He abruptly stopped talking the moment he saw me. My eyes widened slightly at his reaction, but he quickly recovered, flashing a welcoming smile. “Colleen, it’s great to see you!”
“You, too,” I said quietly. Dana was still inspecting the contents of the fridge. With her back to us, she seemed oblivious to our interaction. I seized the opportunity to give Myles an appreciative look, and I knew he was doing the exact same to me. His stare made it clear he didn’t find my dress at all quaint. He was wearing a brown and tan striped knit sport shirt, and its V-neck collar revealed a little of his chest hair. How many times had I run my fingers through that hair? I found myself wondering. His Lee jeans fit him perfectly.
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked me. Then, to Dana: “Why doesn’t she have a drink?”
His wife turned around and shot him a glare. “She just got here, Myles.” Her voice had an edge that made me nervous as hell.
“I’m fine, really,” I rushed to say. “I don’t need a drink. I’m just going to head outside.” Though I was quick to leave the kitchen, I couldn’t resist taking a deep breath as I passed Myles. I longed to catch a trace of his scent.
The backyard was full of people, most of them strangers to me. They talked and laughed while milling around numerous folding tables. Before I could find a quiet corner in which to retreat, Myles joined me in the yard. I kept my eyes averted even as he handed me a bottle of my favorite soda and said, “Let me introduce you to everyone.”
We made the rounds, and I was unceasingly friendly in greeting Myles’s friends and coworkers. For a surreal moment, I felt like his wife. Daring a glance at him, I saw that he appeared unfazed by Dana’s foul mood. He kept a hand at my back while steering me from one guest to another, and though his palm never rested directly against my dress, I imagined I could feel the warmth of his skin.
I was relieved when we finally reached Mr. Gibson, my elderly neighbor. He sat in a chair, his arms crossed as he surveyed the goings-on around him. “No introductions required here,” Myles said. “Now, if you two will excuse me, I need to make sure Hal doesn’t have too much on that grill at once.”
I waited for Myles to slip through the crowd, then sat down next to Mr. Gibson. “I’m so glad to see you here,” I told him with a smile. “I don’t know most of these people.”
Instead of returning my smile, Mr. Gibson gave me a sidelong glance. His demeanor unnerved me, for he’d always been kind in the past. I remembered how thrilled he was upon learning that I planned to move back into my parents’ old house.
“I’m surprised you’d show your face here,” he said in a low voice, his mouth barely moving.
Those words made my scalp prickle in alarm. “What do you mean?”
Finally, he looked directly at me. “I’ve seen that man sneaking into your room at night. You’re carrying on like a couple of horny teenagers.”
“Mr. Gibson—” My voice failed me altogether, and I pressed a hand against my face, as though I’d been slapped. I berated myself for being so stupid. All this time, I’d thought our affair was a secret, but my neighbor had certainly noticed.
Leaning closer, Mr. Gibson’s expression grew stern. “Your parents raised you better, Colleen. They’d be mighty disappointed to find out what you’re doing under their roof.”
It felt like my stomach lurched upward to my chest before plummeting back down again. I realized it was only a matter of time until Mr. Gibson told my parents what he knew. My cheeks burned with shame, and I had to blink back tears. You deserve this, I told myself. Did you really think you could sleep with a married man and face no consequences?
Practically jumping to my feet, I fled from my neighbor’s scorn. On my way back to the house, I noticed that Dana had now joined Myles outside, and guests were sitting down at the tables to eat. I needed just a few minutes alone to compose myself. Then, I could get through this meal without breaking down crying.
Entering the kitchen, I found the house mercifully quiet. In the living room, I gripped the back of a chair in an effort to steady myself. My breaths were coming far too fast, and I could feel the flood of panic threatening to inundate me. Not only would I have to admit to my parents what I’d done, but I would also have to stop seeing Myles. A sound dangerously close to a sob escaped my lips.
At that moment, a man stepped into the living room, stopping short when he noticed my distress. “Hey, Colleen, are you okay?”
I hurriedly wiped at my face, though no tears had yet fallen. “I’m fine…” I searched my memory, trying to recall the man’s name, for he was one of Dana’s numerous coworkers whom I’d met a little earlier. Gerald, that was it. “I’m fine, Gerald. I just got a little too warm outside.” The lie was inane, but it was the best I could come up with.
Gerald slowly approached me. “Do you need a drink? Maybe you should sit down for a minute.” We were practically strangers, yet his tone was uncomfortably familiar.
“I’m fine,” I repeated with a weak smile. He was quite tall, and he now stood so near that I had to tilt my head back to meet his stare. My eyes widened when he leaned even closer.
“Did Myles do something to upset you?” As he spoke, his gaze dropped to my breasts.
“Of course not!” I took a step back, folding my arms over my chest.
Gerald’s grin turned sly. “Don’t play innocent; it’s obvious you two are… involved.”
“You’re crazy!” I tried to step past him, but he quickly moved to block my way. As a nervous sweat broke out on my skin, I feared I might be sick. Suddenly, I felt lightheaded. I was in no shape to fend off this creep, and he knew it.
“The way he hovered around you outside…” Gerald made a regretful sound. “So disrespectful to Dana. Of course, the wife is always the last to know, isn’t she? I don’t think she suspects anything. Yet.”
“Get out of my way,” I growled. I’d begun to feel cornered, like a trapped animal. My urge to lash out was intensifying by the second. Again, I tried to move around Gerald, and again, he stopped me.
His blue eyes darkened with his own anger. “Hey, don’t be like that.” Springing forward, he grabbed my wrist. I gasped when his fingers painfully dug into my skin. “I’m just being friendly, offering to keep your secret. If…” He pulled me toward him, and I had no choice but to obey. I worried his grip would continue tightening until I heard the snap of bones. “If you go upstairs with me. Just for a few minutes.”
Hot rage conquered my fear. No longer concerned for my physical safety, I began struggling to break free of Gerald’s hold. He merely laughed at my desperate flailing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure appear in the doorway, and I looked to him for help.
“Get the fuck away from her!” Myles was so quick in advancing upon us that I barely registered his movements. Though Gerald immediately released me, Myles still shoved him so hard that he fell to the floor.
“Relax, man, we were just talking!” Gerald sputtered.
When Myles again lunged, I grabbed his arm. “Myles, no!”
At that point, I still believed we might be able to control the damage. Gerald could run to Dana and tell her whatever he wanted, but she’d believe her husband instead. And Myles and I would quietly end our relationship and return to being mere neighbors. I’d apologize to my parents and make amends with Mr. Gibson. Life would continue as it had before those late-night phone calls began. Except now, I would carry a secret grief at having lost the man I’d grown to love.
In my mind, I saw it all unfolding, that sad and safe future awaiting me. But the road leading to it was obliterated when Myles turned to me and pressed a hand against my cheek. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
I didn’t have a chance to answer, or even to withdraw from his touch, for it was then that Dana stepped into the living room. Her shock at seeing Gerald climbing to his feet morphed into raw pain at the sight of her husband regarding me so tenderly.
“What the hell is going on?” she demanded, her voice quaking with barely contained emotion.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, both to her and Myles. Then, I turned on my heel and strode out of their house.
I cried until my eyes were nearly swollen shut. Tucked away in my bedroom, I allowed the grief to swallow me. Through the open window, I heard the sound of car doors slamming across the street as guests left Myles’s house that evening. I had no idea how he and Dana managed to pretend everything was okay, even if only for a few more hours. I was an absolute wreck, sick with despair and dread.
Lying in my bed was acutely painful, for I was reminded of all the nights Myles had lain next to me. The heartache felt almost unbearable. My dress was in a crumpled pile on the floor, and I now wore only my nightshirt. Despite the cool air drifting into the room, I remained hot from my nearly constant weeping. In the darkness, I curled up on my side and listened to the last guests depart. The silence that followed did nothing to soothe me.
I could only imagine the conversation taking place between Myles and Dana at that moment. Was he begging for her to forgive him? Maybe he would promise not only to be faithful but also to give her the family she so wanted.
For hours, I tormented myself with these thoughts. How could I go on living across the street from Myles, unable to so much as glance his way? I’d be forced to pretend that these past weeks had never happened.
The alarm clock revealed that it was now half past eleven, but of course, Myles didn’t appear at my bedroom window.
Instead, he walked right up to my front door and rang the bell.
Upon hearing the sound, I bolted upright in bed. As late as it was, I could only imagine that Dana had decided confronting me couldn’t wait till morning. I wasn’t about to have a screaming match on my front porch, but I got up to see if it was indeed her waiting for me outside. Making my way through the darkness, I strode to the living room window. On that moonless night, it was too dark for me to discern who had rung the bell.
Taking a deep breath, I turned on the outside light, then peered through the window once more. As soon as I glimpsed Myles, my eyes flooded with fresh tears. I told myself that he’d come to say goodbye. And didn’t we owe each other that much?
I was shaking so hard that I had trouble turning on a nearby lamp, and even more difficulty in unlocking the door. Finally, I got it open, and when my stare met Myles’s, I saw that he appeared utterly bereft. His eyes were red, and his shoulders slumped with weariness. Yet he managed the faintest of smiles. “Colleen.”
I opened the door wider and gestured for him to come inside. My gaze drifted past him and to the house across the street. Light shone from several of its windows; Dana was clearly still awake. I couldn’t believe she’d allowed Myles to come over here, even if only to end our relationship for good.
After closing and locking the door, I turned to him, bracing myself to hear the words I’d been dreading since that afternoon. I gasped when Myles instead sank to his knees before me and wrapped his arms around my thighs. As he buried his face in my nightshirt, I couldn’t resist stroking his hair. We stayed like that for a long moment, neither of us speaking. Tears spilled down my cheeks at the realization that after tonight, I’d never touch him so intimately again.
Finally, he lifted his head to look up at me. “Dana and I are getting divorced.”
I drew in a sharp breath upon hearing the news. My lips trembled as I tried to refrain from sobbing. “Your marriage is ending; you’ll have to move out of your home, and I imagine you’ll lose some friends over this, as well as the respect of many others. Was this worth it, Myles?”
His gaze grew tender. “To be with you? Absolutely.” After climbing to his feet, he cupped my face in his hands. “I know the situation is far from ideal, but I’ve fallen so in love with you, and I don’t want us to spend one more night apart. When you walked out of my house today, I was fucking terrified that I’d lost you.”
“You haven’t lost me,” I said through my tears. “I thought you came here to say goodbye.”
“Never,” he whispered with a smile. Lowering his lips to mine, he gave me a soft, lingering kiss, and I eagerly returned it. All the while, my mind reeled, still trying to fully comprehend the choice Myles had made tonight.
He lifted me in his arms and carried me to the couch, where I sat on his lap. Though we were both exhausted, we continued talking. He told me he was the one who asked Dana for a divorce. As angry and hurt as his wife was, she’d been against the idea at first. But Myles had finally made it clear that he would never be willing to give her what she most wanted. It wasn’t fair to continue a marriage now defined by bitterness and resentment. Myles told Dana he wanted her to have a chance to find and fall in love with a man who would be a wonderful father to her children. After hours of anguished discussion, she eventually agreed.
“I want the divorce to be as quick and clean as possible,” Myles told me while stroking my hair. I rested my head against his shoulder, soothed by his calm voice. “She’ll get the house.”
Thinking of my own living situation filled me with dread. “I’ll have to move out of here,” I revealed, then went on to explain that Mr. Gibson knew about our relationship. “He’ll tell my parents. They own this house, and they’ll be furious I was seeing you while living in it.”
“I’m so sorry,” Myles whispered. “I never wanted to cause problems for you, Colleen. But you and I can make a fresh start. We’ll rent an apartment in the city, closer to our jobs. We can finally be together.” Gently grasping my chin, he lifted my head so he could see my face. “That is, if you want to.”
I merely stared at Myles for a long moment, unable to form a response. All evening, I’d been gripped by overwhelming sadness while I imagined a future without him. Now, my happiness was so intense that it left me speechless.
He mistook my silence for uncertainty. “I know it seems like we’re moving fast,” he went on, “but I need to be with you. And if you find that you don’t feel the same about me, you can always choose a nice, quiet life with Rod.”
I burst out laughing at that, just as he knew I would. Throwing my arms around him, I exclaimed, “You know I don’t want Rod! I’ve always wanted you, Myles. And I love you, too.”
His smile embodied the joy I felt. We kissed again, but this time, our mouths were hungry, revealing how desperate we were for each other. I closed my eyes as his lips traveled to my neck.
Sliding his palm along my inner thigh, Myles released a moan upon discovering I wasn’t wearing panties. “I’ve been such a bad influence on you, sweetheart.”
“Well, maybe I’m tired of being a good girl,” I replied with a grin. His stare grew hotter when I pulled the shirt over my head and tossed it aside. Looking down at my naked body, I discovered my nipples were hard and ready for his attention. I let him fondle them for a few moments before my impatience got the better of me.
Easing off of his lap, I ordered him to get undressed. Immediately, he stood and began stripping naked. “I’m already loving this naughty side of you,” he murmured. To show him just how naughty I could be, I spread my legs wide and rubbed my clit. His chest rose and fell with his quickened breaths, and his stare was fixed between my thighs. A needy moan escaped my lips at the sight of him stroking his hard cock.
“Come here,” I demanded. Myles rushed to rejoin me on the couch, and once he sat at my side, I straddled him. My pussy was already dripping wet, providing ample lubrication as I slid along the length of his dick. Rocking my hips, I worked us both into a frenzy. I didn’t want extended foreplay; instead, I ached to have him deep inside me. We’d made love so many times before, but tonight was different. Now, I would give this man both my body and my heart. No longer did I feel ashamed for loving him.
Leaning forward, Myles drew my left nipple into his mouth. I wove my fingers through his hair, my hips moving even faster. An insistent throb had begun deep within my cunt, and I made no attempt to muffle my excited cries. When he allowed my nipple to escape his lips, I grasped his chin and held him fast. The kiss I gave him was fierce, like the very first one we’d shared. Before I could stop myself, I whispered, “You’re mine.”
“All yours,” he swore.
Moments later, I lowered myself onto his rock-hard cock. I knew he could feel me shaking with anticipation, and my desire served to feed his own. Once I’d taken every inch, I started riding him with a languid rhythm. He leaned back against the couch, his expression rapt as he gazed up at me. I took such pleasure from him filling my pussy that I thought I could do this for hours.
But Myles had other plans. I let out a shriek when he used the pad of his thumb to massage my clit. The stimulation made me fuck him harder, and I was soon panting from wild arousal. Holding tight to his shoulders, I practically bounced up and down on his dick, my cries transforming into low screams. Now, I no longer cared who might hear them.
“Oh, Colleen!” he groaned helplessly. “You have to slow down, or that tight pussy of yours is gonna make me come!”
His plea only drove me to take him more forcefully. “I’m almost there!” I managed to say.
As he rubbed my clit, I noticed that his jaw was clenched from his effort to hold back. “Let go, baby!” he urged.
Once again, I found myself under his sway. The orgasm swept through me in a series of shudders, and my eyes actually rolled from the powerful contractions. When I could no longer maintain any kind of rhythm, Myles was quick to steady me with his strong hands. I felt his body strain beneath mine as he surrendered to his own climax. His labored groans mingled with my wails until it seemed as if the sounds of our lust filled the entire house.
Still trembling, I nestled into his embrace. He held me close, stroking my hair while we recovered. For the first time, neither of us was mindful of how late it had grown. Instead of reluctantly leaving my arms and slipping through my bedroom window, Myles was now free to spend the rest of the night, and all the days to follow, at my side.
Early on a Sunday morning, I woke to the feel of Myles’s lips on my neck, and his hard cock prodding my skin. With a smile, I turned over on my back so he could ease on top of me. While we made love, my old bed was as noisy as ever, but Myles and I attempted to be quiet so as not to disturb the neighbors in our apartment building.
“We have to buy a new bed!” I told him through my faint moans.
“This one has sentimental value,” he teased. “It’s where we first fucked.”
I pressed my lips against his shoulder to muffle a giggle, but his thrusts soon forced me to fight back needy cries instead. When I reached climax, my nails dug into his flesh. I heard his gasp, followed by a groan as he erupted inside me.
A little more than a year had passed since that weekend which determined our future together. Myles’s divorce was now finalized, and the two of us were indeed making a fresh start. The end of his marriage proved to be expensive, with Myles giving up the house and paying alimony. He made the monthly payments without complaint, for we both understood that depriving ourselves of a chance at happiness would have been far more costly. Though money was tight, we were able to keep our heads above water due to Myles’s substantial salary. I still worked as a secretary, but he took care of most of our bills.
Recently, he’d learned from a mutual friend of his and Dana’s that his ex-wife had begun dating a man who shared her eagerness to start a family. “Their relationship is apparently quite serious already,” Myles had told me. “I hope she can have the life she always wanted.”
I hoped so, too.
Myles now pressed his lips to mine, then gently withdrew from me and moved to lie at my side. “You should start getting ready for church.” His suggestion prompted me to groan. “No arguments, Colleen,” he said, pretending to be stern. “My angel is living in sin with me; I can’t have her missing Sunday service, too.”
Of course, it was my parents who found it sinful that I lived with Myles. To say they were displeased upon learning of our relationship would be an understatement. Still, they offered to let me continue renting their house if I stopped seeing him. Instead, I moved out.
Myles was determined not to cause a rift between me and my parents. During holidays and family get-togethers, he went out of his way to be charming to them. Over time, they’d grown to tolerate his presence, and while Myles politely declined their invitations to attend church, he made sure I was ready and waiting when they picked me up every Sunday.
He’d even managed to win over Melanie, subjecting himself to an hour-long interrogation during dinner at her apartment one night. When I’d glared at my best friend from across the table and demanded that she give it a rest, Myles insisted he was willing to answer any and all questions from her. I could tell by her smile that she approved of his response. Yet she still asked, “What are your intentions with Colleen?”
“You’re being ridiculous, Melanie!” I said through my exasperated laughter.
“My intentions?” Myles’s gaze was full of affection as he regarded me. “Only to make Colleen as happy as possible.”
He now drew me from my thoughts by giving my bottom a playful pat. “Up you go, sweetheart. I’ll make breakfast while you’re getting ready.”
“Deal,” I grumbled. I would have much rather spent the morning in bed with him. Throwing back the covers, I started to get up, but before I could, he grabbed my hand. Looking over at him expectantly, I discovered he was grinning.
“One of these days,” he said, “you’re going to have to redeem me in your parents’ eyes.”
I flashed my own grin. “Oh? And how would I do that?”
“By marrying me.”
Lifting an eyebrow, I said, “Is that a proposal?”
“You know it is, and it’s far from the first.”
It was true that he’d asked me to marry him several times before, but I’d always insisted we wait. Despite our deep love for each other, I didn’t see any reason for him to rush from one marriage into another.
“One of these days,” I promised with a tender smile, “I’m going to call your bluff and say yes.”
Myles drew me to him for another kiss, then whispered, “I’ll keep asking till you do.”