Chapter 7
I awoke from a dream. It was both arousing and terrifying. I lay there trembling, soaked in sweat, my heart pounding and gasping for breath. I was trying to make sense of it, and I didn’t want to wake Ben, so I got up. I needed to clear my head and decided to shower. The soothing, warm water washed away the sweat and some of my anxiety. I remembered parts of the dream, but they were fragmented.
I finished showering and wrapped a towel around me. I was parched, so I got a glass of water from the kitchen and went onto the deck. The moon was full, and the light illuminated the night. There was a cool breeze blowing, carrying the scent of the ocean. It was comforting as I sat on a deck chair. Jack showed up along with Freya. A pat on the head and Jack lay beside me. Freya jumped up onto my lap and began to purr.
My thoughts returned to the dream. It was like an out-of-body experience. I watched from above as faceless men groped me. Their hands, tongues, and lips ravaged my body as I writhed beneath them. I don’t know how many; it didn’t matter as my body responded to the pleasure. Some of them stood and watched, masturbating their cocks. A cock pressed to my lips, and I took it hungrily deep in my throat. Another plunged deep in my pussy. I wailed as it stretched and filled me.
Then it changed. The men were no longer gentle and mauled my breast, squeezing and biting. The cock rammed deep within my pussy, mercilessly hitting my cervix, the pain intense. The men jeered and called me a worthless slut and whore. I watched as the huge cock withdrew. I was flipped onto my knees. I was horrified and knew the worst was yet to come.
Then it went dark. Next, I’m back in my body, fleeing down an endless dark hallway; maniacal laughs and obscenities assault my ears. Hands reaching out, grabbing at me as I ran. There was light coming from a door at the end of the hallway. As I ran to get there, the hands grabbed hold, pulling me back. I struggled against their grip, desperate to break free.
That was when I awoke.
I shuddered as I finished recalling the dream. No, it was not a dream but a nightmare. I reasoned that lingering guilt from the incident with the stranger at the lounge triggered it. I was bothered by the outright enthusiasm with which I took part in the beginning of what amounted to a gangbang. Did I have that desire? Oh lord, what debauchery dwelled within me.
I knew I was dealing with thoughts and feelings that were new to me. It occurred to me that we all have within us urges and desires that we repress. I realized that I needed to exercise control. I told myself it was just a dream and not to fret over it. At four a.m., I crawled back into bed and snuggled up to Ben.
I awoke to the sound of the shower and the smell of coffee. I donned my knee-length silk robe and savored a cup in the kitchen.
Ben entered, poured himself a cup, turned, and asked, “You feel like Moby Dicks for brunch?”
“Yes, Love, that would be great. While we’re out, do some shopping. I splurged on myself, and you could use a few things. I want you looking sharp for the party.”
The restaurant was on Stearns Wharf and offered a delicious weekend brunch. It overlooked the harbor and marina.
We left the restaurant and strolled around the wharf, visiting the shops. Ben bought a couple of men’s swim trunks at the Old Wharf Trading Co. We left the waterfront and drove to Tendrel’s and Whiskey and Leather. Ben let me pick his outfit for the party: black slacks, a light blue silk shirt, and black casual vans.
We made a final stop at a wine shop on State Street and bought a case of Au Bon Climat Pinot Noir and the Chardonnay. After we finished shopping, we headed home.
Ben took Jack for a walk while I showered and washed my hair. When finished, I blow-dried and brushed my hair. I stood nude in front of the mirror, examining my body. Though I had been lax with my workouts lately, I was pleased. Since the move, my access to the gym wasn’t as convenient, and that needed to change.
It was time to get ready for the party. I decided on one of the new sun dresses. It was a semi-sheer light yellow satin. The top v-cut exposed just a bit of cleavage, and the hem fell just below mid-thigh. Underneath, I wore a nude bra and panty set. Being a pool party, I decided against makeup or jewelry.
I laid out the bikinis, trying to decide which one to wear. They had a pool house, and I would change at the party.
They were far more revealing than I was initially comfortable with, but that was the old me. Neither were micro, but the blue one was close. The bottom wasn’t a thong, but the cut left little to the imagination. The yellow wasn’t far behind, but the bottom didn’t sit as high on my ass. Both tops were triangle cut. The panels adjust to show a little less or a lot, but both display my breasts most prominently. I gathered them both and stowed them in our beach bag.
Though anxious, I thought about how inhibited I was in college with my nerdy persona. I slowly broke out of my shell sexually with Ben in the privacy of our home, and now, I am no longer the demure wife. My God, I had sex with Ben in the back of a limo last night. I’d say I left that girl behind.
My reverie was broken when Ben walked in and exclaimed, “Oh lord, Beth, that dress—I love it. You’ll be the belle of the ball.”
“That’s so sweet of you to say. You really think so?”
“Honey, in my eyes, you’ll always be, but believe me, everyone else will as well. You’re simply stunning in that dress as you were in the one you wore last night. But it’s not the dresses; it’s the woman in front of me wearing them.”
“Oh, Ben, I love you!” I thought to myself. I don’t deserve such a wonderful, attentive man. I stepped forward, embraced, and kissed him deeply. He returned my kiss with ardor.
I broke the kiss and stepped back, “Ben, Love, I don’t mind being fashionably late, in fact, I prefer it, but you need to get ready. I look forward to seeing you in your new outfit.”
“It won’t take long, Honey.”
While he cleaned up and changed, I poured myself a glass of wine and waited on the deck to settle my nerves. Freya joined me, purring contentedly on my lap as I petted her lustrous, ebony black fur.
I thought about the evening ahead. This would be our first experience with a party other than work-related ones. As I was dressed so provocatively, I was both excited and apprehensive. I was comforted that Ben would be there to lean on.
Ben walked onto the deck, “I’m ready if you are.”
Freya jumped down as I rose and turned to greet him, “Oh my, Love, you look great.” With a hug and a kiss, I stepped forward and said, “Now, you handsome man, take your Belle to the ball.
Chapter 8
Arm in arm, we walked up the street to Dell and Tom’s. The street was lined with cars, and it appeared more people were attending than we thought. We knocked on the door, and when it opened, Dell greeted us.
“Beth, Ben, please come in. I’m glad you’re here!” She hugged and kissed my cheek and did the same to Ben. I noticed he was surprised by the affectionate greeting. I giggled and whispered, “It’s how they greet each other.”
Dell continued, “This party blew up on me like a balloon. I got carried away with the invitations. There’s food and drink outside on the patio. The pool is available, and you can change into your suits in the pool house and stow your bag. Tom is upstairs and will be down in a moment. Come with me. I’ll show the way.”
Dell was a vision wearing a sheer cover-up underneath a black bikini similar to the more revealing one I bought.
Hooking my arm, she took us through the house to the patio. I was in awe of their home’s opulence. Ben followed, but it wasn’t the house he was admiring.
We arrived at the patio. Dell had the event catered, and there was also an outdoor bar. People mingled, engaged in conversations, and enjoyed the pool.
The patio was made of native stone, with stone walkways leading to the pool and gardens. The tropical garden was filled with all manner of flora and landscaped beautifully. The pool was spectacular, with a waterfall at one end. The shape was irregular, and the edge was lined with native stone. It looked natural, like a large pond.
The hot tub was a smaller version and set further back. Fronds and other flora partially concealed it, providing privacy. A stone walkway led to it and branched off to the pool house.
Dell led us down to the pool house, showing us where to change and stow our bags. Aside from the changing area and showers, there was a fully equipped gym. A guest suite is also attached.
She turned and said, “I’ll leave you to change and meet you back at the Bar. Mi casa su casa.”
I laughed at Ben and could tell he was overwhelmed, and honestly, so was I.
“Well, Love, I know, like me, this is a bit much to absorb all at once. This place is amazing. We both feel out of our element. Let’s change and take a few minutes to gather ourselves.”
Ben replied, “You’re right, Honey. I’m a bit anxious, but a few drinks will help. Let’s relax, let loose, and have fun.”
I gave him a quick hug and kiss, “Sounds like a plan. I’m going to change.”
I entered one of the stalls. After noticing the one Dell wore, I thought what the hell and chose the blue one. I knew it was daring and was fine with that. I hoped Ben would be alright with it. I changed into it and, with a sheer white satin cover-up, was ready for the reveal.
Ben had his back to me when I left the stall. His lean, muscled body looked good in his trunks. I walked up and wrapped my arms around him. “I whispered, close your eyes and turn around.” I stepped back nervously as he turned, “OK, you can look.”
Ben opened his eyes, “My God!” he exclaimed as he stood there stunned.
I did a pirouette. “Ben, say something. I know this is daring. If it’s too much, tell me, and I’ll change.”
A gleam appeared in his eyes, and he responded to my plea. “0h lord no, Honey. You continue to amaze me. You’re ever so beautiful and sexy. I am a little conflicted as I know others will see and admire you. I realize I need to allow you the freedom to express yourself and trust your fidelity. I love you, Beth.”
I couldn’t have been happier with his response. The Love and trust he expressed meant so much. I embraced him and said, “Ben, I love you. I couldn’t ask for a better husband and lover.”
Our lips met, savoring our passion for one another. We broke the kiss, and Ben said, “Let’s join the party.”
More people arrived as we made our way to meet Tom and Dell at the Bar. The drinks helped settle our nerves. I hung on to Ben’s arm as we were introduced to a myriad of couples and singles.
Tom asked Ben to come with him. He wanted Ben to meet some friends and enjoy a special scotch Tom kept in the Den. I let go of Ben’s arm as they excused themselves. That left Dell and me at the Bar. I was on my second gin and tonic and felt relaxed.
A waiter appeared with a tray of appetizers and set it on the Bar, along with paper plates and napkins.
Dell said, “Try some there called Tapa’s. They’re a Spanish appetizer and quite delicious.”
I tried them, and they were. Fortified with food, drink, and good company, I enjoyed myself.
Dell’s phone rang. She looked and then said, “I got to take this, go ahead and mingle I’ll catch up with you.”
I had just finished my second gin and was feeling no pain. Soft jazz played over the speaker system, and a few couples danced. I stood at the Bar, watching the dancers.
I smiled and unintentionally locked eyes with a gentleman as he approached the Bar. I looked away, but it was too late; he took it as an invitation. He walked up and asked if I wanted to dance. I didn’t want to be rude and insult one of Tom and Dell’s guests, so I accepted.
He took my hand as he led me onto the dance floor and introduced himself, “I’m Liam, by the way, and thank you for accepting.”
“I’m Beth,” I replied, “It’s my pleasure.”
Liam was tall and good-looking, and I figured he was around my age, as most guests were. I remembered the incident from last night and kept an appropriate distance as we danced. His hands were on my hips, and mine were on his waist as we swayed to the music.
He asked, “So, how do you know Tom and Dell?”
“We’re neighbors; I’m here with my husband, Ben. He is with Tom, enjoying some special aged scotch. How about you?” I asked.
“I’m a photographer and own my studio. I do glamor shots mostly and some videos as well.”
At that point, another young man tapped him, and Liam politely stepped aside. He winked and said, “I’ll catch you on the rebound.”
As he stepped in, this guy looked me up and down. I didn’t like his demeanor. I excused myself and returned to the bar. Liam was there with a smirk.
“What’s so amusing?”
He chuckled and said, “I could tell you weren’t comfortable with that guy as you excused yourself so quickly. Here I had your drink refreshed.”
I took a gulp of the drink, “Thank you for the drink, and yes, I didn’t like how he eyed me.”
“Beth, don’t take offense, but you are stunning and sexy. That cover-up doesn’t hide what’s underneath, and that bikini, wow!”
I thought here we go. This guy was smooth. His remarks excited me, but I wouldn’t lead him on.
I took another gulp to settle my nerves, “I’m flattered you think so, and to be honest, dressed like this, my wares are on display, so I should expect that reaction. This, though, is for my husband. I don’t normally dress so scantily; this is the first time. I went shopping with Dell and was talked into buying this. Looking around, it is not as revealing as some of the other women are wearing.” I paused and took another gulp, “I’m sorry, excuse me for ranting.”
He laughed, “I like your spunk. You’re a feisty one. I find that very attractive.”
I knew he was making a play. He was a skilled seducer. I had finished the drink and was about to politely excuse myself when Dell returned.
“Why hello, Liam? I see you chatting up one of my guests. Sorry, Beth, I got hung up. Let’s find our husbands. Liam, if you’ll excuse us.”
Dell took my hand, and without a word, we left.
Dell spoke as we entered the house, “That one’s a player. You need to watch out for the likes of him.”
“I know, Dell; I had figured out his game. I was about to excuse myself when you arrived. Thank you for the timely appearance.”
Dell giggled, “We girls must look out for each other.”
We entered the den, and the men were enjoying themselves. Ben stood as I walked up. He was glassy-eyed and a bit shaky. He gave me a quick kiss and turned back to the men at the table, “Gentlemen, this is my wife, Beth.”
To my surprise, Ryan was there. He stepped forward and, with a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, said, “Well if isn’t the lovely Beth!”
I smiled, “Thank you. I see you’ve met my husband, Ben.”
“Yes, we have been enjoying good conversation and excellent scotch.”
Ben looked surprised and asked, “You know each other?”
“We met yesterday at lunch with Dell. I’m sorry, but with everything going on, I failed to mention it.”
He wobbled a bit, said, “Not a problem, Honey, ” and sat back down.
“Looks like you’ve been enjoying the scotch a little too much.”
“You’re right, Honey. I should have known to stop after the first couple of shots.”
Neither of us drank excessively, and it was apparent he was drunk.
Tom apologized, and Dell shot him an angry look, for he was also lit.
Dell said, “We have plenty of bedrooms upstairs. Why don’t you take Ben upstairs? They all have an en suite where he can freshen up.”
“Thank you, Dell. Come on, Ben.”
He stood and apologized as Dell led the way, and we got Ben to the room. Dell left me to attend to him. He went to the bathroom, did his business, and splashed his face.
I was sitting on the bed against the backboard when he returned.
“Lay down, Love,” I cradled his head in my lap as he lay down.
“I’m sorry, Honey. I hope you’re not angry with me. You know I don’t drink often, and I should have known better.”
I petted his head and replied, “I’m not mad, Ben. I overindulged a bit, as well. We’re both lightweights, and I understand.”
It shouldn’t have surprised me, but Ben fell asleep. I couldn’t be angry with him. We both didn’t overindulge often and so didn’t have a grasp of our limits.
I sat there for a while. I was parched and slipped off the bed as I rested Ben’s head on a pillow. Feeling restless, I drank water and decided it wouldn’t hurt to return to the party.
Chapter 9
I quietly shut the door behind me and returned to the patio. Tom was at the Bar, and I noticed he was drinking coffee. Dell and Ryan were dancing.
“How’s Ben?” he asked.
“Sleeping blissfully,” I said.
I was enjoying another gin, sipping, not gulping like I had earlier. Dell and Ryan returned.
Dell announced, “Tom and I are heading to the pool.”
Ryan offered his hand, “Would the lady do me the honor of the next dance?”
“I would be delighted,” I replied.
I clasped my hands around his neck, and his hands were on my hips as we danced.
“So, Ryan, tell me a little about you. Not the stuff you hear from the paparazzi. Is there a significant other?”
He smiled, “Yes, two significant others.” He chuckled, sensing my shock. “Two daughters, a four- and five-year-old.”
“And their mother? Oh god, forgive me, that’s none of my business.”
“It’s OK, It was in the news and tabloids.”
“I don’t pay any attention to those. I didn’t know.”
“I tried to shield my family from the glitz and glamor, but in the end, she succumbed to it. She had an affair and ran off to Paris with him. I haven’t seen her since. The divorce was handled in absentia by the attorneys. Tom’s firm represented me.”
“Oh my, Ryan, I feel for you and your daughters.”
“Thank you, Beth. They are the light of my life, and I’m considering retiring to devote my time to them. I’m rich, I don’t need any more money, and I’m not interested in any relationships at present. Once bitten, twice shy.”
Oh my, I felt drawn to this man. If it weren’t for Ben, I could easily fall for him. The allure was there, but I knew it was wrong. I couldn’t deny the stirring within that overwhelmed me. I leaned in and laid my head on his shoulder. His masculine scent was strong and stroked my desire.
If I was in another place in time, but I’m not, and I love my husband.
A voice brought me back to reality. I opened my eyes, and Liam stood there, asking Ryan to step in. Before backing away, I whispered to Ryan, “Dell warned me about him.”
Ryan didn’t hesitate and said, “The lady is taken.”
Liam replied, “Sorry to intrude.” He left with a scowl.
I looked towards the pool and thought a swim would be nice. I said, “I would like to join Dell and Tom at the pool. Would you care to tag along?”
“A swim sounds good; lead the way.”
Then I thought of Ben and said, “I need to check on Ben. Go ahead; I’ll join you in a bit.”
I headed up and entered the room. Ben was still asleep. I shook him gently, but he didn’t awaken. I sat for a while watching him and chastised myself for the thoughts I was struggling with. It sounds ridiculous, but I needed to know if I had it in me to cheat. It would be better to know now than after we start a family. I didn’t want to live with this doubt. It would be a test of my Love and fidelity. Would I pass the test and resist temptation? Yes, it was insane, but I had to know.
‘Note, Beth didn’t know Liam had spiked her drink earlier. He had refined his elixir to come on slowly. The effects are subtle at first, fueling libido and lowering inhibitions, then building to a crescendo. His planned seduction was spoiled by Dell’s timely appearance and then Ryan’s. But the drug had been administered, and the effects would last for hours.’
Chapter 7
I stopped by the bar, refreshed my drink, and headed to the pool. It was quite a warm evening, and I felt the heat. When I arrived, Ryan sat on a lounge with his back to me.
I sat my drink down on the table by his lounger. Without a word to him, I winked, slipped off the cover-up, and walked to the edge. The pool looked cool and inviting.
I felt giddy as I noticed a couple. The guy’s eyes were upon me, and the woman nudged him, annoyed. I giggled to myself and dove in.
The water felt wonderful and drew the heat from my body. I swam over to the waterfall and stood under it as the water cascaded down upon me. I turned and noticed an entry on the other side. I swam through the entry, which opened to a smaller pool area surrounded by ferns and other plants, which provided privacy.
“Well, hello Beth,” greeted Tom and Dell.
“Wow, this is incredible!” It took a minute as I looked around before I noticed Dell was topless, and they had been fooling around. Her large creamy white breast and hardened pink nipples were on display.
Embarrassed, I said, “Excuse me,” and turned to leave.
“Oh no!” Dell chuckled. Join us. I was letting the girls loose. We weren’t up to much. So you know, we’re straight if you were worried about us being swingers.”
“Sorry, I was just surprised.” Though to myself, I thought her breasts to be spectacular and her aroused nipples inviting.
I felt a warmth flow through me, and my body was sensitive to my touch. I felt my nipples hard and sensitive underneath the silk that barely covered my breasts. I ran my hands up and cupped my breast. I giggled, removed my top, and said, “I’ll free mine as well. This part of the pool was shallow. Standing, the water came chest high. My breast exposed, I waded over next to Dell. Tom didn’t react overtly, but he did look and smile.
Dell laughed, “That’s it girl and they’re perfection.”
At that point, Ryan appeared through the entry. He seemed non-plussed by Dell and me topless.
Tom said, “Dell, we must return to the house and check on our guest.”
Dell replied, “You’re right we’ve been absent for a while.” She put her top on, and they stood to leave. Dell turned, kissed my cheek and then Ryan’s, and said, “You two behave yourselves.”
I said, “I’ll be along shortly,” as they swam through the entry.
There I stood, facing Ryan topless. I felt a warmth flow through me, and my arousal was evident. My breasts swelled, and my engorged nipples flushed hot pink. This wasn’t me; something was wrong. I felt powerless to resist, and I lost all sense of self, suddenly driven by primal need.
I ran my hands over my body, which was hyper-sensitive to my touch. My pussy throbbed. I reached down, slid off my bottoms, and, seeking relief, fingered my clit and looked at Ryan.
Driven by need, I pleaded, “Ryan fuck me! I need your cock!” I stepped forward, ran my hand down his chest, and grabbed the waistband of his trunks. I yanked them down, freeing his cock.
I stood back and hopped onto the ledge of the pool, spread my legs, exposing my hot, soaked vagina, “Please!”
I looked at Ryan, but he was faceless, like the men in the dream. Suddenly, I was back fighting the hands that held me, pulling me back. A figure standing in the lit doorway at the end of the hall beckoned to me. Then everything went dark.
Chapter 10
I awoke to the familiar sounds of the ER. My mind was in a fog, and it dawned on me that I was the patient, not the nurse.
“Oh, good, you’re awake.” I recognized her voice; it was Mary.
I panicked and asked, “What happened, why am I here, where’s Ben, my husband?”
“Calm down, Beth, you’re OK. You were dosed with drugs. Blood has been drawn, and we should know what it is soon. We suspect MDMA and possibly something else as well.”
“Oh god, what happened?” I had a deep sense of foreboding.
“You came in hallucinating and in a highly aroused state. Upon initial examination, there was no sign of penetration, and an assault kit was not ordered. Per protocol, we have you on IV fluids awaiting the lab, and you’re hooked to the monitor. Dr. Samuel’s is the attending Physician.”
“Mary, I need to see my husband.”
“Your Husband and others are anxious to see you. We will be moving you to recovery, and they can visit. All the nurses are dying to ask how you know Ryan Locke.”
I had been moved to a private room. I struggled to remember what had happened and how I had ended up here. I needed to see Ben.
Dr. Samuel, I knew him well. I worked with him in the ER. He entered along with Mary.
“Philip,” I asked, “Am I OK?”
“Beth, you’ll be fine. I have the lab results. Along with the alcohol, they identified Meth and Scopolamine. Either one, as you’re aware, are not good, but combined, a more dangerous mix. That explains your hallucinations and hyperarousal. You will have some temporary memory loss as a result. Headache, nausea, and dizziness as well. We administered Physostigmine and will keep you here overnight, continue with the IV, and monitor your vitals. You’re family, the staff and I will take good care of you. I did prescribe a mild sedative so you can rest. I leave you in Mary’s care.”
“Thank you, Philip. Will you authorize visitors? I want to see my husband.”
“Will do. I’m about to meet with him to let him know our prognosis.”
Mary left to get Ben. What had I done? I knew it was terrible. I felt a heavy weight on my conscience. I was getting flashes of images, but they were brief.
Mary returned with Ben. I couldn’t help myself, and tears flowed from my eyes. “Oh, Ben, I’m so sorry.”
He rushed to my side and embraced me. I clung to him desperately as I sobbed into his chest. “I’m scared, can you forgive me?”
“Honey, what’s to forgive, you were drugged. You were under the influence and not yourself. I’m so sorry if I had been with you, not passed out drunk, none of this would have happened. I Love you, Beth, that hasn’t changed. We will get through this.”
I fought for control as my sobs subsided. “Ben, what do you know? How was I drugged, and God forbid, what did I do.?”
“OK, Beth. I’ll be brief because you need to rest. I awoke and noticed you were gone. I returned to the den, and finding no one there, I headed for the patio. Ben and Dell walked up and greeted me. I asked about you, and they said I would find you at the pool.
I was headed that way when Ryan appeared carrying you. You were limp in his arms. He yelled she’d been drugged. We need to get her to the hospital. I panicked initially and asked how, and he handed you over to me. You were barely conscious, muttering incoherently.
He said he didn’t know, but he knew the signs. He said he would run ahead and have a vehicle waiting for me out front. I carried you to the front, horrified, for I didn’t know what happened or whether this was a life-or-death situation.
Dell was there with her car, and we brought you here. Oh my God! Beth, I thought I might lose you. I was terrified.
Tears welled up in his eyes, he broke emotionally, and we clung to each other.
I knew I brought this on us, my infatuation with Ryan, and my conflicted thoughts. Before leaving the room, I remembered the foolish, no, stupid idea about testing my fidelity. I wondered if I was already under the influence, not knowing when or how it had been administered.
We had calmed down when Mary entered and asked if we were ready for our friends. They were anxious to see me. I nodded, and Ben said to send them in.
Dell, Tom, and Ryan entered. Ben released me and stood as Dell took his place and embraced me. We shed tears together.
Tom spoke up, “We know what happened. Ryan and I stayed behind to review the security footage. Fortunately, I have cameras all over the house and property. We observed that when you danced with Liam and the other guy stepped in, that snake ordered your drink and spiked it while you were distracted. The footage shows him clearly pouring a liquid from a vial in the drink and stirring it just before you returned.”
Hearing that brought on more tears as Dell did her best to comfort me.
Tom continued, “The good news is the Police have him in custody. They picked him up at his studio and it turns out the other guy who distracted you was with him. He will be charged as an accomplice. The use of Scopolamine means the maximum sentence when convicted.”
Ben replied angrily, “It’s better they got to him before I did.” Then he turned to Ryan. He reached out his hand, and Ryan responded. Ben pulled him in for a heartfelt man hug and said, “I can’t thank you enough for being there. You probably saved her life.”
Chapter 11
It had been a week since my release. Two detectives interviewed me. With the footage and evidence they gathered upon Liam’s arrest at his studio, I would not need to be in court.
Ben had been loving and supportive. Dell visits daily. I’ve been cleared to return to work and look forward to it.
I am still trying to remember some of what transpired that evening. I’m not sure I want to know, but it nags at me. It occurred to me that Ryan was there. He would know more and could help fill in the blanks, but I was hesitant to ask.
Dell dropped by that afternoon, and I asked her if she had spoken to Ryan about what happened. She said no, she hadn’t. I told her how it nagged at me and how it would help to know and provide closure. Her reaction was similar to mine.
“You sure you want to know. I can tell you that Ryan Is a good and honorable man. I will ask him and we can arrange a meeting.”
“I may owe him my life, and at the very least, I want to thank him and owe him an apology for my inappropriate behavior. I know Ben and him have become friends and have similar interests. They plan a dive off Santa Catalina Island. I don’t want any discomfort between us.”
Dell called later that evening and said we would meet Ryan for lunch tomorrow at noon at the El Paseo restaurant.
I told Ben about the meeting and hoped it would end my questions and provide closure.
Dell picked me up. We arrived, and Ryan greeted us with a hug and kiss. We were seated outdoors on the patio.
After an enjoyable lunch and light banter, we addressed the monkey in the room.
“So Beth, I’ll be brief and avoid the graphic details. You had been flirty and I knew you had a buzz going. I didn’t think much of it at first. I enjoyed our dance and conversation. I want to make this clear I had no designs on you, respecting your marriage. I got to know Ben and we hit it off. I don’t know if you noticed but I wasn’t drinking and rarely imbibe as Dell knows.”
I spoke up, “Ryan, I admit to having a schoolgirl crush, and in my right mind, I knew it for just that. I love Ben and had no desire to cheat on him. I now know that my inappropriate behavior was fueled by drugs. But I feel guilty and humiliated by my actions. I draw a blank after arriving at the pool. I need to know, I have flashes, but they’re vague. It’s unsettling and has affected my intimacy with Ben.”
At that point, Dell said, “I can say when you appeared through the entry at the pool, you looked flushed and giddy. We had all been drinking, so I attributed it to that. You did expose your breasts as mine were on display. It was all in good fun.”
I replied, “Now that you mentioned it, I remember. You said mine were perfection, and I also thought the same about yours.”
Ryan chuckled at our exchange and continued, “When I arrived you were both topless and Tom smirked seeing my surprise. That was when Tom and Dell excused themselves and before leaving, Dell, you told us to behave ourselves.”
As he retold the events, it started to come back to me. The images became clearer.
Ryan looked at me, “Beth this is where things went awry. I knew something was off your eyes were glazed, dilated and you were flushed. I had seen it before, this was more than an alcohol-induced high, you were drugged.”
It hit me like a hammer as my memory returned. “Oh, my lord!” I exclaimed, “Ryan, I’m so sorry! I was a wanton slut. Oh God! I exposed myself fully and asked, no pleaded, for you to take me!”
Ryan replied, “Then you started flailing your arms like you were fighting off something and muttering incoherently. Fearing overdose and the need for medical attention. I tried to take hold of you so I could get you to the house. You fought me flailing at me. Then you went limp.”
“I’m sorry I fought you. I had this awful nightmare a while back. It had returned, and that is when I totally lost it. I’m seeing it now. I believe the dream is from my subconscious, a warning.”
Ryan said, “I hope this helped answer your questions and you can put the incident behind you.”
“Yes, now that I know all that happened, I must make it up to Ben. He has been so supportive, and I know we need to talk. I thank you, Ryan, for being candid with me. You’re an honorable man, and I’m glad it was you who dealt with my foolishness. I hope we can be friends. Ben is excited about the dive you two plan.”
“Beth, it is already forgotten. It will be my pleasure to have you as a friend. Give Ben my regards. I have a meeting to attend so bid you both adieu.”
Dell dropped me back at the house. I thanked her for befriending me and that it meant so much that she was there for me.
I felt relieved like a heavy weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It was a lesson learned. My marriage to Ben would be my focus. I thought I had let him down, so I would do my best to be the loving wife he deserves. Tonight, I would surprise him with a romantic dinner and make sweet Love with my one and only.
Chapter 12
I needed to shop for dinner and decided to surprise Ben with a new sexy dress. I returned to the Whiskey and Leather boutique. I remembered the two other dresses I had tried on. One was a black jersey knit bodycon backless mini. It had a plunging neckline, and it was to be worn braless. The hem fell above mid-thigh. I thought at the time it was too revealing, but tonight, I wanted to be Ben’s wet dream. This was the dress I wanted. I paired it with four-inch ruby red stilettos.
I shaved and took a long lilac-scented bath. Sitting at the vanity, I went for dramatic makeup. I applied gold eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, and ruby-red lip gloss. I did my nails to match my lips. I accessorized with ruby earrings and a heart-shaped ruby pendant.
Wearing a red silk thong, I slipped into the dress and the stilettos. I appraised myself in the mirror. My eyes popped as I was sure Ben’s would. The dress clung to my curves. The plunging neckline, along with the ruby pendant, drew attention to my breasts and overly exposed cleavage.
Ben was soon to arrive, and dinner was nearly ready. I prepared braised lamb shanks, rosemary fingerling potatoes, and asparagus, with strawberries and crème for dessert.
The table on the deck was set, and the wine was chilling. I was anxious, for I wanted this evening to be beyond exceptional. Ben deserved nothing less than my best.
I had come to terms with what transpired and hoped we could put it behind us. I was ready to move on with a better understanding of myself and the changes within me. I was no longer conflicted; I knew my place on this journey was with Ben. With that, I had no doubt.
I was out on the deck when Ben arrived. I hadn’t heard him enter from there, and I was enjoying the view of the harbor.
“Honey I’m, whoa!” I turned, and he stood there, mouth agape, eyes wide. It was just the reaction I wanted.
He gathered himself as I was about to approach. “Oh lord, stay right there.” He had his phone out. “I’ve got to capture this.”
I posed for several shots, including bending over the deck’s rail with my back to him. I knew the hem would rise, allowing a glimpse of my ass.”
“Beth, you continue to amaze me. That dress, the makeup, my God! You’re a vision; Aphrodite in the flesh.”
I turned back to face him as he walked up and embraced me. We kissed passionately. I felt his arousal through his slacks as he held me close.
I giggled and backed away, “Down boy!” I said, “Ben we have the whole evening. Now go shower and I’ll finish dinner.”
I arranged the entrée, beef shanks, potatoes, and asparagus on a covered serving platter and brought it to the table. I chose the Pinot Noir to pair with the meal. The dessert was chilled in glasses and set out as well.
I was pouring the wine when Ben appeared. He looked sharp in black slacks and a white silk shirt.
“Well, hello, Love, you’re looking good!”
“Thank you, Honey. You’ve outdone yourself. This looks fabulous.”
We kissed, and he pulled my chair out for me. After I was seated, he sat across from me.
He raised his flute, “I propose a toast to us and a thank you to my beautiful wife for this romantic dinner.”
“Thank you, Love, to us!”
Dinner went wonderfully. We sat enjoying the wine. As the sun had set, it was twilight, and a gentle cool breeze blew in off the Pacific.
I reached across the table and grasped his hand. “Ben, thank you for being so supportive throughout this. You have given me the space to come to terms with the events, and I have. I hope we can put it behind us. I know now more than ever how much you mean to me. I Love you, and if you have any doubts, I swear my fidelity to you.”
“Beth, I never doubted your Love or fidelity. I was aware of your infatuation with Ryan. It was obvious, but I chalked it up to a celebrity crush. I know that with the change in our lifestyle, we both had to adjust to a new norm for us. I embrace that and the changes it has brought about in us. It has awakened a new sense of who we are. It affects our thoughts and desires. I Love you, Beth, and yes, I can put it behind us.”
I stood, slipped the straps off my shoulders, and wiggled out of the dress. I walked to his side of the table, clad only in the red thong and stilettos. I stood before him, my breasts swollen, nipples hard, and flushed with arousal.
I grasped his hand and pulled him to his feet. I could see the lust in his eyes as I embraced him. I kissed him deeply as I reached down and grasped his erection through his slacks. I said, “Bring this with you, lover!” I turned and sashayed with a bit of extra wiggle to the bedroom.
I sat on the bed, anxiously awaiting his arrival. Ben entered and removed his shirt, pants, and boxers. My juices flowed, soaking my thong at the sight of his magnificent erection.
I ran my tongue over my lips and crooked a finger, beckoning him near. I grasped his cock and licked a dollop of creamy white sweetness that glistened off the tip. I was rewarded with a guttural moan.
I stood, kissed his sweet lips, spun him around, and gently pushed him onto the bed. “Lay back, my Love. Tonight, allow me to pleasure you.”
I leaned down and kissed my way up a thigh and then the other while my hands ran up his abs and chest. His ripped, muscled body shuddered as I worshiped it with my mouth and hands. His cock was fully erect, the ridges and veins pronounced as blood pumped through it.
With my head between his thighs, I lifted his balls and gently sucked each. He groaned and uttered, “Oh, God, Beth!” as I ran my tongue up the underside of his scrotum and along the length of his shaft.
I kissed the engorged purple crown and savored more of his creamy pre-cum. With my lips wrapped around the head, I swirled my tongue around the sensitive underside. Ben moaned, and I felt him quiver as I slithered my tongue and hungrily took him in my mouth.
I backed off, took a deep breath, lowered back down on his cock, and swallowed, taking him into my throat.
“Oh, fuck yes!” he yelled as he reached down and grasped my head. This is what I wanted. I owed it to him to be the best wife and lover I could be. At that moment, as he thrust deep and I bobbed and sucked him with such enthusiasm, I would hold nothing back.
“OH, God!” He yelled as he tensed.
I backed off enough to savor the taste as he erupted into my mouth. I looked up, showing my mouth full of his seed, and swallowed. I slipped off the thong and said, “That’s just round one. I’m not finished with you yet.”
“Alright, you had your fun, and that was incredible. Now, I want to return the favor. No argument, I insist.”
We were on our sides, facing each other. Ben leaned in and kissed me lovingly, his lips tender and supple. He pushed me gently onto my back, lay alongside me, and kissed a path down my neck and chest. His lips and tongue titillated my senses.
I was breathing heavily as my breasts rose and fell with hurried breath. My nipples were erect, and my body quivered in anticipation.
My eyes were closed as he swirled his tongue around the areola. He brought his lips to a nipple, sucked and nibbled one and then the other. I moaned as the sensations increased my arousal, and a warmth flowed through me. My clit throbbed and juices flowed.
He continued his path with lips and tongue down my body, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. He reached down, ran a hand up my inner thigh, and felt my wetness.
“My lord, you’re soaked. I can feel the heat emanating from you.”
“I raised my hips invitingly, “Yes, Lover, feel how hot and wet I am.”
Ben repositioned himself with his head between my thighs. He looked up, “I must say your hot pink lips so wet with arousal look inviting. I can’t resist and must taste your sweet juices.”
He lowered his head, and his tongue slid up my labia, parting my lips as he hungrily lapped my nectar. I shook with the pleasure that coursed through me. He continued licking the length of my slit before thrusting inside, probing my inner depths.
My clit throbbed and begged for attention. Ben pulled back, took a deep breath, and smiled at me. He then lowered his head and, with his tongue, drew my clit out into his mouth.
“Yes, that’s it, Lover!” I shouted.
He sucked and swirled his tongue around the sensitive nub with an occasional nibble mixed in. I moaned, and my body shuddered with the sensations he elicited.
He inserted a finger, then two, and teased me with gentle thrusts as he continued his assault on my clit. The pleasure was intense as he responded to my cries; his tongue and fingers worked their magic. I grasped his head and pulled him in as he expertly brought me to the edge.
“Oh, fuck yes! My God!” I yelled out as the waves hit. My release was intense as I flooded his eager mouth with my nectar.
Ben lay alongside spooning me. He gently caressed me, running a hand up and down the length of my body.
I lay there quivering in the afterglow, wrapped in my lover’s arms, wondering why I would forsake this remarkable man. What a fool I would be. Those foolish, conflicting thoughts that entered my head and created doubt in myself were put to rest. I love Ben with all my soul, and there is no question about his Love and desire for me.
“Ben, Love, that was amazing.” I giggled and turned to face him. I reached down and felt his erection, “That was round two, and from the feel of this, you’re ready for round three.”
I pushed him onto his back, “This rodeo got off to a great start. It’s time for the bronc riding event are you up for it?” I mounted him and grasped his cock, “Oh my! It appears you are!”
I rose and lowered myself onto his cock. His girth stretched and filled me. Fully impaled, I leaned back and yelled, “Yee-haw!”
He was taken aback at first by my reference but quickly got into the spirit of the moment, smiled, and said, “Ride-em Cowgirl!”
I slid up and down his cock and rotated side to side as I rode him. Like a bucking bronc, he thrust up into me. Oh, what a ride it was. He reached up, squeezed my breasts, and tweaked my nipples. Unlike rodeo, this wasn’t a timed event. I was insatiable, and with Ben’s stamina, we fucked with reckless abandon. A fire burned within me, and the need was strong. My vagina gripped his cock. The nerves were stimulated, and the sensations were spectacular.
The pressure built, and I felt my release imminent. I wanted to hold off, so I leaned forward, slowing the pace. Fully impaled, I stopped. My lips brushed his, “Oh my, you feel so good buried deep within me, Love.” I nibbled his neck, marking him.
Ben groaned, “My God, Honey, I love how your tight pussy grips my cock. It feels incredible.”
“Why thank you, Love.” I kissed him deeply, and he returned my kiss passionately. I leaned back, “Now, my Love, are you ready for round four?”
I rolled off him onto my knees, reached back, gripped my cheeks, and pulled them apart. I looked back at him, “Take possession of this hot wet pussy and fuck me!”
With a guttural moan and fire in his eyes, he exclaimed, “Oh god, yes!”
Ben positioned himself and, without hesitation, lined up his cock. He grabbed my hips and thrust hard and deep, driving me forward.
“That’s it, you own this pussy, it’s now and forever yours, Love. Don’t hold back!”
Like a feral animal, he fucked me, and I responded like a bitch in heat. It was carnal and brought out the slut in me.
I gripped the headboard of the bed as he pounded me with such ferocity. I loved it and wanted to be overpowered as I yielded my pussy to his relentless fucking.
Words I never thought I would utter came so easily as I thrashed wildly. I delighted in my wantonness. When Ben grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I squealed and yelled out, “Oh, so good! Fuck me harder you animal! I’m your slut, make me your filthy whore!”
Ben growled, “You’re mine, slut!”
He slammed in and out of me, hitting my cervix, the pain overcome by the pleasure. I reached back and rubbed my throbbing clit. I was lost in the heat of our coupling as the pressure built within. I furiously rubbed my clit as my release neared, and I was on the precipice.
Ben tensed and froze. Fully Impaled, my vagina spasmed and gripped his throbbing phallus. He let out a howl as he released his seed. I felt each pulse as his cum erupted within.
That sent me over the edge. I shuddered, and my eyes rolled back as the waves hit, and my orgasm exploded within me. The pleasure was intense and left me quivering in the throes.
We were both covered in sweat, sated, and exhausted. Ben got up to fetch us some water. I admired his body as he headed to the kitchen.
Upon his return with two bottled waters, we drank, slacking our thirst. We decided to shower together and took turns washing each other. Refreshed, we sat out on the deck and enjoyed the evening.
I thought about our sex, and there was something I needed to say, “Ben, Love, I want to be clear about something. First, I love you and promise to be faithful to our vows of fidelity. Second, It’s important to me that you know when we’re having sex you bring out the slut in me. But she only appears during our private time together. I love our sex and what’s said is in the heat of passion. As we explore our newfound sexuality, I am yours and will give myself freely to you.
“Beth, never doubt my Love or fidelity for you. I have to admit we get pretty wild of late when making Love. In fact, again I got lost in the moment and got carried away with the hair pulling. But our sex has never been more fulfilling. In public, I agree we present ourselves as a reserved loving couple. In private we let our hair down. I do like your new wardrobe and encourage you to feel free to dress attractively. It’s good for your affirmation as a woman and self-esteem. Plus to be honest I like it.”
“Oh, Love, it means so much to have your trust and give me the freedom to express myself. To address the hair pulling and the rough sex. I’m not ashamed to say I love it. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy making sweet gentle Love but when the mood takes us I’m game. I’ll let you know if it becomes too much. I enjoy it when you take charge and I’ll give as good as I get.”
I cleaned up from our dinner and fed Freya. Ben took Jack for a walk, and when they returned, I had his food out for him. It had been a long day, so I went to bed to read a bit, waiting for Ben to join me.
I was suddenly back in that awful hallway. The figure beckoned to me as the hands held me back. I struggled mightily and broke their grip. I ran towards my salvation. As I neared the doorway the figure became clear. It was Ben!
I awoke with a start, shaking. Ben cradled me in his arms. “Honey, wake up, you, OK?”
I wept, but they were tears of joy. I finally understood the dream. It was a subconscious warning, a reminder of the choices we make, good or bad. I had been tempted, and the consequences were dire. I made my choice and was wrapped in his loving arms.
The end.
Beth had made her choice. She made Ben and their relationship paramount. They remain good friends with Tom, Dell, and Ryan, who left acting and has devoted himself to raising his daughters.