Witches Rock – Chapter Two

"Samantha meets the coven"

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Tommy tensed all up, and Samantha could see him make the strangest face as she felt the warmth grow inside her lower belly. He must have cum inside her already. It was just so underwhelming. The big deal about losing her virginity was over in about two minutes, and it didn’t even feel good. Plus, it wasn’t with Billy whom she loved, but this arrogant ass.

“Now you know what it’s like to be fucked!” Tommy said proudly as his orgasm finished. Then as he pulled out his penis, she could see the small size glistening with their cum in the moonlight. No wonder his dick didn’t feel all that big because it wasn’t. For all his vibrato, he had a small penis.

As Samantha lay there naked and vulnerable, a small drip of blood fell from her vagina directly onto the rock. The rock violently began to shake as the whole area began to rumble. The two started to panic, unsure of what was happening.

“What the fuck? Is it an earthquake?” Tommy cried out as he jumped from the rock platform.

In the distance, lights like those from torches were suddenly appearing. They were in a line heading down the opposite path that they had used towards them. A single deep drum began to slowly beat as they heard the far-off dark shapes murmuring a chant. It was now midnight on a full moon night.

Tommy began to panic as he pulled up his jeans, “Fuck that!” he yelled. He turned and started to run back to the path towards his car. He had forgotten all about leaving young Samantha lying naked on Witches Rock.

Chapter Two

Samantha was furious at Tommy Fairbanks as she watched him run away like a frightened child. She could see his flashlight illuminate the path away from her as she realized he had left her without care. As Samantha started to figure a way off the rock, more of their mixed fluids dripped from her recently used vagina onto the large stone that continued to vibrate slightly. She carefully climbed from the rocks and watched the torches approaching the forest’s edge. The slow beat of a drum and a quiet chant made for an unsettling combination as the small group emerged from the far path into the open field. Quickly, she grabbed her dress and slid it over her naked body, teasing her hardened, thick nipples.

She knew there was no retreat from the small group as they advanced. Without a flashlight and with the shoes that her Stepmother had chosen to accentuate her long legs, she could not run off into the dark woods. Grabbing Tommy’s letterman’s jacket, she covered her sexy outfit. For some reason, there was no fear in her, just curiosity, as she watched the dark figures close in on her at Witches Rock.

The torchlight illuminated seven figures. Six were carrying torches, and the last one was banging against a small hand-held drum. The chant was repeated in another language and was hard to understand. If Samantha had to guess, it was some Latin phrase. Now, paces away from her, Samantha attempted to duck down and hide on the far side of the rock formation.

While hiding under the rock’s lip, she watched the six hooded forms walk around the rock formation. The drum’s tempo suddenly increased until there was one last hard thump. Now, she could only hear the sound of the crackling fire, and at that moment, she understood the figures had surrounded her.

From her hiding spot, Samantha could see a woman’s black shoes. Could they be witches’ shoes? They appeared to be those old grandma-looking type shoes. As she moved slightly, she looked through a separation in the big rock to see a black robe parted somewhat, revealing a long set of shapely legs.

A female voice said, “Witches, it’s after midnight, and we have a grand full moon tonight. So, light the fire, and let’s dance!”

There was a sudden Whoosh noise as a fire ignited about ten feet from Samantha’s hiding spot. With the additional light, she saw the person standing before her release her robe, exposing a woman wearing only her shoes. Looking upward, Samantha could see her well-toned body that was accented by a shaved pussy and slightly sagging big breasts. Her balance was taxed as she strained even more to make out this older woman’s identity before her.

Sliding between the pillars that held up the large slab, she finally got a better view from under the higher end of the slab. While still hidden in the shadow, she could now see the exposed woman’s face; she was stunned to see… Miss Brown? What was Miss Brown, her Physics teacher, doing standing naked around Witches Rock on a full moon night? Was she a witch?

Erotic music began to play as Samantha watched her Physics teacher dance as her tits swung back and forth. As she danced, she moved counterclockwise out of Samantha’s view. Then, another naked woman danced in from the right. Samantha recognized this woman; she was the clerk from the Bakery. As the dancing continued, Samantha did not know the next older woman. But Samantha had to place her hand over her face as she knew who next came dancing into her view. It was her bare-naked Stepmother!

Was her Stepmom a witch, too? Samantha had heard all the rumors about witches dancing naked around the rock formation. Now, from her position under the large, angled stone, she could see her seductively pirouetting as she passed. After another unknown naked woman danced by, Samantha saw a neighbor from just down the street before Miss Brown came back into her viewing field.

The music slowed as a male voice boomed out. The voice said, “Witches, it’s time for you all to partake in our ritual of faith.” Cheers and screams from the women echoed off the mountain.

The voice seemed to be coming from behind her. When she turned from her hiding spot, she could only see up to the waist when the group was on the lower end of the rocks. That is when she saw the seventh figure from this group, or is it called a coven? They, indeed, all are witches!

When the robe fell and pooled, it was at a man’s feet. Samantha could see his large penis hanging down between his hairy legs. She had never seen such a large, long one before. It certainly was much larger than the one Tommy had stuck in her. It was even larger soft than the men in the porn videos she had seen.

The neighbor lady, whatever her name was, dropped to her knees before the man and soon started bobbing her head. From a slight angle, Samantha could see that she had a large penis head in her mouth as it began to harden as the woman worked at it. One hand was rubbing the engorged cock as the other was working on his balls. The man sure seemed to like it as he groaned out with pleasure.

The scene before Samantha also affected her. She could feel her vagina moisten as she slipped a finger down between her legs to touch her sensitive nub. The thought of putting a man’s dick into her mouth now was turning her on. She wished that she could be doing such a decadent thing to his large manhood.

The neighbor lady pulled away from his wet cock, looked up at the man, and definingly said, “Master, please take me to be yours!”

The man’s hands reached down and pulled the woman onto the slab. From Samantha’s point of view, she could see the lady’s feet dangle over the edge. Stepping up on the step before the slab, he seemed to be pulling on his prolonged, mean-looking erection. A gasp and a moan compelled Samantha to move closer to see what was happening. She was almost positioned between the man’s legs as she looked up to see his sizeable length drive into the neighbor lady’s vagina. It must have felt great as she howled out in ecstasy as he pushed deep into her. 

The scene before the young woman enthralled her. Her fingers were furiously rubbing her sex as she watched the two copulate right before her eyes. There was no love in this situation either. Just before her now was hard-core fucking, just like the porn video she saw at the sleepover with her girlfriends. It was so strange to watch the man’s balls stretch as he rammed his long, hard rod into the whimpering woman. He began to yell out as he was thrusting hard and deep into the gasping older woman. His speed and the veracity of his assault on her pussy increased to the amazement of Samantha.

She watched in astonishment as the Master suddenly rammed his hard, veiny stalk into her as he clenched his ass. “Take my seed and become one with me!” he yelled out.

Samantha could see his balls contract as she knew he was shooting his sperm into the witch as her legs began to spasm. As the two continued to mutually orgasm, Samantha was jealous as she thought how that was sex, not the quick hit-and-run that Tommy gave her.

When the Master pulled his thick meat from the neighbor lady, Samantha could see a small stream of white cum trickling off the rock before her. There was an impulse that Samantha could not understand. She had to know, so she cupped her hand and caught the fluid dripping from the slab. Licking the viscous white cum, she felt a lift of arousal course through her veins.

Understanding they were climbing down from their union, Samantha slipped back into the shadows again. She once again could only see the others from the waist down. But what she saw was so interesting. His penis was covered in white cum, while the woman had a line of fluid running down the inside of her leg that was reflecting the firelight.

As the neighbor lady disappeared, into her view was the blonde-haired Miss Brown. She was quick to kneel before the Master as she greedily licked and sucked on his wet dick and balls. Samantha used her fingers rubbing her nub and now slipping down her slit as she wished that she could also clean his cock, tasting more of his magical cum.

“Master, please take me to be yours!” Miss Brown said. She, too, was lifted onto Witches Rock. Again, Samantha moved forward and enjoyed watching as they fucked just before her. Again, he screamed out the exact words as he once again inseminated another witch while he screamed, “Take my seed and become one with me!”

Once more, there was another trickle of white cum falling from the rock above her. Just like before, Samantha put her hand up, catching some of the white cum dripping from the slab. Licking the fluids again, she felt another warm surge through her body.

Samantha was stunned as she watched the same scene repeated for the next two women. But both times, she caught the semen mixed with the woman’s fluids and licked her hands clean to enjoy the high from the erotic thrill. 

But what she was worried about the most was that the next witch in line was her Stepmother. Was she going to cheat on Samantha’s father right before her eyes?

That is when she saw her Stepmom’s dark hair as she fell to her knees again, following the same ritual as the others. She, too, cleaned the Master’s cum covered cock, before she, too, was lifted to the rock. Samantha was unsure if she wanted to watch their rutting as she had the others but had an urge inside her that she could not stop.

As she watched his once again hard cock push into her new mom’s pussy, her fingers once again found their purpose. It was so wrong and so dirty but so hot. Samantha was furiously working two fingers into her vagina as she spied on her Stepmother’s adulterous fucking.

There were feelings that Samantha could not understand at that moment. Samantha wanted her new mother to get a good deep fucking, while she was mad at her for hurting Dad. How she wanted to taste her sex, how she wanted to be fucked by this Master!

She wanted it to stop, and she didn’t ever want this orgy to stop. As one hand was on her breast, pulling feverishly on a nipple, the other was trying to rub her clit and finger herself at the same time. Hearing the screams of joy from her Stepmother, Between the pot, the wild sex going around her, and the cum stimulation, Samantha’s body was rushing towards the unknown.

Master’s scream of, “Take my seed and become one with me!” was now joined by both her Stepmother’s and Samantha’s cries as orgasms tore through all three.

There was a look of horror on the other five women who had been continuing their naked witch’s dancing. They all stopped their lustful actions immediately as they understood that someone was under their sacred stone altar. They looked at one another, almost afraid to look under the stone slab.

As Samantha’s heavenly convulsions slowed, she reached out to cup the white cum dripping before her again. Without thought, she brought her hand to her mouth and licked the viscous fluids from the two above. Just like the others, she found it delicious; she wanted, no, she needed more. As her hand reached back to try to get more, she could feel her body again shuddering with delight.

“Under the rock, there she is!” Yelled out the clerk from the Bakery.

Samantha was unfazed as the women knew someone was hiding under their altar. She was more concerned that she could feel something inside her changing. But the craving for more of that white cum increased tremendously.

Sandy Brown squatted as she reached out to the young woman and assisted her standing before them.  Suddenly, Samantha heard a familiar voice call out from the far side of the rocks, “Sam?” It was her horrified Stepmother.

“Robes, ladies,” the Bakery clerk said.

They all quickly picked up the nearest robe to cover their nakedness.

“Mom, are you a witch? Are all of you witches?” Samantha asked as she looked around at the coven before her.

Quickly, the six women encircled the young woman. They were concerned as they attempted to understand what she had witnessed. When Samantha’s Stepmother, Aria, approached, Samantha was unsure if she wanted to hug her or push her away.

“Oh, my dear Sam. You have heard and seen things that will stay with you forever.” Aria said.

“You cheated on Dad!” Samantha yelled out.

“No, no, baby. I would never hurt your father, ever. He is fully aware of what is happening tonight and what has happened. We will all sit down and talk so you can understand what has transpired. There is so much for you to understand.” Aria said with compassion.

Samantha’s Stepmother gently cupped her face as their blue eyes met. “Now look at your mom. Look deeply into my eyes and see all my love for you. There is so much more to your and my relationship than you could comprehend.”

“You mean, like, you’re all witches!” Samantha said as tears filled her eyes.

 “Yes, my dear, we are all witches. We are not those in most folklore. We worship the Horned Male God and the Moon Goddess. We do not worship an evil entity, especially that ass Satan. You have witnessed tonight the spiritual mating of the Horned God with us, the followers of the Moon Goddess.” Her Stepmother Aria said soothingly.

“So, is he the Horned Male God?” Samantha asked as she pointed to the man in a robe and golden ram’s headdress.

Aria pointed to the man and said, “William, remove the ram’s head.”

As the man removed the golden ram’s head, Samantha recognized him. Oh my god, it was Billy’s father. When she said, “Mr. Sims?” He had a look of terror covering his face.

“Sam, please don’t tell Billy; it’s not his time yet,” Mr. Sims pleaded.

Aria spoke, “You know my Samantha?”

“Her and Billy have been best friends for as long as I can remember,” he said.

“Oh fuck, what a mess we have here. Now, let’s start at the beginning. Samantha, why were you here?” Aria asked.

Samantha went through the evening events. Her virginity loss, the shaking rock, Tommy running away, the torches, and then witnessing the sex. He blushed when she admitted to tasting the fantastic cum that had spilled from the rock table.

“Was Tommy a virgin too?” Miss Brown asked.

“I am not sure, but he didn’t seem to know what he was doing tonight,” Samantha replied.

Miss Brown looked at the other and said, “She may be the one foretold to us by the All-Seeing Mother.”

The other five witches were cackling away simultaneously as the excitement of the possibility of a new witch tore through the coven. Aria had to yell out, “Calm down, ladies!”

The one woman that had not been screwed by William the gold-headed Horned God spoke up and said, “I think we should finish with the ceremony!”

“Your just horny,” said the bakery clerk as the others laughed.

Sandy Brown spoke up and said, “Now we cast a spell on our Horned God, and you know how his sperm gives us extra powers, so I agree with her. Let’s finish it. Why don’t we have Samantha join us? She has completed part of the initiation ritual anyway.”

The one older woman that Samantha did not know spoke up, “So, she sacrificed her virginity on our altar and drank our juices combined with the sperm of our Horned God. There is only one she has not yet tasted her essence, so I agree we should let her dance with us. She will feel the changes soon anyway.”

Samantha was unsure of the older witch’s comment but eager to join the others in their ritual. Together, the women dropped their robes, and Samantha’s dress fell. From the side, she saw one of the women turn on a boom box, commencing…

Published 7 months ago

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