Goblin Quest pt 1

"A goblin has her eye on a stalwart knight"

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“Why did my order have to establish such a blanket mandate?” brooded the confused paladin as he re-adjusted the shield on his back.

“I told you why,” rebuked a coarse female voice. “You pillars of justice, righteousness, and other fancy-sounding words were failing poorly at your vows of abstinence.”

“I’ve never done anything to damage the reputation of the knights.”

“Maybe not you personally, but your compatriots have – or maybe I should say cumpatriots,” she snickered.

The paladin looked down at the unusual ‘cargo’ he was carrying. “A momentary lapse in duty. Surely, with more discipline, they could have maintained their vows.”

A pair of amber eyes leered up at him. “Keeping a lid over the kettle all the time will just make it boil over. Sometimes you have to stir the pot,” she countered.

“Better to just not fill the pot.”

“Everyone gets hungry, even you.”

He sighed. “I’ll admit I have felt the urges, but I’m still unsure about this as a solution.” 

“You may have reservations about it, my chivalric friend, but our chieftains were thunderstruck when your leaders came to us asking if we wanted to participate in a joint venture. 

“Us goblins eked out a fairly dismal existence on the border of your country, so we were obviously suspicious. I mean, wouldn’t you be if some fancy-dressed human came to your crude little village on the edge of the swamp asking if we would be interested in joining your fancy-schmancy organization?”

“Yet your village agreed even though you would be…”

“Stress relief companions? I believe that’s how your commander put it. He even asked all politely, no less.”

“Sounds like the commander. He’s known for having a strong respect toward other races, as long as they show it in kind.”

“Well, his sincerity and deference won us over in the end. For me, it was a dream – a chance to leave home and see the world. It even came with all sorts of perks. I get to eat three tasty meals a day, protection from danger, companionship, and the occasional warm bath,”  she accounted as she ticked off the reasons on her fingers.

“Though, I wish they didn’t have to rush us through our initiation. It all happened so fast: a day to get settled and familiar with your outpost, two days to get us outfitted and geared up, and an hour for our debut.

“Did you enjoy our introduction, my clanky companion? Twenty of us strutting out onto the outdoor stage in the courtyard in our new yellow and white tunics. You probably couldn’t see it because it was quite small, but it had a small emblem sewn into the sleeve of a flower dripping with honey to denote our newly-commissioned honeypot status. 

“Everyone was so excited, well, except you. Even the female paladins seemed intrigued by the male goblins on their side of the plaza. Still can’t believe your commander let us choose our partners!”

“This collaboration wouldn’t have worked if the two people being partnered up weren’t at least amicable. Which makes me still wonder – why did you choose me over all the others? I don’t have any seniority, I’m the least skilled, and I don’t have many heroic deeds to my name. Surely you could have picked someone else who could satiate your…excessive appetite.” 

“Given how… reserved you are, I doubt anyone would have had you. Besides, I couldn’t care less if you have a famous name. Anyone can learn to swing a metal stick around, even with a modicum of training. 

“When I spotted you in the crowd, what caught my attention was your demeanor. You weren’t ogling us like many of the others in the crowd. You looked like you couldn’t decide if you were shocked or intrigued. It was kinda cute. I thought it’d be fun to flirt and tease someone like you, younger than myself.” 

She played with the ends of her hair. “I noticed you didn’t seem to take much notice of the other girls; you kept a fairly steady gaze only on me. I was curious, what part of my body were you looking at? Oh!?! How adorable! You’re blushing! Come on, tell me!”

“Your ears,” he mumbled.

“My ears? Really? Not what I would have expected. Huh… most people like how busty I am, or how thick my thighs are, or even how pudgy my belly is.” She deftly ran her fingers down her broad ears. “What do you like about them? Their length? They are quite long. Since they reach all the way to my shoulders, they tend to flop around quite a bit. Did you want to stroke them? Nibble them, or,” she smiled wickedly, “were you imagining them as handles for some other activities?” 

“I just find them cute, that’s all,” the paladin stuttered, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Hmm, is that so? Well, since we are going to be together for quite a while,” she purred, gently slapping her ear against his leg, “you’re free to touch them any time you wish.”

Feeling the heat rise in his face, “Maybe later,” he said hastily. 

Looking toward the summit of the mountain road, he attempted to change the subject. “Don’t you feel this is demeaning?” 

“How so?”

“I’m literally carrying you around like luggage.” He beheld his pint-sized goblin companion wrapped around his gauntleted hand. “And… you’re naked!”

“Am not! I’m wearing my harness,” she announced proudly. 

“You knights have your overly shiny white and gold armor as the uniform of your profession, and this is mine.” She ran her hands down the hardened leather fitted snugly around her body. “Perfectly crafted for… what did your buddies nickname us? Shortstacks? A very apt name!” she commented. 

“No, I mean, why aren’t you wearing what you wore on stage?”

“It’s for formal occasions, and I don’t want to get it dusty. Besides, your artisans almost bent over backwards to make these harnesses as comfortable as possible. My arms and legs have free range of movement, and the soft fur feels amazing on my naked skin. It has small pockets for snacks and a chest-and-crotch cutout allowing full cock access to all the important bits… wherever, whenever. Or it would…if someone wasn’t so stingy with theirs,” she pouted.

“I have no intention of… using you. I’m only following my commander’s orders by bringing you along.”

“So obstinate! You’re carrying a prime cockwarmer here. Do my sharp teeth scare you? Not into short, older, busty girls, or does my green skin throw you off?”

“It’s not that. None of those things bother me.”

“Well, if you change your mind, I keep myself wet nearly all the time, so you can just stick it in,” she suggested with a serene smile up at him.

Silence pervaded between them for a while. The she-goblin got lost in thought as she watched the ground disappear underneath her. ‘Maybe I’m coming on too strong. I thought maybe he’d be a little more reticent than the others, but he’s quite trying. Maybe he had a bad experience in the past.’ She looked up at his armored form. ‘Average in terms of humans, I suppose. Her gaze traveled to his crotch. Maybe he has trouble getting it up?’

“I’m not entirely comfortable with your causal services. I want a relationship that’s deeper, where I can spend time getting to know the other person,” he suddenly admitted. 

“So you want to get to know me? Is that all? I guess it has been barely a day since we met, and I never fully introduced myself. My name is Trixifice Rockmoss, but please just call me Trixi. Every time I hear my full name, I have flashbacks of being in trouble. 

“I’m the oldest daughter of a family of ten. I’m three-hundred-and-sixty moon cycles old. I think that’s about thirty in human? I like salty things. I hate combing my hair, so I keep it short and leave it a bit messy. I’m told my freckles are my cutest point, and I have confidence in my stamina for ALL kinds of fast AND rough activities.

“How’s that? Feel like sexing me yet? Come on, don’t roll your eyes. Perhaps you like the damsel-in-distress type?”

She cleared her throat. “Thank you, brave knight, for rescuing this frail damsel from a distressful life of drudgery. Surely, I would have withered away from boredom. But, alas, I have no way in which to repay you. I apologize if this sinfully thick body is not as waif-like as your human maidens, but I willingly offer it up as your trophy.” She batted her eyes, trying to contain her mirth. 

“Oh! I made you crack a smile. Progress!” Pleased at herself for finally making a breakthrough and peeling away her comrade’s tough exterior, she hummed happily while kicking her feet. 

“The cool air feels so pleasant over my skin, and being carried in this manner feels so freeing. Kinda feels like I’m flying if I close my eyes.” She stretched her arms forward. “You sure have a lot of stamina. I don’t think I’ve felt you slow at all. There’s no way I’d be able to keep up with your endurance for very long on foot.”

“New recruits go through intense and sometimes grueling training, so we are ready for any situation. If need be, we can go a few days without sleep,” he replied without a pause.

“I like the sound of that! I can only imagine what it’d feel like to be plowed without rest till I passed out. Then to have you still going when I woke up!” She rubbed her thighs together in eager anticipation.

“Do you ever think about anything else?”

She yawned in the warm sun. “I do, but since we are working, I thought it’d be appropriate to only stay on work-related topics.” She winked. 

“I’m going to take a little nap.” She rubbed her fingers through her pussy and showed him a strand of arousal between her fingers. “If you need to do it while I’m asleep, go ahead.” With that, she closed her eyes and drifted off.

Before long, the orange and pink fingers of the evening sunset alerted the two travelers of the time to halt their journey for the evening. Finding a small clearing away from the main road, the paladin slid their packs off his shoulders and set his shield and weapons against a tree. 

Trixi awoke from the jostling. “We done for the day?” 

He nodded and set her on her feet. 

Undoing the clasps on her harness, she shed it, leaving her in only knee-high socks and shoes. “I’m famished. All that hard work has given me an appetite,” she said, standing tall to stretch.

“It’s true! It takes a lot of brainpower to figure out which of your buttons to press to tease you.” She twisted her back, causing it to pop loudly in a few places. Raising her hands over her head, she stretched from side to side, causing her breasts to sway heavily. 

She noted he was trying not to stare at her naked form, so she decided to try another approach. He was so engrossed in getting the fire started that he didn’t see her rummaging through his pack. She pulled out a cotton shirt, put it on, then spread out her blanket next to his.

After finally coaxing a few embers to life, he looked up to see her unpacking their cookware. “Is that my shirt?”

“Sure is! I’m assuming your question is actually asking why I’m wearing it.” She pulled the neckline over her nose and inhaled before continuing, “Because it smells like you.” 

She laughed. “That expression is priceless! Sorry, sorry,” she said as she wiped away a tear. 

“I was wondering what your reaction would be. It’s because I normally sleep naked, and out of respect for your… efforts at maintaining your chastity, or whatever it is you’re trying to do, I thought it a good middle ground – still covering everything but loose enough to not feel confining. Though, since it barely comes down to my knees, you might get a peek at my slit when I sit down.” She sidled up to him. “See? It barely comes down to my mid-thigh.”

He didn’t say anything as he threw some provisions into the pot.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’ll stop teasing you so much. I thought about what you said and gave it some thought before I fell asleep.” 

She flicked a pine-cone into the fire. “Us goblins are not really monogamous. We don’t mind casual sex, so it’s normal for us not to really know who our blood fathers are. Children are taught and raised by the whole village, so everyone feels like an extended family member anyway.”

“Feels like the wind is beginning to pick up,” he commented, wrapping a blanket around her. 

“Thank you. Would you mind me getting a little closer? Ya know, for warmth?”

He shook his head.

She snuggled closer. “It’s only been two weeks since I settled into my new life, but I’ve already seen so many different cultures and interactions between different races from the various trade caravans passing through the outpost.” 

She looked up at him, her face poking out from the blanket. “It’s still a little hard for me to understand, but I kinda want to try the one mate thing you humans do, dedicating myself to a single partner. It sounds kind of novel.” 

For the first time since they met, he looked into her cerulean eyes, mulling over the offer. “I wouldn’t be opposed to that idea,” he responded.

“Really? Truly!?! That’s all it took? Okay, um, what do we do now? You said you wanted to go slow. What does that mean?”

He pulled her into an embrace.

“Mmm, this is nice, very cozy.”

Leaning down, he tilted her chin up and kissed her.

She reciprocated, slow at first, enjoying the feel of each other’s lips, the warmth, and the eagerness.

Trixi broke the kiss first. “Wow! Never kissed for so long,” she panted. “With goblins, it’s usually a lot of light biting and licking. I think I could get used to it, though. Have to admit, it’s got me pretty horny, well, more than usual, I mean. Alright, now what?”

“Now we eat.” He handed her a bowl of coney stew with dried vegetables softened in a watery broth and spices. They ate in silence, serenaded by the love song of the crickets. 

She put her bowl down and placed a satisfied hand over her belly. “Way better food than back home. It would have been gritty mudskipper fish bone soup and whatever mushrooms and lichen we could forage for.” 

An owl hooted in the distance. 

“Hey, I have an idea!” she exclaimed, scooting away a few feet. Then she folded her legs under her and patted her thighs. “Lap pillow?” she offered. “I know you might not actually be very tired, but I think you’d like it.”

She was dismayed when the paladin looked down dubiously, but to her delight, he stretched out, laying his head on her plump thighs, facing away from her. “There you go. Comfy?”

When he turned over and looked up, she knew he could barely see her face over her voluminous breasts. “Good thing I’m not as big as my mom’s! I’d probably smother you,” she giggled.

Re-energized after supper and very cognizant of the softness of her thighs, her flowery earthen smell, and her smiling face, his body began to react. He thought about facing the fire to hide it, but her keen sight spotted it before he could act. 

“I see someone’s maybe looking for a little after-dinner playtime. I was worried early today that maybe you were resisting all my advances because you couldn’t get it up. Want some assistance in letting it out?”

He buried his face into her belly and nodded.

“Finally! I promise I won’t disappoint you!” She reached down and uncovered the cock she had been wanting to see all day. 

“I’m not sure how it compares to other humans, but it’s definitely about twice the size and thickness of a goblin’s. Sorry my hands are so rough.” She gave a few shallow test pumps. “I have a confession. I know it may be hard to believe, but I haven’t actually been with a human before. I know! Shocking! You’d think I’d have suitors wandering into my village, forming a line to breed this fertile body.”

With mischievous hands, she explored her new lover. She pumped his shaft with a slight twisting motion and licked her lips. “Looks like I’m doing it right.” 

She scooped up a few drops of precum with her fingers, smearing it around his glans. “Shall we try something interesting?” Removing his shirt from her body allowed her heavy breasts to spill forward. She offered a nipple. “Would you be so kind as to make me feel good too?” 

He took it into his mouth, alternating between sucking and teasing with his tongue. That brought her moans and an increase in the pace of her hand on his member. 

“Such a fascinating organ you males possess! Hard yet soft. I can feel it twitch and jump occasionally. Do you mind if I have a taste?” She didn’t wait to bring her precum-covered hand and inhaled. “So musky.” She licked her fingers. “Hmm, actually doesn’t taste like much. It’s very smooth and syrupy, though. Do you want a taste of me?” 

She spread one leg to the side, letting her fingers trail through her wet nether lips. When she brought her fingers to his mouth, he released her nipple and sucked the wet digits. “How do I taste? Hopefully, not too bad.”

When he sucked more greedily, she observed, “I’ll take that as a yes! There’s more where that came from.”

She groaned at him latching onto her nipple again. “Heh, I don’t mind more of that either, but no milk is going to come out no matter how…” she gasped “…hard you suck.”

They were both enjoying the intimacy. As much as the paladin wanted release, though, he wanted something more – something that involved himself and Trixi being patient for a little longer. 

She was greatly disappointed when he got up. “What, already? But you haven’t even cum yet. Was I doing it badly?”

He shook his head.

“Well, your loss, but I must say you are definitely an odd one.”

Unpacking some blankets, he laid down and held the blanket open in invitation.

“I’d be more than happy to sleep together! For two reasons; one: I kinda got my blanket wet.” She stood up, revealing a damp spot. “You got me really worked up! And two: I love being the little spoon! She dove in next to him. 

“Fair warning! I’m a snuggler. I’m gonna be wrapped about you like a scarf by morning.” Despite her nap earlier, their combined body heat and the sound of his heartbeat lulled her to sleep in minutes.


Trixi squinted as the gentle morning rays climbed over the trees. ‘Why does the sun have to be up and so bright, first thing in the morning? Speaking of up, feels like someone is an early riser.’ She wrapped her arms and legs around her large-spoon companion. Reaching between them, she nestled his morning wood between her thighs, gently grinding his cockhead against her needy lips.

She was contemplating sticking it in when she felt him stir. “Oh, hello, my knight! I was just saying good morning to your little squire. She gave his glans a loving rub with her thumb. “Looking for a follow-up of last night?”

He rubbed his eyes. To Trixi’s confusion, he didn’t say anything but patted her head and got up to stoke the fire. 

“Not a morning talker? One of my brothers was like that. Took him an hour before he was fully awake and ready to communicate with anyone.”

He handed her her harness. She accepted it and expressed, “I’m coming to realize you’re more of the strong, silent type, huh? You want me to put it on right now? Fiiiiine!” 

She scurried out from under the blanket and wiggled into her harness.

Once he was satisfied the fortified fire wouldn’t burn out, he placed the leftovers from the previous night over the coals. 

“Alright, I’m stumped. Why did you want me in my harness before we’ve eaten?”

He got up and, to her surprise, grabbed the harness’ side handles and lifted her off the ground. 

“Uh, what are we going to doooo…!” She inhaled sharply as he dropped his britches and sank balls deep into her, thrusting immediately.

“Well, it’s about time! Did my little declaration of fealty yesterday awaken something in you, or did you just want to surprise me?” She wrapped her legs around his torso. 

“Well then, show me I didn’t make the wrong choice for a partner!” she challenged.

His movements were frantic, at first, as he relished in the velvety grip of her vagina. Before long, though, he settled into a strong, steady rhythm. As their arousal increased, so did the slapping of wet skin on skin until it echoed around the small glade.

“Good thing they made the handles strong! I can’t tell you how much I’ve wanted this since last night! Pound me harder! Stuff my little goblin hole! Make my pussy the sheath for your sword!”

He filled her with each thrust, his glans kissing the entrance to her womb. As he wrapped his arms around her back, he pulled her into an embrace and squished her chest against his. Next, he hugged her tight and kissed his way down her ears.

“I never thought of my ears as much of an erogenous zone, but I think you’re changing that,” she mewled breathily.

He slowed his thrusting and suddenly pulled out.

“You can’t be done yet. Wait! Now what are you doing? Oh, from behind?”

He set her on her hands and knees.

She pressed her chest to the ground and wiggled her butt in invitation. 

He didn’t hesitate to prod her entrance and insert just the tip. Gently grabbing her ears, he guided her back until he was impaling her once again.

“Even though our races can’t interbreed, you sure seem to be trying hard to make that a reality! Be rougher!” she pleaded. “I can’t properly cum unless you do!”

Letting her ears go, he laid down over her back, pinning her to the ground. With one hand, he reached underneath to rub her clit. With the other, he carefully put her in a headlock, making sure she could still breathe.

“Yes! Like that! I love feeling dominated!”

He had reservations at first, not wanting to hurt her, but she thoroughly enjoyed it, so he began to pile-drive her as much as he dared.

“I’m almost there!” she keened. 

Helping her along her final sprint to climax, he pinched her clit, sending her over the edge.


Her pussy spasmed and clenched his penis, helping him reach his climax. He erupted in her, letting out what felt like ages of sexual tension that had built up. It had been a very long time, before joining the order, since he had any release. 

“I can feel your cum painting my insides white! I love it! The feeling of your warmth splashing inside me! One, two, three… come on, just once more! Let it all out!”

He collapsed on her as they both panted, bathing in their afterglow.

Catching her breath first, she managed to roll him over onto his back. She licked his penis clean and kissed her way up his chest, giggling.

“What’s so funny?”

“You found your voice, finally? Nothing, really. I just felt really happy thinking that this cock belongs only to me and my pussy only to you. It makes me feel special. 

“Now for my favorite part.” She reached between her legs, clenched her muscles, and squeezed his cum onto her hand. “Remember when I said I like salty things? This is what I meant.” She made a show of licking her hand clean of the milky seed, dripping it into her mouth, and savoring every drop. 

When she finished her treat, she laid her head on his chest again. Then, placing his hand on her head, she shared, “I forgot to mention I like head pats.”

He obliged, stroking her black hair and massaging her ears.

“I love my knight.”

“And I, you, my maiden.”

Published 7 months ago

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