The Guitar Man – Part 2

"Susan goes to Bob's home for a guitar and flute duet, and much more."

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Friday evening came and Bob was onstage playing his repertoire at the club where Susan met him. He knew she would be there, and scanned the audience when his set started, quickly finding her sitting alone with a drink at a small table close to the stage. He smiled and nodded to Susan, who acknowledged him by blowing a kiss. Since the club was rather casual, she did not wear her little black dress and nice shoes that she would in a date situation, but dressed in a thin blouse and short skirt, again skipping her bra. She thought about passing on the panties too, but the skirt might accidentally reveal that to the world, so she wore a black pair.

Bob sang his last song of his last one-hour set, and smiled and nodded toward the dressing room to Susan before heading backstage. When he left, she also headed backstage for his dressing room, where she arrived just after he did. She knocked, and he came and opened the door. Seeing her, he leaned toward her and kissed her on the cheek, then took her by the arm, guided her into the room and closed the door. There, he kissed her on the lips, sensually, which gave her a spark of arousal.

“It’s so good to see you again, Susan,” he said.

“And I’ve looked forward to seeing you all week, Bob.”

“Me too, to see you. Say, did you eat already?”

“Yes, but I could always eat something if you need to get some food.”

“Naw, I’m good. I just wondered if you had dinner.”

“Yep. I’m all set.”

“Well, then let’s head out. Oh, you do still want to come over and fool around, right?”

“Absolutely! I’ve dreamed about you and what we did last time, and I’m more than ready.”

“That’s great. You can follow me, so you’ll have your car with you, okay?”

“Let’s go!”

At that they left the dressing room, headed to the parking lot, and left. Bob drove a little more slowly than he usually would, to be sure Susan could easily follow. She hung close as they navigated several turns to get to a nice-looking neighborhood off a main road, where he turned in. A few more blocks and they had arrived. They both parked in the driveway.

After opening the front door and entering, Bob led Susan to the living room, where he stopped her, wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. Loving his “seize the moment” attitude, she kissed him back, and he pulled her with him to the sofa, where they settled down without breaking the kiss.

Bob slipped his tongue between her lips and found her tongue, which started some dueling tongue fun that let their passions grow. After a long and deep kiss with mutual intensity, which got Susan’s motor running, Bob stopped and withdrew.

“Oh, sweetie, your beauty made me forget to be a good host. Can I offer you a drink?”

“No, I’m fine. I had a couple of drinks at the club, so I’m good for now. I could use the restroom, though.”

“Just down the hall on the right.”

Susan left, but returned after a few minutes.

Well, if you’re ready, why don’t I take you to my room and we’ll see what you’ve got on under those clothes.”

“Lead away, Guitar Man!”

So Bob led Susan upstairs to his bedroom. On entering, he again kissed her. She loved that he was kissing her, showing a little dominance, and returned the kiss with a bit of passion. Bob guided Susan to the bed, where he broke away for a second to pull the covers off, yielding fresh sheets all ready for them. Then he went to the sliding door to the balcony and opened the door a little.

“I want to play a tune for you to start, and maybe make it a duet of guitar and flute, like we did last week, but I left my guitar downstairs. I’ll just go get it and be right back.”

Bob left the room, and Susan looked around. Not a lot was lying out, and no clues as to his intentions for the evening. But then she heard a guitar strum, and then another, and realized the sound was coming from the sliding door that was partly open, from outside. She walked to the door, heard another strum, and went out on the balcony.

Down below on the grass was Bob, standing there with his guitar hanging across his chest.

“Ah, my sweet Susan, please allow me to serenade you with a song,” he called up to her.

“I’d love that, honey!” she spoke from above. This was a small fantasy she’d had, that Bob would do just what he was about to do.

And so he began to serenade her with a song she didn’t recognize. The chords and melody were beautiful and grabbed her attention, and emotion. It seemed to be a love song with lyrics about a girl, a beautiful lass whom he longed for, and he sang of all the things he wanted to do with her, some of which were not exactly PG. She loved it as she listened intently!

When Bob finished, he spoke.

“My sweet Susan, please say the word so that I might come up, to hold and cherish you on this romantic evening.”

Susan was thrilled by the song, aroused by its beauty and lyrics, and now humored by his request.

“My handsome Guitar Man, please come up to hold and cherish me,” she softly called back to him.

So Bob left the yard and headed to the back door, and soon he was in the bedroom again, guitar over his shoulder. Except this time, behind the guitar, he had nothing on!

“I thought I’d save you some time taking the flute out of its case for our duet, if you’re ready,” he said.

“Always ready!” she replied, laughing at his sense of humor.

So Bob started strumming a tune Susan soon recognized from his performances, while she got on her knees in front of him. The carpet made for a soft landing, which was nice since her knees were bare when she wore a skirt. She assessed that his penis wasn’t quite ready yet, but she knew all the tricks to take care of that, and got started. Taking his dick in her left hand, she circled it with her fingers and pulled on it, while she used her right hand to cup his balls and start massaging them. After a minute of pulling and pushing on his penis, during which Bob jerked a few times from the feel of her hands on his member (but didn’t miss a beat of his song), it firmed up nicely, assisted by the ball play.

Now Susan could start playing his skin flute in earnest and put her mouth over his penis’ head, enveloping it in her warmth. She used her tongue to explore it, swirling around its head and yielding several strong jerks from Bob, who did miss a word or two this time. She started to move her head to cycle in and out, opening her mouth slightly to take in more of him, then clamping her lips down on his rod and sucking as she pulled away, while she ran her tongue over his length, probing the nooks and crannies of his penis.

Bob played on, but was now swaying to Susan’s movements, his arousal growing fast. He had sped the song up a bit, and was jerking every now and then as she hit sensitive spots along his manhood. Soon, Susan had taken his entire length into her mouth, still cycling in and out and now driving Bob crazy! It wasn’t long before he spasmed and jerked repeatedly as he came in her mouth, and with her skill, she avoided gagging on his warm, slithery, and salty spew. After a minute, he was spent, all his semen vacated into her, and his song finished with a few unavoidable mistakes. Susan swallowed what she had extracted from him, and then used her tongue to lick him off. Bob stood there naked and watched her, just as amazed as he was last week when she had blown him. Soon, she was done and smiled up at him, her face one of loving care.

“Wow, that was great, Susan, just like last week!”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“Oh, I more than liked it, I loved it! You give the best blow job by far, Susan!”

“Well, Thank You!”

“No, Thank You! And now I want to return the favor,” he said while he took his guitar off and set the instrument aside. “Let’s get you up.”

He took her hand and helped Susan get up off the carpet, and she rubbed her knees for a moment, then stood tall, facing Bob. He grabbed her arms just below her shoulders, pulled her to him, and kissed her passionately. Their lips fought to take each other’s by force, while his tongue forged an opening, probing for a mate. They found each other’s tongue quickly and began their dance.

As they were kissing, Bob removed his hands from her arms and ran them to the front of her blouse, where he unbuttoned her slowly. Breaking from their kiss, and with her help to get her arms out, he pulled the blouse off her. Her lovely breasts were revealed, perky mounds needing his attention, with nipples that were hard before he even caressed them.

He moved behind her and reached around to her front to cup her tits, one in each hand, and massaged them gently but firmly while he began kissing her neck. Susan loved his lips on her neck and his hands on her chest, and pushed her breasts forward to absorb all his hands had to offer as he squeezed her mounds and pushed them around a bit. Then he took her nipples between his forefinger and thumb and rolled them, as she reacted with sighs of pleasure at the royal treatment her breasts were receiving.

Bob pinched and twisted her nipples, to her great enjoyment, before breaking to move back to her front to take her tits and nipples into his mouth. He kissed them and sucked on them with his lips, but his tongue was the real instrument of pleasure now, swirling and flicking her nipples, alternating between her breasts. He sucked and bit them lightly, pulling on them with his lips and teeth, and sometimes sucking most of each petite breast into his mouth. Susan got wet giving Bob a blow job, but she was getting downright sopping now that her breasts were the recipient of his full attention. Susan put her hands on his shoulders to brace herself and yielded to the intense delight of his mouth play.

Bob continued to suckle and play with her breasts and nipples while he reached behind her to find the zipper that was the key to removing her skirt. He found it and unzipped it, then pulled her skirt down until it passed her hips and fell to the floor, thanks to gravity. Bob broke from her tits to admire the view of her black panties, glistening with her juices and contrasting with her creamy thighs, before returning to finish with her breasts.

Susan loved the titty play, but Bob had opened up a whole new area of interest that needed his attention. He ceased at her breasts, stood straight, and put his hand on her crotch, covering her muff and pressing against her pubic bone with the palm of his hand, while he placed his left hand on her rear and held her firmly. The resulting pressure on her pubic bone was suddenly intense, and most arousing. Then he curled a finger up and down over her wet panties while keeping the palm pressure on, which yielded a more intense feel on her pussy than the finger alone would have. She moaned with pleasure.

After a minute spent caressing her slit and exciting Susan further, he stopped and hooked his thumbs on the waist of her panties and pulled them down until they also fell to the floor, landing on top of her skirt. With Susan now standing naked, he grasped her upper arms and guided her to the end of the bed, where he forced her backward until she went over, holding her for a gentle landing on her back. Then he helped position her, so she was lying in the middle of the bed, her head toward the headboard and feet at the bottom. When she was settled, he spoke.

“With one less sense in play, the pleasures to come will be accentuated, and you’ll love it,” Bob announced. “So I’m going to blindfold you for a little while.”

Susan thought accentuated pleasures sounded like a good thing, so she waited quietly while Bob produced a blindfold and placed it over her eyes, then set its elastic bands behind her head. With her vision gone, she immediately noticed her other senses become more acute. She felt the cool air on her wet pussy, and her erect nipples felt more sensitive. Bob was right, this would increase the pleasures to come.

“The other thing you are going to lose is the ability to move freely. Being blind and secured may make you feel helpless, but that’s the idea. Don’t worry, you can trust me, and you will be rewarded greatly.”

This one was a surprise, and the idea of feeling helpless as Bob did whatever he was about to do sparked an instant arousal in her pussy. Susan wanted to feel that arousal grow, so she did not object when Bob moved her arms toward the top corners and fixed a soft lash on each wrist, or when he moved her legs toward the bottom corners and placed a soft lash on each ankle. She could not see how she looked, but she knew she was spread eagle on the bed, naked, and the lashes would keep her in place as Bob pleasured her. Being blindfolded and basically helpless was exciting, just as he said it would be.

With Susan secured, Bob moved to her lips and blew on them, causing her to know his face was near hers. Then he kissed her, drawing a small gasp. Next, he blew on her skin as he moved his head slowly from her face down her chest to her breasts. Unable to see, her skin was alive with the feel of his breath on her, his soft blowing telling her where he was headed. He put his lips on each of her nipples, in turn sucking them into his mouth, setting his teeth on them lightly, and flicking his tongue across them. Not seeing, but feeling helplessly restrained, made it so much more exciting than the same nipple play earlier, arousing her to the point that she wiggled about as much as she could, and nearly came.

After several more minutes at her breasts, with Susan now squirming in the delight of his nipple play and beginning to leak pussy juices onto the sheets, Bob removed his mouth and blew on her skin as he moved down across her abdomen to her crotch. She was amazed at how she felt every nuance of his breath on her skin, and how much it excited her.

Bob blew on her pussy lips, which felt cool on her wet snatch. He stopped blowing as he put his mouth on her lips and opened them with his tongue. The extreme sensitivity to what he was doing continued as he probed her pussy with his tongue, exploring every fold and crevice before reaching her clitoris; it was overwhelming. She could feel every subtlety of his tongue’s movement, at least doubling her pleasure as he flicked it back and forth over her clit. Susan was squirming and gasping at the intense feelings Bob was delivering, unlike anything she could remember, and her juices were beginning to flow uncontrollably.

To add to her unbelievable arousal, Bob now inserted two fingers into her vagina, and Susan shrieked from the all-consuming thrill it gave her. He knew she was going to climax at any moment, but didn’t want to deny her anything, so he finger-fucked her while he continued to work her clit with his tongue.

Susan was beside herself, every nerve more alive than ever with her vision gone and movement restrained. She was leaking profusely now and could not stand anymore as she exploded in orgasm, jerking to the limits of the restraints, bucking and squirming with all the energy she had. Bob kept inflicting pleasure on her pussy and she kept cumming, soaking the sheets. Finally, after minutes of a non-stop orgasm, jerking, squirming, and screaming, she was totally spent and collapsed. Bob stopped his play, moved to her head and kissed her.

While Susan lay on the bed, exhausted, Bob removed the lashes and blindfold.

“Welcome back, pretty woman!”

“Oh My God! What was that?”

“That was the power of your sexual arousal when it’s accentuated by losing your vision and much of your movement, leaving you helpless to its might. You handled it well and I’m glad that you were rewarded with a tremendous orgasm!”

“I’ll say!”

Susan rested a few more minutes, and when she was recovered, Bob helped her up and they both got dressed, Susan skipping the wet and cold panties. They headed downstairs.

“Thank you for your company, and your talent, you sweet girl,” Bob exclaimed.

“Oh, I should be thanking you for the blindfolded and restrained sex. It was fantastic.”

“Well, any time you want more, just call me. Here’s my card.”

“I may just do that,” Susan said as she put his card and her panties in her purse and got her car keys out.

And so they ended their evening of pleasure as Bob saw Susan to the front door, kissed her good night and watched her drive away.

<< The End ?? >>

Published 7 months ago

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