Emma’s Naughty Professor

"The cosmos always has a way of fulfilling your every desire."

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A few weeks after Emma’s grandfather returned to Japan, Eli, his protégé, approached her at the supermarket.

He was also the man she’d stumbled upon in her grandfather’s office, fucking her mother’s mouth.

Eli was old enough to be her father, yet that did not stop her pussy from aching whenever he passed by.

“You know, Miss Everglade, being bent over like that in public is not conventional manners. Didn’t your mother ever teach you that?”

But no matter how much Emma tries to have a meaningful discussion with him, he constantly says something foolish to irritate her.

“No, she didn’t,” Emma hissed and moved on to the next aisle.

“Are you still upset over that grade, Everglade?” he inquired from behind her.

“Can you please stop following me? And if you consider me to be so shallow, Mr. Scott? Then you do not know me at all,” Emma remarked, reaching for a tub of her favorite ice cream. Which was on the highest shelf and out of her reach.

“Sure, darlin’. If you say so.” Eli put the rum and raisin ice cream in her cart and went away with a smirk.

“Damn him,” she grumbled.

By the time Emma left the store with her groceries, night had fallen over the town. When she had finished loading the last of her 10 bags into the trunk, she noticed a car’s headlight flicker and had a moment of terror.

A few minutes later, a figure emerged, and she slammed the trunk, then sprinted for the door.

“Hello, darlin’,” Eli said with a smile.

“What in the hell! Why won’t this man leave me alone?”

Her damned keys chose that time to slip out of her shaky grasp. Dammit! Her ass was once again in the air as she reached for the keys.

“Mmm, Emma, I am starting to wonder whether you are doing it on purpose now,” he joked as he ate from a bag of small carrots.

“Don’t you have someone else to bother, Mr Scott?” she questioned, eventually opening the vehicle door.

“Yes, but you’re prettier than them,” he admitted while chomping.

“Isn’t that sexist?”

“Wasn’t that a presumptuous question, Miss Everglade? And before you go all wet for me, I was referring to my dojo sparring buddies. They could go a couple of rounds without me.”

“You are quite rude!” Emma muttered and wrinkled up her face.

When she entered the car, Eli leaned against the door with a smug grin and said, “You know, Emma, I watched you play with your pussy on the day I fucked your mother’s mouth. Did I make you cum?”

“That was five years ago; get over yourself. Move!”

Before Eli turned away, he reached into his pocket, drew out a black card, and said, “Whenever you decide that you’re tired of using your fingers, call this number,” before slipping the card inside her sun visor.

Emma rolled her eyes and said, “Like that would ever happen!” before driving away.


Despite her best efforts, Eli’s offer stayed in her mind for weeks.

“Damn this man! I can’t even masturbate in peace!”

Late one night, after she had rejected yet another one of her ex’s calls, Emma gave up the battle and called Eli, but as she listened to the dial, she lost her nerve and hung up.

“Ughhh, what the fuck are you doing, Em? That guy is trouble!” she moaned into her pillow and closed her eyes.

Her phone rang just as she got comfortable, and she let out a tiny squeak, “Dammit!”

She waited a few rings before answering the phone.

“What are you doing right now?” Eli’s raspy voice asked.

Emma’s eyes widened, and she sprung out of bed. “I was sleeping,” she muttered.

“Liar. Send me your location,” he ordered calmly.

“Why should I do that? You were married, last I heard. Do you not respect your wife?”

“I do, as does she. However, we are in an open relationship.

“Now, who is lying?”

“Darlin’, why did you call?”

“I have no idea. I just- I just,” she mumbled, her voice becoming weaker and softer.

“Send me your location, Emma,” he said before hanging up the phone.


Halfway across town, Eli smiled at his wife and said, “I will see you when I come home.”

“Go easy on her, Elijah,” Elizabeth advised her excited husband, kissing him as she departed the house. She also had a rendezvous. When Eli got out of the shower, his phone vibrated, and he opened the message.

She had shared her location.


Emma walked about the house, nervously biting her bottom lip, trying to get rid of the knot in her throat.

“Oh God, this was a mistake!” she said and wrung her hands. But it was too late to turn back. Her phone rang.

“Hello?” she replied and dashed to the curtain to see outside. He had arrived already!

“Come outside.”


“I’m parked in your driveway. Also, do not change your outfit. Let me see you as you are,” he said before hanging up.

Emma glanced at her attire and groaned. “Shit!”

In her panicked state, Emma hadn’t thought to change. She couldn’t go outside like this!

“Fuck it,” she mumbled before opening her front door. The first thing she noticed was a black Dodge Challenger. Wow, this will keep Mrs Andrew’s gossip table busy for weeks.

Eli rolled the window down as she walked down the stairs, and Emma inquired, “Do you want to park in the garage?”

“No. Here’s fine. Get in,” he said, rolling up the window.

“What are you doing, girl?” she whispered and tightened the sash. She glanced at Mrs. Andrew’s home to those farther down the street before she entered his truck.

“Hello,” he said, smiling at her.

“H-hi,” Emma replied, playing with the colorful ribbon of her robe. He smelled delicious. He looked fantastic, too.

“Why are you so anxious?”

“I-I think this was a mistake,” Emma said before opening the door.

Eli caressed her shoulder and questioned, “Why did you call me?”

“I don’t know. This was a mistake, and I apologize for wasting your time. If you give me a moment, I will retrieve my purse and pay your gas bill.”

“Why did you call me Emma?” he repeated, looking at her.

Her lips shook as she bit down till there was blood. “I tried for weeks after that night to get you out of my head, but I couldn’t. I went home and used my vibrator after thinking about how your dick would feel in my pussy. But it didn’t satisfy me. Nothing does.”

“Close the door,” he whispered.

She did so with dread, sitting with her hands between her knees and closing her eyes.

“Straddle me,” he muttered, taking off the seatbelt.

“W-What? We are outside, and the neighbors will see us. I can’t.”

“Don’t think, Emma. Just do.”

She whimpered into her hands before gathering her courage and doing what he requested. His body was quite heated, and he had already developed an erection.

“See, that was not so hard, was it?”

“I suppose not.”

“May I?” he inquired before opening her robe.

“Yes,” she said, closing her eyes.

“You are nude!” he whispered, his gaze moving over her body.

“When I called you, I was already in bed.”

“You were? Just the thought of you thinking of me as you lay in bed turns me on,” he groaned and thrust on her.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned, latching onto the door.

“Do you like that?” he inquired, cupping her breasts.

His soft touch sparked her body. “Mmm. Oh, God,” she gasped and pressed her body against him. “Fuck!” she hissed into his ear.

“Touch me,” he breathed, and she reached into his pants and squeezed his hard manhood.

“Mmmm. Fuck!” he murmured as his breathing quickened.

“Your groans are sexy as fuck, Professor,” she whispered into his ear as she massaged his rod.

Eli’s long fingers sank into her pussy and moved in and out of her quivering body.

“That is it, sweetheart; cum for me. Say my name and cum for me!” He whispered and licked her ear.

“Eli,” she cried repeatedly, her release bursting through his fingers.

“Yes, baby. That’s it. Cum for me!”

“Eli. Ah, Eli!” she chanted as she rode them.

Emma laid her head on his shoulder, trying to calm her racing heart. “Oh my God, Eli. I desperately want to ride your dick. I want to feel your cum in me. Please, fill me up,” she implored.

“As the lady requests. Lift your body, honey,” and he immediately slipped his pants down, revealing his stallion’s dick and she recoiled.

It did not feel that huge in his jeans!

“What the fuck!” Emma yelled and tried to climb into the passenger seat, but he grinned and kept her in place. “I won’t be able to take it, Eli!”

“Just relax,” he said.

“Relax? Have you seen this?”

“You will not know unless you try, Emma. Now, hold onto something,” he encouraged.

Emma let out a gasp as Eli rubbed his dick along her hot pussy.

“Mmm, fuck!”

“That is just what I intend to do, darling.”

Inch by inch, his enormous girth separated her labia and pressed into her little hole.

“Ahhh, fuck, baby,” he muttered, feeling Emma’s pussy throb around his dick. “Jesus! Why did we wait so long to do this, Emma?! You feel fantastic!”

She didn’t realize when her pussy had swallowed his length. All she knew was that she was about to cum and they’d just begun.

“Pound my pussy, Eli. Fuckkkk!” she murmured into his ear.

“Are you sure?”

“Pleasssseee, big daddy, fuck my pussy.”

“Jesus, Emma!” He cried out and yanked her slight frame upon his dick over and over, but harder each time.

Emma’s body electrified as his dick explored places she didn’t even know could be touched, and she thrashed her hips to meet him. “Yess, that’s it. Oh, God!”

Lost in her desire, Emma didn’t realize when Eli slipped not one finger, but two in her ass and thrust in and out.

With her hands on his chest, she rode both his fingers and dick, panting faster and harder.

“Ughhh, fuck, Eli. Right there, right fucking there, I’m cumming.”

“That’s it, baby. Let me feel your pussy grip my dick.”

“Ugghh, that feels so good. Don’t stop. You feel so good. Right there, right there. Oh, shitttt,” she chanted as he slammed into her. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, oh fuck. Fuck my pussy, big daddy. Fuck me!”

“You are magnificent. Don’t stop. Ride your way through your orgasm. Fuck, yes. Cum for me, ugghh, fuckkkk,” he shouted as he thrusted and pushed her waist back and forth on the dick she thought she couldn’t handle.

Then he pulled his fingers from her ass and wrapped them around her throat while sucking her nipples.

“F-fuck!” she grunted and clenched her pussy.

“Oh God, Emma. I love that. Don’t stop, darlin’!” He wrapped his arms around her body and flipped her. When the truck’s horn sounded off, they paid no attention.

“Open your legs. Open them wide, and take what the fuck I’m going to give to you,” he ordered.

She chuckled and said, “Yes, Professor.”

With her legs on either side of his car roof, he got up on his hunches and thrust into her pussy with force. “You like that? Huh?”

Emma’s brows furrowed together, and her eyes rolled back. His name was at the tip of her tongue, but instead, she screamed as a gush of liquid exploded between them.

“That’s it, baby. Take -every -drop -and -you’ll -love- it,” Eli stated as he stamped his fat dick in her, ready to cum.

Emma knew the minute he wanted to. His body froze, and his mouth opened just enough to allow him to inhale softly.

“Ugghh, Em. Shittt, I am cumming,” he groaned, eyes closed. She grasped his ass cheeks and drew him in, feeling the muscles tighten beneath her small hands.

“That’s it, Professor. Give me every last drop of your cum. Fill me up!”

Eli shuddered and convulsed as her pussy milked him.

He gasped and moaned, recovering his breath before slowly slipping off her body.

“Are you alright, Professor?” Emma asked as she reached over and caressed his hair.

He turned his head and said, “Honestly, it was not what I expected. You astonished me. Come here,” he told her.

“What exactly were you expecting?” Emma inquired when she straddled him.

“To be honest, vanilla sex. You are not who you appear to be, my darling! Which is good. Lift your head.

“What is it?” she asked, scrunching her face.

“Wow! Your exquisite skin bears several bite marks. My fingertips have also left an impression on your neck. You may want to wear something to hide those for the next several days!”

“Oh? Mmm,” Emma groaned when she slid down his dick once more. “Argghh,” she hissed.

He lifted her a few inches over his dick and pounded. “Clench your pussy for me, darlin’. Yessss.”

“Mmmmm,” she groaned and rode her lover. “I want more. Give me more, Eli.”

“Do you know what you are asking for?”

“Show me what you got.”

“Oh, Em, you have no clue what I will do to you?”

She opened her eyes and inquired, “Was that a challenge, Professor?”

“Take me inside and find out.”

Published 7 months ago

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