Breaking Big: Part Two

"An older woman’s young lover makes a huge impression."

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Part Two: Club Au Naturel

Nicole awoke late the next morning and sat with her coffee and croissant on her private deck overlong the secluded stretch of beach beyond, the aqua-coloured ocean lapping gently at the pristine shoreline. It was going to be another glorious day of blue sky, tropical heat, and uninterrupted sunshine.

As the reality of her plans for that day sank in, that she would be revealing her sixty-two-year-old figure, with all its imperfections, to a gorgeous teenager with a perfect eighteen-year-old body, the older woman felt a rush of self-conscious body insecurity. Her boobs and her behind were too big, her hips were too wide, and any male that young couldn’t help but be put off by evidence of cellulite and sag. What was she thinking??

Reaching for her mobile phone in a panic, bent upon cancelling, Nicole stopped and collected herself. Still gripping her mobile, it suddenly vibrated.

“Good morning, Nicole,” read the text from Julian. “Still buzzing from our kiss last night. I know we haven’t known each other for long, but it’s weird — I feel so close to you.”

The teenager’s texts invariably made her smile, and this most recent one was no exception.

“Meet me at eleven where the path to the Club Au Naturel area starts? I was going to wear a shirt and shorts.”

Nicole felt a little dry-mouthed and short of breath as she texted her response.

“Good morning, sweetheart. Sounds good. I’ll wear my pleated skirt and a blouse. See you in an hour.”

Nicole showered and applied a quick all-over base of sunscreen, toning down, but not completely foregoing, her make-up and lipstick. Before donning her violet-coloured bra and panties, she placed droplets of perfume into the cups of her bra and the front panel of her lacy thong panties. She slipped on a pink linen blouse before stepping into her short, high-waisted mauve miniskirt. A style of skirt not uncommon on tennis courts, the flowy, pleated material emphasized her narrow waist and drew attention – not that that was her goal – to the arc of her sensuously fecund derriere. Drawing up the zipper of her skirt, she appraised herself in her bathroom’s floor-length mirror. The skirt revealed a great deal of thicc, tanned thigh but showed off her shapely legs.

“No backing out now,” said Nicole, punctuating her statement with a soft sigh.

Later, the two waved and smiled at each other as Nicole approached along the path, beach bag in hand. Julian stood at the entrance to the Club Au Naturel area wearing the same combination of black shirt and shorts as when they’d met at the lounge that first night. ‘My goodness, he’s a good-looking young black man,’ she thought to herself.

As they made their way passed the entrance towards the nude beach, the pair began encountering nudists of various ages, all sizes, and shapes. The main areas were clothing-optional, but they would soon be faced with the policy enforcing mandatory nudity at the pools and beach. Perhaps owing to the situation, their conversation was more pedestrian than usual. They talked about the weather, the flowers, the overall tropical beauty of their surroundings, anything but the fact that they would soon be taking off their clothes in front of one another. As usual, Nicole thought she detected slightly judgy expressions on the faces of the resort guests they passed, though admittedly less so than in the Club Soleil area, and they are always accompanied by pleasant smiles and hellos. Nicole once again slipped her hand into Julian’s. Without looking at her, she felt him gently squeeze her hand.

At last, they happened upon the entrance to the beach. A young woman in the usual white uniform stood under the shade of a small booth. The pretty blonde attendant offered them both a bright-eyes smile, her gaze noticeably lingering a little longer on Julian. With Nicole’s reservation confirmed, the woman escorted them, passed couples reclining in the nude on their beach beds, to the covered bed at the end of a line of about ten. They were as luxurious as the ones at Club Soleil Beach, all appointed with semi-sheer white curtains on all sides that tied back. The attendant smiled, repeated the same message about ordering from the mobile app – drinks could be delivered to their beach bed – wished them a lovely day, and left.

While the beach beds were fully booked, perhaps due to the shade they afforded — though the beach was dotted with a few large beach umbrellas, also available to rent — the beach itself was sparsely populated that morning. In addition to the nude couples occupying the canopied beds, perhaps a dozen others walked along the beach holding hands, swimming in the ocean, sunbathing, or just relaxing beneath their umbrella.

The couple in the bed next to them, perhaps in their thirties, smiled and said hello.

Feeling rather nervous and jittery — and overhearing the woman in the next bed saying, “That’s some serious cradle-robbing” made matters worse — Nicole set down her beach bag, closed her eyes, and tried to relax.

“You okay?” asked Julian, a touch of concern in his voice.

“Uh huh,” replied Nicole with a nervous, blushing smile. “Just a bit nervous about revealing my much older, terribly flawed body to an incredibly sexy black teenager who looks like a male model.”  

Julian approached and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Please,” said Julian in a soothing, reassuring tone. “I’ve seen your body and it’s just so incredibly beautiful. Please don’t be self-conscious or nervous about that. All shapes and sizes here today, no judgment.”

“Thank you,” said Nicole, placing her hand on his. “You’re a very sweet young man.”

With that, the sixty-two-year-old and the eighteen-year-old kicked off their sandals.

Nicole began fumbling with the buttons of her blouse, choosing to fix her gaze on the beautiful tropical vista before her. Removing her top, and laying it across her beach bag, the older woman revealed her thick-strapped 34GG bra with its pretty embroidery and tiny bows. Unzipping her skirt, she shimmied it over her wide, matronly hips and off, catching it before it hit the white sand at her feet. Standing next to the beach bed in her bra and panties, Nicole observed Julian unbuttoning his shirt in her peripheral vision. Reaching back with trembling fingers, she unfastened the clasps of her bra, releasing her breasts. Capped with pink, saucer-size areolae, her breasts came to rest heavily atop her ribcage. Setting her skirt and bra on her bag, the silver-haired grandmother slipped off her thong panties, revealing her neatly trimmed thatch of dark public hair. Affecting as much of an air of nonchalance as she could muster, Nicole neatly folded her clothing and set them inside her bag.

Completely nude, and not quite knowing what to do with herself yet, Nicole first stood and, shielding her eyes from the sun, looked out at the ocean before her, turning to glance at the now bare-chested Julian as he unzipped his shorts. When the teenaged Adonis removed his last restraint, Nicole suppressed a gasp and quickly averted her eyes, lest she be caught staring inappropriately at what Julian had revealed. He stood on the far side of the canopied bed, casually folding his clothes, having revealed the largest penis Nicole had ever seen in her life. Circumcised and completely flaccid, it swung heavily between his strong thighs, some eight or nine inches in length, reaching halfway to his knee. The head was the size of a large plum, and the shaft, in a dormant state, looked thicker than her wrist. Non-plussed and feeling a little light-headed, the older matron briefly looked away before turning back and summoning all her resolve not to appear shocked, as much for his benefit – to avoid embarrassing him – as hers.

As intimidating as it was visually mesmerizing, the size of Julian’s penis truly took her breath away. Hardly an exaggeration, the revelation of its size recalled a time when, as a young girl taking dressage lessons, she had glimpsed for the first time her horse’s enormous, dark-skinned sex.

The last penis Nicole had seen in the flesh, not including those she’d already observed that day at Club Au Naturel, was her husband’s. In a similar state, it measured two or three slim inches, at best. Julian’s enormous black sex positively dwarfed Robert’s in comparison.

With the tropical sun enveloping her nude body, Nicole looked over once more at the couple occupying the bed nearest, noticing that they had indeed seen what she had seen. She caught their gazes, and the three of them exchanged pleasant smiles as if neither had seen anything worthy of note.

“Beautiful day,” said Nicole politely, not sure whether they spoke English.

“So nice,” replied the woman with an American accent.

Nicole tentatively climbed onto the bed, her huge breasts undulating and swaying heavily. Julian briefly walked out to the shore’s edge, before returning and taking a spot next to her. Laying on his side, propped up on one elbow, his huge, fat penis laying limp against his muscular thigh, Julian smiled at her before scanning the horizon.

“Feels rather nice,” he observed.

“It does, doesn’t it?” replied Nicole quietly.

Nicole sat upright, legs crossed, leaning back slightly, braced by her arms outstretched behind her, her breasts heaving slightly with her every movement. She felt a gentle breeze between her legs.

“Thank you for not making a big deal of it,” said Julian in a bashful tone.

“Pun intended?” replied Nicole with a mischievous grin. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I don’t mean to tease. I’ll admit, I was completely shocked. I’ve never seen a penis anywhere near that large before. You take a woman’s breath away, truly.”

“Most women run in the opposite direction when they see … me,” he added, his vulnerable tone tugging at Nicole’s heart. “Please understand, I’m not making any assumptions, but I’ve never had feelings for a woman like I have for you. But I’m just saying that most women get scared and, well, I usually end up hurting them, no matter how hard I try not to. The swim coach I mentioned … I … she couldn’t manage, not even a little.”

Nicole swiveled and lay facing Julian, closely, placing the tip of her index finger beneath the teenager’s chin and tilting his head to better lock eyes. When she spoke, her tone combined a mix of maternal and feminine tenderness.

“I’m not running away, sweetheart,” said Nicole in a soft, quiet voice. “You poor dear. I’m so sorry women have reacted that way. And your frustrations in the bedroom break my heart. A blessing and a curse, I suppose. But it’s not always about penetration, young man. There are lots of ways for couples to pleasure each other, and surely with time, foreplay, patience, and perhaps a serious amount of lube, couples can make it work. Sweetie, I’m going to be completely honest with you — I am so sexually attracted to you, and yes, the size of your penis is, well, very intimidating, even, well, a bit scary, but it’s also true that I adore you, trust you to be considerate, and am more than a little turned on by your size. There. I said it. Your penis scares me and turns me on all at the same time. That probably says something about my sexual psyche, but I leave that to another psychologist to determine. The good news is that, as women get older, they get to know their bodies better, and get to know what gives them pleasure, their limits, their fantasies, and their desires. Your penis is punishingly large – easily the biggest I’ve ever seen — but it’s also gorgeous, and incredibly powerful-looking.”

 With that, Nicole leaned in and kissed Julian, gently forcing his lips and teeth apart with her tongue. Once again, sparks flew.

“Careful,” said Julian with a smirk, “if we keep doing that, it’ll get bigger.”

“It gets bigger?” gasped Nicole, incredulous, prompting an affirmative, slightly reluctant nod from Julian. “How much bigger, sweetheart?”

“Quite a bit, actually,” admitted the teen reluctantly. “When I’m super hard, it’s almost twelve inches in length and about eight inches around, basically the circumference of a pop can.”

“Good god,” gasped Nicole, covering her mouth with her hand, her gaze shifting to the awe-inspiring horse cock between Julian’s thighs.

“I think we’d better change the subject,” said a noticeably concerned Julian. “Perhaps a walk along the beach?”

“Good idea,” said Nicole.

Believing it safe to leave her bag and their clothes where they were, Nicole and Julian slid off the bed and began ambling down the beach, holding hands. Together, they made a visually remarkable, hyper-sexualized vision as they walked – the white sixty-something and her voluptuous, hourglass figure, her plump, sensuous derriere and large breasts jiggling and heaving, paired with the black teenager with the male centerfold body and the enormous, equine-sized penis slapping heavily against his thigh.

 The two would-be lovers walked quite a stretch, occasionally taking a dip in the warm ocean, sometimes playfully splashing each other, other times stopping to kiss, Julian’s huge sex pressed against Nicole’s tummy.

 Reaching the edge of the Club Eros Beach, the couple came upon another large sign.

“Club Eros Nude Beach

Nudity Required, Sex Acts Permitted

No Cameras Allowed”

Again, they decided to turn around at that point and make their way back, eventually returning to their Club Au Naturel beach bed.

Julian had retreated beneath the canopy’s shade while Nicole had walked to the water’s edge to wash some sand from her hands. She had just returned when they were approached by a smiling couple, probably in their early forties. They were an attractive pair, the woman blonde and slim, with ample breasts, the man with black hair streaked with grey, both well bronzed from the sun.

“Hello there,” said the man cheerfully. The four of them exchanged greetings and smiles and started chatting amicably. As it turned out, they were both fellow Brits, from a place near Brighton. They had stayed at the resort numerous times and spoke of it in glowing terms.

“You make such a gorgeous couple,” gushed the woman. Nicole smiled. The woman’s positive comment was a welcome change from the vibe she had sensed previously.

“We’re staying at the Club Eros hotel,” said the man. “The rooms are just as lovely as at Club Soleil and Club Au Naturel. And you two?”

“Club Soleil,” replied Julian, who joined Nicole and the couple on the white sand next to their bed.  It was then that they properly introduced themselves.

“Lovely to meet you,” said the blonde, who had introduced herself as Lisa and who seemed rather charmed by Julian, casting a quick bit noticeable glance at the teenager’s huge flaccid penis.

“Have you ever been to the Club Eros section, or Desire, the area’s lifestyle club?” asked Lisa.

“We haven’t, no,” replied Nicole, a tinge of blush forming on her cheeks.

“Oh, you really should,” added the man, Gabriel. “A wonderful group of people meet at Desire, many of them regular visitors.”

Clearly swingers, Nicole might have been more than a little put-off or reluctant to engage in conversation, were it not for the fact that they seemed rather lovely and normal. The fact that they were so charming surprised the older woman, though she thought that was probably unfair.

“It’s a very relaxed, respectful atmosphere,” Lisa hastened to say. “Very sexy, but all consenting adults and no pressure. Very hygienic and safe. Just a really lovely celebration of sex. Lots like my husband, Gabriel, prefer mostly to watch, whereas I’m a little more adventurous.”

“The two of you would be a big hit,” said Gabriel., drawing polite smiles from Nicole and Julian.

The four continued to chat, mostly about the resort, the weather, and other island spots, before the conversation once again turned in another direction. When Lisa next spoke, her tone suggested she was hoping not to offend.

“The day after tomorrow is “MILF & GILF Night” at Desire. Mature ladies get free drinks and receive a welcome basket with all sorts of goodies — a sex toy, condoms, sexual lubricant, and some other fun things. It would be really lovely to see you both there.”

After the couple departed in the direction of Club Eros Beach, Nicole and Julian slid back onto the cushioned bed. This time, Julian lay on his back while Nicole sidled in close, softly tracing around his ear with the tip of her index finger, petting his shoulder, and gently stroking the skin around his hip.

“That feels nice,” said the black teen, briefly closing his eyes.

With her fingers mere inches from his groin, the older woman leaned in and whispered in Julian’s ear.

“May I touch it?” she asked, like some naughty young girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“Please do,” replied Julian.

Blushing and smiling, the mature, silver-haired beauty looked around, then reached down and attempted, unsuccessfully, to wrap her fingers around the entire circumference of Julian’s flaccid shaft.

“Oh my god,” she giggled nervously. “My fingers don’t reach all the way around.”

Gripping it, and lifting it at about the midway mark, the awe-struck older woman slowly, tentatively, drew her hand back and forth in a few tiny increments, marveling at its weight and the disparity in size between the teen’s flaccid penis and her delicate little quim.

“It’s so heavy and huge!” she girlishly whispered in his ear. “Please don’t be offended, but the term “horse cock” does come to mind.”

They kissed once more before Nicole snuggled herself in close against his side, her arm across his chest, her knee raised, fleshy thigh across his hips, her head nestled beneath his chin.

They lay quietly together for some time before, deciding that they’d had enough sun and beach for the day, got dressed, and began their journey back to the Club Soleil area.

After their trek, and reaching the door of her suite, the two stood facing each other, smiling at each other like high school sweethearts.

“I should go,” said Julian hesitantly, pressing his lips together.

Nicole reached out and linked her pinkie finger to his. 

“Please come inside, sweetheart. I want you to.”

“Are you sure?” asked Julian, his eyes sheepishly searching hers.

“Don’t make me beg,” said the woman, her sexual arousal spiking, her cheeks flush. “Because I will.”

“No need for that,” replied the older woman’s horse-hung, teenaged Casanova. “I’ve wanted this since the day I first saw you in the lounge.”

Again, like some horny teen girl fumbling with the keys to a house known to be absent of her parents, her teen boyfriend eagerly looking over her shoulder — or in this case like one horny teenage male and one ravenously horny woman old enough to be his grandmother — Nicole fumbled for her access card in her purse, her hands trembling.

Finding her card at last, she let the two of them into her suite and closed the door behind them. A chaotic frenzy of kisses, sighs, gropes, and frantic undressing quickly followed on the way to the bed.  Just as Nicole’s panties hit the floor, Julian unleashed his full, cervix-punishing erection from his overtaxed shorts. Steely hard, and jutting straight out, it angled slightly downward from the sheer weight of it. Just shy of a full twelve inches, framed by a small thatch of tightly coiled black pubic hair above the root, his colossal, dark-skinned cock was a sight to behold. Its dimensions were sufficient to prompt envy in a studding horse, and fear in the most intrepid of women, including, at that moment, Nicole.

Oh my god!” gasped the silver-haired matron, her lust suddenly tempered by genuine, nervous trepidation.

Undeterred, his teenage libido piqued in the extreme, Julian took Nicole by the hand and led her to the bed, intent upon introducing his pop-can-thick horse cock to her narrow feminine slit.

Trembling like a nervous schoolgirl, and despite her lust, the mature grandmother gazed apprehensively at her would-be lover’s rigid battering ram of a penis as it languorously bobbed up and down.

Julian gently lay Nicole on the bed, kissing her passionately before maneuvering his body over hers and parting her thighs. The huge head of his penis bobbed mere inches from her vulnerable pink sheath.

Looking down, she was struck by the obvious disparity in sizes, between her young lover’s aroused penis and her obviously outmatched pussy.

“I … I don’t think I can do this,” said a panicky Nicole, her voice quavering.

“Just relax,” said Julian as he knelt between her parted thighs, gripping his monstrous erection with both hands, pressing the tip against the slightly parted petals of Nicole’s labia. “It’s gonna be okay.”

When the huge head began to make its presence felt, forcing Nicole’s labial lips to dilate far more than they were accustomed to, she clenched her jaw and sucked in a quick breath through tightly clenched teeth, wincing.

“Please go slow, sweetheart, it’s so big.”

“Just try to relax,” repeated Julian, gently stroking her hair and kissing her hand.

Placing his large hands on either side of Nicole’s shoulders, the teenage Adonis’s butt tightened into concave as he applied slightly more force. Nicole’s feminine wetness had trickled down between the cleft of her plump bum, yet her young lover was still unable to gain a beachhead.

“God, you’re so tight,” grunted Julian in a low voice as he struggled to fit the head inside Nicole.

At last, after several minutes, the older woman’s labial lips accepted the bulbous head up to the ridge of the crown.

Despite her attempts to relax and remain stoic, the pain remained intense, and the older woman continued to grimace, wince, whimper, and grit her teeth, as her young black bull endeavoured to gain entry into her vice-tight honey pot.

“Please, sweetheart, you’re hurting me,” said Nicole weakly, instinctively placing her hand against Julian’s tight abdomen. “It’s far too big.”

They tried several positions but to no avail. It just wouldn’t fit. As Julian’s frustration mounted, Nicole’s anxiety about not being able to please him increased. It was a vicious circle, resulting in the mature woman tensing up even further.

Finally, after repeated attempts, the two lovers grudgingly accepted defeat. Julian rolled over on his back next to Nicole. The silver-haired matriarch sensed that this was an all-too-common occurrence for the young man and snuggled in close.

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” said Julian, drawing a forearm over his eyes.

“Please don’t be,” replied Nicole tenderly, adding, “You have the sexiest-looking penis I’ve ever seen, but it’s so huge.”

The two embraced, holding each other in silence until the older woman pressed her lips to the young man’s, doing her best to stroke Julian’s twelve, rapidly revivifying inches with one hand.

‘If I give you the words, will you say them?” asked Nicole with a bashful smirk on her lips. Julia looked at her with a quizzical expression. The voluptuous sixty-something placed her lips next to the young man’s ear and whispered, a smirk forming on Julian’s lips.

“Get on your knees and suck my huge black cock, so I can pump my seem down your delicate little throat,” commanded the teenager from the provided script.

With a shiver of carnal excitement coursing through her in reaction to the young man’s spoken words, Nicole slid down the bed, positioning herself at the foot of it, her knees on the plush carpet.

“Come, sweetheart,” said the older woman, lightly patting the area of the bed in front of her. Julian, his enormous erection once again primed for mating, the towering stalk swaying and bobbing, dutifully took his place at the end of the bed, thighs parted, feet planted on the carpet. Faced with such a daunting oral challenge, Nicole’s eyes widened perceptibly.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to get my lips around it, but I’ll try my best,” she declared.

Nicole purred and cooed as she took the punishingly large sex in both hands, looked into Julian’s eyes and, signaling a recognition of the formidable challenge before her, nervously pressed her teeth to her lower lip. Slowly, sensually, she began drawing the dark foreskin up and down, still mesmerized by the dimensions of it. Leaning in closer, she pressed her lips to the granite hard shaft, applying loving kisses up and down the length of it, before suckling the large clear droplet of salty pre-cum oozing from the tip. After taking a breath, the sixty-two-year-old woman attempted to envelope the massive head with her soft lips. Julian closed his eyes and arched his head back when Nicole’s lips stretched wide enough to welcome the entire head – again, to the ridge of the crown — into her warm, wet mouth. The head was so big, she had to be careful not to draw her teeth across it.

Watching Julian’s reaction from her knees, she suckled the huge head then spread her lips even wider, attempting more. With her lips stretched rather absurdly, her tongue trapped against the bottom of her mouth, causing her nostrils to flare, she managed another inch or so beyond the head until the tip began to approach the back of her throat. She willed herself to relax her throat and overcome the reflex to gag, often failing. Julian looked on in quiet admiration at Nicole’s willingness to repeatedly gag herself on his erection. There was something so wildly erotic in the image of a demure and elegant, silver-coiffed lady in her sixties, eagerly kneeling before a handsome teenager, her mouth overfed with his oversized cock.

With both hands now pumping the shaft in a steady rhythm, the curvaceous matron began sucking Julian’s giant cock in earnest. Julian gently ran his fingers through her silvery hair.

“Oh god, I love watching you suck my huge black dick,” groaned Julian.

Obscene churning sounds began to emanate from her mouth as an excess of saliva built up, and his size was such that she was rather helpless to do anything about it. Consequently, a sticky mixture of lipstick and spit began to seep from the vacuum seal of her lips, cascading down in long strings, landing atop her huge, heaving breasts or the carpeted floor at her knees. Nicole’s pace quickened, her head began to bob, and the head of Julian’s erection began bumping against the back of her throat. She moaned as she tried valiantly to accommodate more and more of him in her mouth. Despite her best efforts, she could only manage a small fraction of it. Still, her wanton enthusiasm continued to shock the young black teen. He’d never experienced a woman so eager to pleasure him orally. The site of a woman old enough to be his grandmother sucking his cock so hungrily left the young man in awed rapture.

She leaned forward again and felt the head once more press against the back of her throat. The combined actions of pumping and sucking were drawing Julian quickly towards orgasm. He groaned from the pleasure of it, now leaning back on his hands. Nicole began to fellate him with greater and greater vigour and passion, the ongoing sound of her saliva churning in her mouth so vulgar and lewd. As her efforts continued unabated, Julian’s large sac began to tighten.

I’m going to cum, Nicole,” dutifully warned the eighteen-year-old. Unable to speak, Nicole moaned her acquiescence. Another moment or two passed before a volcanic burst of warm cum jettisoned down her throat. She swallowed hard, and often, for several seconds in another desperate effort not to gag. The force and volume of Julian’s discharge caught Nicole off-guard. She closed her eyes and concentrated on weathering the storm. The sound of the sexy matriarch’s repeated gulps was audible. Despite her best efforts, gobs of white semen escaped her lips and trickled down over her chin.

Slightly breathless, Nicole released Julian’s spent monster from her grip, suckling her fingers after scooping streaks of his ejaculate from her mouth and chin. Smeared with lipstick and saliva, his satiated stalk hung fat and heavy over the end of the bed between his parted thighs.

“My goodness, that was a lot,” she gushed, “an absolute tummyful of semen.”

“Sorry about that,” replied Julian a little sheepishly.

“Don’t be, sweetheart!” she countered. “It was delicious, as are you.”

The pair eventually cuddled together beneath Nicole’s skylight, rarely speaking. The intimacy-starved older woman savoured the feeling of being held in her young lover’s strong arms, the emotional satisfaction derived from feeling protected, safe, and adored.

Still, despite her stellar oral performance, Nicole felt residual pangs of guilt, from not being able to handle Julian’s penis. She suspected it was yet another night in bed with a woman ending in frustration. Nicole sensed Julian withdraw.

“Can we talk about it?” asked Nicole quietly and tenderly, gently petting his chest.

“I should go,” he replied.

“Oh, please stay.”

The older woman decided not to press. Julian dressed as Nicole put on her bra and panties. Neither spoke. Eventually, they smiled at each other, and Julian kissed her sweetly on the lips, which gave Nicole a tiny bit of solace.

After a restless night, Nicole awoke the next morning, dressed casually in a tee top and a thong swimsuit bottom, and went for a long walk along Club Soleil Beach. Once again, the beach was deserted in the soft, early morning light. On her way back to her suite, she stopped off at the resort chemist, purchasing some sexual lubricant. Later, sitting in front of her laptop, sipping her first coffee of the day, with the glorious vista of white sand and turquoise water before her, the older woman engaged in a bit of online sleuthing, trying a few different search terms: “sex tips for women + accommodating a huge penis”, “my boyfriend’s penis is too big to fit”, “sex advice for older women + managing a younger man’s twelve-inch erection”, etc. The results yielded a plethora of helpful information and advice – information that gave the discouraged woman hope. For good measure, she added a couple more: “older women dating younger men” and “May December romances”.

Later in the day, after a dip in the pool in her daring thong bikini — the top barely up to the challenge of containing her large breasts — Nicole lay in her recliner and read her book, continually stopping to check her mobile for messages. It was past noon and her phone had been notably silent. Eventually swallowing her feminine pride, she texted Julian:

“Hope I’m not bothering you. Sorry, can’t stop thinking about a certain gorgeous black teenager that I’ve sort of fallen for. Cupid’s arrow and all that. Sorry, don’t mean to be a pest, just missing you, would love to see you again.”

Ten minutes passed with no response before Nicole sent another:

“Full confession, I didn’t sleep much last night. Felt so guilty. Hope you can forgive me.”

“Forgive you?” came Julian’s reply. “Why would you feel guilty? You’re so amazing. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about a certain beautiful and sexy white woman that I’ve sort of fallen for. I’m the guilty one. Feel terrible about last night.”

“Whatever for, sweetheart?” replied Nicole, heartened beyond measure by the sweetness of his words.

“For hurting you, in bed.”

“Oh, darling, please don’t feel guilty. I feel bad for being a disappointment. I’ve been married to a man with a very small penis for a very long time. I’m afraid my delicate little quim wasn’t quite ready yet for your gorgeous black anaconda. Please give me another chance.”

“You could never be a disappointment,” replied Julian.

“Can we please try again? Please? What’s your room number?”

With Julian’s room number and directions in hand, Nicole slipped on her sandals, wrapped her short sarong around her matronly hips, and headed off.

Approaching Julian’s suite, she checked her bag to make sure her bottle of Uberlube was there.

A smiling Julian, nude except for a towel wrapped around his waist, greeted Nicole at the door, and the two kissed. In a way, it felt like a make-up kiss, perhaps the most exquisite kind of kiss, typically presaging make-up sex – or in this case, attempted make-up sex — perhaps the best kind of sex.

The teenager’s room wasn’t quite as spacious as her own but was equally luxurious and chic looking.

When Julian excused himself to use the bathroom, Nicole sat down on the edge of the bed, her gaze drawn to the night table drawer that was slightly ajar. Her feminine curiosity getting the better of her, she tentatively pulled it open. Laying on top of an unopened box of Durex XXXL condoms, was an unfinished note written on resort stationery. Nicole picked it up and hurriedly began to read it.

“Dear Nicole,” it began. “I know you’re sixty-two and I’m eighteen, but does that matter when two people feel the way we feel about each other? I guess I’m assuming you feel the same about me as I feel about you. Maybe I’m dreaming. Probably. But as each day passes, I feel closer and closer to you.  Part of the reason I was so disappointed that we couldn’t have sex was because I knew sex would bring us even closer. I wanted to be inside you so bad, but all I did was hurt you …”

Nicole practically swooned in reaction to Julian’s cursive cris do coeur. Caught up in a swell of emotions, she was startled by the sound of Julian’s bathroom door opening. She quickly placed the note back where she’d found it and closed the drawer, but not before spotting a small handbill advertising Desire’s “MILF & GILF Night”.

Her young lover approached and began gently tracing her bronzed shoulders with his fingers, softly kissing her neck. Nicole closed her eyes and gasped when she felt Julian’s enormous, towel-clad sex brush against her tummy.

“I’ve done a little reading,” said Nicole, reacting to his soft kisses with a shiver of delight. “Advice for women dealing with a partner’s … sizeable charms.”

“Oh?” continued Julian without stopping, now gently drawing his teeth across her ear lobe, the sound of his soft breath in her ear.

“Uh huh,” sighed Nicole, eyes still closed, the black teenager’s full sensuous lips applying soft kisses to her shoulders. “Apparently, I need to be a little demanding.”

“Can’t wait,” whispered Julian, his large hands now roaming across her plump behind, Nicole’s heavy breasts pressed against his chest.

“Apparently … I’m to insist on lube, lots of it … on top works best, oddly enough anal can be the slightly lesser challenge, but that you need to … get me very … wet … with your tongue,” said the mature woman, punctuated by sighs, a crimson blush returning to her cheeks. “I’m from a generation of women that tend to feel a little guilty for asking, find it difficult not to feel a little selfish and …”

“Shhh,” said Julian softly, unfastening his lover’s overtaxed bikini top, releasing her bountiful breasts, and revealing her pink, saucer-size areolae, already puffy and swollen.

Casting her eyes downward, Nicole slipped her fingers inside Julian’s towel at the waist and gently tugged at the fold. The towel fell away, falling to the floor at his ankles. Rapidly expanding in size, the dimensions of the teenager’s formidable instrument of feminine pain and pleasure continued to inspire awe in the silver-haired vixen.

“Takes my breath away every time I see it,” gushed Nicole in a soft voice, the tenor of the older matriarch’s tone a mix of fear and lust. 

A quick, breathy sigh escaped Nicole’s lips when Julian’s thumb brushed across her swollen nipple. Without warning, the strapping black teen picked Nicole up in his arms, carried her to the expansive, king-size bed, and gently laid her down. Kneeling before her at the end of the bed, he raised her knees, reached under her behind on both sides and slipped off her tiny bikini bottoms, pressing the tiny garment to his nose before casting to the floor. Julian gently parted her legs and began applying soft kisses to the insides of her fleshy thighs, thighs already damp from an excess of feminine wetness.

“God, you’re so incredibly sexy,” gushed Julian, eyeing his delicate prize between her thighs.

Requiring no further direction or encouragement, the woman’s handsome, conspicuously young lover gently pressed his mouth to her warm labial lips, eliciting a quick intake of breath from Nicole. Extremely adept at pleasuring a woman with his lips, fingers, and tongue, much to the delight of his sixty-something bedmate, Julian’s oral ministrations soon prompted a tingling throughout her body, a delicious, anticipatory churning beginning to build deep within the recesses of her pelvis.

As Julian’s tongue began to circle and pass over his lover’s clitoris, with ever-increasing pressure and frequency, she began to swoon.

“Oh, darling, yes,” she groaned.

Placing her hand atop his head, she pressed his face more forcefully between her thighs.

“That’s it, sweetie … good boy … please don’t stop,” pleaded the older woman in her posh accent. “Oh, god, I love the way you lick my little pussy.”

Despite being so young, Julian’s oral talents were indeed beyond reproach. With the warm grinding and churning sensations soon approaching a crescendo in the depths of her belly, Nicole cried out, arching her back, eyelids tightly closed and mouth agape, gripping the top of his head with sweaty fingers, unconsciously digging her painted fingernails into his scalp. Wave after wave of a tsunami-like orgasm rippled through her body.

After her groans and contortions had abated, the two cuddled together once more, suckling each other’s tongues. Still kissing and biting each other’s lips, Nicole reached down with her hand and gripped the rock-hard monster that had no doubt caused more than a few women to walk awkwardly for several days. Once again, she didn’t know which to be more incredulous about — the incredible length or its formidable girth. The smooth skin was taut now, and it felt like a warm club. She knew it was soon to lay waste to her delicate nether region, and the nervous excitement made her tremble.

Nicole held Julian’s face in her hands and drew his eyes to hers.

“Let’s try again, sweetie,” she said softly. “I want you to put it inside me.”

Julian, though sexually primed as only a young man can be, still did his best to restrain his lustful eagerness. From the contents of his note, it was evident that he cared about Nicole very much. He was only too aware that his unusual size was ruinous to women’s pussies, and he did not relish the idea of causing the object of his newfound affections more pain.

“Are you sure?” he asked one last time.

“Fetch my beach bag, luv,” she whispered, her tone suddenly almost maternal. Instructing him to reach inside, the young black Adonis soon returned with the bottle of Uberlube.

“Don’t be stingy with it,” said Nicole. “Give that giant cock of yours a healthy coating.”

Julian dutifully applied a liberal amount of lube to his giant sex, working the slick liquid across the taut surface of his footlong shaft with both hands.

Nicole had Julian lay on his back, while she straddled his hips, positioning herself atop his groin and pressing his enormous weapon to her belly. Her eyes widened yet again when she looked down and observed that it extended well beyond her navel. From that perspective, the incongruity of something that large fitting inside her was all too apparent. The mature matron reached down and stroked it lovingly, once more marveling at its punitive dimensions.

“My god, I so want you inside me,” she gushed as if surprised by her courage. “I know I can’t handle all of you, but I desperately want to try to manage some. If we’re patient and take our time, I think it will,” she added. “But even if I cry out, please don’t be discouraged. I was so nervous and tense the first time. I’m afraid that I let the fear get the better of me and I panicked. Apparently, some pain is to be expected, at least initially, but we needn’t let that stop us.”

Straddling her young black lover, Nicole briefly placed his thumb inside her mouth, suckling it with raw passion. Then, taking his hands in hers, she spat several times into his palm. Julian worked her spit over the already glistening and well-lubricated shaft of his gigantic cock.

Nicole’s breathing became noticeably more pronounced in anticipation of what would doubtless be a difficult attempt at penetration. The older woman’s large breasts, hanging weightily atop her ribcage, rose and fell as she raised herself from her knees, gripped the massive stalk, and drew the tip across her narrow point of entry, slowly drawing the tip up and down between the petals of her moist flower, priming it for the onslaught to come.

“Slow and steady wins the race,” observed Nicole with a timid smirk. Still gripping the shaft, Nicole began to tentatively maneuver her hips up and down in tiny increments, attempting to push the head inside.

Not immune to signals or body language — being quite sensitive to them — Julian observed Nicole close her eyes and draw in a quick intake of breath, focusing on her breathing. After three of four unsuccessful attempts, Nicole managed to relax enough that the head finally disappeared between her stretched labia.

“My god, your gorgeous cock is huge,” she whimpered, no longer mindful of sounding like a proper lady. “We’ll go nice and slow, okay, luv? You could really hurt me.”

The older matron knew her young lover well enough to know that he was desperate not to inflict pain and would go out of his way not to be a brute. That said, aided by her feminine instinct, she sensed that her young black lover quietly enjoyed the rush of being able to overwhelm women, and that she was no exception — forty-four years older, a mother and a grandmother, Nicole felt light-headed and breathless in anticipation of his size.

Having successfully accommodated the head, Nicole began slowly applying more and more pelvic force to her probing and stretching. Her labial lips were soon stretched taut, dilated to the max by his pop can girth. Abetted by a copious amount of lubricant, her impulse to panic was in remission, and with gentle rocking, and slow, incremental gains, Julian’s battering ram slowly began to disappear inside her, stretching her vaginal canal to a degree not felt since giving birth to her children. With slow, incremental gains, she eventually managed to accommodate a respectable five or six inches.

“Oh My. God,” gasped Nicole, mouth agape, eyes rolling back in her head, her hands now firmly planted on Julian’s broad chest, “You feel like a bloody baseball bat!”

Nicole continued to whimper, wince, and pant, occasionally gritting her teeth, as she gained more and more ground. Each time progress was made, she would stop, catch her breath, and focus on her body, willing herself to relax. At one point, she tilted her head and peered between her parted thighs to observe the intensely erotic sight of her lover’s enormous erection slowly disappearing inside her. His young, dark-skinned physique was so tight and beautiful.

In truth, even at that moment, she still felt somewhat self-conscious about the fleshy deposits in her thighs, hips, and behind in comparison to his young, flawless body, but they were beyond that now. Lovers.

“Oh god,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “You’re so bloody deep.”

By about inch eight or nine, and sounding almost faint after what seemed to them like an eternity of slow, measured progress, Nicole felt the head bump against her cervix, causing her to wince and once more suck in air through clenched teeth. She had topped out with only about four or five inches to spare. Feeling more confident and elated that they might be able to make love properly, Julian became more verbally expressive. After allowing his mature lover time to adjust, and gripping her waist, he withdrew to the tip before burying his fat anaconda back inside her snatch in one full, nine-inch delivery. He knew just when to pull back to avoid hitting her cervix again, but Nicole still almost barked from the greater force of it.

“Feel that, my sexy goddess?” asked Julian. “Feel all that black inside cock inside your tight little pussy?”

“Oh god, yes,” groaned the overwhelmed older woman in response. “I’ve never … It’s so … You’re stretching my pussy so much, filling me. You’re making me feel like a young girl again.”

Julian’s penis was so thick that each time Nicole lowered her hips, squeezing her lover’s penis deep into her vaginal canal, her labia lips folded inward, almost disappearing, causing her clitoris to rub against the top ridge of his shaft. Conversely, each time she raised herself off it, she felt as though Julian’s sex might take her delicate insides with him.

Like a train leaving the station, the couple’s pace began to build momentum, Nicole’s up-and-down rhythm becoming faster and more forceful until she was practically bouncing atop his hips, her huge bust heaving and swaying. It was Julian’s turn to wince when Nicole’s manicured nails dug into his shoulders.

“Good girl,” he offered encouragingly. “Take that huge cock like a good girl.”

The pain came in waves, but this time, buoyed and exhilarated by their relative success, Nicole was determined not to surrender. With their lovemaking now reaching battering ram force, she bit her knuckle to avoid crying out and signaling that the pain was too great.

“Oh, god,” she whimpered, swallowing hard. “Oh, luv … you’re splitting me in two.”

Julian was grunting now, beads of sweat forming on his brow, grateful for the air-conditioned air around them.

“You’re as tight as a vice” he hissed.

Still, as their lovemaking continued unabated, Nicole began to reap the benefits of mind over body. Willing herself to relax and not panic, the pain slowly began to morph into pleasure, triggering an intense endorphin rush of primal pleasure. She was just beginning to be engulfed in the euphoria of it when Julian gripped Nicole’s wide hips, withdrew his giant pussy-tamer, and directed her to get on her hands and knees. With her vagina stretched and fixed into a temporary ‘O’, a byproduct of her lover’s punishing size, she obliged and braced herself by hugging one of Julian’s large pillows, like someone bracing themselves against impending hurricane-force winds.

Nicole closed her eyes as he re-inserted the head of his massive weapon between the lips of her now raw slit. She felt decidedly more vulnerable on her hands and knees, tightly gripping her pillow, her raised behind and tender pussy exposed and vulnerable to the inevitable assault. Her pussy now a temporarily primed and stretched canal, the teenager was soon pounding into his mature conquest’s outmatched quim with forceful and relentless thrusts. Her large breasts pressed into the pillow, Nicole could feel her Rubenesque derriere jiggle with the violence of his pounding.

“Oh, my gawd,” she panted. “That thing is … so … fucking … huge!”

With his hands tightly gripping her waist now, Julian began eagerly and passionately bucking into her with almost complete abandon, a first for him. It was then that Nicole was hit with the first of several teeth-jarring, vaginal and clitoral orgasms, the former a first for her. They came in waves, causing her feminine sheath to tighten and convulse, and making her dizzy with a euphoric cocktail of complete release and grinding pleasure.

“That’s it, luv!” she shrieked almost hoarsely. “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop! Fuck me! Fuck me with that giant cock! Oh, darling, you own my little pussy.”

He slipped his fingers into her mane of silver hair, gripping it tightly, and grunting; mercilessly assaulting her poor beleaguered maidenhead with force and extreme size.

“Your pussy feels so amazing, so tight, Nicole” moaned Julian, adding, his tone now sheepish, like a schoolboy asking for something he knows he shouldn’t, “I think I’m going to cum … can I … can I cum on your face?”

“Of course, darling,” cooed Nicole lovingly.

Julian suddenly withdrew his penis and stepped off the bed. Nicole, releasing her tight grip on her pillow, sat facing him on the edge of the bed, her hair disheveled, quietly watching him stroke his intimidating, twelve-inch monster.

“That’s it, sweetie, good boy,” said Nicole. “I want you to cum on my face.”

Vigorously pumping his long shaft with both hands, his sac tightening, Julian grunted a final, deep grunt, his butt and abdomen tightening, as fishing line stream after stream of hot white cum jettisoned from the tip, laying in streaks across the older matron’s face and breasts. Thick gobs of semen began dripping from her chin. Nicole wiped the remnants of Julian’s discharge from her face and breasts, sucking and swallowing the voluminous amount of ejaculate from her fingers.

“Mmm, you taste so yummy,” she purred.

Looking down to assess the damage, Nicole spread her thighs and touched herself, wincing and sucking in air through her teeth with a difficult smile.

“Such a good boy,” she beamed, the recipient of more orgasms than she could count. “Such an impossibly big boy. You may have ruined me for other men.”

With the teenager’s spent monster now swinging heavily between his thighs, the sixty-two-year-old reached out, grabbed his hand, and pulled him into bed with her. The pair of lovers rested in each other’s arms, cuddling closely, intimately, until their mutual lusts were once again revived. They made love twice more that afternoon, finally collapsing from sexual exhaustion and falling asleep in each other’s arms, a pair of loving spoons.

Published 7 months ago

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