I turned my head and looked at him blankly. I already knew that the man in front of me wanted what I wanted. So I thought I could become a lot more direct. Mainly for this reason, I moved a little closer to him, and a knowing smile curled my lips.
I slightly ostentatiously moistened my lips with my tongue, and only in the next second did my gaze become much more significant. I gave him an unspoken challenge, but in the back of my mind, I had to keep in mind the exact location we both found ourselves in at all times.
Not only that, but I could see his emotions perfectly. He was undoubtedly reeling, and he was doing his best to hide his growing arousal from me. Unfortunately, his efforts did not help much, and I read him like an open book. I was confident enough to kiss him suddenly. Unfortunately, in response, he instinctively took a step back, which was pointless anyway. I clung to him so strongly that his completely natural reflex was simply unable to deal with the newly created situation, which was embarrassing for both of us.
My figure followed him, and we both stopped only on the table that was standing behind his back. Only then did I decide to break my kiss. I fell to my bare knees. However, he did not allow me to perform a peculiar ritual with only one purpose. Mainly for this reason, instead of adopting the wait-and-see attitude that I often see, he decided to take his own initiative.
He quite neatly unbuttoned the button on his black pants, and soon the thin material landed entirely on my new lover’s ankles. I quickly raised my hand, and soon I was lightly tightening both fingers on his still-not-ready-for-work penis.
In the so-called meantime, I also prepared my lips, which I used only at the right moment. At the same time, I was a bit too rough with his manhood, but I wasn’t particularly concerned about his comfort. I knew that we both didn’t have much time for ourselves. Although the restaurant was already closing and there were only a few employees left, as always, we could count on an unfortunate coincidence that was ready to turn both of our careers upside down.
I knew that those who had to stay at work longer still performed their duties, even though they could not be very significant. Mainly because we could count on a moment of privacy. In short, undoubtedly, all the rest of the employees simply had much more important things to do than being interested in what two lovers were doing in a small brush closet.
Unfortunately, I had to constantly remember that we probably don’t have much time for ourselves. So I had to act quickly, and all conventions did not play their usual role.
I remember that at that time I was wearing an elegant shirt made of white fabric and a short mini skirt made of black wool. The skirt hugged my athletic thighs tightly, and its upper edge reached my waist. I had previously stuffed the stiff fabric of a formal shirt into it, but this composition did not in the slightest spoil the image of a charming girl with long hair, which she had previously tied into a majestic ponytail.
I decorated my lips with red lipstick and my eyes with black. All those colors contrasted strongly with the pale shade of my skin, but I didn’t care much about this fact. I guess such and similar contrasts were simply my style, and the views of my colleagues on this subject were ultimately of little interest to me.
In the so-called in-between time, only when I noticed that my peculiar caresses were starting to have the desired effect did I open my lips and send his naked shaft to the right place. The work of my mouth was instrumental in improving the situation and preparing my new lover to play his role.
The penis was soon stretching in front of my nose to its fullest majesty. Pretending to be naturally modest, I timidly looked up. I looked at his face, and at the very beginning, my gaze was full of undisguised innocence. It was only as the moments passed that my dark corneas certainly quickly took on an extremely vulgar expression.
I didn’t wait too long for his reaction. I was simply not patient enough for such things. So I got to my feet, and soon I was face-to-face with him. I kissed him passionately again, but this time I pushed him back violently.
Perhaps my sudden gesture was a little too brutal, but I had to remember at all times that our moments of alone time would not last forever, so I had to speed up all our dalliances much more.
However, he looked at me a bit shocked at first. He probably spread his hands in a gesture of protest and helplessness. However, I still did not waste time and clung to him in a determined and uncompromising way.
My hand quickly found itself on his penis, still ready for action. I tightened my grip on him, but this time I decided to lower my tone a bit. I tightened my fingers where they needed to be, and at the same time, I gave him a significant look that clearly showed my intentions.
The smile that appeared on my face again was also a clear indication of what I expected from him. I finally made sure he understood the meaning of all my previous gestures and unceremoniously turned my back to him. Without a single unnecessary gesture, I leaned forward, and my pose was undoubtedly very significant.
Before I did that, however, I managed to handle the button on my pants very efficiently, so my bare buttocks and ready-for-anything femininity were soon waiting patiently for his reaction. However, before my partner decided to get down to work, I slightly bent my knees and pointed my fingertips, which I had previously placed in high heels, towards me.
He jerked me and slammed into me without the slightest remorse. I almost screamed in pain when he filled me to the brim the first time. The first of the series of jerks was the strongest, so I immediately straightened my spine up and turned my head in the same direction. I turned my face to the side as soon as I felt his fingers on my neck.
I remember perfectly well that I opened my mouth wide, like a fish deprived of its voice. My disagreements were expressed only by absolute surprise and indignation, while the guy still standing a little apart behind me still refused to stop what he had just started. Violent blows kept shaking my figure, and the sounds of our bodies constantly colliding soon filled the room.
The immense pleasure that filled my mind quickly caused me to stop thinking rationally. At that time, all that mattered to me was the next thrust and the next wave of pleasure that, thanks to my lover’s work, would flood my body, which was still heated to its limits.
I had no intention of taking the initiative. I definitely preferred to submit to his will, although I quickly realized that I couldn’t really count on his ingenuity. So finally, I tilted my head forward and squeezed my eyes shut.
I also spread the fingers of both hands and moved my wrists significantly behind my buttocks. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long for the moment when my partner tightened his hands on both wrists. Thanks to this treatment, my figure became much more stable, which simply meant that I could focus completely on the pleasure I was receiving.
Even though one of the walls of the room was located at a really short distance from my forehead, I had not yet decided to use it in our joint games. I guess I just preferred being treated wildly and brutally.
Meanwhile, his wide, yet massive, piece of meat constantly filled my womanhood again and again. All the while, he was pushing inside her brutally and systematically. My body had definitely released its juices by then, which was definitely reflected in the guy’s penis that was constantly pressing into me from behind.
Finally, a sudden shock paralyzed my body, but despite the great need, I managed not to kneel. I only bent my knees much more than before and bent my spine forward again. In silent protest, I sucked in my stomach sharply. I furrowed my eyebrows as well, and an unmistakable, nervous smile appeared on my lips.
Stray strands of hair fell onto my sweaty forehead, as there was no trace left of my well-styled hairstyle before our meeting.
I fell to my knees only when I finally straightened my spine and turned to face him. Then I tightened my fingers on the not-insignificantly-sized penis trunk. I looked at the massive, arrow-shaped tip. I was slightly surprised by its size, but I did everything not to let the strange expression show on my face.
Instead, I pragmatically decided not to step out of my role. So I quickly moistened my mouth with my tongue, and soon my current lover’s penis was buried inside me once again.
I sucked it as before, a little too violently, and my tongue action quickly became too chaotic. I didn’t care about that, though. Not only that, but I just wanted him to finish as soon as possible. After all, we still didn’t have time for unnecessary conventions. That’s mainly why I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt my lover’s juice rapidly flooding my mouth.